Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 04, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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r on-alcoholic iti
Ugh Prices Discourage Yukon
Che following information con-
ling tourists la tho iiucon terrl-
tho expenses to a trip mereto,
tho Inconveniences and discom-
g to which they have to. submit
fine their Btay has been furnlsh-
fby Vice-Colonel G. Carlton Wood-
of Dawson.
"ho tourist travel iu uib iun.ua
ir'itory during the past year did not
ich tho proportions anticipated,
tho general Indications for tho
ilng season arc for an increase In
class of travel. I have no doubt
that the natural beauty and
indeur of tho scenery of this nor-
ern country equal, if they do not
tpass, those of any other country,
the expenso 01 mo trip is sucu
it It does not appeal to tho travel-
in ono Instance a party of some
dozen tourists form tho Eastern
ktes arrived hero in tho morning
I, after a hasty trip up tho creeks,
; on tho steamer tho same evening.
expenso of living while hero is
fno smnll importanco in this re-
ct. When a visitor from tho out-
partlcularly from tho extrcmo
of tho United States, arrives
, no mntter how short tho Btay,
finds that tho smallest coin In
eolation Is ?fi cents; where tho
jlclo which costs 5 cents at homo
cost from over -two to flvo times
It much, and wliero 2G cents Is
for a 5-cont cigar or nn ordln-
locnl paper; where? a chargo of
to $2 50 Is mado for delivering a
rIo plcco of bnggago to tho hotel,
nistanco of two or thrco blocks,
everything clso In proportion,
additional expenso Is soon folt.
ono ncctiBtomcd to living horo It
not noticed. Whllo ordinarily a
rlst will obtnln curiosities and
acntocs from tho other places vIb-
this Is to n cortatn oxtont pro
ved hero on account of tho cost,
far as anything of vnluo Is con
ned. has been reported that ono of
'largo local companies, tho North
srlcnn Transportation company,
Dawson, contomplntcs tho erection
largo building, to bo used Joint-
as their storo and hotol.i During
'open season of navigation It is
dinicult to obtain rooms In
rson, and arrivals havo to put up
almost anything in tho way of
Dmnioilatlons. For this reason It
thought It would 1)6 a paying In-
itment to construct n hotel for tho
DHitnoJatlon of tourists.
fno Alasknn-Yukon-Paclflc Expo-
Ion, to bo held In Sonttlo In 1909,
iu;j advertlso tho northorn conn-
considerably, and tho dlfforont
importation companies antlclpnto
.increase in tho tourist traffic on
It account, especially during tho
r In which tho exposition Is to bo
;llio Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, nnd which hiw boea
iu uso for over 30 years, lias borne tho slfpmtnr of
I' -,(0 nnd lias been matlo under h!a por-
VVr ftl supcrvlslou Hlnco its Infuney.
vtrVJj cuc4M Allownoonotodccciroyoulnthls.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-ns-trood" ar but
Experiments that trlflo with andoudnutrertho hca.i oC
lu&mta and ChlWicn Esperieuco ngaln-st Icpcri aut
Virnat is CASTORIA
Castoria Is n harmless substitute for Castor OH, Par
Coric, Drops nd Soothing Syrups. It Is IMcasaut. Ifc
contnlns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
eubHtance. Its ago is Its eruarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverlshness. It cures Dlarrheua and AVind
olic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures CoiiKtipntiou
aid Flutulencj-. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Uomach and Ilowcls, gh lnr healthy and natural aleci
' U. Children's Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend.
y.Banri tn Bipiftture oi
W nr f S S f . A. 9
The kind You Have
?, SoCtff(A
In Um For Over 30 Years.
" 1MMiwmw.Hv
ou think you need a tonic, ask
yourdoctor. If youthlnkyouneed
something for your blood, ask your
uocior. ix you tnink you would
like to try Ayer's non-alcoholic
aarssparills, ask your doctor.
publUl the ftranU
J. O. Ayer Co,
uonr preparation,.
Iwil. Matt,
A Great Play.
Interest Is most pronounced In tho
forthcoming engagement of Mrs
Lesle-Carter at tho Qranw Opera
House Wednesday next In her not
aWo success, "Du Barn," by David
Bolas'co. As an emotional star Mrs.
Leslie Carter Is without an equal on
tho Amerlcau stage and tho present
will probably bo tho last opportunity
to seo hor In "Du Barry." Owing
to tho length of tho play tho cur
tain will rise nt eight o'clock. Tho
demands for seats Is already tho
heaviest of tho season and tho en
gagement of tho distinguished star
hero promises to bo notable In evory
Every Man Ills Own Doctor.
Tho averago man cannot afford to
employ a physician for every slight
ailment or injury that may occur in
his family, nor can ho afford to neg
lect them, as bo Blight an Injury as
tho scratch of a pin has been known
to causo tho loss of a limb. Honco
every mnn must from necessity ho his
own doctor for this clnsa of aliments
Success ofton depends upon prompt
treatment, which can only bo had
whon suitable medicines nro kopt at
hand. Chamberlain's Romodloo havo
been In tho market for many years,
and enjoys a good reputation.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel com
plalnts. Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy for
coughs, colds ( croup and whooping
Chamborlaln's Pain Balm (nn anti
septic llnlmont) for cuts, bruises
burns, sprains, swellings, lamo back
and rheumatism pains.
Chamborlaln's Stomach and Liver
Tablets for constipation, biliousness
nnd stomach troubles.
Chamborlaln's Salvo for diseases
of tho skin.
Ono bottlo of each of theso flvo
preparations costs but $1.25. For
salo by Dr. Stono's drug storo.
Gems Spirited Away.
City detectives and operatives for
tho Pacific Express Company, in
Portland, aro puzzling over tho
whereabouts of a package containing
Jewels valued nt $700 that mysteri
ously disappeared from ono of tho
company's wagons. Tho package was
placed In tho money wagon for deliv
ery to Miss Fanulo H. Simon. This
wagon Is enclosed with an Iron grat
ing nnd tho door padlocked, but
whon tho driver ronched tho Simon
rosldonco tho package had 'disap
pear ed.
If you woud enjoy tomorrow tako
Chamborlaln's Stomach and Llvor(
Tablots tonight. They produco oni
agrocablo laxatlvo effect, cloar tho
hoad and clcauso tho stomach.
Price, 25 cents, Samploa frco at Dr.
Stono's drug storo.
Always Boup
Ho is No Longer "Poor Lo."
A now series of Indian portraits
is needed. Tho "noble red man" of
Fonlmoro Cooper and of Catlln, tho
flerco flguro In war paint and feath
ers, last his romatlo interest when
ho was confined to a reservation and
fed on rations. Now tho stall-fed
reservation dweller has been sup
planted In turn by the new man, In
dian only In blood and traditions,
who 1b stepping up to tako his placo
in tho life of the West. Tho pic
tures that aro to represent tho now
Indians will Include a short-haired,
dark-faced man, dressed In black
slouch hat, dingy white cotton shirt,
bluo overalls and hob nailed shoes.
Ha may bo a Kiowa farmer who
gathered GOO buBhola of corn from 20
acres of cultivated land last year, or
ono of tho 391 Pine Rldgo Indians
who put up G700 tons of hay to car
ry their stock through tho winter;
or ho may bo Plenty Buffalo, who
has worked with team and scraper
on tho Huntlcr Irrigation project in
Montana for six months, or Bert
Fredericks, tho Hopl night foromnn
on tho tunnol nt tho Zunl dam In
Tho plcturo will also depict tho
Indian woman as mistress of a pralr
lo cabin, feeding tho chickens or
carrying food to tho calves and pigs.
Thoy will Includo a group of chlldron
drossed very llko whlto children,
trotting off to dny school at 8 o'clock
with their noon luncheons lnpnckago
under their nrms. A big canvas to
linni? llnnllln Mm nnlnMnn rvf tl.r. .!.
(lanco wH, . 2000 -. Uonil,nir
a convocation of tho Eplscopnl church
at Whlto Swan, S. D., and listening
to nddressos from Bishop Huro or
from their own clergymnn, Amos
Boss, a full-blood. Everybody's.
Tho Mnglc No. it.
Number thrco Is n wonderful mns
cot Tor Goo. H. PnrrU of Cedar
Grove, Mo according to a lottor
which reads: "Aftor suffering much
with liver and kidney troublo, and
becoming greatly discouraged by tho
falluro to And relief, I tried Electric
Bitters, and ns a result I am a well
man today. Tho first bottlo rollovod
and thrco bottlo comploted tho euro."
Gurantccd best on earth for stomach,
llvor nnd kidney troublos, by J. C.
Perry druggist. 50c.
Secession Not Horn Ilk South.
In n speech at Richmond, Vn., at
a sosslon of tho Confederate Union
celebration, May 31st, Robert 12.
Leo, Jr., doclared tho great mon of
tho South hnd always decided ngnltiBt
slavery; that Virginia in 1777 and
1778 prohibited tho Importation of
slavoa, and that secession wns not
preached tho first time In tho South,
but In tho North, nnd wns threatened
four times beforo South Cnrollnnn
socecdod. Tho first timo by Picker
ing, of Massachusetts, on tho acqui
sition of Louisiana; second, by Jo
slt.h Qtiluoy, of Massachusetts, on
the proposed admission of Louisiana
as a Btnto; third, by tho Hartford
convention, ovor tho dlBsntlsfnotlon
onusod by tho wnr with Great Ilrlt
nln, and fourth by tho loglslaturo of
Massaohusotts, whon It wns pro
posed to a nn ox Texas to tho fodornl
llnvo Yon a Cough,
A doso of Dnllnrd'x Horohound
Syrup will rpllovo It. Havo you o
Try it for whooping cough, for
asthma, for consumption, for bron
chitis. Mrs. Joo McOrnth, 327 K
1st Btroct, Hutchinson, Kan., writes:
"I havo used Ballard's Horohound
Symp in ray family for 5 years, and
find It tho most palatable medicine
I every used." Sold by D. J. Fry.
o . '
An Ort'gonlnn Who Out Tla-rc,
Four big Dost Combined Harvest
ers, which passed through Albany
on n freight this nftornoon, wore a
reminder to Albany men standing on
tho platform of tho time whon Mr.
Dost, tho manufacturer, was dolNg
buslHOM In Albany. He start! on
fanning mills and gradually wont to
blggitr thing until now ha haa on
of Ilia finest harvesting macbiaM in
the world and Is a millionaire. Tliwe
raaehlBM are used iu Bastwn Ore
gon and Washington. Ona Arm In
Ohio this year epld sixty-tight
Holt corubluod harvMtors. Mr. Host
loft Albany about twanty years ago,
Albany DemooraU
Tlcro Are I'eiv
People who know how to tako caro
of themselves the majority do not.
The liver is a most important organ
in tho body. Herblne will keD It la
condition. V. O. Blmpklns, Alba,
Texas, writes: "I hTe used Herblne
for Shllls and Fever and find It the
beet medicine I ever used. I would
not be without It. It I m goood foe
chlldrea as k ! for grown-up people,
and I recommend It. It Is one tor
LaOrlm.M 8oI4 ly D. J, Fry.
The Story oPh Medicine.
Its name" Golden Medical Discovery"
was sugecsted by ono of its most Import
ant and valuablo IngrodlcnU Goldoa
Seal root.
Nearly forty years ago, Dr. Plerco dl
covered that ho could, by tho uso of pure,
triple-refined glycerine, aided by a cot
tain degroo of conMantly maintained
heat and with tho aid of apparatus and
Appliances designed for that purpose, ex
tract from our most valuablo natlvo m
dlclnal roots their curatlvo properties
much better than by tho uso of alcoho',
so generally employed. So tho now world
famed "Golden Medical Discovery," for
tho cure of weak stomach, Indigestion, or
dpcpla. torpid liver, or biliousness and
Kindred ujranemrnta vis flwt maJo. a
circrv.s,in .haa n without a particle
oi niconoi in its makx-un,
A glancoVhf ,fu list of Iu Ingredi
ents, prlntcu ofrrSrcrv bottle-wrapper,
will show that It Is iuaiin from the rmwt
A glance
vaiuaoie tncciciiiai roomiouml growing
uui wiiuncan lures
ri'yr- vyrvr ami wi'"rt -n Wfrfrnq
ivmyui "iuvj
rnfnrppmt tham n. Kp
! rvrr
?: for tL
?: for theniijiica ler -t
f-n MivlRnDl
IlUti IxMiW of thfn nnilni-MmMtiiTc hCV
been compiled by, Dr. R. V. Plerco. oi
Buffalo, N. Y., and will bo mailed frte ta
neso cnuorsotneiu
any ono asKing samo or postal card, or
letter mnlrcbcU to tho Doctor as above.
From theso endorsements, copied from
standard medical book of all tho differ
ent school of practice It will bo found
that the Ingredients composing tho "Gold'
cn Medical Discovery " aro advised noi
only for tho euro i
or thi
above mentioned
diseases, hut also for tho euro of all ca-
tarrhal, bronchial and throat affections,
accompalnod with catarrhal discharge.
hoanennM, soro throat, lingering, of
hanR-on-couuhs, nnd all thoso wastlna
MTectlons which, If not promptly and
properly tnnted aro llablo to termlnato
In consumption. Tako Dr. Plerco' Dli
covery in time nnd porsovoro In Its u
until you clvo It n fair trial and It Is not
likely to dlxapiKilut, Too much must not
bo cxpectel of It, It will not perform
miracle. It will not euro consumption
In Its ndvnucotl stanes. No tiuxllclno wilt.
It uill cure tho ulTi'ctlons that taul up to
nsumutlnn. if irtJwn in Umt.
1 II m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 i 11 1 1 1 1 1 a.
X Mako Salem a Good Home ! !
"f. Market. 1 1
Stelner'a Market.
Doalors In fish, catno nnd poultry,
Hlghost cash price paid for eggs,
Prompt dollvory. Stato stroot
Loral Wholesale Market.
Kggs U.
Hens 12 Cf 12 He; young chick
ons, lie.
Ducks 10c; geoso, 8c; turkeys,
lluttor 24c; fat, 22c.
Local wheat 80c.
Oats 43c.
Dnrloy J21.
Flour Hard wheat, fC.OO; valloy,
Mill feed Dran, I19.C0J shorts,
liny Choat and clovor, $8u?9
por ton; timothy, JllCHS por ton.
Onions 12.00 por cwt; potatoes,
80c por cwt.
Hops Cholco, 10 011c; prltno to
choice, 80c; medium to prlmo,
Chlttlm bark 6 0oc
Tropical Fruit.
Dannnua f0.76,
Ornngos 134.
Lemons 95.7C. .
Itolall Market.
Oats 130; wheat, 90c par bu.;
rolled barluy, 127.
Kggs 20c doz.; 2 doz. 3 Be.
Applos (3.00.
Iluttor Country, 20c; creamery,
Flour Volley, $1.109 11.15 per
sack; hard wheat, $1.35G$1.40,
Uran 06o por sack; 21 por ton.
Hay Timothy, 76o por cwt.;
cheat, &5c; clover, COo por owt.;
shorts, OCo por cwt,
Hogs Fat, 7c.
Cattle 1100 1200 lb steers,
Lighter stoors 3 W 0 S c.
Cows and heifers BOO 0 1000 lb,
Block hogs CfO Vic
I-ambs 4Vi Cc,
Veal Drossed, 6 0 7c.
Whoat Club 803 87; valley 8Sc;
bluo stem, 88?89c
Oats Choice white, 20c
MIlUtufT Ilrnn, $17.
Hay Timothy, $15 CJ1C; elfalfa
Vetch $7.60 $8.00.
Poultry Hens, 14, mixed chick
ens, 13V4c; dressed chickens, 1 4 V4 0
16c; turkeys, live, 17CP18c; dueki,
1314c; pigeons, $10" $1.26.
Pork Ilest, $7.
Imbs $00 $6.60.
Ileef Dressed, i&le.
Mutton J 7c
Hops 9010'Ac R, according to
Wool Valloy, coarse to medium,
2 23c; eastern Oregon, 13 011c
Wholeeale dealers and cemmleetea
mercbanU. Ch paid fer Hitter,
Kt3, Poultry, . W. K. CnmmlBgs
aadl O. A. WMcratt, Cottle tWlft -
Hmb, ur.j J. u. wthHW, ee usws
Aveu, rerUMd.
iMi mce in-
BHHH4M-mf HHtt) f
rox Aia
Several Dairy Itnnches for paIo at
onco Prices low, all equlped
ready for business. Bnkor Land
Co., Turner, Oregon. C-30-lm
For Sale Two light spring wogoha
(Just right to haul borrlcs), two
heavy spring wagons, and thrco
second hand buggies. W'ornor
Fonuoll, S03 Broadway. 5-28-lmo
lv Snl3 Old papers, 10 conto per
hundred. Inqulro Journal offlco.
Why Pay Rent Whon you can buy
a nlco homo nt 580 N, Liberty St.,
on forms to suit tho purchaser.
Address C. H. Burggraf, Albany,
Oro. 6-17-tf.
r itent uovon-room house, hot
nnd cold wntor, olectrio light, bath
room. Inqulro of Aug, Schrolb
or, 6G0 North High streot.
Arthur Von Jcammi Tonckor of til-
ano; touch, tochnlch, interpreta
tion. Thorough preparatory course
Advancod students prepared for
public appoarauco. llosldonce 68
Center St. Tel. Main 636.
Piano Tuner L. L. Woods, plaao
pert tuning, ropalrlng and polish
ing. Loavo orders at Oeo. G.
Wills' music storo, Salotu.
2- 8-lyr
Concrcto Work. Oct my prices oi
sidewalks, curbs, soptlo tanks aad
comont work of any kind. All
work guarantood first-class. M
Ward, Highland add. Phone 669
llutto A WoHtlcroth Fine wises,
liquors and cigars. We handle the
cotobrated Kellogg and Castls
whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer
constantly on drough. South
Commercial street 9-3-lyr
Salem Iron Works. Founders, a
chlnlsts and blacksmiths. Manu
facturers of all kinds of sawmill
machinery. Hop and fruit drying
stoves, etc Manufacturers ot tks
Salern Iron Works Hop Press.
Saichi llox A Lumber Oo. Removed
from South Balom to 14th street,
near the B. P. dopoU Doxes, Derry
Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection
Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201.
Our moat inarkot on Rast State
stroot has been doubled iu site and
wo aro better prepared than evoi to
sorva customors. Prompt sorvice and
tho host of moats our motto. Call
or phone 199, D. H. Rdwards, Prop
Rrtlcut ItuloH!H(kico Monmouth
Btago lino. Leaves Indopondonc
dally (except Sunday) at 8:06
o'clock a. m, Returning, leave
Balom from Wlllamotto Hotel at I
p. in., arriving at IndopenJonc
in timo for 6:16 motor for Mon
mouth and Dallas. Phono Main
Wn Aro ChIi PurrlMuwr Of poul
try, oggs, and all kinds of farm
produco. Horry crates mado up
In unlimited lunntltles. Capital
Commission Co., 267 South Com
mercial street, Balom. Phone Mais
A. J. Anderson Contractor and
builder, 416 Court street. Phono
644. C-l-tf
It Is worth more than any other
bread, yet the price is no higher.
For salo at your grocer's,
Thomas & Cooley, Props.
Wantt-d To borrow $1000 on the
best of real citato security. Ap
ply to "J. P.," caro Journal office,
Highest Cash Priro Paid for chick
ons at Willamette Hotol, 4-19-tf
nearly square, with black ribbon
attached, ou Commorcial, Ceuter,
Liberty or Chomeketa streets.
Flndor please leave same at this
offlco and receive $3.60 reward.
Ltt A Balem high school '07 class
pin, on streets. Finder 'will re
ceive reward. Retura to SCuaane
Craig, 267 Church street.
ltlf iltmilxiil
Cummins llros.' Transfer Company.
All kinds of transfer work deft
Furnlture and pianos boxed xtAf
for shipment. Prompt service 1m
our motto. Stand and oe At
253 South Commercial ctret.
rhorit 210. Realdonce Phoae .
rraik SC Srewa. MaaufaeUirer H
Msh, doers, ssouldlBge. All Idade ei
kouee alk aad hard weed week,
tfreet street, bet. Male aa4 Oewrt,
Make all eonolainta at tee offUe.
Theo. M. Iterr Plumbag, jiei watet
and steam heating and tlaata,
164 Commercial street. FfcMff
Mala 192. 8-1-17
M. J. Peiael riumblBg, tiM !
Ks BtUag. 8i)ceeMor te K
Murphy, 226 CommereW tkreti.
, 'Phone Mala 17.
wood Foresters, No. 19. Meets
Tuesday In Hurst hall, State street
Lee Abble, O. R.; A. L. Brows,
F. 8.
Central Lodgo f(o. 18, K. e( P.
Castle Hall In Holmaa bloek, eor
per State and Liberty street.
Tuesday ot each week at 7:39 .
in. Oscar Johnson, O. O.; D. Jf.
Andorson, K. ot R. and. 8.
Modern Wootlmea ef Aaierlea Ore
gon Cedar Camp No. 6249. Keetc
evory Thursday evenlns at 9
o'clock la Holmaa hall, W. W.
Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, Clwk.
Woodmeu f World Meet every Fri
day night at 7:80, In Holmaa halt.
J. A. Dlckoy, O, S. P. L. Frasler,
LIhcoIh AHHUity UnleH. Wek, aeei
dent and pension lasuranee; $2,
000,000 pledged; overy claim paid
Good agents wanted. J. II. O.
Montgomery, supreme ergaatw,
Dox 432 Baletn, Oregon. R. X...
Ryan, secreetary, 14 B State street.
Proposals will be received by the
Hoard ot Publlo GommlMtouera ef
the State ot Oregon at the Capbal
building, Balem, Oregon, at the
hour ot 11 a. in. June 6th, 1907, for
lighting the Capitol Rulldlng, Peel
tontlary, Insane Asylum, Reform
School Muto School and Rllnd Sene-el
At Balom, Orogon, with aro and la
candescent lamps, Information, speet
flcntlons nnd .blank proposals may he
obtained from tho Clerk ot the Board
nt tho Capitol UulUlIng, Balom, Ore
gon. W. N. fJATHNn,
Clerk ot Hoard.
6-16.18-22-26-20, 6-1.
O C T. Co
;j2 20c Meals for J
:;" $1,00
; and the best meals In Salem, J
; ; at that. You can bank on tho
T roputatlon of tho
ijiiiimiiiai n
Gfo D Floy I
Made by TlOt SYDK1Y FOW- I
! K OOMPAXY, SidAey, 0e. !
Mad Uf taatlr nee. Ask yew
&ocr tat R. Bra ad shette ;
i alweye en hand,
I P. B. Wallace