"WVJPPRW V ' Jt'Wfi!W77f3Tf7T m -7 Hipnp w i TWVTw: i " ' 5v DAIL"?OAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1007. HOFER BROS., &&" acd Proprietors IS. HOFER, Editor. A. P. HOFJ2R, Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOP3IENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADHD LABOR. GOOD LITTLE ROY JIM. Out of tho ungcl land ho came, Little Boy Jim. Without any clothes, not oven the namo Of Little Boy Jim. Loft all tho brightness of heavenly skies Just borrowed enough for his heart and his And, maybe, some nectar for tears when ho Llttlo Boy Jim. eyes cries, Plucked from tho golden street a brick, Did Llttlo Boy DJlm, Got a big angel that know tho trick, j Cuto Llttlo Jim, , To turn It Into a heart of gold Tho angel scoured heaven to get tho best mold, And put In a pleco of his own heart, Im told, For Llttlo Jim. And ho had it tuned In a perfect key, Llttlo Boy Jim, To keep It In constant harmony, ' ' Wlso Boy, Jim. , J. And all tho tlmo that he Is away Tho heavenly choir will Blng and play, But ho hoarB tho echoing molody ' Lucky Boy Jim. CLEVELAND, O., WAS INJURED BY A RAILWAY TRAIN TEN YEARS AGO, WHEN HE WAS 11 YEARS OLD. Tho case has boon bandied to and fro between tho courts until tho lad has como of ago, and It Is now ruled that whatever results have so far been reached are Invalidated by tho fact that HE IS AN ADULT, AND MUST THEREFORE PLEAD IN HIS OWN NAME. By a careful study of averages it has been found that a year must elapse for a Jury case to bo reached for trial In Indianapolis and San Francisco, two years la Boston, and three years In Chicago and Now York. It has been estimated that an English judgo disposes of twice as many cases In tho sarao tlmo as his Amedican contemporary. Ho la enabled to do so from the fact that Englishmen moro readily speed their legal disputes to tho bar of Justlco, and aro far moro ready to accopt tho ruling of tho court as Justlco In tho case. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO. Their Unceasing Work Keeps Strong nnd Healthy. U9 f 'day 4 That Is tho reason a part of each Llttlo Boy Jim Ceases hln baby prattlo and play , ' Tho Angel In him Is Hst'nlng, whllo Into his oyes will creep A wistful look so tondor nnd deep Tho angel volcos aro singing Ah Blcop, Llttlo Boy Jim. P. A. Connolly in tho Nntional Magazine. t o WHO CAN JUDGE SPEED? I "Who can Judgo of tho speed of a locomotlvo or an automobilo when they hco It passing a given point? Ono porson will doclaro that a tralu Is moving vory fast, anothor Bocms to think It Is glued to tho rails. One will nay tho spocd Is forty miles an hour, nnothor will say It Ib sovonty- flvo. Ono man will look at an nutomohllo nnd tlcclnro It to bo racing nlong "At n dangorous Bpood; nnothor man will declaro it could bo stopped In Its length. NOT EVEN POLICE OFFICKHS CAN JUDGE THE SPEED " OP A MOTOR OAR UNTIL THEY HAVE HAD A DEMONSTRATION OP ACTUAL HPEKDS MADE TO THEM. How much moro dlfllcult, then, for tho locomotlvo englneor or tho motor drlvor to Judgo hla speed by Blmply noting tho passing objects. Elthor can toll whothor ho Is Jobbing along, or hns attained a Bhnrp clip, but after forty mllos an hour Is priBscd can olthor toll whether or not ho Is traveling fifty, sixty, or sovonty miles an hour? Tho Engineering Nowb holds thnt ABOVE FORTY MILES AN HOUR ALL SPEEDS LOOK ALIKE TO THE ENGINEER OR MOTOR DRIVER, and that Bpood con bo Judged by thorn In that event only by noting tho tlmo taken In passing botwoon known polntH. Thus high speed Ib really guoHBwork on tho part of tho onglnoor, nnd ho may strlko a curvo at sixty miles an hour, which cannot posilbly bear a train going over fifty. ' A upood Indicator flhould bo in every cab, not only bocauso of this con- fusion In high upcodH, but becouso n locomotlvo englneor has a numbor of thiuga to do libidos wnlch tho mllo posts. Ills steam, tho gradcB, the curvoH, tho whlstlo posts, nnd numerous other things mako mental calcu lation at high Hpccd quite dlfllcult. Tho drlvor of tho high speed motor ear Ib able, by cortaln nppllnncos, TO GLANCE AT A DIAL AND KNOW THE SPEED IN MILES PER HOUR THAT HE IS MAKING. If. ho gooa nbovo forty-Mvo mllos nn liour ho may bo unconscious of tho dlfforonuo botweon fifty nnd sixty mllos an hour; but tho mnchlno that oporatoB tho dial is moro sonsltlvo. It tolls tho dlfforonco botwoon forty-nlno and flvo-slxths mllos on hour nnd plump llfty mllos on hour. Moreover, woro a locomotlvo to bo oqulppod with ono of thoso nnd go ulT tho track tho roglstoring machine Included with tho dlol WOULD TELL THE PUHLIP JUST WHAT SPEED THE ENGINE WAS MAKING WHEN THE WHEELS LEI-T THE RAILS. Thus tho dial would be thoro to help tho onglnoor nnd tho registering nmchlno would bo Micro to help Hclouco In tho Htudy of speeds oh oppllod to snfo travel. Tho Engineering News not only rcrommonds tho ubo of those Bpood rogU tors nn locomotives, but tokos occur ton to say that cortaln rnllroad man agorH liavo (leollned to havo Hitch rontraptlona on their trains. A epoed Indicator Is a convenience oh long as an onglnoor euros to look at It, but when a Hpood register gota beforo u coroner's Jury It hurts the great Amorluou game of dodging responsibility. o WHERE AMERICANS ARE SLOW. All tho blood In tho body passes through tho kidneys onco every three minutes. Tho kidneys filter tho blood. They work night and day. When healthy thoy romovo about 500 grains of lmpuro matter dally, when unhealthy Bomo part of this lmpuro matter is loft in tho blood. This brings on many diseas es and BymptomB pain in tho back, hoadacho, nervousness, hot, dry Bkln, rhoumatlsm, gout, gravol, disorders of tho oycslght and hearing, dlzzl noss, Irregular heart, debility drowsiness, dronsy. deposits In tho urlno, etc. But If you keop tho fll tors right you will havo no troublo with your kldnoys. MrB. B. Schrlcbor, of GCO High St., Salem, Ore., Bays: "Tho good re ports I had heard concerning Doan's Kidney Pills induced mo to go to Dr. Stono's drug Btoro nnd procuro a Bttpply. I had been suffering from an Incessant backacho which not only troubled mo through tho day but broko my rest at night. I began to fool tho offocts of Doan'a Kidnoy Pills nftor I had taken a fow doses. Relief speedily camo and then an absoluto euro. Thoro has boon no sign of tho' backacho nor any othor symptom since I am only too ploas od to lot others know of such a val uable nnd otfcctlvo romody.v For solo by all dealers. Prlco CO cents. Fostor-Mlllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho United Statos. Romombor tho namo Doan'B and tako no othor. Explained. Bobble Mothor, is this tho bottlo of cnu do colongo? Mother No, Bobble, that's tho co mont. Bobble Oh, then Hint's why 1 can't got my hat off. PIck-Mo-Up. Tho general Impression of tho Amorlcnn la that ho gats right at the hoart of any thing, uatos rostralnt, and quickly adnpta himself to new conditions. This oporntus to IiIh favor in many ways, In buslnoss, in Hooloty nnd in Invention hla unoaslnoas Bpooda him along. When, howovor, It comos to legal mnttors and affairs of tho govorn mout, thnt sumo unooslnoBS oporotos toward deferring tho action of tho ooiirtH, and to multiplicity of legislation. IX THE MATTER OF BLOCKING THE COURTS, THE AMERICAN IS A WONDER. In every city thoro Is a record of criminal trials whoso verdicts havo boon almost useless. Appeals aro taken, governors aro Bought, uupromo courts aro worlod, ami when execution of seutonco doc9 como. It la vory tardy, In olvll suits tho gamo la to block tho adversary until a compromlso eon bo rooohud. A wllllngnoss to nbldo by tho decision of a jury, as If by tho decision of nn arbitration board, is raro In tho American, A study of this habit of blocking legislation Is modo In tho current numbor of tho Living Ago. From thd nrtlclo somo notable oxampleB nro tokon. In Vormont a woman MURDERED HER HUSBAND ON AUGUST t.l 1 102, WAS ARRESTED A FEW DAYS LATER, WAS SHORTLY AFTER CONDEMNED TO DEATH, DVT IN CONSEQUENCE OF SEV ERAL APPEALS WAS NOT ACTUALLY HANGED UNTIL DECEMBER 8, 1005. A Now York lawyer, arrested for murder In Soptomhor, 1900, was Indicted In May, 1901, was convlctod In March, 1902, nnd remained under nontonco of death from that tlmo until Decomber, 190C, whon hi? punishment was commuted by tho governor of tho stnto to that of Ufa Imprisonment. Evoryono In Seattlo romombors tho long dolaya in the Nordstrom enso owlug to tho activity of Jnmos Hamilton Lowls. Only lately In Now 'York a Judgo of tho court of genoral 6osslons, whon pronouncing sontouco of death on n convicted murderer, nnd NAM ING A DATE FOR THE EXECUTION, DECLARED HIS OWN SEN TKNCH "A FARCE. Thero Is only ono instance," ho said, "of a sen tence of death bolng carried out on tho dato flxod by tho lowor court. That was In tho caso of tho slayor of Presldont McKtnloy." Tho captain of tho Gouoral Slocuni, which was burnod River in June, 1904, with tho loss of 1,000 lives, was not January, 1906, and tho owners o! tho steamboat, though oquully culpable by tho government inquiry, havo not yot beon. placed la tho dock. In civil suits some citations aro made by Tho Living Age. A BOY IN In tho East tried until pronounce 1 Relief From Rheumatic Pains. "I aufforod with rhoumatlsm for ovor two yoars," says Mr. Rolland Curry, a patrolman, of Koy West, Fla. "Somotlmcs it Bottled In my knoos nnd lamed mo no I could hard ly walk, at othor times It would bo In my foot and bands so I was In capacltood for duty. Ono night whon I was In sovero pain and lamo from It my wlfo wont to tho drug store horo nnd camo back with a bottlo of Chamborlaln'B Pain Balm. I was rubbod with It nnd found tho pain had nearly gono during tho night. I kopt on using It for a llttlo moro than two wooks and found It drove tho rheumatism away. I have not had auy troublo from that dlseaso for over throo months." For sale by Dr. Stono's drug store. o My Best Friend. Alexander Benton, who lives on rural routo 1, Fort Edward, N. Y., says: "Dr. King's Now Discovery is my best earthly friend. It cured me of asthma six years ago. It has also performed a wonderful cure of In cipient consumption for my son's wlfo. Tho first bottlo ended tho ter rible cough, and this accomplished, tho other Bmypfoma loft ono by ono, until sho waa porfoctly well. Dr. KIng'3 Now Discovery's powor over coughs and colds is simply marvel ous." No othor romody has over equaled it. Fully guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist; 50c and $1.00. Trial bottlo froo. o A Dinictilt Art. Instructor In Public Speaking II. What Is tho matter with you, Mr. Jones, you can't speak any loudor? Bo moro enthusiastic, open your mouth and throw yourself lno It. Harvard Lampoon. o If You Don't Succocd tho first tlmo ubo Horblno and you will got Instant rollof. The greatest llvor regulator. A positive ouro for Constipation, Dyapopdln, Malaria, ChlllB and all llvor com plaints. Mr. C , of Emory, Toxaa, writes: "My wlfo has boon using Horblno for hornolf and chlldron for flvo years. It la a suro euro for con stipation and malaria fovor, which 1? substantiated by what It has done for my family." Sold by D. J. Fry. o The Itch Fiend um. is oait uucutn or Eczema tho outward manifestations of scrotal. It comes in Itching, burning, oozlndrv fog, and scaling patches, on the Tec hands, legs or body. Cc' heaa It cannot bo cured by outward rii t!ons,-tho blood must bo rU?0, 5? purity to which It Is duo. " ta Hood'sSarsaparilla was curca tuo most persistent and dlfflcnli 7"'" "" ouuomuMj ror Hoed's: no cases. BOhHtti 1 1 1 n m i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hm. THE MARKETS. Rome I X Make Snlem a Good Market. n 1 1 a i h 8 i c : i n 1 1 1 h-mh? SALEM MARKET. Coincidences. "Am I tho first girl you over loved?" "Of courso, doar. But It Is strange how overy girl hns naked mo that samo quostion." Illustrated Bits, o For stomach troubles, blllouanosa and constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvor Tablots. Many remarkable cures havo been effected by them. Prlco 25 conts. Samples froe. For sola by Dr. Stono's drug store. Money Makes Independence Hundreds of our. depositors are becoming a llttlo moro Independ ent every day. You can bo InJo pondont, too, If you will save a part of your earnings and deposit thorn In our Savings Department regularly. Deposits of ono dollar drawa Intorest compounded semi-annually. Your account will be welcome whether largo or small. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Capita! National Bank Spiteful. "Doch that now girl know nny thlng nbout manicuring?" "Well, I bollovo sho used to work In a nail factory." Philadelphia Press. Growing Achcn nnd Pains. MrB. Joslo Sumner, Bremond, Tox. wrltos, April 15, 1902: "I have usod Ballard's Snow Liniment in my fam ily for throe yoars. I would not be without It In tho houso. I havo usod It on my llttlo girl for growing palna and achCB in hor knoos. I have also usod It for frost bltton foot, with good succobs. It la tho beat llmlmcm I ovor used." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o ' These Bad Men. "How was tho comic opora?" "My wlfo thought tho costumes woro disgusting." "I guess I'll go." o Tho Lifo Insurance Muddlo has started tho public to thinking. Tho wonderful success that has mot Ballard's Horohound Syrup In Its crusado on Coughs, In fluenza, Bronchitis and all Pulmon ary troubles has started tho publlo to thinking of this wondorful prepa ration. They aro all using It. Join tho procession and down with sick ness. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D, J. Fry. o Tho Greater Loss. "Why did Jack glvo up singing? Was ho losing his voice?" "No; hla frlouds." Sketchy Bits. o Ston Grumbling. If you suffer from Rheumatism or pains, for Ballard's Show Liniment will bring quick relief. It Is a sura cure for Sprains, Rheumatism, Con tracted Muscles and all pains and within the reach of all. Price 25c, 50c, $1.00. C. R. Smith, Teaeha, Tex., writes: "I have used Ballard' Snow Liniment in my family for years and havo found It a fine rem ,edy for all pains and aches, r rec ommend It for pains la the chest" Bold by D. J, Fry. Sibyl's Sentence. Teachor Sibyl, glvo mo a sen tence containing tho word "grue some." Sibyl Mamma had to let down my dresses 'cause I grow somo. o Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.' There la probably no medicine made that Ib relied upon with more Implicit confidence than Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of a cen tury la which it has been use, peo ple have learned that It Is the oae remedy that sever falls, Whea re duced with water aad sweeteaed It ! pleasaat to take. For tale fey Dr. Stoat's drug ater. Stclncr's Market. Dealers In fish, camo and poultry Highest caBh price paid for eggs Prompt dollvory. State street. Local Wholesale Market. Eggs 14. Hens 12 12 c; young chick ons, lie. Ducks 10c; goeso, 8c; turkoys 1316c. Butter 24c; fat, 22c. Local w,hoat 80c. Oats 43 c. Barloy $21. Flour Hard wheat, $5.00; vailoy, $3.70. Mill feed Bran, $19.50; shorts, $20(Q$21. Hay Cheat and clover, $89 per ton; timothy, $11 $12 por ton. Onions $2.00 por cwt; potatoes, 80c por cwt. Hopa Cholco, 10 lie; prlmo to choico, 80c; medium to prime. 8c. Chlttlm bark 56e. Tropical Fruit. Bananas $0.75. Oranges $3 $4. Lomons $5.75. Retail Market. Oats $30; wheat, 90c por bu.; rolled barley, $27. Eggs 20o doz.; 2 doz. 35c ApplOB $3.00. Butter Country, 20c; creamery, 30c. Flour vailoy, $i.io$i.io per sack; hard wheat, $1.35 $1.40. Bran C5c por sack; $21 por ton. Hay Timothy, 75c por cwt.; cheat, 55c; clover, COc por cwt.; shorts, 95o per cwt. Livestock. Hogs Fot, 7c. Cattlo 1100 1200 lb stoors, 4 c. Lighter Btoors 3 3 c. Cowa and holfora 900 1000 lb, 3Vj4c. Stock hogs GCttc Lnmbs 4 5c. Veal Dressed, 07c. TORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Club 8C87; vailoy 85c; bluo Btom, 88 89c. OatB Cholco whlto, 29c. Mlllstuff Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $15 $16; alfalfa $11.50. Vetch $7.50 $8.00. Poultry Hens, 14, mixed chick ens, 13 c; dressed chlckons, 14 V, 15c; turkeys, llvo, 17 18c; ducks, 1314c; pigeons, $1$1.25. Pork Best, $7. Lambs $G$6.60. Beof Dressed, 5 6c. Mutton 6 7c. Hops 9 10 c lb, according to quality. Wool Vailoy, coarse to medium, 2923o; eastern Oregon, 1318c Results nro suro and swift, nosultB aro quick and lasting, It penetrates tho heart of disease, That la what Hollister'a Rocky Mountain Tea does. For sale at Stone's drug store. o FROFOSALS FOR LIGHTING. Proposals will bo received by tho Board of Public Commissioners of tho State of Oregon at the Captol Building, Salem, Oregon, at the hour of 11 a. m. Juno 5th, 1907, for lighting tho Capitol Building. Pen onflnrv. Tnnnno Asylum, RefOrTO School Muto School and Blind School . Goiom nroiron. with arc ana m candescent lamps. Information, speci fications and blank proposals may be obtained from tho Clerk of the Board nf thn nnnitol Building. Salem, w SD' W. N. GATENS, Clerk of Board. 5-15-18-22-25-29, 6-1. J-MnC "isijnv! WTTIS )! tol But no oae &mj d.in:.r.i :;' "wwh,! -u appwiiijg m mer Htl . i . choice , uTJ Of lia .. . m mnVsj . , "l tr;r..u.s fifM o .7 v" win Hftftg Gold I) Jinnmsri wrAKT, Nfe M& for f taJ pocw f a. Brm "Jioaksi P. B. W AGENT ;;Q20cMeakf ::V Hit": and the bt Mtk I at that Yon en 1 reputatloa ct tit white m RESTAt tiiinmmnn- Sh t Just rccelrdttMttd tho latest it?l ! and children's from heavy work Am I dross styles f women. AlsoOtte leather nd cunst will eIj a glvo leather i BABY! We also hare a I Baby Shoes, all ! pliable soles. JACOB Opposite r"' 345 State St ITlieFasiloi! rarsMrtr H WT- .. JUtM llHfT J ! kofcrpJ": ii CHAi w- HI ! MEAXS 13 ATJ Sale R swcoo Call W ik. Board P alM foraUK rol ffl FRENCH FEWLE OPILLS. Htr.t iNtwK t rail, m ? sr-. J t ttVMrnUi. mm iuiruJ.u r"J ktr Ua mb4 jvuvitn u IU UMITCB MCPtCAL 99.. HI T. mQT. f. 'StUkSihmtyDf.S.CSfc J. Uf S-tfM fiui.1 m" : f nv -- -tdg-ittiii'llPritMi. -3i....i' jpiifjtjft.j-J..i .. i. l2aAitk'jLjt.' ...4&iint.1h