Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 03, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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iters Judge BoIse-AIso Declare They Will Stand for No Technicalities
Co largest farmers' meeting held Resolved, That la tho death of R.
his alley In many a day took P. Dolso tho Linn Countv Council,
Saturday nt tho grange hall Patrons of Husbandry has lost one
alles south of Jefferson In Linn of Its most active and oarnest friend"
ly, wntro tiiu xjw.u iuuuij wuuu- in uiti uie nonoroa loader ot tne
Pntrons of Husbandry of Oregon.
Judge Ilolse was cradled In the
principals of liberty, and carried
with him to the close of his days
an abiding love for humanity.
His Intorest In public affairs did
not wither with nco. and notwlth-
1902. Tho present standing his length of years ho was
A. Duckuer. The always; actlvo In the advocacy of
eld an all day session.
hplcndld picnic dinner was serv-
noon and thoro was auuudnnce
bod things for nil tho visitors.
Morning Stnr Grange.
was started with tho largest
er membership lu Oregon on
uary i
er Is W,
ling Saturday was n county coun- measures which tended to benefit tho
D. H. Dodlno Is President of, Grange, the tlllor of the soil, and
council; John Scott vico-presl- the tolling masses. He was repent-
f; May Palmer, secretary; Bert edly houored by tho people, not only
fcr, treasurer; M. F. Wood, lee- us Judge of tho Third Judicial dls-
and Cyrus H. Walker Is Chap- trlct, of Oregon, but by our beloved
The gate-keeper is P. D. Cor- order. Ho was evor tho most nf-
Those county councils nro held, fablo and courteous of men.
a month and differ from the Resolved that tho Linn County
lona grnngo in not comcrring council win evor noid in Joving re-
. degrees, nnd concentrating at- mombcrance his wlso counsel nnd his
Ion upon practical Bubjccts that untiring efforts tn build up the
Irtaln to farming nnd county grnngo In Orogon nnd tho Union.
ers. Rosolved that a copy of those roso-
bo other officers of tho Morning lutlons bo mnllod by our secretary to
; grango are: C. Houston, ovor- the family of our departed brother,
Clarcnco Radford, steward; nnd thnt tho secretary furnish coplos
rConser, lecturer; Tom Fnriow, to tho nrosB, and enter thoso roso-
itnnt steward; F. M. Miller', lutlons In tho grnngo records.
iurer; Mrs. c. cj. strntton, sec- o
n ..... .
fcy; iiyuo .MeoKor, gnto Keeper;
E. Mcekor, Pomona; Mrs. C
ow, F'ora; Ceres, Mrs. E. Mook
LThcy have a duo grnngo hnll n
north of Millorshurg station.
re were aciegaios present irom
lly all parts of Llnn county
Textbook Question.
ro. Mitchell spoko on the sub-
of textbooks. He favored lenv-
It to tho grango Itaolf. County Qrtmft nf ,. prnrnnj,nlc ila.
frlntendent Jackson aUo spoko.. v '" 'vw'"! ,,ou
best class of books should bo so- llOOd RiVCr
Tho grango was n body ofi
tscntatlvo citizens nnd was best
to judge. Ho hud been can-; (Following report Is copied from
edby textbook mon nnd tho com-' tho Sunday Orogonlnn, nnd rendors
Bon had sent out letters to get of tho Capital Journal nro warned
rniatlon ns to what changes wero
esary Would tho cost of any
so be coinmeiiBurato with tho
Ms derived? Mrs. Stratton of
education commlttoo nlso spoko
cbool reforms. Tho natural,
Rl and physical must bo dovolop-
ether to get tho best results.
to accept samo merely ns Informa
tion, not as nn nctual truthful re
port. Members of tho grango should
roly upon their own delegates to re
port.) (From tho Orcgonlnn.)
W. S. U'Ron. father of tho Inltln-
urtr Wood opposed frequent tlvo and referendum, arrived hero
kh cn tho ground of oxpcnBO. Friday night to dofond tho now
ro was a Roneral oxnrcsslon of amendments to tho law nassod by
ng members In this samo lino tho last loglslaturo. Ho complained
Ihoiigh and tho grnngo ns n-thnt tho assertion had been mndo In
Is opposed to any material tho State Orange Rulletln that tho
pse cf textbooks that is not unl-J nmeudmonts wero too costly and lm-
ally demanded. I practicable to bo of benefit, u stato-
grange excursion to Newport' mont which touched him In n tondor
set for Wednesday, Juno 19.iBpot. Dy requost, ho wob allowod to
re are to bo at lenst 150 at $1.00
for tho round trip,
the afternoon thoro was a short
ry prcgram under tho control
he lecturer Thero wero n largo
per cf farmers presont at tho
:-'cn In tho afternoon. Eu-
could not, distribute tho measures
and arguments thereon to each vot
er. Tho roason for requiring copies of
bills to be detached from sheets of
signatures In th presence of tho per
sons filing tht same, Is to avoid any
ground for charts that petitions or
signatures have been lost In tho
oflleo of the Sscretnry ot Stato.
The inothod of proving signatures
by county e'erks' certificates was
changod so that tho circulator should
make an ndldavlt on tnch sheet ns to
the signatures thereon.
The warning clnuso was mado n
part of the petitions becnttBo com
plaint had beon mado, ospcclnlly by
thce who circulated tho Initiative
petition for woman suffrage that
some mon signed fictitious names to
such petitions.
The now law does not lncrenso tho
expense of circulating and filing inl
tlntlvo nnd referendum petitions, but
It doos lncroaso tho cost ot election
on such moasurcs by tho amount It
costs tho stato to mall coplos.
Mr. U'Ron estimated the total cost
to tho stato of voting on monsures
at a regular election nt from $12,000
to $15,000, an lncrenso ot from $5,
000 to $7,000 at ench general elec
tion. Tho now law makes no chnngo In
tho provision ns to attaching sovcrnl
shoots for Blgnnturcs to one copy of
nn Inltlntlvo or referendum petition.
Public Measures Favored.
Among tho measures affecting tho
public wolfaro tho grango goes on
record as favoring a law which will
placo tho Inheritance tnx In tho com
mon school fund. A resolution re
affirming domnnds for a parcels post
was adopted. Another resolution
favored employment of convict lnbor
on public hlghwnys.
A resolution from Lents grnngo,
bo considered a moral crime against
which we register our most solomn
This resolution precipitated a hot
debate, the first speaker being W. S.
U'Ron, who snld ho would advise tho
secretary of stato to refuse tho tiling
of such petitions. Ho said that Attorney-General
Crawford did not
think tho grounds for refusal were
technical, but that tho petitions did
not comply with tho law. B. H.
Palmar said that all bills contained
dofects, and thnt many would be
thrown out absolutely If such a pre
cedent was established. Ho said tho
case wnrrantod nn oxpresslon from
tho state grango, ns nil buoIi referen
dum petitions authorised by that
body might Buffer tho samo fnto at
tho hands ot tho socrotnry ot stato.
Itov. Hiram Voorman, who Intro
duced the resolution, defended tho
same, as did several others, nnd tho
grange adopted tho resolution by nn
almost unanimous vote.
Inltlntlvo Invoked.
Two Inltlntlvo laws wero author
Often The Kifasys Are
Weakened by Over-Work.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered thnt only
urinary and bladder troubles were to bo
tracca to tue kuincys,
but now modem
science proves thnt
nearly nil diseases
have their begiuuiug
In the disorder ot
these most important
The kidneys filter
nnd purify the blood
that ts their work.
Therefore, when your kidneys arc weak
or out of order, you can understand how
quickly your entire body is affected nnd
how every organ seems to fall to do its
If you arc sick or " feci badly," begin
tnkltig the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because a soon
as your kidneys are well they will help
all the other organs to health. A trial
will convince anyone.
If you arc sick you can make no mis
take by first doctoring voir kidneys.
The mild nnd the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root, the great
kiduev remedy, is soon realized. It
M , ,
NHKXSflt 33l
nittl 1 ILIIlLllli 10
' trtti.)j 4li tii.Imt - It teStttilMffl! lttrff
nf tli. itxt tlUtrMinlittf fnr t trK1
Itlfl ft tt il (Iia itwnitilli.i nniitiitlMAit mnM I ..- . .
... .... luvwvvimiiiMiiiiuiiHiv """on its merits by all f
instructed to propnro inetn. Tito druggists in nftyccnt
first enmo up In n report from tho and one-dollar Ue
. ia. . ... ....-. .u. bottles, ou mav
cuimiiiuuu on euucnuun, nuvining iu ' I.-..- .......t- i.n- ..7 .
.......... c.iuij.u Lrut.iu noma oc owhwci.
grnngo to help Bottlo tho Normal by innll free, nlso a pamphlet telling you
school dlfllculty. It recommonded , how to find out If you have kidney or
tho adoption of tho stato lecturor'fl , MwMer trouble. Mention this paper
' , , . I when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., lllng-
BUggcstlon on n job and no vote. A , nnmlon, N. f. Don't mnke any mistake,
commttteo of three wob also author-1 but remember the nnmc, Swamp-Koot,
Uod to get Information and facta ro- Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the sd
n.ino vr,i M,ni- frm nti.nr dress, llinghamtou, K. Y.,oncvcry bottle,
states concerning learning nnd gon-
oral educational systems nnd submit
snmo to tho executlvo commlttco ns
a help In preparing tho proposed
Upon this question thoro wnB n
dlffcrcnco ot opinion between tho
stato master nnd tho Btnto locturor.
Stato Master lliuton was opposed to
iiiiv Inltlntivn law lmnn Knrmnl
fathered by Rev. Hiram Vroomnn. 8ch0ol mnt wh,o fltlo lj00turor
favoring a special grango tax com-'Wnldo favored such a procedure and
mission, to study aws and methods m,vJaod ho nn tQ nko ft nmt.
of other states said commission bo-1 top whch ho ,ogUlnturo nd rofulod
lug empowered to draft equally to BOttu, Mr8. Wft,,, ia tho poo
lnwB, all at tho cxponso of tho Stntoi. . , . lh
Qrango, wns defeated after a sharp
InHnlntnrn nnil Htnin nxiiRlltlvO! thnt
debate. Tho Grango opposed now Ul0 nn ropr0Mnt0ll tho ,,
laws on taxation, Insisting that on.jnnd ghouId g,vo Ul0m nn oplortun.
forcement of existing laws wns nil , t0 ,mvo ft vocfl n tho ninU(jr
that Is needed. As a compromise. ghQ Md (ho wn on,y nn ,.
howovor, tho appointment of a com- 8trument nml offorw lo oraonn
mlttco of flvo was decided upon to . fliii , ,,. ,,, .
I I tllOU ! Sllf ttVJ MVIWI . !
look Into tho question nnd report nt
next 8csslon.
Tho oxocutlvo commlttoo wns In
structed to examine tho lnws ptusod
And everything kept nt a
first-class noed nnd feed con-corn.
151 High St
of Initiation.
Tho other law to bo Initiated by
tho grango wns taken up on a resolu
tion tiv A. I Mmnn. nnil n munsuro
by tho last legislature, and, If nocos- wJl, b BUbmUUHl wnlch wlll rtoi)rlVo
Bary, bring matters opposed by tho . In,,,nhlrn nf ... ,. ,n r0.
grnngo to notice .of tho ""'J Putting In Modern Plumbing
turo with request for omondmonta, MniniM(in nn i-.uUinilo,. Hnb- a
mlttcd n resolution to amond tho Inl
tlntlvo nnd referendum lnws by In
serting nn emergency clause It wns
Wo enn supply you with tho lum
bor you need nt tho price that will
materially economise In tho coL
Just como and soo ub and look ore
our yards.
YardA Ncr Depei.
Requires no world-wldo nonrch to
find. Just put this naino In your
mental memorandum book, nnd you
hnvo struck It Ullom's bread. It M
bound to mnku n hit with you nnd:
your family tho first meal It appear
un your tnblo. Don't forget that
turn out flno rolls, plcn, cakes, otc,
right hero. too.
O. ULLOM, Prtip.
a i
or appeal.
Tho grango reaffirmed Its opposi
tion to tho Tuttlo nnd Johnson road
to draft a road law requiring mo
stato to pay CO per cent of road Im
provomontB, tho counties 35 per cent
and rond districts 15 per cent. Tho
bill is to bo Introduced In tho noxt
loglslnturo and Its passngo roquosted.
Tho stnto lecturer's BURROstion of
county trolloy lines wns Indorsed.
Senator Ilourno and Roprosontn
tlvo Hawley woro Indorsed In their
offortit to seouro Jiutlco to tho set
tlors In tho mntter of tho Southern
Pnolfic land grants, extending from
Portlnnd to Mnrysvllle, nnd dolnnnd
Is mado that railroad land bo sold to
miiiliiru tnr 19 f.fl tur nnrn.
"'7 i-" """ "hv r0j)olutiou was adopted thank
and answered numerous quest ons OB..turo for passing
Tho principal compa.nt of tho ' rf ,
Grange Is that Mr. U'Ron did not,.,. ..." mt nrnnnrtv
I It was rosolved thnt tho nccopt-l
laws and authorised the stato master i conlondod mt ony ono coy ihould
consult Its oftlcora beforo mnklng tho
changes. He admitted that ho
bo necessary for n porson soliciting
signatures nnd thnt tho stato should
stand all oxponso. It was shown
that If an emergency clnuso should
bo nttnohed to any bill thoro would
bo no recourse, nor any dnngor of
loss by technicalities, nnd thnt such
a law should ho pnrt of tho stnto
Tho following resolutions wero
Opposition to nny ehnngo In tho
Australian ballot law,
ReprusontatlvoH to National grnngo
wero Instruotoil to voto for tho o
tabllshmout of n National Grango pa
per. Friday, fleptembor 20, was chosen
as Grango Day nt tho Htnto fair.
It was recommended thnt notlvo
work bo tnkon up In sovoral coun-
fv r mtti if ainTfk niunnre whs n
should have dono this, but oxcusod "" . """' -""w - - " .ties whoro most noodod as nn cxperi
nun nnn nrtTinri w t rinnvHr wur tiw
Pa'rrr real u resolution pro-j himself by saying he had done noth- J . .
Mg against throwing out tho
ere-J.n petitions on purely
N- 3 grounds. It condemnod
"ions as an invasion by Btate
Hals cf the constitutional rights
e c 1 hGW TTTtfln nnd n. nnlvor-
f -'-sir objected to the rosolu-
al faorod throwing It out on
e'" ' -nIfnl grounds. On voto
lh" t'r crnniro. which was nt-
lej niout 700 members, only
Kr"s but endorsed tho roso
F, lowlnc resolutions woro
Tho Referendum,
resolved by Llnn County
i session assembled this
Ing In soaroU
It was assortod that Thomaa
Paulsen, of the executive committee
mont in doputy work, nnd 12500 wns
appropriated for tho snmo.
Tho soorotury was nuthorlxod to
10 lr 1907. thf va ATnrASfl tho
iks r f tho granges here represent
ee- 'ho commltteo and all workers
frcads who have helped seouro
tho people the right to tako a
ercJam voto on oxtraragant and
wu oi me icgisiaiure.
-ca that we regard the rei-
ian veto on such measures as
ated us by the constitution,
attempts to defeat taking such
cf the people on purely tecbnl-
sroands la an Invasion of our
Omental law.
Memory of Jh4co Hoiw.
Cereal, the Supremo Architect
e unlTeree has called from our
t oar honored, patron, Judgo R.
iue, to kU koa la Heave.
Stnto UniviTnlty IN-frrtiidum.
Tho grango eounoll of Llnn county havo fl60 00080f thesaMlon Journal
. j.i .. if U) DkIiiiaw ut nnntiAiu . . . . . .... u. ..
of tho Grange, had mado the. ohargo "uu r " " . -,uv "" prlntoa xor uisiriuuuon nmuui; um
that thore ai an attempt to do- n seeurlng enough namoa to a P- subordinate granges,
prlvo tho people of tholr rights In tltlon, which has boon filed with the oilloar of subordinate granges
the workings of the law. Mr. U'Ren's Moretarjr of stato. to hold up the P'!nre not to be eleotml suoowwlvely for
fitntnmonta shed oonslderable light proprmuon oi )i, r u Wore than two yoars, ami nil onnng
upon the hitherto obr. point. University. Other grange- ttrooin
and was taken in good part by thoso out the stato had refused "'
of the Grange who had eomplalned nd It was said an end oavor woul d be
of being gold-brlcked. ad J htt - X f Z
Mr. U'Ron said the bill was pre-'dor-e the action of the Llnn court V
pared by Judge T. A. MeDrlde and Rrange. The subject as Introduotd
himself, and after that U'RM n- was a surprise, and the state grange
Ployed counsel to aseUt In l TZ
thMrdetpfl Ienmrno attempt to --.Uj U may be said that they
Justify or explain hi. eharge. I JW k,nw hafl th w " d? '
Mr U'Ren stated the charge9 to The resolution referred to reads as
. fitlnwa
be: First, that tho ballot ttue oi ,"".""
In now houses nnd buildings, ns
woll ns refitting old houses, keeps
us protty busy In tho spring, whan
building Is at flood tide. Our facili
ties aro always equal to tho occa
sion, and wo would Invite builders
and contractors to got estimates from
us on plumbing, gas fitting, stoiin1
fitting nnd roofing before going elto
whoro, as wo do export work at rea
sonable prices.
SUM Nft Street.
Phono Illfl.
every measure must bo made by the
Whereas, It has been Intimated by
AUornoT General subT ap ?Z
to the courts; the reason for this I" to ; din How the Allng of r,efer
change Is that this power was abused -- --
by tho use of misleading ballot titles , ' ""' . AT iV- ,L.i,h
prepared by the person, filing stteh voters than the law requires,
petitions. Ian '
Second, a copy of eTery raeasare Wberoas, Their reasons for so do
proposed by Initiative of referendum Ing are purely teohnlcal, therefore,
petitions must be printed and mailed be it
by tho state to eTery voter, all meas- Hesolved. by the Oregon State
ures to bo bound In one pamphlet ' Grange, In regular session assembled
with such arguments for and against that refusal to flfc referendum pe
each measure a may be furnished tlUons on purely technical grounds
by lta friends and enemies at their Is to bo Interpreted as a deliberate
own expense. The reason for this act to defeat the usefulness of our
.- v &,. ih ftM law the county' referendum lawn and to thwart the.
ue In by-laws wero voted down,
o ' -
lU'iiuirknblo lU-Mtue.
That I ruth Is stranger than fiction,
has onoe moro Veen dernonstrntod In
the llttlo town of Fodora, Tenn., tho
residence of 0. V. Popper. Ho writ s
"I was In bed, entirely disabled with
hemorrhages of ftje lungs and throat.
Doctors failed to help me, and all
hope had fled when I began taking
Dr. King's Now Discovery. Then In
stant rellof earno. The coughing MTTLE IKM'KKl
soon ceased; tho blooding dlmlnlsh- '? 81IKK1'
od rapidly, and In three weeks I was Uui aQ OJJ0 nee1 W(Jrrjr Bbout mutton
able to go to work." Guaranteed thg Uwo of tbo yoaf ,f they cim Mct
cure for coughs and colds, 60c and dftjn(y 8Dd delicious Spring Iamb oa
11.00 at J. C Perrys drug store. aDI,etUlnir and nourUhlBK fluw
Trial bottlo free.
lniiciiy linker, Lawrence A ltkec.
Rclfabfe Grocer, At the OW .
mm mimmm mmmmm
Send the Family
Washing To Us
and you'll never bother with kavla
It done at home again. Time waa
when ovory family could not alter
to send tht washing to a laundry,
hut times have changed so, tee,
have the methods and prices. To4ay
you can bettor afford to send tkt
family washing here than not t.
Ask about our prices on family wattn
Ing, rough dry, or Mslihed.
The Salem
Steam Laundry
mor meal, Wo have ereryehlng la
fim lw M hnuw. Vwihiim,
choice meats, and all the dellcaclw
'of tho season In both fresh aad
'smoked meats that will please
tbo most critical epicure,
HUU tHrwt Mktt I'lo Sit
7er water eerrlee HT
We aro now In a position to make
prices on vacant lots, also housed
and lots In Highland addition, alotiK
tho Salem-Portland now electric line.
This property has not been offered
for sale beforo Ipco tho completion
of the road, and wo hnvo somo ex
ceptlonally good buys.
Derby & Willson
WMo)tagf H4
Call and try tkea. MeVi
lCc. Hoard per week 3.7I 4
z also (urnukM rooms vwy s
9 rejiLnnatit V
Hall's Fetty
la now ope "J ready fer nu4
neaa. Koad ellt Weth s444
ot rlwr. A. D, PUTTY JOWW,
l-10-l-d FwrtMarv
clerks did not, and, In practice, will of tbo pcopU), and that It Is to
'SMd in Ssttm kv Tb f -1
payaUe aseatUr, i s4tiuh