HEH: FAIR TONIGHT AND SATURDAY. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1007. NO. 125. ELS THE GOULD FAMILY SKELETON MAKING CAPTAIN TAGGART STANDARD AND OTHER COMPANIES TO INDICT THOSEpGH IN OFFICE STIR UP PERSIA HASTE SLOWLY AGAIN SUPPORTERS PANICKY TAKES A PEEP OUT OF THE CLOSET other Leads Fifteen Thousand Race Track Followers Are Mixed Up Troops Against Him keron, Persia, May 24. The t supporters aro panicky over . thnt hln brother. Snlnr I una atnrtod n revolution, and I, with his 15,000 followers, I Xavalienu, nnu wore mnrcmng smden. Troops havo been dls- ed to quell tho usurper. o iPEGT YOUTH OE MURDER Dhurst. L. I., May 24. Henry br a youth wns nrrcsted hero IJay, He Is Biispoctod with tho er of Amelia Staffeld, nged 15, body was found In a corn Julia Lovowltz, aged bovcii, Elizabeth Laub, 11, told their this morning. Thoy saw stabbed by a bicyclist who picking flowers. Dockor nn- tho description of tlio nssall- He admits ho washed his near tho sceno of the assault. nhurst, L. I., May 24. Ross back, brother-in-law of Amolla ktdt, declared that tho girl was to hide nnothor crlnio, that knew sho would tell, and do to kill her. In Alleged Conspiracy Now York, May 24. If tho exam ining physicians And Captain Mc Laughlin BUfforlng from chronic bron chitis. Commissioner Dlnghnm- must retire him. The postponement of tno sensational nllcgedr Gould con spiracy is likely. Frank Penbody is reported to havo mado a partial con fession Involving Edward Snowies, a raco track follower. It Is expected that Snowies will tell tho full Btory within 24 hours. It is understood tho subpoenas prepared for Howard Gould, Mrs. Gould and other witness es nro not llkoly to be served It Mc Laughlin is retired. GRAND JURY INVESTIGATE THE SANTA FE Los Angclos, May 21. Despite tho futuro hearing buforo tho Intor stnto commission of charges of dis crimination proforrcd against the Southern Pnclflu In Itn mothods of furnishing fruit cars to citrus fruit packers, the fodoral grand Jury to day began tho examination of wit nesses on chnrgos of trafllc discrim ination on tho pnrt of the Santa Fo. Scores of subpoenaB woro sorved up on fruit growers and railroad olll-clnls. 1CAG0 STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE FOR THE PAST THREE MONTHS It MYERS HAVE BEEN IlUSV IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO nXfl SUMMER GOODS AND SHIPPING THEM TO US SO WE DULII 11 VVE THEM READY FOR OUR SUMMER HU8I.NESS. IKY H VVE DONE THEIR WORK WELL; TI1BY HAVE SUP- IED IS THE CHOICEST WARM WEATHER GOODS TO HE lM ANYWHERE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. WE OFFER THEM W AT QUICK SELLING PRICES. READ ON. utlful new summor goods now oa aalo at rock bottom prices. b Summer Silks. tnt weight summer dross goods. bite Wool Drea Goods. bite Linen dresa gooda, Letted Swlssoe. w Frrg'an Lawns. falt Dirk Suiting. c 8, k Mulls. InJIa Linens. wt.fal Embrolderlea. ' White India Lawns. JU Waists. fcte China Sllkn. Waists. lt:tai Parasols. & Cantos Shoes. UW "White Suits In Duck. B: and India Silk. White OlOTes. Tho low prices wo nro now selling fine millinery. Ladlos' Suits, Ladle' Jaokota, and Dress Skirts, at Is surprising everybody. Wo aro doing tho business and wo can afford to sell our goods at low prloos and always havo them for you new and fresh. Pretty Street Hats, OOc, 16c, Mtc, $123, I1J50. Dress Hats, $1.5, 2JH, $3.00 Mlssc Dress Hats fl.49 aULXM'8 FASTEST GROWING BTOKK. McEVOY BROS. COMMnciAXi AND COURT 8THJUBT. BALM. OR. SELECTING THE JURY IS TIRESOME Chief of Police Jacks Up Men Who Arc Posing As Bod Ons REWARD OFfERED FOR THE WIDOW She Disappeared Willi Her Children When Divorce Was Granted Ilolso, Idaho, May 21. War has been deolnred botweon Chlof of Po- llco Francis and certain professional mon who havo drifted Into Ilolsc, and arc now posing ns witnesses or detectives nt the trial of Haywood. Thcso mon strut about tho streots os tentatiously packing firearms. Doth sides of the caso disclaim responsi bility for their presence. Frnncis sont for thrco men early today. Thoy aro ox-deputlcs from Tollurldo and Crlpplo Creek, and hnvo been Bwag goring about town declaring that newspaper men connected with East ern publication would "get out of town boforo Sundny." Frnncis told them If thoy mndo tho slightest movo during tholr brlof stny to Intorforo with anybody on olthor Bldo thoy would bo handled without glovcB. Court convoned onrly today, tho Judgo having decided that until tho Jury Is solactod to hold loug bos- i slons. Tho oxumlnntion of vonlro-' mon la o.xnsporntlngly slow, us tho lnwyors clash froquontly. Oranha, Nob., May 24. -William Taggart, cousin of Captain Tnggart, now here, offers u $1000 reward to find Graco Taggart nnd her two chil dren, the wife bolng divorced from tho captain In WooBtor, Ohio. Ho snya tho captain Is sorlously III In San Frnnctaco. Mrs. Taggart and tho children completely disappeared nftcr the divorce. IIIIIIIIIIIHmilllllll t HER CONDITION IMPROVED Itotse, May S I. Tho six mom bora of tho panel woro noted upon, nnd tho panol exhausted during tho first hour. Henry Curtis, who de clared ho had boon n student nil his life, although ho had been a fnrmor and railroad laboror, wau provision ally accepted. John Whltlock was finally accepted. Tho prosecution poremptorily challenged Isaao 11 o doll, being tho Bovcnth chnllengo It wbb compelled tq Invoke, ' Dotso, May 24. Tho fooling bp tweou Hnwloy nnd Harrow- again cropped out today. Hnwloy de clared tho opposition's efforts to ellmlnnto tho entlro panel woro Im proper nnd unprofessional, nnd ho roglstered his objections. Hnwloy was bitter In his remarks, but was overruled by tho court. Tho do. fenso scored tho first important point Just boforo tho noon rccoss, whon Judgo Wood sustained n challongo for bins against John Hoory. Hnwloy made a strenuous effort to qualify Doory, who mndo conflicting an swers. o JOKES A ROUT IIIH PROSPECTS. Mrs. MoKlitlcy, May Llvo for n Kuw Days. Canton, 0., May 24, Mrs. McKlnley's condition Is soinu what Improved. Dr. Portmnnn snld this morning that her heart was stronger, nnd thoro wns no Immedlnto danger of death. Sho may survlvo n week. Strychnlno Is given nor every fow hours. Dr. Rlxey ar rives this morning, when a consultation will bo held by Dr. Rlxey. Portmnnn nnd My-man. HIIHIIIIIIIlllllllllllK Drs. Portmnu? Eymnn nnd Rlxey at noon mado a statomont that lior condition was Improving, but Ih still sorlouB. There Is a decided Improve mout In tho parnlysls, which In lim ited to ono arm. Tho patient Is tin- ablo to swallow, having loHt tho uso of her tongue. feTrioNS ARE HELD FAULTY HAYING TROUBLES OF THEIR OWN Preliminary Skirmishes Are Fought and Real Dallies Aro to Dcqln Joffeorson City, Mo., May 24. Judgo Anthony, special commission er, nppolnted to tnko testimony In tho Standard ouster proceedings has upheld tho chnrgo of lladloy in nn exhaustive report, claiming tho trust wns n combination, with a mental understanding, nnd n ccmsijlrncy wns formed by tho threo companies to provont competition In 1001, It Is stated tho defendants fixed and reg ulated prices, driving competition out of tho stnto, Tho report will bo rovlowod by tho auprcmo court. It Involves tho Wators-Plerco nnd Re public oil companies. If nillrtncd thu upper court can deprive tho Wators Plerco of Its franchise rights, and enncol tho license of tho other two companies to do business In Missouri, or It may Imposo fluos. St. Paul, May 24. Judgo John son, of Philadelphia, nrguod In be half of tho bill of exceptions, tolling tio court that It must tlnd nn Ille gal combination. Conspiracy and past wrongdoings of thu octopiiB had nothing to do with tho prosont. Kel logg, for tho government, oxorlntod tho trust, stating It uood not continue Its fltnpB to control tho onrth, as that was already practically done, o .STANDARD OIL SQUIRMS. LEADING MEN ARE IMPLICATED All Kinds of Timber and Land Frauds Unearthed ltmltttH That I(n Crime Reform IHIH Cannot Ho Examined. Chicago, May 24. A dispatch to tho Trlbuno from Washington, D. C, says: "A mating revelations of a conspir acy to defraud tho United Stntoa of millions of dollars worth of minora! nnd tlmbor lands will bo laid boforo tho grand juries of half b dozon states within n fow days. The fraud, It la alleged, will Involvo In criminal charges tho names of men high in buslnoss and political circles. They Inolude: "Ono United Stntcs senator, on ox-Unltod States senator, a man ro puted to ho ono of tho wealthiest mon In tho world; a rnllrond man known from tho Atlnntlo to tho Pnclflc; tw of 'ho wealthiest lumber baronn In tho United States; mi morons amallor fy, Including rnllrond ofllclnlB, coal oporatorn nnd mon at tho head of fuel compnnleB." Thoso mon, whoto nnmsn cannot bo mndo public boforo thu grand jury net, It la declarod hero, will Buroly ho Indicted by tho ovldonco which Is now In tho hands of tho United Stntoa district nttoruoyn In half a dojion Wostorn states. These frnuds, It was declared yos tordny In an ofnclnl uunrtor, extend Into a number of ntntes, Including Cntlfornln, Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Minnesota and tho Dnkotnn, Much of tho ovldonco In thom frauds was obtained by Detective Rums, who Is engaged In tho munic ipal graft prosecution In San FrM- cluco, and by Francos Honcy, .who I St. Paul, May 24. Tho first gov I eminent Btilt ngaltiHt tho Standard (jueilon nt issue Uwliothor tho kov-P" I'roBOcutlng tho iwfwio h FranU- .,,.,,... mn Irivmllffntn Mm wwuii?' CO grftftOrB. Upon UlO COnclllllOII OC dulni' of tli( cictopuB oArller than' iolr work In San Francisco, Mr 18U0. Judgo Johnson, of Phllndol- and Mr. Hurnu nro oxpcoteiH phla, nnd Judgo Mllburn, of Now, to return to the government orvlc. York, attorneys for tho Standard, do-, for tho prosecution of tho timber olarod tho Standnrd'H history wuh1"'"' mlncrnl land tlilavw. Bomo ot other than Bpcctncular. Thero was tho gniftem In San Francisco aro al. jllllliniHIIIIIIIIHIH! Camion Dt-nlcs RuiuorH and Evade) Talk AlMtit Pnwidfiioy. Washington, May 24. Speaker Cannon, on having his attontlon , called to a report whloh has gained circulation that ho Is out for tariff reform as a presidential candidate and has abandonod tho ataud-pattors, ytMtorday said: "I do not know where tho grape vine originated. Thu only knowl edge I havo In tho matter Is tho re ports." In a Jocular voln, he roplled to questions affecting his own presiden tial prospeats. Ons of his oUarva tlons In reply to tho suggestion that Senator Cullum had said ho would be tho party's oholoo, was to tho ef fect that ho would rather tho peoplt had It In their power to rnnko him President than to bo proldont. Attoruoy-Qenurnl Crawford, who has been examining Into tho matter of tho sufficiency of tho petitions filed nsklng tho referendum on tho U. of 0. ap propriations, gavo out an opin ion this afternoon. IIo holds that tho potltlons aro faulty and Insufficient, becauso they did not contain tho title of tho bill making tho appropriation, nnd upon which tho referen dum is asked. It now remains for tho matter to bo takon In to tho courts, or for nn entlroly new set of potltlons to be submitted. Illillllllllllllitllllllll prejudice ngnlust It borauso tho pros onl cnupnny wns organized In 1809. Tho government Is represented by said to be Implicated lu tho frauds, The frauds havo been under Inven llgntlon by tho secret agt'nts of thv Alllton b. Purdv. of WaMhlnelon. and Interior dopnrtmont far more than V. II Kellogg nnd C. II. Morrison, of , l ynr"- 'rht'0 nKnt" " St. I'nul. Thoy will opposo any wnmrHicil startling ovldonco. nhow .hango In tho government's hill filed "K t tho public domain 1ms lltor In 1000 nt St. I.OHU, Insisting that hcen looted by corporatloriB who tho Stnudard'H operations slnco 1870. 'v uo Irolotoi1 and aided lu nro r.eoosinry to establish a consplr- their operntlona by United Htatoa sen nrv in rotrnliit of trndo. when tho ctom nnd federal oftlcorir. Most of ,.,,.. ... ,1.1.1 . t,i,in ,ui,r Dm tho land aauulrcd by tho o-cnllod w .. .-..- Kcw Jomoy laws. ! -o- TJII? EDDY SUIT. Day Dcvottil Hntlrtdy to ArguutmlN Ily CotuiM'l. -o- K-rlouN Error. MUs Augusta Klshor, of San Fran- Conoord, N. II., May 24. Oonornl Strootttr, counsel for tho threo trus tees of Mrs. Mary linker Eddy, In Hm nitrlitlim ftiolnnna anil, rnmtildt. ...- w...... ..-.... ...., ............ . ed tholr argument In favor of that , ge areas or xoresv innu, -i . . . ' u'tilnd tma l,i,n In Mm linnrtM nf turn Much conspirator were tlmbor tracts lu thu West, of which hundreds of thou sands of acres hnvo been taken from tho public domain In omo Instances "dummy" ontrymen woro usod for tho purposo. In others tho title wau obtained through the uxo of lieu land sorlp. r. obtaining the conviction nf tho mon said to bo Involve!, tho i?ovorn mont oxpeots to regain possesion Of .. AHEr.ur, u. a --"r" ."-",": " :.",""" ibo .ustalned ' '' ' hwn la tho hands of Mm dsoo. now of Coqullle, waa In Wed- motion mat tno irusioos oo sustained ,.,. fnr lftnv l,flr- m110v ....... ....' rnr )w. "ni.Ti frimi iii tiinintifts. r tporators for many yearn, muoi irUUrnSW7 r T Th d.y' nrodfloi Inn wero iovotod "f "it land. It la understood, hn noe tho county esat, whore alio wont on a The day proflflooingn wero uovouw !..... . ii.... In thu nrninnlntlnn nf thitaldnnf tho yt llUOII Otll OVr. Plinil May Ito Caught. Los Angeles, May 24. The sher iff announced today that the man who wrecked the Southern Pacific train near Glendale would bo In custody boforo night. vldonco unearthed since the wreck Indicates thnt the i wrecker started for Los Angeles lm- J mediately after tho deed. Offlcars or bis trail say they have an excel lent description of him. o A Wild RHQior. Washington, May 24. Cbalnnsn ( Knapp, of the commerce commission,' iUted that the statomoni io mo Mimmlulnn innerflted Harrimsn mm utterly groundless. a4 tho com- ralMion had hardly beun tho ouster case. rather peculiar errand. According i prosonmwon ot uio smo oi mo to her story, for many yearn her , nwt friends' opposing tho trusteoi. mothor was the owner of a timber Council Howo for "the next Friends" claim In Curry county, and began his arguments nummnrUlug year promptly paid tho taxes levied trusteo had detormlnod tho onto lu against her proporty. Some time no advance That Mrs. Eddy's sonhv she learned that tho samo plee of business had dotormlned the enso In property sho hud been paying taxes advanco. That Mrs. Eddy's son, (Jeo. on all thoso years had been sold for Glover, took tho action for lovo of delinquent taxes by ofllcors of this hor, that trusts like hers wero mudo county, and that Mr. Dlake. who to meet exlgenolw, nnd tho trustee lives In the vicinity of tho"twlso-as-' disappeared when tho oxlxoncles did. seiHwd property, was tho purchaser. Ex-Senator Chandler follows Howo Tho mother wrote to Mr. It. D. j and Streotor will probably make tho Hume, who Immediately called tho concluding argument today, attention of tho officers to tho error. O' It U admitted by certain omolals that In a number of Instance Ike of fenders will be Immune from rrltu Inal prosecution, uwlng to the fact that tho statuto of limitation will apply, but In nil mioh oast the tltta to the land will rovert to tho government. KCJIMITZ TRIAL MOVING. flan Francisco, May 24. Consid erable pr gross was made this morn ing toward soourlng tho BchmlU jury. Uoforo thu noon adjournment three wero temporarily passed by both side. Interest. Is Increasing mt tho completion of tho jury approach es, and a number of women wore lu Chlrago Marfcr(. Chicago, May 24. Wheat S 994, com S:tt5I. Recently tho mother died, and the, G-n-rl AsM-mbly CIom's. young lady was forced to como heroj Columbus, O., May 24. The gen to get the matter settled up. Wo oral assembly of Presbyterian will on.i.n n it.A nny.niiifv nt a. eloia tndkv. The reeular temner- double aasesamont creeping Into a anco report was adopt! without do- court today. Although only four jur tax record, but to allow it to run bate. Rev. Worrell stated It was " wn v- , u( mu, through a tax sale and for some tltno frenxled financial foolishness to aup- they expect to comploto tho Jury by thereafter give, the case an ugly as-lpoo ono can hurt saloons by taxing Monday morning, nt which time tho ,.,i M, .!,.. t ii,r.TOMMire.l them. Kansas Cltr was chosen for vrltnossea havo been notified to ap- letsnw. laraentablolncompteuoyor,the 1908 assembly, tho Methodist pear. Schmlts U gaining confidence, collusion. oburch helng oaereu ror tue mecung. m -i. - 'vi" Dr. J. F. COOK THH WOTAXIOAI VOOTOK movw) to i unnwtr wmmmt fOK AXY IMftKAJtH OAIL OK Ml. COOK. CONKnUTATtOK VftMat I'AfMk'a Answer. Maude When you refused him my hand, papa, did be get down on bts kne? PaterWell, I didn't notlco Just where be foil! UluUraUd IilU. XmhsRVM lt lU'lpe. London. Mar 2 4 , Richard Mans field baa suffered a rUpd lce ar riving and will be moved to Brigh ton, on the seashore, as toon as his condition will permit.