DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1007. STATE NEWS Tho Jury In tho cnso of the State sagalnst Hutchinson, on trial at Roso Jlnirg, In which ho is charged with idultory, failed to reach a verdict, 5ind was discharged Friday night. "Tho cnso was continued until tho aioxt term. ' Cnptaln A. W. Gowan, receiver of tho land office at Burns, says tho ettlera aro flocking into tho Harney 5ind Malheur counties by tho hun dreds, and that 12,000 acres have 3)eon homostoadod In this district during tho month of April alone, nnd that May and Juno will see n still larger ucreago filed upon. Ho says Eh n't Ills office has been doing double maximum buslncis for several months. In crossing tho John Day rlvor at his ranch, about eight miles nbovo Spray, Monday afternoon, James Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Paul, was drownod, nnd at tho last report his body had not boon recov ered. Tho place whoro ho was cross ing tho rlvor was below tho junction oTCho north and south forks of tho ITolui Day. His horso roared and tfdH backward, and both animal trnid rider disappeared. 'Tho Southern Pacific has begun oporntlonB In earnest for tho rush ing of tho completion of tho Drnln Coos Day railroad. A largo two wtory frnmo building Is filled to ca pacity with comont for tho construc tion of bridges nnd an area of over 3wlf nn ncro is covorod to a height or ton feet with 00-pound steel mils, material for tho building of olght Uron IreHtlo brldgos has boon rushed to Scoltsburg nnd construction on thorn will coinmonco Immediately. It Is thought that noxt fall will see tho Tcuiiipiuuon oi mo ronu to tito lown of Jteodsport on tho Uinpu.ua river. IH'cullar mystery surrounds tho nctlons of a party, supposedly n wo nmn, who attempted to ontor tho ionio of a. W. Hohlon, nt Coos Dny ti Ifow dayH ago. Mr. Bohlon llvos In Klio resldonco at tho rear of tho Tlmos building. Ho was nwakonod 1y Koino ouo knocking on his front loor nbout 11: in. Shortly after tho Vlass in tho front door crnBhcd In. Mr. Bohlon oponcd a door on tho scconil floor, and asked tho woman whnt Hho wauled. Tho party Btnted who wanted to got In, and on being iiBlcod why turned around and walked away. Tho woman wan tall and had n whlto Hhawl or faBclnator thrown over hor hoad. Tho entlro family wih wrought up ovor tho Incident, nnd Mr. Ilohlon's son hurriedly Aroused and wont In sonrch of tho kIiihb breaker. P CELEBRATED J .ts. . -r jAT.v .iium S5S!5Ktffi2 WW Start taking the Hitters ns soon as you notice any weakness of the Stomach m Liver or Kld- r'J neys. You'll M find It very beneficial for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Poor Appetite, Costlvoness, lllllousne.s.s or Kidney I In. The Insurance on the furnlturo and fixtures is as follews: Home of Now York $4000 London and LancaBhlro 1000 Awnings 200 PROBABLY RE-ELECTED AS MAYOR LANE PRECINGTS GIVE BIG VOTES Total $5200 And on tho part of tho building damaged: x Continental I $5000 Home, of Now York ...;... 4000 Sun 3000 Total $12,000 A letter was received today by L. M. Kirk, tho local agent of tho Alli ance of London, saying thnt D. B. North End and Other Devlin Precincts Show Light Vote Portland, June 3. This afternoon Lane supporters aro confidently claiming tho re-election of tho may or by an Increased majority. Thoro was a heavy early morning vote on tho East Side and other precincts ad mittedly in favor of Lane, nnd a cor respondingly light vote in tho down town, North End and other Devlin strongholds, giving color to their claims. Heavy betting continued throughout tho morning, but since 11 o'clock the flood of Lane money bet Dovlln off tho board. Lane money was posted without takorB. It la es timated that $70,000 aro wagered on tho result, breaking all previous irecordB. Tho probability Is Lane MJjHH(QHtota BBTBSHiTiTB vmKl Tho betting this throo to two on Lane. afternoon is Wilson, of San Frnnclsco, hnd boon selected atf adjuster at a meeting of will cross tho rlvor with nn increased the companies Interested, nnd would I plurality over two years ago. adJtiBt their loss. Tho roprosontntivos of tho various companies, who are in tho city, will hold a mooting this nftornoon to form n plan to adjust the loss. X-RAYS AFTER ANTHRACITE ROADS. Department of Justice Thinks They Violate the Law. Washington, Juno 3. It was nn- I nounccd in this afternoon's papers Wlm e.lltr... .1 m....!.- r ' il.nt 11, iHllnnilnnllA. f 1. n..t1..n i iiu 011111111 ui 1 UIKUJ WU8 It IUWI ttitik uiu m vuauKtuiuii ui uiu 11111.11111- days ago prosontod by ono of his clto coal-carrying ronds hnd boon wives or slave girls or so mo fomnlo placed In tho hnnds of Assistant At omployod about tho seraglio, with n tornoy-Qonornl Purdy, with Instruc plcdgo of nffoctlon In tho shnpo of n tlons to "take such action as ho bouncing bnby girl. As It was up In tho numbers, tho ovont bolng a monthly occurronco in Abdul Ham Id's houBohold, thoro was no gather ing of representatives of tho nations, dooms advisable" It In oxplnlned that tho bituminous roads aro not In volved. It Is understood tho rccom mondntlons strongly favor tho pros ecution under tho nntl-trust laws. and tho kid wns not'pnsscd around Tho .department of Justice believes a on a tin platter. It was Just mini- conspiracy in rostrnlnt of trado ox bored and plncod In the coop. m wn every nome taoie mere may be served every dav ir.li i healthful, delicious hot-biscuits by following the "CLEVELANDbV B There is no economy in saving a few cents by using Alum bL Powders. The cheap a urn baking powders work sure injunr to ZHP bnjoy the purest of home cooking by using " CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER Made from a Superior grade of Pure Cream of Tartar. CALL FOR CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER AND INSIST UPON HAM Sold and Kecommended by the Following Gfocersi 1NHUUANOH AIM UHTKItS AmingeimMitH Completed for Kstl- mating tho Dnmtigo t Meyer' Hi v. ' "W. A. Williams, of Sonttlo, Is In tho city today In tho Interest of tho Continental and Tho Home Flro In- nu ranee Compnulos, In adjusting ' tholr loss In tho recent Meyers' Hro. Tho Continental Flro Iusuranco Company, of whluh ho Is spoolal ngont, carried $5000 on tho oast part of tho building dnmngod and $4600 on tho Htoolc. Tho following Is tho Insurnnco on tho steck: Now York Undurwrltors ,...$2000 Continental 4500 Norwich Union ) 1000 Tho Aetna 2000 London Assurance 7000 ltoyal , 4000 Sun of Loudon 2500 North British and Mercantile. 4000 Now Zealand 2000 Northern Assurance 3000 Gorman American .......... 2500 Atlas 1500 Connecticut 2000 American Central , 1500 Total $42,500 CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chocking accounts enablo folks to deposit their monoy and ro colvo n passbook, against those account thoy aro pormltted to draw checks. Chocks may bo given to parties for such sums as desired, thus avoiding frequont trips to the bank. If lutoroatod call and oe us. Salem State Bank I K. PAQB, PwWt. K. W. HAZARD, OMhkr. lsts In tho handling of anthracite. VKTKHAN'S IN GItAY. Htatuo of Their President. One-TImo With tho high wngos pnld un skilled labor, and tho low salarlos Dnill 111 nilltlV rnlllmra i-nnnlvlni. .! ucntlon, thoro Is littlo oxcuso for col-! UnV,, logos, nt lonst from n monoy-enrn- Ing point of vlow. MobI of tho , . . ,. ; t . school teachers In tho country earn Va.. Juno 3.-Tho stat- loss than tho Janitor In tho buildings "Y Jefferson Davis was unveiled In which thoy teach. to(lny nB tho c,lmnx of tho Cv"f011" ino uouiu uns ueon If thnt young school tonchor who wuh lost In Washington nlong with a small boy and a dog hnd given tho dog a chanco It would havo takon thom homo. Whon It comos to wood craft, any old dog enn glvo u school toaolior, or almost anyone olso, liolntsrs, and it nood hot bo a point er dog, either. In Montana tho stork Is classified with tho singing birds, and is pro tected by tho law, Most of tho songs probably aro ltillnblos. In tho mnttor of tho Jamostown exposition fareo It Is now thought by tho management that tho buildings will bo completed nnd tho exhibits, moat of thom, In place, for tho clos ing exerclBOH. Mayor Uusso, of Chicago, bogan his busluoss career as n coal doaler, and thou boenmo a city contractor, and in splto of this tho peoplo of Chicago point him out as bolng thoroughly honost. Tlmo for tho witty paragraphors to oloso up shop Prosldont Itoosovolt, In his ad dress nt Lansing, Michigan, Friday ngaln pointed out tho duty of Amor loans to rnlso famlllos. It roally looks as though Toddy was after tho Immortal Goorgo'a tltilo of "Fathor of tho Country." o Transfer of Uonl Ivstnto. Tho following dsods havo boon plncod on record In tho otllco of tho Marlon county roeordar; J. Q. MoKlnnoy, ot ux, to A. L. nnd O. Ask, half aero In Pholps addition to Sllvorton, w il $ S50 George 11. Itobortson to Jnmos M. Bonos, ot ux., south half , of lots 1, 2, a and 4, block S, Tumor's addition to Tur ner, w d 350 S. and J. A. Smith to Florence L. Dullis, lot 32, Pholps1 ad dition to Sllvorton, w d .. 150 John Wnlllng, ot ux., to W. M. nud A. E. Every, land in t 10 s, r 7 o, w d ....,...., l JobsIo D. Walling, ot ux., to W. M. ami A. E. Van Evory, land in t 10 s, r 7 o4 w d..- l T. and E. Jonos to B. F, Der ringer, land In t 9 s, r 2 o, w d , 4000 orato reunion. 18 years raising funds for their mo morlnl. Tho military pageant of vot ornns In gray was both pathetic nnd dramatic. WELLEH IIKOS., COM3EUCIAIi 8TKEET. I). It. GILUEIIT CO., COJSLMEItOIAIi STREET. ItOTH & GIIAUEK, COMMEHCIAL STI1EET. DAMON' & FOSTER, COMMEHCIAL STREI2T. .1. f. LAWRENCE, COMMERCIAL STREET. ' W. A. IRVIX CO., COMMERCIAL STREET. A. DAUE, COMMERCIAL STREET. II. II. RAGAN, COURT STREET. A. L. 11ARVE1", COURT STREI3T. .T. L. MOORE SON, CAPITAL STREET. RUTHERFORD & DOE, FAIR GROUNDS. ROTH GKAUER, STATE STREET. J. W. IIAIUUTT, STATE STUEET. MOIR GROCERY CO., STATE STREET. II. M. I1HAXSON, STATE STllEET. JOHN HUGHES CO., STATE SinEET. A. A. ENGLEILVRT, STATE STREET. F. G. nOWERSOX, YEW PARK. H. L. SOHULTZ, ASYLUJI AVENUE. W. 1). WHEELER, NORTH SALEM. A. CHENOWETII, NORTH SALEJL Will Act on Suggestion, Washington, Juno 3. Senator Culloin told tho Prosldont todny that his Indianapolis speech was ono of tho host ovor mndo. Later Cullom said: "I think congross will not lies Itato to onnct Into law the presi dent's reasonable recommendations for moro railroad legislation, nnd it is certain Home legislation concern ing ovor-cnpltallzatlon will bo passed by tho noxt congross. o Nuggets Found In Satsop River. Montosnno, Juno 3. Sovornl nug gots havo been found on a gravel bar In tho upper Satsop river by a pros pector and brought to Montosnno Thursday evening, whero they wero submitted to a Jowolor for examina tion. Tho prospector refused to glvo his name. Gnyuor nnd Greono Get Theirs. Now Orlenns, Juno 3. Tho federal court of appeals today nulrmed tho soutonco of fours each and fines ag gregating ovor half a million dollnrs against Groono and Gaynor, con!ct od In Savannah, Georgia, of defraud ing tho govornmont. Just boforo tho noon hour on Frl day tho drillers at tho artesian well bolng bored besldo tho Now S. P. R. R. roundhouse, at Roseburg, mndo an unexpected And. At n depth of about GOO foot tho big drill paBscd through tho body of hard rock In which thoy had recontly been work ing nud entored a' strata ot Band which vory much resombloB sea sand only bolng darker In color. In this sand was found a flow of salty and vory brackish water, which soon filled tho woll to a depth of about 120 foot, or almost exactly at sen lovol, tho Biirfaco of tho railroad yards bolng nbout 4 SO foot nbovo tho sea, according to tho measurements of tho engineers in chnrgo ot tho U. S. geological survoy. Special Eastern EnriNiifcif May 20, 21, Junil,f,l, 4, 5, August 8, 9, ll.StttMikl 12, 13. To Chlap til $73.15. St. Louli:Jt:i,pl St. Paul and return, Os&,tfl Bluffs, Sioux City, EL J, to City and return f 61.65. W1L1TW, 5-21-tt 0tt.fc HIIIHMMtMl I You, Sir, should sec tl I Snappy Summer Suits Another Strike in 'Frisco, Snn Francisco, Juno 3, Ono hun dred and fifty llnoinsn employed by tho Pnolflc Tolophono Company wore ordered to strlko this nftornoon, in sympathy with tho tolophono opera tors. How to llvo on 15 conts a day. Tho mind as well ns tho body is ben efitted by economy In eating. Thoro's no honlth giver llko n diet of Hol llstor's Rocky Mountain Tea. In n startling way it keeps you going. 35 conts, Tea or Tablets. For sale at Stono'a drug store. Pa, ho Btnrts nt early morn To fnco tho wide, blue world, Ho gots his Btrongth nnd health By using Rocky Mountain Tea. For ealo at Stono's drug 6tore. n sror a- - . t .. 7T " " mtt s?m MMYWHmJteiw 8m $10, WE OFFER AT $12.50, $15 I $30.00 You should sec them for the that they are, without exception, the .. ,i:i, .. inll.rl cnlk in the CO at our moderate prices. BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHES Never have we offered more reft looking suits than are here in w son's collection. THF NFW shapfs IN STRAWS are now your inspection and try-on. All styles in Senw I split straw, $1 .50 to $5.00. rcaoV Salem Woolen Mill Sb wiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiimmniiniiiiiumi