DAILr OAPfTAL JOURNAL, BALEM, OfcBGON TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1007. 6 H I fc Don't Neglect It It is a serious mistake to neglect a weak heart. It is such a short step to chronic heart disease. iWhen you notice irregu larity of action, occasion ing short breath, palpita tion, fluttering, pain in chest or difficulty in lying on loft side, your heart needs help a strengthen ing tonic. There is no bet ter remedy than Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Its strength ening influence is felt al most at once. 1 have uned 10 bottles of Dr. Miles' (Heart Curo and can truthfully nay It Iia ilonu mo moro Reed than anvtlilne X have over used, and I havo tried nearly everything that X know of. Tito doctor whe attended mo tuikrd mo what t Trim talc In? and T tnlrl him Dr. UlUi Heart Curo, ho eald It was tint olnx to do me any good, but It did. I have cot taken any for a year now, and wnlla Uirro la occanlonaJly a light symptom of tho. old trouble. It la not enough for wo to contlnno the tine of the raodlelno. If I ehould get worn e I would know what to do. Toko Dr. Miles' Heart Curo an I did before. I oonulder myself practically cured ot my heart trouble 8. B. DUNNAM, Urlngstoa, Texu, Dr. Mllet' Heart Curo U sold by your druqaltt, who will flunrsntes that the first Wile will benefit. If It fall he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Fnfllilon Hints. for tv graceful fig- A suggestion ure: $. Tho ""now shnpo" Is mndo of (ho Bnmo materials aB tho old. Although knlckorbockcrs are not tho thing, In bwoII circles tho breath Is often found In short pantB. Tlio "buttorfly tlo" is still tho modo, nlthough for brunottes, In Bouthorn lntltudos, liomp Is somo tltues lined nt important functions. Tho voguo of tho "Jumpor" ns n garni on t for tho part of tho human anatomy which does not Jump, would scorn to logically call for tho uso of gaiters as coraot-covers. Tho hoso-Biipportor has bo unlvers nlly Biiporacdod tho olnstlo band, that thoro Is nothing loft In tho old faBh lonod garter but tho "llonl boIL" maxim. Tho turn-ovor collnr will hold Ub own this Roauon If uccuroly fasten od. In dotormlnlng tho quantum of oloovo rogard should bo had to tho proportion of arm nvallablo; tho loss arm you havo tho moro sloovo you will require, ot vlco voraa. Bathing costumes this yoar allll follow, In a gonoral way, ns hereto fore, tho stylos set by tho moroinnldB and tho llshcB. In automobile costumes nono but fnt coIoih are employed, and, nu usual, many nro dying. Hosiery Ib tlll worn rathor full, especially by thoso inclined to bo plump, and sometlnioa It la nlao worn throadlmre. In modlah 'gloves thoro I sno do parturo from tho standard wolght, nud tho porlod of ton hocoikIb is Btlll allowed for tho count. A variety of ploaaing tastes dlctato tho woaring of milady's colffuro, but tho practlco of woaring it on her es cort's shoulder Is frowned upon by dames do conflnnco. In foot-wear, tho cardinal rulo Btlll prevnlls: "If thshoo 1U, put It on." For ovantug woor ot smart func tions u favorlto appnnngo among eomo of tho ultra fashionable la u good doal of nerve. Tho propor placo for pads Is on tho walls of tho coll. Thomas Spood Mosby In tho Hohoniian for Juno, o Tho Single No. a. Number throo la a wondorful miB cot for Goo. II. PnrrlB of Cedar Grave, Mo., according to a lottor which rends: "Aftor suffering muoH with livor and kldnoy troublo, nnd bocomlng greatly discouraged by tho falluro to find rollof, I trlod Eloctrio Hitters, and na n result I am a woll man today. Tho first bottlo reliovod nnd threo bottlo complotod tho euro," Gurnntood beat on earth for stomach, llvor nud kldnoy troubles, by J. C, I'orry druggist. GOc. o Is Thoro Such u Thing as Insanity Anglo-Saxons aro prouo to tnko common-senso viowa of things that they seldom rcnlUo tho full forco of tho familiar saying that nil men havo eomo form of madness In thorn, Tho sound luforonco is, na Is polntod out by Dr, 0. II. Savage, tho omlnont Kngllsh alienist, in a recont Lancet paper, that perfect sanity would bo not only undoslrabla In Itself, but from a strictly oclcntlflo point ot vlow impossible. For a porfectly eano por nonworo suck a thing thinkable would bo dull and uultretlus a mediocrity, a nonentity. Tho point to seize, however, 'no Dr. Snvago Im presses upon us, is that thoro can bo no comprehensive idea or definition of Insanity, because tho thing does not really exist. No scientist can set up a standard of rationality depar turo from which would compriBO or denote Insanity. Ono can diagnose a case of typhoid because It Is a con tinuod fovor characterized by a pe culiar courso of temperature, by marked abdominal symptoms, by an eruption upon tho skin. But thoro Is nothing In what goes by tho namo of Insanity tq further a diagnosis as that term is understood by mcdlcnl men generally. Somo treatises upon Insanity provo nothing at all by prov ing too much, for they mnko wholo nations insano at once. Physicians connected with insanity, ns Dr. 8av ngo nrgtics, resomblo gnrdners rath er than botaniBts. "Wo clnssify for convenlenco rathor thnn upon a sci entific basis, because, In point of fact, no such basis or finality of modo has yet boon discovered. "' Perhaps, adds Dr. Savae, thoro Is no need to wonder nt this, slnco many havo to ho treated as lunatics whoso brains nnd nervouB system show no chango whatever from tho normal courso of what is locognlzcd ns san ity. Unfortunately, tho Impulse to doflno nnd clnssifyBometlracs lendB to misinterpretation of a deplorable kind. Such, for example, Is tho falso viow, ns Dr. Savago dooms it, that ovory porson of unsound mind is a lunatic. That, ho Bays, Is a "psoudo logal" nbBurdlty. "Obviously thoro aro mnny porsons of unsound mind who nro neither dangerous to thorn solves nor othors why, thproforo, rogard thorn as nitons?" Tho truo difficulty, Insists this distinguished export, Is that tho dlseaso InBanity docs not exist. Yot ono might almost concludo from tho olnborato articles In our lending dally journals that such n thing ns InBnnlty Ib n definite ly established scientific fact, that it is n malady as dofinlto in its symp toms nnd origin ns, Bay, cancor or tuberculosis. Frqm Currant Lltera turo for Juno. awakened to its possibilities nnd, profiting by its recent fife, haa cre ated among other notablo Improve ments, a fino dock system to supplant tho old rotting wharves that formerly lined tho basin on Chespeako bay; and it has partly .surrounded this bnsln with avenues moro than a hun dred feet wldo. Why ahould not our small towns profit by such examples? Why not leave spaco enough in tho beginning so that thoy will not havo to buy back land when It has in creased tenfold in valuo? GIvo to this spaco a monumental character from tho start and dovolop a town contor preferably noltlior too flat nor too regular. B. C. Polxotto In Ap pleton's Magazine. o Killed Two Cougars. J. W. Kinman, who camo down from Mabel Tuesday tells tho Regis tor of a lively cougar chaso thoro a few days ago resulting In tho killing of two cougars, and old and a young ono. For somctlmo tho cougars hnd been killing Phil Workman's sheep. His son Morgan nnd Ralph Newton shouldered their guns nnd went in quest off tho game. By tho nld of dogs they located tho mother cou gar, tho dogs chasing her up n tree. A shot disabled her, she camo down out of tho troo nnd held nt bay by tho dogs until a well directed shot brought her low. Slio mensured 8 feet 10 inches, ono of tho largest kill ed this season. Lntor thoy killed tho younger cougar which measured 7 foot 8 Inches. This wns certainly a good night's Job and sheep in that locality can rest with greater secur ity from now on. Eugene Register. o Havo You n Cough. A doso of Ballard's Horohound Syrup will rollovo It. Havo you a cold? Try It for whooping cough, for asthma, for consumption, for bron chitis. Mrs. Joo McGrath, 327 E 1st stroot, Hutchinson, Knn writes: "I havo used Ballard'o Horohound Syrup In my family for B years, nnd 'find it tho most pnlatnblo mcdlclno I ovory used." Sold by D. J. Fry. u Use A NEW PERFECTION ' bt isssr Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove 4 , i h i r " . "u- Because it's clean. Because it's econom ical. Because it saves time. Because it gives best cooking results. Because its flame can be regulated instantly. Because it will not overheat your kitchen. Because it is better than the coal or wood stove. Because It is the perfected oil stove. For other reasons see stove at your dealer's, or write our nearest agency. Made in three sizes and fully warranted. The jFjtmmom Xfffc T sv-m-n cannot be equaled gjk UffJXUff fforita bright and OICUUJT "B"- luiuyju Hiuuubuuu and absolute safety. Equipped with latest improved burner. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. An ornament to any room, whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. Every lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (INCORPORATED) I You need a tonic that will put tho Bap of life Into your system nnd for tify you from all diseases. Holllj tcr's Rocky Mountain Tea Is recog nized na tho grentest strongthonor known. Tea or Tablots, 35 cents. For snlo nt Stono'a drug store. -o- Tho Laying Out of n Town. Each town should seek, Kb distinc tive fenturo and mnko tho most of It. In this connection Gondlnot's mot hns often boon cltod, reproaching a town doworcd with n volcano for having lot It go out. Gondlnct won right. Volcanoes nro rarities attractions if you will valuablo asBots that Bhould not bo thrown away. Ono would por haps hositato about "restoring" an oxtlnct volcano, but a fenturo should bo Hought that would remain a dom inant impression In tho visitor's mind. It tdtuutcd at tho baso of mountains of fino doslgn, closo tho viBtnB of many Htrceta tta poBHiblo with viowa of thoso uamo mountains; if hilly, crown tho hllltopB'wIth pnrkB affording oxtoiiBlvo vlows; or with important buildings doelgnod to mnko Imposing Bllhouottos; If by a rlvor bank, convert that rlvor bank Into a hundsomo promoundo lustoad of us ing It as a rubbish heap. Tho llttlo town of Klttaunlng on tho Alloghony rlvor has mndo a boulovanV of tho rubbish heap whon all soomod too Into. Out of chaos it has croatod har mony. Tho rlvor frontngo being too narrow for a fino roadway, ashes nnd gradlug from tho town wero dumped horo until an ombankmout has boon formod, at no great oxponao, thus wldoulng tho roadway Into a boule vard. Avonuos of trcoB woro plant ed und a second boulevard created, running nt n right anglo from tho rlvor bank through tho town to tho old court houso cot back high upon a hill, nnd tho roault Is cortnluly sat isfactory. Of all foolish plans tho so-called "practical" uubrokou chockorboard syttom is tin) worBt. Kvory wostorn boom town wns laid out on this prin ciple Why this pornlclous systom found such favor Is a mystery. It cortalnly has no nrtlatlo- morlts with treots that load past everything and to nothing, nor Is it practical, for ouo must alwayb mnko tho full length ot two sides of n right anglo with never tho opportunity of a short cut. All lots nro ot tho uamo stupid shnpo, giving tho architect no Incentive to adjust his building to suit moro in teresting altos. To my mind most of our rlvor clt loa hnvo thus far ontlrely wasted their opportunities. How fow situ ated along tho Hudson have profited by tho vicinity of that noblo rlvor? Coraparo them, for Instance, with tho Rhenish towns with their vino-clad pergolas, their pleaauro gardens, cafe and boat house. Ono notes with pleasure that Baltimore haa CASTOR I A For Infants and Ohildron. The Kind You Have Always Bought ofS Bears the Sigaaturo SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE Sfc Ills Ann Cut Off. A serious nccldont occurred nt tho Southorn Pacific company's mill No. 3 nt Mnrcola nt 4:30 Tuesday nftor noon, 8nys tho Eugene Roglstor. It 13 tho custom whon tho onglno gets "on contor" to tako hold of tho snw and movo It backward or forward slightly and then bofdro steam Is turned on ngatn two blasts ot tho vhlstlo nro blown to warn tho mon to got out of tho wny. This happen ed Tuesdny, with tho exception that tho engineer forgot to blow his warn ing nnd young Hanson wns caught and his loft arm sawed off about threo Inchos bolow tho shoulder, tho Bcnpula sawed off and across the back almost to tho spine. Ono other man had his Bhlrt caught, but ho managod to got awny. July i 4th AT SALEM CELEBRATE WITH US SEE ANNOUNCEMENTS LATER H-H " rT'N 0PPICIA1 D'RECT0RY MM I A Most Valuable Agent. Tho glycerlno employed in Dr. l'u-roe'j mcdlclnos groatly enhance tho mtu... ,n;d propertied which It extracts. from iu:!vo medicinal roots and holds In solution much better than alcohol would. It alio possesses medicinal properties of Its own, being a valuablo demulcent, nutrltlvo, antlsoptlo nnd antlformont. It adds greatly to theofllcncy of tho Black Clu ry bark, Hloodroot, Golden Soul root, Meno root and Queen's root, contaluoU in "Golden Medical Discovery "In subduing chronic, or lingering coughs, bronel.lu', throat and lung ti flection, for all of w Mcu these agents aro recommended by stand ard medical authorities. In all caos wheru there Is a wasting away of flesh, loss of appetite, with weak stomoCh, as In tho early stages of can sumiftlJbn, there can bo no doubt that gly. cerlneacts a? a valuable nutritive and aids io UnlJen Sal root. Stono root, Que(j! rol)t and lllack CherrybarU la promulinirllgosilon and building up tho llesh jnVlsi.-eiiKth, controlling tho co U and brlnf iif about a healtity cunii..iOn of tho whrle system. Of course. It must not be eiA-ctd to w ork miracles. It w!ll not curetMnsumption oveept In Uscwller Stacos. It will e)m vorv stvr r'U w.&lftnujfrqn; chrome coL'gii t-r.m-i. tnTilyairLoKrenes. Jnacni..i,);!rg lti not soeilecuvo. lfls In the lingering hang-on coughs, or those of long stanJInsr, oven whon acconjpauted bv blicdmx from lungs, that It has performed Its aost marvelous rnre.. l'rof. I'inley Kllingwoed, M. D.. of lWn nott Med. College, Chicago, suys of gly. cerinot ln dxPnl Itn'iTM en excellent punxjs IKmuIdc & ux4 quantity ot tlio items iJ ot bjilmrwn In kolutlon. It U ono c( lb bct puuufkcturvd proUuctsof Uiurnt umoln lu actlun mxm entaeMcd. llkrUervil tota aclks,epeciBllr it ihere U uU.ru.ti or ca tarrhal caMrlils (catarrhal inUamwatltn vt Moreachv. tt It a ckt othcleut rrraratlon. nijcrrme w.H rvlit.. J'.any casosof ptwi Ihco'iburu) ftaa esixtsiT satuto Utotaacii) acUtuv " uolden Medical Discovery" enriches and I'urtou tha bloo curtuir blotche. ptiunlet. eruption, tctotulous cvcUlnra mU old korea, or ulcers. Send to Dr. R. V, Pierce, of Buffalo, K Y for .free UkUt tellln.- all about tho natiT mtHJIe nl roou compostu this wwidiit4 wovliclu. !! )a uo alcotol la lu Rostein & Greenbaum 240-246 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon 1 Never Wear Out Hose for Children Wo hnv handled this lino for over throo years,, and have built up n large trade on this particular lino." Whon In need ot Children' Hose, glvo our Never-Wear-Out Hose a trial and you will buy no other. All sizes 15c a pair. Record Breaking Bargains in Lace Curtains We do not keeltate to claim that tho value represented here nro tho greatest eror shown the trade. When you see tao handsome design, the ilae ana tno iua;lty you cannot help seelag the truth of our claim. Length Width Color Prlco Parcacrtlc I Yd8, InB plr 1 11 ClOJIS I 3 30 whlto $ .45 We have a very Beat line for B ;4 36 wk,te ?? 3 40 white 1.00 you to chooso from at reasonable u 3 44 trike 1.2C prices. 'tt 52 wkRe 1.69 3Vj 2 raltO 2,00 Plain White Llnea Covec. 75c. ji 59 -whKo 2.25 White Linen Cover, with deep 3 38 ecru .95 Flowered Border, only 11.36. 3 41 cru 1,0 3 46 ecru 1.25 Children's plain Blue, Pink, 3 B3 (tern lt35 Red or Whlto Parasols in two 3 66 earu 1.50 slEos, price 15c and 20c. 3 62 ecru 2'2i J SELF RISING - VT legation In r-. Bcnatop Cha.. w SnH' Senator Jonathan D' AH Portland. h&n DoBe, ji Representative W. c n. , lom. v u nahy, I RepreBontatlveW.RPn,. ton. ,Y'u-E'llJ,Peadi, Slnto Oradftlt. Governor. nPnr -. Seretnrv nt o..." J. wanberltis son. OH4W.Bi, State Trnnon. h. Rrl..",'.""TW-U Stato Labor OomBtatai?': noil. Supremo Court. Chief Justice, ltaherf n t. Associate Justice, Prank A. lioorB DOUv.miu ousuce, Robert Eakla. vumuasioners, W. T. Blater R. King. ' Clerk, J. J. Murphy. Reporter, R. 0. Morrow. Bailiff, P. II. Rnvnin, Circuit Judges. Geo. n. n. 1 . Salem; William Oalloway, JCeJBw vino. District Attorney, John n u,: Nary, Salem. Other Stato Offlcfck J. W. Bailey, Pood and Dim missionor, Portland. J. W. Baker, Gamo and Po warden, Cottago Grove. Robt. C. Yenny, State Health OS cor, Portland. J. H. Lowls, Stato Engineer. lom. B. Gllllnghum, Stato Librarian. ! lom. II. G. Van Dusen, State Flih Cob missionor, Astoria. Clins. V. Galloway, State Luj Agent, Salem. W. W. Eldor, Commander Soldier Home, Roscburg. Marlon County Offlckb, John H. Scott, County and ProbiU Judge. R. D. Allen, Clerk ot Court W. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Treasurer, E. T. Moores, Superintendent el Schools. F. J. Rice, Assewor. B. B. Horrlck, Jr., Buneyor. J. C. Noodham, W. II. Goulet, Cm mlBslonors. A. M. Clough, Coroner. D. G. Drnger, Recorder. Salcra City OfflckU. non. P. Rodcors. Mayor. W. A. Mooros, Recorder and PollcJ Judgo. D. W. Gibson, Marshal and Chl of Police. Frank Meredith, City Trwwer. a r fnnnt niv Attorney. Jo's. W. Martin, SUeet Commls sloner. Mark Savago, Chief Fire Depu ment. W. C. Smith, Health Offlcer. PH.. O.i.wllnf f"OHlktCC, Ways and MeanJ Jacob, Www Churchill. Ordinances Greenbaum, w Goodo. ' Accounts and Current Eip .. .111 njiiff rtornft. unurcnui imuh" "-" ,1 nf rnnr)nwnlnir. Stocktoa, sw KJV.V ...l .. ...... T...iui.iri! stnciios. ew rilUUO uuuuiub" Gesner. . . o.nI. Tnrnb. LO. aewernsw, dii - -Plumbing Frasor, Downlsf, 0 nFlro and Water-Low, lU Goodo, . Bridges Gesner, Cburciiu, Or. ineM Health and Police . -"1 Waldo. t Llghts Goode, Haas, Gr .iiwndcllff. Ihuu n Public Parks Bayne, Grt Stockton. Board of Edawtloa. W. H. Byrd, Chairman. A. A. Lee. H. C. Epley. Crolsan, Directors. H. A. Johnson, Jr., C teA A J. M. Powers, tny - Far Seetoa Bpowv Bread, GrUHto O niter, "-iif qi Finn PaMteg. ALLS)? B. B, B. FLOUR CO KfO., IAN Ja CW. Salem fcncfcWje Headqaartcrs tot " FencteS. Netting. Pickets, Gate ,&$ & B. Reaay xvi--. and AdJusUble Window Scr- AU at lowwt prt Walter Morky 250 Court St S SALE WAlg Cg .u aatif. 1,T. -wklr i mu py -