)S1G11T AT SUNDAY WARMER. AILY CAPITAL JOUIiNAL SALEM, OREGON". SATURDAY, MAY 23, 11)07. NO. JSG. ;ers STORIES CONFLICT EXPOSES . SOCIETY'S METHODS WITNESSED-THE MURDER A MOVING PICTURE OF HIGH LIFE Indicate He Is the Murderer of Amelia Stafford nrst. L. I., May 25. Henry Lisnected of being tho slny- tmella Staffeldt has confessor n wltncsB to tho killing. nros a tail dark Slav etabbed detectives nro searching Now d It is bdlioved tho man de wlll be arrested today. An Ion of tho thumb print on e hundlo was taken In wax. ens taken to tho morguo and ink on his kness declaring 1rl, if I could bring you back would not hnrm n hair of ad." Decker's stories conflict. o Cyclone In Texns. Worth, Texas, May 25. A tlvo cyclono Is reported near id thrco aro roported dead. Bars aro lacking. Worth, Texas, May 25. cnuxrj of ono family gathor- er a heavy chimney In tho U their homo wero seriously in tho sovcro Btorm -which bver Benton county. House tertirnc'd and scoros of fnm- car:J in their storm houses. tnodo covered n Binnll nron. hcuscs and bnrnB woro de but tho fatalities areunre- Chtcngo Markcta. po, May 25. Wheat 98 Icorn 5353, oats 47 U 0 Gould Divorce Case Is Becoming Odoriferous New York, May 25. Mrs. Gould said made disclosures to Bingham along a new line, and thero Is a pos sibility the postofllco may Investi gate tho charpo that tho mntl has been tampered with. Abo Hummel Is said to have written her offering his services in calling off tho detec tives. Tho story Is her's that formor Inspector Byrnes hnd detectives ou her trnll to establish tho fact that she had a husband living. Tho dis trict nttorncy's office may take a hand to investlgato tho report that money was paid detectives. DEFENSE HAS ORCHARD'S CONFESSION VENIRE WILL BE EXHAUSTED Knowledge of Confession Will Be of Great Value to Attorneys Now York, May 25. Mrs. Howard Gould made tho sensational state mont to General Dlngham thlB after noon that Bho lived in tho dread of poisoning. Sho showed letters warn ing her, but was unablo to discover tholr authorship. o Sun Francisco Hope. San Francisco, May 25. Tho In dications nro that San Francisco will not linvo to go wlthont boor tomor row. A committee of strlkora will confor with oinployora this afternoon and both stdos bollovo a sottlomont will bo offectod. o To Murder Peasant. St. Petersburg, May 25. Prcmlor Stolypln has summoned tho provin cial govornors hero to confor over tho peasant outbreaks and arrang'o plans to subduo them. Bolso, May 25. Orchard's com plete confosslon is at last In tho pos session of tho defense in tho Hay wood murder trial. This Is tho worst blow yot sustained by tho stnto and tho intorosts which bnck tho prose cution. The stnto planned to keep the defense In nbsoluto Ignorance of whnt Orchard would Bay In order that they would bo unablo to produce witnesses who would contradict It. How tho leak occurred Is unknown, but tho Jubilant nttltudo of Richard son and Darrow indlcnto they bollovo they havo at last penetrated tho stato's armor nnd aro now In pod tlon to protect their clients Intelli gently. Thrtt tho dofonso outwitted tho prosecution ou seeing tho con fession Is oponly nllogcd to bo tho ronson of tho frequent clnBhos be- tweon Hawloy and Darrow. Attor neys for the dofonso woro Jubllnut whon court reconvened this morning over tholr two docldod victories. Dnrrow gnlned ono point in Jiav ing Boery oxpoRod by tho court for bins and also Richardson, another, whon by Invoking ItciosovoH'a "undo Irablo citizens" letter, ho ollmlnntod from tho bpx talesman Lcotor, who' X nlthough dcclnrlng nbsoluto prcdju- Uco against tho mlnor'B federation, seemod dotormlned to qualify. Soon ns tho court reconvened todny tho dofonso bogan tho oxamlnatton ofJ Flnley Mclloun. Darrow says It Imposslblo to completo tho Jury from tho present vonlro nnd an adjourn ment cannot bo avoided. JilCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE FOR THE PAST THREE MONTHS Iim-ItS IIAVH BEEN BUSY IN NKW YORK AND CHICAGO 1X0 SIMMER GOODS AND SHIPPING T1IKM TO US KO WK Lll II WE THEM HEADY FOR OUR BUMMER BUSINESS. ii u k done tht:ir ORIC WELL; they have sup. I) IS THE CHOICEST WARM WEATHER GOODS TO HE KB ANYWHERE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. WE OFFER THEM AT QUICK SELLING F1UGKS. HEAD ON. iful cew summer goods now rea-o at rock bottom prices. Bumnjer Silks. wt'ght summer drees goods. 1 Wcl Droea Goods. Lcfn dress goods. Dct'ci Swisses. Pers an Lawns. 0- k Salting. 61 k Mls. Utl a Linens. Itil Fbroldorlea. ' h India Lawns. als.s. Ck & Silks. ' i Waists. M-l Parasols. Canvas Shoes. f te Salts in Duck, od India Silk. P-to Gloves, Tho low prices we aro now selling flno rollllnory. Ladles' Suits, Ladloe' Jackets, and Dress Skirts, at Is surprising everybody. Wo aro doing tho bualnesM nnd wo can afford to sell our goods at low prlcos and always have thorn for you new and froeh. I Pretty Streot HaU, 59c, 70c, Mc, at "V si .So. Dreaa Hats. $1.M, 2.B0, 34W t Mlssca Dress HaU. ...... .! eULKM'S FASTEST GROWING fiTTOKK. McEVOY BROS. MMKHCIAI, A3 COURT iTTKKST. JUJUaV, OX. AT LEAST TWO MEN ARE CREMATED CALHOUN . AT LAST FATAL flRE IN CALIFORNIA TOWN Twenty Horses Burned The Evidence Points to Incendiarism 'San Jose, Cal., May 25. In an ln condtary ilro hero this morning which nearly destroyed tho feed storo of Frederick Brown, Lnvorty'a stables nnd tho Union lodging houso, John McDonald, a roomer In tho lodging house, was cremated. Tho body was recovered, but It Is bollovcd there are other victims. Twonty horses were burned. Tho firemen discovered a SAYS HE BRIBED SUPERVISORS Many Other Indictments Returned nnd Some Against Schmltz SHOVING ' THE QUEER IN OREGON Gang busy with buncii&rassers Counterfeit Tlvo Dollar Gold Pieces and Dollars Plentiful Snn Francisco, May 25. Tho speculation that has been rlfo for weeks as to whnt tho grand Jury would do In tho matter of indicting high corporation otllclnlR and munici pal otllcora for alleged bribery In connection with tho grnntlng of tho overhead trolley franchise to tho United llnllronds ended tonight when - Tho arrest of tho Huntington gang of counterfeiters a year ngo did not stop counterfeiting 1$ Enstorn Oregon, na is shown by ovldenco ro contly gathered by United Stntoa D1b trlct Attorney Bristol of Portland, It Is claimed that Wallowa county is flooded with counterfeit coin oC sovoral denominations nnd that al- tho Inquisitorial body returned nlno most every other Eastern Orogoa indictments on 80 counts, charging county complains of tho circulation buckot containing oiled rags and a. tho crimes of giving and accoptlng It lighted caudle. Similar buckets la believed started tho ilro. Another body unldontlllcd was ro covored at noon, It la feared there aro more in tho ruins as many lodgers nro unnccountcd for. o of bogus money, A Portland dis patch says of tho situatien: Ten thousand dollars in tmurloua $5 gold pieces and more than 20 counterfeit silver dollara In- tho pos session of United Statoa District At- I-H HEART GROWS WEAKER. Mrs. McKlulcy'N Death a Mat ter of Hour. Canton. Mny 25. Roporta of Mrs. McKlnloy'a condition Boise, May 25. J. E. Tourtellotto an architect was accepted, but tho state poremptorlly challqngcd Goo. Mclntryo. McBcan qualified but is subject to peremptory. Tho defonso challenged John Whit lock.. Tho dofonso hnd thrco and tho prosecution two por omtory chnllongos loft nnd but 10 veniremen remained of tho special panel whon recesit was taken. o-- Million Hpvnt to Mnko Railroad Hnfe. Chicago, May 20. Carrying out a policy of installing orory device that will add to the safety of tholr HnoB, tho Southern Pnclflc nnd Union Pa cific hnvo spent nonrly $12,000,000, according to flguros Just compllod In tho ofllco of tho director of mainten ance and oporntlon. This sum hna all boon oxponded on safety appli ances for roadway and equipment, since tho prosont mnnagomont took chnrgo of tho two proportios. Southern Pacific nlono baa expoud od moro than $3,500,000 for block slgnnls, interlocking plants, oros slng bolls and gates, and distant switch signals all theso bolng for tho safety of tho roadway. For safety appllnnros on cars nnd en gines, the Southern Pacific has mado an outlay or $4,000,000. Tho Union Pacific has spent noar ly a million for automatlo couplors, high speed attachments, train sig nals, ncotyleno headlights and other equipment devices. For safety ap pliance on roadway this system, ex clusive of the Orogon linos, has made an outlay of nearly two millions. Tho Oregon lines add $847,000 on account of eafoty dolcos on roadway. and $050,000 for equipment dovlcea lar, nnd the chuuge. forocnBta tho end Is near. Relatives havo been told alio might llvo through Sundny. DrH. Port mnnn, lnymauu nnd Rlxoy will consult this morning and will Issue statomontH. Canton, May 25. Tho three bribes nnd naming as guilty tho fol lowing persens: Mayor Kugono E. Schmltx, Abra ham lluef, President Patrick Cal houn nnd nsslntant to tho president,' Thornwoll Mullnlly of tho Unltod tornoy Bristol Is consldorctl concilia Railroads, Tlroy R. Ford and William Ivo ovldonco of tho oporntlonB of a M. Abbott, nttornoya of that cor- gang of professional counterfeiters ;;, pnrntljin; nnd nlso President Louis n Eastern Oregon, whoro tho imltn- i. Glass nnd ex-Agent Theodore II. Hal. tlon monoy wan seized. !!'soy of tho Pnclflo States Tolophono Tho govornmont'a prosecutor ban ; ; & Tologrnph comiinnj, tho last named beau Investigating tho cnao for iiov- Indlctmonta bolng In connection wltu oral days and 1 sntlsiioil tno pogua !! a deal by which tho established tele- money Is being coined by a dWpor"ato 1 1 phono corporation nought to provont gang that carrlca on ita work on somo of tho rumoto ntrenma in tho Intarlor of tho eastern soctlou of tho statu. Attortuty Bristol has accumu- , i wi". '"" .- .. tho BrnntK or a competitive frnn J this morn ng show her heart ; Tolophono com- I wenk- Its nctlona Is Irragu- .. takca lcsa nourishment nnd with Increased difficulty. She la not In pain, but Improve mont la hnrdly expected. Later i.rs. McKlnloy Is s'nklng rapldiy nnd may dlo nt any minute, ns her henrt falls to respond to stimulants. 1)r. Rlxoy nnd tho relatives nro awaiting tho end. MmiMUHMiummni . . puny. ;;l Fourtoon indlctmonta, containing lntod conslderahlo ovldonco and ox- 81 counlB, woro roturnod Jointly, jpueta lo succeed In apprehending tho II' ngnliiBt Schmltz. Ruof, Cnlhoun, Mul- rouutorfoltura. i; hilly, Ford nnd Abbott, whom thoj Learning Hint a groat donl of grand Jury accused of bribing 14 counterfeit monoy wna bolng olrcti- '' Huporvlsora In amounts ranging from , lntod In Kasturn Oregon, Mr. Bristol ;; $4000 to $15,000 each to voto tho ' hna visited a nuinbor of Uio towns in. ntinnir.. In tint frnticlilmi nf Iho United Hint unntlrin nf thn Hind), whoro ho !,,1MIC!n,,.B, 8t0,T?t..Ut "T" Rallrond.1 by which that corporation found conditions worso than Imil n ilUu .M.n. .,...,. ...... iniuetlntoiy ,llor u,0 firo gained an. boon represented. tlon Is less favorable. Hho . . ,,....,,,,.. u .a , ,,fi , ,, iinii, ,i.linnitB.. Willi lJ l WHIUIIIIJ IIP mvv .,i.wn '. I IIU UU1IR UIIIB .l M'fc ., v.. w... ...... , streot railway system in Snn Fran- tlona nro exceptionally good luiUa- elsrn. , , "tlona and so closoly do they rosomhlo Two additional Indlctmonta were tho genuine that thuy hnvo.bqoH roturnod agnlust Schmltx, tho ono readily passed. In ono Hon torn Oro- ' charging that lie sought nnd accept- Kon bank nlono Mr. Bristol discover ed from Ford and Huof a bribe of (( 7S0 of tho worthloaa coin which $50,000 for his co-oporntlon In tho had Innocently boon received on do trolloy doal, tho othor charging that pontt by thu bank offlclnls, ho sotiKht nnd received from Frnnk Tho dollars nro especially clover , O. Brum and Ruof a brlbo or $3250 Imitations of Undo Ham's product, to approve tho voto of tho board of nnd would pass thu Inspection of thu supervisors fixing tho pulillc una rnto nvorago critical bank olork. They nro for 1000 nt 85 ceuts Instead of 75 nlmost perfect In design nnd luttor ccnts at thq. behest of tho San Pfnu lug,' thu only exception bolng that olsno Gob & Kleotrlo compnny. I tho letter "M" la ntnmpod nt tho hnso Two Indlctmuntn wero roturnod of thu head of tho coin Instead of tho ngnlnst U)iila Glass, ohnrgiug him Initials "J. L. 0.," which nppenr on with tho bribery of two supervisors (ho genuine. From this It Is evident who refused to voto A franchise com- tho gang works with un old stamp, potltlvo with that hold by tho Pnalflo Tho counterfeited coin weight slight States Tolophono company. Theso ly mor than a good dollar, but does Indlotmonta nro additional to tho not contain nn ounce of stiver, Its nlno others returned against htm sev- mineral parts conlntlnc of nltimln ural weoks ngo In tho samo oonnco- urn, tin nnd lend, tlon. I Tho spurious nvo dollnr plonou nro Tho Indlotmont returned today not so perfect, being slightly off col against Hnlsoy Is Idantioai with those- or. They bear tho date of 1003 nnd returned ngnlnst Glass and with tho woro rnndo from copper and brass oloven previously voted against Hal- Und washed In gold, soy himself. I "Hustorn Oregon Is prolific when It comes to produolng coin swindling San Frnnslco, May 25. Calhoun, mediums." said United States At Ford. Abbott. Mullnlly. Rohinltz. tornoy Bristol. "This gang Is tin- RECALLS BEEGHER TRIAL Paris, May 2fi. Theodore Tllton dlod hero this nfturnoon, (Tho name, Theodore Tllton, will provo an unknown ono to most road- ors, .but old timers will ruinombor him In connection with tho trial of Henry Ward Boecher in 1873 or 74, and Its accompanying scandal. Tll ton was an editorial wrltor In Now York city and a membor of Boecher's church. It was Mrs. Tllton who was tho woman In tho onso, her nloco bo lng a good sewmd. Tllton who wna wan or brilliant promlso apparently dropped out of tho world after tho trial. Ed.) Jap Willi ( lo Know, Washington, May 2. Upon tho rep refutations of the Japanese am baaiador, Aokl, the Prasldont has di rected the donartmant of Juatloo to thoroughly Investigate tho reported Block signals alono on all tho llne-s attack by a San I'ranalsco mob on a have cost $6,500,000, air brakoa and Japanese restaurant whero tho build high speed attachments $3,200,000. j lug was demolished and proprietor and automatic couplors nearly two ; barely ofoaned death. millions. By tho end of tho yoar tho various lines tho tho Union and Southern Paoiflc will havo 4700 miles of track protected by automat ic signals. The exact totals of tho safety equipment outlay aro $0,326,624.34 for signals and other roadway ap pliances, and $5,506,896.24 for equipment Improvements, a grand total of $11,835,520.48. o- Another General. "WMhlflKtoH. May 26. Taft taday announced that Col. M. K. Davis had been selected to sureed Brigadier General Constant Williams retiring today DavU Is a Civil war veteran. Snn Francisco, May 35. Tho ox tent of tho dainego done to tho Japa nese rtntaurant here by tho so-called mob was magnified to tho Washing ton authorities. Several panes of glass were broken by throo union piokets whose objeet was not to at tasks tbo Japs, but two vrhito men who were ordered not to patrouite the Japanese restaurant. ' Hna Itewfi jm1 MHi-iiem!. Shenandoah, Pean., May 25, Fol lowing a chase through tho crowd streets to tho homo of a friend, Mary Bollnsky,' aged 16, was today shot and isitantly killed by Chaj. W, Soarer, a rejected suitor. Glass and Halsey nppoarod In court questionably composed of oxperlono thls morning and gnvo bonds on all od counterfeiters who havo served tho Indlotmonta returned Friday, time, and so genuine do their pro The aggrflftato bond Is throo quarters ducts appear that no difficulty is ex of a million dollara. Ruof did not perluuasd in passing them In business append as ho is In on tody. It is ex- transactions." peeled additional Indlotmonta will hej The ntitliorltlw do not charg thla filed this nftornooii against Ruef, counterfeiting Job to tho Ooon nuug Sehmlts and several others. lor their oonfederates. They are now - I being held for trial In the federal Ban FranoUco, May 25. None of urt. Tho Job Is aoorodltfd to a thoso IndlottM were formally plncel nioro bold and dosparato orowd. under arrest They went to tho sher- K"t Oregonlnn. Iff'a office nnd announced their de sired to surrender and Immediately ropalrod to tho court room whore they presented bonds which wero as ouptod. o 1'anMil Wortlilt-M riurkn. ChloagOi May 26. Tho polloo were notified todny of t ti arreet In Montreal of John Wilmot, former president of th New York tnsuranco rotnpany and general mauager of tho National Producer Gas Power com- Ah Oil OiK.rlo Ui-rv. fr nml lift. If. fi. Fcrtltr tit Neodesha, Kansas, are In tbo city PW w P oC 110.000.000, guesU of 8. II. Bnyder and family In ' wu,cl rove; Cleveland U a di South Salem. Mr. Fertlg Is an old ror. Ho la charged with passlng time friend of Mr. Snyder. His fa- Y0rthb" CJ!0ck; " "CUr,n 'I500 thftP r one of the oldest oil oroducers nm the Sbanka company, builders In America, and associated with tho lMorloi. Ho had $6500 cask Standard In Pennsylvania. This is when arrested. his second visit to Oregon, and wo - -""- may bo obliged to adopt him an a IIm 1 p I iWlll future citlien. Mr. Fortljj haa been Ul Jo I -.Vvf engaged In tho ol! buslceao In South-1 THM HOTANIOAL IWX7TOt, era California, and thinks Oregon MOVKD TO i IJKKrWV NfTKMWC may yet becomo tho center of llluml-lpo ANY IHAKAJ4H OALIj OK Wt, natlnv od lubrlcatlac activities. I COOK. COIWUXirATION nuw. 4 1 If