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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1907)
DAILY OANTAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, MAY 27, 1000. SUCCESSFUL CONFERENCE ADJOUUNS Two Day's Convention Closed With Steroptictan Lecture Tho flrat Oregon atato Coys Con feronco convened last Saturday In tho First Congregational church with over 150 delegates present. Aftor an interesting song servlco tho officers for tho meeting were elected. Alhort Lewis of Portland was unanimously chosen chairman of tho convention, Mr. Beth Axley of Salem flrBt vice president, Mr. Frank Andrews of Eugene second vice presi dent, Mr. Frank Andorson of Albnny third vlco prcBldont and Clay Prother of Corvallls, Norrls Rogers of Mc Mlnn vlllo and Robort Mlnton of Sa lom wore elected secretaries. Rov. F. 13. Dell of tho Congrega tional church gavo an address of -welcome In his usual pleasant and mastcrfull tnannor. Mr. Earl Brooks of Corvnllls then road an article- on 'Why Ilavo Boys Clubs," which was wrltton by O. A. Roberts of Corvnl 51b. Mr. ItobortB was to linvo de livered this address In porsoti but wns unable to bo present to attend tho convonllon. Tho papor vus an itblo effort and among tho most cs Hontlal ploas for tho club woro that It doveloped Independence and nian- llnoss. "Somo Things a Doys' Club Can Do" was ably handled by J. C. Clark of tho Portland Y. M. C. A. 1Mb ad dress was uiado all the moro inter esting by tho use of diagrams to show whnt tho different boys clubs had tlono and what thoy Intended to do. Tho Eugene delegation gave a norics of short talks on "Ildw to Orgnnlzo a Boys Club" aftor which Mr. Frank Andorson of Albany, delivered an address on "What the Boys Club Can Bo for Uin Church." IIo domon utarted the Influouco of tho hoys of tho club on those who woro not Chris tlons nud on thoso who wore not In tho habit of attending church. "What tho Church Can Do for tho Boys Club" was woll handled by tho McM Inn vlllo delegation. Tho meet ing was then adjourned to moot at 1 p. in. at tlio city hall when tho convention took tho cars for Clio inawa whoro tho boys woro dollght- CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chocking accounts onnblo folks to doposlt their nionoy and re coivo a passbook, against thoso nccouutd thoy aro permitted to draw cIuoIch. Chocks may bo given to parties for Biioh Hums as desired, 'thus avoiding fruquout trips to tho bank. If Interested call and uoo us. Salem State Bank L. K. I'ACIE, President, H. V. HAZARD, Cnnhler. fully entertained by tho students and management of the Indian train ing school. Thoy returned at 3 p. ;n. and went to tho Congregational church for tho afternoon session. After a series of addresses by tho various clubs Mr. E. C. Ilorlow of Portland gave an Interesting talk on tho subject of "Tho High School Club." Ho ex plained how tho fraternity was or ganized in the high Bchool and that It contnlned six degrees. O. C. Hatt of Salem made tho last address of tho afternoon session on "Tho Sum mer Camp." This part of the pro gram wns very interesting as tho subject wub woll prosonted and th-3 boys were given an opportunity to ex press themselves on what kind of a camp thoy prefered. Tho conven tion then adjourned to meet at tho Y. M. C. A. building at C p. m. for tho banquet which had been prepared for 180 plates. In tho ovonlng tho First M. E. church was crowded with thoso in terested in tho boys to hear Rov. William A. Foulkcs of tho First PrcBbytorlun church of Portland speak on tho Bubject of "The Future Citizen." Rov. Foulkcs is an elo quent speaker and his nddroBs waB an npproprlato and masterful effort that appealed to tho highest and most noblo sentiments of tho boys. A quiet hour of prayor was hold at 9 a. m. yesterday aftor which tho convention adjourned till 3 p. m. when a Blblo study conference was conducted on tho Falrmount hill lu South Salem by Stato Secretary I. B. Rhodes. Tho boyhood of Christ was studied for tho first twenty minutes of tho session after which an Inter esting discussion wns takon up on tho subject of "Boys' Sundny School ClaBB." Somo vnluablo ideas woro ad vanced as to tho bost timo and tho ninnnor of conducting thoso classoj. Aftor this mooting tho various dele gations returned to tho city to meet again in tho First Congregational nt 7:30 for tho fnrowcll mooting. A very largo crowd nssomblcd at tho church to show tholr apprecia tion for tho boys and tholr work and to enjoy tho cxcollont program which had boon prepared. Tho Congrega tional choir had ehargo of tho music and tho many selections woro excep tionally woll rondorcd. Owing to not being ablo to obtain slides for tho lautorn tho Btoreoptlcon locturo was omitted nnd tho ovonlng wns takon up with addresses and to Hponsoa by mombors of tho vnrlous clubs. Tho rosponBOB on "What Good Have Wo as a Club Dorlvod from This Convention" wns enter tainingly given by sovoral londors of dlfforont clubs. W. 8. Halo, boys' soorotary of Portland gavo an Inter esting talk on "Boys' Club Work In North Amorlca." Tho "Futuro Hopo" was tho uubjoct of an addross given by Stato Socrotnry Forbos, who set forth In n convincing nnd entertain ing manner thu groat noods of orga nized workoi-H who have n doilulto object for which to work. At tho eloso of tho nddroasos tho dologntea formed a lino around tho room nnd with clasped hands Hang "Blost Bo tho Tlo That Binds" and tho conven tion was adjourned. Tho delegates from tho various clubs woro as follews: Albany 24, Corvallls 17, Eugene 22, Liberty r, McMlnnvlllo 1ft, Portland 42, roform rchool 3, Woodburn G, making n to tal of 138 who woro ontertnlned by thu Salem club nnd tholr friends ltosldos this number thorn wero 40 appointed dologntos from Salem nnd 2 1 special dolcgatos from the reform school. Spencer Hardware IHB B L'J HHB J Jk I R mtiZm WEMmOkh iPHM iHHHHMHBHBBBBilHK''y Mm flVafi tin '"iB Jtmm III MIBMMBMMIIMBWMMMI Injrf"" "' " 1fc VsE I Company. . ffr-,Tvmsetatzx;ziL Lawn Mowers Wo can supply you with any kind or stylo of Lawn Mower, either plain or ball bearing. From $3.00 Up. H I I M M 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I II 1 I M 1 SEE OUR LAWN MOWER Sharpeners Any ono can sharpen his Lawn Mower as woll as an expert. Price 25$ 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I II I I B I 6 Un every home table there may be served everv dav a Ja t uuaiimui, uiiiviwuo uui uiduno tjr luiiwvving uit: vLiEiVULAIvl J Grass Sickles and Scythes From 25 Up. n 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 ii Garden Hose Our stock of Gardon Hoso is com plete and wo can supply your needs in this lino at tho following prices: 1-2 inch Rubber Hoso In 00 foot longthB, with couplings complete, n t i There is no economy in savins a few cents rv nemn alS,. Powders. The cheap alum baking powders work sure injury to iKeffl Enjoy the purest of home cooking by using CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR RAKINGPOWDER Made from a Superior grade of Pure Cream of Tartar. CALL FOR CLEVELAND'S BAKING POWDER AND INSIST UPON HM Sold and Recommended by the Following Grocers; per foot -1 inch Rubber Hoso In GO 5 foot lengths, comploto with couplings, WELLER I1ROS., COMMERCIAL STREET. 1. R. GILHERT CO., COMMERCIAL STREET. ROTH & GRAIIEH, COMMERCIAL STREET. DAMON & FOSTER, COMMERCIAL STREET. J. M. LAWRENCE, COMMERCIAL STREET. W. A. 1RVIN CO., COMMERCIAL STREET. A. DAUE, C031AD3RCIAL STREET. II. H. RAGAN, COURT STREET. A. L. HARVEV, COURT STREET. J. L. MOORE SON, CAPITAL STREET. RUTHERFORD & DOE, FAIR GROUNDS. ROTH & GIlAUKIt, STATE STREET. J. W. HARRITT, STATE STHEET. MOIK GROCERY CO., STATE STREET. 'if. M. RRANSON, STATE STItEET. JOHN HUGHES CO., STATE STHEET. A. A. ENGLEHART, STATE STREET. F. G. HOWKRSOX, YEW PARK. H. L. SCIIULTZ, ASYLU.M AVEXIT. W. D. AVHEELER, NOW!! SALKM. A. CIIENOWET1L NORTH SALDL per foot ...f G Othor qunlltlos at per foot.... 20 Wo will bo pleased to show your' our stock. m iiiimiii ii i n it imn TheUniversal" Bread Maker THE HOUSEWIVES' DELIGHT ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED Mill Improvement. Tho Falls City Lumber Company of Falls City Is oporntlng two mills, tho cnpaclty of mill No. 1 bolng SO, 000 feet daily, and tho capacity of mill No. 2, 10,000 feotdnlly. This company Is Installing throo CGxlO boilers, with Dutch oven sotting, nnd a pair of 10x22 II. S. & G. onginfs. Tho contract for tho Installation of tho powor plant was nwarded tho Zlmmorman-Wolls-Drown Company. In tho planing mill a Borlln rcsaw, Diamond Iron works horizontal rc saw has boon Installed. A sorting table to tako tho lumber from the flume- nnd a 40 foot trimmer will also form part of tho now Improve ments. It is tho Intontlon to dls innntlo tho planing mill now located at tho present teralsuttiWI from mill No. 1, tsd i Hume, with the pluer &ij this means It will cowtji ! nroduco and lire UJcr-3 man. Tho Mar number el til I man Elvei the dullj outfit I soven sawmill! nor Fill ft 245,000 feet.-FalCitj!S MHmHMIlMHHIMMHHMIIIIIIHIHIIMMIMHHIMIH I Your money judi ciously. You will not regret it there after. No ques tion about you? money being well invested if you put it in one these tight running up to date rubber tired first class buggies or a McCormick Binder, Mower or Hay Rake of which S. A. MANNING has just received a car load from the factory. Or an Empire Cream Sepa rator of which S. A. Manning has sold over $3200 since the first day of Jan uary, 1907. A child can operato It. As easily denned as a tin pall, Does away with hand knoadlng nnd makes bettor broad. SIMPLE, EASY AND SANITARY li ""ww 92.00 10 Lome 2.50 minuiinninuniim "Universal" Cake Maker rnco Complete 1 T5 4i i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,v Spencer Hardware 1 You, Sir, should see tl Snappy Summer Suil WE OFFER AT $10, $12.50, $15 $30.00 You should see them for the r that they are, without exception, the stylish, best tailored suits in the at our moderate prices. BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHES Never have we offered more refined. looking suits than are here in w 2UI1 2 lAJlieiUUII. X. -r..r- .-... ... c rmwreaar iyour inspection and try-on. All styles in i split straw, $1 .50 to $5.00. Company. . Salem Woolen Miltf