Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 08, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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    rr- aFtrtmmmwrn ww"
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fpirfia'f " -""T'TlWIBMriJTflM
Ft: a Am
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Each department of our store Is
trying to outdo tho othor by Its eco
nomic offering for June. Today wo
montton a few Items in now white
dress skirts. Plain whito dress
skirts, cloven gores, stylo Just llko
cut, also in two other dtylcs of plaits.
i!p !&
; hundred white shirt wnlsts ranging from $1.00 to $2.00 reduced to
0 Cents Each
: Thinks He Will Havo to Visit
SjiIcih Again.
Leavings, Albortn, Canada.
May 30, 1907.
Iltor Capital Jeurnal:
Ind I cannot writo to all those
requested mo to write to thorn,
will do as somo requested, wrlto
lie Journal, and hone my friends
excuse mo for not writing thorn
stopped over ono day at Bol-
lam, Washington, and took in
town, nnd with tho halanco I
fcd the works of tho Bolllnghnm
; British Columbia Lumbor Co.
ll ono of tho largost lumbor
in the world with nn averago
.'00, 000 feet a day. Tho grent
t of this is shipped on sailing
Ms '" all parts of tho world.
littcl tip nearly half n day going
Sigh tho works. No ono is al-
lr, the works without a nor-
Tl Is; is to provont any one hi
ring with tho nion. Th mou
pail $2 25 and $2. 50 per day,
"k fight hours, that is, yard-
or nrlllngham wo took the n.
trim to Sumas, Thoro wo took
P train and bado goodbyo to
Sam Wo had a long woary
nn 1 wo roached tho mountains.
'!. re was plenty of aconory to
us busy trying to seo It nil. In
fho snow was 20 feet deep.
he place wo crossed a brlJgo 300
blgh, and on tho other sldo tho
tail was a thousand feet, and
fralght up. I nover saw such
n Tfforo In crossing tho moun-
pullod into Calgary at 11
fek at night, and horo is whero
rst saw the prairie country. At
iry wo loft tho main lino of
Canadian Pacific and took a
ph Mno Bouth, 90 rallea to Leav-
U Is tho beat part of Alborta
sen. If.ls ono vast pralrlo,
i can travel all day and not
h as largo as a riding whip.
ts rao in mind of some parts of
' Jt tho pralrlea hro much
" s'and at my son's house and
:4 houses, tho noaroat, hair.
fee away, and from that to ton
This l a as flnn a country as
fer saw for wheat, barley and
h all do well hore. Htraw
are also thrifty and as Ana
ai over wero raisea jn any
ar crown here, but com
: ' do much, not nearly so well
Bifocal Lenses
us show you a neat, up-to-data
(or near and far-elng. It l
u good u tho expeailf o kind,
lit tho coat.
't throw away your brokea
i. Bring them to us. W caa
Uo aay part, with lltfit ex-
las. H. Hinges
Gnukmto Oftkita.
as" In tho Wlllnmotto valley. This
country is settling up very fast and
there will soon bo no government
Innd In this pnrt of tho country, as
tho government Innd Is going very
fast. Thoro aro thousands of acres
of railroad land horo that will bo
on tho mnrket soon, and as flno land
na over tho sun Bhono on. This will
bo sold at J8 nnd $10 nn aero nnd
on six nnnual payments. I think
they chnrgo 10 por cent Intorost.
In buying you get tho full section as
all roads coino off tho government,
thoro Is a road evory two milos.
The water conditions nro peculiar,
thoro aro no springs or llttlo streams,
but plenty of wntor can bo procured
by digging 20 to .25 feet, but tho
wntor Is very hard nnd coats every
thing; but by going down 100 or
150 foot ns good soft water as that
In Oregon can ho procured.
You can boo tho effects of n hard
wlntor nil through this country.
From Calgary I co'ild s'oo dead cnttlo
all along the trnok, from five to
twonty-flvo In a bunch nnd horo, 20
mllM from th railroad, I find thorn
just tho samo. The cnttlo did not
freoee. They died from piling up
llko shoop do nnd for tho want of
wntor as all tho llttlo lakes woro
frozon so thoro was no wator to bo
had Thoy woro all translont Aula
with no ono to look after thorn. It
was worth a' man'a life to vonturo
nonr a band of ruch cattlo especial
ly on foot. So mo of thoso cnttlo
enmo from hundreds of milos north
of here. I hoard a business man In
Clarosholm says ho know more than
ono man up about Calgary who last
fall had 800 to 1000 cattlo. who to
day do not own a hoof. Tho roildont
cattlo did not die, but aro In good
condition, I can seo 200 or 300 head
feeding within a half mllo of where
I am writing.
I am wondering what old Sedg
wick Post Is doing today. Would
llko to bo with them on this day of
all days. Sorao tlmo this summer,
after I soomoro of the country, I
may send you another short lottor.
As soon as'larvest Is over I think
I shall turn up In Balom. With host
of wishes to all old friend and com
rados. B L. BRICIOS.
It Is not quite that lata in
tho sale of the crockory, glas- $
waro and dUhes at our store. Z
But they will soon bo all gone,
as they ro being sold blow
cost, to make room for more
Knst School.
The students in tho ulnclrdo's
rooms at East school hnvo had- In
their dally work, two of Shakes
peare's stories, "Tho Merchant , of
Venice" and "Julius Caesar. Yes
terday a Shakesporlcn program was
presented, the pupils taking some
part of these stories, and talking
about them. Following Is tho pro pre
gram: j,
Life of Shakespeare.. Victor CooTey
Quotation ... Lena Kershaw
Mnrchnrt of Vonlco (plot) . . . . . 1
Harriot Itlgdon
Concert quotation School
Antonio Clifford Farmer
Quotation . . Constnnco Cartwrlght
Portia Edna Gardner
Shylock's Houso Jonnlo Plorco
Casket Scene ....Helen Dalrymple
Quotation Fred Bornardl
Trial Sceno ...Charlotte Armstrong
List of Shnkespoaro Plays....,.,
Bush Thompson
Julius Caesar (plot)
Gertrdudo Aitkon
Julius Cnosar, character
Bornlco Peck
BrutuB,chnrncter .... Lloyd Ityan
Cnsslus, chnractor ..Paul Hendricks
Tho Assnsslnntlon of Caesar . . . .
. . Merle Tracy
Tho Bnttle of PhllllppI
.... f Clarence Byrd
Sceno Zena Grogotro
Tho Swimming Match... Don Myors
Mark Anthony irma Cooper
Quotntlon Allco Kceno
Quotation BUIa Jonos
Miss Cnmpboll Is substituting for
Miss Stlllwcll this wcok, nnd Miss
Robertson substituted for Miss Coch
ran nnd Miss Clnrk.
Tho stnto inBtltuto meets at Salem
July 1, 2 and 3. At that tlmo wo
oxpoct to hnvo from Vlx to sovon
hundred tonchors In tho olty. Ab it
Is boyoml tho capacity of tho hotels
tc nccommodnto that numbor, It
would bo considered n favor If somo
ot tho prlvato cltlzons who nro pre
pared to accommodnto n portion of
thoso strnngors would send tholr
name, address and prices to Prof.
Grnham, of tho Hast sohool.
Xorlli School.
North School at last has tho
muaBlos. Thoy fool quite good to
think that thoy woro lucky enough
to not have this sloknoss until tho!
vory Inst of tho school. '
' Prof. Poebles' room oarnil n hnlf
holiday, nnd woro given It yostor
day afternoon.
Tho tenohors and pupils aro vory
busy ondlng up tholr work for tho
The nttendane at Lincoln school
has held up line this year. It Is
much better limn at the same time
Inst yenr.
Tho flnul examinations will com
mon co on Monday nftornoon, nnd
will Inst until Wodnosdny.
Vary fow examinations aro given
to thoso bolow the fourth grndo.
All thoso who oxpoct to bo pro
motes! must bo at school to take
tholr examinations.
MIbb Ilowermnn, of tho Lincoln
school, has rooolvod oompllmcnfa
from tho patrons on tho excellent
prlmnry work sho has dono. Her
children soern to enjoy their toncher.
and movo about with perfect free
dom, and yet keep order. Somo of
tho ohlldren have done two years'
work In one year. Mrs. Wonlger has
lost many of the ohlldren In hor high
er clam, parents taking them out to
plok brrls, but most of them havo
made tholr grade. Miss Wonlser Is
I ftMiie 131. 432 SUle SL
ifcitumtn nflf""-"-"'
Whoa ?o look at the tempting
display Qf mutton, lamb, hef. vm)
asxl pork that wj are sow ihowtog
Ie thU.ontablUhmenL There Is so
let-up In the demand for good met,
asd coawquenUy we always supply
our numerous outotars with tta
bt and cholceet outs. There I a
rich flavor and juolse about our
meat that suggests wholomo nuttl
lion, aad our prlee are mst rea
sonable. F. A. Kurtz
tfM 205 277 N.Cww. St
very thorough, and It Is not tho fault
of tho teacher It tho child does not
rnako tho grade. Both theso tench
clrs havo been re-employed.
Park School.
Tho teachers nt Park school havo
signed their contracts for next year.
No changes havo been mndc.
Most of tho teachers nro quit
busy writing tho review ot "Thorn-
dyke's Principles of Teaching," ns
required by tho Salem courso ot
Btudy. They nro supposed to wrlto
from six to 1200 words.
Two N'ow York men, who havo
been traveling In Africa, called upon
President Itoosovolt recently nnd told
him that In Egypt thoy had found
10.000 camels named-after him. Tho
poor boasts will hnvo to hump thom
sclvos still moro to hit tho Roosovolt
When an nutomoblllst is killed tho
dlspnlchos speak of him ns having
"met death." This is probably bo
cnuso ho was going so fast tho only
Bhow Donth had was to meet him.
It was ono of thoso cases where It
couldn't "overtake" him.
Those guards at Bolso aro not for.
tho purposo ot protecting Orchard,
but to glvo tho Jury n chanco to ca-,
cape bolng blown up by him.
www J
About tho grimmest ploco of
humor of recent times Is Orchard's
Btatomont that ho pouched on thoso
who woro going to blow up a traln.be-,
causo thoy wero not doing tho right
thing. !
An exchange noting a dlspntch
coupling Govornor Chamberlain's
name with bots mndo on Lnno's elec
tion, asks: "Is our govornor a hot
ter?" Js'o, sir. "Our George" would
not hot n bet or abet n hotter, so
thoro Is no bettor govornor In Ore
gon. '
A homo N hnrtlly complete In tho summer tlmo without n ham
mock; Just to niW colmfort to your leisure hours.
You ran tlml tho kind jWrw looking for if you'll let us show
you our xplcudhl line. Wo have n Krrat variety of ,color combina
tions to select from.
Prices from 55c to $4.20
All Grades from $1.00 Up Hve PJHows.
Pn, ho Btnrts at early morn
To faco tho wide, bluo world,
Ho gota his stronsth and health
By using Rocky Mountain Tea,
For snlo at Stono's drug store.
Have;You Seen Those
Hammocks for Babies
They're mndo crmlle-ahnpe, so tho Iwby can't fall out jHt tho
thing to relieve tlml mothers.
Another Shipment of Novelty
Dress Goods Arrived
Our dress goods department lias supplied fabric for tamo of Uhj
"Nivcllfftt" costumed worn thin sort mm. If ytm want a choice pat
tern or high Kntdo silk for n waist or full drvwt, ihm't fall to exam
luo our HJMortiiHMit . Wo nlwayit h!k)w tho noweftt creHtloHS Im
cnuse we make it o point to close out nil gtxMli In tholr proper wM-non.
Our Plan of Business Enables Us to Undersell
"Regular Stores."
For the June Bride
i " "
This is the month when
many of us will be called
upon to make some wed
ding gifts. CUT GLASS and
among the first and best
gift goods. A Water Jug
and Tumblers, Berry Bowl
or Vase would be right in
season and up-to-date. We
also have many beautiful
things in Hand-Painted
China painted in Salem
and Sterling Silver. You
are not doing justice to
yourself if you buy wed
ding presents without look
ing over our stock. We
have the big assortment
and low prices and high
grade goods
Barr's Jewelry Store
v H