Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 27, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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    T4.U, J f , "I -m
A V V "aa ParticIe of doubt about usinS tn!s sPIcndld
J JL JL-.v s preparation, let your doctor decide for you.
XB W tfw I W publish the formul .T.O.AyerCo.,
,4, JLC. A A Vf iVt of all our prpmtlon. t.owell.MM.
Gossip of Ihc Metropolis Concerning
the Summer Evcnls
Now York, Mny 25. Tlio limits
nro tiftor u world's record. On Sut
urdiiy thoy woro only two gainos be
hind their own rocord, having won
23 gam us out of 26. In the light
with Chicago the tost seems to he :i
innttor of norvo, ns tho Iwo eluba
nro about of tho same strength, np
pnrontly In all other respects. The
Giants won 10 straight games with
out u bronlc. In Mattliowson lies
New Yorlc'H chief hope of n pennant,
and McOInnlty la iih good as ho over
Shortstop of tho Pliiliulolphin
rAmoricnn8 ami n soiisiitiuiml Hold-
stopiiiiiLr tho iuot tlifRcwlt
drivos into nnil nonr liia torritory.
wan. Without oxnugeratlou Mnt
thwwHou'fl fonn Ih superb.
Speaking of Corcoran, do you no
tlcu how old Toininy Its ulwiiy thero
with the needed punch when ho In
against u none Mulsh! Ilu 1b certain
ly worth whatovor we guvo for him.
Thuro U one aunoyliiK thing about
tho Culm thuro Isn't any woak end
'Uiiiimt m ,
II I Ml' y " H ,
slmllallng IhcTooil atutHetf ula
Uig IhcSlanuichs rmit Dowels of
tvess nnd Itest.Contnlns nelUicr
OnuimtMorntiine nor Mucml.
Not N Ait c otic.
. tfotjiyswmnizwt
JimAu St J'
ItMnwt .
fititywt fittvt
AnctfcctncmcdY forConsUw
lion, Sour Stouttch.Dinnhoca,
ucss and Loss OF SLEEP.
I I! I M ' "
TacSiiiuIc Signature of
cxACTcopy or wbaphcr.
If V22 '""i
d&gw' mm
has your comb run away with It? Bet-
1.it ,.. fm ...liA.'fl I aft nt It ttm trtn it 4t
M 11.1 IUU& UUUUI wunt a ivh i , uvvj ...
home on your head, not In the comb. Ayer's
Hair VIcor will act as "keeper." If you have
to their battling lino. In ono of
their games last week every ono hit
tho hall right along down the lino.
McOInnlty showed ngaLn In tho
hattlo with tho Cardinals that he is
capablo of pitching grand ball. Ills
stunt was almost iib good as Matty's
because the Cardinals got only throe
hits off his delivery in nlno innings,
and ho shut thorn out, which is more
than Matty, could nogotlate.
In tho mnttor of luck If tho Pi
rates could hnvo stuck any of their
four hits In at ony ono of the sev
eral times they would hnvo won by
ti larger margin than one run.
Casey must bo a puzzlo to Patsy
Donovan. Kvory tlmo ho Is moved
up nonr the top of the batting order
ho falls down, and whenevor ho is
shoved hack l'o bats and fields like
n champion.
Pitcher Dol Mason, of the Rods,
ought to loam ono thing. "When ho
Is up against a bunch of veterans he
ought not to keop them away from
the tablo so long. Dahlen, mad with
hunger, almost broke Mason's log
with a lino smash in tho 12th, and
pavod the way for tho winning licks.
Artlo llofmnn, the youngstor who
had boon Holding In at Joe Tlnkor'B
place In tho short Hold for tho Cubs,
has scored moro runs than any play
er In tho Loaguo. This inny bo ono
of tho reasons why Chnnco Is not as
anxious to got Tinker back into the
gnmo ns was supposed.
Tho Dodgers, havo ono consolation
when thoy win a gnmo lu tho dopths
of dofont. Hvory tlmo thoy win a
game thoy gain twlco as many points
In tho porcoutngo column iib thoy lose
when thoy drop one.
Frank Dowormuu tins certainly
boon kidding us us to his natural
spued with the hat. Dowerman Is
not only leading tho Giants, but the
Aftoi' bolng hailed as ono of tho
pitching finds of tho year nloug
with Fred Galo two seasons hack, It
Is now rumored that Pitcher Jacob
sou, of tho Drowns, Is to ho sent back
to tho minor leagues. It sometimes
takes long to llud out where u play
er really belongs.
American Leugiio Notes.
By tho way, that Jolt wo hnudod
tho lllues was particularly cholco
because It shoved thorn down to
fourth placo, tho position thoy had
framed for us.
It was Orth, his "spltlmll," and
his norvo that did tho trick, with tho
lint mil lilttlug that tho YanUoos
hnvo douo since thoy left homo.
Orth was a puzzler whunovor ho
wautod to bo.
There I ono moro oloud hanging
over tho nasty wwitorn trip. Hogg
uud Glurksou woro compollod to leave
for homo on account of sickness, and
tho YanUoos' mikI pitching taft Is
still moro depleted.
Since tho spltbull has won and
lost n pennant uud won u world's
uhamplouMhlp, Kioldor Jones Is blink
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
TMC CINTttUn eOHMNf, fl(W o errr.
Jfbf rM
ing on Its effectiveness. Ho is coach
ing Frank Smith with tho idea that
tho Whlto Sox will Imvo another Ed.
Walsh by tho tlmo tho next series
rolls round.
.loo Cnntillon's nttompt to Imitate
Artlo Latham at extemporaneous
work on tho coaching lines Is more
than making a hit around tho cir
cuit. Latham was witty. Tho
Washington manager Is mcdcly brut
al ami coarse.
Speaking of Cantlllon, his uso of
tho Mllwnukeo Club as a farm for
tho Senators Is tho most brazen ex
hibition of farml g In tho big loaguo
since Hanson quit Brooklyn. Can
tlllon got "Buck" Freeman from
Boston and promptly shot out Ills
brother's team without oven going
through tho formality of try-out.
Cleveland papers nro commenting
on the fnct that Griffith is not as
lively on tho coaching lines ns ho
used to bo. Wonder If thoy. expect
ed him to dnnco a fow reels of Joy
In front
of tho grand stand whllo tho
worn .lmnnlnir tlirim In a
woro dropping threo in a
Paddock Whisperings.
Ellis P. Corey, who gavo up $6,
000,000 to bring nbout a marrlngo
with Mnyhcllc Oilman, tho former
chorous girl, onco stood for a tap on
tho horso game. It wns Corey's
money that llnanced tho Mnrtln Btn
blo of threo years ago.
August Belmont, chnlrmnn of tho
Jockey club, ljcavos for a trip to Ett-
PWU. .IJnw
Popular membor of tho Chicago
American twirling stalT who ma
terially aided his team in captur
ing tho world's championship last
your. . . .,,.
roio. Ho will not soo racing again
until Saratoga.
"Ulg Tim" Sullivan will take his
annual doparturo for Hot Springs,
Ark., a littlo earlier than usual as
tho result of thu withdrawal of Dr.
Gardner from tho Brooklyn Handi
cap. "Big Tim" will tnko a niimor
ous following of heuchmon and
friends to tho Springs for "boiling
out." Tho Bowory statosman takes
tho trip ovory spring, tho excursion
standing him In au oxponso of some
thing llko 110,000.
Whllo "Boots" Durnoll Is away In
Franco looking nftor tho turf in
terests of Charloy Gates, Willlo Mc
Klnley will look after Noalon and tho
other Durnoll horsea,
Tnny'H form Is gono. All tho
trainers Bay ho Is gono for good. In
other word sho will novor rogaln tho
form sho possessed wlion sho chased
Sysonby a yoar ago last summer.
Dlnnn Kon will tnko a lot of boat
ing from now on. Ho Is a big. game,
upstanding throo-year-old who will
Improvo with ovory race.
Herman Goldborg has been offored
$3,500 for his black colt named Billy
Hanna. Ilo wants $4,000. "Boots"
Durnoll would llko to buy tho two-yoar-old
at $3,000. Ho won't go any
furt hor.
Ilowtiro of OIntnienLs for mtarrh
Tlmt Ooutuln Mercury,
as morcury will surely destroy the
sonso of Bmoll nnd completely do
rnngo tho whole Byatem when enter
ing it through tho mucous surfaoee.
Such artlcloa should never bo usod
except on proscription from reputa
ble physicians, aa tho damago they
will do is ton fold to tho good you
can possibly derlvo from thera.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O.
contalas no morcury, and U takoa ia-
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surface of the
system. In buying Hall's Catarra
Curo bo euro you got tho genuine.
It is takon internally and made la
Toledo, Ohio, by F .J, Cheney & Co.
Testimonial free.
Sold by all druggists. Price, 75c
per bottle.
Take Hall's Family Pilta for eoa-atlpaUoa.
f-kXJff lCfcrr-5,
MONDAY, MAY 27, 1000.
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours ;
tlingiudicatcsau unhealthy con
dition of the kid
neys ; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge 3u
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every -wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wiue or
beor. niid overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and tb get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realized. It stands the highest
f wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need n medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in ntty-ccnt aim onc-uonur bi.us.
You may have n sample bottle ami n
book that tells nil
about it, both sent free
by mail, AddressDr.
Kilmer & Co., Uiiig-
liamton.N. Y. When nomoof Bnamp-iioot.
writing mention this paper nnd don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, nnd
the nddress, llinghumton, N. Y.
' Had Lived Through 1L
Hor Husband It a man steals
no mnttor whnt It Is ho will llvo
to rogrot it.
Ills Wife During our courtship
you used to stoat kisses front "o.
Hor HuBbond Wo I, you heard
what I Bald. Human Life.
Chnnibcrlniu'a Colic, Cholera nnd
Diarrhoea llomcdy.
Thoro la probably no medicine
inado that Is rolled upon with moro
Implicit confldonco than Chambor
laln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Romody. During tho third of a con
tury in which it has boon uso, poo
plo havo loarnod that it Is tho ono
romody that novor falls. When r
ducod with water and awootonod it
la pleasant to tako. For salo by Dr.
Stoao'a drug storo.
piioposals iix)n lighting.
PropoBalB will bo received by tho
Board of Public Commissioners of
tho Stnto of Oregon at tho Captol
Building, Salem, Oregon, at tho
hour of 11 a. m. Juno 0th, 1907, for
lighting tho Capitol Building, Poni
tontlnry, Insano Asylum, Rofonn
School Muto School nnd Blind School
at Salem, Oregon, with arc and in
candoscont lamps. Information, spoci'
flcatlons nnd blank proposals may be
obtained from tho Clork of tho Board
at tho Capitol Building, Salem, Oro-
Clork of Board.
0-1G-1S-22-25-29, 6-1.
Special Eastern Excursion rates.
May 20, 31, Juno 0, 7, 8, July 3,
4, 0, August 8, 9, 10, Soptombor 11,
12, 13. To Chicago nnd return,
$73.10. St. Louis and return, $69.15
St, Pnul and return, Omaha, Council
Bluffs, Sioux City, St. Joo, Kansas
City and return $61.60.
0-21-tf Gon. Pas. Agt.
Stnto Fair Music.
Tho Oregon Stato Board of Agri-
culturo will recolvo bids until Juno
3d for band music for tho wook Sop
tombor 16-21, 1907. Band to con
sist of not less than 20 men. Tho
privilege is reserved o roject any or
all bids. F. A. WELCH,
Socrotary O. S. B. Agriculture
Tot Infanta and Children.
Thi Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
Formerly Baker, Lawrence & Baker.
Reliable Grocer, At the Old
. tfrfrfttt,
"""srrr4 -.
For Sale-Slx-year-old mare, weight
1180. Inquire of Wm. McPar
lauo, Fashion stables. G-24-3t
For Sain nnil Ttnf ZriTT"T"
, " uwu aix-roora
iiuuau, uireo uearooms, dlnlne
room, parlor and toilet, largo lot
on East Forry street. Also flve-l
room houso west of Marlon square I
ono six-room houso on North Com''
morclal and Gains avenuo, and'
ono on North Winter street, nvo
looms inquire of J. C. Schultz, 17--492
State Btreet. E-23-lwk " ,. Wtn
lor Snlc C40 acres, dumm. i. celebntM .
proved, $40
per aero; 278 acres whI,kl. Cool 2jM
Wif M rnnrl lmnntfnM.i. rnniU.ii.
...... Dw .j.4U,UiUUiiia, stocked -"whj Lrm
With horsOR. rnTOa nn.l i. .. Commt.i . "B.'!
1 uuuuy, mso 'wl Rrtd
uu lunmug implements, $15,000' &uZi :
also 253 acres, 150 acres ia cult,'-! ZT
Ifnf lft ltnlntian I Al '
,uiiu"i uumuuo iu umoor, $35 per
aero; 10 acres cast of Salem,
$2000. Inqulro of J. O. Hoh.iii,'
492 Stato streot.
For Snlo Cheaiv
-5-room hnnan nml n .
lot, well foncod. and chloknn i,n.,i . . Ir
In West Salem, for $300. Como
quick if you want it. Derby &
WlllBon. 5-22-lwk
For Sale Salom-Indopondoncc-Mon-
mouth stago lino, fully equipped.
Inqulro of Capital Commission
Company, Salem. 4-5.tf
l'or Sale Old paporo, 10 cents per
hundred. Inqulro Journal ofQco.
Why Pny Itont Whan you can buy
a nice homo at G80 N. Liberty 8t.,
on terms to suit tho purchaser.
Address C. H. Burggraf, Albany,
Oro. C-17-tf.
For Snlo. McCormlck mowor, good
ns now, at a bargain if takea at
onco. Inqulro at Oregon Slonna
Paint Co., High nnd Church
Btrcots. D. II. Wyant. 5-20-2wk
For Rent Sovon-room houso, hot
nnd cold water, electric light, bath
room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrolb
or, 0CO North High street.
Arthur Von Jesscn Tcackor of pi
ano; touch, technlch, interpreta
tion. Thorough preparatory course
Advanced studonts propared for
public nppoaranco. ReBldenco C58
Contor St. Tel. Main 526.
Found Trunk koy. Owner can have
same at this olllco. 5-23-31
Foresters of America Court 8h.n
wood Forostora, No. 19. Moeti
Tuesday lu Hurst hall, State atreel
Leo Abblo. C. R.; A. L. Brown,
F. S.
Central Lodge No. 18, It. of P.
Castle Hall In Holman block, cor
ner Stato and Liberty stroets.
Tnnailnv of onch wook at 7:30 p wwvv
t-i. n. V) H. I Pammkul Bf.1
rn. usenr juuuuuu, j. w. ,
Anderson, K. of R. and S.
Modem Woodmen of America -Ore
gon Codar Camp No. 6246. Meets
ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8
o'clock In Holman hall W. W
Hill, V. O.; F. A. Turner, Clerk.
Woodmen of World Meot every Fri
day night at 7:30, in Holman ball
J. A. Dickey, C. S.; P. L. Frailer,
Lincoln Annuity Union. Sick, acci
dent and pension Insurance; $3,
000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid
Good agents wanted. J. H.
Montgomery, supremo organlier
nny iaa Salam. Orecon. R. R
Ryan, eocrectary, 546 State street
Wanted TO borrow $1000 on
best of real estate security. AP
ply to "J. P.," caro Journal office.
it J.
Highest Cash Price Paid for chick-
nTiii.motfa TTntel. 4-19'u
ens at Willamette Hotel.
Wanted Boy to run
quire at Willamette hotel.
Wanted A girl for general bouse-
. Anl fnrnnOOnS t
WUlAi vi"i "
Chomoketa street.
..... T iiivimi, T.-'IHTIT
nmu.'uumu - .rr m
AKD PRO" u.-"'
Wholesale dealers and commit
merchants. Cash pain iu. -
Eggs, Poultry, etc W. B. Comto
ana O. A. Wltcraft. Cottlo block. S
lea. Or.; J. O. Stapletoa. 86 Unio
?rt !., rM
LnR H ,7"
v i1 .. "J1 u.
ki ,.v
cement h.."!
WMd' "wJj
.r. M,n
--. ktmi
iuiw, etc
ww uuu inin i &
from SonthStlHu,!
v-raiw, Fruit Try,,
wi Enponl
Our aett &rlH J
-uok nit to tom
enre cwtootn. P,
u.B oetc 01 BK4UMM
orpnonelSl, ail
Salem lBdejdw ,
Blago line. Lhw
dally (actpt Eh
uiiuvK a. n.
Salem froa WIS
P n., arrlritr u
In time for (:il c
mouth aoi Diliu
Wo Are Cash
try, eggi, ud i3
produco. Btnr
in unlimited wmfi
Commluloa Co,
morclal ttret, Stltt
12 Acres FU tO, !
bait cultlritlM, i
Salem, flat
Salem, ilrtr, :
tlrcly ended rtt ;
fence. HocmtlbH
pics, pears, r!M
cs, cherries, tenk I
This Is formal
cr. CalloaorA1
bread, yet tas jrlst " j
For sale at jw i"" ii
ThoiMt t Onsi.)
Vat wiUf HtA
Bills wsbl y 3
All Kino n m -
Furniture P
fnr ihlDOeS'
r HOttO. ft1
25J SoetB 0
Phone HO.
V.mt itfMi. '
Mat. all W '
k. U. !-
Ti 5K
16l 0i
Usla I'1-
W8r " yfci
nrlfii TjjI
" . t- Hl
hSJ',T J'
This rt,
.. mm'r mi
tnr S r -iW
ot & rrLei-
w- J T
tiAAfcUJ r-
IU"" T
ATeaae. ForUaai.