PW77' '""TOpwir "jawy ""5?Tgjp5--T WmVgTJ'TWW 3-yppp ' 'flwpwifiwvM 'fsirr vsc .pWPff'WUfH niEH: FAIR AD COOLER TONIGHT AND SATURDAY 7 ) AIL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL; :w Lxvii. I S.U.F.M, OREGON. FRIDAY, SI AY at, 1007. NO. tqi. 'm fiYBODY CHINESE REBELLION IS SERIOUS PRESIDENT TALKS ABOUT AGRICULTURE SEVEN DEAD ON ACCOUNT OF ONE DOG HAYWOOD JURY IS A WARM GAME OF 00K PART IN CEREMONIES FILLING BASEBALL i AND ACRES OF FLOWERS TIRED OF THE RULE OF OLD TSI AN SHORT TALK TO THE LEGISLATURE A FATAL REAR-END COLLISION MAY BE COMPLETED SATURDAY BETFtNG WAS AGAINST WINNERS, V y Generally Observed and the Kcmeterlcs Are All YisJtcd soldiers of the O. A. R. and ullcs of tho organization met ay In Post hall, on tho coruor merclal and Contor BtreotB nnj led to tho corner ot Liberty nnd ketn streets, where a car was to Leo Mission cemetery. Those pnrt In tho parade carried ts and tho national colors. In Btnetery a circlo was formM a large flower wreathed cross bore tho Inscription "To tho wn Dead," whero tho rltunlls- vlces werj given. A prayer ered by Mrs. C. R. Sherwood, arrlo Oliver gave a patriotic , and an address "Tho Un Dead," was effectively dellv- Cotnrado Clnrlc, of San Jose, nln. Rev. W. H. Sollcck, of Continued on Paco A.) o American Squadron Keeping In Touch With Chinese Ports Washington, May 31. Tho gov ornmont is expecting a Chinese rebel. Hon to come any time. Rear-Admiral Dayton, commanding tho Asiatic sta tion, has beoe) ordered to keep elosa watch, and told to use all his ships at whatorcr points he deemed ndvls able, and In ony manner that appears to him suitable. Tho Galveston. Chattanooga, Concord and Wilming ton nro at Shanghai. Tho Uallclgh Is at Cheen Foo nnd Vlllnnd nnd Core are patrolling tho Ynngsto river. Tho Cincinnati nnd Cnllao are at Canton. Advices sny Swatow Is likely to fall into tho hands of tho rebels. Sprlngport Has Been Roped for Three Minutes This Evening Called Him up Early. tdale, Mich., May 31. Tho nt reached hero at 7: 41 this , Tho largest crowd Boon this g was nt Angola, where, nt he bnnd and a lino of school greeted him. Tho President threw on his shirt and trouR- r his pnjamas, rushed to tho i with ono arm in his coat nnd . ' Good morning," ho cried, Bo see you," and then tho Prosl- .ughed, and bo did the crovd. sdalo tho crowd was made olsy by collogo (Undents yell ho train pulled in. Amoy, China, May 31. Thirty thousand rebels in Mokicn province have Joined tho revolt. Troops havo been dispatched to n point 40 miles south of this city, whoro tho rebels are oncampod. n i i CROWD AT SCIIMIT7. TRIAL. Expect tlio Jury Will Re Completed Saturday. San Frnnclsco, Miiy 31. Hut IS talesmen qualified this morning from tho vcnlr of 75 drawn for tho Schmltz Jury. Tho first four called woro quickly dismissed. Tho largest crowd Blnco tho case opened was in attondanco this morning ,nnd tho aisles woro filled. SchmlU Is smiling and confldont. It Is oxpectcd that tho Jury will bo complotcd tomorrow Lansing, Mich., May 31. The President arrived at 10 o'clook this morning, ten mlnutos late. Tho gov ernor, Sonator Burrows Smith, a num her of representatives and many lending citizens met tho party. There was a reception at tho governor's of fice following which tho President complimented tho eoldlcrs, and went thonce to tho houso chamber nud ad dressed tho legislature Ho said ho know of tho difficulties, temptations and responsibilities of legislators, having been n member of tho Now York assembly himself. Ho thought conscientious work was too llttlo ap preciated by constituents. Tho trip Car Runs Over Dog and Motorman Neglects Ills Business Elmyra, O., May 31. Tho Thurs- Many Laborers and Mechanics Among tho Last Yenlre Dolse, May 31. Tho now pnnol day wreck of electric cars resulted which illlcd nil tho available spneo lu In tho death of sevou, and another dying. Tho motormnn of tho second enr, which ran Into tho forward enr, was arrested this morning nnd ac cused ot manslaughter. Judgo Wood's court when tho Hay wood trlnl wna resumed today, Is tho best appearing lot of men yet sum moned. Apparently tho protest of the defense hnd weight, na farmers no longer constituted the majority. .. . . -- --- js.mrn, May ji. sovon clean ana but thoro was a goodly sprinkling of ono dying, nnd six badly hurt Is tho mborlng men, merchants nnd mo result ot tho collision botweon El-)chBnloa Th0 JUl,K0 ,tt try,ng l0 myra electric earn about 0 o'clock bold tho attorneys down to tho necos. Thursday afternoon. All tho killed Bnir questioning, In ordor to complete woro on tho rear platform of tho for- tho jury by 8uni-By n,Bt, LRBt gut ward car. It camo to a standstill, 0no-quartor of tho now panel applied and tho renr car ran Into It. Motor- (o tho to bo OX0UMMl nlleglng man Fucrndlner Bays ho struck a dog dlsnunlMcntlons. but Judao Wood ft Vaf Wnvnn -r-n- MAMtlnnntid t.U... t'Ulb oujuu uo "'""""'" , ,..., , .. . ,.,, U ..., "... " ovation. Eighteen stops wcro mndo "" """ " - ruled sternly against them, nnd only and tho President promised tho ofll- "JZ" ?. '. "5 .,VV"',.,"B 1' v ,.,-. w ..... , ....., u 3 U00Vei uy uoin siues mat mo Hillings, nged CO; W. C. Allon, C8; j,lry w, lle BWorn tu Saturday, nnd Edward O'Cannoll. Gl!; Donald Sala tho taking of ovldonco will begin next 5; Charles Porter, 24; Homer Alton wook. Tnnl lho nronoeutlon Is cor- . -- miCAGO STORE I PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE eautiful New mmer Goods f NOW ON SALE clnls ot tho village of Sprlngport to stop three mlnutos on roturnlng this ovonlng. Sprlngportors asked this consideration "bocnuso tho town la tho homo ot Hobort McClcllnn, tho soctton foromnn, who gnvo his bunk to tho President In tho fnr West onco when tho Prosldont was hunting." Tho Presldont promised tp stop for McClollan's sake. Leaving tho Btnte houso tho party took luncheon and wont three miles to tho agricultural collogo, whoro ho addressed tho grad uating class. Ho will loavo LnnBlng at 4 o'clock. DELAYED HONEY MOON GETS RIPE Woodhurn Turns Out 600 to Witness a Close rkt 17, and Eunice Hurst, 11. o Chlrngo Market. Chicago, May 31. -Wheat 07-i(IP 09 Vi, corn. C45T53Tfi. onts 40GM0& tain ot this Is shown by tho fact that tologrnphlq summonses hnvo been sont to all tho wltnesacs now outside tho Jurisdiction ot tho court, to bo on hand nt tho Monday morning bob- (llrls ot W. U. will glvo social to send delegate to Oearhart. Concert on the Campus. TONIGHT Host inuslral talent to bo present. All Invited. M)ST 1IIH FOOT. slon. Today wns devoted ontlroly to The prottlost nnd beet gnmo yot played on tlio Woodhurn diamond enmo oft yesterday atternoon, who tho Womlburn team defeated th Frakes by a scoro of 2 to 1. Enthu .slustlo fans declare tho plnylng on both sides superior to that displayed by tho Pfleltlo coast leagutM. It wa a gamo all round. Both pitch ore woro In cxcellont form, and nelth or allowed moro than two kits in any ono Inning. .11m Hunt's wife hit scored tho winning run, for tho bom tonm. About 600 spectators wit nessed tho gamo, and nil pronounced It tho finest exhibition of ball play ing over seen on tho Womlburn dia mond. A largo number expected to soo tho Frakes win, and wont wild whon Woodhurn sent them down to dofent. Ileforo tho gnmo hotting waa 2 to 1 In favor of tho Frakes, and a cnnsldorablo amount ot monoy vn loft In Woodhurn. MURDER OR MUTGIRE? If the letter tho Mont. Remarkable on Earth. Cincinnati, May 3 1 . 19tllior most ntroelouH murder or n remark able suicide wiih revealed In tho fur naca room ot tho Ryan soap factory this morning. Engineer John Mc Dormltt dragged tho charred body of. an unidentified man from tho ftro,. Tho flesh wns burned from the face the "examination of (.lemon, and "' " ft"a MM bHr to, ,.... ,.r. ...., ... ....... ... ,f. , ; i' stnniii. McDerwItt wan arrwitwl. n imr ?"" nc.iiini in oiun in iii- nnn iiui iiiui itvu iij ihij nuiiBitiiiuinii Rhtte. ilovolnpmeRls, Tho first venlrmaH called was J. Robinson, with whom Bays ho started the Hr ami went1 homo acroM' the itret,t brlcfatv When ho retwrned K HtranK ceC ll -l... u 1...I -...! I wiih wo rui ::rz " ,: rn:zz r."-:.:-.; u4 .ut . w w -, Trinidad, Colo., Mny .. ".r .. ..... .... i-t voioili; an linuan worKinan, wiih """iwii . .... ..v . . f , nrotmdl tr&m i has been employed In tho Raton tun- ".., "''' " ' '"", " ' , th furnaca.iilr. . ... . ... .... inn riinn. nn wns nnniir ikitiiicu noi, was picxea up oy wio crew m --- --- T ,, ; i tho Santa Fo freight train about ,10Jot (o n Peremptory challenge by,' il.n Attm, tit wnu luictnnntAi'llv irii iii II mii wn nt Trlnmlncl. Willi M uvuumv, win. wt ' rw i .W .-. 1 V W w- . . ...n r - im I. ono foot cut off, ho having boon run a'-e showing now a beautiful assortment of Hot Weather ma- k in all classes of dainty goods sultablo for summer garments, lines nro oxtenslvo and wo nro suro wo can ploaso you and glvo prlres thnt you ennnot dup-llcato olsowhorc. Bargains in every rtment. Read on. Now York, May 31. Having saved 13000 In six yearn out ot his earn ings nB a street car conductor In Kan nan CUv. Chariot) Kelly, a young MU sourlnn, accompanied by his protty over by a train. Ho was brought wife, who wa his chlof Inspiration to a hospital horo. Tho man was In tho accumulation of his savings.1 unconclous nt tho tlmo ho waa found hnvo dopurted on tho steamship nnd as soon iim ho regained conclouv Moltko on a bolntod honoymoon trip nous after ronchlng Trinadad, ho .lirmitrli Urn-nun Tho Vflllllir matl df aakod for lllH foot. For tllO flMt r r ohullengeil by Harmon Cox. o- (Jmfl.TK' CiiwH Continued, Han Franelsco, May 31.-Ex-l'o-llco CummUsloncr Qustnvo Umbuun and othor oniolnls of tho rnrksldo realty Hymllontu, Indicted for hrlh Cincinnati, O,, May 31. Tho car oner's iiivefltlgatloR UscIomh1 a frac tured ekull, nnd tho inorgtio suporlH toudont Hny It l highly Improbable that tho body was taken from tho fur nace this morning, iru It was not hot when received. MoDormutt says two. men helped hlm pull tho body front! tho fnrimro. Tho corouor nayn. lu nl dared ho would pot.d ovory cent ho tlmo It was discovered that nobody "" " ". "' MillrJ opinion, tho man was nllvn when put had saved In visiting ovory Important had paid any attention to tho foot ng supervisors, "PI'W' hlt0 thn flrfl, tlw cookc4, ,,,W)d ,,,, country on tho othor sldo of tho At- and It hnd been loft on mo ground w muuuiii. .". .i-....wm.. ..... lantlc. and that within three days nf near whero Volottl was picked up continuance wn. ordered until Mon ter his return to this country, lx Volottl said bo had $000 In bids day. Frank Drum, Eugene DeSabla ivi tun twv... . !, Vlnrtltl III.. Illlllntixl ITHH of- following goods aro now II Fino Millinery, Ladle' HultK, La die' Jackets. IjmIIcs' Vt Kklrt and .Shirt Wuibts Going nt Small Trice. le gandies, fancy dimities, fh lawns, flno tlresa nine- InJjan head suiting, linen goods, Persian lawns, dot- BwiSM-g. silk mnlls. fancy Goods, whlto P. K Bilk ia, whlto India silks. wo; dross goods, fine dreis lyag whlto gloves, white ', 1000 yards pretty fancy now on sale. Tard, 4c 1 I ..,.,. ,u hnntn lift winilil nL'nlll 110 In HlOHllOO (111 tllO HOVarca HH. nun riumi mhiiimi .w ....-. o. "ringing up faros In Kansas City," man waa sent back after tho mom- flclals also secured a contlnuaiico inl and laying tho foundation of a new bor along tho truck whoro tho nccl- til tomorrow, nn did ltiicf nnd saving fund, which would ba used In dent occurod. but rnuld not find Hchmltr. In tho samo case. .1 .!,.. .,!., l.n.nn fnr tilmmilf oltlinp ulinn fir foot. 1111(1 it WnS Vl. . l"" '""""""" "' " "" " . "'.. . :ZJ.. ... i.; .. San FrancUco. May 31.-At tho UI4U "IIUi "When wo woro married In 1001," said Kolly, "wo mado up our minds lug to tho conclusion. Hherman Cor nelliiM, McDunnott'H brolher-ln-litw, was nrreHted this afternoon by ordec of tho coroner. dontly picked up by tramps to spond our honoymoon in Europo but I had not nt that tlmo onough to cot out of Missouri. So wo mndo up our minds to save up until wo could make tho trip In tho way we wanlod "in niifl ara wn are. w, .. ..w. - Ladle.' suits $160, $2 50, $4 50 and up. Ladles' Jackets from $3.50 up. Ladles' dress skirts, $1.50, $2.50. $3.50, $4.50 and up. Trimmed dress hats from $1.95 up. Whlto lawn shirt waists from 4Cc up. SALEM'S FASTEST GROWKVCJ BTORE. McEVOY BROS. MOUWClAIi JLXD COURT HTKKBT8. BAlslQCf OK HUSIiAM) IHKS OF GRIEF. When Ill Wlfo lllwl Had lliuiton rluigu of tlio Ilrtiin. 1 McMinnville College vs. Chemawa I Riverside, Oal.. May 31. Mm Guy Oleason, a brld of less than a year, died suddonly at Carona last night A few hours later her hus band, In a frenzy of 'griof, suffered a hemorrhage of tho brain and died almost Instantly. O' ' HELD MEET At Chemawa I PAST TRACK TOMORROW, 2 P.M. Cincinnati, Mny 31. Tho engineer of a plant near tho Ryai'f toup fno tory says ho found a foreigner trying: to crawl Into hlo funmro bofora 4i o'clock this morning, and ay thu muu was evidently limnno. Ho drove him away. Thu polloo think ho nitty bo tho enmo iiinu found burned nt Ryau'H. ' --O ' HKVK MMIOWNEU, HTRAWIIERRV KOCIAL. requeet of Judgo Dnnno, District At . tornoy Langdon will convouo the filrnnbiirk'K, lev Crwmi and MJc grand Jury tomorrow to Investlgato on the 'Varnlty ('aiiipiu Tonight. Tho first utrawberry social of the eam will b given by tho Wlllanv otto University glrU on tho 'varsity cainous this ovenlng. An excellonl Colleclor Killed HlniM:lf, Los Angeles. May 31. Thomas J. Moulton. a collector, acouied by " ,, n bM Um ftrranged, employoni of omoezziement, snot anu- wWeh noM umo ot tuo uWt ta. killed himseit tnw morning on w, Htr&wborrle. ieo croam and cake will bo sold from 7 to 0 o'clock, and tho proceed of the sale wJII bo used by tho young la dies of tbo Chrintian Association to Bend delegates to Cearhart. It i hoped that a largo crowd will be present, and assist tbo young ladles in their worthy undertaking. B HarriHMN Will Aumer. New York, May 31 Harrlman ty he will "nol now" reply to any thing, but will later anawer the Pres ident's Memorial Day epctcb. stairway of tbo eourt houso, while on tho way to tho office ot tho distriot attorney, whero bo was to endeavor to effect a settlement. o Urotrnfrvillalns Bore. i ri Louis. May 81. A party of Brownsville citizens aro c route to Washington to testify before tho sen. ate committee- Investigating the riots puimd through tho city today. L. R Cowan, a member of tbo delegation, says: "If Foraker ever goes to Brownsville be will be tarred and feathered," ItiHit Went Owr Rapid nod Wn Himiupid. Dlnan's alleged tampering with tho Jury, with tho view of removing blm from office. Tho request was mado in open court. At tlni eonoluslon of. Dunne'a address to Langdon. Sobmltz nroso nnd attempted to ad dro4 tho court, but wa not permit ted to do so by hi attorneys who dragged hlm Into his coat. If it J found Dlnan worked dlrwtfly under tbo orders of Bchmitz, action 10 r Mr- Muo0 jiortensen, of Drafn, move tho latter for mal-admlnlitra- u Y,,Ujnu j tue Cty 8i,0 WM tor. tlon of office may bo taken. llU,ry ju jfaj gj,oewaker. of 8a- Robert Curtl, a retired grocer J)nj ftniJ has a wdo c,rc,H Qt ttimiia was accepted a tho ninth Juror thl hof0( afternoon, and wo aworn In. During: ' ' " , ' ; his examlaatlon a row oceurrod bo-i twen tbo court nnd Attorneys Fair- p I C fift TLrn Jm V.VI Ilolso, Idaho. May 3t.-r!ovan log. gers, Ilert I're, MU Ciirtln, J( Ham ilton, Tom Htghklnd, Frank Fltzger aid, Dnvo McMillan and Joo UpdouM were drowned in the rapidH of I'ay otto river, near Gardon valley, Inst night. Thoy wro In ehnrgo of a loss drive, and woro trying to inako t landing, when tho boat went over thu rapids and was swamped. Tim bod I en have not boon recovered. o Chicago Chtxiulrle Hutnt!, Chicago, May 31. Tho Chronic to this morning suspended publication. It announced aa a reason that It w "unprofitable of late." o all and Barrett for Sebniltt. Tho court ob jeetftl to tho laanner ,, tjj( kwok, amlna ion, and was on the po nt , oi UUUW jjg haling tho aorney for contempt vmuM CAM, Wl DIC wti.n tttftv eiihtlaed. COOK. COWKJUTATfON VHM, m JjtSSim m W m? .. I mimsjs veveiw hnt, m. iwuei arux iwi. ii t$ -- -i nifi Mi irturtrf - r. 4 . '""W ..nvnn-Br.B i ihii. '- HH ssHsssssI hi