1&" 5 sTsmiim,aU. DAIMLCAPITAIi JOURNAX, SALEM, OREGON .WEDNESDAY, , JUNE g, ,1007. rr I li. J I3CcJ. t eueAA 6 ORPORXTCD p5 HEtffes AJ ''iiii i ' i 'H MMBT IW rvHiWHtW m MN I The Adjusters Ate Working On our dninagcd Btaclc. It will tako somo time to complete the work and wo hopo to opon our LS BIG SALE About June 1 2th In tho meantime thoso having opon accounts with us will confor a great favor by calling and Bottling their accounts at our temporary ofllco, room 10, McCornack block. ATTORNEYS HAVE NOW AGREED To Stipulate For a Hearing of the APInt Involved SHERIFF TAKES NO CHANCES (Continued from pngo one.) CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Par , , ftflrnplw for Ypur Consideration af nim B999 Oregon to a point where ho has mado money and built up a permanent business. This is a good thing for our city, and no doubt tho now cntor- priso will rccoivo tho hearty encour agomont of our citlzons. o A conference wns held this morn ing between Assistant Attorney-General Van "Winkle and Attorney Ford and Messrs. Palmer and Voorhees, of tho Grnnge committee, to secure tho reference of tho controversy over tho legality of tho referendum petition for a voto on tho University tax to somo judge for a final decision. On tho opinion of tho attorney-general as legal adviser of tho secretary of state, tho latter official has rofu.cd to fllo tho petition for tho referen dum. Tho matter is now to be taken before tho courts on stipulation to decldo tho question of sufficiency of tho titlo of tho bill. -o- Souvcnir Postal Now subjects today, nt Pntton's. Depot Improvements Tho floor of tho gentlemen's wait ing room nt tho passongcr dopot. is, being torn up propnratory to tho lay lng of n now floor. ITHEW.CT.U. CONVENTION IN SESSION Change of Jamsv Ycstordny tho lonso of tho Wlllam otto Hotel wns transferred from J. Connor to Fred Fish, who has bo-ii managing It for somo tlmo. TIiIb gives Mr. Fish a freo hand to conduct tho hotel along tho lines that moot his viows, nud ho hopes, as rapidly ns consistent, to mako changes and such Improvements iib ho seos fit. Mr. Fish Is assisted by his parents in tho manngomont, and, bosldos is populnr with tho traveling public. All Join in congratulating him upon his success in securing comploto con trol. Not Ire Tho Sulom Flouring Mills will turn oft tho wnter in Mill crook, be ginning Sunday morning nud con tinuing until Wednesday. Thl will nnblo tho proporty holders along tho crock to got grnvol, or mako any necoasory ropnlra. G-5-lt Tho Marlon . county W. C. T. U. convontion convened luBt night In tho W. C. T. U. hall, on tho corner of Commercial nnd Ferry streets, with a lnrgo numbor of delegates from va rious sections present. Tho commit tees havo spared no pnlns to mako this ono of tho most successful meet ings that hnB ovor boon hold horo by tho organization. At tho oponlng meeting lnst ovoning, aftor aovoral nuiBlcnl numbers, Mrs. S. E. Oliver gnvo an nd dross of wolcomo, which was rospondod to by Mrs. Hordjon, of Gates. Mrs. Mary E. Geer and Mrs, L. J. Burdlck dollghtcd thoso prosont with a vocal duot, and Miss Miles and Miss Shanks gnvo sovoral readings, which woro vory much on Joyod. This morning nt 9 o'clock a dovo- tionnl sorvlco was lod by Mrs. Ham- CnllH for 1I1k nior. of Srntta Mills, nflor wlitoli ihn Tim undorslgnod will rocolvo bids various orKnnlzatloiiB of tho countv up to r o'clock p. in., on Juno 17, roportod tho work accomplished, and 1007, for nupplylng ono liunilroJ nnd tho financial condition of tho ro-twonty-Mvo (125) cords of grwon spoctlvo unlonB. second growth tlr wood, to bo dollv-l Business was complotod nt 4:30, orod at tho city hall boforo October nnd this ovoning tho closing session lBt, for tho ubo of tho city of Snlom, will bo hold In tho First Christian Delegates From All Parts of Marlon County In Attendance church, whon Row Davis Errott will dollver an nddross. Oregon. Tho succotaful blddor will lie roqulrod to ontor Into contrnct undor bond to furnish tho wood as por agreomont. W. A. MOOHKS, Recorder. Dntod Juno 5, 1907. C5-dl0t-w2t Uiilquo Opvn Again Our cleaning parlors aro opon ngnln at 373 Stato Ktroot, whoro wo aro prepared to cloan and pross clothes as in tho past. Soud In your suits for good and prompt work, Olnud Johnson, proprietor. Phono 12C1. County Clerk nnd Cupid Rosy. X'..... v........ . .. I....1 I - oiu v.ituiiii;ri mr nau;iii UOUMV ninrlr Allnn lscir.,1 fl,. I " .--.- ....-w.. .M.IMV14 U J. U. hldriUKO, Who conducts ninrrlncri) llrnnuaa tmlnv no r.ii.. crmimorlOB nt ludopondonco. Joffor- William Blrloy Adams, of Salem, bou nnd sovoral othor points, hns !UBOd 31, and Mngglo Woodworth, of routed ono of tho Wngnor buildings Snlom. need 3S. J. I,. Frni.i ------ .-- i witness. Miss Evans' lxss Adjusted Toll Thompson and E. P. Goruol, for tho insurniioo companios, lmvo adjusted tho loss of Miss M. D, Ev ans ou hor tnllllnory Btock, In tho Moyura & Sons' flro, nt a Ilttlo loss than HSOO, Tho lnsurnnco was In tho Sun, of London; tho Royal In surance Company nnd tho lnsurnnco Company of North Amorlca. ou Court street, and will in tho near futuro opon n crenmory busluoss horo. Mr. Bldrldgo Is uu ontorpris lug business man, and has pushed tho creamery business in Western SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Otto F. Hornschuch, of Salem, J aged 23, and Alice S. Kurz, of Sa eom, agod IS. E. G. Hornschuch wlt , uoss. Nelson E. Schoff, of Salem, aged 50, and Mrs. ElUaboth Wilcox, of Salem, aged 39. Mrs. M. Cummins, witness. Cyrus Mohr, of Silverton, aged 23, Lot us show you a neat, up-to-date nmI Elizabeth Flostor, of Sllverton, lens for near and far-soelng. It h,aBOl rs c a- Pitney, witness, eually as good as tho oxponslvo kind, Dr- W W. Allen, of Jefferson, and half tho cost, I aged 30, and Mildred M, Looufey, of Don't throw away your brokou Jefferson, aged 20. Dr. J. N. glasses. Brlnsr them to us. We caa anmn, wuuess dupllcato pease. any part, with little ex- Chas. H. Hinges s. Hf V IB Tho first and fourth couples were mnrrled by County Judgo Scott this morning at tho court house. Pa, he starts at oarly morn To face the wide, blue world, lie geU hie etreagtk aad kealtk By wtlut Roeky MoantaU Tee, For ! At 8tae' tim tr. Miss Sliclton's Musical. Tho advance pupils of Miss Beat rice Shclton gavo a muslcalo laat ev ening nt tho Methodist church that reflects great credit on their teacher. Tho talont of each pupil, improved by tho careful training Miss Shol ton accords to all hor pupils, spoko for itself tho instant tholr hands touched tho instrument. Miss Shol ton was assisted by Professor Rob erts, plpo organ; MrB. W. Carlton Smith, mezzo-soprano, and MIbs Lil lian Stcgo, violin, all artists in tholr work. Prof. Roberts oponcd tho pro gram with "Festival March In D" on tho plpo organ, rendorcd In such n mannor that It would provo an at tractive numbor on nny program. Mrs. Vivian Foster then gnvo two eo- loctions, "Silver Spring" nnd "Frl voletto." Mrs. Foster Is nlwnys wel comed and hor playing is of tho kind that makes ono wnnt moro nnd still moro. Miss Nina Btishnell nppenred In sovoral numbers nnd was a fa vorlto from tho vory first momont. Sho appeared in a duot with Prof. Roberts, on tho piano, nnd ngnln with him on .tho pjpo organ, tho most pleasing numbors on tho program. Hor othor numbors woro nono tho loss plenslng, nnd stamped hor ns a muslclnn of rnro ability. Tho last iiumbor of tho program was a quar tet, waltz and chorus, from "Faust," rendorcd by tho MIbsos Nina Bush noil, Lena Clarke, Georgia Booth and Altco DoVUblss, nnd it was a fitting closo to a delightful ovoning, round ing out with a volumo of rythmic harmony. Miss Stogo, violin; Prof. Roberts, plpo organ, nnd MIsb Sholton, piano, gnvo two numbors, and woro com pelled to respond to an oncoro. Tho soloist of tho ovoning was Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, always a favorlto, always chic, lnosouclant and churmlng, with an Incomparablo peso and presonco. Hor first numbor was "Lovo's Way" and tho socond "Protestations," onch of which was heartily encored, responding with others oqunlly as Bweet. Miss Sholton Is to bo congratulated on tho excellent work of her pupilB, nnd alBo on tho ploaslng arrangement of tho program. Sho gives another muslcnl Friday ovoning, In which hor younger pupils will appoar, and which is looked forward to as cer tain to furnish nnolhor dollghtful ovoning, -o Many CabliLS Springing Vn. E. T. Abbott, of Thrall and Poko- gailia, goneral mnnagor, goneral frolght and passenger ngont, chief onglneor and mastor mochanlo of tho Klamath Lake railroad, also station ngont for tho Southern Pacific ngont for Wolls-Fnrgo, tho WoBtorn Union Tologrnph Company nnd tho Sunset Tolophono Company, postmastor and landlord of tho Thrall hotol, manager of tho gonoral storo thoro, agent of i no woyornnuosor Land Company, local ngont for a numbor nf num.. timber and Improvement companies, superintendent of tho local public schools and opon to nny othor posi tions that offer, wns n business visi tor In Ashland Friday. Mr. Abbott says that tho woods aro full of peoplo In tho vicinity of Pokegama looking up Southern Paci fic railroad lands, and that cabins aro springing up everywhere at the hands of prospective settlers. whA hayo squatted upon their selections and propose to stay with them until they shall bo legally removed. Ex. n rHtIny In Wu&shu St. Petersburg, Juno. 5. -Mutiny broRe out today among a snuadrnn of hussars of tho guards at Tsars koeelo, to which palac the impqrUl family had Just moved. Order was reeiored without btoo4ke. do It. Ho planted tho powder in tho sixth instead of tho seventh level, whoro work wns proceeding. A week Jnter when Superintendent McCor mick and tlfo shift boss tried to en tor tho sixth level tho power ex ploded, nnd both woro killed. Ho said when ho asked Davis for money, he said ho would havo to get it from hoadquarters in Denver. Next day Davis and Sherman Parker were arrested. Later Orchard wont to Denver nnd met Moyor. Haywood Introduced hlmsolf, nnd ho Bald he know him by reputation. Mayor asked him if ho wanted money, and ho said not then, M,oyor told him ho know ho was tho man who blew up McCormlck nnd tho mlno boss, nnd said It was a flno Job. Haywood do claro'd ho would sooner htlvo tho bosses and managers killed than a hundred scabs. Ho declared ho would havo no moro work to do for awhile, but I might work, ns if ho didn't clonn up tho mlno owners they would drlvo tho minorB out of tho district. Ho wont back to Crlp- plo Creek three days later, and bo foro starting Hnywood gavo him $300 for blowing up tho Vindicator. Ho declared ho haBn't dono nny la boring work slnco then, dovotlng his tlmo to blowing up proporty and kill ing mon. Ho said Haywood asked him to kill somo soldiers. Ho spent tho next fow months making bombs In Crlpplo Crook. Haywood told him ho would havo to keop quiet until nfter tho trlnl of Parker, Davis and othor leaders, who woro tried for murdor and attempted train wreck ing. Tho latter proposition, ho said, was planned by Pnrkcr, who do slgnod to wreck tho Florence nnd Crlpplo Crook train, which nightly cnrrled non-union mon from tho mlnos In Crlpplo Crock. Orchard declared ho provloiiBly squealed on Parker to n railroad detective, bo- causo Parker would not glvo him money. At this point n recess was ordered, and whon court recon vened this nftornoon moro than 500 mon, women nnd children beslogod tho doors nnd tried to get In. Or chard at onco resumed his story. Orchard said ho returned to D n ver In May, 1904; went to hendquar- tors and met Hnywood and Pettl- bono. Thoy nsked him to aBsasslnnto Penbody. Orchard said ho wont nround Ponbody's houso nnd tho cnpltol building, and watched the govornor for a week. Orchard sworo that Pottlbono told Stovo Adams ho would help him do tho Job. At this Juncturo Mrs. Adams, who occupied1 a seat near tho Inclosuro, sighed au dibly for sovoral seconds, and seemed about to faint, but finally recovered hor composure. Continuing, Or chard declared ho saw Adams at In dependence. Orchnrd declared ho paid Adams money to Join him In Donvor. Ho said that Pettlbono fur- nisneu uotn with anwed-off shot. guns, nnd said ho nnd Adams watched tho governor's house for a wook, rendy to kill him, but ho did not como. A fow days later ho saw ri hack with Poabody In It, and fol lowed, It ready to shoot, but tho wo men got in, and ho gavo up tho Job for a time. Adnra got 50 pounds of powder, and thoy mado tho bomb at Pettibono's store, nnd planned to die a holo undor tho sidewalk and sot it off when Peabody crossed. t 1 SspT i r.. Miss Mary SHnnm, ...JTT Portland. ' " 18,un Dr. Allen, of Jefferson, is ln (ho city today. Tao Miss Volma Glover left today for n visit in Forest Grove. a Dr Z M. Parvln, of Portland, nr rived in tho city today. Mrs. Ida Babcock has returned "u,u " vlBli n -l03 Angeloa. Mrs. Emma Miller, of Jefferson was a Salem visitor this morning. ' Mrs. Llyod Zimmerman has g'ono iu viHiftuuie 10, visit relatives. Dick Turpin and E. L. Keeb'le, of Lebanon, were Salem visitors yes terday. J. A. Smith has gone to Seattle whoro has accepted a position for tho summor. MIsb Jessie Benson went to Port Innd this morning to visit relatives nud friends, Stnto Secretary Rhodes, of tho Y. M. C. A., returned to Portland this morning. Gooro Williams loft this morning for Grants Pass to visit friends and relatives. Of MIem OUT Of tfaebUndk.:4! vldeforlt...?aa,ia J"e aaiemv it n la fr.j. forUs .:K Mherr;; ". wlndcaton9.J:u'0i this citv 1 lD.tb During w,?7 - - ,., n.i.. . m. Sfonrfa..., :.n w. umZl snWri.L... ., wyi bvnnf r;'r,WMl -. -- u, m ,.. not conmi :.7M -- tvu in ini. . tho.a ...u-. . .. "5. Pledge of 250. This cafflDaln (,.. i.. that Salem Ueomi..JT Mrs. Herman Kanno left today for aTsy, and rtlMM.. Sacramento, whoro she will visit her theso worthy InUtatieJT Mr. nnd Mrs, rwr Thousand Dfct. P'HHlhijp Gus Roaonbanm havo gone to Oregon City, where thoy will spend tho summor. L. S. Hill, ono of Booth-Kelly's chief boostors, wns down from Eu- geno on business today. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Skiff and fami ly went to Newport today, where thoy will spend tho summer. Rov. P. S. Knight went to Jeffer son this morning, whero ho will of flciato at tho Allon-Looney wedding. Mr. nnd Mrs. Otto Schell, of Port land, Is visiting tho lattor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Anderson, of this city. Mrs. J. W. Sprlgg, who has boon visiting hor daughtor, Mrs. Frank Durbin, loft this morning for her homo ln Portlnnd. M. McDonald, president of tho Or egon Nursery, loft today for Detroit, Michigan, whoro ho will attend a nurserymen's nssoclntlon convention. Mrs. F. A. Rankin, of Eugene, who has been visiting hor brothor, T. J. Cheshire, returned to her homo today. Mrs. Z. M. Parvln, who has been tho guest of Mrs. J. H. Ackernmn, will return to hor homo In Portland this afternoon. Rhodes, tho contractor, loft for Corvnllls to tako veiopracnt ThofiT6 tWl uiyosea or ten of gi "u" itoorw Mi aro to ho .ft.-..i.y P - -" vwu'iuutcc jjnj weneni snov.lnj, ad Utf I zens or saina ippnclttii ions is shown by Urt aponso. , KcptTyrTtJt Tho Eugcuo paptriwl In great gleo the ut.tRi.l saw mill plant litthi belo wtbat city by 1 1 provided with catkin mill. Flvo hundrrt sr'l ployes that wJ111kn4mi tlonof thodtybylSOIUI mII1 tnhA vAMAnM tM. chnrgo of tho laying of tho concroto I l" m.i-3 . , that Industry and ttt i Mrs, n. id. uriawoin, Mrs. .m. j. Paul this morning Br. P-A.HcrlUie.cn Unlversltr, wenltoOremt morning, where be vffltiflj dren, who will sing lut given at Gladstone Ht i doctor will sing eaapn Park Placo school fotijil Mm. Guy Oiborse.rtji cd her parents, Mr. ud)h I Cooper, for thoputUoi this morning forbcrbowiS Mr. Osborno was forni Ident of this city, tai nnd his wife hare oujt Thoy were married la Ml eight months ago. Attorney Charlos E. Lonnon, of Portland, wns In tho city yesterday on legnl business. Glntor nnd MrB. S. J. McKay went to Newport today, to spend a two weeks' outing on tho beach. Charles E. Bier, of Los Angeles, Is In tho city for a sovornl weoks' vidlt. He will bo Joined In n fow days by Mrs. Blor, who Is now visiting in Portland. Mrs. A. Kightllngor has returned from a visit to hor mothor, Mrs. C, Campbell, In Portland. Mrs. Camp- boll accompanied her daughter for an oxtondod visit In this city. Harry Hartman, who hna been a student ln Willamette University for tho Inst semlstor, loft yesterday for Portland, whoro ho will spend tho summor. rM. and Mrs. Louis Propp, son William, and daughtor, Mrs. Bur roughs, loft this morning for Soattlo, where thoy will reside. Mr. Bur roughs was formofly connected with tho Statesmnn of this city. Miss Ella Evans, of Hood Rivor, will arrive In tho city today to attend tho commencement exorcises of Wil lamette University. She graduated from the normal department of tho University last year, and nas smco boon teaching In Hood River. population. Cou &! Jealous, only wethoulW ourselves became oelj iWl ago we might hue W! plant and a trolWf mV. Fork thrown lo,Qalywt fused a 30-year frincUai"! trl cplant which !" ronnectlon with t Western Oregon kaf It l i,., in Riich awiytlittMi tion could not be ud. a few who, withont lt, nn,i ..iM ihe oarer w naught the audi ol fj wo kept our weaiu - Imva the nllMfttfW BANANAS SPECIAL Pei dozen Norwich UiWFIii T(UMtrllOf Frank MewM W omce wuu n-- t 1!9 Cominwcw ww n?lNRYT0W ..tlivaf thoJU' OWUMAJSBS! NEWTON tutJM 1 ... ...! 0 IV J wamu-:: .m woman f'"-' glrltodoJiwW . Ralem Hot1 frt: 20c Otdet Early As Ttey Sell Very Quickly MOIR GROCERY c5T 456SttSt. f DeDjr'..T.w- on1 .r; i 8lesm'"B.?! irr err, i. ' jflOUW -" --r-M Cook w"- , ,lg. wn ,t CbeoA ui -,lr t " 1" " L-? waBtf r.iipj work, c""' - v -I -rrr..-j ! Tho JUT. ii& tbererr - shirt mH 319 f jtoltOl- $ vtm4-L oti Tu M jipi"-- ., l em ICffli o.