DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JUNE C, 1007. NbIuS Will Not Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, docs not stain or change the color of the hair, even to the slightest degree. If your hair Is blond, gray, or even snow-white, Ayer's Hair Vigor, the new kind, will not make it a shade I Wx " m a . darker. Ask your doctor If this is not so ft V S t M BE B F Wo nubllih tin formula J.O.AyerCo, wm' &VXff . A A(Xf f of all our preprtloni. Iiowell, Lowell. HiMi i i i i . n 9 f i m- wfri-frw AMONG WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMERS ;i WWS9l9tl m I 1 81 Tho editor of Tho Capital Journnl spent u fow days the piiBt wook among farmers in tho Willamette valloy and enjoyed hlfl visits very much. Saturday ho was tho guost of Morning Star grnngo In Linn county and enjoyed tho hospitality of sev eral flno farm homos. Tho Llbby Neighborhood. C. If. Lihhy, who is dead, owned IIiIb place, 200 acres, and tho road to .Tofforson Is known na tho Llhby rond, and tho hills to tho south as 'tho Llhby hills. Hero '.ho throo Llhby boys, Frank, who liven n.ar JcrrorHon, and S. 13., who is contract ing at Portland. Arthur Is on tho old place, and deals Home in cattle. Frank ships slicop. Of tho 2C0 acres only 100 acres aro under cultivation. Ac a wheat country this section is not nB good as formerly. Insects and froBts ar dangerous onomlos. Tho PnrrlHh pluco Is to tho oast. Pnr rlsh's gap, lu n historical notch in tho hills, from Snlem pralrlo to JolTor hoii. It was tho principal road. Mrs. Pnrrlsh still llvus on tho old 13. 13. Pnrrlsh place, which was takon up about tho tlmo of tho Josso Loonoy donation land claim. Tho Parrlsh lands oxtondod through to Marlon. Of tho ParriBh family thrco sons sur vivo Frank, Edward and William still rosldo on parts of the old place. Mrs. Parrlsh has becomo Mrs. .Tas. Curl. Wm. Pnrrlsh Is justice of tho pcaco. Tho Llhby farm was former ly part of tho Samuol Whitney dona tion laud claim, and was owned for ninny ycarB, with a largo tract to tho south by Squlro Johnson, father of George, Thurston, Frank, Al, Chns., and Wnrron, tho lattor died at Ilurns. Straight ouHt from tho Llbby placo lu tho Parrlsh gap. Duo south lu tho Knox I) ut to in Linn county. Duo west Is tho Loonoy Tlutto, around which nu a landmark Josso Loonoy Holectcd ninny sections, Tho Loon oy boys still own all of tho old placo, except part of Don's laud which U owned by a Gorman. Ail tho Llbby boys aro dovoloplng into good business mon. A. C. Llbby 1b running hard nt working tho roads, was recently a dolugato to tho Btnto grand lodgo of Odd Follows, Is deputy grand master for this dlutrict and has boon uinotor of his local grnngo. Ho hns always actud with the reform forcos lu county polities, mid whllo naturally luclluod to ho a Republican has never boon dominated by tho machine dnlrics in this section. This is be coming a Jorsoy country and fow sec tions aro turning off moro good but ter or selling more cream than many largorplaces. Fred Zuttor. who was with Ainslor's dairy nt Salem a num ber of years, Is now running 180 acres of John and Fred Wicd'a land. Mo Is In partnership with Joshua Sutter, also a Salomlto. Thoy aro running 19 cows and turn off nhout $50 a month of cream, besides n crop of oats, vetch and wheat. There is II acres of this land in wnlnuts, 15 years old. They have a flno crop. Mr. Zuddor Is an experienced dalry man and Bays ho Ib going to try to take the short Biinimer courso in dairying at Corvallis. Tho need of tho Jefferson country Is moro clover and forago plants. Tho worn-out grain land that runs any fnrmor in debt to pay tho throshlng bills, nrc hungry for clovor mid leguminous. When will fnrmers learn that theso crops tnko their growth from tho nlr, onrlch tho boII nnd swell tho bank nccount, whllo grnln crops impover ish tho land, mnko it hard, bnrron and unproductive. At Mllk'i'.slmrg. Tin C. C. Stnrtton farm of 237 ncros Ik one of tho finest farms In Oro gou nnd could not bo bought for less than $75 iter ncro. Ho hottcM in nut . . t . ..." . .. oi HU0 iniui in ias- ior $;t;j l-a nn aero. Ho has a waivhoiuo at Miller station on tho oast lino of his farm and in nil nhout $10,000 has been spent In Improvements, Including n lino modern residenco with nil modern conveniences. Windmill. water Is piped all over tho house, and to tho hnrns mid pniituros, bo that tho labor is reduced to a minimum. Twonty ncros prunes netted him $500 above expensos of picking and dry ing. This yoar ills crop promises to mnko $200 not. Ho sold Inst year for 3 conts nnd hns contracted 'this yoar at 1 lA cents.. All of his pruno troos that bIiow signs of splitting down aro wired up. Dairying Ib rap Idly Increasing In tills part of Linn county, and Is a small foaturo of tho StmUon farm. Out of four cows in four months thoy took $100 in eronm. If Mr. Strntton could get farm labor ho could put up silos, grow corn, and turn oft thousands of dollars worth of dairy products and pork, but tho dllllculty of securing farm holp Ib tho Bniuo all over west ern Orogon. Ho hns 30 ncros or clovor, and has grown clovor for 12 yeniB, being tho first man to mnko crop quite a success. When ho flrBt farmed here he got from 30 to 45 bushels of wheat to the acre. ThlB run down to 20 bushels nnd even 15, when Mr. Stratton quit and haB of late yearB grown principally oats. Ho has just shipped his last carload of oats. Oats average 35 to 40 bushols to tho aero and soil from 35 to 40 cents a bushol. Mr. and Mrs. Start ton have rented their placo to their son, Claronco, and spend tholr win ters in California. Their two daugh ters aro married. Mrs. Stratton Is a woman of culturo nnd ijholr homo Is well supplied with telephones, books, mngazlncs, musical instruments and i3 noted for Its comforts mid hospital ity. Such a farm homo Is a beacon light of progress and clvlling in fluences. A. W. Mooreland has 1C0 acres at Millersburg. Ho camo In from Ida ho a fow years ago and is employing up to dnto methods of farming, mak ing Improvements and milking 15 cows. In a row years no win navo ono of tho finest farms In tho county. Ho is a young man and has a Arm be lief In tho futuro of tho Willamette valley. E. HOFER. DOCTORS MISTZlllCES Are said often to bo burled six feet under around. Rut many times women call on their family physicians, suffering, as they Imaslno, ono from dyspopsla, nnothor from heart disease, another from liver or kid nor dlseaso, another from nervous pros tration, anothcrwlth pain hero nnd there, and In this way they present nliko to themselves and their easy-going or over busy doctor, scparato diseases, for which ho. assuming them to bo such, proscribes his Pills and potions. Jn reality, thoy aro all onlyynJWms caused by some uterine disease. Tlio'phslclan,taorant of the cause of sufTerlngVWps upiurcatmcnt until largo bills uro imidc. lAiufrcrlng patient gets no bctteiJtfJrcuS&uJfvtbo wrong treatment, but probably worSe7A PrV.ijprli.Unn. lUrcctrirtft the rnuttR. wouttl SMJlouJ sn, mere iiiivi'lllirt'!lvri'movi'd tlm (llseiTsn. by'dupi'lling all thobe uisiTesSing symp toms, and Instituting comfort Instead of prolonged misery. It has been well said, that "a disease known Is half cured." Dr. Plorco's Favorlto Prescription Is a scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced nnd skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate system. It Is mauo of .native American inealclnnl roots and Is perfectly harmless. In .iti effects n iin mt"V'F ic ienyiffi Tr"''- Thoro nro hoiiio successful small clovor n buccosb. Ho makoa a Beed Commencement Program. Tho 1907 commencement program of tho Willamette university as now completed is as follews: Juno 5, 8 p. m., President's Ro- coptlon. Juno C, 8 p. m. Comnioncomont Collogo of Oratory. Juno 7, 8 p. m. Annual Rounion of Literary Societies and Intcr-Socl-oty Oratorical Contest. Juno 9, 10:30 a. m. Daccalaur cato Sermon. Rev. John II. Coloman D. D., President. Juno 9, 3 p. in. Fnrowoll Meet ing of Christian Associations. Pres ident Colemnn, lending. Juno 9, 8 p. m. Annlvorsary of Christian Associations. Sormon, Rov. Claronco Truo Wilson, D. D. Juno 10, 8 p. m. Commence ment Collogo of Music. Juno 11, 8 p. in. Commoncomont Orogon Iustltuto and Normal School. Address Itov. Walton T. Sklpworth. Juno 12 Alumni Day. 8 p. in'., Address, Judge Willlnm Galloway, 'C8. Juno 13 Class Day Exorcises, Art Exhibit. Juno 13, 8 p. m. Commoiicemont Collogo of Liberal Arts. Address Hon. Edgar D. Pipor, '8C. o SO DECEPTIVE. As a tiowcrfnl invliforatlnc tonic "Fa vorlto Prescription " Imparts Btrongth to tho whole system nnd to tho orcans dis tinctly fcmliilno In particular. For over worked, "worn-out." run-down." debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," liouso-kcopcrs, nursing mothers, and fcoblo women gen erally, Dr. Plorco's Favorlto Prescription I.. i t.f. n 4 nt t Antit lilll lirttn Muliir 11(1. la Mill (jiuukvau mi mi uuuiii uviuk uu- cqualcd as an nppotlzlhg cordial and ro- lUitltHU IflilWi i t i i wmgttg CLASSIFIED BfrfrffrHM!., FOR RALE Three First-Class Farms for Sale. Fqr particulars inqulro of Dr. W. A. Cuslck, over Fry's drug storo! C-4-lmo Several Dairy ' Ranches for Balo nt once -Prices low, all cqulped reauy ior ouslnoss. Baker Land Co., Tumor, Orogon. 6-30-lm For Snlo Two light spring wagons (just right to haul berries), two heavy spring wagons, and thrco second hand buggies. Werner Fonnoll, 803 Broadway. 5-28-lnio MPARBg For Snlo Old papers, 10 cents per hundred. Inqulro Journal office. Why Pay Rentr When you can buy a nico homo at 580 N. Liberty St., on terms to suit tho purchaser. Adtlrosa C. II. Burggrnf, Albany, Oro. 5-17-tf. As a soothing nnd strengthening nerv' o rroscnpiion' duablo In a laving dulng nervous excitability, Irritability, Inn " Fnvfirl and Is Invaluable lu nllaylu roscrlptlon " Is uncciunlcd 11IK1 suo- nervous oxhnustlon, norvous prostrutlon, nouralgla, hysteria, spasms, St. Vltua'a dance, and other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic dlsoaso of the uterus. It Induces refreshing sleep and rolloves montal nnxloty nnd despondency. Dr. Plorco's Pleasant Pollots Invlgoraw tho stomuch, liver nnd bowels. Ono to throo a dos. 73asy to take as candy. Tho Kind You ITnvo Always Bought, and which hns been in uso for over JK ycnrn, hns liorno llio slgnaturo of j? and hns been inndo under his pcr- (j(XriV7!?75r7's 80llul alorvlaIim slnco its infhnoy. uryjrt cccUZ, Allow no ono to deeeivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-n.s-rood"nr' hub Exporlmonts tlint trlllo with nnd oudnutror tho hen a ot Xuikuts nud ChlUhou l&ncrlouuo ngnlnst Kxpori mt Wnat is CASTOR I A CastonV is u harmless suhstituto for Castor OH, Pare goric, Drops nnd Southing- Syrtips. It Is Pleasnnt. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphluo nor other Narcotic eubstnnce. Its ago Is Its gttnrnnteo. It destroys "Worms Hud allays Fovcrishness. It cures Dlnrrhoon and Wind Oollc. It relievos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation, uud Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Otoumoh and Dowels, gh iug healthy and natural sleep 'aC Children's Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend. vNEiUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bear the Signature of v LJU& &'" inf rjsj'f w. &x The Kiiivi You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Year. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Many Snlein Pcoplo Fnll to Kcallzo the Seriousness. nnclcacho is so docoptivo. It comou nnd koos keeps you guessing. Lonrn tho cause thon euro It. Nino times out of ten It comes from tho kldnoys. That's why Donn's Kldnoy Pills euro It. Cures ovory kldnoy HI from bnck ncho to dlabotcs. Iloro's a" Salem caso to provo It. Jacob Morolock, farmer, living on Iturnl Avo botwocn Hazol and Lau rol streotB, Salem, Oro., says: "What I said about Doan's Kldnoy Pills throo years ngo nftor having usod thom for kldnoy complaint nnd bnck acho which had troubled mo for sonio tlmo, wns only tho plain truth. I procured thom at Dr. Stone's drug storo nnd thoy acted up to tho rop resontntlona mndo for thom nnd be- foro I hnd used a wholo box, I found groat rollof. In n short tlmo tho ac tion of tho kldnoy socretlons was correctod nnd tho pain and nchlng was removed from my back. I cheerfully recommend Doan'a Kid ney Pills to nnyono troubled with backache or kidney complalut." For snlo by all dealers. Prlco 50 cents. Fostor-Mlllburn Co., Buf falo, Jow York, solo agents for tho United States. itomombor tho name Doan's and tnko no other. o Then Chnnges Her Mind. "Woman's a qupor creature." said tho bacholor. "When sho will eho will and that's all thero is about it." "But," remarked tho youth who was onco engaged, "sometimes alio moroly says sho will." -Philadelphia Press. Tho pessimist derives a lot of plcasuro from his efforts to spoil tho pleasure of others. io . Terribly Distressing. Nothing can causo moro pain and moro distress than Piles'. No wondor many Pllo sufferers say thoir lives nro burdons to thom. Oolntmont nnd local trcatmonta may rollovo but cannot euro. Dr. Loonhnrdt's Horn-Hold is guar anteed to euro nny enso of Piles. If Horn-Hold doesn't euro you, you got your money back. Horn-Hold is a tnblot takon inter nally, thus rouiovlng tho causo. $1.00 nt druggists, or Dr. Lcon hardt Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Pro prietors. Sold by Dr. &. C. Stono, Salem. O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGONA LKAVK FOlt PORTLANM) DAILY, I3XOI3PT SUNDAY AND WKDXKSDAY, AT ) A. M. FOlt COIIVATjLIS TUES DAY AND SATURDAY AIJOUT O P. M. P. M. BALDWIN, Agt. FOR RENT For Rent Furnished rooms, near high school. Inquire nt 5C5 Ma rlon street. c-4-tf For Rent Sovon-roora houso, hot and cold water, electric light, bath room. Inquire of Aug. Schrelb er, 5G0 North High street. 3-26-tf IT 4i "mnliUti MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jcsscn Tcackor of pi ano; touch, tochnlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced BtudontB propnrcd for public appearance Residenco 658 Contor St. Tel. Main 52 G. 2-28-tf. Tho Mnglo No. 3. Number throo Is a wonderful mas cot for Geo. II. ParrlB ot Cedar urovo, wo., according to a lettov which reads: "After suffering much with liver nnd kldnoy trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by tho lauuro to find rollof, I trlod Electric Rlttora, and as a result I am a -woll man today. Tho first bottle relieved and thrco bottlo completed the cure." Gurantoed best on earth for stomach, Uvor and kldnoy troubles, by J. C. Perry druggist. 50c, TO TRY EPFLEY'S FERFEOTION BAKING POWDER. YOU WILL BE COME A STRONG ADMIRER OF EPPLEY'S PERFECTION BAKING POWDER AFTER YOU HAVE TEST ED IT. WHY NOT FAVOR US WITn YOUR ORDERS. IT IS FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. RL1NUFAC- TURED BY O. M. EPPLEY, SALEM, ORE. MISCELLANEOUS. PInno Tuner L. L. Woods, piano el pert tuning, ropalrlng and polish ing. Lcnvo orders at Geo. G Wills' muBic storo, Salem. 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work. Got my prlcoa oi Bldowallcs, curbs, soptlc tanks and comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phono 509 G-ll-tf Butto & Wenderoth Fine wlnet liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle th celebrated Kellogg and CastW whiskies. Cool and rofroshlng beet constantly on drough. Soutk Commorclal street 9-3-lyr Snlem Iron Worka. Founders, m chinlsts and blacksmiths. Manu facturors of all kinds of aawmll raachlnory. Hop and fruit drying stoves, otc. Manufacturers of tb Salem Iron Works Hop Prasi. Suicni Box & Lumber Co. Removed from South Salem to 14th Btreot near the S. P. depot. Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays and Porfectlor Fruit Evaporators. Phono 201. Enlnrgcd Our meat market on East StaU street has been doubled In size and wo aro hotter prepared than over tc sorvo cuBtoraorB. Prompt sorvlco and tho best of meats our motto. Call or phono 109. B. E. Edwards, Prop Saltun -Independence Monmouth Stage lino. Leaves Independent dally (oxcopt Sunday) at 8:00 o'clock a. m. Returning, loavci Salem from Willamette Hotel at : p. m arriving nt Independence In tlmo for 6:15 motor for Mon mouth and Dallas. Phone Main 179. 164 Commw.. I Main 10, "" Nt wut J. PStMl-Dl, m &u, rm Murphy. , rWl Ph:i.r..vmam --- ia i7. IODQBR ""SSSi UfBIBri K .. Tuesday ttHurtHJ ---. u. R.iA.1 central Lodw HiTSTr: Castle Hall la HolsaiJ , ner State aod iaJTV Tuesday of ewkWrtiJ? m. Oscar JnTinAn .'.!! a ..." USU """"' Qtn.tUl Alodcm woetoen tt iak gon Cedar Camp Na jm ir inursair ernfa( s v wu m uoiBin uSLXi "" v ".; f. a. Ttnt.c oodmen of WofH-MMti ua7nigDiat7:lD,liBhH J. A. Dickey, a a; P, I, hm VltTK. Lincoln Annuity Cski-H, dent and peadot IhvwkIL' 000,000 pledged; tnijimd Good ajtenti vutei i 1 11 awaigomerr, nwm raw Box 432 SalB, Otm. 1 1! Ryan, eccrecUrr,(IIMiMt', pitorosALs'muaw'" Proposals will krwMVjtil Doard ot Public CoatUwti tho Stato ot Ortpiittkl Building, Salem, Ortfa, i hour ot 11 a. m. Jtae ill, lift M lighting the Capitol 2iL':! tentlary, Insane ArjUn, School Mute School udBli nt Salem, Orcroa, iltlwuj candescent lamps. lefowatl flcatlons and bUakp?oia obtained from the CIrk I tW 1 nt tho Capitol BotM!iWN gon. i w v CITtt aerkotMI M'S-lMMHl WAKTV. Wanted TO lrro lW best of real eto ' jii iv . n yjl nighet Ck fifc-" w cdb at WlllMKtM nw BMMft woatac.. "MWTWHWMiiUli af2fc Salem Fence Wire Headqaartera for Wovea Wire Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P. & B. Ready Hoofing, Screen Doors and Adjustlble Window Screens All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore WILLAMETTE FRUIT AND PRODUCE 'CO. Wholwale dealers and ceawhwloa BMrehaBts, Cask paid fer Butter, Mgm, Poultry, etc W, X. CaMmlage aad'O. A. WiUraft, Cottle block, fta lest, Or.; J. O. Stapletoa, SI Unioa Aveaiae, PorUavA. Wo Aro Cash Purchaser Of poul try, oggs, and all kinds of farm produco. Borry crates made up In unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co., 267 South Com merclal streot, Salem. Phone Malu 179. A. J. Anderson Contractor and bulldor, 415 Court street. Phono 644. C-1-" BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet the price la no higher For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thomas & Cooley, Props. ::4UCMe' V $.00 ,. hi 4. and thelx"-- t at that Youcaai reputation of ti WHITl110051 RESfAURAKi ! Gold Did "ZZ?1 ! "."fffiVM' Maae w r l,aJl Stti LOST. rfU-U- Lost. Ladies' gold belt buckle, nearly square, -with black ribbon attached, on Commercial, Center, Liberty or Chemeketa streets. Flndor pleaso leave Bame atJD,s office and recelvo $2.50 reward. 6-1-31 Txt A Salem high school '07 ntu m Btraata. Finder will celve rewara. Return to S clas3 re- Craif, 87 Clmrek street AV I gt 1 tbmp" kM o R.W k mQ$ to?S.?:-'-. ll2iiSSpPiJ( iiTTi.fl- SMk""