DAILY OAFI TAIi JOURNAL, SALK5I, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 0, 1S07. X-RAYS ijrnla seems to have Us earth tamed so that now they are y geiuiu uu "; mm iuc constant aa a pec dog. big corporations are beginning ,t?irul that Justice Is not iren though her eyes have been cd. i-nv the automobile plays fair lis its owner with as little com- t ns it does tne stranger in us cannot equal Chicago's rec ta bride a minute, but Bhe can roses for two brides n mln- hd such roses too, as Chicago even dreamed of. Lawson, the stock sharp, lout for Roosevelt for a third and this will Burely nccentu- Prcsldent's determination to again. Barrett patted Seattle on tho the exercises on the breaking ' for the Alaska-Yukon Pacific fclon. And all tho Seattle pa- Ire now feeding John taffy. t describing Leo Schrlvener, one Jurymen trying- unywoou, mo lent Is made: "Ho Is a Republl- nt wnn fnrmerlv n. Methodist." Fls no dlfforenco between poll- nu religion in muiio. civilizing Induenco of the man is making Itself felt his red brethren. Down nt kth Falls nn Indian, Tim Drown rou put an action for divorco Molllo Brown. Only a few years ngo, say about tho tlmo i grandfather flourished In tho iwamp country, tho marriage tuld have been sovorod with a ir knife, or club, and there 1 hnvo been no property settlo- and an npponl. (In found tho Portland Lane long there was not n turn In bard's testimony Btamps him most degraded criminal on Ho was simply a professional In for hlro. Hlu testimony may a, but it will hnvo to bo Btrong- rolioratcd before It Is believed. o Resolutions, your commlUeo on resolu- respectfully submit tho follow- ncselvcd: That wo thank our mly Fnthor for tho blessing of ear, and wo noto with great lulnesa tho great 'progress in' unco roform tho world over. Jtejelved: That wo continue forts In helping to enforce all th laws, believing Sabbath dos- an to bo ono of tho increasing sf the day. Re t'ved; That wo earnestly 1 1 tho work of presenting w.v i to chlldron and young crpinlzlng thorn whon prnc- ar. 1 working through Sunday Is nnd young people's societlos. Rr rived- Thnt wo who have ;M to voto on school questions ur2clves of that prlvlloge, also at good men aro put on the t ardB c 1 That wo oxtond to our y rrcsldent our gratltudo and ei'ln for her ablo address p- Impartial manner In which w I resided ovor the convention. R:Vvcd That wo oxtend 'i tho nro9B for their cour- R'-o'ved- That wo oxtond 'j tho Salem Union for their 1 -rptlon and hospitality, al- K )'o readings by tho Misses nnks and Oliver, also for J Irabl address by Rev. D. V Slmnlit riiro tnr 1Mti.fi. io cofferers know that ointments ft - local treatments sometimes e r jt nover cure. They don't r.e cause, is a little tablet that Is taken 1)3 V tllA wAmrtWAA (ha JllftA h't and euros no matter how J'andlng, irDr Leoubardt'a Hem-Rold Fc"and dollar cuaranteo Koea ry bottle ) tir!d is tho discovery or ur. "-dt, of Lincoln, Neb., one of '. auunguisnea ana success- feline In Ka wm nr nfA. U ' at druggists, or Dr. Leon- io, .Magara Fans. w. T., rro- ftra. Sold hv Dr. S. C. Stone. f IkKly in CliriktntaJi I'ackage. fr arriving home from StouBh- ", where bo bad been doing .ChrUtmas ahopping. Chairman Rclndabl of Dunkirk carefnl- LirV.1 tntn mlAa. Ann with ll r " mw fc uv www .. h filled wltk buadloa, went to a It Htals Without A Scar. Th preit majmeiUi-d, toothing and hnilog ltal- tncnt-KINQ CACTUS O I U nerer laatet a icar. ggssagj Prof, Dtan's King Cactus Oil Sp4tly cumi eut, ipraini, bntttet, oM tortt, iwelllngt.truU bltr,cbapted hand. uoroea wire cuts on nnimnla. harntM and JJlect.tnanjo. tub. anil oil hurts of men or beaut. At drufgliti in 15c, 50a and It tottltl, J and 13 decorated cant, or lent prepaid bj tha manufacturer. OLNEY &. MoDAID. Clinton, lowo, If jour drujglU canovl nppir. Tor ula by i. W. Putnam Co. 135 N. Com. St. Salem, Or. locked room where ho had set up a Christmas tree, nnd started un wrapping pnekagos to hang their contents on tho tree. Tho first ono ho opened looked Btrnngo, but ho went nt It, confidently expecting to find a doll for his niece. Instead, ho discovered, to his horror, tho nnked body of a dead child. While ho was in Stoughton somo ono had put tho ghastly bttndlo in tho rear of hia carriage, and ho had not noticed It. Delayed telegrams. 1 SEEDS FEEDS POULTRY SUPPLIES LAND PLASTER HAY AND MILL FEEDS GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS And everything kept at a tlrst-class seed and feed con corn. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St Putting In Modern Plumbing Lr In now houses and buildings, ns well as reflttlog old houses, kcops us pretty busy in tho spring, when building Is at flood tide. Our facili ties aro always equal to tho occa sion, and wo would invito "builders and contractors to get estimates from us on plumbing, gas fitting, steam fitting and roofing before going else where, as we do expert work at rea sonable prices. A. L. FRASER 238 State Strret. P'ioiij 18fi. LITTLE UO.l'EEP LOST HKR SHEEP But 00 one need worry about mutton this time of the year, if they can get dainty and delicious Spring lamb on an appeUtlng and nourishing Sum mer meal. We have eveijehlng la choice meata, and all tW delicacies JWwrgtJ wgyyT5? M. of the season In both frtth and nsokcd meats that ifil peaa the Boat critical epicure. ju O CTMJwilt &tLm gt t Marfcei ma Ml Proposals for Supplies. I pies of each). If roastod Is accept- Salem, Or., May 15, 1907. ed to bo delivered In 100 lbs. lot9, Tho board of trustees of tho Ore- more or less, as rcqulrod. gon state. Insane nsylum hereby In- 1200 Lbs. Chicory, conrso (submit vites sealed proposals for furnish- snmplo). ing tho following list of supplies to 5000 Lbs. Rolled Oats, in ska., tho Institution for tho six months 12G0 lbs., moro or less, to bo do ending December 31, 1907. llvorod ovory six weeks. Dry Goods, Furnishings and Notion". 15000 Lbs. Steol C. Oats, In sks. 4000 yards Poquot "A" sheeting, 300 lbs. moro or loss, to bo dollvorcd 36 in. unbleached. . ovory sis wooks. 500 yards Pequot Bhceting, 9-4 3000 Lbs. Cracked Wheat, in sks. blenched. j 750 lbs. moro or loss, to bo dollvorcd 4000 yards Pequot Bhceting, G.4 oror? fix weks unbleached. I 3000 Lbs. Hominy Grits, In sks. 1000 yards Lownsdnlo sheeting, , 500 lbs. moro r loss, to bo deltvorcd 3G In. bleached. . ovory six wooks. 2500 yards Shirting, Otis Stripe, I 3000 Lbs. Corn Meal, Yellow, in A. X. A. 6ks. S00 lbs. moro or less, to bo do- 1500 ynrds Mattress Ticking (war- rou Cotton Mills) 32 In. wd. No. 1142. S00 yards Chocked Toweling, 18 in. wldo. 2000 yards Blenched Towollng, IS In. wldo. S00 yards Dluo Calico Twills, 2S In wide, ABst. Pattern. I 800 yards Black and Whlto Calico Twills, 28 in. wd. ABst. Pattern. GOO yards Turkey Red Calico Twills, 28 In. wd., Asst. Pattern. 200 yards Light Calico (American Shirting) Asst. Pnttorn. 1200 yards Gingham Amskg,, 28 in. wido, Asst. Pnt. 1200 yards Bluo Donlm, 9 oz. Amskg. . 400 yards A. C. A. Ticking, 36 In. wldo, Amskg. 2400 yards Canton Flnnnol XXX Nashua Brown. 180 yards Tablo Oil Cloth, whlto, beBt qunllty, 45 in. wldo. 50 yards Elastic Wob, whlto, In. wldo. 100 ynrds Mosquito Netting, whlto. 24 Doz. Denim Overalls, 0 oz. rlv- cted: 3Gx32, 4 doz.; 40x34, 8 doz.; 42x34, 8 doz.; 44x34, 4 doz. 10 Doz. Jumpors, 9 oz. Denlm: j No. 17, 2 doz.; No. 18, 8 doz. 150 -Dor. Mon's Socks, Cotton, No. 101. 30 Doz. Lndlos' Cotton Stockings, No. 101. 40 Doz. Turkey Red 'ilaudkor chlofs, 24 In. wldo. 20 Doz. Suspondors, 40 In. long. 200 yards Checked Continental Flannel. I 25 dozen Stny Binding, B. &. W No. 10, whlto. 3 dozen Thimbles (Sterling Silver Cased) Nos. 7 to 11. 4 Gt. Gr. Agato Buttons, No. 40. 8 Gt. Gr. Agato Buttons, No. 60. 3 Gt. Gr. Pants Buttons, B.tr Blnck. 20 dozon Paper Pins, Eaglo, F. 3. 0 dozon Pnpor Plni, Hair, Buporlor (Klrby Beard & Co.), No. 308-8. 80 Lbs. Crown Carpet Warp: W , 20 Lbs.; R., 20 Lbs.; B., 20 Lbs.;( Black, 20 Lbs. G dozon llnlr Brushes (submit BnmploB). 2 dozon Shaving Brushes (submit rtamples). 20 dozon Combs, Dressing, "Stog Guard Tooth" (Noyes & Co.). 6 dozen Combs, Flno, Vulcanized rubber, No. 184 A. J 4 dozon Buck Gloves, Saranac, "Stylo No. 470, Slzo No. 9, No. 10. 160 Pnpors Needles, Mllwurd Sens: No. 2, 20: No. 3, 10; No. 4,i 20: No. 6, 30; No. 6, 30; No. 7, -; No. F, VO. 2 Lbs. Rubbor TUfcuo. 2 LbB. Sowing Maohlno Twist, Cortlcelll, No. "E." 2 dozon Linen Throad, Black, No. 25. S dozon Llnon Thread, White, No. 26. 230 dozon Throad, J. P. Coat's or Clark's O. N. T.; Whlto No. 3, 150 doz.: No. 16, 30 doz.; No. 24, 20 doz.: No. 10, 10 doz.; No. 60, 20 doz 70 dozen Black: No. 16, 20 dot.; No. 36, 30 doz.; No. 10, 10 doz.; No. GO. 10 doz. 6 Gross Collar Buttons, Bone, No. 203. 4 dozen Bed Spreads. 40 Balls Darning Cotton, Whlto (Dorous). 40 Balls Darning Cotton, BlaokJ (Dorous). 6 Gross Safety Pint, Ko. 2, Duplex (Stewart). 6 Grow Safety Pins, No. 3, Duplex (Stewart). Groccrle. '6000 Gal. Syrup (submit itamplos). 200 Gal. Molaues, N. O., (submit samplos). 600 Gals. Vinegar, pure elder, 40 grain (sumblt samples). 6090 Lbs. Beans, Whlto, (submit samples). 6000 Lbs. Green O. R. Coffee, or Its eqalvalent roasted. Submit sam ple of each. If roasted is accepted, to be delivered in 1260 lbs. lota, more or leu, as required.) 600 Lbs. Green Java Coffee, or Its equivalent roasted. Submit samples of each.) If roasted is accepted, to b dellrered In 150 lbs. lots, more or less, as required. 400 Lbs. Oreen Uocba Coffee, or It equivalent roasted. Submit - livcrcd ovory six weeks. lOLbB. Orango Peel. 10 Lba Lemon Peel. 20 Lbs. Citron Peel. ISO Lbs. Popper, Black, Ground, 5 lb. tins (submit samplos) CO Lbs. Ginger, Ground, G lb. tins (submit samples), 120 Lbs. Mustard, Ground, 5 lb. tins (sumblt samples). 20 Lbs. Mnco, Ground, 5 lb. UnB (submit samples). 20 Lbs. Cloves, Ground, 5 lb. Una (submit samples). G Lbs. NutmegB, Wholo. 5 Lbs. Cloves, Wholo. ' 10 Lbs. Cnraway Seod. 3000 Lbs. Tobacco, Chowlng, 10 oz. plugs (submit BampleB). 1500 Lbs. Tobacco, Smoking, 1 2-3 oz. pkgs. in cloth bags (.submit .samplos). 4000 Lbs Soap, Savon, Standard Oregon Mfg. (submit samples). 1200 LbB. Soap, Whlto, Cap. 6 oz. cakes. ! 1200 Lbs. Soap, Kltchon or Sand Soap (submit oamplos). ! 72 Lbs, Pcarllne, lib, pkgs. (Jnmoa Pylo's). 2500 Lbs. Rice, No. 1 Japan (sub mit bamplo). 320 Lbs. Starch, Klngsford's Gloss, 1 lb. pkgs. 1:40 Lbn. Starch, China. 540 LbB. Soda, A. & H. 1 lb. pkgR. 100 LbB. Baking Powder, Plonoor, or as good, In 5 lb, tins. 3G Lbs. Chocolnto (Bakor'a) 1 lb. pkgs. 20 Lbs. Bluing, Nuromborg balln, Liu A. 96 Lbs. Macaroni, Whlto, In 8 lb. boxoi. 48 LbB. Vermicelli, Whlto, in 8 lb boxs. 18000 Lbs. Snlt F. L. 100 lb. bngi. F0 Gross MatchcH, Vulcan Safety. 96 Lbs, Lyo, Concentrated, Giant, 1 lb. can 50 dozen Oystoru, ennnod, 2 "S" (submit utrnplos). 50 dozon Corn, ennnod 2 "8" (sub mit nam pics. 10 Lbs. Jnpancso Wax, In 1 lb. cakes. 2 Uhlf, Rye Flour, No. 1, In GO lb. bags. 3 Ilbls. Birokwhoat Flour, No. 1, In GO lb. hags. 100 Lbs. Poarl Barloy, In 25 lb. boxes. 2000 Lbs, Sal Soda, In 100 lb. tacks. goo Lbs. Soda Crackers XXX, moro or loss, del. ns required. GO I.I a Sngo 1G00 Lbs. Ton, Japan, not exoood- Ing 30c per lb. (submit amplo). 36000 Lbs. Sugar, Dry Qranu- jatod, Cann, American Hoflncd. 90 Lbs. Rugnr, Powdered, In 30-lb tins, XXXX. 46 dozon Hroonu, No. 1, best (sub mit sample). 3 dozou Brooms, Whisk (submit snmplo) 2 dozon Brushes, Dust, J, J. Ailumtf, No. 7, oxlrn. Vt dozen Brushes, Dlncklng, No. m G dc-zH Bmshes Scrub, No. 13, with handle, toid book. 2 boxes Fly Paper, Tanglofoot, 25 doulilo sheets to box. 10 Rcuitrt Straw Paper. 3 dozon Wbshbcards (Red Crom Mo. 36), G boxes Pipos nnd Sterns, Shaker. G0U Lb. Ohooie, Oregon, full cream, moro or !, del. as req. 20 Oal. Boiled Llnsood Oil, atrlot ly puro, In G.ga). cans. 80 Gel. Turpentine, strlotly pure, In 6 gal, cans, 1200 Lbs, Chloride LI mo, Aome, 1 lb. cans. 600 Gal. Oil, coal, moro or low, del. a rug. 250 Lbs. Parafflne, 1 lb. cakov, wrapped (Standard Oil Co.) 8 dozen Bath Drlok. 36 dozon Yeast Cakes, Maele, 1 Box Candles, 14 oz. 600 Lbs,' Currants. 600 Lbs. Raisin, SotdleM (Muz oat). 20 Lbs. Shredded Cocoanut, in bucket. 36 Balls Cotton Twlno. 36 Balls Jute Twine. 1 dozen Floor Brush, wire drawn No. 2.4, 14 in. long, with handle. Sample can be seen at the asylum and the goods must be In accordance therewith. Where sample are re quired and sot f urslaaU Vy bitter, tho articles must bo equal to sam ples 10 do scon at 1110 nsyium, anu bids will bo assumed to hnvo been tnndo on basis of samples. Lists for Stationery, Drugs, Plumb ing, Tinning, Lenthor nnd Findings, Furniture, Mill Feed nnd Flour, Meats and Fish, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery nnd Glassware will bo fur nished by tho clerk upon applica tion. All goods must bo In strict accord nnco with Bnmplq in original pack ago when possible, nnd dollvorcd nt tho Btato tnsano nsylum within 20 days after tho contract la nwnrdod, nnd bids must bo on blank forms which will bo furnished, together with instructions to bidders, by tho clork, upon application. Each bid on Hour or meat must bo accom panied by n certified chock for $300, nnd each bid on fish by n certified check for 975, nnd all othof bids by cortlficd checks oqunl to 10 por cent of tha amount bid, checks of unsuccessful blddora to bo returned Immediately, nnd thoso of nccopted blddors when tho contrnct is com pleted. Bids must bo enclosed In sonlcd ouvolopoB nnd directed to tho board, caro of tho clerk, nnd plainly marked "Bids for ABylum SuppUoe," nnd tho class of goods bid on should also bo Inscribed on tho onvolopo. Prlco, fitness and quality being equal, proforonco will bo glvon to nrtlcloa manufactured, grown or produced In thin state. Whon n par tlculnr artlclo Is specifically called for, bids for othor kind, manufneturo or brnnd, equally good, will bo on- tortntned, but to ItiBiiro recognition of such bids, samples of tho articles It la proposod to supply must accom pany thorn, Tho board resorves tho right to re Joct any or nil bids, or to accept or rojrct any part of n bid. Bids will bo opened nt tho cnpltol nt Salem, at 10 a. ni,, Monday Juno 10,1907. By order of tho board of tr'uatoos of tho Oregon ntnto Innnno nnylum. W. N. GATENS, 6-23-30-Juno G Clork TO HECUUK THE HVAT RE- SUITH FROM YOUIt BAKING AT ALL TIMES IS TO USE A HIGH fiUAMTV RAKING 1'OWIlKlt. KV. EHYHODY HAH A GOOD WOHD 1Y)R EPPLISVH PEIH-'EOTION BAKING POWDEIt. KVKHY TIME YOU USE IT YOU ARE KXE11CIH. ING KEEN JUDGMENT, HOLD IIY ALL GIIOCHIIH. MANUFAOTUHED 11 Y O. M. EPPLKV, HALEM, ORK. O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS fOMOKA AND OHEGONA LKAVK rOIt POUTLANI) DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY AND WHDNHHDAY, AT A. 51. FOR rOHVALLIH TUK8. DAY AND fiATl'ltDAY ABOUT O P. 51. P. M. BALDWIN, Aft. Salem Fence Wire Headquarter tor Woven Wire FcnclNg. Netting, Plokets, Gates, Shingle. P & II, Ready Hoofing, Hcreou Doors nnd Adjustlble Window Seroens Alt at lowMt price. Walter Morley 250 GhkI St SvAtm, Ore SALEM WATER COMPANY OmOl CITY KAJLL. . Yot water wil tpply at M If 11) payable tuonthly In advas Pt rumttMamuMmmmmmtmm illfiMMHni MiR rerun rmn c f-onasti' 'Brv"""" t.fctai ifuiyjwwywiiMdPiLLS. i(. 'MIX! llltU',UM)i.'X,M, s vta to ratt. - I- m tea hi Vli mM " ... ri . IXLZX&X.''"'''1" Vl1tOHQtCC0,.i,U.Hj.tUmmi ,SUk5kmkyDr.S.C3im' H Lr mill n 11 1 m 1 1 1 m 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 in 4- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY :: iiimiiiiiiniimmiH DelegatloH In Congress. Senator Chas. W. Fulton, ABtorla. Scnntor Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Portlnnd. Roproaontntlvo W, C. Hawley, Sa eom. Rcprcsontatlvo W. R. Ellis, Pendle ton. Statu OMrials. Governor, George K. Chnmborlaln. Sorotnry of Stato, Frank W. Bon son. Stato Treasurer, George A. Stcolo. Suporlntondont of Public Instruc tion, J. II. Ackormnn. Attorney General, A, M. Crawford. Stato Printer, W, S. Dunlway. 8tato Labor Commlssionor, O. P. Hoff. SuprciHo CoMrt. Chief Justlco, Robert S, Bean. A8soclnto Justice, Frank A, Moore, Assoclnto Justlco, Robort Eakln. Commls8louer8, W. T, Blator, W. R. King. Clork, J. J. Murphy. Reporlor, R. G. Morrow. Bailiff, P. II. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Geo, Hi Burnett, Salem; William Galloway, MoMlna vlllo. District Attorney, John II. Ma- Nary, Salem. Other State Officials. J. W. Bailey, Food and Dairy Com missioner, Portland, J, W, Baker, Qamo nnd Forestry warden, Cotttgo Grove. Robt. C. Yonny, Stnto HonHh 0- cer, Portlnnd, J. H. Lowls, Stnto KiiRlnoor, Sa lom. 10. Qllllughum, Stnto Librarian, Sa lom. II. G. Van Duson, Stnto Fish Coca- mlnslouor, Astoria. Clino. V. Gnllowny, Stnto Land Agent, Salem, W. W. Kldor, Commander Soldlors Home, Hosoburg. Marion County OMrlalH. John II. Scott, County and Probata Judge. U, D. Alien, Clork of Courts. W, J. Culver, Sheriff. W, Y. Richardson, Treasurer. 10. T, Mooros, Superintendent of SchnolB, V, J. Rice, Assessor, I). B. Horrlck, Jr., Surveyor. J, C. Nootiliam, W. 11. Ooulet, Com mlsalonorii. A. M. Clough, Coronor. D. G. Dragcr, Recorder. , KmIoih City OMcJaIk, Goo. F. Uodgors, Mayor, W. A. Mooros, Rocordor and Pollee Judge. D. W. aibson, Marshal and Chat of Police. Frank Morodlth, City Trt-Msuror. A. O. Coudlt, City Attorney, Jos. W. Martin, Btroot Commis sioner. Mark Savago, Clilof Flro Depart ment. W. C. Smith, Health Officer. City KImhiIIiik OowwlUet'. Ways nud Menus Jacob, Waldo, Churchill. Ordiiinnces Groenbuuin, Low, Goodo. Accounts and Current Kzpentea Churohlll, Itadclirr, Bayne. Stroots Downing, Stockton, Stola. Public Buildings Stockton, Slols, Gesner. Beworngo, Stols, Jacob, low. Plumbing Frnser, Downing, Go nor. Flro and Water Iow, Hadcllff, Goodo. Brldees Gesner, Churchill, Frns er. Health and P0II10 Haas, Jacob Wnldo. Lights Goodo, Hnns, Greonbauui. Printing-Hadcllff, Hnna, Frnaor. Publlo Parks Ilnyno, Grocnbaum, Stockton. Itonnl of IMhVaIIuii. W. H. llyrd, Ghnlrman, A. A. Leo, 11, C. Kploy, E. M Grolsnn, Directors, H. A. Johnson, Jr., Clerk. J. M. Powers. City Hupt. Schools!. 0 '" Hotv'sTlila? Wu off or Ouo Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any caso of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall' Catarrh Our. V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, hnvo known. V. J. Cheney for tho hvrt 16 years, and bollore hi in perfectly honorable In all business transactions and Mnan dally ablo to carry out any obliga tions mado by him firm. Waldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholcaulo Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Into-. nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaced of tho system. Ttnitlmonlala scut freo. Prices, ft conU per bottle. Sold by all Drug lists. Take HaU'a ramify Fills fw siliMttkM. Vf. M-tNilflW. tl.lJA -t.y-'it, --