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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1907)
M DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON 1VESDAY, JUNE 4, 1007. GREAT CROP OF BERRIES URGE SHIPMENTS Claris Seedling About Gone But There iAre Many Later Varieties Now Coming In Tlie Growers Get from $1.30 to $1.50 Net. Thousands of cratos of strawber- rles tiro shipped out of Salora by ox- presa thcao -days, and tho boat fruit averages tho growor $1.30 to $1.50 net. Tho Clark Seedling Is about all (gone, but thoro will bo plenty of lat- xsc varloMoH. Rain Is badly needed, Fbut, oven without rain, thoro will bo ca "big crop. Shipments aro bolng nnado 'direct to ABtorla and tho Sound. ' GIVE NATURE A CHANCE. MInh Million to Marry. A Waahrngton woman spent tho wlntor In Salem, nt loaH.t whllo tho Icglslnturo was in session. Her unrno was Emma Mullan, and alio Bticcccdod In lobylng through a bill to pay off tho old Captain John Mul lan claim that has boon nliolvetl and Pitched by so many preceding legis latures. Sho had rooms at Hotel "Wlllamotto, and became known to -every niombor of tho gonornl nsHOin 1)ly, and, to the ontlro forco of nows papor mou about tho atalo Iioubo, as well as nil tho public officials. Tho Upw York Town Topics, that ia sup posed to chronlclo tho doings of tho Tour hundred of Enntorit socioty, has tho following announcomont of Miss 3Itillan's forthcoming marriage: When tho ongngoment of Miss Em ni a Mullan and George Russell Ltik enfl was announcod It brought to mind aovornl Intoroatlng incidonts lit which the young lady has figured. Misa Mullan Is tho daughtor of Cap tain John Mullan, formerly of tho army, and Mr. LuIcoiih is a tttato non ntor of California. Tho ougagomont iu tho culmination of a ronmnco be gun over a year ago. At that tlma MIbs Mullan commenced a suit against tho atalo of California for olalmu duo hor rather, who Is a grad uate of Woat Point, and who ro Blgnod from tho army to practice law Tho family resided In California at tho tlmo and Captain Mullan was on gaged In a legal capacity by tho ntato, whloh uugjoctod to pny him for IiIh uorvlooH. MIhb Mullan wont to California and prossod tho claim por aonnlly for hor fathor, who Ih an in valid. Whllo thoro Hho wnH tho guest of Mrs. Monitor Martin, and It wua at hor homo Hint Miss Mullan mot Mr. LuIcoiih, who at ouoo becamo In tarqatod in the claim and tho claim ant. Miss Mullan hna just roturncd from California, and tho announce ment of her ongagomont la followed by tho news that bIio haa gained n victory In tho California courts whereby alio haa collected aomo $30, 000 for hor fathor. It waa two or throo yoars ago that tho Mlssos Mul lan Htartlod Washington aocioty, of which tuoy had boon mombora since girlhood, by opening a laundry on Connecticut uvomto near their homo. Their frlonda conaldoroil it a huge Jcko at Hrat,, but when they found was really intonded ns a busi ness' vonturo thoy boennio patrons of tho establlBhmont, and it la now on a sound footing, and tho sourco of considerable revuuuo for tho girls . "Uuaa" Lukons, ns ho Is familiar ly called In his own city, hna been CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Checking accounts onablo folks to deposit tholr monoy and ro- oolvo u passbook, agaiust thcao accouuU thoy aro pormlttod to draw checks. Checks may bo given to partlos for such sums as doslrcd, thus avoldlug froquont trips to the bank. It latoroatod call aud see us. Salem State Bank j L K. PAGH, FreeMest. X. W, KMUKD, CM. The strongest minds have gotten their Inspiration direct from Nature. Naturo Is tho groat teacher of mankind. Wo can look to Naturo for all our nccd9. In tho recent R'tsso-Japancso war tho sur geons of tho .lapancso navy and arm1 ulscovcrod that wounds would hen! moro rapidly and with bettor success If loft to Nature. Thoy washed tho wounds with water which had been boiled and thus sterilized then bandaged tho wounds with clean llnon nojowcrful drugs or antlsoptlcs wore uscd their first aid to tno injured, aiicti mouioua rcsuuuu u tho loss of only 32 out of 082 men troated In a naval hospital for tholr wounds. It Is only from lack of observing Nature's laws that most of us suffer at one time or another from Indigestion, Impure blood and a generally run-down system. Our remedy lies In Nature's laboratory deep in tho fragrant woods where are many American plants, tho roots ol which when properly treated will sup- na health-KlvIng tonic, lany yearj ago a physician who had an extensive practice among tho atlllcted made a striking dopnrturo from tho usual methods of his confreres In medicine he went straight to Naturo for tho euro ol those stomach disorders which resulted so often In an anojmlc condition, or Im pure blood, It ss of appotlto. p.nlo or pimply skin, feeling of lassitude and weakness. Ho found that tho bark of tho Hlack Cherry-tree, tho root of tho Mandrake, Stotto root. Ouccn's root, Bloodroot ai.d Golden Seal root, mado Into a scientific, non-alcoholic oxtract by tho usoof glycerine, mado tho best altcra tlvo and tonic. Tho refreshing Influenco of this extract Is ntonco apparent In tho recovered str"ngth of tho patient tho vital fires of tho body burn brighter and tholr Increased activity consumes tho tlsstio rubbish which otherwise ma poison tho s'.atem. Tins nlterativo aim tonic extract has been found to stand alono as a safe, Invigorating tonic, as it does not depend on ajcohol for a fnlso stimulation, but Is Nature' own method of strengthening and cleansing the sys tem. It tonos up tho stomach and tho blood In Nature's own way. It Is well known all over the world as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Tho namo was given to this vegetable compound becauso ono of the Important Ingredients was Golden jvnl root. such an authority at Ur. Itoborts Iturtholow, of JnfTorson Moillrnl College, snys "very two ful as a stomachic tonic. Cures catarrh of tho Ptoinach and headaches nceotn- C anylng the Paine. " Dr. Grovor Coo, In Is book Organic Medicines, speaking of Golden Real root, says that "as a liver invigorator it iips jew rfjunm." i tinner ho says, "hi chronic Inllammutlon of the bladder we deem It ono of tho most reli able agents of cure. As a tonic In tho convalescing xtnges of fovers, tineunionU dysentery ami other acitto diseases Hy drastis (Golden Seal root) is peculiarly apiiroptlato." Dr. Coo centinues: "Wo would here add that cur cxperleneo has demon strated tho Hydrastis or Golden Seal root to bn a valuable remedy In bronchitis, laryngitis, and other affections of tho respiratory organs." " Of service In chronic catarrh of tho stomach and bowels following abuso of alcohol, a Untie after malarial fever. Has a distinct, anti-malarial Influenco. Good In all catarrhal conditions, as uterluo catarrh, loucorrham, etc. Is a curative agont In chronic dyspepsia.' Unhurt A. Haro, M. D Unlvorslty of l'cnuxylvatifu. Prof. John M. Scudder In Specific Med ication says: " It stimulates tho dices tlvo pnieossoM, and Increases tho assimila tion of food, lly the.-o means the blood J cnrfchal. r.tid this Mood feeds the muscular system. 1 mention tho mus cular nystom becamo I bullovo It tlrst feols tho Int i' tnwer Imparted bj tho sllmulnti.tu of Inert ncd nutrition. Tho eoliMHj'.ii'iit Inn ! moment on the nervous r,ni ghtiatliu systems art natural result. In relation to IU general effccU or. tho system, there M ?i wrWWm1 f?i vsi ttlutul irlitch time In Hiivh iniirml mum Unltu tif ojiJitif. It Is vnlvcmilUl re garded as tc tonic ttsnfnl In all de bilitated stuu." After many yeors of study und labo ratory work It. It. V. IMerco produced tho most hiv-!y combination of this GoKlun Seal '.K)i with other efficacious roots piihan vi: and Ineter.sing In cura tive power th.'M' native plants from our American fotv i by tlipudrtltinn of chein' Ically pure .!cit lite, of proper strottRth, whluh Is tar hater than alcohol, both for oxtractlii-: utul it serving tho medi cinal principle n uliit,j In plants, (ilyc erlno Itself useful In iiutllelno to Mtb duo litllaiiimatloii and ly cleansing the membrane of the stomavh of ubnormul secretions aids In the euro of dyspepsia, and stomach and Itit-tlnal troubles. Tho People's Coininnii Sense Medical Advisor, 1 "W p.tges, Is sent free, on receipt of stamps, to pa txpeiiMiof mailing only. Bend 21 nuo-cout stamps for the book In papor covors, or 31 stamps for tho cloth bound volume. Address nr, II, V Plorco, 603 Main Street, Uutfulo, N. Y. tho despnir of mothers of marrlago nblo dnughtors nnd of thoso daugh ters thcmsolvos alnco tho tlmo that hla foroheatl bogan to drop toward tho back of his neck. Miss Mullan Ij nsaurod of .an ontroo In California. Sho la n perfect blonde, alondor, na nil goldon-httlrod womon should bo, whllo Mr. Lukons is dark and heavy or flguro. Tho wedding was noC dofi nltoly decided upon until tho return of tho bridegroom-olect from tho Or ient two wooka ago. Ho wont to Ja pan to rocupornto from tho offocts of nu nutomobllo accident a yenr ago, whon Carlton Wall, of Alameda, turned tho machluo over and Judge Molvin nnd Senator Lukons wero nearly killed, Mrs, Molvin and tho others oscaplng unhurt. Tho mar rtago Is to take plnco In Washington this summer. o. l'Yohniiulci- Still Unconscious. John Prohmndor, tho young man an badly hurt Sunday, Is slightly bottor than yot.torday. Ho Is still unconscious most of tho tlmo, but rouses occasionally for a few minutes nt n time, "" o Don't I J 1 ! Don't lot your child suffer with that cough when you euro It with DnllaiM'a Ilorohound Syrup, a suro euro for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influon- ra, Croup and Pulmonary Diseases. Buy a bottlo and try it. B, B. Laugktor, Byhalla, Miss., writes: "I have two children who had croup. I trlod many different remo dlos, but I must say your Horeaound Syrup 18 tka best Croup and Cougfa Hadlctae I ever used." Sold by D'. J. Fry. " Proposals for Supplies. Salem, Or., May 15, 1907. Tho board of trustees of tho Oro gon stato Insane asylum hereby in vitoa sealed proposals for furnish ing tho following list of supplies to tho inatitution for tho six rnbnths ending December 31, 1907. Dry Goods, Furnishings and Notion? 4000 vnrds Poouot "A" Bheeting, 36 in. unbleached. 600 yards Ponuot Bheeting, 9-4 bleached. ' 4000 yards Pequot sheeting, ,0.4 unbleached. 3 1000 yarda Lownsdnlo Bheeting, 36 in. bleached. 2500 yards Shirting, Otis Stripe, A. X. A. 1500 yards Mattresa Ticking (War ren Cotton Mills) 32 in. wd. No. 1142. 800 yards Checked Toweling, 18 In. wido. 2000 ynrda Bleached Toweling, 18 in. wido. 800 yards Blue -Calico Twills, 28 in wido, AbsL Pattern. 800 yards 'Black and White Calico Twills, 28 in. wd. Asst. Pattern. 600 yards Turkey Red Calico Twills, 28 in. wd., Asst. Pattern. 200 yards Light Calico (American Shirting) Asat. Pnttorn. 1200 ynrda Gingham Amskg., 28 in. wide, Asst. Pat. 1200 yarda Bluo Denim, 9 oz. AniBkg. 400 ynrda A. C. A. Ticking, 30 In. wido, Amskg. 2400 ynrds Canton Flnnnol XXX Nashua Brown. 180 yardB Table Oil Cloth, white, best quality, 45 In. wide. 50 yards Elastic Web, white, in. wido. 100 yards Mosquito Netting, white. 24 Doz. Donim Overalls, 9 oz. rlv otcd: 36x32, 4 doz.; 40x34, 8 do;.; 42x34, 8 doz.; 44x34, 4 doz. 10 Doz. Jumpers, 9 oz. Denim: No. 17, 2 doz.; No. 18, 8 doz. 150 Doz. Men's Socks, Cotton,, No. 101. ' ; 30 Doz. Ladles' Cotton Stockings, No. 101. , 40 Doz. Turkoy Red Hnndkor chlofs, 24 in. wido. 20 Doz. Suspondors, 40 In. long. 200 yards Checked Continental Flnnnol. 25 dozon Stay Binding, B. & W., No. 10, white. 3 dozon ThlmbloB (Sterling Silver CnBod) Nos. 7 to 11. ,4 Gt. Or. Agato Buttons, No. 40. 8 Gt. Or. Agato Buttons, No. 50. 3 Gt. Or. Pants Buttons, Bar Blnck. , 20 dozon Papor Pins, Englo, F. 3Vj. ' ' ' 6 dozon Pnpor Pins, Hnlr, Suporlor (KIrby Beard & Co.), No. 308-S. 80 Lba. Crown Cnrpot Wrnrp: W , 20 J.bB.; R., 20 Lba.; B 20 Lbs.; Black, 20 Lbs. 5 dozon Hair Brushes (submit snmplos)! 2 dozen Shaving BruBhOB (submit wimples). 20 dozon Combs, Dreaalng, "Stag Guard Tooth" (Noyes & Co.). 6 dozon Combs, Flno, Vulcnnlzed rubber, No. 184. 4 dozon Buck' Gloves, Snranac, Stylo No. 470, Sizo No. 9, No. 10. 150 Papers Noedlea, Mllward & Sens: No. 2, 20; No. 3, 10; No. 4, 20; No. 5, 30; No. 6, 30; No. 7, 20; No. S, 20. 2 Lbs. Rttbbor T5ssuo. 2 LbB. Sowing Machine Twist, Cortlcolli, No. "E." 2 dozon Linen Thread, Black, No. 25. 8 dozon Linen Thread, Whitd, No. 25. 230 dozon Thread, J. P. Coat's or Clark's O. N. T.; White No. 36, 150 doz.; No. 16, 30 doz.; No. 24, 20 doz.: No. 10, 10 doz.; No. 60, 20 doz". 70 dozon Black: No. 16, 20 doz.; No. 30, $Q doz.; No. 10; 10 doz.; No. 50, 10 doz, 5 Gross Collar Buttons, Bono, No. 203. 4 dozen Bed Spreads. 40 Balls Darning Cotton, Whlto (Dorcus). 40 Balls Darning Cotton, Black (Dorcus). 5 Gross Safoty Pins. No. 2, Duplox (Stownrt). 5 Gross Safoty Pins, No. 3, Duplex (Stowart). . Groceries. 5000 Gal. Syrup (submit samples). 200 Gal. Molasses, N. 0., (submit samples). 600 Gals. Vlnogar, puro elder, 40 grain (sumbit samples). 6000 Lbs. Beans, Whlto, (submit samples) . 5000 Lbs. Green C. R. Coffeo, or Us equivalent roasted. Submit satu- plo of oach. If roasted is accepted,' to bo aeuvored in 1350 lbs. lots, more or less, aa required.) 600 Lbs, Greea Java Coffee, or Its eQulTaleat roasted. Submit samples of each.) If roasted is accepted, to be delivered la 150 lbs. lots, more or Ies, aa required. 40 Lba. Green Mocha Cettec. or Us eaulvaleat reate4. Subwlt mk- plea of each). If roasted Is accept ed to bo delivered In 100 lbs. lota, more or less, aB required. 1200 Lba. Chicory, coarBo (Bubmit sample). 5000 Lbs. Rolled Oats, in sks., 1250 lbs., moro or loss, to bo .de livered ovory six weeks. 15000 Lbs. Steel C. Oats, in sks. 300 lbs. moro or less, to bo delivered evory six weeks. 3000 Lbs. Cracked Wheat, In Bks. 750 lbs. moro or leas, to bo dollvored ovory six weeks 3000 Lbs. Hominy Grits, In Bks. 500 lbs. moro or less, to bo dollvored every six weeks. 3000 Lba. Corn Meal, Yellow, in sks. 800 lbs. moro or loss, to bo de livered ovory felx weeks. lOLbs. Orango Peel. 10 Lbs Lomon Peel. 20 Lbs. Citron Peel. 180 Lbs. Poppor, Black, Ground, 5 lb. tins (submit samples). 60 Lbs. Ginger, Ground, 5 lb. tins (submit samples). 120 Lbs. Mustard, Ground, 5 lb. tins (sumbit Bamplcs). 20 Lbs. Maco, Ground, 5 lb. tins (submit samples). 20 Lbs. Clovos, Ground, 5 lb. tins (aubnv.t "amples). 6 Lbs. Nutmegs, Whole, 5 Lbs. Cloves, Whole. 10 Lbs. Caraway Seed. 3000 Lbs. Tobacco, Chowlng, 16 oz. plugs (submit samples). 1500 Lbs. Tobacco, Smoking, 1 2-3 oz. pkgB. In cloth bags (submit samples). ' 4000 LbB Soap, Savon, Standard Oregon Mfg. (aubmlt Bamplcs). 1200 Lba. Soap, Whlto, Cap. 6 oz. cakos. 1200 Lba. Soap, Kltchon or Sand Soap (submit Bamplcs). 72 Lbs. Pearllno, lib. pkgs. (James Pylo'a). 2500 Lbs. Rice, No. 1 Japan (Bub- mlt bamplo). 320 Lbs. Starch, KIngsford's GIosb, 1 lb. pkgs. 240 Lbs. Stnrch, China. 540 Lbs. Soda, A. & H. 1 lb. pkgs. , 100 Lbs. Baking Powder, Plonoor, or ns good, in 5 lb. tins. 36 Lbs. Chocolate (Bakcr'B) 1 lb. pkgs. 20 Lba. Bluing, Nuremberg balls, Lit, A. , 96 Lba. Macaroni, Whlto, in 8 lb. 1)0X08. 48 Lbs. Vormlcolll, Whlto, in 8 lb. boxes. 18000 Lbs.Salt F. L. 100 lb. bags. SOjQroBs MatchoB, Vulcan Safoty. 96 Lbs. Lye, Concentrated, Giant, 1 lb. cans 50 dozon Oystors, canned, 2 "S" (submit samples). 60 dozon Corn, canned 2 "S" (sub mit samples. 10 Lbs. Jnpanoso Wax, In 1 Jb. cakes. 2 Bbls, Ryo Flour, No. 1, In 50 lb. ngs. 3 Bbls. Buckwheat Flour, No. 1, In 50 lb. bngs. 100 Lbs. Pearl Barloy, In 25 lb. boxes. 2000 LbB. Snl Soda, In 100 lb. sneks. 500 Lbs. Soda Crackors XXX, moyt or loss, del. ns required. 60 I.I a Sago 1500 Lbs. Tea, Japan, not exceed ing 30c por lb, (submit Bamplo). 35000 Lbs, Sugar, Dry Granu lated, Cnn American Roflnod. 90 Lbs. Sugar, Powdered, In 30-lb tins, XXXX. ' . 45 dozon Brooms, No. 1, best (sub mit snmplo). 3 dozon Brooms, Whisk (submit sample) . 2 dozen Brushes, Dust, J, J. Adams, No. 7, oxtra, Jj dozon BruBhea, Blacking, No. in. ' 5 dozen Brushes Scrub, No. 13, wltjt handle, solid buck. 2 boxcB Fly Paper, Tanglefoot, 25 double shoots to box. " 10 Reams Straw Papor. 3 dozen "Washboards (Red Cross No. 56). 5 boxes Pipes and Stems, Shaker. 500 .Lba. Cheese, Oregon full cream, moro or less, del. as req. 20 Gal. Boiled Linseed OH, strict ly puro, In 5-gnl. cans. 8d Gal, Turpentine, strictly pure, In 6 gal. cans. 1200 Chloride Llmo, Acme, 1 lb. cans. 500 Gal. Oil, coal, moro or less, del. ns req. 250 Lbs. Parafilne, 1 lb. cakes, wrapped (Standard OH Co.) 8 dozon Bath Brick. 36 dozen Yeast Cakes, Magic. 1 Box Candles, 14 oz. 500 Lbs. Currants. 500 Lbs. Ralalns, Seedless (Mus cat). 20 Lbs. Shredded Cocoanut, in bucket 36 Balls Cotton Twine. 36 Balls Jute Twine. 1 dozea FloorJirushes, wire draws No. 24, 14 ia. long, with haadle. Samples caa be seea at the asylam aad the goods must be la accordance therewith. Where aaaaplM are re quired taad set f uralshed by bidders, tho nrtlcleB niUBt bo eaunl , . , - - cam- pies to bo Beon at tho asylum, and bids will bo assumed to have been mado on basis of samples. Lista for Stationery, Drugs, Plumb ing, Tinning, Leather and Findings Furniture, Mill Feed and Flour' Meats and Flah, Shoes, Hardware' Crockory and Glasawaro will bo fu nlahcd by tho clerk upon applica tion. All goods must be in strict accord nnco with Bample In original pack ago whon possible and dolivered at tho state InBnno asylum within 20 days after tho contract is awarded, and bids mitBt bo on blank forms which will be furnished, together with instructions to bidders, by tho clork, upon application. Each bid on flour or meat must be accom panied by a certified check for $300, and each bid on fish by a certified' check for $75, and all othor 'bids by certified checks equal to 10 por cent of, tho amount bid, checks of unsuccoasful blddors to bo returned immediately, nnd those of accepted bidders when tho contract is com ploted. Bids must bo enclosed In sealed onvolopos and directed to tho board, enro of tho clork, and plainly marked "BidB for Asylum Supplies," and the class of goods bid on should also bo Inscribed on tho envelope Price, fitness and quality bolng equal, proforonco will bo given to articles manufactured, grown or produced In this state. Whon a par ticular artlclo is specifically called for, bids for other, kind, manufacture or brand, equally good, will bo on- tortalned, but to Instiro recognition of such bids, samples of tho nrtlclcs it is proposed to supply must accom pany thorn. Tho bonrd reserves tho right to re Joct nny or all bids, or to accopt or roject lAiy part of a bid. Bids will ho oponcd nt tho cnpl'tol at Salem, at 10 a. m. Monday Juno 10, 1907. By ordor of tho board of trustees of tho Oregon Btato InBnno asylum. . W. N. OATENS, 5-23-36-Juno 6 Clork BABY NINE DAYS OLD TALKS. Sc.v AVns Not Mentioned, but It Was Probably a Girl. A dlBpntch from Ronnoko, Va., last Friday, says: Tho precocious performance of n 9-day-old baby talking porfect Eng lish has thrown tho Crnyson county neighborhood Into a fit of Intcnso oxcltomont. Mnny peoplo live In fonr and trembling that somo catas tropho is Impending. Tho child Is tho offspring of Mr. nnd Mrs. Lof- wlch Browor, a woll-known couplo of Crnyson county, residing nonr Fox Poatofllco. Tito child wna born two wooks ngo, nnd when nine days of ago It Btnrtlod Its mints, Mib. Titos. Brew or, who was holding It, by suddenly beginning to tnlk, Its articulation bo lng porfect. Tho child called tho names of Its parents, grandparonts and others, ropeatlng each namo sev eral times, nnd following this with tho word "henvon." Members of tho family flow from tho houso In alarm at tho monstrous behavior of tho Infant. Tho child died yestordny. Tho story Ib corroborated by Dr. Q. R. Hasloy, tho physician who attended tho mother at tho birth of tho child. W. J. Phlpps, postmaster, also cor roborated tho story, o A Fortunate Texan. Mr. R. W. fioodloe. of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tox. says: "In tho past year I havo becomo acquaints with nr. Klnc'a Now Ltfo Pills, and no laxatlvo I over boforo tried so effectually dlspossos of malaria aau biliousness." They don't grind nor gripe. 25c at J. O. Perry's drug store. Money Makes Independence Hundreds of our depositors are becofnlng a little more independ ent every day. You can bo inde pendent, too, If you will stive a part of your earnings and deposit thorn In our Savings Department regularly. Doposlts of one dollar draws Interest compounded semi-annual- 17. Your account will be welcome whether large or small. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank OFFT cntor (.. $ Senator vJ'S Portland. "eprosentwi lem. l,,e.C.H toProWntat,few.H. ' Governor. tJt Mrta" Stato Treasurer n. tion.j.H .; ! avenaj. Attorney Oai . . State Prlnler, W.' J H stato Law n::8,.D,SJ . " vuignu. j "Oil. "it Chlof Jn,tu. ..wt' AssodZriH ABSnMfT r?"U r ':;:: "' xuiuuiissinnprf W R. King. ' ' Clerk, J. j, isBrpir Reporter, It. G. Circuit JudEM. go. a Salem; William om VI Dlafrlff Ai- -. Nary, Salem. Other Stat 0W4, J o. w. uauejr.Foduii missioaer, Fortlasd. J. W. Baker, 0i uft wuraen, wttage Grow. Robt.0. Yennr, State 1 ccr, Portland. J. H. LowIj, Bute Ki E. Gllllnchao. State lcm. H. G. VanDusn,Su!i! mlsslonor, Astoria. Cltas. V. Gallewar, Ett Agent, Salem, W. W. Elder, Conaa Home, Roseburg. Marlon CowtjOMa, John H. Scott, Counti Hi Judge. R. D. Allen, Clerk ol CM W. J. Culier, Skerlt W. Y. Rlchardioa, Ti B. T. Moorei, Schools. F. J. Rice, Ammmt. B. D. Herrlck, Jr, Smtftt J.O. Nccdbam,T.&(Mt, mlsslonera. A, M. Clougb, Cera D. O. Draser, Rtcttfct. Snlcm CK; CUi Geo. P. Rodgeri, Sw. W. A. Moorei, Rearta Judge. D. W. aibJon.Miniilrf tfrnnk MnrMltl). CltT TlMM . ....... -.., , -, . A. 0. Condlt, City AIM Jns. W. Martin, Stit sloner. Mark Savage, Chief ft niAnt. W. C Smith, Hutt MK ritr gUR&C C Ways and Mmm-Jm' Churchill. Ordinances Grt Goode. Accounts and Csmst Churchill, RcUf, W cran-rtoalMT. StM Public Bulldls- Sewerage, Kl,JVj Plumbing Frfi Fire and Watw-U.1 cooae. rM.i Health and Poll-, TIf.l4n t ... r.nni4. KtW. Prlatine-B Public Pirk-BJ Stockton. 1lnJ ef ' W.ILBTrd,Ckj i a Lee. H. C w a. A. Lee Crolsan, Director. ti A'. Jobaws, it- 7 ; it Powers, car w ...uBoae Is now merely "S,., Dallard'a Soo u j Hyjlnimentoftketw-jy Burns, Cuts, Wj, .. r, i. Raw ii Air. v - - ... UTI by v. j- V - ' cAgBS misiwi;1 , i'