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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1907)
T T S a? U ,hen And why not? filing hair is Hfill 5 . ase,',,a 8u,ar disce, and your own X A doctor will tell you the remedy. He knows our oincf or all our m MORMON PROPHET President Joseph Smith, of the ortnoa churcn, gives ms iuhowwb following Instructiens: H-Flowers at funerals arc useless nse Stop tills wasieiui nnuii. Music at funerals must hereafter iflned to Mormon nymnB. 5 ''Physicians and nurses In cas?s aecouchment aro not necessary. nature tako her course. ', 'Husbands, when your wives die, is your duty to got another wife." o- rqnlizbcrgen is ro .lutn-p uinu. The Sun has already referred to anomaly that tno largo Arctic hlnelago of spuzuorgen, wmen Mdcd last year more than $500,000 orth of oils, fura ond eiderdown, here 200 men were ongagca in coni RnlnfT Wliero six jiurwuuiuu wuui' L expeditions, aggregating 420 men their stations in xuuu, ana 10 hlch excursion steamers aro now Lrryng romo hundreds of tourists Lrj. year, Is possessed by no coun- I anu is ouujun " i"j w illations. iTho resulting ovlls aro now nt- ictlng attention In Europe Game, nch as relndoor, Polar bears, ptar migan, geese, uucks nnu ouicr uirua, fairly plentiful, but is being wan- only exterminated.. A Party of wrists last Biimmor killed over 100 elndccr, leaving tho carcasses whoro itT fell, taking only a fow of tho aest heads and antlors. Elderduck Leits aro robbed of eggs, which Nor- ty on Ihor northern coasts and nmark In Greenland protect by IV. Tho latest Norwegian nowspapors r that perfect lawlessness reigns, Ld giro a new and flagrant illustra tion of tho fact. In 1873 Dr. Nor- Itnskjold, tho renowned Swedish hjlorcr, erected wlntor quarters, In- lUdlng a houso for scientific obscr- ttloas, at Capo Thordsen, In Ico fiord. Tho buildings woro repaired od enlarged by tho Swedish gov- iramcnt In 1SS2, when It pnrtlctpnt- In tho work of tho Polar stations. Ihe structures wero left.ns a refugo or whalers, who aro occasionally rrccked and compollcd to wlntor on he Islands. A lot of Norwoglnn hnters, who worked their sweet will Spl'zbcrgcn last summer, decided fct they needed lumber on tholr reuel, and so toro tho buildings town. Shipwrecked Bailors will liavo lo th'ft as thoy may, as tho provis ion inado for their comfort has been impropriated by Irrosponslblo nlm- rodi who went to tho Arctic merely lor a good time. LmiuttmitiuiiHawuiMiiiiwn! AcBeLtblePrcDaraiioaforAs- slmilating ihcToodandRcdula fegthtSkiaachsaridDowcbcf Eromotes'Dcsllon1Checrful r5s and Rest.Cofitalas neither Oprum jMorphJno cor IfiocraL OTNA3tCOTIC. vafcu&-SiMZZnvMea fCarcnXU' ClnXJSuimr . Apcrfect Rcmcdv forConsliM- hon. Sour Stosach.Diarrhoea, oonns .ConMHSwns.revicrisn ocss and LOSS OF SLEEP. TocSicttle Signature of IEV -YOHIC. EXACT COPT Of WBAMCB. mm F- - ,r Tl, , ' j ; " . tnat AVer's Hair Vigor, new improved for mula, quickly stops falling hair, cures dan Frf. macs to balr grow. Just ask him. preoarmtlont. The fact 13 that both Sweden and Norway wish to annex tho archipel ago, nnd this is tho reason why it is still subject to no Jaw. For some months tho Norwegian nowspapors have been arguing that tho Islands should belong to Norway because Its Ashing Interests In those waters aro paramount, becauso of Its nearness to tho archipelago and for other res- ons. On tho other hand Dr. Nathorst tho Nestor of Swedish Arctic ex ploration, writes In tho Stockholm Dagblad that of right tho Islands should belong to Sweden, becauso that country has expended about two million crowns In tho exploration of Spltzenberg nnd has homo by far the larger part of tho toll and exponso of making tho Islands known, while Norway has done practically nothing for scientific Investigation there, though sho has benefitted enormous ly by reckless exploitation of tho land nnd tho neighboring waters. Authorattve writers In both coun tries say that tho present sltuntlon demands a remedy without needless delay. Recent reports of fresh law lessness aro attracting wldo atten tion. Tho Germnn periodical Potcr mnnn's Mlttctlungen, commenting on tho destruction of tho refugo for whalers, sayB that tho long continu ance of present conditions1 In Incon ceivable; 4nnd Mr. Dordowlch, our Consul-Gonernl In Norway, writes that cither tho islands should bo nn noxed to ono powor or n combination of tho powers should mako nrrango monts whereby Inw and ordor may bo maintained, game and fishing lnws mndo nnd enforced, nnd mining claims protected. On a smnll scalo It Is tho enso of Morocco over again. Ench of tho na tions desires to rulo tho roost ex clusively, with tho result that a group of Islands which aro playing a smnll part In tho human Interests nro at tho mercy of any prowler or plrato who comes nonr them. N'jw York Sun. American Iwit Ion of Canada. Sir Wilfrid Laurlor .Premier of Canada, says ho has no fonr that Cannda will bo Amcrlcnnlzod. Ills remark has reference no doubt, to tho numbers of pcoplo from this country who havo during tho InBt fow yenrs taken up lands nnd mndo tholr homos In tho Canadian North west. Possibly ho also had In mind tho American capital which hns gono across tho lino for Invostmont In tho Industrial cntorprlsos undor Amorlcnn mnnngomont in ordor to tnko bettor ndvantngo of a markot protected by high tariff restrictions. It Is prosumod that by "Amorlcnn Ized" Promtor Laurlor mount tflio crontlon nnd growth of a political sontimont favorable to annoxntlon of tho Domlulon to tho Uultod State, nnd on this point ho probnbly has lit tlo to foar. Nor li thoro any gener al doslro In this country that Cannda CASTDRIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA VH ewTMra . " J.O.JirrCe.,I Mb ni w T Alt DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALBM, ORSCON should bo Americanized In this roan ner. One Beldom hears talk of an nexation on cither sldo of tho lino nowadays. In the course of time, when Canada shnll hnvo decided to break away from England, It will ci ther bo to become an Independent nn tlon or to cast In Its lot with tho United States. But until thnt time comes the question may bo allowed to rest. Commercially, however, Canada will gradually becomo Americanized. Thero aro already evidences of change, and emigration from tho United States Increnses them. This emigration, It Is belloved, has reach ed Its hlgh-wnter mark. Tho ex perience of those who hnvo gono from hero to Cannda has not demonstrat ed thnt Canada Is "a better country," as many of tho migrating Bottlers wero led to bollovo by tho active agents of tho Dominion operating In various states. That exporlenco has, In fact, convinced lnrgo numbors that thoy would havo beon hotter oft had they remained bore. Evon If thoy do find prosperity and contont ment In their now homos, thoy will not soon forget tho land they loft, and American sentiment will tend to keop nllvo tho friendship which should ovor exist between tho two countries. ,1'romlor Laurler has evidently rec ognized thnt tho Amorlcnn Invasion of Cnnndn will horenftor bo much loss marked. Tho fnrmors In this country nro learning thnt they will Iobo rather than gain by moving. Spokane Review. o Tho Llfo Insurance Muddlo hns started tho public to thinking. Tho wondorful success thnt hns mot Ballard's Horohound Syrup In Its crusndo on Coughs, In fluenza, Bronchitis nnd all Pulmon ary troubles has started tho publlo to thinking of this wondorful prepa ration. They aro all lulng It. Join tho procession nnd down with sick ness. Prlco 25c, GOo and 1.00. Sold by D. J. Pry. o . What He Mount. "Yos," snld Colonel Drngg, "Pvo been In n good many tight places In my llfo." "Tight plncoa," romarked Pop pory; "Hint's a now nnmo for thorn." "A now nnmo for what?" "Saloons." Philadelphia Lodgor. O-i For stomach troubles, blllouonoss and constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach nnd Llvor Tablots. Many romarkable curoi hnvo boon effected by thorn. Prlco 2G cents. Samples frco. For Balo by Dr. Stono's drug store AhsiMit-MiiuloO. -I'm against keeping tho lid Tony- on. JonoB Why? Tony I kept mlno on when Mlas Svot pnwud mo tho othor day nnd now ah wo't ipok to mo. Detroit Fro Profts. lftn KAAnl tt tn& fiari'fiilna Mia ' bronth of tho girl that takos LIollls- tor'B Rocky Mountain Ton. Bright eyes, rod lips, good honlth follow Its use. 3G contB. Toa or Tablets. For snlo at Stono's drug storo. Mrrvly a KiiKKi'stlon. Wright I'vq tried ovorythlng, and my novels don't scum to soil. Penman Exouso me, but you havo not tried ovorythlng. You know It Is said that Dickons' novels se'l four times better than during his life. Yonkors Statesman. A Narrow Encan. G. W. Cloyd, a merchant, uf Plunk, Mo., bad a narrow escapo four years ago, when ho ran a jlmson bur Into bis thumb. Ho says: "Tho doe tor wantNl to amputate It but I would not consent. I bought a box of Bucklen'a Arnica Salvo and that cured tho dangerous wound." 25c at J. O. Perry'B, druggist. Ho Fatiguing. So young Hlohloy Kadd la't to marry Goldlo Stlloa after all?" "No, ho got soared." "Well, woll- and I heard they ha1 gone so far oven as to rohear for the wedding." "Yes. that was tho trouble. They had rehearsed five times, and Rleh ley said the preparations for matri mony wero such hard work he was afraid he couldn't stand the reoi thing at all." Catholic Standard. . o- Do'fc Fay Alimony To bo divorced from your appendix. Tbero will be no occasion for It If you keep your bowela regular with Dr. Klug'a Now Llfo Pills. Tneir action is bo gentle that the appendtr never has cause to make the least complaint Guaranteed by J. O Perry, drurglst. 25c Try them. OA.W'X'OZIXA. FRIDAY, JLW 31, 1907. Ntrstag Mothers unci Orer-lmrtlcned Womea In all stations of llfo, whoso vigor and vitality may havo boon undermined and broken-down by over -work, exacting soc lal duties, tho too frequent bearing of children, or other causes, will find In Dr. Plcrco'a Favorite Prescription tho most potent, invigorating restorative strength giver ever Uovlscd for their special bono i J. ur?!nJ?faothcrs wlUM It especial ly valuablolrv sustaining Xor strength andpromlnjaumlanUKirishineiit will find It a FrlcelosiWHJtrWpKo tho jyitcm for baby's coming and r&HlWlDij tho ordeal comparatively palnloCJi UpllcateT h ryouN wpak women, who suffer from frcminnt headaches, back ache, drapgtcir-down distress low down In tho abdomen, or from painful or Irrec ular monthly periods, gnawing or dis tressed sensation In stomach, dluy cr faint spoils, oo Imaginary specks or spots Boating before eyoa, havo dlsagroeablo, plvlc catarrhal drain, prolapsus, ant version or retro-vorslon or other displace HiotiM oi womanly orans from wcaknM of parts will, whether thoy experience many or onlv a fow of tho abovo symp toms, find relief and a permanent euro hy Bslnit fnlthft'lly nnd fairly persistently Dr. Plorvn's Favorite Prescription. This world-lameil sjteclllo for woman's weaknesM nnd Hcullar alltnents is a furo Rlycorlo extract of tho choicest na '.SS u',bclnal roots wttlumt a drop of alcohol In Its mnko-un. All IU liiRredl entsprlntcsl In plain Kngltshon Its bottle wrappr and nttcstod undor oath. Dr. Plerco thus Invito tho fullest Investiga tion of his formula knowing thnt It will bo found to contain only tho best ngentt known to tho most advanced medical sclonroof nil tho different school a of prnc tlco for tho cure of wemnu's peculiar weaknesses and ailments. If you want to know moro about tho composition and professional endorse ment of tho "Favorite Proscription," sond postal card n-qtiest to Dr. It. V. Plerco, ltullnlo. N. Y., fur hlsrve booklet treat Ins of same. You can't afford to accept as a sultl Into (or this remedy uoien cuinponidon a sooret nostrum of wiknouni compoi to. Don't do It. Moro Nipples. Any mothor who haa had expert onco with this distressing ailment will bo pleased to know that a cure rnny bo offoctod by applying Cham borlnln'a Snlvo as soon as the child U dono nursing. Wlpo It off with a Bolt cloth boforo allowing the babo to nurso. Mnny trained nurses use this snlvo with host 'results. For snlo by Dr. Btono'8 drug Btore. o PROPOSALS FOR LIGHTING. Proposals will bo rocolvod by tho Board of Publlo Commissioners of tho Stnto of Oregon at tho Captol Building, Snloni, Oregon, at tho hour of 11 a. m. Juno Gth, 1007. for lighting tho Capitol Building, Peni tentiary, Insnno Asylum, Roform School Muto School nnd Blind School nt Salem, Oregon, with nro and In candescent lamps. Information, npocS fixations nnd blnnk proposals may bo obtained from tho Clork of tho Board nt tho Cnpltol Building, Snloni, Ore gon. W. N. GATENS, Clork of Board. G-1G-18-22-2G-2P, 0-1. O' CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Gulldran. The Kind You Havi Always BangM Bears tho rtOvt&ffi&c&k Bitfnaturo J. M. LAWRENCE Formerly linker, Ijurniico & Baker. Reliable Grocer, At the Old Stand POR SALE! Wo aro now in a position to make prlcoa on vacant lots, also bouses and lota In Highland addition, along the Salem-Portland new electric lino Jhls property has not been offered for aale before since thoycomplotloo of the road, and wa havo some ex ceptlonally good buys. Derby & Willson wiLLAMirrrK fruit AND PRODUCU CO. Wholesale dealers and commission caorchanta. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs. Poultry, etc. W. B. Cummlngs and) C. A. WIteraft, Cottlo block, Ba- lem, Or.; J. C. Btapleton, 86 Union Avenue, Portland. Hallos Fe y la aew bm and ready for bul im. R4 MclIsBt oa hoth 4dM of filer. A. D. PSTTYJOMN, S-19-lM-d tnftbto' mim ifmnniiiiiiiiiitjiittf itiafKK CLASSIFIED reimtiMtHmitmi FOR BAJJR N For Sale Two light Bprlng wagons (just right to haul borrlos), two heavy spring wagons, aud throo second hand buggies. Werner Fonnoll, S03 Broadway. G-38-lrao For Sale Old papers, 10 cents per hundred. Inqutro Journal office. Why Fny Kent When you can buy a nlco homo nt GS0 N. LIborty St., on torms to suit tho purchaaor. Address C. II. Burggraf, Albany, Oro. 6-17-tf. FOU 11KNT .'or llcnt Sovon-room hoiisn. hot and cold water, olcctrlo light, bath room. Inqulro of Ausr. Schreib- or, 6G0 North High Btroot. 3-2G-tt MUSIOAIi. Ariuur von jcssch Tcacaor of nU ano; touch, tochnlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students prepared for publlo appearance Roaldonce 6G8 Contor Bt. Tel. Main G3G. 2-28-tf. LOST. Lost Gold crcscont bronch. sot with pearls. Initials on back, proh ably nenr dopot. Sultablo rowarJ for roturn of snmo to this oRlco. G-20-at 1X)UXI). Tiikm Up Ono blnck horso about 3 years old. Owner con havo snmo by calling on J. M. Gentry, cast of Iudopondonco on J. It. Coopor farm and paying chnrgos. G-31-3t Ailr)CKILANfi0U5: Inuo Tuner L.. it, Wooda, piano e: pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Lcavo ordors at Goo. G Wills' rnuslo storo, Saloin, 3- 9-lyr Concreto Work. Got my prices oa Bldownlks, curbB, noptlo tanks and comont work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M Ward, Highland add. Phone 669 6-11-tf liutto Hi WcHdcroth Fine wise, liquors and cigars. We handle taa colobratod Kellogg and Castlt whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commercial street 9-S-lyr Balcni IroH Work. Founderi, raa chlnlsta and blsckninlths. Mantt facturora of all klnda of Mwmlll machlnory. Hop and fruit drylm Btovos, etc. Manufacturers of ths Balom Iron Worka Hop Pre. Kalciii llos H Lumber Co. Removed from South Salem to Hth street, near tho B. P. dopot. Boxes, Borry Crntos, Fruit Traya and Porfoctlon Fruit Ernporatora. Phono 201. Enlarged Our moat market on East State atroct haa boon doubled In size and we aro hotter prepared than over to serve custprnurs. Prompt eorylca and the boat of moats our motto. Call or phono 199. B, K. Kdwardi, Prop HrIciii Iii(kpcHder .Monmouth Rtngo lino, Leaves Indepoudenc dally (except Sunday) at 800 o'clock a. m. Iloturnlng, loaves Salem from Willamette Hotot at I p. m., arriving atr Indepondono In tlmu for G:1G motor for Moo mouth and Dalian. Phono Mats 170. Wu Aro Cnsli Purcliaacre Of poul-lf try, oggs, aud all klnda of farm prouueo. jiorrjr crniva iiibuo w In unlfmlted auantltlos. Capital Commission Co., 2C7 South Com mercial street. Balom Phono Mala 179. It! Aire Flno soil, half tlmbor, half cultivation, IVt miles from Hnlcrn, flno unobstructed vlow of Balom, rlvor, mountains, etc. 12n tlroly enolosod with now wire fence. Houso and barn old. Ap plot, pears, plums, prunes, peaoh' os, chorrlOB, borrlos fall bearing. This Ib for you, Mr. Bargain Hunt er. Call on or write to "H," care Journal. 5-10-3wk A. J, Anderson. Contractor and Builder, 415 Court street. Phone C44. 6-11-tt "W7&TMD7 Wanted To borrow 1000 oa the best of real estate security. Ap ply to "J. P.' caro Journal osace. 4-20-tr Hlghret Ck Prl Paid for chlek ens at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-lf WmUnI Boy to rua elevator, Ja quire at WlHawett hoUl. f-Utf 7 DEPARTMENT !! mnmitiitiiw DRAYMEN. tmnuns uroe.' Transfer coihimrt All kinds of transfer work doaev Furniture and pianos boxed ready tor shipment. Prompt Bervle i our motto. Stand and oatee at 253 South Commercial street, Phone 210. Residence Phone 968. SAKK AND DOOX, rAOTOEXM. wa. Maaafaetarer muk, dxvors, assuMlngs, All klade 4 hoBe fiat aad hard weed werk. Freai etreet, bet. State aad Oewri Make all eomslalata at the etee. PLTJMBKM. Thoo. M. Marr Plumblag, hot wa and steam heating aad Uaahti; 164 Commercial street. FkeM Mala 192. l-l-ly M. J. Feteei PluiDblBg, steam taA gas fittlBg. SactiMtor to Kaex V Murphy, 226 Conmerelal atrte. 'Phone Mala 17. LODQHB. Forester ot AMerica -Court ih'r wood Foresters, No. 19. Mwtfci Tuesday la Hurst hall, State a tree Lea Abble. O. R.J A. L. Browa, F. S. Central Lodge No. 18, K. et P-i Caatlo Hall In Holmaa blook, eer ner State aad Liberty afreets, Tuesday of each week at 7tS9 p. m. Oscar Johnson, O. O.; V. II. AnCorsoR, K. of R, and S. Modem WeedtHea of AjHerlm Ore gon Cedar Cann No. 6346. Meets every Thursday evealag at t o'clock ta Holaaaa hall. W. W. Hill, V. O.j F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Meet every FrN day night at 7:36, In Holmaa hall. J. A. Dlckoy, 0. 8.; P. L. Frailer, Clork. i Lincoln AuHMlty IThNhi. -Slek, acet dent and penstoa Imuranee fl, 000,000 pledged; every elalmiMtd Good agents waateil. J. II. O. Montgomery, supreme orgaalaef, Box 432 Salen,' Oregon. R. R. Ryan, eecreetary, 546 State street. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth Mare than aay other bread, yet the priee la no higher. For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA. I1AKMRT. Thomas & Cooler, Preaa. 1 1 1 M I H 1 1 1 1 1 1 H M 1 1 1 111 I i' '2 20c Meals tor t ::" $1.00 . nml llm !ii mnnla In Ralom. 4 " "" ' " ' 4. at that. You can bank on the reputation of the VHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmmt JltaHtHgHMSOtlf Gold Dust Flotfr Made by TKS SYDKSr FOW UK OOMFAXY, UMaey, Onfa. I Made or family w. Ask yewr grocer for It. Braa aad eetitt always os knad. P. B. Wallace ! AljrHJN 1 UtnttafitjBisiiaiif afiUiBl niti MCALb 15C AT TIIK Salem Restaurant a.'H COURT KTHKKT. Call and try them. Meals 15o. Board per week 2.7I, also furnished rooms vary rnnnnylilii linlMHmHM6IIHI99 J. VV. BOLLEN Manager Salem Undertaking Co. Funeral Dlreeter aad Kaabaliaer. I CaNs afiwrfJ (Uy or fkH 79. SIS Crt ft, iUw mil