m DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON MONDAY, JUNK 3, 1007. L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER rfS&fer. um&P. & usi!S. J' June Clearings SALES BEGIN MONDAY MRS. LESLIE CARTER IN "DU BARRY" SALEM WILL SHOW APPRECIATION H It 19 our custom to open our aunimor salos on the first of June, with! view of clearing out all of our Spring and Summor Goods, nnd mnko ny for the fall arrivals. Keop your eyo on our advertisements, and etch our store lewJFeatures Will Be Added Every Day As the Sales Progress rand Opera House WO. T. CORDRAY, Mnnngcr. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 f Kui;ii;otiiriit Extraordinary. Irs. Leslie-Carter DU BARRY Ity David Holasco. rhcMm, first rows.. 92.00 Errhestm, last 0 rows,. 2.50 res Circle 2.B0 ideony, first it rows. . . . 2.00 ulcony, next !I rows... l.BO ideony, last 3 rows .... 1.00 ullcry SO at Sale nt box ofllco Wednosdny, m Phono orders nccoptcd. Cur- frlscs nt 8 o'clock. BCItAI OK PAPKU" TONIGHT. fRe of Oratory Will Glvo Annual 1'lay This Evening. se r"; I nts of the Collogo of Or f, wVr the d'rectlon of Donn Bown Snvngo have boon faith rch'iralnc for tho nnst sovornl pi en tho comody "A Scrap of h." which will bo nrosontod In fcntnd Oncra Houso tonight. Tho luctlm contains plot enough to sympathetic Interest, yot It is 1th laughnblo comedy that oj cno forget buslnesa caros and more serious Bldo of life, nnd oachlv cnJoy an evening of fun. ? performers are woll suited to various roles, which aro hnn- I with nullity that ranks near pro. ona'lum, Thcso performances been ono of tho most plcaBnnt ts of tho school voar In tho naat. Judging from tho cast and tho It cf the piece, "A Scrap of Pa- will nrobnblv bo tho most brll- of any of the gems produced by students. he r!ay will bo enlivened by mu Y e :o of Salem'B best talent, QR which will bo several num- by Mr. Robert Eakln and Miss inslow. he cast Is as follews: Prosper Couramont Wallace 0. Trill Dnron do la Glacicro Clnrk Dolknnp Urlsmouche, landod proprietor and naturalist HnUh Hadcr Anatolc, his ward ...Chostor Catlow Baptlste, sorvant Francois, sorvant .to Prosper.... King MoDonnld Loulso do In Qlnclcro ..Ollvo Rlgby Suzanno du Rusevillu, her cousin, - Ethel Cotter Mathlldo, slstor to Louisa Ollvo Rtddell Zonoble, slstor to Drlsmoucho,. . Vera Bynrs . . Mndamo Dupont, hotiHokeepor, . . Ione Fisher Paulino, maid . ...Uarbarn Durbln o An Impecunious Plnywrlter. In 1879 James Davis began rac ing. At ono tlmo ho hnd twonty harBOS in training, but within six months ho hnd lost every shilling and hnd allowed his buslnose to go to hnck and ruin. Ho Btartcd again In now ofllcos, nnd for a whllo attraotod a mimbor ot now cllonts; but ho found It im possible to oarn onough monuy to meot his consldornblo roqulromonts and took his name o thffe rolls. Ho then turned his nttontlon to the bar, ato his dinners, but was novor callod, Joudnallsm proving a groator attraction. Ho boenmo tho theatri cal critic of tho Sporting Tlmos, nnd ho wns a rogulnr contributor to sev eral other wookly papors. Ho rolatod himself that ono of his proprietors, roaring thnt his articles would got tho paper into trouble, found him tho money to start a paper of hlB own, and tho Bat camo into oxlstonco. Its stnff was a remark ablo one. and Us career chockerod. In Inter years Davis established a weekly called tho Phoenix. Aftor tho doath of tho Bat Davis wont to Paris, whoro ho wbb assist ant editor of GolIgnanl'B Mosscngor, nnd where he spent what bo has do scribed as "tho only roally hard-up tlmo I over had in my life." Ho camo back to England in 1890, hnd a period of somo prosperity, and was "broke again In 1898;" for, ho said, "I mado It a rule to allow my he Ice Cream Store THE PLACE WHERE YOU GET FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM AM) ICE CREA31 SODAS THAT TOUCH THE SPOT. THE RIGHT KIND OP CRUSHED FRUITS FOR ICE CREAM SIM)ES AND ICE CREAM SODAS. THE POSTAL SHOP NOT THE RIGGESr STOCK OF POST CARDS, RUT THE 'BEST SELECTION SHOWN IN SALEM, INCLUDING ALL OP THE LATEST NOVELTIES AT SALEM'S POPULAR DRUG STORE "The Queen of flowers" to Greet the Queen of the Stage Scarcely an evont of the season will bogln to attract such nttontlon among thontro-goors ns tho appour- i nnce of the famous strr Mrs. Leslie- Carter at tho Grand Opora Houso Wednesday In her most successful piny "Du Barry" by David BohiBco. Mrs. Leslie-Carter Is todny easily first among the EngtlBh speaking artists and In emotional roles fW lonnblo Paris shop nt the tlmo ot Louts XV. A young officer ot tho King's guard, Crosso-Drlssnc, has fnl Ion In lovo with her and would mnko her his wife. At tho very hour when she has made an appointment to meot Crosso-Brlssnc she Is lured to the fnmous gambling establish ment of tho Marquis do Quosnory, through tho blandishments of Jean du llarry, who Is In lenguo with tho notorious Marquis. Her beauty at traots tho King and ho schemos to mnko her his mistress, but through a series of trying expcrloncos which nro tntonsoly thrilling Jcnnotto re mains true to her soldier lover nnJ before a groat nssomblnge sho mnk os tho King tho common laughing stock. In the end, however, sho Is shorn ot hor power by tho Revolu tionists nnd condemned to death be cause ot hor association with the Roynllsts. It Is concodod thnt Mrs. Lesllo Cnrter has never been seen to bettor ndvautago than ns Madamo du Barry kuHRSlUBlBbw JQaTsfpH LLiHif.froiyftiliHBHHL1iHfc?f ylsAefflal MPSPSPSPSHlSF " XiUEPPSPSPSPSPPS9SPSPSSJB xrppMhJ J .jpppppH HavjVBaBxjK Jfisl9flpjVHflpBp9Mpl"T' ipnukfliH Mj IflppHpBr yHMH pjbpjpHpK& 2pMflflpflBpBflpHjHBBp2u '"NSK pjesRflBpBpl HBbBH-Jk. aS3pHKjppH flBvflBvflBYflplK99BvABrpV7!Llp9K9BL i VflenEr w kt A Uapr"- Sim H pBpSHMHpMaapsHHBHBKPSK 'wii Wt' wk bbpjbI plpHpBiBRBd9BlvjBKlBP: " 9pjfvl- Iflfll ppflkHsBpHbtpppKMIppHp?' ai- IBH pbiVAIpSbVAvAVAVApsVABpbV &m5 AYAY1 PPSPSPSPXPpflBPSPSPSPSPSPSPSlO'XraUftSBfb ( jIPSPShBH BPBpSBBSpBHPMBMiMapMpBHiWJH ""BbwbbJ pspsRpspsplBpSlEB8HH9papflBBspp9pspssBntrk,' pphv9 pffpfpfpfpfpfpfpfpP'aVkV 'sPPVffffffffffffffll Hr " ' pIpH Mtk. I (! In Cnrtcr. without a poor. "Du Barry," hor most BticcoBsful play, , tells a most fascinating story of tho dnys of IajuIs XV of Franco and ns a produc tion It has novor, In sconlo Invest ment, been oqunllml. Briefly this Is the story of "Du Barry." In the first act Du Barry Is revealed as Jeauette Vaubernler, n charming little milliner in a fush- and tho play Is one of tho mo.it not ablo of tho past dowtdu. Her sup porting company Is one of exception al merit. Owing to tho longth ot tho play tho curtain will rlso promptly at 8 o'clock. Boats on imlo at box ofllee at 9 o'clook Wednesday morning. weekly expenditure tu Just exceed my weekly Ineomo." Two or throo yonrs later Davis ac- cldontnlly met George Edwnrdos In a train n day or two after tho pro duction a new play nt the Gnloty. Edwardea asked him what he thought of It. and "Owen Hnll" ox prosied his belief that ho could wrlto ono much hotter. "All right." re pllod Edwardea, "you shnll do lhe noxt." Within a vory short tlmo Mr. Kd wardos received the manuscript of Tho Gaiety Girl." practically tho first of tho modern musical come dlos. Thon Mr. Davis In collaboration with Sidney Jones, wrote a series of successful musical comedies at Daly's "An Artists Modi," 'Tho Oel- ha." A Greek Blavo ' Tlic uaiy f i 1 1 JpBWaVlBYflBW TOTHV EPPLE'H PEUFHCTION IIAKI.VG POWDER. YOU WILL Bit COME A STRONG AUSUItliit OP KPPLEV'S PERFECriON RAKING POWDER AFTIHI YOU HAVE TEST ED IT. WHY NOT FAVOR US WITH YOUR ORDERS, IT IS FOR SALE Y ALL GROCERS. MANUFAC TURED IJY 0. M. KPPLKY, SALEM, OKK- eompnuy during thnt t'mo luoluded Hoyden Collin. Miss Marie Tompest, Miss l.etty Llnd. Uiitlnnd BarrliiK ton nnd innny other well known art ists, and tho "Ogon Hnll pieces wore Immonso succohsoh." Turning onto inoro to "Owen HallV vonfoHitoiiB, ono learns that he reoelvetl 2000 for the libretto, "A Greek Slave," and that ho lost It nil horse racing In threo weeks. For tho Lyrlo ho wrote with Les lie Stunrt an enormously successful "Florodorn," which afterwards had so groat a voguo In America thnt It was Mid that the famous sextet, "Tell mo, Geutto Maiden, Aro There Any More at Home Llko YouT" had supplanted "Yauko Doodle" as tho Amorloan national nlr. Afterward there came "Tho Silver flllppor." "The Girl From Kay'" fanothor huge success), "Tho Modal and the Maid." "Sergeant Bruo," and "The LltUo Cherub," tho last still running successfully In tho Unit ed States. Last autumn, with characteristic audacity. Mr. Davis floated "Owen ! Hnll. Limited," a company which was Mo produce hU plays without the ex jpeuse of the middleman manager. For many weeks he had been ser iously ill. but his new "book" tenta tively oaUwl "Tile Catherine Wheel" was nlnwt finished, ami It was an nounced yetrday that It was to be prod need In tWe bhImiru at the AdeV- phl Theater. Iondon Leader. Ancient Rome Is now merely a memory of th- past Ballard's Snow Liniment Is the fam ily llnlmont of the twentieth century. A posltiro euro for Rheumatism, Burns, Guts, Sprains, Neuralgia, etc., Mr. 0. H. Ruyon, Btanberry, Mo., writes: "I luro used Snow Liniment for Rheumatism and all pain. I can't sy enough In Its praUe." Sold by D. J. Yry. Look for Quality First AbYbshB Jf i jbBbTpa . i ppSspslpl J& iTjSBppppa - - r psskHsVH it BpMsffJsM r !Sivl3BBVp9flMMpa)flpBpvSrML . '"".m,. pppppppk Spj pppflB S. ( "" W Bsr sVsYsW wS&r t- ft M& Sr SPpSPMy It's Practical Economy to Buy Reliable Merchandise Even It It loen cost n llttlo moro nt llrst. Don't buy gooda ot ques tionable qunllty nt any price. Look at tho B. K. &. W. Inbol which stnudl for all that's good In inou'a clothing. THE OUTWAHD Al'PiaAUANOH of u suit Is otton deceiving, Nicely shaped -Bhoutdora, alcoves, lapels, utc, do not cbuiUtuto nil tho ro qulsltos of good clothes. Tho hidden parts which you must tnko on fnlth nro moat oxnet Ingly looked after In tho 1). K, & W. suits, nnd these possess corroct stylo, Individuality, and honest, lasting qunlltlcs. Our cash plnn ot business ennbles us to tindorsell "regular stores." Cy ( MJ-JL a jfjrss'sj24 ickzJSi' dMcfe .3'. ' J$.rs"stedi &r'. SOMfTHING DOING EVERY MINUTE ;,tt "irrTTr r.w- July 4th AT SALEM CELEBRATE WITH US SEE ANNOUNCEMENTS LATER COMING EVENTS, Juno 4-7 Washington Btato Grnnre, Lyndon. Juno 10 Oregon Pioneers' asso ciation, Portland. July 10-16 Intorntalonal qnrls- tlan Endeavor conrentlon, Seattle. July 16-20 Orand Iodo Elks Philadelphia. July 9-13--Knights Templar con- clave, Saratoga, N. Y. o- Colic mid DInrrltora, Pains In tho stomach, colic and diarrhoea aro quickly relieved by tho uso of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For salo by Dr. Stone's drug store. o CASTOR I A 7r UfcaU a4 OUIsVtm. Tin KW Yw mm Atop htto Dllcat4l Church. Dr John Colomau, president ot Wlllumettu University, assisted In the dedication services of tho new M. . church In Pendleton Sunday. HollUter's Hooky Mouctula Tea Purifies tho blood, strengthens tho norves, regulates tho bowels, aids tho kidneys, euros stomach troubles, builds up tho nervous forco and re pairs tho III offecu of over eating. Tea or Tablots, 35 cents, For salo at Stone's drug store. - ' o Notice to CUwst Up, Property owners la tho city ot sU lorn and tenants of sucb property are hereby notlAd that All prewWee must be cleaned thoroughly wRhla tea days from thU date, FaUlmr to do so the city autkorltlM will ckM it for you, and tax the expense ( the property. My o4r o Hi eoa cltt. Dt4 May 39, HIT. I-Sl-St W. A. UOOK1M, Kis4ec. :y I O BmmsU .iiToiti-a. RED CROSS PHARMACY 1MIMYHlUKJA.e)it1C a (ZMffzti Zffl&5c