DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY. JUNE 1. 1007. 8 0 ,rn JAK). it (J a iNcofff s. INCORPORATED Arrangements are being perfected for a speedy adjustment and wo hope to reopen our Btoro within tho next ten' days. WAIT FOR THE BIG SALE Experienced Balospeoplo wanted. Enquire at temporary offices, room 10, McCorunck Block. J rink this afternoon and tonight, which will probably bo Woll attend ed, as this will be the last opportu nity given the Salem people to enjoy tho sport this Beason. Your Lnst Clinncc To .skate at tho Auditorium rink (liis season. Conic early ami avoid the rush. Two sessions, 7:30 to 10 and 10 to 12. Skating, Skating At the Auditorium rink 7:0 to 10 and 10 to 12. tonight CAMPAIGN TO BEGIN MONDAY Business Men Will Raise $1,000 for Y.M.C A. Current Expense Fund 1 PERSONaTT ness A. L. Brown is in MarioToTbT CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Tar Bgmphd for Your Consideration Souvenir Postals Now subjects today, at PattonV "A Scrap of Paper" Qencrally is valueless. Como and aeo how valuable it becomes under corlain conditions. Skntlntf Rink Open This afternoon from 2 to 5. Ladles and chlldron ndmlttcd froo. Usual doublo sosslon tonight. Wallace O. Trill "Will bo soon at Ills bost at tho Grand Monday night. Ho is a nntural borto actor, and tho part ho is to play is stilted to him exactly. Your Last Chance To aknto at tho Auditorium rink thlti season. Doublo session tonight from 7:30 to 10 and 10 to 12. Af tor noon session today from 2 to G. If You Want to laugh como to tho Grand Monday night. tThoro will bo plonty of laugh to go nil around, and soma to spare. Como. Skating, Skating At tho Auditorium rink this after noon and ovoulng. Positively your last chauco to skato, ib wo movo to Newport noxt week. Tho llov OfIlc Will opon at 9 a. m. Monday for tho salo of scats for "A Scrap of Pa por." Matinee for School Children- At tho skating rink this nftornoon from 2 to R. Ladles and chlldron ad mitted froo. Look llert IInvo you any second-hand goods for aalo? Call at 170 South Cornmor clal struot, or phono 1233. O. L. Me Pook. George Coy Iiijuml Again- George Cox, who foil from n lad dor Boinu six months ngo and dUlo catod his loft shouldor, had tho mis fortuno to fall whllo whoollng in Bomo wood this wook, and sustain a second frncturo of tho woak mombor lloluxd Improved greatly in gonoral Itralth, and had about rocovorod from tho shock of tho first acoldont wlion tho last mlsfortuno ovortook him. It Is hoped by his many frlonds that ho will soon grow strong again. Skating Kink Opon tilts nftornoon anil owning. Tun MVtfciout tonight. Skating Rink Open this afternoon nml evening. Two Msiont tonight. Skating Rink Closes Tonight at midnight, your last chauco to skate, to Newport next week. Positively We movo First Methodist Episcopal Tho final sorvlcos in tho revival. Evangelist HaudenBchlold will glvo as tho suject of tho morning sermon, at 10:30 a. m., "Thy Heart's Cry." At 3:30, "Tho Prcaonco of God." At I 7:30 p. m tho closing rally with tho subject: "Tho Loat Opportuni ty." Tho choir will load tho sing ing. All nro cordially invited. Skating, Skating At tho Auditorium rink 7:310 to 10 ami 10 to 12. . tonight Hay Rack Party The sophomoro class of Willam otto University will enjoy a hay rack rldo this evening. Tho class has ac cepted an invitation to spend tho ev ening at tho homo of Miss Elva Wins low, in Polk county, whoro games music and refreshments will bo en- Joyed. Committed to Asylum William Mnrgnier was today com mitted to tho insano asylum after an examination by Drs. C. H. Robertson and J. N. Smith before County Judge Scott. He bus been a resident of Gorvnis for some time, and is a na tive of Franco. Ho Is 52 years of ago, and his insanity is accredited to Jealousy. Asks for Divorce Z. McCullough vs. H. P. McCul- lough 1b tho tltlo of a dlvorco suit which has been begun in department No. 2 of tho circuit court. Tho plaintiff and defendanfc-woro married in Corvallls In 1871. Thoro nro no minor children nor property rights, and tho docrco of dlvorco is nBkcd on tho grounds of desertion. o At the First M. E. Church Tho Evangelistic services at tho First Methodist church havo boon woll attended, especially considering tho lateness of tho Benson. Tho morning prnyor meetings hnvo boon hold In aovon to ton homos each day, and havo boon vory profltnblo. so much so that a gonoral doslro hns been expressed that they bo contln mid. Tho nftornoon Biblo readings, in tho church, havo probably boon tho most enjoyed of any sorvico of llko chnractor hold In Salem for years. Tho evening ovangollsttc Bor vlcos hnvo mado a doop improsBlon on many llvos. Many hnvo boon convinced of duty towards God and tho spiritual wolfaro of their souls. It is expected that tho first Methodist church will recolvo a goodly increaso in its momborshlp, whllo othor churches will rocolvo accessories as a result of tho porsons converted. Mr Ilaudonschlold cxpocts tomorrow to bo tho groat day of tho sorvlcos. Ho loaves Monday for Chicago and tho East. JVI1 UKglCBBlYU CUIIllMllgn Will UB Inaugurated Monday by 50 business men of this city to rnlso $1000 to pay tho current expenses of tho local Young Men's Christian Association. This promises to bo one of tho most systematic efforts ever put forth in tho association's behalf, and will doubtless bo met by a hearty re sponse. Tho friends of tho Y. M. C. A. havo in tho past given tho worthy Institution their liberal support, and not only will money bo raised by tho committco next week, but an earnest effort will bo made to sccuro 100 now members. At a meeting at tho Bonrd of Trade rooms last night tho five committees, composed of 50 of tho prominent business men of Salem agreed to spend at least three or four hours on Monday and Tuesday of noxt week working in tho interests of tho association. Lunch will bo served nt noon in tho Y. M. C. A. building to tho committeo mon on each of tho days, when tho work in hand will bo discussed. Mayor Rodg ers will tako an nctlvo part In tho campaign, having boon chosen chair man of the various brigades selected for tho work as follews: Team No. 1. F. Erlxon, the contractor, Went tn Portland today. l to Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Catterlln went to Portland today. ent Henry Hubbard, tho well-known hop man, went to Newport today Ralph Cronlso has returned from a visit In Portland. Miss Alice Meyers returned today from a short visit In Portland. Dr. Allen, of Jefferson, is In the city on business. Miss Mildred Looney was a lem visitor yesterday. Mrs. pi,... I,... ul"e8 Tj.v- "sen .ij. -"icnitu .- 'un a... -tk. MastercuW lo,sIij Kkl. NUk. . V..,oflhI'cuy "Ki 'shcdtMrM.."7' --I.. . '"'SI... " ecuooi, ""SlUt! Sa- llr and it,. . torla, after fi.t ' Bao w her ia? homc- They flW tils city. V""WIJ re Mrs. a t. ,,": uartoiii ,., . I- Z"!,0: Mrs. W.'S. Duniway has returned Dr'anlMrs.L G i Itf tt,M from a two-weeks' visit in Portland. tonR and the 'Jli- hg Mr. nnd Mrs. A. V. McCarty have fr,entl8 In Iowa. W ruiurnea irom a visit in Portland Wf8. It. i vim mm irom a visit m Portland. I ma "- L. Hart i.h Miss Bessie Simpson is the guest1 Qrnn'to Creek B c . I of Portlnnd friends nml minti.,. ! spend nora..i ' 'r.t &; . whoTw Piano Redtiil Tuesday. Tuesday evening, nt tho M. E. church, tho advanced pupils of Miss Beatrico Sholton will glvd a rccltnl for tho benefit of tholr frlonds. Thoyi will bo assisted by Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, Boprnno Miss Lillian Stogo violin, nnd Prof. Roberts, organ. Tho program will begin at 8:15, and no admission will bo charged. Their many frlonds will bo pleased to havo this opportunity to hear those tnlont cd young pcopjo, nnd It Is sufo to pre dict n full house. All aro Invited to attend. A piano recital will also bo given nt tho M. E. church Friday ev ening, Juno 7th, nt which Mrs. Illng cs will nsalst. Thomas Kay, captain; ; E. Barnes jng rcifttives. Portland friends and relatives B. N. White went to Portland yes terday o n business. Mrs. Bernard!, of Portland, is vis itlng Salem frlonds and relatives. Mrs. Stella White Is In Turner' for a visit. She will return Monday. Attorney Richardson was among those who went to Portland this morning. Mrs. F. H. Collins went to Port land this morning for a few days' visit. Mrs. F. J. Smith left today for Belfountaln to visit her son, W. C. GravcB. Tho Misses Addio and Jennie Clev eland havo returned from a vUlt In Oregon City. James Waltqn, of tho "First Na tional Bank, of Tillnmook, is visiting In tho city. MrB. Phobo Gard left this morning I for Turner to spend a few days visit- Skating Rink Closes- Tonight nt midnight, your last chauco to skate, to Newport next week. Positively Wo movo SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Lot us show you a neat, up-to-date lens for near and far-seeing. It U oually as good as tho exponslve kind, and half tho cost. Don't throw away your brokou glasses. Bring thorn to us. We can dupllcato any part, with little ex. pense, Chas. H. Hinges Graduate Optician. , lit CftMiiwretal Stew, rt Wr Capital Natteaa Bank. Social on tho Campus Tho young ladles of tho Y. W. C A, of Wlllumotto Uulvorslty, under tho soft glow of JnpanoBo lanterns, and with Bweot strains of music sorvod lco croam, strnwborrlos and cako last night on tho campus to studonts and frlonds, tho number be ing lnrgo, considering tho many coun tor social events and entertained thorn with plousant smtlos, and thoso charming wltchorloB posslblo only to fominiulty. Tho noat sum roallzed from tho salo will bo used to send dologatos to tho Gonrhart Park Y. W. C. A. convention, which will con vene about tho mlddlo of Juno. Tho ladloa who managod tho affair last ovonlug had mado arrnngomonta for a band to bo present, but wore dla appolntod, as sovoral of tho musi cians had othor ongngomonts. Waldo Heats Little Norths. Tho Waldos wero tho victors in a bnll gamo with tho Ltttlo Nortli3 Friday. Tho1 following Is tho momo rninln of tho gamo, as It was handed to Tho Jeurnal: Waldo 13 runs, Little Norths 8. Tho players of tho Waldo team mndo runs as follews: Chalmor George 2, ChoBtor Moflltt 2, Bernard Post 1, Roy Koenos 4, Lco Haukloston 1, Harold Andoraon 2, George McElroy 1. Tho Llttlo North tnlllos wero mado as follews: B. Daroy 2, B. Boo 1, C. Cooper 1, T. Clay 1, II. Mark 1, W. Rody 1, F. Walton 1. Roy Koenos mndo two homo runs nnd Bernard Post and C. Coopor oneh one. - o W. C. T. U. Convention. Tho W. C. T. U. county convention will moot at tho W. C. T. U. hall tho afternoons of Juno 4th and 5th. Tho ovonlug meetings will bo at the Christian church. Frank Douglas, Frank Hughes, W. T. Jonks, L. U. Jossc, A. N. MoorcB, Jos H. Albert, H. B. Thlelson, E. W. Hazard. Team No. 2. R. K. Page, captain; C. W. Yannko, F. StoiiBloff, J. A. MIUb, J. C. Perry, Dr. L. G. Altmnn, J. II. Fnrrar, Chas McNnry, D. J. Fry, W. I. Staley. Team No. 51. Paul Wallace, captain; P. A. Dins moor, O. J. Wilson, Wntt Shlpp, Ilar ley White, D. Eyre, S. Hunt, J. H. Lewis, A. Schrnmm, Charles Roth. Tenia No. -1, R. J. Hendricks, cnptaln; John Bnyno, A. Vnss, Col. E. Hofor, T. J. Cronlso, Dr. Strntton, G. Holt, W. F. Foster, F. K. Lovoll, Soymour Skiff. Team No. O. Max Buron, cnptaln; Fred Unas, A. A. Leo, Theodoro Roth, Frank I, Myers, G. C. Ilatt, E. C. Gamble, C. D. Mlnton, John Molr, II. Pntton. ' o ... - Collcgo of Oratory Exercises Tho graduating exorcises of tho College of Orntory will bo hold at tho First Methodist church Thursday ovonlug, Juno G, and an Invitation is oxtondod to tho public to attend ftsfivE lip Save your fuel bill as well ; ns tho torturo of a hot kitchen Your lnbt Chance To skato at tho Auditorium rink . 1 nnd Iot us do 'our this beason. Come early mid avoid ; tno rush, two hcsMons, 7::0 to 10 and 10 to 12. Y. M. C. A. "Slrkus," Tho boys' "Slrkus," which was hold at tho Y. M. O. A. last night was ouo of tho most successful af fairs that has boon given by the mombora of tho local association this season. Tho "Slrkus" consisted of n number r-f sldo shows, each ono plan nod by tho boys, who couducted thorn without tho help of tho elders. ) ) Tho sum of ?25 was netted from tho Baking Our home bread Is n winner, t Try It. Coffoo Cako, Buns, Homo-mado Cookies, all kinds of home-mado Cakes, I Baked Pork ;i ii and Beans ; ttons. Trv n nun Tlinw m-o. A gato receipts of tho various attrac- .. TIrtm h ,. ' t .,. t 1 ..u...u uwttvu uniu, luuai Jioru, T veai loai. Leavo your ordor with us. Roth & Graber :: 410 State St; Phone 36 ; ; thorn. Tho class is composed of Miss ,01lvo Rlgby and Mls3 Vera Byars, both highly talented young ladles, whoso oxcollent work has becomo well-known through local literary and soclnl offnlrs. Somo of Salem's finest musical talent will bo addod to tho attraction of tho program, which follews: Part I. Invocation Wnll!! nml rOinrna (rnm 'T?miaM ( nnnnnd Misses Bushnell, Booth, Clark' nnd DoVolblas. "Echo and tho Forry".Jean Ingolowi Vera Mary Byars. "Constnnco Do Bavorly" Sir Wnltor Scott Olivo Amelia Rlgby. "Lend Mo Your Aid" Gounod Dr. R. A. Heritage. I "Romeo and Juliet" . .Shnkospearo Jullot Miss Rlgby Nurse Miss Bynrs. . . . Part ir. Euphonium solo Selected Mr. Ivan G. Martin. Cutting from "Tho Christian"... Hall Catno Vora Mary Byars. Monologue, "When Jack Comes Late" Helen Corlnno Bergon Ollvo Amelia Rlgby Lohengrin's Wedding March.. .. Wagner W. U. Girls' Chorus. Presentation of class, Sara Brown Savago, dean of Collogo of Oratory Conferring of degrees. President John H. Coleman. Benediction Miss Ruth Rullfson went to Tole do today, whoro sho is employed as teacher in tho public schools. Miss Golda Howard, of Eastern Oregon, is tho guest of Miss Carrie Belknap, a student of tho Unlvorslly. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Noel, after a visit hero, havo returned to their homo in Eugcno. Jncob Bornnrdl, who hns boon vis iting in the city, hns returned to his homo in Portlnnd. Miss Mabel Albee, a student of tho summer school, left lnst evening for a visit nt her homo In Aumsvlllo. "Dos" Srlth, of tho Cnpital Im provement Company, went to Port land this morning on business. Miss Emma Miller, after a brief visit hero, returned to her homo In Jefferson last evening. D. II. James, of tho House Fur nishing Company, wont to Portlnnd terdny on business. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gooding left this morning for Hood River to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. C. Polohn and family wont to ' Orogon City todoy to visit relatives for a fow days. MrB. J. GGrahnm went to Port lnnd yesterday for a short visit to frlonds. Mrs. Conrad Krebs and son havo rot timed from a sovoral months' visit in Los Angoles. Dr. and Mrs. WiTltcr Looney, of Jefferson, nro tho guests of Mrs. Whit Holraan, of this city. there. JIr -'and Mrs. rxi -i.w memorial Day u m.T? rourned to their hcS ... uogan wu lorn err vLI r Willis, olthur' inc Rnlom ,i.ii' VNli and fnr .!... . ,Wt , "' " ouu'l Visit. Ifo, Mrs. A. N. Todd.iv.. Itlng hero for the mri .ia. loft this morning tot arbHii """" ou win then to to for a short sojourn bfor to her homo In Iowi, " """, oaieai t; young attorney, is 111 it m, Enst Salem, with th raik Is a great friend ottketiM didn't propose to be osMonij C-year-old, who hid Jut tm from them. In facthliNM, a children's friend that U i Boon become a faToriUrtih, volt, and this, coupled ihlhj: mm no is mo onijr ltepus ber of tho Holmw faaih.M ought to make him poi Whlto Houso. 1: Hand Concert- There will be a band elt morrow afternoon la Mtrkipi o Juniors vs. Woodbsro Tho Junior baseball ibt ti 1 lamctto University kit tab i for Woodburn, when tWy ?Gli the high school tcanoftbti this afternoon. Norwich Unlofl Fk Inswiacel Frank Meredith, MM) Offlce with WnuBntOwI 120 Commercial itwt ..MONEY TO Ull TiioumitftJ Over Ladd & Buli'B.m NEW TOM It. Ladles' gold m nearly square, with bW attached, on CommerfJf " Liberty or ChenKMU Finder please leave tut J Miss Ednti Wondel, who has been' sale Soeral bouMfe visiting Mrs. Frank Farrington, ieu( nnd fam iandsatabarp!t tins morning ror ner nomo in ooauiu.1 ... vinni Bank. 4 kill w" -- TODAY'S SPECIAL liman s Olives SkHtlitK Rink A largo crowd attended tho ses- I alon of tho Auditorium rink last night. The music was oxcollent, and ono of the most pleasant oventnga of, the season was spent on tho little' rollers. There will bo sessions In thnj-t-r-H 1 M 1 1 1 1 11 H Ml j 1 1 U 1 II JTxljpG 20c Pet Piflt These are tho best ripe olives on the market and a equalled before. Try them. Rnco Meet Juno 28-20. Tho Independence Driving Club has decided upon Friday and Satur-i day, June 2S-29 as tho dates for' tho raco meet. Tho dates wero deter-j mined upon because of so many eel-J ebratlons in near-by towns and the' Impression prevails that a more suc cessful race meet can bo pulled off on soparate dates. Tho plans for celebrating July 4th have been aban doned, and all efforts will be cen tered upon tho races to make thun a big success. ' THE GARDEN SPOT . itnee. aH Will contain wax beans, new potatoes, fresh p . . n8. srdnacb, cabbtfe. agus, rncusnes, rnuuaro, juuui, . . - Fruits, strawberries, gooseberries, cherrie , lemons. Moir Grocery Co. 456 STATE STREEI