S-3' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 01, 1007. Convalescents need a large amount of nourish ment in easily digested form. Scoits Emttlsfon is powerful nourish ment highly concentrated. 'v It makes bone, blood and muscle without putting any tax on the digestion. ALL ORUOQISTSi BOo. AND $1.00. $&&&&&&&)'&&&&&&&&&&$& fPS 1 iv 0 nCifllHH EVERYBODY TOOK PART (Continued frdro pago ono). the First M. E. church, or this city delivered tho nddross of tho occasion mill spoke In pnrt ns follews: "To you votorans of tho Civil Wnr, Protlldonco hns dealt kindly that you 1 Inner bo long to cngngo In this Bor vlce of lovo and dovotton to tho mem ory tif your fallen comrades. But be foi nnothor Decoration Day, somo tvio stand hero will havo been car ried by loving liauda to your rest, fit4 wu twill tint fiwtrnt vnn Aa llin .v... .. w "in nut .incut- jvn. .." ..w fKimoTatlotiB pnBB your momory will Vtro kept groon and tho sorvlcea you ' Siavo rondorod your country will bo itold to our children's children. Our 'flontlmont today Is 'chcors for the liv ing nnd toarB for tho dead.' Tho beautiful uffoct of Htrowlng (lowors on tho graves of tho nation's dofond ors Is that nil graves nro better cored for, nnd all who havo precious doad tino this day for floral tributes of lovo. Moro and moro our comotorlos ro bolng nintlo as lovely as the Taradlso of God. All that nrt nnd mature enn do Is appropriated toi adorn tho cities of tho dreamless' Bloopers. "Your sorvlcos woro for liberty, to 'run ho n homo for tho frco nnd tho '.brnvo. Tho nBBnsHln's hand was rained with a dagger against Uborty's glorious form. Had ho succeeded ovory tyrant tho world ovor would ilinvo exulted. Hut by tho heroic do Motion of yoursolvos nnd your fnllon "brothor's, his effort failed, and a now jiowor and glory was glvon to froo dom, that iu filling tho world. Na tions ovorywhoro aro marching up ward in civil and religious liberty, nnd shackloH aro falling ovorywhoro In tho dawning light of tho now day of truth, righteousness and brothor .Ju.od." Tho sorvlcos awakened many ton dor momorloj of comrades and loved ones who nro sleoplng bonoath tho roBo-covorod mounds. After tho vot ornns hud deposited flowers at tho cross nnd murmured tho company and roglmont In which tho dead had iiorvod tho hymn "America" was Hung, and tho procession returned to tho hall on Coiumurclul stroot, whoro it dlnuor wuh sorvod by tho hull on of tho U, A, It. to moro than ir0 per nons. Tho mombors of Sodgwlek Pout, No. 10, CI. A. It., tho It. C, and tho votorans of all wars mot yostor dny aftoruoon at tho G. A. It. hall, at 1:30 p. m., to pay tho annual tribute to tho momory of tho Holdlors who lmvo glvon tliulr life In tho sorvico of tbolr country. The procuiiHlon was formod on Com morclal tttroot, ami Clilof of Police dbso'ii and Judgo Webster, as olll uors of tho day, woro followed by Company "M," O. N. 0., and Sudg-, wick Post. (1. A. H., and cltlzons, Tho various organizations took tho en-n at tho WlllamoUo hotel for tho com-j otory, where tho march was again ru I mimed to tho 0. A. II, momorliil plot. Tho Evening. Last ovonlng tho Congregational church was packed to the doors, to witness tho closing coromonlos of tho day's impressive oxorclses. Tho pro gram last ovonlng wa3 as follews: "Star Spangled Banner," by the Flour do Lis Four. Patriotic reading, Mrs. Ethol Ilnr- rls Cottor. "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp tho Boys Aro Marching," Flour do LIb Four. Address, Rov. F. E. Doll. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," quartet. "Amorlca," by tho Audience. At tho aamo tlmo thoro woro hun drodB who woro dotorrcd from at tending tho exorcises during tho day, on account of tho oxtromo bent, took odvnntngo of tho dollclously cool ov onlng to visit tho comotory nnd those 1 all added still mora blooniB to tho ncros of flowers nlroady Btrotchlng ovor tho sllont city. Snlom pnys much attention to Us dond, and tho City VIow comotory is nt nil tlmos n mass of bloom, White pinks nro used In profusion, tho plots bolng bordorod with groat banks of thorn, convoying a sonso of cleanli ness nnd purity, of which both tho flowers nnd colors nro omblomntlc. Whon to thoso pormnnont decorations nro added tho wealth of llowors from Snlom's lawns and gnrdons, tho effect was boyond description. Tho sun in nil his courso from tho Atlantic to tho Pacific yesterday shono not down on n falror spot than that whoro Hlcop tho city's doad. X-RAYS The name. Bogus Prlnco was truo Tho posters said there were forty girls. And tho girls wero certainly forty. Instead of fireworks on tho Fourth of July, tho rosldents of tho offoto East will probably need a fire. m The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There Is a disease prevailing in this country most dnngerous because so decep tive. Many .sudden deaths arc caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or r- apoplexy are often tlit result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance thekiduey-poisou-cd blood will at tack the vital orgatiB, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves JKStTT I 313 jr V I -rHwH UilU .rjjur- VOmam m Mu-tf Tltnt Now York nanor sondlne realc (owu nm wnste nwny ccl1 ,,v ccll mat Now Yore paper senaingi Dlad(cr troublc8 nhnost nhVays result Curlraan in a balloon to hunt tho from a derangement of the kidneys and north polo, might utilize his balloon a cure i9 obtained quickest by a proper to keep track of tho price of wheat, treatment ox tnc moneys, it younrctcei . I ing badly you can make no mistake by Intflnr. Hi 'LNIttm.'ta wftmn.Dnnt fl.n tho Union? tnkltit? Dr. Kilmer's Swamo-Root. the Of course, thoro will bo a big Iowa greatlcidney, liver and bladder remedy, ntonln nn thn Fourth of Julv. and It corrects inability to hold urine and why not havo ono for every stato in scalding pain iu passing it, and ovcr- . comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go oitcn turougu tue uay, and to get up many times during the . "... '. ll Our lubricated streets aro getting nignt. incinimniiu tnc extraordinary nrnttv nmnnth nnd Hioro la morn nl effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, pretty smooth, and tlicro is moro o I ItBtttuds the i,lBllcst for its wonderful whoro thl3 came from. Let us havo curcs 0f the most distressing cases. It. I Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and Tho roBos novor woro moro nttrnc-L , i,,nA r ti.t. n.w..i .-... .ii.. tlvo in Oregon thnn Just now, and covery nnd n book that tells all about it, tho attempt to "hand n bunch" to both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil Mrs. Losllo Carter Bhould bo cncour-l"1"' Co-. iHnglmnitpn, N. Y. When , ,. , , , . 4 . .... ,1 writing mention reading this generous aged. Sho has had a tasto of nearly ofTcr ft, thi8 papcn Dbou,t nkc nny all tho good thing1) of this earth, and mistake, butrcmcmberthenamc.Swamp it would bo too bad to havo hor go Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, nnd the tint Itnnw what nn "- uuiguanuoii, . i., through life and Oregon rooo lo. Thoso locntlng or nttompting to lo cnto lands ovor which tho govern ment hns any control, will do woll to romombor that "actual settlor," slnco bottle. on every something EVERY MINUTE THE PRESIDENT'S SPEECH. A Strong Presentation of tho road Situation. Itnll. Memorial Day at Cliemnwn. Memorial Day was obsorved In a fitting mnunor, tho entire Bchool, or llcors, touchers and pupils taking part. Flags woro floating nt half mast all day, and nt 10 o'clock, bond od by tho bhud, tho school and thoso living near, marched to tho comotory whoro tho following program was ronderod: Song, "Battlo Hymn of tho Itopub- 11c," BCllOOl. Prnyer. Ilacltntlon, "Memorial Day," Liz zlo Frazlor. Hartono solo, "Tho Sontlnol," Mar tin Sampson. AddrotM, "Momorliil Hymn," oholr. "Touting on the Old Camp Ground," school. No arrangements had boon mndo for nn address, but Col. Hofor, who wiw driving down to Woodburn, was Htnppod by tho maungomout ns ho wuh passing, and mndo a brlof ami Impromptu nddrotis. Tho day was warm, but could not dot or tho patriotic poaplo of Glioma way from honoring tholr (land. Thoro was an ahuudnnco of flowors, nnd not n gravo but had bomo tokon of re-mombrnnco. , .... .,., ., . . ,.,,.. tho land fraud trial pretty apt to ""o i-romauum bhuucii ut iuuiiih nmnn liint wiint. It savs. and that a npolls Thursday was devoted almost residence on tho land will bo necessary. Wlillo condemning tho Southern entirely to tho railroad problem. Tho tonor of tho speech was that, whllp nothing should bo dono to injuro cnpl tal or retard tho dovolopmont of Pacific for withholding lands from1 railroad ByBtoms, that nt tho snmo "sottlomont," it Is noted that tho sudden dcslro to own n farm, impels thoso so desiring to solect tho tract with tho largest amount of timber on It for n homo. Mi'iuorinl Day at Woodburn. Woodburn, Or., May 30, 11)07. Momorliil sorvlcos horo today con sisted of a procosston of I. I. Stov- ons Post, G. A. K., Gnrllold Clrclo, Aftor mi impressive ritualistic sor-! Lndlos of tho G. A. U., Spanish- h. It., whloh ,wns le4 vice of tho G. A by J. P. Hobertuon and Dr. Robinson, Lincoln's momornblo Gettysburg upoooh wii,s eloquently delivered by vloorgo McKulght, n rocout grndunto of Wlllamotto University, Comrade Wobator bognn tho How or depositing sorvico, and noarly 100 votorans rovorontly placed a garhrid f llowora on tho plot, each Iu mom ory of his company. Dr. 7 M. Pnrvln lod in tho singing or 'Nutiror My God to Thoo," and tho W. It. C, lod by Mrs. Itoblnson prosldbiit, guvo tho very Improsslve ritual servloo of tho organization Ployol'H hymn was sung, and tho ro form school baud rondorod a plena lug Buloctlon. Throe volloys woro llrod by Com imny 'M." nftor whloh till Jolnod In "Inglng "Amorloa," whloh was lod American and Indian Wnr Votorans, school chlldron nnd civilians, forming a procosslon, nnd, procodod by tho Quoou City band, marchod to Hollo Passo comotory, whoro tho rogulnr exorcises woro hold and tho graves doooratod. Tho nddrosa was by Hov. L. S. Moohol. Othor immbord woro by school chlldron nnd vocal and In strumcntnl utuslc, In tho prosonco of u Inrgo assemblage. Memorial sor vlcos woro also hold In tho Catholic graveyard. Float From Albany. Aftor four hours paddling In the warm suushlno yostordny Owon Ileum nnd N. E. Dlckovor arrived In this city from Albany. Tho two on mo down In tho flno ennoo whloh was recently won by Mr. Bonni by tho oxpondlturo of two conts In a radio. Tho gontlomon sny that tbo rido was pleasant and would havo tlmo, logitlmnto railroad -manage ment must bo distinguished from stock speculation. And that thoro must bo absoluto control of tho rail roads by tho government. Ho urged especially that tho values, capitaliza tion, earnings, In fnct tho entlro rail road business bo glvon tho wldoat tho Somo Idiotic nows monger, with n woll-dovclonod streak of newspaper, iniimii nfnrinii tiin dinrv recently publicity. Somo sontoncos In that tho Northwest was forcing tho1 speech would lend ono to Infer tho flour famine nnd this In tho fnco of, President nnd not entirely rorgouen ln fnnt Hint Wnnlilnirf nn linn 12.. Ills ClttSh With Harrlmnn, Blld that 000,000 bushels of whent nnd Ore-' tho methods which rocolvcd his s!n gon nnd Idaho nbout as much moro1 corcst crlticUm woro thoso pursued onoucb to Inst four years. That. ' mat raiiroau magnate. July 4th AT SALEM CELEBRATE WITH US SEE ANNOUNCEMENTS LATER roportor should got a Job on tho Chi cago Board of trade Tom Richardson wants to get that spooch about protty girls, which ho baa mndo In ovory town In tho stato Tho speech was a vory Btrong pre sentation of the Bltuntlon, and will crcnto n profound Impression. 1)V Yr Pnrvln Afln. huiuH I.... I I...... .,.... ii i' -,i , r, . I boon moro onjoyablo had tho woath bet'u tMiiindoil by Edward Cannor. ofi J .... . Linn County's Divorce Hocord. A compilation of tho record for SO for tho past two yonrs, put on n pho- yours shows 125 divorces granted, nn nograph. Tho country Is wonry of avorago or a llttlo ovor 21 n year, hoarlng It from tho smllor lilmsolf.J Last year tho numbor was 22. Thoro havo boon olght or nlno tlmos ns Prophet Joseph Smith, of tho Mor- many ma'rrlngos. mon church, should ndopt ns his fa vorlto hymn: "My Wlfo Dlod, nnd I Got Anothor One." I " m m I A ball gamo botwoon Perry nnd iBland City touins nt Perry Inst Sun day ended in n gonornl fight at tho boglnlng of tho fourth Inning. Tho account of tho nffnlr savs that Perry1 ... , ... ., , :.. ...,, .. I ua tiiiuuu ill, iiiu unit Ul lliu I II I 111 ill' nlng but right thoro, when tho ln tnrnqt linirlna tlin Infnrmntlnn raniiu I Home Dnvonport's noblo steed ot tho desert, from Arabia, Is not going to mako tho trip to Washington. Whon ho hoard thnt two to ono bets woro mado that a government nuilo,' with, as Noanilth 'snld, "no prldo of ancestry nor hopo of posterity,' would out-travol him, It mndo him sick. A dispatch from Chicago says "Llttlo Boy Blue," of 'Gone Field rnme, lias just married nn nctreds. As "Llttlo Boy Bluo," nccording to Flold, dlod long ago, ho must havo innrrlod nn nngol, not nn actress, and there is, according to nil Information somo dlfforonco botwoon tho two. Hood River wants 2000 more ber ry plckors and thon somo. Tho Dallas has homo-grown notn- toos; at Uast that's what tho society' odltor says. Thoy nro of the Early Rose variety, too. Favors Cnvaiiagh Place, lion. Goo. S. Downing, tho attor ney and rcnl ostnto man, favors pur chnso by tho stato of tho Cavanagh-Horron-Bnkor trnct for a Blto for tho feoblo minded Institute. Ho says the Cavanagh farm of 3-17 ncros goes in at $55 por aero, tho Horron farm ot 308 acres at $-15 por aero and 100 ncros of tho Bnker farm at $40 per aero, and all crops nnd buildings aro Included In tho abovo. All tho land adjoins tho stato lands, nnd tho av orago prlco Is less than $49 por aero Mr. Downing Is not favoring nny ono In this matter, as ho says It is tho host bargain for tho stato that can bo offorod. Havo You Piles? Dr. Lconhnrdt's Horn-Hold is nn lntornnl Remedy that entirely re moves tho caitBO of Piles, and cures to stay cured nny enso no matter how long standing. If you havo Piles and Dr. Lcon hnrdt's Hom-Rold will not euro you. you got your money back. A thousand dollar guarantee goes with ovory bottlo of Hom-Rold sold. If you want a perfect and perma nent euro, nsk for Dr. Lconhnrdt's Hom-Rold, tho gunrnnteed Romody. All druggists, $1.00, or Dr. Loon- hnrdt Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Pro- I Salem. BUSINESS ME.V Not gl(ti .ncjers il Sons Sho i L'ticrrr. Thoso who claim to ofUitUtfc lem's business mca lickptilm ergy should mako a nolo dy Sons' recent action slier Hi ii which shows that whea tie cafe calls for quick decliloa u 1 pr action, tno baiem merduti up Just as promptly sad Otufil. ly ns anyone. SosooatituV quit leaping out ol the vltim,! It was seen the fire departnest bo abo to control the fire, tb I sued orders to their eo'Nti) on hand Friday moralrr, inni tho storo would hare Un d anyway), and that .taken tcsIU resumed. Besides, Ee lii was still steaming a iorteotMi 30 men was put st work I and cleaning tho second focr,'tM night, though the fire tu HtMl until 2 o'clock, the floor ta 41 dry and much of the fdl cloarod away. o B.tv. sjtelsiKtotom rcZ&yM MMIMMIIHIIMIHimHMmilimHIMMlWMmi'ltlMI1 You, Sir, should sec the it 1 Snappy Summer Suits $ tho local militia, Dr. Robinson pro nounctid tho bonodlctlon. Tho day was ono of Oregon's flnost nnd brightest, and thousands of poo Ilo visited thQ comotory, which was u ma& ot flowors. All business housoa closed at 11:30 a. m., nud all put nsldo tholr caros and forgot nil political dlfforoncos, to worship In tho city of tho doad, Not a grave tJoewod to bo noglectod. Groat clus ters ot ptuks and Miles raisfel thlr Mwy leda and mingled their fra nraBc wltk th vtriouB tuii tttfouk tk MrU ot tbo ImmorUl or boon n fow dogreos cooler. Tho boat was sent to Albany last ovon lng by oxpress, o Xotlco to Clmn Up. Property owners Iu tho city ot Sa eom and tonants ot such proporty aro hereby notified that nil promises muot bo cleaned thoroughly within ton days from this dato. Falllug to do 60 tho city authorities will clean It for you, and tax tho expoaso to the property. By order of tho conn cltl. Date May SO, 1907. 5-Sl-lt W, A. HOCOUH. lUeorder Spccinl liistcrn Uxcurslon rates. May 20, 21, Juno 6, 7, S, July 3. J i, o, August S, 9, 10, September 11, 12, 13. To Chicago and return,' $73.15. St. Louis and return, J69.15' St. Paul and return, Omaha, Council! uiuna, sioux City, St. Joo, Kansas City and return $01.65. WM. M'MURRAY. E-21K Gen. Pas, Agt. o . Roaults aro suro and swift, Results aro quick and lasting, It peaotratea tho heart ot disease. That k what HolUster'a Rocky Mouataln Tea doec. Fer ul at Stoae'c drr tor. i v'.iv'x SiJ 1 mm v- mril Wl1V'llh $10. WE OFFER AT $12.50. $15 to r " ' $30.00 You should sec them for the reas that thev are. without exception, the n stylish, best tailored suits in the count at our moderate prices. BISHOPS READY TAILORED CLOTHES r..-J r'A Never have we offered more nww looking suits man are nei' - ' iini'M eadyf i son s collection. THE NEW SHAPES IN STRAWS are now rew ' w .. ah i. ,inn n .v' mm your inspecnon and cry-on. I split straw, $1 .50 to $5.00- . All cftIp: ill eiHit Salem Woolen Mill St t i iiimiimiin i