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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1907)
6 DAILY OAPi TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, JUNE. 0, 1007. Folger's Golden Gate O tfi B--nrh YlryrTfis aFnijtrff uoimiis ruwuu UWHSmWe Is composed of the following ingredients and none ether: Pure Cream Tartar and Pure Bi-carbonate Soda vJfflr " 4rPF WI HQraD liVlwr. nnurrrfR s: J. A. FOLGER & CO San Francisco A New Flooring Material. Tills now lnaulutlpg material has for Ita principal componont granulat ed cork, and Is called "cortlclto." Its application 1b unlimited, for It will reslBt tho cold of a Siberian win tor and tho rays of a tropical nun; nlBo tho attacks of inaccta, oven tho whlto ant being poworlcss against It. Ab a non-conductor of sound It should bo usoful In city flato. On boilers and boiler tubes It lo said to reduce tho lomporaturo of tho boiler room to nn ngreeablo one. It lo not Inflammablo and may bo gonorally adopted for pe titions and linings of houses. Drlcks and slabs of "cortlclto" aro mado for tbls purpose and can bo sawed nud borod llko wood. It would seem to possess apodal advantages for uso on warships, taking tho placo of wood an far as ponalblo. In addition to thoso ubos of cortl clto noted abovo a vory important ubo Ib for flooring, and I oncloso a samplo of Buch flooring In each package Thoso campion nhow only ono color and of slnglo thickness. Tltoro nro Bovornl colors, although tho red Ib most ovon In tint, and a doublo thick noBS. Tho material Ib applied direct ly to tho floor, to which It vory BtroiiRly ndhorcrf. It requires two or throo days to dry, and Ib thon claimed to bo flro, water and sound proof. I havo soon nn ofllco floor of cortlclto In constant use for moro than a year and It docs not show tho least sign of wear. Great durability, amounting almost to indestructibil ity, Ib claimed for It, and It Ib easily cleaned and kept clean. It Ib not vory oxponBivo, single thickness floors bolng laid for nboht $1 tho uquaro yard. Cortlclto floors would scorn to lio tho Ideal things on war vessels, paHBcngor stenmors, hospitals, school rooms, and indocd whorovor largo numbors of porsonB congregato and sanitary conditions nro Important. Cortlclto flooru are Insect and germ proof, aa woll as sound, flro nud water proof. They nro warmor than oil cloth or linoloum floors, and nro nlniHnnt in wnltr linnn. Tlinn rni 1 chirdrcn or four or flvo woll intruct od and properly nourished one for tho responsibility of providing for thcm.rcsta, In modern time, upon tho parent. But novor was tho outlook for tho talented mechanic better than today. Tho aspirant lives In his own homo, surrounded by Its in fluences, goes to a manual training school at tho wholo or partial, ox ponBo of tho state, flnds In an ovor incrcosing popular desiro for flno crnftmanship his Inspiration, and in ono of tho Innumerable posltons awaiting tho young and enthusiastic cnginoor or mechanic reaps such re wards as novor have boforo In tho history of tho world been awarded to men of tho craft. Thoro Is, undeniably, a dark and discouraging eido to mechanical work undor tho modern eystom. It can, and does, subjugato an army of sen tient men to tho mero forco of ma chinery. But for tho youth of ability and somo opportunity mechanics of fers moro today than undor any pre vious system. Tho Reader. American Indian headdress, but tho face shows no chaiacterlstlcs of tho North American aborigine. It Is tho face of a little girl, Sarah Longacro Keen, upqn whoso liead was placed the feathered ornament of a Sioux Indian. Her father was an engraver and ho placed his daughter's headv on tho coin. Sarah Longacro Keen died In Philadelphia not long ago, after having served 35 years as tho secre tary of her city's branch of tho Meth odist Women's Foreign Missionary Society. Now York Sun. at Government Boat Muthlomu Work. Tho government snag boat) Mnth lomn, In chargo of William T. Reed, will bo stationed hero nt Indopcnd onco tho next fow weeks, doing ro pair work at tho lower end of tho rock work bolow town. Whllo littlo dnmngo wns dono to tho abutment work ltsolf by tho high, watorB In onrly spring, tho rivor bank n't its lower end was washed consld orbly, and In such a way that anoth er flood might endanger tho rock work. A consldorablo numbor of piles will bo driven, and tho rock work extended down tho river sovor al hundred foot. Tho rock for tho work will bo obtained at tho mouth of tho Lucklamuto and brought down by tho Mathlomn. Th'o pllo driver wns brought up Sunday and loft here, whllo tho Mathloma wont on up tho rivor to pull tho Pomona off tho snags. Tho dredgo has beon nt Salem and a trip down wns mado not rip, 'tear 'nor 'flpllntor, and tho yesterday to brlngitup'to TndoponH- walls, If desired, may bo similarly ono, whoro tho work Is to bo tlono. A coated. I am 'Informed that during fnlr-slzod crow will bo engaged ,nt tho tho past year nenr 1,000,000 Bquaro'work, which will requlro probably aa motors of cortlclto floors havo been much ns throo wookB to complete Penco Conference Justifies Its Ex istence. Tho most pleaBing incident of the penco conference recently held In Now York City wno tho effectual squelching of William T. Stead by Dr. William H. Maxwell, tho City Superintendent of Schools. This was a feat which no other human belnc had over achieved before. Even tho English courts of law had attempted tho task In vain. Mr. Stead had traversed tho four quar ters of tho globe, everywhere writ ing, talking' and bellowing, with an utter disregard for anybody's com fort or convenience. In Now York ho had cursed and damned before gath erings of clergymen and children; ho had thrust in his oar with regard to all sorts of matters which con cerned him not nt all. Yet every ono appeared to bo reduced to a sort of Impotenco boforo tho whirring of this human windmill. No ono had tho norvo and tho strong will to rlao and Jam him down Into tho sllcnco which best befits him. But ho found his Waterloo when ho began his corybnntlc performances at that ses sion of tho peace conforonco over which Dr. Maxwell presided. Tho speakers had agreed to limit thorn- selves to a given period of time; but when Stead reached his timo limit, naturally ho did not stop. Ho novor does stop. Ho kept right on for nbout flvo seconds, whon Dr. Max woll Informed him that his timo wna up. That mado, no dlfforenco to Stoad. Ho was Intending to talk in definitely. But Dr. Maxwoll, with a sharpness and vigor which delighted tho wholo nsscmblngc, brought tho blatant Englishman down from his porch of self-complacency, and actually mado him closo his mouth nnd kcop It closed. This ono inci dent alone would havo justified tho wholo peaco conference. Wo hereby offor a vory largo bouquet to Dr. Maxwell. Ho has desorved woll of tho republic. An eminent English scientist who nttonded tho confor onco was asked by an American friend: "How is it that such a person an Mr. Stoad Is taken seriously in England?" Tho Englishman smiled a littlo and thon replicd: "Why, really, you know, It has always been such a puzzle to us that ho Is taken so soriously in America." Bookman. ' wMMI"'""M""!l""iiM wJwfJmmw sfiSi cleanest $? 1 It means the hottest and el flame produced a mi any stove, mis is the flame the New Perfection Oil Stove gives the instant a lighted match is ap plied no delay, no trouble, no soot, no dirt. For cooking, the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove is unequaled. It gives quick results because its heat isiiighly concentrated. Cuts f uel-expenso in two. Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your deal er's write to our nearest agency. Tho Oovvk T is the best JtOLyfi -' "JH lamp for mr all-round household use. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. It not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD ODL COMPANY (IMOOBPXATKB) 9 Rostein & Greenbaum 240-246 Commercial St. Salem, Oregon I Never Wear Out nose tor Lhiidren Wo havo handled this lino for ovor threo ycarB,, and havo built up a largo trado on this particular lino. Whon in need of Children's Hoso, 'glvo our Novor-Wcar-Out Hoso a trial and you will buy no other. All sizes 15c a pair. laid. Consular Report. What MerhunlcN OnYr Today. Tho bureau of labor Hurts a 'de cadence of tho old timo custom of ap prenticeship, boy3 no lonKor bolng educated In tho trurtoa thoy aro to follow, and mastora no lougor Intor ostlng thomsolvofl In tho education of thoso who nro to noelst and somo timo siiporsodo thorn In tho carrying on of their craft. Tho roiiaona for this havo been Biimmod up as fal- Tho main portion of tho work to bo dono this yonr along tho Wlllam otto will bo bolow Salem, nenr Wheat land, whoro sovoral hundred thou sand yards of roc kwork Is to bo dono, also a gnod-slzod dam Ib to bo constructed. Only repair work Ib contomplatod In tho vicinity of Indo jionrtoiifo, or possibly n littlo now work In ordor to protoct tho old. An appropriation Is necessary In ordor to omtmrk upon now work, nnd ns such Is not nvallablo at tho prosont timo only tho ropalr work will bo dono nt lews: , First Production on a largo scalo tn ,,0jut nt nr08ont. which caw troys tho porsonnl rotations 1 Pn, ho starts at oarly morn To faco tho wide, blue world, Ho gots his strength and health Dy using Rock7 Mountain Tea. For salo nt Stono's drug otoro. o Asked and Answered, "Dessert," said he, "I hopo Is pie." IIIb manner mado her smart. Sho was not cross, but her roply Was "just a littlo tart." Catholic Standard and Tlmos. I Parasols Wo havo a vory neat lino for you to chooso from at reasonable prices. Plain Whlto LInon Cover, 75c. Whlto Llnon Covor, with deep Flowered Border, only $1.35. Children's plain Dluo, Pink, Rod or Whlto Parasols In two sizes, price 15c and 20c. Record Breaking Bargains in Lace Curtains Wo do not hosltato to claim that tho value represented horp aro tho greatest ovor ah'bwn tho trado. Whon you boo tho handsomu design, tho size and tho qua.lty you cannot holp seeing tho truth of our claim. It should hit -tvfy? tractivoodoMhAf Thoro uiv.b0Bla t. dinner: V&n.a!dn ,2 "o ,anotts' 0r,"i: fUIW sort ol Jobt 1,78 1ub flavor th.. J: :ltk EkIndoITaN PalBreaKn" F. A. Ki rnonc2U5 277Nr-, M " ( Thompson'! Rose Longth Width Color Prlco Yds. Ina. Pair 2 30 whlto .45 2 30 whlto .75 3 -40 whlto 1.00 3 44 whlto 1.20 3 62 whlto 1.50 3 62 whlto 2.00 !. 50 -whlto .2.2G. 3 '38 ocru .95 3 .41 ocru 1.0'; 3 46 ocru 1.25 3 53 ecru 1.35 3 56 ecru 1.50 3Vj 62 ecru 2.25 Kills plant IniecU h fruit trees, ylm w aai VKRMTX On human body, dop uii,s and la the know Colorless, OdwltH, Sthfcfe ' Price, !5 and (Ocniu FHY'SDP.Ua6TORE.W-ii Headquarter! for ill bti apr&y matdrUU. Ask for booklet. "Hov to l V Plant InwcU and VA' DR. KUH Wonderful CHINESE DM Will treat job will frMk. and cure any diwtH vital i or pain. Dr. Kum la kuowi imi Salem, and fau tvti u people here, lit Ui Strife I for 20 yerai, and w U Mil 1 dim many medietas amk doeton, and with ! eatarrb, aathnw, 1J tBtKij mutism, itonaeh, Ui,tt4WJ eaaoa. Dr. Kum makes a iyrf nd ftmalt tronW W enifl nrlrata dWw rtii t4t I 1m falk He Utii monlak, and girM W" Price for diiH WJ PMMM.k.U ' blank Bead tkmf. If jn waat aM I U from aa . rmlUlMK 167 Sooth Hhjk , botwoon omployor r.nd omloyod, or mantor and appronttco. Sooond Ths axtcnslvo uao of ma chinery nud subdivision of Inbor. Third Tho unwlllluBnefis of om ployors to tako on apprentices. Whllo tho Mathlomn's pllo driver is hora L. Damon, tho O. C. T. ngont, will tako advantage of Us presonco to havo sevornl piles driven at tho dook to oxtond it out In tho river to doopor wntor, which will bo appre ciated by vossols plying on tho river, l-ourth Tho unwillingness of nfi Woll jw tho O. C. T. Btoamors. journoyiuen to msiruct npprontlcos. yost Side Eonrorprlse. i'liiu rno uiBiiKo or uoys ror ap prontlooohlp. Tho approntlco oyotom may havo -o- Tho Likeness on tho Coats. Coins of most of .tho nations boar dlsnppoarod, but Bomothlng bettor ts,on them tho fncos of tholr rulors. coming to tako its place. In tho old n tho Unltod Stotos enolr coin has an timo a boy was turuod ovor body and 0mblom of Llborty. Tho first coins bouI to his maator, nnd for bovou struck nftor tho formation of tho fod yoara had but a modicum of llborty. oral Union boro tho faco of Oeorgo If this syitom mado flno workmon of Washington. Gouernl Washington somo It also broke tho Bplrlto of disapproved tho custom, and it was many. Hut now tho responsibility dropped. It has nevor boon rovlved. rests whoro It shouldwith tho par- Portraits of promlnout Amorlcans nn ont. It U his bUBlnoss to seo that poar upon postago stamps, intornal his son, who dovolopa mochanlcnl revenuo stamps and pnpor monoy, but ability. Is educated In somo of tho nover on coins. And It has beon tho Innumerable manual or technical custom to uso tho portrnlts of no llv- Kfllflu i I nil niA li nrtiiAnnAlAH a.. . . v....w. ..,v.. ,v uiu luuvvwmu u j,ig men, ovon on tno currency or tho oducntora of tho oplrlt of tho stamps. In England aa soon as King tlmos. So many of the30 ochool nro Kdward Buccoodod Queen Victoria, froe. or almost so, that ovon tho poor tho quoon's faco gavo way to that of may avail themsolve, of them. Kdward on all the coins and stamps Under tho Bystom of npprontlcodhlp n tho British omplro. Tho accession it wna tho mnstor, not tho father, or a uow ruler In most monarchies who boro tho cost of tho boy'a sup- means nn Instant change In tho de port. Tho result often was n In- sign of tho coins. Buttlclontly nourished, homesick nnd i nut thoro is an exception to tho Hullon boy. It now bohooves mon toruio of no portraits on American rumjci wawiior moy bbmu mrvo ton or coins. Tho emblem of Liberty on VU lll'WUClU NU Nerve Sick If weak, worn-out, nervous, cannot sleep; have indigestion, head ache, neuralgia or peri odic pnins, it is because your nerves aro weak. It is tho lack of nerve force that makes the stomach, heart, lungs, etc., work uuuuuui; ny ueuoiUO SICK. Dr. Miles' Nervine cures tho sick whon it restores nerve strength, and puts tho power behind tho or gans to do their work. "Almost thr yeara I tuffered from t on of tho heart. I could not cat or Bleep with comfort, or walk or talk without uffrlne. 'Altogether I a In a bd condition. My doctor did not SoynTdiihdid SKISS LfiiU k a nw wwin. it not only relieved my hart and nerves bit . Dr. Mllf Nrvlna la told by vour .QlI2ilir'iW ouaranti. thathS Hardwood Floors IN CANS Spread them on your old floors with a good brush, and have nn up-to-dato reception room, dining-room, hall or parlor. Nat ural wood finish, tough, elastic and durable. VARNO-LAC Exactly imitate all flno woods, no matter how old the surface to be stained, The only article mado that requires no skill to pro duco good results. Avoid, disappointment by remembering to ask for Varno-Lack. Made by Acme Whlto Lead & Color Works, De troit, Michigan. ' CEO. B. JACOB FKOXT AND PIXE STREETS, NORTH SALEM.rnOXE 401. HARP WHISKfi -MM v M'a, .rt .. .. u. oaaM i. j fflaEiKSnaktatilM USE CUT W T?T5TMG B. B. B. Floti For Bostoa Brown Bread, Griddle Cakes, Mufflns and Plura radding. AliLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO., INC., SAN Jose, Cal. on Famous t ' GcneraUoM F' rmoMoffllw the worW. Tat Ml V ACCSCHRKltfR.8 T-m.R! j. w. P' f F8BK1 LLilMIirTE fruit AND TRODUCB CO. Wholesale dealers and commission merchant. Cash paid fer Butter, Eggs, Poultry, etc W. B. CammlHgs aaeD O, A. WiUraft, Cottle bloek, Sa lem, Or.; J. O. Stapletoa, 88 Ualoa Aveaue, PorUaad. --i t ictrr"7!Sfc Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggetf; A Daiy Medlda tor wi '"f. Erlflgi OoUsa. Health and B""",; i aad Kidney Trouble. WP'iftJSicK Wood Bad Breath, filurxwh e''T"itouSl let form, cents a box. xp"xr 1 IMM.DEN HUSQETS FOR SALLOW PEM .ta W a II IIIIlM IB 1 i "- phoa " iiii wm J .Tsi 111 IIP I a TT V