Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 10, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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The old Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, no
question about that. But your own doc-
the one you have great confidence in.
will tell you that Ayer's Hair Vigor, new
improved formula, is far better. The one
great specific for falling hair and dandruff.
yi)ooiiinineiorauiii J. O.AjrerCo
of " our preparation!.
Lowell, Mm,
It Is wlso to have
nor children In
I man with a mortgngo on his
rm and five or six children to sond
a the puM,c schools will have to bo
rePared to dig up twenty or thirty
pilars for the luxury of having n
Textbook Commission composed of
i. t.nvn n mnrtcrncrfta nml taw
B.8WI10 u'- "" '"- - --"
tblldren. Meral:
..tiher mortgages
Oregon. m m
In 1S95 appropriations by tho leg-
Nature were $1,350,000; in 1903
Her were $1,760,000; in 1907 they
ere $3,500,000. Geo whizz, how
Ion Richardson is making tho state
jroff. Since ho has arrived appro
bations have doubled and then gono
Boe $500,000. Portland loads tho
Thol state and stands for all tho
rifts. The rest of tho stato Is not
ionbllng in population nor values of
h:d except on tho assessor's books,
fft're getting population as fast ns
re losing peoplo who go to Port
ed to live, and wo are pretty near
idling our own out in tho Interior.
lone of the towns and counties aro
ialng population, but all that is nec
tary Is to rnlso stnto taxes and make
1 1 little moro expotiBivo to sond
tblldren to tho common schools, and
lot? wo will boom. Hero's tho tick
et For Governor, Tom Richardson;
!w Secretary of State, Frnnk Davoy;
or U. S. Senator, W. S. U'Ron.
(From tho Eugene Guard.)
Attornoy-Genornl Crawford in his
jjlalon of tho university referendum
fires Bomo oxcollont reasons why tho
tSeged petitions should not bo nc-
tepted by tho secretary of stato. It
rill be hard for doddering old Til
Ford, who ncvor wns lawyor onough
ta hurt, to convlnco n court that tho
ttltlons aro proporly drawn, or rep
rint any consldcablo sontimont in
lie itato that is opposed to tho pro-
ftr encourngomont of higher educa
tion. Everybody knows that If Linn
nasty wad fenced in it would bo tho
neatest freak musoum on enrth, and
core kinds of political contortionists
liin anybody over snw before In n
nreblt drenm. When n hnrd-hended
hdge looks over thoso scrawls tho
e:!y "liberal" construction ho will
t able to put on tho affair 'will bo
to refrain from ordering Til Ford and
Eugene Palmer committed to somo
islet dippy retreat, not so ovor
ded with patients as Linn county
e die Waldo Hills neighborhood.
Tbls appcnl to court by tho dlsnp
l&ted petitioners would only bo ro
Pd as a bluff if coming from
wwaablo men; thoso mon will
Wbly go ahcttl with their rldlcu-
fcu proceedings because they lack
IS ense to know when they aro
at tho seat of tho university shows
a high status of culture prevailing
up that way, but like somo other
communities, Its sins should not bo
laid at tho door of its newspapers.
Linn county cannot measuro up with
Lane In Intelligence anyhow, as it
has nothing but a couple of self-supporting
Presbyterian colleges, and
Marlon has several such Institutions,
thnt got not a dollar from tho Btate,
but pay taxes to help support that
$125,000 a year Institution at Eu
gene. These unfortunate communi
ties that maintain tho Methodist,
Catholic and Presbyterian colleges
and universities, aro to bo pitied for
having such men in them as Til
Ford, 'Gono Palmer, and Judgo Wal
do, who cannot bo expected to rank
in broad minded Intelligence with a
man of brains Iiko Cnmpboll or
U'Ren, tho collossal Intellects that
tower nbovo all tho rest of tho old
OregonlnnB llko a couplo of barnyard
roosters over n swarm of grasshop
pers. Ford, Waldo, Palmer and oth
ers of that kind bettor movo out of
tho stato or got a permit from tho
faculty of tho university to remain
at largo.
Do Not Neglect tho Children.
At this season of tho year tho first
unnatural loosonos of a child's
bowels should havo lmmodlato atton-
An Expression of Opinion Concerning
Professional Ideas
Dr. J. Allen Smith, head of tho de
partment of political science nt tho
Washington university, has created a
sensation by advising hl3 classes
against matrimony during tho pres
ent era of high prices. Dr. Smith
also denounced tho educational insti
tutions of tho west for tho salaries
paid Instructors, declaring It Impos
sible for any university professor to
savo monoy.
"Young peoplo may marry in Se-
attle," hownrned his clnssos, "but
under tho existing conditions of 'up
in tho air' prices It requlros an inter
vention of Providence In their favor
theronftor to onablo them to make
both ends moot. Until tho living ex-i
ponsos havo docrensed I cortalnly
would not ndvlso any young man to
get mnrrlod In Senttlo."
No. Dr. J. Allen Smith, your kind
of theories deservo to bo given a
plnce in tho Banyan hospital for sick
Insects. You and your class of "fad
dists, may Insist on nil of us eating
brnn-mnsh for breakfast, and fatten
ing up on skim milk and oxcolslor.
You mny suggest all kinds of Tom
fool gymnastics for our physical de
velopment, aud 'exploit all tho Idiotic
Imaginings of your mlnlnturo thlnk
tnnks, but whon It comes to lovo and
marrlago you want to keep your
paws off. Spectaclod wisdom and se
nile educators can go to Bchool In
matters of lovo to young folks, and
go homo much tho wlsor thorofor,
If, by any means thoy can bo porsuad
etl for tho tlmo being to forgot tholr
self Importance.
liHllIMI ! !!! liIOItai8f IWf !
With all duo defcronco to a pro
fessional opinion, or rnthor an opin
ion by a professor, tho horse editor Is
inclined to tyiko n nioro optimistic
viow of tho mnrltal situation than
does tho educntor in Sonttlo who
parts his nnmo on tho sldo, and pro-
tlon. Tho best thing that can boa"mab,y' h,a ha,r m tho m,dd,c-
When mnrriago bocomos dopondont
on tho price of spuds, or tho amount
of sugar a dollar will purchaso, It Is
getting on too much of a commercial
foundation. Tho young couplo loving
onch other and possessed of good
health, who put off mnrrylng on ac
count of tho prlco of food and cloth
ing, nro unworthy of onch othor, and
cortnlnly not fitted for tho trlnls of
married llfo, or for that mattor for
anything olso. What should tho
prico of food havo to do w,lth It?
If John loves Mnry and Mary loves
John, do- 4rthnt provont thom ontlng?
Or If tho prlco of lingerie nnd storo
clothoB nro high, docs either of thom
Tbe nbovo genteel lino of nrgu-
ot from ono of tho dally paporB
Say Wo'ro MiflinforniiHl.
Wo havo boon told by parties who,
claim to bo posted on tho mattor
that wo woro misinformed in rogard
to tho stntomont Inst week thnt n
Stnyton snloon keoper Induced tho
tough fomnlos from Snlom tocomo
hero during tho farmers' instittuto,
and thnt tho saloon koepor roforred
to denies having anything to do with
getting thom hero. It Is to bo lipped
thnt this Is truo. Public sontimont
in Stnyton Is for decont morals, and,
whllo tho peoplo nro largoly Ih favor
of open saloons, thoy want to boo
them conducted proporly and nccord
lng to law. Stayton Tlmos.
ii n.ii n 1 , nil mm. inlaw
ir..yTTT- -b r rf
Acfe foblePrcn arntinn for As -
gmilatlng foeToodandltegula-BlhcSlojaachsandDowclsof
BsandRest.ContaIns neither
"pwinjMorpUirte nor Mineral.
Qnpnant .
APetfeCI M(miAr Pn..Sst!
J?Vr Sour SlofflMh.Diaahoca.
norms onvulsJons.Feverish-
BftsandLoss OF SLEEP.
"iSimde Signature of
co rror vsasmb.
glvon to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Romcdy followod by
castor oil as dlroctcd with oach bot
tlo of tho romody. Foro salo by Dr.
Stono's drug storo.
Trniiilond of Cattle.
A train of 41 cars loaded with cat
tle passed through Saturday morning
Tho cattle aro part of n7000 lot pur
chased In Northern California for
Seattlo parties. Most of thom will bo
Bhlppod to Alaska.
A Fortunato Texan.
Mr. E. W. Goodloo, of 107 St.
LouIb St.. Dallas, Tox. says: "In tho
pnst year I havo becomo acquainted ,Ko unclothed whllo single? Is tho
With Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills, and young mnn strong of musclo nnd
no laxatlvo I over boforo tried so stout of heart, with tho glow of
oftoctually dlspossos of malaria and i young blood in his veins, nnd In tho
biliousness." Thoy dont grind nor (full Joy of good health, nny loss nblo
grlpo. 25c at J. C. Perry's drug to tako caro of tho girl of his cholco
storo. than tho snmo girl's father 1b to
support her, along with porhnps two
or throo brothors nnd sisters? Docs
their food cost loss when thoy cat at
dlfforont tnblos thnn If thoy nto at
ono? Doos it requlro loss clothing
for either of thom while thoy nro
single? Tho horso odltor wotd not
with a big capital W on tho wot.
Thon again, supposo tho young
man Is engaged In farming or In
somo occupation thnt produces tho
things, tho high prico of which cnus-
os tho professor's wall. Would not
that simply increnso his incomo nnd
make tho support of a wlfo that muoh
onslor? Dosidos high prices for pro
ducts Invariably means hlghor salar
ies and higher wages. Seattlo Is an
oxnmplo of tlila. Thoro Is not n city
In tho United States today whoro tho
average earnings of Inbor aro hlghor
than in tho city by the Sound. High
prices should havo nothing to do
with tho mattor of marrlago and tho
horso editor's ndvlco to young poo
pla old onouugh to bo married und to
realize in advance that under tho
beBt of circumstances tho relation has
its cares and worries and requires
both mutunl forbearanco nnd sacri
fices; Is to marry regardless of tho
prlco of potatoes, parngoric, or rod
flannel, As to It "requiring an,lntor
ventlon of Providence In their favor
thereafter," as tho professor states,
It might bo said that for thousnndB of
years prices of food stuffs have fluc
tuated, as they always will fluctuato
and it Is a mighty poor man thnt will
oxnmlno tho local market -report bo
fore he calls on his best girl.
Just imagine a strong healthy
young man looking deep Into tho pol
lucld depths of a pair of love-lit eyes
and ns tho moon shone down In n
flood of golden Hplendor on a flowor
deckod world, whispering Into tho lit
tle pink ear of his host girl, "Darling
I would lovo you to distraction If tho
prlco of cabbage would come down."
Or, "Sweetheart, I would long to
clasp you In my arms to tell y.m how
dear you aro to me and what a Joy
it would bo to create a little homo
for you, where tho honeysuckles and
Wisteria would climb in fragrant
riots ovor our trellised porch, and
tho birds would sing at morn, but I
am constrained to refrain from con
templating It by tho outrageous price
of soothing syrup and the unholy pro
fits of the sugar trust," or, "I lovo
you darling almost to the point of
risking a ralto In the pries of coal, a
failure of the potato crop or a com
bine of the dafrynea."
Tho following llttlo poem Is ap
propriate to tho subject:
Hrnvo Love.
Ho'd nothln but his violin, N
I'd nothing but my song,
But wo wero wed whon skies wore
And summer dnys woro long.
And whon wo rested by tho hodgo
Tho robins enmo nnd told
How thoy hnd dared to woo and win
Whon early spring was cold.
Wo sometimes supped on dowborrlcs,
Or slopt' among tho liny,
But oft tho farmers' wives at ovo
Cnmo out to hear ua play
Tho roro old tunos tho dear old
Wo could not 8tarvo for long
Whllo my man hnd his violin
And I my swoot lovo Bong.
Tho world has ayo gono woll with us,
Old mnn, slnco wo woro ono
Our homeless wanderings down tho
It long ngo wns dono.
But thoso who wait for gold or goar,
For houses and for kino,
Till youth's Bweot spring grows
brown nnd soro,
And lovo nnd boauty tlno,
Will novor know tho Joy of honrts
That mot without a foar
Whon you hnd but your violin
And I a song, my donr.
triirco First-Clas linna Xor Sale.
For particulars Inquire of Dr. W.
A. Cuslck, ovor Fry's drug store.
Several Dairy Ranches for solo at
onco Prices low, all oqulpod
ro&dy for buslnoss. Baker Land
Co., Turner, Oregon. 5-30-lra
For Sale Two light spring wagons
(Just right to haul borrlos), two
heavy spring wagons, and three
second hand buggies. Werner
Fonnoll, 80.1 Broadway. C-28-lrao
Cummins Dros.' Transfer Company
All kinds of transfer work don.
Furnlturo and pianos boxed ready
for shipment. Prompt service 4a
our motto. Stand and office at
253 South Commercial street.
Phone 210. 'Residence Phone 9S.
For Salo Old papers, 10 cents per
hundrod. Inquire Journal office.
Why Pay Rent -Whon you can buy
a nice home at 680 N. Liberty St.,
on torms to suit tho purchaser.
Address O. H. Burggraf, Albany,
' Ore. 6-17-tf.
For Rit Furnished rooms, near
high school. Inquire at 565 Ma
rlon stroot. 6-4-tf
For Rent Sovon-room house, hot
and cold water, oloctrlo light, bath
room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrolb
or, 500 North High stroot.
Ancient Rome
Ib now moroly a momory of the past
Ballard's Snow Llnlmont Is the fam
ily liniment of tho twoatloth, century.
A posltlvo cure for Rheumatism,
BurnB, Guts, Sprains, Nouralgla, etc.,
Mr. C. II. Runyon, Stanborry, Mo
writes: "I hnvo used Snow Llnlmont
for Rhoumntism and nil pain. I
can't any onough in Its pralso." Sold
by D. J. Fry.
Removed. My shoo shop has beon
romovod from Court street to
Stato stroot, JUBt north of Dill
man's Bocond-hand storo. Bring
your work to tho now shop and
got satisfaction. Ghas. Zariker.
Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, piano el
pert tuning, repairing and polish
ing. Leavo orders at Geo. O.
Wills' music store, Salem.
2- 8-lyr
Frank M. Brown, Manufacturer ei
sash, doors, 'mouldings. All kinds etf
bouse fialaa and hard wood week,
Frost street, bet. Btate and Oewi
Make all complaints at tan offtae.
orctcr of America Court gkvr
wood Foresters, No. 19. Meeia
Tuesday In Hurst hall, State street'
Lee Abble, O. R.; A. L, Brow,
F. 8.
Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P.
Castle Hall In Holman block, eor
ner State and Liberty street;
Tuesday of each week at 7:0 f.'
m. Oscar Johnson, O. O.; M. H.
AnCoraon, K. of R. and S.
Modern Woodmen of America Or
gon Cedar Camp No. 524?. Meets
ovory Thursday evening at t
o'clock in Holman hall. W. W.
Hill, V. O.J F. A. Turner, Clerk.
Woodmen of World Meet every Fri
day night at 7:30, In Holman hall.
J. A. Dickey, O. S.; P, L. Frjuier,
Clerk. ?
Concrete Work. Get my prices o
sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks tfnd
comont work of any kind. All
work guaranteed first-class. M
Ward, Highland add. Phone 669.
Junior ClaH.s. in o. A. O. Glvo IlrJN
Kant Hull in Honor of Seniors. '
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
JrC fr
t 1111
fY Alt
For Over
Thirty Years
tkc wnmrr, tttm m wrr.
Tho , collogo armory In CorvnlllB
was ullvo with Btudonts nnd hun
dreds of frlonds last Saturday ovon
Ing when tho regular nnnunl Junior
Hop was glvon In honor of tho class
which this woolc will bid farowoll to
tholr altnn mater and tho associa
tions of collogo llfo In O. A. C. An
hundrod and fifty of Oregon's fnlroHt
Indies handsomoly gowned gliding
with hb many, gallant oscorts to tho
dreamy strains of a waltz wafted
down from a flower covored gnllory
as tho glow of many colored lights
woro Unshed upon tho festoons of
roses nnd forn which swung nrtlstlc
nlly from tho balconies prosontod a
scono long to bo romombored. Sa
lom's "Poorlosa" orchestra furnlahod
tho music nnd was compollcd to re
spond to encores tlmo nnd tlmo
again. Only nftor tho stralna of
"Home Swcot Home" had ceased to
echo from tho motto-covorod walls
and told tho midnight hour was at
hand did tho dancers nnd tho hun
dreds who puckod tho gnllorlos wend
tholr way homeward dollghtod with
tholr evening's entortalnmont and a
warm placo In tholr hearts for tho
Junior clnss of 1907, whoso motto Is,
"Truth and Good Fellowship," Tho
Salem pooplo present woro Mrs. Mary
Hofor, Misses Mario Hofor, Blnncho
Brown, Ryth Gatch, Efflo May King,
Lillian Stego; Messrs. O. Benson, D.
W. Yantls, Philip Kaiser, II. N.
Ilutto A Wendcroth Fine wines,
liquors and cigars. We handle tht
colobratod Kellogg and Castls
whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer
constantly on dreugh. South
Commorclal street 0-3-lyr
Salem Iron Works. -Founders, ma
chinists and blacksmiths. Mann
facturers of all kinds of sawmill
machlnory. Hop and fruit drylnf
stoves, etc. Manufacturers of tht
Salem Iron Works Hop Press.
Salem Rex & Lumber Co. .Removed
from South Salem to 14th street,
near the B. P. depot. Doses, Berry
Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection
Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201,
Lincoln Annuity Union. Siok, acc-
dent and pension Insurance; ,
000,000 pledged; every claim pal
Good agents wanted. J. H. O.
Montgomery, supreme organiser,
Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. R.
Ryan, secrectary, 546 State street.
musical: :
Arthur Von Jensen Teacher of pi
ano; touoh, technlch, interpreta
tion. Thorough preparatory course
Advanced "students prepared for
public appearance. Residence 668
Center St. Tel. Main 526.
fbr ward-maid. Good wagos. Ap
ply In person. t 0-8-lwk.
tUil.itn.l-M A--1 .....
""""" v-jyijioioni gin lor gen-
oral housowork in small family.
Apply at Will's niusla store.
Wanted Thirty mon with toaras.
Call nt Club Stablo, cornor Ferry
and LIborty strcots. 6-6-lwk
Our meat market on Bast State
street has beeu doubled In sise and
wo are better prepared than ever to
serve customers. Prompt service and
the best of meats our motto. Call
or phone 199. B. B. Edwards, Prop
Satan -Independence - Monmouth
Stage line. Leaves Independence
dally (except Sunday) at 8; 00
o'clock a. in, Returning, leaves
Salem from Willamette Hotel at S
P. m., arriving at Independence
in time for 6:15 motor for Mon
mouth and Dallas. Phone Main
Wo Are Cash Pnrcliaacrs Of poul
try, eggs, and all kinds of farm
produce. Berry crates raado un
in unlimited quantities. Capital I
Commission Co., 267 South Com
mercial street, Salem: Phone Main
Wanted To borrow 81000 on the
host of real estate security. Ap
ply to "J.1 P.," caro Journal ow,
4-20-tf '.
Highest Cash Price pafl f0r chick
ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tf
Wanted. A driving team, about
1100 pounds, Bell Land Agency.
Phono 1259. 6-7-3t
j-HM n m u n m 1 1 h ig.4-
20c Meals for
I) and the best meals In Salem, -f
. 1. n a m
,, t mm, xuu can panic on me
i; reputation of the
nm iss
A. J. Amlemm Contractor and
builder, 415 Court stroot. Phone
644. 8-1-tf
'mZT:tuzz -Loroy hr-?'T'1''-1- ""
B. B. Laughter, Byhalla, Miss.,
writes: "I hnvo two children who had
croup. I tried many different reme
dies, but I must say your Horohound
Syrup Is tho best Croup and Cough
medicine J ovor used." Sold by D.
J. Fry.
tho race for patronage No white
shirts or collars. T. B. Wallace,
2349 . Currant avenue. Phone
Main 403..
C J. Kurth tho woll known dry
goods clork with Joseph MoyerB &
Sons spont Sunday in Bugeno.
. o
Iftfsxt asd O&ilirtB.
Tli M Ym Have Always 8ilit
Vears th y sirl' ' " J"M
It Is worth more than any other
bread, yet the price Is no higher.
For sale at your grocer's.
Thomas ft Cooley, Prop.
Gold Dast Flour
B COMPANY. Wdney, Orsaea.
Muje tor family u. Ask yew
grocer for It. Bran a&d starts
always oa kaad.
P. B. Wallace
Tueo. M. Ilarr Plumbing, hot watei
and steam heating and t! aulas
164 Commercial street. Fhoas
Mala 192. 9-1-ly
M. J. fetseLPlssaBlag, etsaa a4
gas Sttisg. ftiiHHKr te Kaes
Marpky, At OeBtrlal stee4
Fft Mal 17.
Hallos Fztty
la now open and ready for busi
ness. Road excellent on both a4dM
Of river. A. D. PWTTYJOHN,
B-10-la-d Proprietor,
Wholesale dealers and eeamlseie
raerohants. Cash pl fw Butter.
g8, Poultry, eU. W. M. HubkUm
and O. A. WlUraft, CettU litoek. I.
Ww, Or.; J. O. iUlUa, k Ual
Areaue, Portlaaa.
, "J
r jt