2 DAILY OAPfTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 2fi, 1007. " , ' 1 1 JHOFER BROS Ptffettsfrgg an Proprietors E. IIOFER, Editor. A. P. nOPER Manager. n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 a i m-H i ih THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT". AND NO DEGRADHD LABOR. GOOD OLD SUNNY SIDE UP. Old Sunny Sldo Up, ho used to say: "Yes, things arc a llttlo bit dark today, . But just a touch of Varm Bunshlno Will mako this old world look mighty One, And protty soon It will bo bo bright That you'll bo glad you're alive, all right." Old Sunny Sldo Up, ho used to say: "Tho work was a llttlo bit hard today, But It's good for. folks to havo lots to do', And tho pay, somo day, will bo better too, ' And anyway, when you've dono your work It's good to feel that you didn't shirk." Old Sunny Sldo Up, ho used to say: "Tho luck eeoniB a llttlo bit tough today, But It never docs any good to mopo ,' Whllo tho holpfu'lloBt thing In this world la hope, And you bet your llfo you can't go wrong If you trust In tho Lord and' plug along." Old Sunny Sldo Up, ho did his boat; Ho worked and hoped till ho went to rest; Ho novcr had rated a groat Buccess Ab viewed In a worldly light, I guess, But when ho loft ub, I daro to say, Ho went right homo to tho brighter day. Kansas City Times. iiPUBLIC SCHOOLS; HIIIIIHIIIIMIIMIIMM CENTRAL AMERICAN TROUBLES. Thoro nooins to bo no let up of tho diHturbancos among tho turbulent llttlo alleged republics of Central America, and apparently thoro novor -will bo until MEXICO TAKES POSSESSION OK THOSE COUNTRIES AND REDUCES Til KM TO PEAO ABLE STATES OF THAT REPUBLIC. It Is roportod that Mexican troops nro now In motion toward tho 'Guatemalan boundary, nnd It Is to bo hoped that they will not Btop un til thoy reach tho Panama lino. No one can "dony that tho right of conquost still exists, although mod ern civilization domnnds that It bo exorcised with somo doforenco to tho equities of tho caso nnd tho oplnlouof mankind. Butt If tho United Stntos hns tho moral right to Intcrveno nnd main tain ordor In Cuba, Moxlco has a far cloaror mornl right to Intcrveno nnd OHtabllsh peacablo conditions In'tho llttlo countries bordering on hor territory. THE EXTENSION OF MEXICO TO THE ISTHMUS OF PANAMA "WOULD BE WELCOMED BY THE WOULD. Tho pooplo of nil theso countries aro of tho samo mixed stock. Th old langungo Is thq samo nnd their Inws nnd Institutions similar. Mexico was onco revolutionary, but has outgrown It. It Is n Htablo republic, growing In matorlnl prosperity, and hns tho re--apoct of tho world. And, tho Hoouer Bho tnkes ovor Central America tho bettor. o LAWS ARE ENFORCED. II. Clay Pierce, oil mngnnto, will havo to go to Texns for trial on tho charge of porjury, under a ducUion of Judgo Adnms of tho United States Supreme court. That PIEItCE DOES NOT WISH TO TAKE ANY CHANCER is indi cated by tho fact that an appeal was taken both to tho United States court of appeals and to tho Biipromo court of tho United States. Bonds were given In both appeals. When extradition Is Bought In n enso whoro a man Is CHARGED WITH HAVING, SEVEN VEARS BEFORE, COMMITTED PEIMURY, In nn nflhlavlt that his company wns not In any pool or triiBt In rostrnlnt of trade, tho day of law onforcomont Is mtrqly nt hand. o GUOW FI.OWEHS. There In no roanou why anyone should fall to havo a garden In theso dnys. Novor wore plants, seeds and bujlH so Inoxponslvu as now; never wns thoro Hiuih u multitude of vnrlotlos from which to soloct, and novor would u dollar go ho far In stocking a llowor garden. Think of nix ton roses for flfty coats- Think of eight choice hybrid parpotual roses for a slnglo dollar! Think of savoii choice ohryRanthemums for ono dollar! Think of twvnty-llvo packages of (lower seeds for a dollar! Enough TO HAVE A SUCCESSION OF BLOOM FKOM MAY UNTIL NOYEMIIKH. Look ovor tho dorlsls catalogues, if yon havo not alrondy done flo, nnd you will bu surprised to discover how much a slnglo dollar will pur clmau. Tho time Is past when ono cannot afford to havo flowors you cannot afford not to havo any. Thoro Is in bright llttlo woman, tho motlvor of flvo ohlldron, whoso husband' salary is so small that whon tho babies nro clothed and fed, tho runt paid and tho other monthly bills settled, thoro Is ronlly nothing loft for anything olso. Hut THE BIT OF FltONT YARD IS AfAVAYS BRIGHT WITH VOW HKS, and ovory tin can that goos Into tho houso comoa out again to hold n slip or a plant of somo sort, and tha mlHtross of thU protty llttlo gar don told mo ono day that all hor plants and sooda enmo from her "rag hag." "I save every scrap of old rags nnd ovory bit of old carpet for my rK img. i uvuu nvu uui pupors uiui uouios aim auytluug and ovory- thing that tho Junk mnu will glvo mo ovon a cout for; and ovory cent I got In this way 1 save for my plant fund. You seo that lovely tea rose? 1 got It for my last empty Hour barrel; and that Bplondld fuchsia enmo from tho salo of a doxon old bottles." "Whoro thoro's a will thoro's n way," and it takos a woman to provo tho truth of this old adage. Tho invtwtmont of a Blnglo dQllnr will glvo a y.lorlous roturn in flow ors, and tho rare of thorn will add tho bloom of tho ro.o to tho cheek, and good health as well as llowors will rosult from tha garden Investment. High School. There Is n very lnrgo class leaving the high school this year, thero be ing 42 graduates. Tho minimum requirement for graduation is 15 credits, a credit rep resenting ono hour's work dally for nlno months. Following aro tho names of tho Juno graduates: Chas. B. Harrison, Agnes Moore, Florence Prince, Alta Altman, Bculah Clarke, Paul, Miller, Alonzo Per kins, Alfred Schrame, Frank Bar ton, Theodoro Kindle, Graco Lick, Robert Paulus, Edna Savage, Lcolmo S. Skalfe, Mabel Bradford, Rex. A. Turner, Henrietta Iloysler, Alice Mc- Cauley, Ross Mclntryo, Chester Moores, Ralph Moorcs, Ralph St. Pierre, Claro Vlbbort, Etta Welch, Mildred Baglcy, Helen Colvln, Ward Flshor, Eunnno Craig, Paul John son, Etta Melson, Rebecca Miles, Corlnno Miller, William Mott, Glen Nlles .Edith Ragan, Eva Starkey, Harold Smith, Sophia Catlln, Edith Bellinger, Ralph Cornise, Mildred Perkins nnd Lelah Bell. A teachers' meeting wns hold nt the high school yesterday afternoon for tho purposo of preparing for tho cloao of tho school year. East School. Tho attendance at tho East school In tho primary grades Is somowhat crippled on account of tho measles. East school will observd Memorial day on Wednesday, tho program starting nt 2 p. m. A collection of (lowers will bo so licited and turned ovor to tho G. A. It. Following is tho program which will bo rendered: Address Lena Gregolro. Recitation, "Tho Bluo nnd tho Gray" Rita Stlnor. Song, "Wo'll Stnnd by tho Flag." Recitation, "Tho History of tho Ping" Chaa. Guffroy. Recitation, "Tho Soldlor Boy" Sunnlo Phillips. Song, "Forest Flowors." Tho rediscovery of cement was n topic for gonornl discission In tho 8th grndo yesterday. R. J. Hendricks was n visitor In Prof. Graham's room Thursday. A number of tenchors out sldo of tho city woro visitors of tho East Bchool last wook. Tho pupils In Miss Nelson's nnd Miss GlenBon's rooms gavo tholr toachors n fruit shower yesterday aftor which thoy enjoyed a llttlo Im promptu progrnm. Park School. Park school will glvo tho following progrnm In honor of Memorial Day, Wednosdny afternoon beginning nt half past ono. Thoro Ib an Invitation to tho patrons nnd frlonds of tho schoel: Song, "Amorlca." Exerclso First grndo. Flag aong First nnd Second srndes. Rocltntlon, "Tho Fairest Flowors" Francos Goodonough. Song, "Moaning of U. S. A."- Fifth nnd Sixth grades. Bxorclso, "Memorial Day" Fourth nnd Fifth grndos. Rocltatlon, "Tho Mothor of a Sol dlor" Evolyn Rolglomnn. Flag drillSecond nnd Third grndos. Rooltatlon, "Our Patriot Bend" Mario LoIbI. Song, "Mny" Anno Glonson. Chorus School. iaB flSfeTl ni.s M Li 'iw mt ''msjy i.iiiiHiiiii f a flj rf Purpose Wsw fl I XX This is the stove you should have in vour kitchen. It's new. It's up-to-date. It's different from other oil stoves. It will give you best and quickest results on baking-day and other days. The flame of the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove is always under immediate control. If you use a New Perfection your kitchen will be cooler this summer than ever before. Every stove warranted. Made in three sizes. If not at your dealer's, write to our near est agency tor descriptive circular. vu& household use. Mado of brass throughout and beautifully nlckolcd. Perfectly constructed ; absolutely safo ; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealers, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (IMCOUTUBJlTKI USB SELF RISING B. B. B. Flout For Boston Brown Brend, Gridtllo Cakes, Muffins nnd Plum Pudding. Jumna -a li. u. is. FJLOUR CO., INC., SAN Joso, Cal. C9W&& Loft Something. 'Don't glvo up tho ship, Mac." "Nao, thank tho Lord, I hav'na eaton that." llustratod nits. Liver and Kidneys It Is highly Important that theso organs should proiwly portorui their functions. . Wbeu thoy don't, what lameness of the filtlo and hack, what yellowness of the skin, what coasilpatlon, hud tate In the mouth, alclc headache, pimples and blotches, and loss ol courav, tell th,o story. The great Alterative and toulo Hood'sSarsaparilla (va these organs vigor aa4 too for the ptoir jwhwawuw et Mwtr twcttoM, aa4 mtn aH tfcOr ttdUury aUmeaU, Tfce H. Xotlco to Ycternus, All members of Sedgwick Post No. 10, 0. A. H. and all other veterans of tho Civil, Spanish, Moxlcnu and Indian wars nro requested to moet at tho Post hall, cornor of Commer cial and Contor Btroots, Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock sharp, that thoy may march In a body to tho Chris tian church to nttond dtvlno oorvlco. Tho votorans will bo escorted by Co. M, O. N. G. Tho Womon'a Relief Corps nnd tho Ladies of tho Q. A. U, aro also Invited to meet and at tend Borvlco with said veterans. JOHN P. nOBBRTSON, D. WBBSTER, Commander. Adjutant. Lincoln School, Tho Lincoln school will obsorvo Momorlnl Day next Wodnosday In honor of tho G. A. R. coraralttoo which will visit thorn that day. Tho teachers havo boon giving hnlf holidays this last week. Miss Pooler's room enjoyed a half holi day Wodnosday nftornoon, Miss Bol linger's room Thursday afternoon Every Man Woman and Child TO SAVK OXK MOIIK) AT A WHO WANTS DOLLAR (OR TIMK AND PUT IT AT INTER KST IS 1NV1TKI) TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH VS. LET VS TAlte OARE OP YOUIC SAVINGS AND IN TLAIE THEY WILL TAKE CARE OP YOU. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank PPfflPliSRfSWW1;1 ' ' ,,,r' Ij'wrA Undertaking and tmbalming BEST SERVICE COMPLETE OUTFIT Only Whlto Ilcarso and "Whlto Ilorsos In Marlon and adjoin ing counties. W. T. RIGDON I. 0. 0. P.Bldg. 450 Court St nnd Mr. Faultlng's room Friday afternoon. Tho tenchors havo boon taking up n collection from tho studonts for tho "Perry Fund." Thoro woro n fow reapoiiBos. North School. Tho pupils at tho North school havo boon sketching scones this Inst weok. A gront many very protty plocos of work nro on exhibition. A progrnm will. bo glvon In honor of Momoorlal Day next Wodnosday, ono bolng chosen from onch room to tnko part. Miss Standlsh nnd Miss Hogg, who havo boon teaching in tho coun try nnd whoso schools hnvo Just closed, woro visitors at tho North school last wook. Mrs. Remington wns also a visitor. Thoro was no slcknoss at all In tho North school last wook. All through tho building tho tqach ers nro giving tests and reviews, propnrlng for tho final examinations at tho close of tho school year. For stomach troubles, biliousness nnd constipation try Chamborlain's Stomaqh nnd Liver Tablets. Many romarkablo cures havo been effected by thorn. Prlco 25 cents. Samples free. For salo by Dr. Stone's drug store. COMING EVENTS. May 28 Oregon stnto grange, Hood Rlvor. Juno 4-7 Washington Stato Grnno, Lyndon. Juno 10 Oregon Plonoors' asso ciation, Portland. July 10-15 Intorntaloual Chris tlan Endoavor convention, Seattle July 15-20 Grand Lodgo Elks Philadelphia. July 9-.13 Knights Templar con clave Saratoga, N. Y. Shoes Just recolved a largo shipment of tho latest styles In mon's, women's nnd children's footwear. Everthlng from heavy work shoos to tho finest dress stylos for both men and AIbo Oxford Ties in botn women. leather nnd canvass. -SPECIA1 Underwood Standard Typewriter pqJTWpWS!SfMijT A Purchaser of nn Underwood Becomes n member of an Asso ciation world renowned for its ap preciation of combined Visibility, Speed and Durability. Tho "Waiting List" Is huhj. beml by its thousands. Underwood Typewriter Company 68 Sixth Street, Portland, Or. will glvo a leather pocketbook. glvo leather pocketbook. JACOB VOGT Opposite rattens' Book Store 345 State St. Salem, Oregon The Fashion Stables Formerly Stanpaoa'a Stable. Up-to-date lively and wb Hot Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tallj' ko for picnics and excursioni. Pno 4-L CHAS. W. YA'KB, Prop 247 aad 24 Hlga 8Uet. WILLAMETTE FRUIT AND PRODUCE cv. Wholesale dealers and commission merchants. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry, etc. W. H. uunmi. andl 0. A. Wltcraft, Cottle block, Sa lem, Or.; J. C. Stapleton, 86 Lnlon Avenue, Portland. Qspwrnss tiii jP"Ljr v -- jm CI 13PK VTa fty We can .ni. " b u nZ Jost corns m. ' '"i our V.M. ""wuti "WWAU Ujfcfcj rsl of the ftmou 01 pmswr, uispejtfB,! ana restorer. Cij better th&n nj iy h. Tr7ltottjj gardens mi h,m Ercat lnTMtatntoinvi Special prices ta lti, hj TILLSON & 151 li a; KOIW The difference btiirt! and thoto of .other cause of tbo saperiorhj 4 tho use ot pure aiU ond grade flour or w" mado nillngi" -wflMt I fresh and swe-4 mixing and btilst. CAPITAL WW ai Putting In Ml In ne how uli well as reflttlnj eM " I us pretty dw" -'- . ...ji- l ltBOPO"- DUltuiub f .... fa ""nrH Mdcontrtttoriteij' S55--JS where. mW" sonable priwl- a. L. pa Suie - ! Spjid the ft Wash nd joull It done ;, .Ji J to f4 t ZL ft JZ! hT t -i ' ... Mtttf ' . ra "Ji m' farnllT TL-i' A1r7 H. " . r JM . m mm - mrz. stem 1 1 anA n wtfli in Carioaili l Wf'i