"&Pf DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALES!, OREGON SATURDAY, MAY SO, 1007. ' 8 , js ; s . , - .--iffmrw. ' 15c A Fee Pattern with The Stimme Qtfatterfy Style Book 15cl i A Ladles' Home Journal Pattern will be given free to nil who buy u copy of the New Summer Quar terly Stylo Hook nt the pattern counter. It contains 1C2 largo pages of fine paper, with cover in colors. It shows over 1,000 Illustrations of tho best lltlng, most stylish, simplest nnil most economical patterns over Jen own to tho Fashion world patterns of every up-to-date style for women, misses and children, and only 10 to 10 cents each? 30 pages aro devoted to illustrating new transfer patterns for embroid ery, showing methods of application. This big Quarterly is tho best Fashion Rook ever published hi Amor ten for homo dressmakers would bo n bargain at n quarter; but tho price is only 10 cents per copy, IN CLUDING nny 10-ccnt Ladies' Hromo Journal Pattern. Tho book may bo examined at the pattern coun ter. If ordered sent by mull, ndd 11 cents for postage on tho book. $1,000,003 i Dtess Goods At Much. Less Price Unusually good qualities of now and pretty fnbrlcs for sum mer wear. Thoy como In Wool Taffetas Chiffon Panama French Serge In plaids and checks In all wnnt od shades for protty sunimor gar ments. Vulucs aro regular $1.20 and $1,35. Spoclal prices reduced to . .88 Ladies' Suits AT A GREAT SAVING Strictly high grades, latest stylos, boat matorlals In LADIES' TAILORED SUITS AT A SAVING OF ONE THIRD $15.00 suits roducod to $10-00 $22.50 suits roducod to $15-00 $30.00 suits reduced to $20-00 High School Felt Jast Received Men's and Yoang Men's Fine Clothes Our showing for spring and summor excels anything hereto foro offered by this Btore. Unusually bright and abso lutely perfect In fit. Wo wnnt to show you through. Wo will not urgo you to buy. wo leavo It to you. Thoro is nothing hotter. . Lot us Bhow you. Dottor look today. $10 to $25 1 I i HAM MOCKS $1 to $6-75 SUIT CASES $2,75 to $25 I CITY NEWS I A Collection of Important Par ngrapliH for Your Consideration Souvenir Pustule Now aubJoctB todny, at Pntton's. Don't Suffer With your corns through tho hot wontlior, "when you can havo thorn removed, root and branch, absolute ly without pnln, for tho measly Bum of, 25 cents at D. II. IrvlnH nont llttlo chlropodUt parlors, Tho Salem Shoo Factory on Chemoketa SU 5-24-lw. I o'clock. Tho public Is cordially ln 'vltcd to attend those exorcises. Frank E. Churchill, Instructor. Tho Pupils Of tho Conservatory of Music wltlt Frank 13. Churchill as Instructor will glvo their comtnoncotnont oxorclscs Tuosdny at 8 o'clock In tho First ChriHtlnn church, Tho public Is cor dially invited. Western Conservatory of Music i Tho pflpllB of tho Wostorn Conser vatory of MubIc will glvo tholr com moncomont oxorclscs noxt Tuesday night nt tho First Chrlslan church nt 8 o'clock. Tho public cordially Invited. Tnki'H OITloo Today Hon. James Stool, who was recent ly appointed stnto bank exnmlnor, wub In tho city yestordny to tako his oath of olllco, and nrrango for his otllco rooms in tho stnto houso. Ho loft this morning for hla homo in Portland but will roturn noxt wook iu iiiuuu iiia iiuiiiu in uuh uuy, iui Now Volro Studli Miss Mngors will moot pupils nt hor studio In Odd rollowa' tcmplo Tuosdny, Wednesday and Thursday of ouch week. 4-25-w-s-lm No Hoi'ivt "What Is tho Bocrot of your groat Buccoas?" wiih asked Prof, llookur, will occupy na nn ofllco room No. 4 tho famous chof. "Secret, secret," In tho cnpltol building., . Ho ropllod, "1 havo never tried to koop It Bocrot, All people kuow that Missionary Address I ubo tho Mnjostlo rnugo and Cleve land's baking powdor In all domon ntrntlonB." "And how nbout tho di recting mind of Hooker?" wob asked. Well, you oun put it that way It you dc-stro, Ilockor Is too modOBt," re plied tho chof. Prof, nuokor Is cor- Miss Julia Frnzlor, Pacific const Hold socrotary for tho Womnn's Ilonrd of Home Missions, f bo In Snlom May 2Cth, and will deliver an addross In tho First Prosbytorinn church Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. MIbs Frailer comos undor tnlnly drawing crowds, Wade, Ponrco tho aiiBploos of tho Woman's MIs & Co'a storo has boon orowdod ovory slouury society. Sho la a vory lntor day this week. All domonstrntlonB .ustlng Bpoakor'und all momhors of nro mado from 2 to 5 p. in. Memorial Service Sedgwlok Post No 10, C5 with tho Womou's Hollof Corps and tho Ladloa of tho 0. A. R. will hold their momorlnl sorvlcos In tho First Christian church, corner High and Center atroota, Sunday morning, 10;30 o'clock. Tho pastor will pronch tho sermon, and tho Chris tian church chorus will raudor ap propriate muBic Tho public cor dially Invited. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist, tho church and congregation Bhould mako an ospoclal offort to avail thomsalvos of this opportunity to A. R hour hor. Sho will also addross tho Snbbath sohool and tho Chrlslan En deavor sooloty. Improved the Street Tho ontorprlslng proporty owners on Shipping Btroot In North Snlom havo boou hard at work tho past wook or moro making somo fino lm provomonts on tholr ron'dwny, Hoadod by Aldormau Goodo, Boot black Glor and Janitor Uuruh they hnvo had ton blocks from tho rail road traok down to Commerclnl 440 Chomokota street. Sorvlcos Btroot, plowed and graded and rolled Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m so that thowator will bo carried Subject of lesson sormon, "Ancient off and the Btreot bo In good pnss- aml Modorn Necromancy or Mcsmor- able, condition at all times of tho Ism and Hypnotism." Sunday school yoar. On tho part Improved they at 11 : 45 a.m. Tho Weduesday oven- count eighty abutting lots, and tho lug mooting Is hold nt S p. in. Road- entlro cost Is only $76, making tho ing room is tho church open each axpenso less than $1.00 por lot. afternoon oxcont Sunday. All nro Tho promoters havo had somo thrill- cordially invited to nttond tho ser- lug oxperlonco collecting tho monoy vlcos and tho rendlug room. I to pay tho coat, and as usual some I who dortvo th omost benefit want to CoHiHteHceuuHt Kxcrclsct 'pay tho least, .Tho result Is tho men Tho pupils of tho Westorn Cou- who started tho movo aro digging got moro thnn tholr money's worth In Improvement and knowledge of tholr nolghbors. Lot tho good work go on. Tho Oregon Strawberry At W. A. Irwin & Co., 15 contB a box. Roys Arrive Tho delegates from tho vnrlouB vnlloy towns to tho boys Y. M. C. A. conforonco havo arrived and nro ho Ing royally entertained by tho local association nnd their friends. An ex cursion to Chomawn was given thorn this nftornoon. any thoy woro shown tho dopnrtmontB of tho training Bchool and entertained by an. ex cellent program prepared by tho In dlnn Bchool mnnngemont. A banquot will bo served tonight In tho nBsocln tlon rooniB to 180 guests, nnd various entertainments nnd meetings will f)l ovory moment of tho two dnys' con vention. Fresh Ripe Si rn v berries At W. A. Irwin & Co., 15 cents a box. sorvatory; of Myalc, will glvo their ff NtwoMcoment oxorclsos In tho audi torium of tho First Christian church Tuesday oveuiug, May 28, at S up moro than their share, not to montlou tholr onorgy and labor ex pended, but thoy are a good nn turod lot, and thoy say that thoy will Salem's Factor! Tho list Is growing and the lntost to mntorlallzo Is tho Wostorn Eloctrlc Manufacturing company, Somo of Salem's host buslnoss mon nro lntor os tod lu It, and It should bo pushod to tho front, na ovory concern of this "kind properly mnnngod will bo a bonellt to ovorybody ,ln tho city. The Delicious Coffee Sorvod at tho Buppor Friday even ing by tho Prosbytorinn church was tho M&J brand kindly furnished by Wollor Uros. Those Fino lllscults Sorvod at tho Presbyterian supper Friday ovonlng woro made from Sydnoy Gold Dust flour, donntod bv Paul D. Wallace Lawronco Hofor loft this morning for Portland, whore ho will moot his brothor. Max, who Is returning from btauford unlvorslty by stoamor. Thoy will return homo Sunday night or Monday. o . Wonderful Eczema Cure. "Our little boy had eczotna lor five years," wrltos N. A, Adams, Henri etta, Pa. "Two of our homo doctors Bald the case was hopeless, hU lung being affectod. Wo then employed other doctors but no benefit resulted. By chanco we road about Electric Dltters; bought a bottle nnd soon notlcod Improvement. Wo continued this medicine until several bottles were usod, whoa our boy was com pletely cured." Beat of all blood medicine aad body butldlne health toatos, Quraaatwd at J. C. Perry drug store, 69c, The makers of the Racyclq bicycle will m? woman or child OINt i IIOUSAND DOLLARS IN f COIN who will namp. anv hirvrlo .. WlD States that is made of any better materials thai- h manv advantaees for easv running, and tuJ " distinctive features as is found in the Racycle. Wh, h? ter proof of the Racycle's .supremacy over other bfow could be given. The Ladies' Racycle is all that any lady may reasm. ably expect, a wheel that is neat in appearance iiJt weight, roomy in mounting and dismounting wiih ,: lujte protection to the skirts from getting caught in fo utA :i. i r :, 1 :. ,iaiW iiuius iiidL jiau Lii,iii aiiu 3; 11. The Cornell bicycles at $40,00 with G. & J. Tandem -.., ....v. r- -x -.v,, ..7 vuoitsi , diwie, gear or handle bar, with dropped forged head and fork cmwi hubs turned from solid bar steel, is certainly a wotf beater and must be seen to be appreciated. Other good wheels from $25.00 up. And by the way, we have a double bar machine thafs not so slow. Also a good lot of second hand wheels k select from. If you need anything in the repair line it will pay you to see us. Our tires and sundries are al ways fresh as we buy direct from the factory. FRANK J. MOORE Phone M PERSONALS. , Mrs. Snm Ernst has gone to Seattlo to reside. Attorney Richardson Is In Portland on business. II. K. Spnulding loft this morning for Portlnnd on buslnoss. Lewis Edwards wont to- Albany yostordny on business. Mlsstanrtha Ilnydon loft last ovon lHg for an extended visit In Seattle. T. II. Bolamy loft for Tncoina to day, whero ho will reside. Miss Ella Illrsch, of Portland, I? vlBltlng In tho city. MIbs Molllo Campbell loft today for a short visit In Albany. Mrs. A. Ollngor wont to Turner this morning to visit frlonds. Mr. and Mrs. J. SI. Linn went to Newport today for oshort outing, , Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Bucldlo wont to Portland todny on business, S. A. Kozer loft this morning for an ovor Sunday visit In Astoria. Miss Oro Itoby went, to Portland this morning for nn over Sunday visit. Miss Eunice Fuller left this morn ing for a visit to her sister, Mrs. L. E. Ranch. Kola Nels, tho well known hop man of Albany, Is In tho city on busi ness. President Colemnn, of tho Wlllam etto unlvorslty, wont to Portland on buslnoss this morning. H George Hutchinson, after a visit horo, left yesterday for his home In Pasndonn, California, f Mrs. L. Dovoo nnd, llttlo grand daughter fent to Portland yesterday for nn ovor Sunday visit. ; William Clearwater nfter visiting Salem relatives and friends has re turned to his homo In Tncoma. I Mrs. S. M, Gorowo returned lat evening to her homo In Portland aft-l er visiting Salem friends. Mrs. William Galloway was elect ed president of tho Rebekahs at La Grande, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wyant left this morntng for a fow days visit in Port land. Mrs, Ray Gilbert and Mrs. B. O. Shucking returned this morning from a visit in Portland Mrs. William Looney who has been vlstlpg Mrs. Whit Holraan, left this morning for her homo -in Jefferson. Mrs, K. T. Mauldlng, of Sllverton, Is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. A. Kauffman ot this city. Mrs. S. Guy Illrsch, of Portland, Is visiting Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Ulrsc of this city. Mrs. Roso Promt nnd sister, Miss Kattlo Shelly, wont to Stnyton today to visit relatives. Mrs. Thompson and daughters, Miss Alcno nnd Lou, loft this morn ing for Portland for a short visit to frlonds. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Spain, who havo been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Bollnmy, loft thlB morning for tholr homo In Philomath. Mrs. 0. H, Kylo wont to Jefferson this morning, near which placo she will conduct religious sorvlces to morrow. Mrs. M. Jt Stout, who has been visiting her father, W. H. McFaddon, returned yesterday to hor homo In Portland. Mrs. C. E. Bnbcock, MIbs Myrtle Smith nnd Harry Wood went to Port lnnd yesterday to attend tho Advent ist convention which Is being hed there. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. Van'Fleot arriv ed yesterday from a visit In CorvnN lis. After visiting frlonds and rela tives horo they will return to their homo in Portland, Professor A. Angerman of Port land, who has been In tho city on business, loft this morning for Wood burn. Ho was formerly a resident of this city and connected with the Cherrlngton music Btoro. Mrs. F. W. Leyner nnd daughter, Miss May, nnd Mrs. J. W. Young went to Portland last evening to witness tho laying of tho corner stone of tho I. 0. 0. r.Wfcl today. II. C. Scbellhout, is? of tho poultry deptrtwit i I Btato fair, Is In the cttrfc)f land to arrange for tht ostium hlblt this fall. HeeipKHdW ns well pleased with tie arrangement of the poultry 1 Miut Tross Jtoft la1 elected to tho positloa ol tKj tho primary grade of tti ! school. Nor wlcii Unk Fkf Tnutfiice i Prnnlc Meredith. RMeJ Office with Wia."1 129 Commercial stmt ..MONEY TO L( TMOWJtl Over Laddft Bash's U NEW T0DA1 .J I .- . 111 ,,or Sale-It , " ' 0 screen aoo ,, screens, call ai Works. Tey . show ou mt Going Fast show you. Work. Applf "$ mrr"1"" ltftc Xk 6 THAT IS THE WAY OUR FIXE LINE OF VEGET.l 11LES AND FItUITS MOTE ON SATURDAYS AND WE ADVISE YOU GHABASO WE CARRY THE HEST TO BE TO PLEASE YOU. HEMOIBER THE rUC Moir Grocery Co- 81 4, dK .4 . A. .:4ik ' vW