DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 31, 1007. HOFER BROS., && anc? Proprietors E. IIOFEIt, Editor. A. F. HOFER, Mnnagcr. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADBD LABOR. GOOD WANDERLUST. I Tho road a ribbon of white unfurled, That winds away to tho distant world; A loavo of caro and a song to Blng, A utaff and crust In my wandering. No clanging bolls, no traffic's din, Nor city gates to hold mo In. I hoar It calling, soft and low, And I must 'answer I muat go. Over Iho slopes, tho hills and leas, To tho glittering waste of summer seas; . Rocked to rest by tho ocean's tuno, As n baby Is lulled by It's mother's croon. ' Far away from tho factorles'frown, And tho restless throb of tho noisy town, Tho sea stars call, tho Cross hangs low, And I must answer I muat go. Tho road It waits, and I liaar tho song Of a rover sung In tho city's throng. I'll barter all I havo earned in strlfo For a crust and staff, and t over's life. I'll hoed no volco that calls mo back, ( For my heart Is truo to tho rovor's track. Tho road Is calling, calling low, And I must answer I muc.tgo! Will F. Griffin In Milwaukee Sentinel. o . ANOTHER MILLIONAIRE DISCOVERED. Dally News, "THE FAIR," THE NAME OF A GREAT APARTMENT STORE OF THE WINDY CITY, PAID THE DAILY NEWS $117,777 FOR ADVERTISING DURING TUB TWELVE .MONTHS PRIOR TO MARCH 31, 1007. Tho Dally Nows claims that that was tho largest amount of money over paid by any onn advertiser in one year to any single newspaper. fHHIllllllHIIlllilllllM :: THE MARKETS, ij ! ! Mnko Salem a Good Home ', ; Market. ; ', iHIII t SUM SIM I I II II MH- SALEM MARKET. Tho richest man In Wisconsin has boon discovered by tho accident of (becoming United States Senator from that stato. Ills namo Is Isaac 'Stophonson. Ho was a poor boy. Ho camo to tho United States as an Immigrant from Canada at tho ago of 11, and a year lator found work on a Wisconsin fnrm. In his caso thoro was no chanco for schooling, -and such book knowlcdgo as ho gnlnod was picked up at odd times by torco of a rostlosa disposition. From tho farm ho wont at lako nnvlKatlon. HE SAVED MONEY AND SPECULATED IN TIMBER. FROM A SMALL SUCCESS HE PROSPERED. Of lato years banking has occupied his tlmo and employ ed his money. Ho Is now 77 yoaro old. Ho Is not a natlonnl chaiactor, although ho norvod throe terms In tho lower house of congress. Ho Is a typical American millionaire of tho busy not tho Pittsburg typo. Tho St. Louis OIoho-Domocrnt sees In this discovery a now chapter In tho romance of 'ho poor boy who gots rich. It Is James J. Hill all over again except that Hill built railroads and Stophonson built saw mills. It Is a great trlbuto to American opportunity nnd to Individual enter prise. Tho Globo-Domocrnt says: "A largo majority of American millionaires woro originally poor boys, nnd tho only suro way to cut down tho list Is to plnco limitations on American opportunities nnd ontorprlso. A POOR HOY NECESSARILY STARTS INTO IIUSINESH AT THE- HOTTOM and comprehends at tho start tho power of solf-rollanco, backdd by Industry an dsound ob servation. Ho learns to mnko tho most of a llttlo, nnd how, by tho ox crclso f Judgment nnd energy ho can tnko tho noxt stop forward. "A basin is thus laid that can ho obtained In no other way. Having mustered tho art of depending on his own work and qualities, ho ac quires a capacity for lnrgor combinations, Lonning on nobody, and knowing tho possibilities of whnt ho can do for himself, an Individuality It dovolopud that deals with actual facts, avoids mistakes and commands ronlldonco. Money begets money. Nothing la easier than for a multi millionaire to add to his riches. Uatos of Interest work unceasingly and a Hllout increment Is certain In a growing country liko thU. 'HOW PAR AN INTENSK PURSUIT OF WKALTH IS WORTH WHILE IS ANOTHER QUESTION. It Is not unknown to the other parts of tho world by nny moans, but proceeds olitewhoro uudor far grontor dlfllcultlOH. Low birth and Iron fortuno nro n0 bar to advancamont In tho United 8tatos, whoro many poor boys grow into tho olrclo of groat wealth and Industrial responsibility. Thoy havo tho ImnioitBO udvnnUigo of knowing how the world Is mado for thotio who start at bottom. Thoy nro familiar with tho olumonts of povorty, but tho poverty that Is hopeful and ambitious." o WINK MAKElfS TROUHLKS. Tho government of Franco Is Tor tho momont dlvortod from tho church uuostlon, tho strife of labor organizations In Paris and kindred manifes tations In order to coutor Its attention upon tho Important movement In tho south of Prance, whoro tho agitation of tho wlno growers Is threat ening turmoil to tho authorities. lilKIH 1IUHINKSS IS BEING ItTI.MU) HY THE MAKERS OF CHEAP AND AliUIl'KUATKD WINES. When one hundred thousand of t,0 populnco can bo concentrated In a determined mooting of public protest, It moniiB Bomothlng. Franco has boon noted for Its good wlnoa, bt a lato roport says that tho coun try now Imports more than It oxporm. And now ADULTERATION with injurious in(5ri:du:nts has entered into the PRO- DUCT TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT TIIR V1NEYARDISTS ARE THREATENED WITH IMPOVERISHMENT AND THE CONSUMER WITH DIRE CONSEQUENCES. Thoro Is somothlng radically wrong In tho lawH or tho administration thoroof whon such largo numbers of tho population aro affected to tho Point of riot whon tho' stato permits one of tho country's most notod Industries to bo so dostroyod by Injur ious mothodH. Tho disaffected poopjo of tho south of Franco havo said that thoy will glvo tho government uutu jmo 10 to enact legislation to relievo tho situation, and thoy sptrnk Wth an Imporlousnoss and a de termination that betoken proparcdnoas for notion. o a great newspaper." Stclncr's Market. Dealers in fish, gamo and poultry. Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. Stato street. Local Wholesale Market. Eggs 14. Hens 1212c; young chick ens, lie. Ducks 10c; geeso, 8c; turkeys, 13lGc. Butter 21c; fat, 22c. Local wheat 80 c. Oats 13 c. Barley $21. Flour Hard wheat, $5.00; valley, $3.70. Mill food Bran, $19.60; shorts, $20Q$21. Hay Cheat and clover, $S?9 per ton; timothy, $11 $12 per ton. Onions $2.00 por cwt; potatoes, 80c per cwt. Hops Cholco, 10 lie; prlmo to choice, 8 9c; medium to prlmo, 8c. , Chlttlm bark 5 Gc. A Tropical Fruits. Bananas $G,76. Oranges $3$1. Lemons $5.75. Retail Market. Oats $30; wheat, 90c por bu.; rollod barley, $27. Eggs 20c doz.; 2 doz. 35c. , Applos $3.00. Butter Country, 20c; creamery, 30c. Flour Valloy, $1.10 $1.15 por sack; hard wheat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran C5c por snek; $21 por ton. Hay Timothy, 75c por cwt.; cheat, 55c; clovor, GOc per cwt.; Bhorts, 95c por cwt. Livestock. Hogs Fat, 7c. Cattlo 1100 1200 lb Btoors, Ic. Lighter stoors 3 3 c. i Cows and holfors 900 1000 lb, 3 4c. Stock hogs CGc. Lambs 4 Gc. Veal Dressed, 5 7c. PORTLAND MARKET. Whoat Club 80 87; valloy 85c; bluo stem, 88 89c. OntP Oholco whlto, 29c. Mlllstuff Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $15 $1G; alfalfa $11.50. Vetch $7.50 $8.00. Poultry Hons, 14, mixed chick ens, 13Vjc; droBsod chickens, 14 15c; turkoys, Hvo, 1718c; ducks, 1314c; pigeons, $1$1.25. Pork Bost, $7. Lnmbs $G$G.G0. Beof Drcssod, 5Gc. Mutton G7c. Hops 9 10 He lb, according to quality. , Wool Valloy, coarso to medium, 29 23c; eastern Oregon, 1318c Dcrry Season Opens. Tho Hood Rlvor Btrawborry season was fairly opened Saturday by tho shipment of 100 crates. Tho crop is In flno condition and It Is expected tho yield will not fall slunjt of 80,000 crates, and that owing to tho climat ic conditions In the start that prices will bo high. , o Good Words for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. People everywhere tako pleasuro In testifying to tho good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md., writes: "I wish to toll you that 1 can' recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy? My little girl, Catherine, who Is two years old, has beon taking this remedy whenever she has had a cold slnco sho was two months old. About a month ago I contracted n dreadful cold myself, but 1 took Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and was soon as well aB over." This rem edy Is for salo by Dr. Stone's drug dtoro. O G T. Co. -STEAMERS nostetter'sSfn-rr?1' " '"" . - " Bit TheSearoalldangerftI.Ka,8. ness and you cannot afto , , a !, y delay. ThcrcfoJL 1" . ?.' Stomach Hitters this yL Z o how much zJZ!" rcmtoPrere;t7-Ituq ;. Costing . "-rtbura, Insom , Golds, Grippe, SprW fT . Fever nd T.CTtrof ."".'"onlTfeW... ., u anu nas our Private sum ntl ' Wo guarantee It Is bMiB,lT?0lIU, - vure. """BW, POMONA AND OREGONA LEAVE PORTLAND MONDAy, WEDNES DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. M., TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT 0:00 A. M. FOP CORVALIS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY ABOUT O P. H. ft P. M. BALDWIN, Agt.! Land Plaster A Delayed Carload of tho famous Oregon land plaBtcr, tho groat fortlllzor and Innd rostoror. Cheaper and hotter than any kind of ma nure Try it on your fields, gnrdens nnd knyns. It Is a great lnvostmont on your laud. Special prlcos In largo lots. TILLSON & CO. 151 High Stj I $24,000 $44,000 Whcih Do Yoo P,ele, TIlO avoratro man Mrns nhn,,i , ,lliuv R ycar Bl j ears anu earns a total of $44,000 In a ufe Uoe - day laborer gots $2.00 a day or $600 for a year of ioo 3 cams $24,000 in a life time. The dlffcrcnco brttet. lu 'nnd $24,000 Is $20,000. This Is tho minimum ralce , , tical education In dollars and cents. Tho Increased W J cannot bo measured In money. Why not atop plcKhrw a small salary whon tho International Correspondence SdX Knrnntnn. Pn.. cnn rrtvn vnn n j.. i.. 1 -" ,,u wu "" uutnuoa mai will Kite t U salaried man of you? No mattor what lino of work 70: follow, thla great cducatlona institution can preparo 703 n j oparo tlmo nnd at a small cost to sccuro a good payltj po,' Our local roprc3ontatlvo will show you how you cantrljijiii B Putting In Modern Plumbing -- Qhluagp boast of a largo number of KOod nowspapora and throo most oagqllont one. Indeed, tho follower of Mr, Hearst whould say of five most excellent ouos. Tho newspaper that has tho largost circulation hr Chicago Is undoubt edly Hearst's Chicago Amorlcan-jreachlug 350,000 coploa In tho after noon and more than halt a million on Sunday morning. Hut of tho old solid nowspapora of Chicago Tho Dally Nows, Tho Dally Tribune and the Record- Herald aro nil rogardod as among THE VKUY LAIUJKST NKWSPAPEHS IN CIUCpiaTlON ND THE VKUY REST AS TO QUALITY. Tho News undaubtedly leads to nvory groat degree- uoth of tho others having 315,000 circulation as agaill8t 150,000 for Tho Tribune and about 140,000 for Tho Record-Hornld. As tho Dally Nowa haa no Sunday edition It must bo, compared with tho dally Issues of nil tho other publications 'Oven though Tho Tribune lias 200,000 circulation ou tho Sabbath, and Tho Record-Herald 1S5.000 circulation, It Is probably truo that Tho Chicago Sunday Tribune, with Us 200,000 circulation, oommnnda about tho sanio price for advertising that The Drilly Nowa gots or $4,38 an inch But by and largo Tho Chicago Daily Nowa holds tho world's record in tho lurgoat amount of advertising carried for ono firm and the largest amount of mouoy received tUorofor, lu a circular Just issued by Mr. victor P. Lawaoa, the owaer ot The Wonderful Eczema Cure. "Our llttlo boy had eczema ror flvo years," wrltos N. A. Adams, Henri etta, Pa. "Two of our homo doctors said tho caso was hopeless, his lung bolng nffoctcd. Wo thon omployed other doctors but no benefit resulted. Ry chance wo read about Electric Bitters; bought a bottle and boor noticed improvement. Wo continued thla medlclno until soveral bottles were used, whon our boy was com plotely cured." Best of all blood modtcines and body building health tonics. Guranatood at J. C. Porry'a drug store. GOc. Money Makes Independence Hundreds of our depositors aro becoming a llttlo moro independ ent every day. You can bo InJo pondont, too, If you will savo a ptrt of your enrnlngs and deposit them In our Savings Department regularly. Deposits of ono dollar draws Intorest compounded semi-annually. Your account will bo welcome whother largo or email. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank earning capacity Look him up today. Ho la I1 H K. G. HUNTER I. C. S. Representative Main 451 Room 18 Ladd& Bush BWg, Salem, QrJ In now houses nnd buildings, aa woll as refitting old bouses, keeps us protty busy In tho spring, whon building is at flood tide. Our facili ties aro always equal to tho occa sion, and wo would Invito builders and contractors to get estimates from ua on plumbing, ga3 fitting, steam fitting and roofing before going else whoro, aa wo do expert work at rea sonable prices. A. L. FRASER 258 Stato Street. Phono 135. NOTICE Tho difference botwoon our dkos nnd thoso of othor bakora? Tlw causo of tho superiority of ours Is tho ubo of puro matorlald no sec ond grado flour or eggs or "ready mado fillings" everything puro, fresh and sweet and conclontlous mixing nnd baking, Orders, please. CAPITAL BAKERY, O. ULLOM, Prop. I Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll never bothor with having it done at home again. Time was when every family could not afford to Bend tho washing to a laundry, but times have changed so, too, have the methods and prices. Today you can better afford to send the family washing here than not to. Ask about our prices on family wash ing, rough .dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry BUILDING A HOUSE Wo can supply you with tho lum her you need at the price that will materially economize in tho coai. Just como and see us and look ovar our yards. . GOODALE LUMBER CO., Yards Near Depot. Shoes Just rccclred i law i tho latest styles la tntiV and children's footwur, from heavy work shoes ta tV I dross styles for bots Mi women. Also Oxford T!l ! lonther and canrsss. SPECIAL With eachpalrofiiKtl' a good leather pocxetkoct HAI1Y SH0ES- WAnlfiohaTealirieu'-" Dnby Shoes; ell colon, M1 pllablo S0l$3. . JACOB VOpI Opposite I'AtteM' ! 345 State St. S mm T&e Fashion Stables Frarly Mmycea's SUhlM. Upt4to Uvry l 1Ui FuHMal tHraeat a apeeUlty. Tally ha for p4m aad axearrfoa. Pk 44. OH AS. W. TAN'NBB, Prf HI d U Hifk ii. LITTLE BOrKET Wt1 ButnooneneedwnT'j taisufflo"' .;;... sarW rtaintr and oeuou- - M mer - . .ntum choice meat, ui L of the wa ' the mosi i"v- ruv-"-. gUtci S4r 5W SAlEMWAW'i TH7 ,. YvTiKrLZr wan hx1 PlMM K. 1M-1M g. lAarb, M. .M,-