DAILT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, ORBGON THURSDAY, JUNK 6, 1007. " , s L STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER GREAT CLEARANCE SALE AND JUNE WHITE DAYS IBERAL REDUCTION ALL THROUGH THE BIG STORE BUSINESS FOR THE PUBLISHERS RESULTS Of TEXT BOOK ADOPTION Nearly an Entire New Set of Public School Texfs ImDosed on Oregon iRRIED FIFTY YEARS HIGH 1'HICKD LANDS. tockholm, Swcdon, Juno 6. Tho and quoon celebrated their flf annlveranry of their wedding illndolphln, Juno C. As n mark espect to tho sovorelgn of their re land, Swedish pooplo nil over erica liavo prepared addresses of ratutntlon to bo presented to ting nnd Queen of Sweden to- when thoy colobrnto tho flftecn iunlvoranry of their mnrrlngo. it preparations wcro mndo to brato tho gracious ovont In an ku:Iastlc nnd gladsomo mnnnor. addresses sont from this city engraved upen beautifully II- inted shcots, nnd have tho slg- res of innny prominent Swedish means nttnehed. All tho Swed- residents In this city hnvo manl- great interest in tho addross- id hundreds of others hnvo fol- from all tho cities in tho Unit- 'tatca, tho slgnaturoa bolng most erous In tho West, whero tho llsh element Is strongest and vigorous. o 1- E ' Candidacy Strongly Prvusod. Klsburg, Pn Juno C. Tho can- cy of Senator Knox Is being Igly pressed by Col. Oliver and aper. and thero can bo no doubt the Republican Stato Convontlon Is called for today, will strong- Edorao htm. It Is claimed for Cnox that ho can claim what no candidate can do. and that Is, fthero is no opposition to him by body in his own state. This is put very strongly, and Taft beclally assailed. It is also M4 that noitho.' tho Prosldent plyou, nor any other prominent bJIcan will experience any cor- fover tho decadence of Taft'a Pennsylvania will aslo claim as tho is tho banner state, al- rwlling up a tremendous Ro an majority she is entitled to IJ ntlal candidate, especially I has but a slim lot of appoln- fr n tho general government. o MImjIob Destroyed. aoghal, China, Juno 6. The mis Kalhseln, In tho province of !uan, almost on the border of M 1 as been destroyed by a Colic asd Diarrhee. (as in tho stomach, colic and froea, are aulcklr relieved br the H Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera iiUrrhoe Remedy. For sale b7 jne'a drug store. ASTORIA rr laakiU a CfcOfct. Yn tat Atop ltW tu u z&&&& Southern Oregon OrclinrdN Bring Hood River Prices. Tho record salo for Roguo River Vnlloy orchard property was mndo last week when tho beautiful J. E. Do Hart orchnrd near Medfo-d was purchased by C. E. Marshall of Ron nsallor, Ind., for $33,000. Tho salo demonstrated that tho valuo of orchnrd properties In tho Roguo River Vnlloy Is rapidly In creasing, and It is a foregono con clusion Unit Southern Oregon lands will, In tho near futuro, bring tho sairtb prices thnt prevail In tho Hood River Valley and Yakima country. Considering J ho fact thnt this sen son's fruit waB withhold by Dr. Do Hart, and thnt Its estimated valuo Is $10,000, tho salo of tho orchnrd wns in reality on n $43,000 baslo, and ns tho ncrengo totnls but 7G 1-3 ncros, tho prlco niny bo ostlmntcd nt $5C3. 50 por ncro, which Is tho highest price por ncro ns well ns tho Inrgost 8iilo for an orchard ever mado In Southern Oregon. Among thoso who arc thoroughly familiar with conditions In tho Roguo Rlvor Vnlloy It Is conceded that Mr. Marshall has made a splendid pur chase, for not only has ho obtained ono of tho most beautiful homos In this dollghtrul vnlloy, but ho has also'bocomo possessor of a 30 per cent dlvldond-pnylng proposition, which should lucronso to -10 per cent on tho original Investment when tho ontlro orchard comes Into bonrlng. . o- Circuit Court Convene. Judgo Galloway this afternoon con vened the Juuo term of circuit court, and transacted the following busi ness: The divorce suit of Conrad Long vs. Olona Long was dismissed with out projudlco, on motion of the coun sel for the plaintiff. Tho dlvorco suit of Maud E. Keal vs. E. M. Neal, as to alimony, pend ing suit, will bo heard June 10th, at 1 p. m. The equity suit between P. J. Eld rldge and John F. Hoofer, et al., Is being beard this afternoon. Tho Toad in Lump of Coal. John Savage pf Duok Hill, Md., a miner In the Enterprise mine, was greatly astonished whoa Ib broaking a solid lump of ooal he saw a live toad Jump out and hop around his fort. The; bole in which the toad was confined was not largo enough to permit any exercise on his part. It is supposed the batraohian centuries ago dug a hole in tho grouad for himself and went to sleop. o Hon- Odd. Galley I tell you, we had a bet old time last night. Ascum Really? What was the causo of It? Galley Cold bottle's. Norwich Uaioa Fke injeraoce society Frank Herewith, Reelieat Agist. 0ee with Wsa. Browa & Co., No. 13 Commercial etreet. , LM0NEY TO LOAN.. Orer La44 ' Or After all tho talk at tho begin ning tho Stato Toxtbook Commission has abandoned its program ot mak ing n few changes only, and seems to bo mnking a complete change In text: books, with few exceptions. Now texts for grammars, arithmetics nnd history nnd civil government, nnd moat of the readers hnvo boon chos en. If whnt tho Grnngo Bald in a rosolutlon Is true, thnt each chnngo mado In a alnglo textbook means an expenso of ?2G,000, tho people will havo aovernl hundred tltousnnd dol lnrs of bills to pay In tho now ndop tion for tho next six yenrs. In a Btntemont given out by tho commis sion It Is sntd tho commission "re membered tho lnrgo and amnll pub lishing houses," nnd It seems to hnvo been a hnrvost for tho book ngents nil around. It should bo understood thnt wher ever tho word "oxchnngo prlco" Is UBCd, there hns been a new book ndoptcd. Hero follows tho list or tho books thnt will bo used In tho grnmmnr school grades for tho noxt six years. Tho nnmo of tho publishing Iioubo, tho tltlo of tho textbook, Its oxchnngo nnd retnll prlco nro nlso given: Rerfdlng W. H. "Whcolor & Co., of Chicago, Wheoler'a Graded Prim er, exchango price, 10c; retnll prlco, 25c; First Render, exchango prlco, 10c; retail prlco, 25c; Second Rend er, oxchnngo prlco, lGc; retnll prlco, 3Gc; Third Reader, exchango prlco, 20c; retnll price, -Hie; Glnn & Co., noston Cyr's Fourth Header, tix chnngo price, 30c; retnll prlco, 50c; Fifth Rcndor, oxchnngo prlco, 30c; retnll prlco, GOc. Geography American Hook Co., Nnturnl Introductory Goorgrnphy, oxchnngo price, 27c; rotnll prlco, (i-tc; Nnturnl School Goorgrnphy, ox chnngo price, 57c; retail prlco, $1.13 Arithmetic Glnn & Co. of Bos ton, Smith's Prlmnry Arithmetic, oxchnngo price, iSc; retnll price, 3fic; Smith's Prnctlcnl Arithmetic, oxchnngo prlco, 33o; rotnll prlco, 05c Montnl Arithmetic Glnn & Co., of noston, Toxt to bo used snmo ns for written Arithmetic. History D. C. Honth & Co. of Iloston, Thomas' lilomontnry His tory, oxohango prion (In una);- re tnll prlco, GOo; Doub & Co. of Snn Francisco, A History of tho United Htntos, oxchnngo prlco, 70c; retnll price, $1. Grammar Heath & Co. of Ilos ton, nuohler & Hotchklss' Modorn English Lossons, exchango prlco, 20c; retail prlco, 40c; Iluohlor't Modern English Grammar, exchango prlco, 30c; rotall price, 55c Civil Govornmont Doub & Co. of Son Frnnolsco, Doub's Hlatory adopt cd as toxt. Physiology D. Appleton & Co. of Now York, First Book in Hyglono, (Krohn), exchango prlco, 18c: retail prlco, 35c; Ornded Lessons in Physi ology and Hygelno (Krohn), ox ohango price. 30c; retail prlco GOc. Writing O. P. names of Chicago Tho Outlook Writing nooks, sorles from No. 1 to 7, retail price, fie; The Outlook Copy Slips from No. 1 to 6, retail prlco Co; Outlook Prac tice nooks. A, I), C, D, retail price, Cc; Empire Writing Spoiler, retail price. c. Speller Maynard Merrill Co. of Now York, Reed's Word Lessons, ex change price, 12c; rotall price, 22c. Mutle Glnn & Co. of Boston, First Music Reador (New Education al Course), oxohango prloe, 16c; re- 'tallprloo. 30c; Second Music Header, exchange price, lee; retail price, 39c; Third Music Reader, exchange prlee. 18c; retail price, 36c; Fourth Muilo Reader, exobange prloe, 20c; retail price, 40c; Fifth Music Head er, exohange prloo, 2e; retail price, SOe. Nature 8tudy and Bolenoe Work Glnn tt Co., of Dosion, Agriculture for Beginners (Burkett, Stevens L Hill), exchange price, 38c; retail price, 75c. Drawing Prang Edueatlon Co., of San Francisco, Art Education Draw ing Book Course, series from No. 1 to No. 3, retail price, 15c; No. 4 to No. 8, retail price, 20c Changes are as follew: Reading Vint, second and third reader cbaaged from Cyr'a to Wheeler's. Ceorgrapay - Jatro4netory aai school texts'from Fryo's to American Book Company's toxt. Arithmetic Primary nnd prnctlc nl front Wentworth'e to Smith'. Mentnl arithmetic Toxt ot wrlt tn arithmetic substituted. , History Thomas' History of United States to "A History ot tho United States," by Doub & Co. Grammar nnd langungo all changed. Civil government Doub's History substituted for prcsont toxt. Physiology Two new texts. Writing Now toxts. Music Now toxts. Nnturo Study nnd Sclonco Work Now, ono text Instead of two. Drawing Now texts. WARM GAME FRIDAY We Were Surprised to Recelre By Express Anotlie Shipment i -of- Thero is going'" to bo another' chnnco to boo a hoLtmsobnll gnmo hero tomorrow nftornoon, when tho University of Oregon team goes up ngnlnst tho Snlom high school. Tho U. of O. team will piny at Cho mnwn Friday morning, but will bring enough men bo thnt thero will bo no chnnco of bolng wenkoned for tho gnmu with S. H, S. In tho nftornoon. Tho gnmo wilt bo played on Willnm btto Hold, nnd will probnbly draw the lnrgest crowd of tho Boason, na tho high Bchool Is getting a reputa tion among tho local fnus, who ex pect to turn out In n body nnd rout thomsolves honrno. Tho tonm turned out this yonr, un der Captain Pnlno, Is considered tho Htrongcst In tho stnto, nnd hns not yet been bonton by nny Oregon team. Thoy lost a couplo ot gnmos on their Wnshlngton trip, but bent tho Co lumbia Athletic Club nt Tho Dntles 7 to 1. Thoy hnvo nlso won two gnmes from tho Multnomah club, A bit ot bnsoball skill will un doubtedly bo put In tho tomorrow morning's gnmo, ns tho Indians thorn Helves lmyo been going Into It In n scalping way. Dosldes bcntlng nov oral tlmeii nround hero, thoy won fiom tho Columbia A. C. 4 to 0, nnd would lllto to dnnglo a victory from U. of O., but tho University mon probnbly look nt It In n dlfforont way, nnd Intoud to make good ngulnst tho Chomuwas. Tho gnmo with tho high school In tho nftornoon will ba no wnlk-ovor, and tho university men nro not ex pecting one. Tho fact thnt thoy gnvo tho high school n gnmo is consider able rccommondntlou for tho local tonm, ns It Is going out of tho uni versity cIbb. U. of O. probnbly ox poets to win, but if tho H. H. 8. rec ord will bo lonkod into n llttlo, It will be seen that thuy will havo to bo right on tholr feet If they expect to oomo out on top. Tho Orogon tonm play's at Corval lis Saturday nftornoon. - o .Sunday Hclnxil Parado in Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N. Y., Juno 0. This hi tho grontest of days with tho Brook lyn. Sunday School children. Thny turnod out today on tho annual anni versary parado 126,000 strong, chil dren and teachers. This is tho larg est numbor over shown In parado In this city whero tho parado Is tho groat ovont of tho ycor. Oovornor Hughes rovlewed tho procession In Prospect Park. For tho first tlmo tho schools of Williamsburg and Green Point Joined in tho pnrad;. Tho parado consists really of twenty- four distinct parados. After review ing tho principal action of tho parade In Prospect Park. Oovornor Hughes will bo carried around in an auto mobile to sea tho other sections of tho marchers. The city is literally full of children. Many visitors havo porno to tho Borough to witness tho parade, which draws spectators from far distant oltles. It being tho most famous Sunday school parade In tho world. '. ' o Century Old HJniw Hold a Reunion. Philadelphia, Jhh 6. Twenty- four venerable buslw firms belong Ing to the Auoolatlon of Centenary Firms and Corporations of the Unit- od States will hold a reunion dinner ut the Bellevuo-Htratford tonight. The first dinner wes held in tho old Bellerue May i, 1893, at which time twenty-five firms which had been in business ono hundred years or more were enrolled as members. There are no annual duo and the reunions are held only at raro intervals. Of the present member twenty-one are Pennsylvania Arms, and the majority of these are la Philadelphia. o Ladies9 Long Silk Gloves Wo haven't been nbto to supply ono-hnlt ot tho domand this sonson for Indies long glovos, and, although this Is a rathor largo lot, wo expect that thoy will all bo sold In a fow days; ' Ladies Stimme Patasols Our delayed shipment has arrived nt Inst, and wo havo an al sortmout ot tho choice novcUlod that will Intorost you, OUR PRICES ARE FIGURED ON THE SPOT CASH BASIS 1 HI ! IIIMH. IIPI1 llMMIMWIlMlWWMMIWWIMWM'M Ladies' Sombeo Hats In Semi-stiff and Stiff Unbreakable Brimi $J.95 and $2.45 Thoso nro vory high grndo fur lints thnt will hold tholr ahapo A woll ns nny hat on tho market. J& (2? . rav zs4ijrs a tirs'steds (o&dS& &308ajvutt &-y 8mm kW XS5 3K. tal (zatk tan lUlltor'M Wife Oct .MlstHiico. Editor Whlsnnnt of tho Coos nay Harbor doe not mnko as much of n (display over It as did tho young iKIng of Hpnlli under similar circum stances, still ho doos pretty woll, i though It Ib evidently his first at tempt In thnt lino. In tho Inst num ber of tho Harbor ho says; In our bachelor days wo wcro tin regenerate. Shlnglo nails woro han dler than buttons, and a puff tin eas ier to hamllo than clean laundry. Wo caved tailor bills by not brushing our clothes, wo buinmod around all night, and slept all day. We thought tho man who could wear n clean collar all day and not gut It dirty was not fit for anything qm. Wo entertained a fine contempt for tho conventions of life, Its llttlo nicotic, Its finer frills, until wo nWt Her, tthon wo got busy bolng rospuctnbht. I First thing wo did wo cataloguod lovory fault and shortcoming clearly 'on several shoots ot legal cap.papor, jhud it attested by n notary and gave It to Her. This was a good stnrt, for In two years wo hod Her convinced I that It was Her mission in Ufa to roform us. In order to accomplish this task more quickly she agreed to come and llvo with us. Securing lo gut permission and ministerial con sent shu took up her new duties with a vim. Hitherto' wo had hung our brooch 03 where we pleased, but we soon learned a proper peg In the proper, corner of the wardrobo and tho prop er way to hang our trousers. Our gun, fishing rod nnd bird dog woro banished to the office, hunting Jack et and shell vest were thrown out in the woodshed, nnd the nalU thoy on oumben woro adorned with gar ments of straugo dolgn and un known name. Much to tho surprise of our friends, wo began to assurno appear niiQO of respectability In person and dross. Tho raior found our face every other day. we found tho bath tub at stated intervals deadlines became a habit rather than an acci dent and wo wero surprised at lt efficiency, but combatted Its right to Interfere with roan's prerogative, i. ., to clean up and bo decent when he felt like it, instead of being per petually that way. Time paued and wo began in tee as though we needed help In this un equal contest, for no ono man can successfully contend with any one woman. We thought If we ad a little as sistance In the matter, a litti fal low to get ao blwMlft' lrty kU mothor would not know It waa her child or not until she scraped him with a hoe, a llttlo follow who would yoll Ilko thunder when he waa get ting his oars and nock scrubbed af ter bolng In "wlmmln' t'reo times tldny." A llttlo fellow that could go out looking llko nn angel In white nnd come back looking llko tho dovl In blnrk, In nn hour's tlmo; a Ditto follow who would dig nnglo worms by tho hour for dad nnd him to go fishln' with, a llttlo fellow who Mb bored water, for cleanlni: purpose, wo thought if wo lind thnt kind of a fellow to assist us wo would run so mo ohnnro to rotalu our Identity and personality. So wo Insurted nu nd In tin) Want columns of tho papers of tho Great Unknown for a boy to holp us win out. But tho typo must havo got our copy mixed for tho package arrived Memorial Day morning nt tho Morcy Hospital and Dr. Onto said, "U'a a Klrl." Did not consider our footing a mo ment about tho matter and thoy tell lu wo can't return tho goods and get them exohangod. After slxlng up-mo'therVllltleholK-lu-fathor'S'rafor atlon wo decided wo wouldn't ex change for two boys nnd so wo are making tho best of the bargain and keeping busy bolng respectable. Bister Mary Lawrence, who plays vtlth tho baby all day, says she is the finest ton-pound bunch of a little lady she ever Haw, and Dr. Gale nay excepting ono ho knows, oho Is. Dad says nothing only shaves every day and hopes hor kinks and wrinkle will straighten without serious In jury. Come In, boys, Us on tho Kdl- tor. - "O The Apt Pupil. Tho phllantrophlcnl Fltth-nvenuo lady was visiting a lower Kast Side Sunday school. To test tho aptnts of a particularly Indlgeut .cluster ot pupils, she took tho class la hand to question them. "Children, which Is the greatest ot all virtues?" Not ono answered. "Think a little. What Is It I am doing when I glvo up tlmo and pleas ure to come down among you for' your moral good?" A grimy fist weut up, "Well, what am I doing, llttlef boy!" "Buttln' Inl" Life. O U JI,M9P3KXAi m. a a statu BU jr .yinzjL