DAILY OATITAIi JOURXATj, SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNK t, 1007. rt- I u3m "mUmi mm RPR Tt's kitchen. new. For Every Cooking Purpose This is the stove you should have in your It's un-to-dntf. Tt'a jjodd from other oil Rtovna. T will orivn you best and quickest results on baking-day ind other days. The flame of the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove is always under immediate control. If you uso a New Perfection your kitchen will be cooler this summer than ever before. Every stove warranted. Made in three sizes. If rtf at vour dealer's, write to our near est agency for descriptive circular. -.Is tho best lamp fJior all-round "mmwkr household use. Mtde of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed ; absolutely safo ; unexcelled in U&ht-jrlriaB power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealers, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OH. COMPANY ju. . ............... . . . . . ' Orlirln of Loudon's llhoinlnn Club. 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 i'ii innmiuii. .... ,- AlinllT thrt nml nf ftin vrnr iRsft QfiriAI rOQQID T ncmlnns who nftected clean shirts OvUBrIL Uvv l n i L.. , .u H QBSP Pwuuu run"? i'.t aow old ino lurfatv I , t .tut rcqulics no tJc.UI ' I r ' ointment by rcawmbsrlaf I J .oU V'wliJJ.ttRl'lMJA I t GfrO B. JACOB I VlMiHHKfS NORTH SALKM, I t 1 1 1 1 n rw-;. Modern Woodit'ou Ttnior.'.l Day Annually or thu flt t Sv-dny in Juno tho Modern Wrod.nen of America, In remembrance of ' tho notghbors that havo Jolnod tho sllont majority, cover their grnvos with flowers. This beautiful custom will bo observed by Oregon Ccdnr Camp, No. 524C, nnd Oregon Grnpo Camp. Royal Neighbors of Amorlcn, of this city, anil the members of tho above cnmpe will meet at tholr halls In tho Holnmn block Sunday, Juno 2, at 1:45 p. m., sharp, and will march In n body to tho I. O. O. P. and City View cemetorlos, when tho gravod of 1 tho following neighbors will bo dec- orated: Frnnk S. Doarbom, Johnny Savage, 0. Donsmoro, Taul Kllngloy and P. X. Hofor. Tho graves of Clmrloa Irwin. In Loo Mission, and William Wlcko, In tho Cathollo com otory will bo looked nftor by a com mltteo appointed for thnt purposo Sunday morning. At tho grnvo of P X. Hofor thoro will bo a Bhort ritual istic ceremony, at tho closo or which nn address will bo given by Neighbor I. Qrcenbnum. I SEEDS tEEDS POULTRY SUPPLIES LAND PhASTKIt f HAY AM) .MILL I KKDS jGWMtl N SKKDS FIELD HKKDS Arl -crythlng kept at n first c'ass seed and feed con cern When You Cut a Joint iTIUSON & CO. 151 High St, Ming In Modern Plumbing yjtmmii u. 1 fr-e"rfM C "XjSVfeJ It should have an nppetUIng nnd nttrnctlvo odorthe kind thnt makes one want to begin ontlng at once Thoro Is nothing so charming as th smoll of Ronst IJeof, for Instance, to 1 a hungry mnn anticipating a good ! dinner. That is tho kind of moaU wo are famous for, tho "mako-you huncrv Hort of Joints, with a dello 1 lous flavor that create an appetP.a. Hvorv kind of meat in season, aau prices always reasonable F. A. Kurtz Phone 205 277 N.Com. St -. r la new tiuses and buildings, as refitting old houses, keeps Pr-'y U8y In tho spring, when u-iZX fs nt flnn tMn flnr faclll' sro a.ways equal to the occa . a'-d we would invite builders I ccs'r&ctors to cat estimates from . ca Piumblng, gaa fitting, steam E a-j roofing before going else- re, as we do expert work at rea- o3 prices. L. FRASER Thompson's Rose Nicotine Kills plant insects on flowers, fruit trea, vines or vegeUUles, and VKRMI.V On human body, dogs cats, fowls, and in the house. Coloric, Ockri, Stainleks Price, 16 and 60 cents at FRY'S DRUG STORE, Salew, Or Headquarters for all kinds of pray materials. Ask for booklet, "How to Destroy Plant lnects and vermin. Commencement KxitcIhc-s. Tho commencement exorcises of tho Westoni Conservatory of Music, wero held at tho First Christian church. Tuosdny and proved to bo T ' I ono of tho most delightful nffalrs of '. tho ycat. Tho events was under tho I direction of Mr. Frnnk K. Churchill, I who was assisted by Miss Nottlo necknor, palnlst, nnd Pay llutchlnn nnd R. D. Dlsbeo, vocnllBts, tho lattor two bolng puplU of Miss Minolta Mngers. Tho church wbb bonutlfully decor ated, largo palms bolng plnccd around tho rostrum, and theso woro ontwlncd with "gold of Ophlr" roHcs nnd botweon them woro groat shonvoB of drooping forns, and bou nuots or rosos. Tho effect was charming nml mndo an appropriate sotting for tho Bplondld program. It BomotlmoB BeoniB thnt muslo, somo music, needs tho nccompnnlmont of flf.wera and jcwKb and botu-.y n: soft lights, and bright eyos for they all blond and mqlt Into ono hnrmon lous whole. These woro nil present Tuesday night, nnd tho dollghtful evening will bo mnrked with a white tqno by ovcrypno who attended. Tho keen appreciation of Mr. Churchlll'B work was shown by tho doHlro to do credit to his teaching nnd It wnB done. At tho close of tho oxorclseB Rov. Davis Errott present ed Mr. Churchill n mngnlflcont bouquet tho gift of tho pupils, and ho also prosontod him u noat lltllo talk that wnB as "swoot" and n gracoful ns the flowers. Tho pro gram wan ns follews: Flint Part. "Mld-Summor Nights Dronm.... Mendalssohn Floronoo Liston, Binina McCrnokon. (a) "Vonotlnn Lovo Song.. . .Novln (b) "Ktudo" Wollonhnupt I.ucllo Staley "Throwing Klssw" Hohm Mny Steusloff "The Roso in tho anrdon,Noldllnger Pay Hutohans "Dauolng Sprltos" llohm Vivian Glodfoltor "Rustling Lonvos" Lnnge Hnzol Downing "Vlolsts" Klsfert Mary Frlsby "Onlop RrlUante" M. Ufuent Vlmn Mofllt, Hnzol Downing. Hocoud Part, "Value Impromptu" R P1ornos Llston, Kmmn McCrckn. Va Oardnor, Jes4 Harrltt (a) "Birds In tho W'od".HoUaeader (b) "Dano of tho BparrowB". . . t Richmond Harry Mills "Vato" Mdward SkhaU Vosia Gardnsr "Sparkling Byw" nol",, Hmma McOrasken. (a) "Whan the Rosas niooiti"... Relehardt (b) "Th lllrth of Mrn" Il Mr. R. D. niib (a) "Mazurka" UsclUxky (b) "Oalop" to Florsnos I.tston "Silvery Thistles' Kttw JftMla He-IU. fa) -LaFllgu- Iuff (b) Tarantella" StwnbwJ Kthal Thamas "Overture" Weber Miss Nettle Beoknw, F. B. ChurebUI. and evening dress, and spent a good deal of money, whether earned or. Inherited, were very much to the foro. The. Gaiety was tholr partlcu-: Inr plnyhouso, nnd thoy worshiped Connie Gilchrist and Nolllo Farron rather than Honry Irving. They danced a good deal at subscription bnllH, took stalls at tho thea tres devoted to musical ploccs by the year, nnd made Ro-, mnno's their headquarters for luncheons, dinners nnd BUppors. This was tho old Romano's, a narrow bar. and room with an aquarium in tho front window at ono end, nnd nn ovll tunolllng kltchon nt tho other. Only, half a dozen tables, but tho cooking was first rnto, and tho company do llghttully mixed. On nlmost any night nt somo tlmo or other you would boo tho Inst Duke of neaufort ontlng n cutlet nnd chat-! ting with n stockbroker. Reginald Shirley Drookcs (Peter Ulobs), tho weekly recorder In tho "Ping 'Un", of tho doings of this gay Hohomln, W. F. Goldborg, (Shifter), bin lieu-, tonnnt, tho Into Duka of Manchester when ho was "Kim" Mnndovlllo, with an American accent nnd n "gun" In his hip pocket. Then thoro was Arthur Roberts at tho height of his success and popularity. Moms. I MnrlU8, Hughlo Drummond, ready with a speech at any moment, "liter. Rabbit," tho Into Mnrqucss of Alios-J bury, whon ho wnB Savernnke, look-. Ins vory liko n prosperous potmnn Jim Solby, "Dlcklo tho Drlvor," nnd Bob Coslor of tho "Oil r"mo" conch, nnd mnny moro got., itllowa who havo long alnco dlod or becoino pillars of tho stnto and rospoctablt.! Of tho IndloB who delighted n "Romnno'B Itnllnno's tho Pnrndlso In tho Strand," n number ndorn tha peornge, but of tho hnbltuoB plons nnt momorlos will always cling lo Dosslo Dellwond nnd Slstors Lea mnr. ' It was not natural that, although rogulnr customers could, In tho old days, sup at Romano's until long af ter closing hours, tho bohomlnnB of tho porlod doslred n Inter resort, whoro tho licensing not did not ap ply. Somo of them belonged to Prntt's, tho lleefatcak, White's, tho run, nnu so nn, uiu nu ruuimvn plnco whero evoryono would be wel come, nrovlded ho was n good fol low. When, therefore, Mr, nnd Mrs. Fredericks, otherwise Fredericks and Julian, of tho music halls, took thu adjoining Cyder Cellars with Iho Idea of mnklng It a 1triiomlnn club tho Bchomo caught on, tho first com mittee, as fnr ub memory serves, In cluding Shirley Brookes, aoldberg, JnmcB Davis (Owon Hall), Arthur Ruborts, Wnltor Dickson, and tho prcinnt writer. Tho club was named tho Adolphl, but It vory soon boonmo bettor known ns tho Sponforlos. Member ship, to good follows, was easy, elec tions frequently tnklng plnco on tho door mat; tho stowed trlpo whs MMt rnto nnd nil wont woll until on nn ovll day Dim proprietor wnnted to admit ns members sftrno roady-mouoy bookmakers. Tho eommlttoo oh Jooted nnd woro Incontinently "fired" by tho proprietor. Out of the nslia of tho Hpoofurloa sprang tho Pellom Club, and almost sliuultnnoously onmo tho starting of tho "Hat" news impvr London louder. A SaUARE DEAL Is assured you when you buy one of Dr. Ficrcc's Family Mcdlcltw for nil the ingredients entering into them nre printed on the botuV Tappcrs nnd their formula arc attested under oath ns being complete nnd c6rrcct. You know just what you nre paying for nnd that the In gredients nre gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native, medicinal roots found growing in our Ameri can forests. While potent to cure they arc perfectly harmless even tc the most delicate women and children. Not n drop of alcohol enters into their composition. A much better agent is used both for extracting and preserving the medicinal principles used in them, viz. pure triplc-rcfmcd glycerine of proper strength. This agent possesses intrinsic medicinal propcttics of its own, being n most valuable antl-scptic and nnti-fenncnt, nutritive and soothing; J demulcent. Glycerine plays nn Important pnrt in Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery in the cure of indigestion, dyspepsin and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, "heartburn," foul breath, coated tongue, poor nppetitc, gnawing feeling in stomach, blliouuicss and kindred derange ments of the stomach, liver and bowels. Besides curing all the above distressing ailments, the "Golden Med ical Discovery" is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes, ns catarrh, whether of the nasnl passages or of the stomach, bowels or pelvic organs. Kvcn in its ulcerative stages it will yield to this sover eign remedy if its use be persevered iu. In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages, it is well, while taking the "Golden Medical Discovery for the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passages freely two or three times a day with Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy, Thf thorough course of treatment generally cures even iu the wotst cases. In coughs and hoarseness caused by bronchial, throat and lung affections, except consumption in its advanced stages, the "Golden Medical Discovery " is a most cfYicient remedy, especially in those obsti nate, hnug-ou-coughs caused by irritation and congestion of the bron chial mucous membranes. The " Discovery " is not so good' for acute coughs arising from sudden colds, nor must it be expected to cure con sumption in its advanced stagesno medicine will do that but for all the obstinate hang-on, or chronic coughs, which, if neglected, or badly treated, lead up to consumption, it is the best medicine that can betaken. If the sweet taste of the "Discovery," caused by the glycerine, is disliked, n few drops of lemon juice, uraugc or lime juice, added to each dose will make it agreeable and pleasant and will not iu the slightest interfere with its bencfical effects. It's nn Insult to your Intelligence for a dealer to endeavor to palm off upon you some nostrum of unknown composition iu place of Dr. Pierce's world-famed medicines which nre op known composition. Most dealers recommend Dr. Pierce's medicines because they know what they arc made of and that the ingredients employed nre atnoug the most valuable that a medicine for like purposes can 1m made of. The same is true of leading physicinus who do not hesitate to recom mend them, since they know exactly what they contain nnd thnt their ingredients nre the very best known to medical science for the cure of. the several diseases for which these medicines nre recommended'. Will? tricky dealers It Is different. Something else thnt pays them a little greater profit will be urged upon you as "just as good," or even lwttcr. You can hnrdly afford to accept a substitute of unknown composition and without any particular record of cures in place of Dr. Pierce's medicines which are oi' known composition and have a record of forty years of cures behind litem.. You know what you want und it is the dealer's business to supply that want, Insist upon it. Rostein & Greenbaum 240-246 Commercial St. Sntcm, Oregon If PJrolc on Palrtnmint Hill. The endesvorers of the First Christian church of this eUy pleasant pionlc party last ovenlsg on Fairmount hill. Orw fifty endr . .nrt thir friends were present and games snd songs were ea Joyed around the embers of a campnr w a late hour. During the evening an J ...lalnlnif nftYlftltlfil . - m. tTAonr enremn cuiiibiuimi - CHICHB&ELLLS .' . . L.I auk Bi fc . Nervous Indigestion Tho action of diges tion is controlled by nerves leading to tho stomach. AVhen they are -weak, tho stomach is de prived of its energy. It has no power to do its work. If yon want per manent relief, you must restore this energy. Dr. Miles' Nervine rostorcs nervous energy, and gives tho organs power to per form their functions. "For nwr Y' I n cuU rutTmr trum rvu JiwiJirMiwn; nt t!m I mi dwiiwwWat w to4 ilmt a UinUti 1 irtl ail kind tf remedies and rtou yhyHtl&h with JIttU or no r4ir. until 6f nUht Ut uromtr 1 mw lr Mil' Nrvt ana lUart Cr dvftul I '1J i mmk oa tnut irui w.kal .ua la th jur)iA ut otm UttU of Nrytn 1 ln to ! lAtler. whlh oeour Kt4 mm ao mdeh iKat I oUno4 .U in4iia wntrl a. Aaln Lolllka. iimvul In ti triv In k. arul ahlrtlM iva maka m, (MKri Jnt to rccAmmand th inMlein. ana Never Wear Out Hose for Children Wo hnvj hnndled this lino for ovor throo years,, nnd hnvo built up a lurcu trado on this pnrtloulnr lino. a Whon in nood of Children' Hoso, ulvo our Novor-Wonr-Oul IIoso a trial nnd you will buy no othor. All sites lGc a pnlr. k Parasols Wo have a vory noat lino for you to obooso from nt rsnsonftbt" prlcos. Plain Whllu Lilian Oovur, Tie- Whlto Llnon Cover, with deop Floworod llordor, only fi.36. Chlldron's plain Illuo, Pink, Hod or Whlto Parasols In two slices, prloo 15c aud 20c. Record Breaking Bargains in Lace Curtains Wo do not hosltato to claim that tin) valuo roprosontcd her nrn tho groatost ovor shown tho trade. Whon you soo tho hnndsamo dMli;n, tho slio nnd tho ipia-lty you cannot help sewing the truth of our claim. Ieni:th Yds. 3 3 3V. 3U iA 3 3 3 3 3H 31. Width Ins. 30 30 40 U 63 63 10 38 41 4(1 S3 CO 62 Color whlto whlto whlto rhito whlto whlto whlto corn i'orii ecru ooru cor it ecru Prlro Pnlr I .46 7 2 1.00 1.85 1.S0 2. or 2.3 '. 1.1) 1.30 1.3R ISO 3 3C i hi: and on it KMtrt I'nti 1 Lwkn In ! teller inrdlafa wntrl I )iad tAn cur than i mm t wu " wr. In tody. IIC .. ..UhMM ..4 .ft... l.t 1 fl te .l...f. ..I....... in kficvrifla that wvtnl pttmttM L it -6-BUd throuvb mr $tntBnUUjt)ir x. a uzltOu, Aatxtuc it. c. Dr. N.rvli li toU b your rfruatfltt. who Mill surnt tnt thu t Vottl. will ItntUU If it UIU, M wfll refund your monry. If Um MvdkaU Co., Elkkatt, l& SELF RISING B. B. B, Flout For IloatOM Ilrowa Ilrrad, Grid4Ia Calm, MuMns anil Plum PiuMiK AIJ.ICN'H II. II. II. I'IX)UIt CO., INC., RX Joai, C'al. csmuti miwmwmimu. mimmvmtPiL LS.i i .JS CMU (MM, Ih IrnUM. KlMfKtlW, in IHII II Mil. M' fm,IH IMl, . .?!.". ? '" IMU ta nfci, IwimIw. IllnltnuuLMut ) umiiouiMutaHMiM,uMn..rli. HOLLIBTPTl" R9ky Mountain Tea Muwt Brfjf. QlUm Hulta u4 HiaT4 VI-t. a i W ut v iira n. b4ifM0. UhA o4 K JMy TruIM. IHl)lr. IWitiHa, ItMtrtlM Jllu.' liJ Urcallt. MuaMi Uo-el. tftaOacS 4ll lUtmntitm lt'ltkyM4liUfttli'atehW. u-t tittti X cuu a U( 0auiM M4a mm? !J m r-ca "at '3rnv, Msdiij Whb WKOEX KU0CCTS FOit SJU10W ff- 1 ttt7&miffi& J i oB K.Wrt ns to I-tbW 'SMhSiikMbyDr. 5. C Shm' f ".T ,uWiikLlAflllWi - . ..... -.J mimmiaumx ' "-