m ' & a I SB M INCORPORATED J TO OUR DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY.' JUNE 3, 1007 TEXTBOOK . COMMISSION IN SESSION PATRONS It is necessary, on account of our sovero loss by fire, to request of our customers Wing open accounts to please call at their earliest convenience nt our temporary ofllce, Room 10, McCornnck Block, and 4 adjust thorn. "Wo need tho money to moot tho many expenses Inci dental to tho many emergencies. An early romlttanco will ho greatly appreciated. Wait lot the Big Sale Experienced Salespeople Wanted iiiitnmiiMiiint CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Par nirrnnlMJ for Your Consideration 5wmww Bouvenlr PoHtnlfi Now Bubjocta today, nt Patton's. To Vlnlt Stock Farm Tho claBs In Btock breeding of tho Oregon Agricultural Collogo pnssod through tho city this morning, on routo for Portlnnd, whoro tho -12 mombors will spend tho day on tho Lndd farm. Wallace G. Trill Will ho soon n 1Ib heat at tho Grand tonight. Ho Ib a natural horn actor, nnd tho part ho Is to play Is Bultod to him exactly. If You Want to laugh, como to tho Grand tonight. There will bo plonty of laugh to go nil around, and aomo to spare Como. Sympathetic Service Ib always appreciated. Thoro 1b Bomothlng moro than moro business In our caro for tho bpdioa of your departed frlonds. All our sorvlco Ib nlmod to mltlgato sorrow aa well nB provldo appropriate burial. A hand Homo chapel for tho ubo of our clients. A. M. Clough. Bhoo Solos Sumncr-Cupp , County Clork Allon hnB Issued a mnrrlago liconoo to Samuel Sumner, of Salem, aged 21, and Myrtlo May Cupp, of this city, aged 17, II. A. Cupp witness. Closed for tho Season Carl P. Ruof, tho florist, will close his Btoro at 373 Stato strcot after tho IGth of Juno, to reopen about tho first of October of this year. Ho has met with success In his now von turo, and next fall IntondB to opor ato on a moro oxtcnslvo plan, carry ing n full lino of floral baskotB, rib bons, etc., and ovorythlng up-to-dato In his lino. During tho 'Biimmor months ordors may bo loft at tho storo room, which will bo occupied by tho Unlquo Clonnlng Parlors. Mr. Ruof thanks tho pcoplo for tholr pat ronage and hopes to meet all his old customers again noxt season, 'A Scrap of Paper" At tho Grand Opora Houso night. An ovonlng of fun. Meets to Make Adoption For the, Next six Years The Oregon Textbook Commission, acting under the Daly bill, are In session at tho state apitol to adopt textbooks for tho next six years. They met nt 2 p. m., nnd tho first business was the election of a chair man and secretary. All efforts to take the selection of textbooks out of the hands ot business men and put It in tho hands of tho county super intendent fnlled In tho last legisla ture. Tho commission now stands: II. W. Scott, Portland; C. A. Johns, Baker City; Wm, Colvlg, Jackson ville; P. A. Campbell, Eugene; M. A. Miller, Lebanon. So far as the people aro concerned they are asking no changes In text books. A few useless books could bo cut out, and n moro rational system of penmanBhlp adopted. Tho commission Is holding its ses sions in tho rooms of tho president of tho senate, and about 20 represen tatives of tho publishing houses nro holding down aenta In tho senate chamber awaiting invitations to como before tho commission. H. W. Scott was elected chairman, F. K. Lovoll secretary. o RANI) CONCERT. Large Crowd in Marlon Squnro En tertained Yesterday. Tho Salem Mlltary Dand gave its regular Sunday afternoon concert 08tcrday In Marlon square. Ideal weather, excellent muBlc, nttrnctivo costumes and pretty faces woro all In ovidonco to blend Into ono harmo nious wholo to make ono of tho most pleasant afternoons of tho Ben son. Thc band will glvo Its next opon-alr concert In Wilson avenue tonight. Tho concert which is usu ally given on Wednesday ovonlng will bo omitted owing to other en gagements of sovornl mombors of tho band. to- Tonight at tho Grand A stirring announcement, which out-glittered tho sword of AchlllCB was nindo In tho Unlvorslty chnpol this morning In behalf ot tho threo act comedy, "A Scrap of Papor," which will bo presented In tho Grand Opora Houso this ovonlng by tho4Btu donts of tho Collego of Oratory. ThlB will bo ono of tho most pleasant ovonts of tho year, nnd, in tho lan guage of tho speaker, tho collogo spirit of tho largo number of stu- dontB who will attend will make all tho aged putriotB In tho bald-headed Tnko your Bhoo ropalrlng to tho row forgot tholr antiquity; and join Toggery; boat workmanship, hon oat prices. All work guaranteed, Stitch In Time Nick Rlor at tho Toggery can do your shoo ropalrlng nnd do It right, nt honest prlooa. Ladles' Sombreros . All tho latoat slmpes In fe.Ua nnd straws. Tho Toggery, Temporarily Closed Tho Snlom Undertaking parlorB on Court Btruet havo boon temporarily closed, owing to a chango of owner ship and preparatory to romodollng tho sumo. Tho plnco will bo ro opened In July with Improved facili ties nnd Ineroasod stock, aa woll aa hearses and ovorythlng necessary to conduct i first-class buslnoss In that lino. Mr. J. C. Sill, of Portland, will bo In control of tho now establishment. SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Lot us show you a neat, up-to-date lens for near and far-aeelng. It U eually as good as tho expensive kind, and halt tho cost. Don't throw away your broke glasses. Bring thorn to us. We caa duplicate any part, with little ex pease. Chas. H. Hinges Cka4al Oftticktt CfryHal tfnttttifl Bant- with tho youngor generation In col logo yolla that will tear tho ntmoa phoro Into shredB, nnd make tho SI washes Blink Into tho dark recoBsos of the prlmoval forest. llnskets, Ruskcts For commoncomont. Soo window display at Ruof's, tho florist. Sho Will Rot First. Colorado Springs, Juno 3. Be causo Exlno Fuller refused to bo dis suaded from her belief that posses sion is nlno points of law, sho is spending her hours In n cell at tho county Jail. Sho was brought Into court Satur day morning because sho rofuscd to Burrondor tho books of tho Mary Murphy Mining Company, which Bho acknowledged to bo In her possession MIsb Fuller claims about $60 salary for work dono upon tho books. When tho mining company demurred to Immediate paymont of the sum Miss Fuller la alleged to havo In formed tho ofllcora that aa long as paymont wna deferrod just so long would they seek In vnln for tho books. Sho was sentenced to Jnll until sho would consont to turn over tho books. "I'll stay hero till I rot," sho said, "but I shan't toll whore they are." Still Unconscious. At 3 o'clock this afternoon young Frohmndor, who was bo badly hurt on tho boat at Newberg Sunday, had not yot rognlnod consciousness, and tho final rosult of his injuries can not yot bo dotormlned Addressed Students. I The students of the Willamette University were given a rare treat this morning in the chapel, by being addressed by the eloquent Baptist divine, J. W. A. Stewart, D. D., dean of the Rochester theological semin ary, at Rochester, N. Y. Dr. Stewart ranks among the foremost theologic al spenkers of the day, and held tho large audience of students and visi tors this morning In marked atten tion. Ho pictured three classes of stu dents, firstly those who worked merely to gnin a degree by "hook or crook," and usually, said tho speaker, "they employ tho latter;" secondly, the. student who galnB a degree fairly, but considers that Id tho crowning effort of tljelr lives, and do not attain to tho high stand ard that would have been possible with energy and earnest study had they grasped tho great truth that a degree does not necessarily mean success. The third class wero repre sented ns thoso who worked for knowledgo and fully developed fac ulties, regardless of tho A. M. or tho various degrees. Said he: "Un less the student dlpB into tho great realm of literature and wholesome moral truths that aro to bo found outside tho clrriculum of tho collogo course, hla education will bo incom plete." Sir Walter Scott states this truth In tho following line: "Tho best part of overy man's education Is that which ho gives himself." Ho dwelt on some of tho great evils which aro confronting tho American pcoplo to day, among which was divorce. Sta tistics woro shown whoro in ono county in tho United StntCB thoro woro as high aa 35 divorccB in ono month. In n province in Canada, containing two or three million peo ple, tho lognl separations do not nv crago moro than threo or four per year. In concluulon tho speaker made an earnest appeal for tho Btu donts to dovolop tholr highest facul ties and tnko a stand In all questions that pertain to tho betterment of country, homo and church. Fnthor Royal, formerly of this city, now of Portlnnd, was present, and bolng Invited to Bpeak, briefly drew two pictures, ono of despair, dishonesty, Ignoranoo and dissipation nnd tho other hope, enlightenment, education and roflnomont. Father Royal Ib now" 87 years of ago, yot baa a clear mind, and Ib an earnost and entortnlnlng apoakor. Ho has watched tho growth of Wlllamotto UnlvorBlty for many decades, and Is always ready to say a word In Its behalf. PERSONALS. Mrs. J. Q. W, ii naveeoBetotOIr;M: W. L. Drown him ri,,fnn., ,... I .Mr and Mr. xHt Mi sit in Marlon. "m ' rwiSi '"?" diti Fiit Wool Peel Is Sold. William Ilrown & Co., of this city, havo bought tho Sclo woll pool, 20, 000 pounds nt 2Ui cents. This is tho first pool of valley wool sold this year. For atomach troubles, biliousness nnd "constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvor Tablets. Many romarkablo cureB havo boon effected by them. Prlco 25 cents. Samples froo. For said by Dr. Stone's drug Btoro. Kept tho Teacher Rusy. Miss Anna Crowo, a school teachor In Bolllnghnm, Wnsh., risked her ltfo Thursday afternoon to Bavo a boy who had fallen into tho Nooksack rlvor. Sho was picnicking on- tho rlvor with Rev. J. R. Macartney and family when a 3-year-old child fell Into tho wntor. Miss Crowo caught tho child and drngged It from tho wator. A young son of tho pronchor bocamo excited and tumbled from a log on which ho wna standing Into 15 foet of water. Miss Crowo swum Into tho swift current nnd caught tho boy, who struggled bo dosporately that sho had difficulty In keeping him above wator. Finally assistance enme and both wero rescued. Human m SMOOTHING AWAY HOUSEKEEPERS' TROUBLES Right Goods at Right Prices 10 bars best Savon ,,...,,.250 7 bars Xlant Soap 23c 7 bars Golden Star Soap . . , ,23c 7 bars Diamond O Soap . . . .U3c 5 bars Poarl Whlto Soap ...,23c 5 bars Whlto Linen Soap . . . ,23c 5 bars Borax Soap 23c 5 bara Threo Heart Soap . . . ,23c 5 bars Naptha Soap 23c 10 bara Red M Sand Soap.. 23c 3 hand Sapollo 23c 3 kitchen Sapollo 23c 3 cans Dutch Cleaner 23c 1 can Powdored Borax 13e 1 pkg Powdered Borax 10c 4 cans Rex Lyo , . ,23c 3-lb pkg Gold Duet 20c 3-lb pkg Pyramid Soap Pwdr 20c 3-lb pkg Armour's Soap Pwdr 20c FAMILY JARS Not tho kind that destroy tho home, but tho kind that win keep your fruit until ready for uso. We nro loaders on Jars and jar prices. Mason, Economy, Everlasting, all tho good kinds. Now rubbers and caps at tho right prlco. W. A IRVIN & CO. 203 CommtrcUl St. P&o&e 66 Save your fuel bill aa well f as tho torture of a hot kitchen and let us do your Baking Our homo bread Ib a winner. Try It. Coffeo Cake, Buns, ', ', Homo-mado Cookies, all kinds ; of homo-maio uanes. ii Baked Pork ii and Beans j; . . Try a pan. Thoy are fine . . i ; ; Home boiled ham, roast pork, J ; veal loaf. ! ! Leave your order with us. X :: Roth & Graber I;; no sut st. 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 U M 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- vIbU S. B. Cattorlln haa returned from a visit in rortland. jjra Mrs.' L. M. Toney went to Eugene this morning to visit relatives. Harry Winstanley left this morn ing for Eugene on business. , Mrs. E. Gllllngham went to Port land last evening for a Bhort visit. Mrs. George Meyers is in Newport where sho will spend tho Bummer. Mrs. George Litchfield has return ed from a visit in Marlon. Mrs. Anna Teckemeyer went to Turner this morning on business. Miss Thetta Stephens spent Sun day at her homo In Portland. H. D. St. Helens and Jako Wenger left today for Newport on business. Mrs. Dexter Field went to Port land this morning to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. V. B. Callamoro has re turned to her homo In Portland, af ter visiting in tins city. Miss Chloo Bashor, formerly of this city now of Portland, Bpont Sun day visiting Salem frlonds.- Mrs. Jos. Fontnlne, who has been visiting Salem frlonds, returned to her homo in Jefferson this morning. Mrs. E. Wagner, who lias been visiting Salem frlonds, returned this morning to her homo In Portlnnd. MrB. M. Hanoy, who has been vis iting hero, loft this morning for her homo In Lafayette. Miss Adn Will, who has boon vis iting in tho city, returned to her homo in Albnny today. Mrs. Gcorgo Davis, of Portland, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. P. Crow- shaw, of this city. Governor Chamberlain returned this morning from an over-Sunday visit in Portland. Miss Alicia McElroy, of Eugene, nftor a' vlBlt In this city, has gono to Newport for an outing on tho beach. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Daniels, of Eu gene, arrived Saturday evening for a visit to Salem relatives. Mrs. W. H. Parker, who has been vtnltlnc hero. hnB returned to her homo In Forest Grove. Mrs. E. J. Sautcr, nftor a visit lo Ma oltv. returned last QVOnlnR to hor homo in Portland. Roy Elwood nnd Lloyd Reynolds, of Portland, visited In this city Sat urdav and Sunday. Bon Tnmplln spent Sunday with Salem frlonds, returning to his homo In Portland this morning. Bort DuRnnt loft this morning for a visit In Sllvorton. From thero ho will go to Portland, where ho will locate. Mrs. E. Jorvis, who has beon visit ing Salem frlenda and relatives, re turned to hor homo in Marlon this morning. Mrs Horten Haskell, who has boon visiting her sister, Mrs. T. C Davidson, loft today for hor homo In Albany. Oscar Sand wont to Sllvorton for nn extended visit today. After visit ing there ho will go to Eastern Ore gon to Bpond tho summer. Mrs. F. S. Thompson nnd daugh tnr. MUa Thelmn. after visiting Mrs. C. A. Bort, of this city, returned thla morning to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bhhop. of Portland, aitor a visit to their sou, J. A. Bishop, of this city, have roturned to tholr homo In Pqrtland. Mrs. C. L. Hadley and son, Mer ton. of Roseburg, nro tho guests of Mrs. W. H. Byars, a sister of Mrs. HndloyT Miss Bessie Cooper and Miss or tha Clough spent Sunday in Port land, the guest of Miss Clough s nuht, Mrs. F. J, Catterlln. Miss Metta Davis, who has beon .-. -.r- nnA 'Mrs. D. A- tno gueai oi w. " - Densmore, returned this morning to her homo In Portland. .-11 1nnnn Walt Warner, tho wen---sign painter, now located Port land, Bpont Sunday with his farollj in this city. , , . Mrs. C. G. Grlffla and daughter, Mrs. C. McBeth, went to Jefferson this morning to visit Mr. nad Mrs. u V. Clnudfeltor. , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Abranw left thla morning for tholr home in Port land, after a visit to their daughter. Mrs. O. O. McClollan, of this city. Mrs. M. L. Wllmot and Mrs. v Jordau, who have been visiting Mrs. Clarence Perry, of this city, have re turned to their homes In Albany. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schourer. be have been tho. guests of Mr. and Mrs. t...j . , rinct several weeks, havo returned to their home in Fo" , " .... r Actnrln. SDent Sun- day in the city visiting frlenda and relatives. He was formerly a rest dent of Salera where he has a wiae circle of friends, .. Mrs. J. N. Mattatall. after vislt ! kere, left to4ay for Portland. Fheae 3 I where she will apead a few o.a - her son. She will taea reiur home la Ciatralia, WaaMatfoa. Mm x ,. au " u. h. ,v H. burl, Weni the lcam toZV, ment of Wiiiameu Z3 3 many ujx la,. ,. "i uie fi..-. "". win, i ravIi' wu for0er ' "ends here. u Miss nont,. ,. . visiting rMn'Hft.;! will attend their, 'H m"tf! were she u (toBT " ,n Drain SV a graduate of tfat IrZ? met ids VIII1UITB' TV.. one of th ;::' t. that has been g aB cal talent for IJ presented last i.v. ,.'-' - UIKUL M 41. nhrleHn,, .t . " ""wt uiurcn. Tie , was given bv ih thochnrch(andnjK large and appreeliUn iJJZT i na nniiu rectlon nt u u.j. ' " " ..!. II. II Wfll... . t rinvlo n...ii . . . '""II "l.,,o jjiihi, Wnn j.m., .. formerB, and, alitedirSajg zrr M tho program were mum, j u; mo BWI1IUI BH t. "Bins. A rose drill bjijj dies was among the nosti tnnnnAi fimt . - ...uuuiii uuu nu periormiHi, nor mat would lure ciJni,w, nds envious, nnd rluledthi oi me unices. To tho sweet ilraluclSW played by Frank Clnii young laaies, who eith xM t, basket of roses, won Wte4 graceful flgures, 'neathttnik of colored lights. Ma En M and MIsb Julia McCullociUi of the primary depinaaiH furnished manjr inttresliBf mmk." Tho program wis too!ot(k tlon In detail, but CTcrjwfc good, nnd tho tresltt'ii meat will long remind fol ory of all present Hand Concert Toilfkt- Tho SalcmMUltirMiii nn open-air concert tih tmis( j Wlllson avenue, at M. . o Knst Salem llrowsl m j Tho MaclcaybanbillUMi bats with the East Sstas i Sunday at Maclcir, at &! was a shutout gime'lAwa for tho Waldo Mils Iwa. tin a lmnn beaten Is tw games this year, bat U stffcj theso did tbey bare tw i ' Manager H.Klnf.E.rtt! Rniom. announceitbatMW correspondence from wit' Jne a carao with Jlacw ti..lii'i llnPUD VU ' R.'simeralc.H.KIfiJ T. Drake lb, 0. Trl . " -o,. i ufhoolw rf. A. Sia" Page If, E. Simons asai-JH DIED. w tt fe0M ' daughter, Mrs. U Mta JJ3 South Salem "i ' .Time 2. 1907, BenJl aged 83 year. The funeral wrvfces were in Independent! Norwich UJ Frank erUa. ijj'jjj Office WUB n- 129 Commercial J- lunwcVTOli ,.lliun THoalt, OverLaddtB'.' NEWT0DA1 tan18-" utff r only way tW k i J Ttl'" , ana " - .la steam. - - y fromtM assure yo Lg Phone lf' kj&l ISt nn tii pin lit' celverew.- kJtl. CraiS. !51 bulldi 514. vrtau Tr7 m