DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 9ALKM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1007. ' - 7 ? i ure P"scribe vcry little, if any, alco- rf CI C1VCY hoith,cse dys. They prefer strong tonics UL LI U,KJU and alteratives. This is all in kcenlne with J JL J modern medical science. It explainswhy iln V ycr.s SarsaParilla is now made entirely M lJL free from alcohol. Ask vnur am TC A k. . . wr,wte yfjAIco. Trr k . . " j - itZfiZZHZ JKSP" J ' w nbm J. O. Arr Co,. tow.ll. Kui, th.rarnnUiofVno,;py.".?'.a EW YORK FASHION LETTER W GOWNS FOR GIRL GRADUATES fives, Ribbons, Flounces and All the Pretty Things Described (Fashion Lottor.) New York, May 25. Next to the jdlng dress, porhnps thoro Is tlmo when a girl likes to havo a eo and generous hand In the buying making of a dress moro.than tho to in which sho Is to graduate in. course, now ono graduates from any departments but tho ono 1b the Bt when sno goes out from tho tool room for good, bids farow3ll school days nnd regular study brk, and begins her llfo at woman's rk. It Is not to bo wondored nt at tho girl fools that this ono ss should bo something out of ordinary, It marks a period of life ended and tho beginning of it which is now. Sho is on her rn feet so to speak. iTho graduation gowns shown this timer nro undeniably beautiful durIi for tho moat important ovont 'tnc joung girl's life. I Of courso tho most sultnblo of ttcrlnls lies among tho slmplo brics, ouch as mull, silk mull, or- Indy, dotted swlss, French lawn, bl!o If something moro olaborato desired point d'esprlt or mousse-. ho do solo suggest thomsclvcs, yet en these last nro moro adapted to girl who 1b over tho tconB. Vory ft light-weight woolon goods nro to suitauio ns tuo peculiarly soft rect of n woolon material has a arm not to bo found In cottons, rho sheerest laco and ombroldor nro used for theso frocks. Somo rrow width, others In brond unco depth, of finest batisto cm- Dldcry, of Vnlonclonncs or Chan By Incc. Narrow lacos and inscd kas of embroidery mntch tho brond Items Lnco. Indeed, forms nn portnnt part In thoso conflrmn- drcsses on both skirt and Jit. Horizontal tucks trim tho Mora of tho skirts, sometimes crnnMtg with tho Insortlon. Tuck- Is Mkcd for trimming tho wnlstB. (For fho wool dross albatross wns cd ith yoko of lnco Insertion. lie sleeve bnnds, fancy bolero and Immlng bnnd of tho skirt nro of blto silk decorated with hand cm- oldcry, Narrow frills of laco finish wrist band nnd neck. A sash of bito silk finished tho costume. This . C'jc'iirao that tho girl will find both pretty for a graduation dress and vory servicablo for evening wear hereafter. If a lighter material is desired muslin or organdy could bo used or a silk used, but tho wool dress will bo found to servo many purposes. A second dress wns made from whlto lady's cloth, tho sleeves and uppes edges of the wnltlt front being embroidered and trimmed with silk frilling. Tho gulmpo Is of whlto fig ured Brussels net and tho glrdlo is of liberty silk. A whlto cashmere frock combined with whlto dotted not would bo pretty for a rnthor young girl, and would bo furtiior enhanced by hand embroidery. In each of theso cases tho yokc3 for gulmpcs should bo rcmovnblo so as when tho wnrmer weather comes thoy could no replaced by thoso of vory thin goods or In tho evening not at all. A gown suitable for a young wom an from eighteen to twonty-ono yoars of ago could bo dovolopcd from whlto or croam India silk with shoulder pieces and yoko sections, also sleovo bands of point do Vonlso lnco. Nnrrow frills of whlto chiffon odgo tho collar and sleeves. A cruBh glrdlo of silk encircles tho waist and Is fringed with a rosctto In tho back. Elbow sleeves aro used as most ap propriate whoro glovoB should bo used anyway in tho public oxorclsos. This is a gown that with vory lltllo chnngo will mnko nn excellent even ing gown- Intor on. A charmingly effective costumo of whlto silk mull shirred nt tho wnUt lino to form a dcop glrdlo In prlu coss stylo. Tho yoko Is of all ovrr laco and tho lower lccvos nro of tho samo mntorlal. Croam whlto rajah could bo used for this model of tho young womnn is oldor or It might bo organdy over a lining of printed cotton organdy with a sash of whlto or somo prominent color In tho printed lining. Whlto canvass cloth makes a most attractive gown trimmed with narrow frilling of whlto silk. Tho upper pnrt of tho dross decorated with hand embroid ery Is whlto silk. And tho yoko and J collar of fancy whlto tucked silk. Ono mother who hnd always main tained that a school girl should bo drensod In tho plainest nnd simplest kind of clothes, upon her daughter's graduation gavo her as a gift a' com plcto outfit, which would do for tho many functions that woro in nrdori during tho oxorclsos in which ns n graduato and nn honor student hor dnughtor had to tako pnrt In, and so plnnnod It that sho was well fitted out to start as a wago oarnor hor solf. First and foromost oamo tho grad uation dross which was iu tho fit turo to do Borvlco as nn ovonlog dross. It wns devolopod from China silk with a vory full skirt of alter nating rows of plonts and Bhlrrlngs. Tho waist was of tho supllco order with shlrrlngs on tho Bhouldors and had In addition to tho V of laco and tucked silk several others to mako n chango with. Two or three dlfforont styles of snshes and belts and collars nnd cuffs make as It did for this dress qulto a change. For tho cinss recitation thoro was a very pretty foulard brown dotted with whlto and trimmed with cream whlto lace, which harmonized so woll with tho fair hair and brown eyes of tho girl who wns to wear It. As it was made In princess stylo again In tho upper blouso there wero sev eral changes ono of filet laco, ono of cream silk, two of tho daintiest of lingerie blouses. As tho recoptlon was held In tho afternoon (beforo six o'clock), thoro wns a soft plnquo hat of fine brnld bent and dented to suit tho fnco of its owner. It was In a cronm shade or straw and trim mod with brown velvet bows nnd green foliage through which peeped llttlo pink rosebuds. Long cream gloves were worn at tho recoptlon, but thero wns also a pair of brown for othor occasions; brown shoes nnd stockings woro added, and groat pnlns had .boon tnken to match tho shades of brown nnd cronm used In tho costumo. This gown wns lntond ed for calling, nnd Informnl ovonlng nffntrs or dinners. Another dress that was used for a morning affair given by tho clnss was a bluo linen trimmed with whlto bnnds or om broldory. It was fashioned nftor tho brotollo modo, nnd tho ombroldory was used to outline tho front pnncl formed by tho box pleat In tho front and on tho brctellcs. Tho blouio wns of a dotted Swiss decorated with tucks only and vory nnrraw Vnlon clnos nt tho collar and cuffs. Tho glrdlo wns of bluo llnon with slmy latod buckles bnck and front of pice- VI o W. fctau UilllflUIUUl Jl d IHULVJ - gorlo omhroldorod round hnt was tho f tho CurIs hotol Bang a song nccompanlmont to this dross, wlthjnml ono who Is known as "Chump" glovos, a whlto parasol ombroldored, delivered a speoch. Not bolng sup round Its edges nnd whlto cnnvnss Pllod with monoy tho mon doposltod shoos nnd stockings. Then thero tobacco Bocka nnd othor porBonnl was a travollng dross ndded to this, prpporty In tho comont cornor. outfit of bluo sorgo ornnmontod with mings. A whlto Btillor shnpo trim mings. A whlto snlor nhnpo trim Sleep And Rest Every movement of tho body consumes energy. So does mental effort. En ergy is supplied by tho nerves. It follows that physical or mental exhaus tion simply means an over-draft on tho nerves. Nature restores energy tlu'ough rest and sleep.' iYou eanuot sleep with tired nerves. Dr. Miles' Nervine jsoothes tho irri tation and restores nerv ous energy. "Although I havo lived ncnrlr TO year-.. 1 luivo atood up nRnltMt tcntl inonlnl for mibtlentlon, but the un rqualctl exccUfnco of Dr. AIIImi' Ho Rtorntlva Nervine, nn n nmllclno for Inherent Insomnia. Intcn-inrtl by lon realilence In n hlch altitude com pell mo to recognise Its euperlorlty over ever)- other medicine I have ever used for nervptunpon nnd uleeplejwnriw. I feel nuro thnt tho Nervine In free, from Injurious opinio found In tnont medl cJnoB for Inpomntn, nnd enn conoelont louidv recommend It to tho nred unit nervous. ' MllB. W. It. FUIIHMAN. Colorado BprltiKs, Colo. . Dr. Mltei' Nervine It told by your druoaUt, who will auarantta that the flrtt bottle will benent. If It tall,, ha will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Mi.l)ttll'llltel4Hfrmtt Wl 19 I tHilfJUHl CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT i sriaitmi tnHw 4mnM itiiiiiii8i nmw rox RAUS. For Sale Slx-ycnr-old maro, weight li85. Inquire of Win. McFar lane, Fashion stables. G-24-3t For Snlo nml Rent, Good six-room house, threo bedrooms, dining room, parlor and toilet, largo lot, on East Forry Btroot. Also flvo- room houso west of Marlon Bqunro, ono six-room houso on North Com mercial and Gains avenue, nnd ono on North Winter Btroot, flvo rooms. Inquire of J. 0. Schtiltz, 492 Stato Btroot. 6-23-lwk MISCKLliANHOUS. I'lnno Tuncr L. L, WoodsVpIiiiBd . pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Lcavo orders at Geo. 0. WilU' muslo store, Salem. a- -lyr For Sale 040 acres, mostly Int proved, $40 per aero; 278 ncros with good Improvomonts, stocked with horses, cows nnd snoop, also all farming Implements. I1G.000: also 253 acros, 150 acres tn culti vation, bnlnnco In tlmbor, $3S por aere: 10 acres onst of Salem, 12000. Inqulro of J. C. Bchultr, 402 Stato Btroot. 6-23-lwk For Snlo Chei 5-rootn houso and lot, woll fenced, nnd chicken houto tn WoHt Snlom, for $300. Como quick If you want It. Dorby & Wlllson. C-22-lwk lr Sale Salom-Indopoudonco-Mon- mouth Btngo lino, fully oqulppod, Inqulro of Capital Commission Company, Saloni. 4-5-tf llt'ltl I'ornor Stoito Service. The convicts, who woro working at tho fair grouiidB, yesterday laid tho corner stone to ono of tho Inrgo pig pons with npproprlato oxorclsos. It Is said that ono of ' tho mon For Salc Old papers, 10 conts por hundrod. Inqulro Journal office I Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which haa beea iu ilso for over 30 years, has homo tho BlfpiAturo or 0 nnd has hecn mado under his per- jcVtV2 sonnl supen-Ialon slnco Its Infancy. vf7 eucA4ti. Allowno ono todecclvo you In thl. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-os-good" ar but Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho heai o AnCuits and ChlUlreu Experience nguhist Expert .nt. What is CASTORIA Castori.-; U a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops unci Soothing Syrups. It Is Ploasnnt. lb eotitalns uelther Opium, Blorphino uor other Xnrcotlo eubstnncc. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms lud nllays Foverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation U.d Flatulency. It asiullatcs tho Food, regulates tho tctnnchaud Dowels, gh ing healthy and natural sleep. V '- Childreus Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend. k.ini HASTORA always yy BM tna Signature 01 ,-X Wi The Kind You Have Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Year. Tin muiiiwmww",,tB''w"M jrj. 7rr.A , VZ CGUfA skirt for oxtrn waists, an 1-ton Jnok- ot, In black Bilk, a raincoat, umbrel la, with all the accessories and un derwear noadpd In any girl's outfit. It wuh a wisdom on the pnrt of tho mothor to thus save for tho girl and Bend hor out with those things tho world domnnds of a woman. It wns perhaps a llttlo amusing to watch this girl who had novor bofore worn n roally long skirt and now putting up hor hnlr for good, tuklng on tho nlrs of a womnn and at first sho wns a llttlo solf-consclous, but ns tho claims and expectation of the womnn from others woro forced up on hor, she realized horsolf nnd gradually took Qn the mnnnor of the woman, left the fair girl behind hr and rogatnod hor polso. If tho mo' ti er's lips quivered at tho loss of the girl, her oyes woro proud of the woman beforo hor and the girl wtu worth It. Ono ot tho Innovations of the sa eon Is tho lingerie blouso sleeve well down to tho hand, whllo the sltwve ot tho little Jaoket worn over It U a mere capo or drapery anything but a sleove. Dlack Is bolng used extensively In Paris on dressy occasions, but the all black gown Is far from blng tko simple thing It onco'was. CATH E R INK MANN-PA VZ A XT. Relief From Rheumatic Pain. "I sufforod with rheumatism for mod with bluo ribbon nnd ouIUb wus,ovcr two yenrs," says Mr. Holland worn with blnck glovos and black Curry' a Patrolman, of Koy West, shoos and stooklngs. Tho suit was n Fln- "Somotlmes It Bottled In my "lrlmn f'linn" mn.lnl Tlilo anlt . KnOOS nnu IntllOa HIO BO I COUld llttrd- a most welcome gift, for that girl tt walk ftt other tlmos It would bo tho end of tho school years linsfa(,n my foot nni1 l,ttntl o I was In decont suit to appear at homo In 'or capncltood for duty, Ono night whoa hnB boon economical enough to havo l wnB ,n ovcro pain and lame from tho monoy to got it with. I11 W w,fo wont to tho drug Btore ' hero nnd came back with a bottle ot To this outfit camo also a houso chamborlnln's Pain Balm. I was drossof taffotamndo In Jumpor fash.ruuuoj wjtu lt an(1 found the patn Ion In ono of tho now checkB In gray md noarly gono during tho night. I nnd blnck, a llnon Biilt In whlto, a kppt on UBlnB u ror R mtIo moro now wrapper of flowered muslin, a J than two wookB and found It droye Kiinunn, a iiinunuu jncnei, a vuuu ij,0 rheumatism away. I haTO not had any troublo from that dlsoase for over throo months." For Bnlo by Dr. Btono's drug storo. o Stock for Honttlr. A Ilakorsriold iitook dealer rooont ly oontranted to deliver 15,000 bond of cattle In Sonttln by the llrst of Juno, and during tho past wook tunny train loads of California stock have passed through this olty en routo for tho north, o My ltrat FrlAiil. Aloxanucr Hontoc, who Ilvos on rural routo 1, Fort Kdward, N. Y says: "Dr. King's Now Dlscovory Is my bost earthly frlond. It cured m of asthmn six yenrs ago. It has alio porfprmed a wonderful euro of In clplont consumption for my son's wtfo. Tho first bottlo ended tho tor rlblo cough, and this accomplished, tho other imyptoms left ono by one, until sho was porfectly woll. Dr. King's New Discovery's powor orir coughs and coltfa Is simply marvel ous." No othor remedy has ever equaled it. Fully gunranteod by J. C. Perry, druggist; 60c and 11.00. Trial bottle froe. o l'Min !ncorp)i-jl. The following firms filed articles of Incorporation with tho secretary of statu yeitttnlay: Tho Holeomb Heatty Company nt Oregon with the prlHelput oirtoe In Oakland, Callforaln. nml eapltal stonk of 2S.00, has bMK laeorpornt.1 under the laws of Oregon. John C Ulll 'of Oaklsad U fraltnt aiul Harry I. Holeowb of Oaklaad is s rotary, and Thomas Collls of Klam ath appears as vle-preWent of the oonoeru. Articled of lnoorporatlon Wore filed for ta eotnpaoy la Cali fornia on May 7, 1907. Co-Operative Christian Federation Irrigation Land it Power Company ha been Incorporated with capital stock fixed at 1160.000. The head otflco will bo In Portland. O. O. Al bright, Davjd Loppert and J. C. Brf gleston. W. O. Morris, 8. Wt fltrykor and Geo. Utes of Portland bare filed ar ticles ot Incorporation for the Pine JJult Baking Powder Co. Tbe capital stock ot tke company Is 110,000 and tao prl&clyl oc will be la Butte Fails, Ortos, Vut the board ot di Why Pay Rent Whon you can buy a nlco homo nt 580 N. Llborty St., on tonus to suit tho purchnaor. Addroas C. II. Durggraf, Albany, Oro. 5-17-tf. For Snlo. McCormlck mowor, good as now, nt a bnrgaln If takon at oiico. Inqujro at Orogon Olonna Faint Co., High nnd Church stroots. D. II. Wyant. 5-20-2wk For Sale. Dostrnblo proporly for Balo at a bargain in Yow Park, dor nor of 12th and Cross stroots, con taining ono hnlf block of land, with spring., brnneh running through tho plnco, plonty of small fruit, with good house, barn nnd outbuildings, nnd both city and woll wntor, tho placo. For tornia Inqulro at C-20-lwk FOR RK.NT N' For Rent Bovon-room house, hot and cold water, nloctrlo light, bats room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrelb or, GOO North High streot. 3-25-tf Coflcrete Work. Get my price eldowalks, curbs, soptlo tasks sad cement work ot any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. ML Ward, Highland add. Phone S9. IMC Uatto A Wewtkroth Fine wla, liquors and cigars. We handle Uts eolobrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing bf constantly oa drough. foatM Commorclal street 8-S-lyr mum wi WW Salem Iron Work, Founder, xaa chlnlits and blacksmiths. Kama facturera ot all klsda ot sawsalll machinery. Hop and fruit drytag stovos, etc. Manufacturer ot Um Balem Iroa Works Hop Frets. SAlcm Rose & LuhiIot Co. Remered from South Salem to 14 th street, noar the 8. P. depot. Boxes, Berry, Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit Evaporators. Phoae 201. KulArgcd Our meat market on But State streot tins been doublod In site aad wo are hotter prepared than ever ta serve customers. Prompt servlee aad the best of meats our motto. Call or phone 189. B. B. Kdwards, Pre, Balcnt In(b?pcmloHce Monnioath Stago lino. Loavoa Indepsndaatw dally (oxcopt Sunday) at 8:99 o'clock a. m. Returning, leaves Bnlom from Willamette Hotel at S p. m., arriving at Indopendeaee In tlmo for 6:16 motor for Mes motit)i and Dallas, Phone 'Mali 170. Wo Aro Cash 1'HrclHtaers Of poal try, eggs, and all kinds ot farm produce. Berry crates made ay In unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co., 207 South Com mercial street, Balem. Phoae Mali 170. la Arres FlnB soil, half timber, half cultivation, l ealle frost Balem, fine unobstructed view ef Balem, river, Mountains, ete. tlrely enclosed with aew wire fonce. House and barn old. As plos, ponrs, plums, prunes, peaes os, chorrloa, berries full bear lag, This Is for you, Mr. Bargain Hast en Call on or write (o 'H.,1' ear Journnl. - 5-10-Jwk. MURICATi. - Arthur Von Jeact Tcackor of pi ano; touch, tochnlch, interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory courso Advanced studonts propnrod for publlo appcaranco. Rosldonco 068 Center St. Tel. Main 620. 2-28-tf. FOUND. I'diiml Trunk koy. Owner can have samo nt this olllco. 6-2331 Ibntnro of Ointments for catarrh 'Flint Contain Mtrrcury, as morcury will surely destroy tks sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing It through tho mucous surfaeea. Such articles should never be used except on prescription from reputa ble physicians, as tho damage they will do Is ten fold to the good yon can possibly derivo from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contains no mercury, and Is taken In ternally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken Internally and made Iu Toledo, Ohio, by F J. Cheney k Co. Testimonial free, Bold by all druggists. Price, 76s per bottle. Take Hill's Ftsslly Fills for com-eilpttlea. iXMiaiCtt. Forvatcr of America Court Bhvr wood Foresters, No. 19, Meets Tuesilay in Hurst hall, Btato street Leo Abblo, O. H.J A. L. Drowa, V. H. A. J. Amlersoa. Contractor aad Builder, 416 Court streot. Phoae G4, G-ll-tt BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any ether bread, yot the price Is so algaer. For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA RAKKR7. Thomas 4 Cooley, Frops. SALEM WATER COMPANY OmCB OITY MALL, For water wrvlus apfly at eMea Bills pavtula mostklv U adrsM Central Lodge No. 1H, K. ot I Castle Hall In Holman block, cor ner Btato and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each Week at 7:30 p. m. Oscar Johnson, O. 0.; 13. H. Andorson, K, of R. and 8. DrlAYMKN, CuhuiiIhs Bros. Traaafer CowpaMy- All kinds ot transfer work doae. Furnituro snd pianos boxed ready for shipment. Prompt service Is our motto. Bland end office at, 263 South Commorclal street. Phono 310, Residence Phoae 911, SAUK AND DOOR FAOTOJLim VV.w-.rfV - Modem Woodaten of Aiuerlr Ore gon Cedar Camp No, 6246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman ball. W. W. Hill, V. O.j F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Meet every Frl day night at 7:30, in Holman ball J. A. Dickey, C. B. P. L. Frailer, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union,- Blck, ace! dent and pension Insurance; S3, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agents wanted. J. H. O. Montgomery, supreme organiser, Box 432 Balem, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, secrectary, 646 Btato street WAMTXD. Wanted To borrow flOOO oa the btat of real estate security. Ap ply to "J. P.," csro Journal ostc. 4-SO-tf Hlt CWk Prk Paid for cklck ess at Willamette Hotel. 4-19-tt Wa4e4 Boy to rua elevator, la qclr at WUlaisette hotel. 1-lMf rrsnk M. Brewsv-Maaufaeterer el Mtb, doors, nouldlags. All klals i bouM SnlA aad kard weed wera!. Frost sUset, Ut, Mate aad Oeert Make all eoroplsfats at Ik eSJlce, TIiihi. M. Ilarr Plumbing, hot wates and steam heating and tiiiala-f, 164 Commercial street. Faae Main 192. 3-1-ly M. J, FeUel Plumbing, staaai aa4 gis sttlog, But43r to Kaox I Murpbr, 220 Commercial str4. 'Pbone Mala 17. FOR SALE! Wo are now Iu a position to sasks prices oa vacant lots, also houses and lots In Highland addltloa, aleag the Salem-Portlaad new electrt We. This property has sot Veea ef-wed for sate before since the eomsUtlo. of tho road, aad we hare ose ex ceptionally good buys. Derby & WiWson rector will t la FortUsd.