IATHEK: FAIR TONIGHT, SUNDAY FAIR AND WARMER. AIL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. ji,. xni. RU.KJr, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNK t, 1007. no. ina. HE YUKON FAIR LAUNCHED ury of Texas Farmers Fines Oil Co. $1,623,000 IYW00D ILL FROM SMOKING ATTACK OF HEART FAILURE fs Worked On film Several rs and Gave Him Morphine else, Juno 1. Haywood's Illness morning canned tho postpone- et of the trial until this attornoon. passed a restless night suffering an attack of heart troublo, god by excesslvo smoking. This rnlng he was seized with an nttack ceuralgia, caused by toxic poison- and suffered ouch pain that he unablo to Btand. Doctors wore hurriedly, and worked ovor TROUBLES IN CHINA INCREASING MANY FLOCK TO REBEL STANDARD FIRED THE BREWERY UNIONS Rebels Attack Officials Only, and Forelgnors Are Not Disturbed Washington, June 1. Hong Kong advices estimate that 50,000 nrmed rebels are in tho revolt. Moro arc joining tho standard of tho rcbolllon dally. There was an outbreak ro ccntly 40 mllcH from Nnnngan, but only oJTlclalB wore attacked. This Is a feature of all tho disturbances so far roportcd, and tho government bo llevus forelgnors nro unlikely to bo attacked. All precautions nro bolng takon, however. Consul Paddock, at Amoy, has been directed to keep the 1 .1 . . . .-. ...-. ..... several hours, being cempelled: ""iwnum. ui biuiu iu.ij- nuv.8u. nnu 10 can upon Aumirni junyion u aid is needed. It is roportcd that 30,000 robots aro operating Bouth of Amoy. Amoy, China, Juno 1. Hcbol and Imperial troops clashed today bo I will i,o rvcr until Monday. Hay-j tweon horo and Swatow, and thcro Is condition, according to tho were sovoral hundred casualties, lor Is duo entirely to lack of ex-, mostly nmong tho rcbols, who ro I troated. idmlnlstcr a heavy doso of mor ne to allay tho pain. Tho court lawyers for tho defonso an- cced thnt If Haywood was not to ni;rnr this attornoon tho HICAGO STOBEII PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE eautiful New ummer Goods RE NOW ON SALE We are showing now a beautiful assortment of Hot Woathor mf- ria!s. In all classes of dainty goods suitable for summer garments. ur iinra nro extensive and wo uro guro wo can plonso you nnu givo a Friers that you cannot dup-licato olBOwhore. Uargalns in every par-cr,t, Read on. TURN SOD FOR GREAT EXPOSITION .& FOUR HUNDRED LOCALS CUT OUT SEATTLE CELEBRATES THE EVENT, But the Red Thirst Quencher Will Be Brewed Just tho Samo Washington, Juno I. Tho Brew ery Workors' Union, comprising 400 locals, wns expelled today from tho American Federation by tho order of Gompora. This Is In accord with tho dispatch from Chicago yester day, which said: "Tho last barrel of 'union beer In Chicago and the whole country, ac cording to an edict of tho American Federation of Labor, will bo manu factured today. At midnight tho Ilrowory Workers Union will conso to exist in tho eyes of tho national labor lenders, and tho 2,000,000 or gnnlzed worklngmon In tho Unltod Stntes will bo asked to 'get on tho water wagon,' or uso aomo other kind of bovorngo. Tho browory employes have robolled against Prcsldont Gom pors and tho national oxccutlvo coun ell, and they aro to bo disciplined Tho method adopted Is that of oxpul slon. "Tho troublo has been growing for several years. Two months ago tho national labor council niotlnWaiib Ington and gavo tho Rrowory Work ers' Union until Juno 1 to comply with an order to oust nil onglnoors, firemen and teamsters from Its or gnnlratlon. Theso mon woro under AlasKa-YuKon-Paclflc Fair the Coast's Next Attraction GRANGERS HAD THEIR INNINGS PUT STANDARD OUT OF THE GAME Levied Bkjocst Fine On Record and Cancelled Company's License Special to th? Journal, Seattle, Juno 1. Amid tho blnro of many bands, tho cheer of many thousands of spectators, and tho waving oi bundled? of Amur'enn flngH, tho first sod of tho ground of tho A'skkn-Yukon-Pncino Exposition of 1909, was turned today by Its president, John Edward Chtlborg. The day wiib observed as a ge' oral holiday In Scnttlo. For tho cor omony thousands of visitors hud rotno to tho city, from nil part of tho state. Hon. John llnrrott, ap pointed by Prosldont Thoodoro Hoos ovolt as his personal representative for tho occasion, was tho principal speaker! Mr. llnrnttt, who is uni versally known as President of tho International Uurenu of American republics, wns In an especially repre sentative i-nsltlon to speak for tho ontlro continent, and his remarks wero listened, to by thq vast crowd on tho-grounds and cheered to tlfn ocho. iiosiiich mo rormai cxorciHos on tho grounds thcro was a splendid pa rndo In tho morning through tho main portion of the city. Mr. Ilnr Austin, Texas, Juno 1. Tho Wntors-Plorco Oil Company today was fined a total of $1,023,000 and Its permit to do business within tho state cancelled. A Jury of farmers GRAFTERS BEFORE THE COURT CALHOUN DEMANDS TRANSCRIPT Wants to Know What EvWecePros ecutkffl Has Before He Ptods San Francisco, Juno 1. Abo Ruef, Ptwrlck Calhoun, Mayor Schmltt suul Louis Glass appeared In court today for arraignment on Indictment ! charging thorn with bribing euporvl- roturnod tho verdict In tho caso ot'sors, tho first trio in tho ovorhead trolley case, and Glass in tho PacIRa tolophono enso. Glass made n motion to dismiss tho Indictment on tha ground of Insufficiency of tho ovl donee. Tho hearing of tho motion wnu postponed until Monday. Cal houn Insisted upon bolng supplied' with n transcript of tho ovldcnco tak en boforo tho grand Jury boforo be ing nrrnlgncd. Bchmlts mado a simi lar claim. Tho casoi woro post poned until Thursday. Ruef nskoil for postponement of hlu -trial until "one tiny after that of Hchmlts and Cnlhoun, and his rotjuost was graat ed. a - tho stnto against tho company to oust It for violations of tho anti trust law, o .. , - President nt PlttMburg. Pittsburg, Juno 1. Tho Prosldont ronohed hero at 7: -1 5 this morning. Ho walkod up and down tho platform for ten minutes, and waved his hand nt tho crowd beyond tho closed gntos. A special guard of police surround ed tho station. Ho loft nt 8 o'clock. i ti Tlirvo Crviimtvd. Coupors, Arlr., Juno l.-Congress hull, a (0000 building, burned last night, nnd thrcu porsons lost lives.' Chnrlios Prlnnlo, a blacksmith, nnd A GlorloHN Fourth Thorn wnu nti nnthualMtlo KourtM two unldontlllod Moxlcene woro -the, 0r jutyinttotln -ifesit hIrIiVC wTiteH victims I jmo C00 was appropriated for wh- IC. .Hlijnr IIUUKUTB iviuiivu mm. tho protection of tho Ilrowory Mon'n rott , (l0 K,0Ht of tho i.jx,,OBnon Union, who took a voto, and 98 por nn(, w,n ,)0 on,ortnlncd oxtonslvoly cont of tho mombcrshlp favored re' iurjnK j,B atny jn Sonttlo. slstanco to tho order, which brought In n.uition to tho groat crowds about tho prosont situation. Socro-lp, nmnr prominent men woro tary Kempor, of tho locnl union, Bnld ,n ftUondnnco by special Invitation, that 3000 browory workors In Chlcn- Tho ROVornorg of nonr,,y 8tn(og nnd go will gp on browing boor whatliori1llayora of Ul0 rne,,nl oon8t oUlM, tho American Federation of Labor, nm, varioMB omor 0,cIhb outsldo of rogards It otnelally as a union' pro duct or not. Tho dispute between tho Associat ed Hulldlngs TrndoB nnd tho Curpon tors' Union following tho strlko nKalnst Montgomory, Word & Co., fbe f wing goods aro now n ale Fine Millinery, ladles' Sulfa, La- 1Ip' Jacket. Ladles' Rrevj Skirts mill Shirt Wulsts Going at Smnll Price. aty r-gandlos. fancy dlmitios, fo,,i Fawns, fine dress glng- ms, inJ an head suiting, linen fj g-o3s, Persian lawns, dot- S,cg, silk mulls, fancy ftlte goods. whitA p. K.. silk -- .-. .-w - ,f - &Chacs, white India silks, Wt VXJ drnsa prn1 fln dreiS - -- 0WW f -m. J. leng whlto gloves, white i 1000 yards pretty faucy fti now on sale. Yard, 4 c Ladles' suIU 160, $250. M 50 and up. Ladles' Jackets from $3.50 up. Ladles' dress skirts, $1.50, $250, $3.50, $4.50 and up. Trimmed dress bats from $193 up. White lawn shirt waists from 4Cc up. Benttlc woro invited, nnd lioI,iol Ic mako tho day tho buccohh It was. Tho big military pnrndo started nt noon and nftor traversing the main streots entered tho Union depot whoro special trains took tho official threatens to precipitate a gonornl party and tho troops to tho grounds, strlko. Tho building trades control whoro tho oxorclsos woro hold In the 12,000 mechanics and tho enrpoutera ' largo natural Amphitheatre. 3000. Tho strlko against Ward pr- John llnrrvtt In his addresu point- clpltatod tho groat teamsters' strike ed out whrt n greut future the Pa in 1906. I ci no west land in fttoro nnd wliat tho 0XK)sltlon would do toward develop ing Litis section of the country. Mr. IlNrrett n'o explained how the expo AfUT tlio (Jriul Unko.' Orol, Ilussln, Juno 1. An attempt to nsRiissluntu tho Grand Duku Con slnntlno wus mndo today by sending a wild ongluu to meet tho duke's train. Tho train wns lato and tho engine was ditched In time. o A lU'iuoto l!nrtlupjiike, Ottawa. Ont., Juno 1. Tho seis mograph today recorded a violent enrthqiiako thousands of miles away tho ollloluls thinking to tho south. , "Tlrkleil to Jhttlli." I Kenosha. Wis., June l.Douls ull- tho Bulom baud had beon socurod anl that urrnngomentB wero being made -to engage tho Victor Point, Chcma wn, Kcform School nnd tho Summit bands. Tho oration of tha day will bo dollvered by Senator Mulkojr, oC Ashland, who la recognized as ono of tho most eloquent speakers In Ore gon. Tho method and arrangements for ohooslng tho (loddiits of Liberty hnvo not beon reported by tho com mittee that litis charge of tho work, but probably action will bo taken on that business nt tho next ineetlnK, o ' - Formerly of IliU City Jay Harrington arrived in Kite , , " , , , , ., , ,, . Jny iiiirringuiii nrrivvu in im las aged BE, laughed while -at dinner mnnUm tf(m mm nnd meat ho was eating odged n h s Ji(j im o )f c0B(rU0. windpipe ana euuKOd nun io uvnin Taft Ou(m Hut.)-. fVilumbuB. O.. Juno 1. Taft held a conference with the governor here "Won wlll.lnerewso coinineree on the today, nnd Inspooted tho barracks Pacific orean between the OrUM hi-iI Ho will leavo tonight for Washing- the Unltod 8tUn aed between tke ton with his mothor. It Is annouuowl Miintrlea of North hm.1 flouib Awerl that he will leave Washington about ca. tha 13th. and will speak In WUoon- Other who MMIe nddrowwi are as . n.i wn. nn.i t Minneapolis, wlowsi Oov. Albert If. Mead, of He will lusptot Fort Meade, 8. D... Washington; Mayor Win. H. Moore, and pacify tho Utes, who are on the of Seattle; President J. H. Chllbarff. nniii. nmi all Seoteinber lent ' wiwwhh; w. a. wnimrm. n nn w-w-m t- - Hiiowlug lit Chicago. Chicago, Juno 1. The woathor In qulto cold, and thore woro many snow flurries n th s oltv th s morning. i o Ih'U'ixtvA Hlmifonl. estt)e. WHsh., June 1. Tho Col lege of Washington orow dofuntod Stanford here today by two and n half lengths. o I'lmiMdit KiirprlM) Parly. A surprise parly In honor of Ar thur Martin was given at the family where no lias o liar go Hon of n modern theatre, which he expcoN to open about tho first of Sopiembor. Ho will vlll horo for a few days bnforo returning to tils work. Ho was formerly a resldeM of this city, whoro ho hn a wlda clrcln of frlen.lt. Ilorso IWmuv Frlalil'Mir! Tho ho rm balonglng to Fritnk Houglas, the well-known confeetion ury man, beoamo frightened this af ternoon near the corner of Co nun or ol a l and State street, nnd. banking1 behind a street ear was thrown In such a manner n to bo unable to heme. 11 1 Saginaw streot. Wednes- extnoaie iiimseu. Heverai uysiunu- ere oame io me retcun nnu ruiwinou the anliiiMl. Other than the break- for the Pblllpplnoe. SALKU'S FASTB6T GROWING STORK- McEVOY BROS. gALKlf, OX. Courts Hnvo No Jurisdiction. Springfield. III., June 1. The ap nllate court today decided the elvll oourU bad no powor to prevent by Injunction tho union of the Preeby torlan and Cumberland Presbyterian churches. Mombers of tho Cumber land sued In tho olroult court to pre vent tho general assembly from per-,.-!.,,. t,n nnlnn. The decision ! holds that artloles of faith are a mat ter for the eeoloslastloal courts to de cide. . 'O Caught With Urn Good. Wheellnir. W. Va.. June 1. H. O Hoeban, of Glnolnnatl, wm arrested here today on tho char 50 of embez- iliBg $t0.000 worth of wml3 ana i 111,000 in cash from bis sister ana the First National uanic 01 viuo. natl. All the bowl and $9800 In cash were on his person when he was caught u representing Gov. Chamberlain, of I Oregon; John P. Hartman, Hoard of Hegente Washington University; Henry A. McLoen, Washington Stnto' Commission. I. A. Kadeau, dlroetor. general of the xpellIon, was mas ter of tho oeremeules. Chicago Market. t.iMffo T.mn 1 Wheat 99U& Scnttlo, June 1. A message from Hooievolt followoU John Darrett'a address at tho ground-breaking cer emonies at the exposition today. Barret tsald: 'The President sends greetings, sympathy and hopes, nnd applauds your energy, public spirit and courage. He regrets bo Is not present. Writers of a century henee will set down today as the dato Se attle threw off the swaddling clothes of infancy, and assumed the babtl roents of the world-recognlted me tropolis. He predicts that within tho life of tho younger mta directing this enterprise that Seattlo will pass tho million mark. Common activity, in terest and purpose backed by com mon seme, will enable Washington Oregon and Callforal to dccaxaplUh day ewenlHg. Many Interesting games were played, after whloh dainty re frefchmHU were sorvI. Those pre, ent were Ivn Capper, Huby Vanos dl, Wthel Dencer, Cleo Konnen. Hlhel Denser, Oleo Kennen, Josle Josle Kooreman, Fornlo Johnson, Mlna Arnold, Mllten Kooreman, HHbort Hanson, Ivan Johnson, Will Goble. Clifford Dane. Arthur Coble, j Uonard Mason and Hugh and Artnur Martin. Hnleiu Public Library, May, 1007. Number using reading room ..3010 Dally average 98 New raembors 00 1 Total membership .,,,,...1628 New books Purchased ., 8 Gifts Total ,,,, Numberof loans nooks 3100 Periodicals ....... HO Total No. volumes la library .......47(57 MARY FAnUENTBR, Librarian lug of the bametw Ih a few places and' some slight brulswa sustained by the homes, there was no damage doue. I'tirvlluble fnniriirlloii. "Do you regard the stage an art edusator?" Not exactly," nnswurod MH4 Olayenne. "It would be unfortunate If we wore to get our Ideas of so ciety frem the problem play and our ideas of costumo from the muslenl comedy." Washington War. 1 mi in 1 O' ' ' II IMdtfitly Cvrrvtt. Now, whloh Is cheaper, the bride or the groom T Came the answer In accents bold? "The bride, '04 use aho'n always gtv en away. While tho groom la generally sold. Uohcmlan. Dr. J. P. COOK TMH K)TANlOAli IKKJTOK, hovki) to w utaavrx mt FOK ANY 1HHKASN GA1& OK Wt, COWMsKXAIi AXD OOUT OTKKBTS. S7H,corn SiQSSK.otU iWG9. wonder for the common good." COOK. COlMKraATfON