DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALBM, OftEGON SATURDAY, 3L1Y 25, 1007. 6 f WMfcttWIrtfcltoWMwglMMMiW THERE COME TIME f ' in the business life of everyone when they desire a change. That time has now arrived in ur existence. To make a compete closeout by the time our lease expires eVery ar ticle in our large establishment will be offered in part or as a whole at cost. Fixtures included. THIS GREAT CLOSEOUT SALE Affords a splendid opportunity for intending purchasers to make a wonderful saving, This is not a scheme to work off trash and then resume business, but a bonafide propo sition and will be carried out in full. Do not delay. Do not put off purchasing until the ery thing you wanted is sold. The prices we make will not permit of time payments, Terms will be strictly cash. Til e House Furnishing Co, J 77 LIBERTY STREET IMWWWWWWWWIW miiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiniHiiiiiiiiiii R. G. Hunter Can Show YOU How to Earn More 11. Q. Hunter roprenentu a $7,000,000 Institution whoso solo nlm ia to rnleo tho snlarlos of ninbltlous mon to raise ,your Nilttry. Ho can show you how to onrn raoro. "What docs this moau to you? If you nro an nvorago wago onrnor, It menna a va cntlon oach summor with pny, a bnnk account, and numerous lit tlo luxurloB. Tho hlgh-Balarlod mon Is omployod by tho month or tho year. Ho has regular vacations with full pay and hla hours aro Bhort. Ilia oarnlugi mnko him Indopondont. Tho INTERNATIONAL CORUKSPONDENCE SCHOOLS, of Boranton, Pn., can mnko a hlgh-snlarled man of you. With their nselstnuco, enrpontors havo bocomo architects, minors havo bocomo inlno Inspectors, approntlcos havo bocomo mechanical and oloctrlcal onglnoora. Would you llko to nocuro ono of t'.oao lucrative posl tlonsT Thon tnko your pencil NOW nnd wrlto n postal to R. G. HUNTER I. C. S. Representative Room 1 8 Main 451 Lndd & Bush Bldg., Salem, Ore. 1 1 n ! i i t m m m 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 m i n i i i m i m 1 1 1 1 1 m Hardwood Floors , In Cans Spread them on your old floors Ith a good brush, and hac an ujMo-dne reception y room, dining-room, hall or parlor. natural woou nnisn, tougn, elastic and Ottrablfc, Varno-Lac exactly Imitate all fine woods, no matter how old (lie iitfftt to be stained. The only article made that require r tlW ' produce cood results. Avoid disappointment by rfMfectft to asK for Varno-Lac. Atm White LcM. Color WorlvOttrvMfcfel aJMHjb mms 4Iw o y i . A Tenclicr'H College Arrnngomonto havo boon mndo by tho mnnngomont of tho Wlllnmottb University for n dopartmont which will bo known na. tho teacher's col lege Professor Kirk who was re cently appointed to tho chnlr of Eng lish In tho university will bo dean ot tho collogo and will conduct tho de partment ns an ndvancod courso for tonchors. Tho grades and work dbovo tho normal or acndomlc couruo will bo taken up for tho benefit ot those who wish to fit themselves for tho teaching of higher studies. o Good Words for Chnntbcrlnlu's Cough Remedy. Pooplo ovorywhoro tako pleasuro in testifying to tho good qualities of Chamborlnln'a Cough Roraedy. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md writes : "I wish to toll you that 1 can recommend Chnmborlaln'a Cough Remedy. My llttlo girl, Cathorlne, who Is two yeara old, has boon taking this romody whonovor sbo has had a cold sinco sho wna two months oil. About a month nga I contracted a dreadful cold myself, but I took Chamborlaln's Cough Roraedy nnd wns Boon ns woll as evor." This rem edy Is for salo by Dr. Stono's drug Btoro. jywmwwmwwwiwwiwwwwwMnwnwwwwwwtiH PORTLAND GENERA ELECTRIC COMPANY rmm GEO. B. JACOB FRONT AM) IINM STItKMTtf. JfORTU SALMM, Their Reason. Tho Proachor Havo you special rates for clorgymon? tho iiotoi uiorK vos, sir; wo chnrgo thorn a dollnr extra. Tho Proachor Dollar extra! Why? Tho Hotel Clerk They don't pat ronlzo tho bar. Exchange. o Scod Grumbllnj;. If you suffer from Rheumatism or pains, for Ballnrd'B Snow Liniment will bring quick relief. It la a sure euro for Sprains, Rhoumntism, Con tracted Muecloa and all pains and within tho roach of all. Price 25c. 50c, $1.00. C. R. Smith, Tonohai Tex., writes: "I havo used Ballard'ti Snow Llnlmont In my family for years and havo found it a fine rom edy for all pains nud aches. I rec ommend It for pains In tho chest" Sold by D. J. Fry. tv Call for nida. Bids will bo rocelved by tho City Recordor up to 5 o'clock p. m Monday. May 20, 1907, for tho con struction of a cement concrete walk on Twelfth street, In Salem. Oreon In front of the south 45 feet ot lot No. 1, In block No. 3, In Yow Park addition to tho City ot 8alem, Ore gon. " W. A. MOORES, -- Records. i.1 !Pff Have you an Electric Fan ordered for Summer? They cost little or nothing to operate , f meter basis. Place vour order now for future A . .. ... .. : thpc&hl x si). iv nki- ..-.at- ..nr.i tiu wrr ill '" : iiy. vj uui wan uiiiii vw I dition of the man above. I CALL UPON US AT OUR lJ OFFICE AND WAITING ip1 CORNER COMMERCIAL AND STATED WAWiataMMMMMMMMWMtWMMMMtMtW