DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1007. J r ii fc i I? T t i W fit :l! i H TIRED AND SICK YET MUST WORK "Man raav work from sun to sun but woman's work is novor done," In order to keep tho homo neat and pretty, tho children well dressed and tidy, women overdo and often suffer in silence, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to haro help to overcome the pains and aches wnicn daily caako lifo a burdon. It is to tlicso women that Lydia S. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from natlvo roots and herbs, X.I I 1M !. I ogiuus an a uicb.iiuk iiiicu ino oim- .., aiij i tnki its aro dopread. tho head and back ivl Ko. UKJ - U in aches, there are dragglng-dawn paini, norvousness, sleeplessness, and reluctance to go anywhere, these are only symptoms which unless heeded, are soon followed by the worst forms of Femalo Complaints. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound keeps tho feminino organism ina strong and healthy condltidn. Itcurcs Inflammation, Ulceration, displacements, and organic troubles. In preparing for child-birth and to carry women safoly through the Change of Life it is most efficient. Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pink ham: "For a long time I suffered from femalo troubles and had all kinds of aches and pains in tho lower part of back and sides, I could not sleep and had no appetite. Since taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and following tho advlco which you gave me I feel like a mew woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly." Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women Wotnon suffering from any form of femalo weakness aro invited to write Mrs Plnkham, at Lynn. Mass. Out of her vast volume of er- iporlenco she probably has tho very knowlcdgo that will help your caso. Her advlco Is free and always helpful. known Sun. to bo feasible. New York RURAL LETTER CARRIERS' STATE ASSOCIATION ORATORICAL CONTEST TONIGHT. ttrntor of Willamette Societies Will Contest for Silver Cup. Tho Phllodorlnns, PhllodoBlans Tnnd tho Wcbstorlans, throo literary Boclotles of Wlllnmotto Unlvorsltiy, "will cross oratorical Bwords in tho ""vnrsity chapol this ovonlng. Tho organizations will ho ropro "Hontort, respectively, by A. R. Mark er, Miss Mary Glttlns nnd John Tlolchon, nnd tho occasion will bo no or tho most plonsant Boclal meet ings of tho uonson. Tho contest Is sin annual affair and tho rivalry bo- "iwcon tho various soclotlos brings tfoT.th tho most nhlo offorts to gnln possession of tho silver loving cup. "Tho trophy was won .lust yenr by Mr. Inrkor, tho roprosontntlvo of tho Thllodorlnn socloty, nnd thnt organ Pern's Great Railroad Project. Peru Intonds to connect hor moro populous nrea on tho Pacific with hor vnst oaBtorn territories, now rec ognized as ninong tho richest parts of South America. This part of tho ropublic om braces about 500,000 squnro miles, and Is known as tho Montnnn, a nnmo that covers not only tho mountainous districts, but also tho widespread nlluvlal plain through which many of tho head streams of tho Amazon mnko thoir way. A largo part of It Is covered with tropical tlmbor of tho highest vnluo. Dr. Slovors, tho loading Gor- inan authority says thnt rubber trocs are thoro In onorinous quantities and will bo nn Incxhnustlblo sourco of wealth wlion tho now, rational plan tation system Is Introduced. All this rich country was Inacccs- Blblo n nuartor of n century ngo on Will be held in Portland, June 7th and Sth. Members from all pnrts of tho state will bo present as many Important .mnttors aro coming beforo tho meeting. Of tho Salem carriers, W. H. Squire, F. P. Litchfield and J W. Cox aro going down this after noon on tho 4:30 train. Among tho many matters to bo brought up stops will bo taken to Becuro the ndopUon of tho King road drag by the county courts as a logal requirement in each road district and compelling its uso over each road so many times each season. This has been done in a number of the eastern states with marked suc cess. Another thing to bo asked for will bo the allowanco of Christmas holi day and also the abolishment of tho "penny In tho box" nulsanco and re quiro patrons to buy nnd affix stamps to their letters beforo depositing In tho box. It is expected that addrosses will be made by Senator Fulton, Congrees mnn W. C. Ilawloy, Postmaster MInto of tho Portland ofllco, Inspec tor E. C. Clement and others all of whom hnvo promised to bo In attend ance. Postmaster "Fnrrur of Salem will also bo at tho mooting. K. P. Loop of McMlnnvillo is president of tho association and tho meeting will be hold in Commorclal hall that has been tendered for thnt purpose. o IIolllBtpr's Rocky Mountain Tea Purifies tho blood, strengthens tho norves, regulates tho bowels, aids tho kldnoys, cures stomach troubles, builds up tho nervous forco and re pairs tho ill effect of over eating. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. For sale at Stono's drug storo. o THE BREWING OF v-IJEER IN JAPAN Consul General H. B. Miller of Yokohama, In rovlqwlng tho history of boor browing in Japan, Bays that it dates back some twenty years, and that Its start, in common with many other enterprises later developed by tho Japanese, was given by foreign ers who aimed first to satisfy tho re quirements of tho forolgn rcsldonts without, perhaps, foreseeing tho ex tent of tho demand for tho commo dity among tho Jnpanoso themselves. Mr. MUlor traces tho development of tho industry, as follews: Tho Klrln Drowory was establish ed In Yokohama in, 1885, tho com pany registering in Victoria, Hong kong, as British, under tho tltlo Japan Browcry Company (Limited). Tho master browors havo alwayj boon Gorman, and there aro at present three Germans connected with tho brewery, though they aro llkoly to bo supplanted now thnt tho business i PrHhBI ARE YOU S - lltr n . need to m.L ."ur!e nd w'V !..... . "'" 'n stiM, . . " Abt tho uhC;UI; Wvcr, Kidnov, . -uuors nN t . - w IW1.I. matting matt -mi U SSB :" m w. bottlo of vaieicer 5jkSJ S Sfniv i ... t z :r isty todar n ana sootho tho ,., Uv"Host - oironjr anrf "wv" m lunn - nco to Prove ltaiBrail tiro - wn... " d!rtel,. J'cars recortl robast Izutlon will havo tho samo nblo account of tho hostility of tho In dinns, from whom thoro Is nothing moro to fear. They aro holnlng to Tho contestants havo boon faith- cut paths for tho rubbor collectors. tfully practicing for tho pnst sovoral .Thoro nro also thousands of snuaro npcakor to maintain Its prostlgo this season, weok8, and it Is expected thnt tho battlo wllll ho clodo and hard fought. Tho. program for tho ovonlng, which begins at 8 o'clock, lu as foleows: mllos of grass nnd ai'ablo lands, n pnrt of which, about 5,000,000 acres, tho Peruvian corporation Is now do voloplng by opening roads, building bridges and Introducing colonLts PlilloclorlMi quartet Solctlon .who nro planting coffoo nnd cacno. Oration, "From tho Sword to tho For many yours tho plan has boon n,u,ot" John Rolchon to push thrco linos Across tho Cor- IiiBtruinontal duet jdlllorna from tho Pacific, and thoso Robort Eakln and Elva Wlnslow groat proJoctB nro now far ndvanced: Oration.'Tho Constitution nnd tho JTho northorn Btnrta from tho port of Unlon" A K. Markor .Pucasmnyo, Is now complotod for n Phllodoslan iluot Soloctlon couBldornblo dlstnnco boyond Cnja- Oratlon, "Tho Watohword of tho marca, among tho mountains, nnd Ako" Mry Qlltlns J W finally roach tho uppor Marnnon. i-iiiiuiiuniiii quanoi aoiootion Tho southom, running from Mollon DuuIhIou of Judgos. COMING EVENTS. nBsn- Juno 10 Orogon rionoorB' elation, Portland. July 10-15 Intorntalonnl Chris tian Endoavor convontlon, 8oattlo. do, ronoliod Puna, on t.ako TItlcaca, hoforo tho disastrous Chlloan war, nnd hns slnco complotod n long northorn branch to tho famous min ing contor of Cuzoo, on tho Intor Andcnu plntonu, whllo n southern branch has roundod tho south coast of TItlcaca nnd Is making for La Paz, July 0-13 Knights Tomplnr con clave, Saratoga, N. Y. o July lG-20-Grand Lodge Elks nol . v " VIZ, "h '"',"" J "' Philadelphia. " l'1"- Tho Control Peruvian rail- iwhu una uvvn iiiusi in mo worlds oyo nnd Is tho lino that will roach tho uppor waters of tho Amazon. Toiler Curwl. 1,,,B romarKauio road starts from A IndyciiBtoniorof ours had auffor. Cnllno nt son Jovol nnd rises to 500. d with tottor for two or throo years.!1300' 2800 nml G00 foot nt tllG re It got bo bad on hor hands that she "Pwtlvo dlstancos of 7, IS, 33 nnd 50 could not attond to hor houaohold '"N08, Tho steady and rapid ascent dutloa. Ono box of Chamborlaln's cottos till tho track crosses tho Snlvo cured her. Chamborlaln's ,mm Andonn rango at 15,665 foot, inedlclnea glvo aploudld aatlBfactlon.nuout 10 fot lower than tho jum Jn ililn community. M. II. Rodnoy m,t of Mo"t Blanc, nnd thoro It do & Co., Almond, Aln. OImmborlttln'a(8Con,!8 120 foot to tho mllo for 30 lnodlclnea aro for salo by Dr. Stono'a!1""08 ncross tho mountain plateau drug atoro. jto Oroya. This plnco is 136 miles in nn nlr lino from tho coast and 220 miles by rail. Oroyn Is nlso tho starting point of tho lino to bo built through tho east- 'orn ranges of tho Andos and down tho Cordlllornn alopo. Tho Cerro do Pasco tracks load through a pass to Tnrmn, whloh Js sopnrated from Oroya by tho second of tho Intor Alulonn rangos. Horo tho track loading down tho slopo will branch to tho oast, cross tho Chnnohnmayo valloy, whoro sottlors nlroady supply CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Checking accounts onablo, folki to deposit tholr monoy and ro cy)lvo n passbook, against thoso accounts thoy aro pormltted to draw checks. Chockd may bo given to parties for such Bums as desired, thus avoiding frequent trips to the bank. If lntoroatod call and Me us. Woes of n Dninitncri "I'm JiiBt a littlo discouraged with my work," Bald tho tall Now York boy who has started out on tho road. "I was making my second trip west whon I mot an old drum mor who hnd boon on tho rond for moro than thirty years. Ho sat with grip botweon his -knees nnd talked to mo. - " 'Chuck H, my boy,' ho said. 'If thoro 1b anything else In tho world you can do, do It. Look nt my gray hairs. I don't know whnt is to hoYo a homo. For thirty years I ha,vo scon my wlfo about onco In fivo weeks. I know that I havo a wfo and chlldron In n fiat In Now York, but Hint's nil I do know about thorn. Iho children hnvo grown up and married, but I hnvo not had tlmo to nttond tholr woddlngs. My wlfo hns grown gray, too, but shq has had tho host of It. Slio has had u homo nnd tho children. If thoro Id nnythlng olso you can do In tho world, my boy,' ho repeated, 'quit drumming and do It.' " o Ancient Rome Is now moroly a memory of tho past Ballard's Snow Liniment Is tho fam ily liniment of tho twcntloth century A posltlvo euro for Rhoumatlsm, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc., Mr. C. II. Runyon, Stanborry, Mo writes: "I havo used Snow Llnlmont for Rheumatism and all pain. I can't say enough in its praiso." Sold by D. J. Fry. tBmm FEEDERICK D. GRANT. njor goneral in tho United Stntcs army, son of General U. S. Grant. has boon sold to Japanese, who will ! doubtless bo ablo to do moro with It than tho forolgn owners havo late ly accomplished. Tho Belling pr'lco h glvon as $1,000,000. Tho well known trodo mark (samples fllod at tho Bureau of Manufacturers) will probably bo retained. Tho last dlvl dond of tho company wns at tho rato of ,20 por cent por annum. Following tho load of tho foreign er nnd to secure a sharo of tho grow ing trade, Buch browerics as tho from 235,302 gallons In 1897 to 954,706 gallons In 1904. Tho growth of tlys Industry wna at tho rato of 30 to 40 por cent per annum botweon 1804 nnd 1901, whon its rapid de velopment, received a check In the proposition of a tax of $3.50 per koku (koku 39.7 imperial gallons), which tax Is still levied, togother with n war tax of 50 cents per koku.' Tho output of nil tho breweries lncreasod fiom 2,088,364 gnllons in 1897 to 6,000,000 gallons In 1906. In 1905 boor was exported to tho value of $088,723, while In 1906 22,989 dozen pint bottlos, with a value of $15(- J797; 655,224 dozen quart bottles, worm vc6v,4iib, and 04,938 casks, worth $26,696, mnklng a total of $781,828, wero exported. China hns nlwnys taken tho bulk of tho ex ports although Corea has boon con suming nn increasing quantity year by year, In 1905 tnklng a valuo of $199,585, as against $15,463 In 1899. I Tho greater part of tho export to China goos to Manchuria, compara tively littlo entering northorn and central China. Tho establishing of forolgn breweries nt Shanghai and In northorn China, such as tho Anglo- Gorman Browing company, at Klao chow, has Jntorforcd and will con- tlntio to lnterforo somowhat with tho calo of Jnpnnoso beers In tholr local districts, but In Corea and Manu churla thoro Is nn opportunity which tho Jnpanoso nro not slow to grasp, Tho rolatlvoly low prlco of tho bov orage, tho ncnrnoBs of tho market nnd cheap transportation, and tho fact that tho Jnpanoso nlrcady In thoso districts will uso and Intro duce among tho native olomont a do- Of euro. I. . Wl fc. : mi .. - is Oil ... " us, u pre7e t - iiui Billon,, vZ, Convenes,, (wPP ! niching, n,2jr5 CoM and Chm, ,MakrilFTff; It Is also a mild ... females. Tr, a boW. w t otwutiy in acrnnl. ... " HUKta,, , mn; auco th the p..-i "-"io. m brnn brewerTirTT" outcome of ,. f " erlM;;;sj; ZZr.rm "" nea la. 197 How to iiva .. .. TtomM ....,. I no health eItm ,,v. 7$ ""ler'i Rocky Mowui " ""' Keejijj cents, Tea or Tiblett J? Stone'8 drug hi Landlord And to d!l m Customer SDlendiiiT il stumblo onco and fomi tli wS first shot. I'm ram tmaS fnr !.. . ! . oi. icuot ure guuiset too Blj. Por stomach tronV.it i. and coaaUp&tloa tn rt--' romarkable caret boetaigWJI uy mom. nice 15 cceti U free. For Hie b; Dr. SlMUri Of A A H x 110 LOTUIJ- IlMMMlll "Anrl An v. K...1.1.JI .... u ju mi, w hi tho morning?" iAoik wns about to engage itHi "I don't hare to It, , piled tho applicant, tvim, happens to need !'- Statesman. .11 o Salem State Bant U K. PAGH, PrMMwat. K W. HA38AKD, OMfckr. Sl'CCIS HAS MREX IMIOPKKLV OKKIXKI) HV MANY PHII.OSO IMIKHS TO lU TIIH JUDICIOUS INVKST.MK.YT OF SIQXKV. KVKUY. TIMK YOU BUY Kl'lLY'S PKRFKC. TIOX 1JAK1XG POWDKlt YOU AR SPHN'lHYn Mftvuv i. ......... tho Inhabitants of tho plateau with TIIRIIK'S NOTHING iirttrr ; oil tholr coffee, sugar nnd rum. and Ivvnv.n timv .. m.(D .'"..V" -" - .j 4tfc,i,. Ashnhl. Yoblsu. Sannnrn. Onkn. Kabuto and Tokyo enmo Into exist- mand for tho commodity, glvo Jnpnn once. As llltiBtratlng tho growth of ovory advnntngo over forolgn com tho younger companies, tho Sapporo petition. Furthor, thero Is In con brewery increased Its production tomplatlon tho establishing of a The Tm Tttta, Curea all kldaf, Wk rhoumatlo troable; NHtf ill gists, or two noBuVMNtli mall for $1. Dr. E.W.W.! Oliro street, tt. IMfcH for testimonial! . BoUtrM drug store. BeeMimi(HMiiimn You, Sir, should sec tl il Snappy Summer Suil descend to tho Ucnyall, on wliose nnvlgablo waters passengers and frolght will pass to nud from tho oconn vessola that nsceud tho Amaron, 2000 miles, to tho river jiort of iQiiltos. At last accounts tho survey on ono of tho six sections of tho line has been completed; it is well nd vancod on tho others, and building operations will begin this year. Tho englneors says that in crossing tho oa3torn ranges a very largo expendi ture of labor and money will bo re quired, but the'entlro route is bow TIOX MAKING POWDRH. IT IS PIT UP IN KVRULAST1XO FRUIT JARS AX1) JRLLY OLASSKS. ra MAKRS GOOD MAKING POSSIBLE AVAIL YOVIlSRLF OF OPPOn' TLAITIKS AS T1IRY PUICSRNT THRMSRLVES AND SUCCKSS WILL WH ATTAINRD. IIEBK'S A SPLRNDin pimvm, TO IMPBOVR TUB QUALITY OF xuuis 1.V1V1.U, GRT EPPL12Y'S 11-WA-.r . - . W rwu-wilUX WAKING POWDElt OF YOUR GIIOCRR. MANUP. iiv O. M. KPPLEY, 8ALE.U. rtni ttliit m mm fillj rags WE OFPER Al $10. $15 k $1 2.50, $30.00 You should sec them for the n that they are, without exception, the stylish, best tailored suits in the c at our moderate prices. ' BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHES iu.r, Ur, ffoporl more, fefwwi looking suits than are here in enn'c mUortinn. vrii r xxas amjm m m a THF MP! CMAncc iri ctdAUC afo flOW ttmj ill. ULTT OIIAtrL.3 Ill JIIiriYTi- " i your inspection and try-on. All styles in a I split straw, $1.50 to $5.00. this i Salem Woolen Mill St WIIHIIHHlHmlllltllimi .. (