iSSC '7"" k ( n w i DAILY OATiTAH JOUBNAIi, SALEM. OREOON, MONDAY, JPXE a, 1007. HOFER BROS., "" Proprietor IS. HOFER, Editor. A. F. nOFER, Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADflD LABOR. GOOD THE ENDLESS DAY. Sometimes I dream of following the sun, With oven pace, from land to land, afar, Basking In sunshine, with no night to mar Tho endless day, forever but begun, , ( ' Then Bhould I see no moro tho dying flowers, Tho naked trees, tho fields frost-bound and bare, Tho snowflakes sweeping through the ley air, ' Kor long for Bprlng through droary wintor hours. -And yet no moro to see tho sun arise And mount the Bky, tho conqueror of night, 3Co moro to watch him as ho proudly dies, In gold and pjirplo clouds withdrawn from sight If thoso woro loBt, what could wo count for gain? Hotter to bear Btern winter's chill disdain. Ninotto M. Lowatcr. -o PEOPLE HAVE NO CONFIDENCE. It seems to be anything with tho legislature and tho official element to knock out the Referendum and mako It inoperative. When will this revolutionary process of defeating tho will of tho peo ple and overthrowing the safeguards of tho taxpayer cease? Possibly when Oregon undergoes a complete political overthrow. Catarrh r Whether It is of tho nose, throat, stomach, bowels, or more delicate 'organs, catarrh is always debilitating cud should noverfall o attention. It is a dlschargo from tho mucous mem brane when kept In a state of Inflammation by an Impure, commonly scrofulous, con dltlon of tho blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cares all forms of catarrh, radically and permanently it removes tho cause and overcomes all tho effects. Oct Hood's. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : OFFICIAL DIRECTORY H-H'l 1-H-l 1 1 II I l-a-H-H-H-HH-g Nntlonnl Prosperity's Tcnnclous Hold Tho tenacity with which prosper ity holds on and tho strong promise it gives of indefinite contlnuanco ccnstltuto a feature of tho political situation that Is not oncouraglng to democrats. So great is this pros perity that tho most ardent of demo cratic newspapers admit it as freoly and seem to dwell upon It with as much pleasuro as their republican contemporaries. Ono nf these, Tho Boston Post, romarks that "such a sharp and sudden shock as that which demoralized tho stock market a few weeks ago should bo expected to leavo scars If not open wounds upon tho commercial situation. That it .A leading firm of Now York brokers comments thus on tho financial nittuntten: When one stops to recall that since the first of tho year In tho nolgh Shnrhood of $600,000,000 now corpornto socurltlda has boon put upon Who market, tho pertinent question directs Itself to tho nttontoin as to Thow this volumo can bo absorbed and yet at tho Bamo tlmo enable tno umrrylng out of any bull campaign in BtockB. ' In tho times gono by this would bo a comparatively simple matter. Tlio wealth of tho country Ib still quite amplo to finance Its needs, -wore tho public inclined to Jnvost their surplus monoy supplies In Wall irUUI. IBHUUB. .... '. . ., Mlla , ,n,,ln too Tho Hlmplo fact of tho market, however, Is, that from ono end of tins '" " - - " country to tho other, confidence has been shattered. 'mny t t"r '"" Tho statement contains nothing novel, as everyone has realized that, torlal conditions upo, wl ch res TlIE WHOLESALE INVESTIGATIONS CARRIED INTO THE OPERA- tho prosperity now cnoyed by the TIONH OF CORPORATE INSTITUTIONS, HAVE BEEN A SERIOUS, Pcoplo of our country. Our Bos BLOW TO THE INVESTMENT, AS WELL AS THE SPECULATIVE SlT-.ton contemporary submits that suvriON "thoro has como an enforced pauso ' L- ., , t i, nnui,ln.n,i imwnvnr. in Hint, thoro 'aro ab- 1 tho feverish activity which char- cutely no Indications, as yet, of a revival of trust In tho Integrity oLtorlxcd tho season Just passed omo of thoso who dominate financial affairs, and until somo such thing, but, says tho Post thoro is a bus xlovolops, It is ubcIcbs to expect that tho interests of tho country will fining force holding up tho opera :snln direct their attention toward Wall street as a field for employing tions of Indus ry bo h n production .6tiiii ,t i. . I nd oxclmng0i.i Tills Is not a good a tiurpiuH num. No soiiBlblo man, for a moment, thinks that tho country s nroKress argument for froo trade, and it does not cry aloud for a rovlsion of tho tariff based on tho proposition that "protection Is robbery." Another free trndo nowspnpor, tho Philadel phia Record, cites with something of oxultntlon ho mo statistics that nro -will bo anything moro than temporarily Impeded by thoso circumstances, Tint it Ib Juat ob woll to look conditions squaro in tho fnco and formu Into deductions accordingly. No matter how valuable a plcco of property may bo, or how much In trinsic worth may exist in n railroad or Industrial stock, IF NO BUY--urns aim.? r in.' i niivn Till.' MARKET PRICE THEREFOR MUST NECESSARILY SAG WHEN THE ARTICLE IH PRESSED FOR SALE, aplondid trlbuto to tho doctrlno of and fall to a loved which Ib bo far balow actual worth .that It attracts protection. For example: In the purchasers who othorwiro would bo disinclined to take hold of It. months of tho current fiscal year the That seems to ho about tho condition In which Wnll street finds It-. Imports have amounted to U.OOB, olf at tho present time. ' 1 000.000. which is 16 2.000.00 moro if m.,.i..,t iiivliloml mtn nrn to bn mntntnlnod. tho KOnoral run of, man a jeur ub"i -u,uvw,vuv xtMckH aro vory cheap, but thoro Is so much uncertainty concerning tho nblllty of loading corporations to continue dlsbursomonts to sharohold om of tho Bamo nmount as they aro now doing, that prices aro likely to fall to a llgurp bolow that which might bo Justlflod oven on a reduced dividend bnsls, boforo Investors will bo attracted. GROWTH OF THE TAXPAYERS LEAGUE IDEA. Sllvurton, Victor Point and sovoral other neighborhoods In Marlon ounty have organized Taxpayors Loaguos. Tho Itlon of solf-dofonBO for tho tnxpnyor scomB to bo growing. moro than two years ago. But tho exports havo Increased not less re markably. In tho pnst nlno months thoy reached n total of $1,150,000, 000, and It was not until 1901 that tho exports of an entire year roachod such figures, and thoy foil bolowi them In 1902 nnd 1903, and but llt- "tlo exceeded them In tho twolvo months of 1904." Prosperity, how ovor, Is not alwnyB a guarantoo of victory In campaigns for tho party Thoro should bo somo such organization IN EACH PRECINCT IN. in powor. This country had novor THE COUNTY. I I boon moro prosperous than it was By the onrolosB work of tho loglBinturo and tho growing demands attn 1892. Wages woro higher then than thoy had over boforo boon. But thnt year was marked In our po litical annals by n tidal wave of dem ocratic triumph. What has boon, may bo again. Washington Post. o Thoro Aro Few Pooplo who know how to tako caro of themselves tho majority do not. Tho liver Is a most Important organ In tho body. Ilorblno will keop It in condition. V. C. Slmpklns, Alba, Toxas, writes: "I havo used Ilorblno for ShlUs nnd Fever nnd find It tho best modlclno I ovor used, I would not bo without It. It Is as goood for children ns it Is for grown-up pooplo, and I recommend it. It is fine for La Grlppo." Sold by D. J. Fry. o atntu dopartmonts taxes hnvo grown burdensome In Marlon county this year wo a-o paying nearly $100,000 moro tax uh than formoiiy. Tho total amount lovlod thlB year in Marlon county Is nearly $350, 000. Ah thoro nro no longer political county or stato conventions permit tpd THE TIME HAS COME FOR THE TAXPAYER TO ACT AND LAY DOWN A LIMIT. Of courso this Idea will bo dlscourngud by tho machine polltlclnn, but ho is tho fellow who Ib coating tho pooplo so much monoy. Tho time has como for n gonornl movomout nnd It can't como too quick nor hard to hold down tho growing spirit of oxtravagnnco. Tho resolutions adopted by tho Marlon county grango should bo stu died and adopted by tho local granges. Tho tlmo spent at fnrmor's picnics and gathorlngs of all klnda COULD WELL BE PUT IX INVESTIGATING THESE MATT13K8. Statu and county appropriations aro Incroaslng out of all proportion to tho growth of tho community In wealthier population. Unless high taxes nro ohockod thoy will bocomo ono of THE MOST SERIOUS OBSTACLES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY. Lot us not bo radical or unreasonable in our demands but let tho pooplo Imvo something to say as tohow much thoy cau bo hold up. o KNOCKING OUT THE GRANGERS. It Ib not surprising that Mr. U'Uon favors knocking out all tho Refer endum petitions filod by tho farmors on puroly technical grounds. Without their knowlodgo and consent, or oven consulting tho loadors of tho Granges. MR. V'REN DRAFTED A NEW AND COMPLICATED REFERENDUM LAW. It changes tho procedure and incroasos tho exponso of tho Inltljtivo and Roforuudum so as to mako It almost a dead letter. Thou whon tho Urangos and tho farmors got up threo Referendum pe titions AGAINST THREE OF THE GREATEST GRAFT MEASURES THHV ARE STOPPED. Sovoral of tho multltudo of technicalities havo not boon compllod with nnd thoy cannot ovon fllo thoso potl-tlons without litigation. Tho matter is referred to tho Attornoy General, but ho has gono off on n fishing trip. Tho Secretary of Stnto Is In California, and tho olorks nro at a loss what to do. All throo acts nro aimed at rampant officialism enacting laws TO BENEFIT ITSELF AND INCREASE ITS OWN GRAFTS. Uudor Mr, U'Ron'a wondorful law officialism has tho power to say to tho pooplo, you shall not voto on thoso matters. Tho Inltlatlvo and Referendum aro rights embodied In tho constitution itself, and yet officialism has a tinkering legislature that vlolatos tho con stitution at ovory turn It can block tho pooplo. How far will this farce bo carried? Thoro nro enough names on thoso potltlons to carry the next election, nnd thoro will bo a political revolt IF THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO VOTE ON THESIS GRAFT BILKS IS DENIED THEM. As tho mattor stands, tho state afflcials seem to be afraid to act on Tho aldo of the pooplo. Tkey are all apparently standing pat 'with the -grafting Interests that the people Want to get a whack at. Citing n Cose. Ollvo Do you bollovo that tho qulck-lunch-counter habit has a bad offoct on tho heart? Violet It had on Tom's henrt. Ho fell In lovo with a pretty wait ress. Smart Sot. Money Makes Independence Hundreds of our depositors aro becoming a llttlo moro independ ent overy day. You can bo Indo pondont, too, if you will savo n part of your earnings and deposit thorn in our Savings Department regularly. Doposlts of ono dollar draws Interest compounded semi-annually. Your account will bo welcome whether largo or small. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank Delegation in Congress. Senator Chaa. W. Fulton, Astoria. Senator Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Portland. Ropresentatlvo W. C. Hawley, Sa lem. Ropresontativo W. R. Ellis, Pondlo- ton. Stato Officials. Governor, George E. Chamberlain. Serotary of State, Frank W. Ben son. Stato Treasurer, George A. Steele Suporlntondont of Public Instruc tion, J. H. Ackerman. Attornoy Gonoral, A. M. Crawford. Stato Printer, W. S. Duniway. Stato Labor Commissioner, O. P Hoff. Supremo Court. Chlof Justlco, Robort S. Boan. Associate Justice, Frank A. Mooro. Assoclato Justico, Robort Eakln. Commissioners, W. T. Slator, W. R. King. Clerk, J. J. Murphy. Reporter, R. G. Morrow. Bailiff, P. H. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Geo. H. Burnott, Salem; William Galloway, McMlnn vlllo. District Attornoy, John II. Mo Nary, Salem. Other Stnto Officials. J. W. Balloy, Food and Dairy Com missioner, Portland. J. W. Baker, Gamo and Forestry warden, Cottago Grove. Robt. C. Yonny, Stato Iloalth Offi cer, Portland. J. II. Lowls, Stato Englncor, Sa eom. G. Gilllnghnm, Stato Librarian, Sa eom. H. G. Van Duson, Stnto Fish Com missioner, ABtoria. Chaa. V. Galloway, Stato Land Agent, Salem. W. W. Eldor, Commandor Soldlora' Home, Roscburg. Marlon County Officials. John H. Scott, County and Probate i Judge. R. D. Allon, Clork of Courts. W. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Troasuror. Q. T. 'Mooros, Suporlntondont of Schools. F. J. Rice, Assessor. B. B. Herrick, Jr., Surveyor. J. C. Noodham, W. II. Goulot, Com missioners. A. M. Clough, Coroner. D. G. Drngor, Rocordor. Salem City Officials. Goo. F. Rodgora, Mayor. W. A. Mooros, Rocordor and Pollco Judgo. D. W. Gibson, Marshal and Chlof of Pollco. Frank Meredith, City Treasurer. A. O. Condlt, City Attornoy. Jas. W. Martin, Stroot Commis sioner. Mark Savago, Chief Firo Depart ment. W. C. Smith, Health Officer. City Standing Committee Wnya and Means Jacob, Waldo, Churchill, Ordinances Greenbaum, Low, Goode. Accounts and Curront Expenses Churchill, Rndcllff, Bnyne. Streets Downing, Stockton, Stolr. Public Buildings Stockton, Stolz, Gosnor. Soworago, Stolz, Jacob, Low. Plumbing Frasor, Downing, Ges nor. Firo and Water Low, Radcllff, Goodo. Bridges Gesnor, Churchill, Fras or. Health and Pollco Haas, Jacob Waldo. Lights Goodo, Haas, Greenbaum. Printing Radcllff, Haas, Frasor. Public Parks Bayno, Greenbaum, Stockton. Board of Education. W. H. Byrd, Chairman. A. A. Leo, H. C. Eploy, E. M Crolsan, Directors. II. A. Johnson, Jr., Clerk. J. M. Powers, City Supt, Schools. V3M NATURE PROVIDES FOR SICK WOMEN aaffS'ABsas.tL'a produced from drugs. In tho good old-fashioned dava nt our grandmothors few drugs were UBed in medicines and Lydta P Plnkham, of Lynn, Mass., In her study of roots and herbs and their power over disoaso discovered and Bravo to tho women of tho world a remedy for their peculiar Ills mora potent and efficacious than any uuuiuiuuuuu oi arucr8 M c " - Lydia E. Pinkham'sW.l7 la an honest, tried and truo remedy of nL. ,. OfllOOfl Daring ite record of mor.uK ttKHiHSI cures of those serious ills peculiar to wom , 1?C' ',,' wuiuf woman. wTnijfun Whon -women aro troubled with lrr.m.i !l weakness, displacements, ulceration orfr " hj flatulency, general debility, Indfflm ?, l8H unoum romemoor tnero is ono tried and V. '"".PWttnti a ham's Vcpetablo Compound. d " ""J.ffi "V 7,, 4,UCUJ m. ino country has melt w.. . lomaio uia, sua inousanas of women nxMl i" " ,Bwr M iiv. m okb oear wuiing lesumony to tho wonderhl tbtaJ!iSSW ham's Vctrotablo compound and wW u i... j 'TIVwMl'Il Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick women to wriK 7 , I mi ded thousands to honlth. , fm: o-wfOTidTka. I s I The Texas "Wonder. Cures all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for 11. Dr. B. W. Hall, 3928 Olive street, St Louis, Mo. Bead for testimonials. Bold by Stone's drag store. dw-ly o iMMtas .TC .IttfKMYHKmUiMiWeJ: JM ,VZWLa-aL $24,000 $44,000 Which Do Yot ?tzkt ? Tho avorago man earns about $1,100 a yew. Hatc-al ycara and earns a total of $44,000 In a llfo time. Rimm day laboror gots (2.00 a day or $600 (or a year ot )() dift fe oarnB $24,000 in a Ufa time. Tho dlffcrcaco beUw H4H nnd $24,000 Is $20,000. This is tho minimum nlnt oil ya, tical education in dollars and cents. Tho Increased cannot bo measured In money. Why not stop phftbfwji a small salary whon tho International Correspondents &m Scranton, Pa., can glvo you aan education thai -will atkia salaried man of you? No matter what lino ot workrMtni follow, thla groat oducationa institution can prepariraj sparo tlmo and nt a Bmall coBt to sccuro a good pttfKj Our local roproaontatlvo will show you how yonwblpaj earning cnpaclty. Look him up today. Ho Is R. G. HUNTER I r ;. Ronrp;pnrativc R00ffl18 Main 451 Ladd & Bush BWf, SV,kl A SQUARE DEAL s I'Z ESS MACHINERY OF rtiiu jiw "-". Tsassrf ss-r--: AND SIIEPARD'S KISW "lvIi" " VmrTVERr STREET AN.) ROA1) GRADING MACII MR WE HANDLE Tliw i nACKS AND CARRIAGES. .im.vrr HPCTI WE ARE AGENTS FOR " j"""MlnnV rruffl ERS, CLIPPER PLOWS AM "aaam ALSO SOME SECOND HAND F.UWl "w- WAGONS VERV CHEAP. whoLKAIK1 PAINTS, OILS .AND VABMBIIM AT fjm TAIL, GLASS Au oiwtoa - SUPPLIES. miips ROBBi.W0' BUGGY TOTJOn CORRESlONDEKUK "'0V APPLICATiOX. IVB CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON AH Trm GEO. B. JACOB, W rnn. FRONT AND rv USE PnONE 404 MIN "iiUFHSWC B. B. & For Boston Brown Bread, Griddle , Ckes, ShJ- ALLEN'S B. B. II. vw , , - oMxti Salem Fence Wire HeadqHarters for Woven Wire Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles P & B. Ready Roofing, screen " and Adjustible Window Screens All at lowest price. Walter Morley 250 Court St 5OB,'.0re I. w. a" ok .i .lHf i ns I o