DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 2J, 1007. 6 9 mhQhQh00C'&'3CS''QK0 Rickets. Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones are not forming rapidly enough. Lack of nourishment is the cause. 'Scoff 'jr Emulsion nourishes baby's . entire system. Stimulates and makes bone. Exactly what baby needs. ALL DRUGGISTS i 50c. AND S1.00 MMftOMftOMOMMMMiM I at I USB 'f$Clti SELF RISING B. jB. B. F low? For Boston Brown Bread, Griddlo Onkcfl, Muffins nnd Plum Pudding. ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO., INC., SAN Jose, Oil. iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii iiiiw i n 1 1 1 in i m i ii n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i I R. G. Hunter Can Show YOU How to Earn More R. 0. Huntor roprononts a $7,000,000 institution wIiobo solo nlm is to raloo tho snlnrloa of ambitious mon to miso your salary. Ho can show you how to earn moro. What does this moan to you? If you &ro an avorago wngo enrnor, It moans a va cation each summer with pay, a bank account, and numerous lit tlo luxuries. Tho high-salaried mon Is employed by tho month or tho yoar. Ho has regular vacations with full pay and his hours aro short. Ills earnings malco him indopondont. Tho INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, of Scrnnton, Pa., can mako a high-salaried man of you. With their nsslstnnco, enrpontors havo bocomo architects, minora hnvo bocomo mlno lnopoctors, apprentices havo bocomo mechanical nnd electrical onglnoorB. Would you llko to socuro ono of tcso lucrntivo poni tlonB? Thon tako your poncll NOW and wrlto a postal to R. G. HUNTER Tho Vnluo of Franchises. Tho one consplclous thing that sticks out in tho confession of tho San Francisco grafters Is tho value of franchises to public sorvlco cor porations. Tho idea usually convey ed to the public by these corporations Is that tho franchises aro absolutoly worthless, but, if they aro allowed to have them, they will make them valuable for tho solo benefit of the people. Incidentally, however, they Will not refuse such profits as may accrue to tho company. But, for theso worthless franchises, tho sev eral corporations hnvo willingly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to tho grafters and there can bo no ex cuse after this, for not pnylngllko nmounts to tho city for tho benefit of tho taxpayers. Thero is no reason why franchises should not be sold to tho highest bidders. o EVER WATCHFUL. A Little Coro Will Save Many Salcnt Readers Futnro Trouble. I. C. S. Representative Room 18 : Main 451 Ladd & Bush Bfdg., Salem, Ore. -hii mi 1 1 mini unmii n ii-fi i iiinii ii i linn in M A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRIAL OF OUR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NEED NOT RUY. I HULL THAOTION AND STATIONERY ENGINE8, NICIIOL'S AND HIIEPARD'S RED RIVER SEPARATORS, HAY BALERS, STREET AND ROAD GRADING MACHINERY. WE HANDLE THE RYRD WAGONS, ENGER BUGGIES, HACKS AND CARRIAGES. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THIS ADRIANCK, BUCKEYE MOW ERS, CLIPPER PLOWS AND BLUE RIBBON GULTIVATOR8, AW SOME SKCOND HAND FARM IMPLEMENTS AND WAGONS VERY CHEAP. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES AT WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL, GLASS AND STAIN8 OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINTERS SUPPLIES. BUGGY TOPS, DASHBOARDS, WHIPS, ROBES, ETC. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIP TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Pop. PHONE -101 MAIN COR. FRONT AND PINE STREETS Watch tho kidney secretions. See that thoy havo tho amber hue of health: The discharges not excessive or in frequent; Contain no "brick-dust llko" bocII ment. Doan's Kidney Pills will do this for you. They watch tho kidneys and euro them when thoy'ro sick. N. S. Williams, carpenter, of 239 Llborty St., Salem, Or., Bays: "A number of ycurB ago the doctors told mo my kidneys woro In bnd shapo. I camo west on account of tho trouble, thinking tho change of climate would help mo but nothing I did gavo mo relief in spite of tho uso of romo dioB nnd medical treatment. On pro curing Donn's Kidney Pills, I found thorn tho best mcdlclno I over UBCd At tho time I got them nt Dr. Stone's drug storo I wns suffering from nn intenso burning sonsation as if two llvo coals woro placed directly over my kidneys, tho secretions from tho kldnoys woro tho color of strong blnck coffco and of a bad odor. Aft or using two boxes of Donn's Kidney Pills, I did not hnvo tho loast pain In my back or troublo with my kld noys. I givo all tho credit for thn to your valuablo remedy." For aalo by all dealors. Price 50 conts. Fostor-MIlbum Co., Buffalo, Now York, boIo agonts for tho Uni ted States. Romombor tho nnme Donns an.l tnko no other. o wmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummm IBIG ST06K II Severe Storm Near Baker Docs Sonic Damage. James Richardson, of Brldgoport, ono of tho best known fnrmors of tho county, who was driving into Baker City during tho storm yestor- day afternoon, when nearlng the ! Cnroy farm, six miles south, says ho mot tho worst hall storm ho ovor ox-' porionccd. Ho had to stop hU team and tho horsos stood for a tlmo up to their holly In wator and hall stonos. A fow hundred yards furth or along ho found tho ronds dusty ngnln. A bolt of lightning split tho big treo in front of Jnmos Bowdon's ronl ostato ofllco yostordny afternoon dur lng tho storm, at tho tlmo of tho big thunder clnp. Tho electric curront drovo Us way Into tho ground nnd plowed n holo you can stop In. Tho troo shod spllntors llko tonrs. Bak er City Democrat. FANCY GOODS AT BIG SALE Just received a now lot of now laco collars, 25c and up. Turn-overs, lOo up to 40o; ombroMorad collars 25c Lot of now back combs, sldo combs. Salo prluo 25c Hand hags, purses C5c up to '$3.50. Big stock of beautiful summer lawns, pongcos and dress goods. Mou's working shirts 50c and up; dross shirt $1,25 up to $3.50. Lot of men's fancy hoao; ladles' fancy hose- 25c up. Lndlos' whlto muslin and cambrlo night gowns 75c up to $5,50. Lmllos' short silk klmonns, $3.00 up to $5.00. Ladles' lung Bilk klmonas $0.00 up to $12.00. Ladles' silk wrappers, $7.50 to $15.00. Lndlos Japanese cropo klmonns, short oues $1.00,; long, $1.75. Liullus' lawn klmonns 50c nnd up. Lndlos' vests 15c up to $1.60. Indies' calico wrappers $1.50 to $3.C5, Embroldorod lawn waists $1.55 up to $5,00, Notions, trunks, valises, telescopes, otc HUIE WING SANG CO. Chinese and Japanese Baaa For stomach troubles, biliousness nnd constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvor Tablots. Many romnrkable cures have boon effected by them. Prlca 25 cents. Samples froo. For salo by Dr. Stone's drug storo. o Ynqulun Again a Port. Tho arrival of tho steam sohooner Francis H. Loggott In Ynqulna Bay Wodnosday to tako on a cargo of lumber for San Frnnclsco, marks tho resumption of ,tr utile from that port after a quloscont porlod of moro than ton years. With tho oxcoptlon of somo small vassols plying In local coastwlso trade, such as tho Robarts, of Florence, no loadod vessel out ward bound has crossed tho Ynqulna bar for a decade. , The Loggott has boon chartered for tho Yaquina-San Francisco run by the Curtlss Lumbor Company, ami will carry 1,500,000 foot of lumbor on tho first trip. It will spond sev eral days in loading, and tho lum ber is dally being tnkon to Ynqulna on tho CorvalUs & Eastern from tho company's big mills nt Mill City, 35 miles east of Albany. It is said that tho plan of tho Cur tlss Company, if tho Leggett makes successful .trips, is to put other ves sels on tho run and transport all Its southbound lumber In that way. Tho i resumption or traffic nt Yaqulna will mean greater things for tho Corval Woman Suffrage in Finland. Although tho women BUffragists have thus far been rebuffed by the liberal party in Great Britain, as wo formerly noted, they havo attained their aim in tho grand duchy of Flu land, and their first exercise of tho parliamentary franchise, which has Binco taken place, presents boiuo In teresting results. It is well known that soon after tho issuance of the reform manifesto of October 30, 1905, Nicholaa II re versed his policy toward Finland nnd gave back to it the autonomy which had been guaranteed by Alexander I. The first uso made by tho Finns of tholr semi-Independence was to adopt an amendment to their consti tution by which the full suffrage waB conceded to women. Not only wero women made electors, but-they wero also qualified to enter tho popular branch of the Finnish parliament. Thoy availed themselves of tho privi lege at the recent lecetlon by re turning nbout a score of members of their own sex. Ror tho first time, then, in history women will alt In a national legislature. It will bo re membered that no woman has ever become a member of our houso of representatives, although women possess tho full franchise in four states, nnmoly, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Utah. Wo often hear it asserted by oppo nents of woman suffrage that tho ma jority of womon do not wnnt tno franchlso nnd would not uso It If thnv lmd It. Tho assertion io not borno out by tho experience of tho four stntos that wo hnvo named, nnd It has been rofutod omphntlcally In Finland, whoro a much lnrger pro portion of registered womon than of men went to tho bnllot box. Had they chosen, tho fomnlo voters could havo returned a majority of their own box to tho populnr chamber, but In most districts they Boom to havo preferred to vote for mon. Tho pnrllamontnry enrcer of tho women members will of courso bo watched with lively Interest, espe cially if any of them should bocomo mlnistorB. From ono houso of tho Finnish parliament women nro still dobnrrod, nnmoly, tho sonato, tho members of which nro not elected, but appointed by tho czar. This last surviving discrimination will doubt less bo effaced should nny of tho fomlnlno legislators win great dis tinction. Nicholas II Is known to hnvo a profound respect for tho po litical nbllltlcB of his mother, tho empress downgor, who was Princess Dngmnr of Denmark, sister of Qucon Alexandra. Now York Sun. headaches. Atn. . tof? feeling Jn 2293 nvo. I?.-TCC.M' r lixrti t. iZ ? Dont Pay Alimony To bo divorcod from your nppondlx. Thero will bo no occnslon for It it you koop your bowols rogular with Dr. King's Now Llfo PIIIb. Tholr action Is so gentlo that tho nppondlx novor has causo to mako tho leant complnlnt. Guaranteed by J. C ' Perry, druggist. 25c. Try them, o COMING EVENTS. May 28 Oregon stnto grange, Hood River. Juno 4-7 Washington State Gran'o, Lyndon. Juno 10 Oregon Pioneers'" asso ciation, Portland. July 10-15 Intorntalonal Chris tian Endoavor convention, Seattlo. July 15-20 Grand Lodgo Elks Philadelphia. July 9-13 Knights Templar con clavo, Saratoga, N. Y. ttt m am TP, tT mk him .. Tke Dicnitv and s ,Q Think of the Greatest mn ...t. , N. then think of him as he lay, an iTl'M seem possible that he shml i" !! m toti&ki estimate and perhaps had moni,,-S: ?ne ?!; &! ?'l& therefore, the recognition oASdiS " erhood should no longer be defayef lW,Afc? Greatest trcnciirTTT . u' ll ,s l"h tin nJT7,, Whv should tint ft,c i . ecSnizea. have a voice in our crovernment rsiM.!60 tteifatu most ignorant, most insignificant andVhS dt!3 It has been well said that "for everv ! , n? there should be a monument tn hie iC m?n?mtnt to .i,.,u i, i,..:u ci. ,. " "uim;r and Hi ..!.. r ouuuiu ii uuut UISJI," ".".uictri But it is not so much the purposo of this bnof articlo to advocnte the lust rights and privileges dufi to tho women of this count ry, although it has afforded tho writer great pleasure to pen the fore going brief tribute to their worth and just deserts, as it is to call attention to tho fact that when broken down in health and strength by over-work, the too frequent bearing of children, tho novor ending toil, worry nnd caro of tho household, or by whatever may over tax tho strength and delicnoy of her bommvo system, thero is one, tried nnd provon, safe remedy upon which Bho may roly to regain honlth, strength and tho power to fully enjoy llfo. i.nnt romeuy is Ur. Pierco's Favorite Prescription a romody mndo wholly from the roots of native forest plants which have bcon proven to bo most efficaciout, reliable and safe in tho euro of woman's peculiar weaknesses, period ical pains, Irregularities, wasting nnd woakoning cntarrhal, pelvic drains and kindred nilmenta. It is a remedy, tho makers of which print its formula on every bottle-wrapper and attest its com pleteness and correctness under oath; n remedy devised and adapted to woman's delicate constitution by an educated physicinn nn experienced specialist In woman 'ti dieeases: a romedy, every in gredlenytJfsWhlch hns received tho writ ten encfrsciocnt of thfl most eminent mdcfTitc3 of all tmVeveral schools of practiciMory tho curoNof woman's peculiar disease's; a rcmodySwhlch has more bona-fidc Cures to its cndit than any other sold byNnigdstofrvrficiAn's pedal rcqutrcmeritsjyWWmri which contains ntralcohol make up Delicate, weak, nervous women should especially shun tho use of alcohollo medicines which, from their stimulat ing nnd exhilernting effects may seem, for a time, to do good, but which, from tho inevitable effects of tho alcohol in shrinking up tho red corpuscles of tho blood, arc euro to do great and lasting harm in tho long mn. Besides they beget a craving for stimulants which Is most doplornblo. "Favorite Prescrip tion" is the one remedy for woman's ills which contains no alcohol. Only invigorating and ncrvo strength ening effects enn follow tho uso of this famous mcdiclno for women. It can not possibly do harm in nny etato or condition of tho system. If a woman has bcuring down, or dragging pains, low down in tho abdo men, or pelvis, backache, frequent from pelvic orn. 'f,Mtt mistake by - Z ?.," force's raw .i"ftIgM nvigorale nnd to wSiM tern and MMCfaT t Xfe ur. Pierce', TAm'W a scientific medicine, tffl by an csperieaced aadSSr cfan,anddnptfdto?0S fnedicinal IroCTffi n any condition r.i'T ." Annnr..l.tl t y KiiSiSTra 6" iu ooirtitoj. AsapowetfulinTifonBHi. nto Prescription- bl2! length to the hM .TIT! organs dlsUnctlrfcrnhSha dreMmakcrj.MauHtrww, feeble women penenir.cn Favorite rrccntJrtft d'. earthly boon, being ntwaiS apiHitliiDg cordial aBdnifaSj vine, "Favonte rreKHsS??! equaled and Is inrilajblefc i2 una Euoauing ntrrom nmmf ritability, ncrrouj exbirSSK.11 proM ration, ncnralrii.hnn bi. itus's dance, tnduurM nervous symptoms cocBodjati upon functional and orruicM t)in H'nmnnlu am.. ii Lj. 'II y, .W......,V VlfJU,, OOII rcsning sleep and rtueTN ety aim dcipondtncr. No woman tuL'tring (renJ huum.. tyinpinmt ran inow la nny secret noftmm or z&4 knotcn competition, u i urn n medicine like Dr. Kent)! rrescnpuon, uruco u or dm I-O'ITION' ami hasa rworiofr years of cures and ted mi to-aay man ever kick, n 1 withhold no cecreti (roatkra believiDR open pnllicitjtthiii best guaranty of merX Dr. Pierce inritMaHaMMf to confiilt him bvlMfcfkf i All letters of comqIUmmUII strictly private uditaffi tinl nnd all aniwen m i nlnln. waled rnrrlODM. k It. V. Pierce. InraWiWli! gical IniUtate, BalbIe,5.I. wumwfcwmnwtoWiwiitmwiwiH If You Are Sick It is because some of the organs of the body are not doing tbeir work -well. Thero is a lack of that nervous energy that gives them motion. Con sequently you aro "weak, worn-out, nervous, irrit able, cannot sleep; have headache, indigestion, etc. because thero is not suffi cient nerve force to keep tho organs active and al low them to perform their natural functions. Dr. Miles Nervine restores health because it restores this nervous energy. "I hava ben sick for a year, and did not know what was tno matter vrlth me. I tried many remedied and none of them proved of any value. I heard of Dr. Miles' Nervine, I pro cured a bottle, and before I had taken half of it I was bettor, I would hava had nervous prostration If I had not rot this medicine frhen I did. I con tlnued to tnko It umtll I wu.i entirely well. I bava alnc recommended It to flvo of my lady friends, and they have all thanked mo for doing no, for It benefited than alL" JOS, ROSK OTTO. 1JJ S. 34 St.. Columbua. OliW. Dr. MrW Nervlrto U ld by your gruofUL wh will guar! that tKa wlH rvfuiwl yur mww MU Mdical CoTElkhart, Ind FREE! FREE! FREE IJy Uils we mean that jo Iay one cent in cash. StaHf vote a few mlnutra of year P time to ft good cnui aa " Uils $4.00 George Washington Clock Asarewnnl.Tlusclcki ten inches high, and very J. ...1 1.. (iMIim. in tho new ffT Ebony finish. Impo-IMa to JJ . ., and a"1" ' m m IWVllllT. w- guaranteed by the fi Our Hbemi offer to,, -narlV !-- Get two now Wf Tho Cpltnl J0" nuliscrintJon price, fW 7--ta 4 r a M , -. or $4.00 by mail, fc(-4. tho money at oar - - sonvo present is JJ not get two yearlf Ttf y- four for Bix mu - . gC. T- for taw ftnd it easier, friend to sign ov ' each. A sample J at The Journal office- u m get bsr t once, "f Clrt Address all jL Uon Deparunwi. v. - 346 Cort Strt Salem, Oftgoa Us & Eastern, and will revive Ya I qulna, which for yrg has been a decadent city.