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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1907)
isrvr'w! fiflwmtr -i'i W " tptwttb ,iw nr'isrwMjPWiii 'W DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 30. 1007. r " ft i kc m r ,Jk$ ft 9 v H STORE IS CLOSED ON ACCOUNT OP THE GREAT CALAMITY WHICH VIS ITED US YESTERDAY, IN THE GREAT CONFLAGRA I TION. AVE WISH TO SINCERELY THANK THE FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR ITS NORLE WORK, AND ESPE CIALLY TO, TnANK COMPETITIVE FIRMS, "WHO SENT IIELP AND COVERING MATERIALS IN SAVING WHAT REMAINS OF OUR GREAT STOCK AND ALL THOSE WHO SO UNHESITATINGLY RENDERED SUCH GREAT SERVICE TO US. PERSONALS. EMPLOYEES ARE REQUESTED TO REPORT FOR DUTY ON FRIDAY MORNING AT 0 A. M. AT HOMER II. SMITH'S OFFICE ,ON SECOND FLOOR, VlIERE WE HAVE OPENED TEMPORARY OFFICES. E CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Par nirrupltH for Your CouHldortitioii Souvenir PoHtnl Now subjects todny, nt Putton'u. Tho UituVrtnlu'r Isn't wanted about tho homo vory often, but when ho Ib nooded, ho la wnntod batlly, and If ho Is Bympa thotlo, qulot, understands Ills bust noBs thoroughly and glvos his pat- ronB n squnro doal In prlcos lio will bo greatly appreciated. A. M. Clough Is that kind, Through Flro and Wnto Wo would ooiuo out smiling, bo cnuBO wo glvo tho valuos and low prices. Our sugar curort hnma nt 10 cunts n pound onn't bo boat. Far rlnKton & Van Patton. grocers and markotmou. Look Ih'iv Hnv you any socond-hand goodB for salo? Call at 170 South Commer cial stroot, or phono 1233. O. L. McPook. Will Address Students Judge Robert Knkln will deliver an nildross boforo tho student body of Wlllamotto University Friday morning In tho 'varsity chnpol, Tho Judgo has nlwaya tnkon an ospoclal ' Interest In tho success of tho Univer sity, and doubtloss will glvo an ad dress which will bo of groat vnluo to tho Btudonts, as woll nB entertaining to all visitors. Cannery Will Open Tho Mutual Cannery Co. will ro colvo borrlcu noxt Monday, and corn ineuco canning Tuosday. Growers and help plonao tako notico. Trains Aro Running A report was In circulation this morning that thoro would bo no trnlna today, owing to a brldgo being out. This la a mlatnko, ua tho trnlnB aro all running ,and No. 12, duo horo from Roseburg nt 2:lf this after noon, Ib on time. Cannery Will Open tho Mutual cannery Co. will re colvo berries next Monday, and com monoo canning Tuosday. Growers and help pleaBo tako notico. SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Lot us show you a noat, up-to-dato Ions tor near and fnr-soolng. It U eually as good as tho oxponslvo kind, And half tho cost. Don't throw away your brokou glassos. Bring thorn to us. Wo cab duplicate any part, with llttlo ox-pens. Chas. H. Hinges Gra4utta Optielaa. JUM CoHrcUl taet, t door to CnirKul KnHiranT av A Gmtt Injustice- An Item which nppearod In Tues day's Journal concerning Claud Jono8, of East Salem, did thnt young man a groat Injustice, and this pa por takes ploasuro In correcting th'o snmo. Tho Incldont roforrert to was limit irht nbout liv mnllon nn in nnrt of lrrosponslblo pooplo, nnrt should complaint. novor havo occurred. Tho young man Is in tho boat of hoalth, and is high ly rospoctod, ns Is all of his family, by all who know thorn. It Is to be rogrotted that such things should oc cur, and also that they Bhould bo glvon unnecessary publicity In the press. RANI) CONCERT. Salem Rand Entertains Large Crowd In Wilson Avcnuo Last Night. WilBon avonuo contained ono of tho, largest audiences last night that haa greeted an ontortainmont this season. It had been advertised that tho Snlom Military band would glvo nn opon air concort and by 8 o'clock last ovonlng tho avcnuo was nllvo with protty girls and thoso who enmo with thorn, in countloss num bers. Tho ovonlng vns Ideal, and tho band, although Bovcrnl of tho musicians wcro missing, played ono of tho host programs that has boon presontod this yonr. Stabat Mater and Bcvornl other selections which rank with tho vory highest grade of music woro rendered In a ninnnor that would havo boon n credit to any band of equal numbers In tho Btnto. That tho Salem pooplo appre ciate their band nnd aro interested in It's progross was demonstrated by tho crowd last night, o Mrs. A. Englebart went to Cnnby this morning, and will spend tho day there. Dr. Ransom, of Turner,' Is visiting In tho city. Mrs. J. I). Hoss is spending tho day in Oregon City. Attorney A. M. Cannon went to Albany last evening. Mrs. G. F. Litchfield Is tho guent of friends In Marlon. Mrs. V. B. Collnmore, of Portland, is visiting friends in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Munsey went to Oregon City this morning. Mrs. Laura Lewis returned this morning from a short visit In Albany Miss Lucy Card, after n visit horo has returned to her homo In Albany Mr. , and Mrs. R. S. Evans, nfter visiting Salem friends, have re turned to their homo in Portland. Mrs. A. John and daughter, Miss Gabrella, left this morning for a visit to Gervals relatives. Misses Minnie and Bessie Corneli us and MiBB Ruth Whlpplo arc spend ing tho day. at Marion. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifford Lewis, after a visit here, returned today to their homo In Portland. Superintendent James, of tho pen itentiary went to Portland this morning. Miss Vera Fields, of Portland, Is tho guest of Miss BcbbIo Frlsby, of this city. Harry O'Reilly, after a short visit hero, returned this morning to his homo in Portland. Mrs. F. P. Holbrook, of Butto, Montana, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. W. Scribor, in this city. Mr. and Mrs. William Hall and daughter, Miss Eva, wont to Wood burn today. Mrs. Hall and Miss Eva will spend two weoks thoro visiting. Miss Lenn Mclntyro, accompnntol by her couBln, Mrs. Hnrry A. Green, neo Doll Hnrrltt, nro In tho city for Memorial day visits. Mrs. O. P. Hoff and Miss Delia Ra gan went to Eugene last evening to spend Decoration day and visit friends. John McNccs nnd Alfred Strang, students of tho Willnmotto univer sity, left today for Dayton, Wash ington, where thoy will spond tho summer. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Starr and Mr. nnd Mrs. R. II. Vnrloy Btarted for Blaln, Tillamook county, Tuesday. They will romaln thoro sovcral months. Hurry O'Riely is visiting friends nnd rclntlves in this city. Ho was formerly a resident of Salem and is now employed by n largo grocery firm of Portlnud. Rov. Pnul S. Bandy, pastor of tho Unltnrinn church, has returned from a conforonco of nil Unltnrinn minis tors of tho Pncltlc const, recently hold nt Santa Barbara, California. Mr. and Mrs. William McCall, of Seattle, aro expected to arrlvo this week to visit friends nnd relatives. Mrs. McCall was formerly Miss EJr- ni a Clark, of this city. Alexander Spare of Cottage Grove who has been visiting W. H. Rlngo, of this city, hns roturnod to his homo. Mr. Spare and Mr. Rlggo crossed tho plains togothor in 1S51. Prior to their present visit they had not met for 35 years. LOOK FOR QUALITY FIRST i s 1 It's Practical Economy To Buy Reliable Merd Even If It does cost a llttlo moro at first. Don't for . questionablo quality at any price. Look for than t t which stands for nil that Is good in mon'g clothing. TUc uppuarnnco oi a suit is oitcn uecclving. Nicely ihisd i oiwwa, miiuiB, uic, uo noi constuuto all the reqnliittj ti clothes. Tho hidden parts, which you must tako on filth, ut, nctlngly looked nfter In tho B. K. & W. sulU, asdUTM correct styles, Individuality nnd honest, lasting qoiUtlei Cci plan of business enables us to undersell "regain itcra" ij&rsrj ,2? .m 'ie4si fD fir: in 0.z.A iad1 Jasted, c&rw'. STORE CLOSES AT 11:30 TODAY-MEMO! Gunitllnn Appointed. Mnry E. Watson hns boon appoint ed gunrdln nof tho person and the cstnto of Mnry A. McLonch, an aged woman, who has been ndjudged In capable of conducting her own nf fairs. Tho estato involved consists of 195 ncroB of lnnd located In Polk county. Tho real property of Mrs. McLonch Ib valued at $10,000 and her porsonnl prnporty at $2,000. o 5 U Uaw ,ncoztiJu , 11i3 Kind Yoa Hart Mm WBjW ST , MX?---. . j& jtrv stfJiJAjr - Don't Pay Alimony To bo divorced from your nppondlx. Thoro will bo no occasion for It If you koop your bowels regular with Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills. Their notion Js so gentlo thnt tho nppendlx novor has causo to make tho least Gunrantoed by J. C Perry, druggist, 2Bc. Try them. - o Cannery Will Opon Tho Mutual Canuory Co. will re ceive berries noxt Monday, and com mence canning Tuesday. Growora and help ploaso tako notice. To Sell Property. A, P. Slnuuoral, as guardian, was yostorday glvon an ordor authorizing him to soil nil tho right, tltlo nnd In terest of Mnulay Slmmornl, n minor,' in laud situated In t. 6 s. r. 1, w. o Results aro suro and swift, Results nro quick and lasting, It ponotratea tho heart of disease, That Is -what HollUter'a Rocky MouBtala Tea do. For sU at SRa'a drug store. Stroct Cars For Klamath Falls. The first streot car to bo used for tho conveynnco of passengers In Klamath Falls has arrived at Poke gama nnd will bo tnkon to that city within n fow days. The track ban been ballasted wherever It was need ed nnd ns soon ns tho car arrives tho lino will bo placed In operation nnd will bo opon for public patron age. SavEl A Narrow Escape. G. W. Cloyd, a merchant, o Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, when ho ran a Jlmson bur Into his thumb. Ho says: "Tho doc tor wnntd to amputate It but I would not consent. I bought a box of Ducklen'a Arnica Salvo and that cured tho dangerous wound." at J. O, Parry'8, druggist. 25c GU&SE&s Savo your fuel bill as well as tho torture of a hot kitchen nnd let us do your Baking Money Makes Independence Hundreds of our depositors mo becoming a llttlo moro Independ ent overy dny. You can bo lnJo pondont, too, If you will save n part of your earnings nnd deposit thorn In our Savings Department regularly. Deposits of ono dollar drawB Interest compounded semi-annually. Your nccount will bo welcome whether largo or small. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank Fred Lew Ik A Judgment tm Ml fav6r of the defeaMntel J. M. Long vs. Ttti Um tried by Jury In W court. The caM tu i Journal as over i Usi I In which Mr LoBjeUJan mission on the n!e. H W. Harrltt, J W Rcaaii RIggs composed tie Jw WlienYwWi) I r' i .bnnU hire attractive odor-tisiW' one want to WJUi rr w i notnic k w smell of BwrtBe ...-, That U ts K- . nrfl famons for, t ::",fiortcfj' . fl.vorthattn"" Every Wri of J ' prices alwar rC4$oiu:' Our home bread Is a winner. Try It. Coffee Cake, Buns, Homo-mndo Cookies, all kinds ' oi aomc-maao uaKoa. Baked Pork and Beans Try a pan. They aro fine Home boiled ham, roast pork, veal loaf. Leavo your order wltn us. Roth & Graber :: t -110 State St. Pbcmo 38 J f.A. Pho20527 NcwIcilW, .v urd!ta ij CoBro" ifiitmiiiMn inn unit every time. Epples Perfec tion Baking Powder always makes good. If you want to mak something good insist on getting Copley's Perfec tiwi Powdersokl by all Salem mm nV grocers. wnuici , C M. Epptey, Satem, Ore ' THO Orer uwB8Ll NEWT( Srie-J Cow W jff' -fsrs?-, ond ch fi!J rll? L Jti w 0 $0, l tfcfcii