DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 33, 1007. foes i our fairMmd?Si GOING AFTER LAND. f imiiMiiMidrnco Citizens In uca Basin Locating Railroad, 1J1UIU? (Independence West Side.) jxens or lnacpcnuuncu uhu v . ....... nnnilv cot the timber ...... nmnor. nnd since Sunday ; IvVvi F ."- bnusual quietness nas appeared i..0ig iipmusG of tho absonco good big number of our business f a ntimn who have invaded jAlsea basin country to post no- ana maKO Beuiemunt ujion iu oad timber lands of that sec en companies, numbering nbout bach, havo gono to make loca- Included In ono woro tho fol- fcnff! P. M. Klrklnnd, C. W. Ir. c, I. Irvine, F. S. Jones, F. L. leaker, A. Gross, O. A. Kramer, Walker, Jack Hosleton, G. C. ham, August Sperling, Tom Hart, iror Mattlson, Dr. E. L. Kctchum, b. Elliott, J. Dyers, Dee Davidson, Jones, of CorvnlllB, S. E. Ir- ,'ILLIAM ALDEX SMITH. Successor to tho lato General Bssoll A. Alger as a TniteJ itcs senator from Michigan. Be, J 1 Raima, Willis Vjdlto. Tho cond group was composed na fol ia Hob Roberts, Joss Whlteakor, ko. Jones, Ross Nelson, Joo Hifb- Td, John Bramborg, Geo. S. White- r, Roy DeArmond, Dllly Mattl- b, Asa Taylor, Ed. OwonB, Ruport fcklnson, Ralph Portorfleld, M. M tcrfleld iTho locators nearly all wont by nm to Mio Alsea country, many of in B?lng to CorvnlllB Sunday prnlng by train, whore they expect- to connect up with teams that It there that morning early. Thoy ectcj to stop at Davo Tom's Sun- fj n!gh nnd go on from thoro yos- rday morning. Thoy took along Ith th' m tho surveyor of Benton EVVIVVX!CL& vwssva NnSjV2BSSSSjBf-um lV,av'1,aJBfa 7rYr 1 TfiN. N. JViBaB si W I tvkw . W?W SJ I (i vW L ' !H5IiM Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought, nnd which liaa beea in uso for over 30 years, ha horno iho signature f jp nnd has been mndo under his per- fl? sjff'-Ju sonalguiicnbJlon Inco lUlnfiincy. iA!m Allow uo ono todecolvo you In tlite. All Counterfeits, Imitations and,Jii8t-a-crool"nr hufc Experiments that trlflo with and emlmijrer tho heo-i of JtoflmU and Ciilidrcu Esiicrleuco against Expcri oi Wnat is CASTORIA CnstorU is a harmless substltuto for Castor Oil, ?: Roric, Drops und Soothitiff Syrups. It is lMcasaut. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor othor Narcotic eubstauco. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys oni tnd allays Feverishuess. It cures Dlarrliwa and Wu Oolic. It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation aid Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, rctrulntes tho 'tcinachand Bowels, ghhiff healthy and natural sleep. ' Children's Pauacca- Tho Mother's Friend. INE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI Stars tn rT The K!m You HaYe Always Bougni in Um For Over 30 Yr. Or Is it inclined to run away? Don't punish it with a cruel brush and comb I But Just ask your doctor if Ayer's Hair Vigor, new Improved formula, won't make it stay at home on your head, just where it belongs. See what he says. ablUh t& formal .T. n. ir& ear prBrtlotf. LotrMl, MM, county, who will also locate a claim, and they will know for a certainty Just tho character of tho lands they locate. Numerous small parties aro also locating the grant lands lying near er, and before the week closes thou sands of ncres of rallrond lands will have notices posted upon them by the locators, declaring that tender of tho original purchase price named In the grant has been mado to tho present holders of tho lnnds, and that prior right to tho lands, Is to be claimed by those posting tho notices. As In other Instances throughout Western Oregon a test caso will bo started should the rallrond author ities refuse tho tender, which, of course, Is anticipated. As to wheth er tho locators will ever como into possession of the lands can only be determined by a final decree In the highest court, ns tho value of tho lands in question Is so great that only a decision from tho highest court will bo accepted. Tho attltudo of tho government toward public lands at the present time is such that EDWARD H. IIARIUMAN. llend of Union Pacific, South ern Pacific ami other railroads. ninny bollovo that action may bo takon by tho govornmont ofllclnls to dotormlno tho validity of tho tltlo of tho grant lands now hold by tho rallroadu. At least press roports from Washington Indlcnto that such action may bo taken, nnd Bhould It bo, and tho lands flnnlly revert bnck to tho govornmont through non-fulfillment of tho terms of tho grnnt, tho locators bellovo, nnd, doubtlosfl aro correct, that they will havo thu ftrat chanco nt tho lands before tho land ofllco. Anyway tho Improsslon Is bo strong that tho boys aro taking a long shot with tho hopo of winning. "Vo hnvo plottod, plannod and flctired. working from morning till night, seoklng for a medlclno that will tako tho placo of Holllstor'B Rocky Mountain Tea, but wo can t find It. Tea or Tablets, 35 conta. Sold nt Dr. Stono's Btoro. i Bifnaiura o am fei Round for tho fcoo. Dressed In tho latost and most ap proved cycling costume, with gog gles nil complete, tho motor cyclist gayly toot-tooted his way by Rogont'a park toward tho zoo. Suddenly ho slackened, dismounted and said to a smalt grubby urchin: "I say, my boy, nm 1 right for tho zoo?" Tho boy gasped at so strango n sight, and thought It must bo some new animal for the gardens. "You may bo all right If they havo a spnro cage," ho said, when ho could get his tongue; " but you'd ha stood n far better chance If you'd 'nd a tall." Smiles. o Good Words for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Peoplo ovorywhero tako plcaBuro In testifying to tho good qualities of Chamborlaln's Cough Romcdy. Mrs. Edwnrd Phillips of Barclay, Md writes: "I wish to toll you that I can reoommond Chamborlalp'B Cough Romedy. My Uttlo girl, Catherine, who Ib two yearB old, has boon taking thta romedy whonovor sho has had a cold alnco sho wad two months old. About a month ago I contracted ft droadful cold myself, but I took Chamborlaln'o Cough Romedy and was soon ns woll as ovor." This rom edy la for salo by Dr. Stono'B drug store. -4Y Helped Organize the Party. Jnmos Kossllng, father of "Ad" Kessllng, who was killed by a North ern Pnciflc trnln a couple of weoks ago, boars tho distinction of being tho only member of tho first republi can convention hold on tho Pnclflo coast who Is now living. Tho con vention was hold at Eurokn, Or., In 18BG. Mr. Kossllng wnB qulto woll ncqunlnted with ninny of tho men who woro thoro, nnd who nftorwardJ became ptomlnont in Oregon nffalrs Among tho men present, ho says, was tho father of Judgo Edward Wh It son. Yakima Republic, o Relief From Rheumatic Pains. "I sufforod with rhoumatlstn for over two yours," snyB Mr. Rollnnd Curry, a patrolman, of Koy West, Fla. "Uometlmcs It settled In my kncea and lamed mo so I could hard ly walk, at othor times It would be In my foot nnd hands so I was In capacltoed for duty. Ono night when I was In sovcro pain and lame from It my wlfo wont to tho drug store hero and camo back with a bottlo of Chamborlaln'a Pain Balm. I was rubbed with It and found the pain had nearly gono during tho night. I kont on using It for a llttlo moro thnn two wcoks and found it drove tho rheumatism away. I have not had any troublo from that dlsonso for ovor throo montha." For salo by Dr. Stono'a drug storo. Tho Hft Way. Rosenborg, tho Clothlor LlttU Ablo found n big roll of bills on dor aldovnlk. Mrs. Hosonborg Vlll you ndver tUo or monuy? Rosenborg Vol!, I'll put dor mon oy In now stock nn' ndvortlso der goods. Punk. ft Ilowaro of Olntmrnts for cafarrli That Con (n I a Mercury, aa mercury will auroly destroy th aonao of amell and complotoly do rnnKO tlio whole Bystom whon onter- Ing It through tho mucous Burfacea. Such articles should nevor bo used except on prescription from reputa ble physicians, aa tho damago they will do la ten fold to tho good you can poaalbly derlro from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.. contains no morcury, and la takon in ternally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucoua surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you got tho genuine. It la taken Internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by V .J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial free. Sold 'by all druggists. Price, 75c per bottlo. Tako Hall's Family Plll for con stipation. o It Ntopn Iho An!. A good many persona have noticed the constant traveling of nnU up and down cherry trow. Some have re garded their proaenoe on the trees as hurtful and others regard tsm as Infect deatroyera. A man ta a neighboring town, believing the former to bo the case, has found a remedy to keep thorn off. He haa pasted sticky fly paper around tne limbs of tho treea o close to the smooth bark that the ants cannot, get under it and tbey do not attempt to get over; It being wUer than flies, they don't get caught. E. o Of al! the fruits that are in the land That grow on bush or tree, I would give up the choicest ones For Rocky Mountala Tea. sow at Dr. Stoat's Store. Accidents m Happen! r.ljew Ana vrh n they do happen TU WCd a CO oil liniment nnd 7TWW3 nel U at once. Al- W!M wnya keep on hml n bottlo of PROF. DEAN'S KING CACTUS OIL Tbl Kreat tntimieUrol, Roothlnjt nnd henllnu remedy upccdlly cure alt hurt of man or beait and always Heals Without A Scar tt mrr puu. ftnrftln. l)rutes. sore. I nwelllncs, lumfehem, old wound, lum ni!0, cbnppcd Imtulu, frot bllci, otc. and I tho utandnrd rcmeiiy lor croa vslte cut on animal, hnrnet and uuUio rnlM. Korntche. urcaw nooi, c.Vcd udder. Itch, mnnsc. ota it um'.n nwniiml from tho bottom up i .. .... .. ..- ....... and l thorouRhly nntlepuo. mnu CACTUS Olt U sold by uruirRinii in lie ,fA? and Jl liotlle. IS nnd W decor ated conn, or nent prepaid by th manu 1 facturen. OLNHY A McUAlD, ainton, Iowa, It not obtnlnaulo nV your drug- I .-IMS' Acoopt no 8ubatltuto. l'nr ale by il. W. Putnam Go. 135 X. Com. St. Balcm, Or. ToiiKUfM lit Spoknins A Spokano, Wash., dispatch says'. Tho gospel of tongues hns secured nnothor big convert, formor pnator I). W. Raines of Latah being tho vic tim. Ho hns bocoiuo converted nnd now Ib nllowlng tho npenkors of tho Btrango religion to hold moollngB In hlB houso. Mr. Lnwler and wlfo enmo out from Spoknno nnd stnrtod tho local mlHslon and thon loft Mrs. Wood and Mlas Illloy In charuo. Rov. Raines nttonded a mooting hold nt 13. R. Gilbert's and camo so under tho Influence that ho full prov trato upon his back nnd Inld thoro for Bomo time, seemingly uncon scious, wlillo at tho samo tlmo ono of tho womon hoalors was kneeling near his head and keeping up n con tlnuoua llutterlng and waving of hor hands nonr his faco. Other women knolt nenr his foot. Thoro Is much oxcltomont hero nbout tho mnttor. flront crowds of children gnthor nround tho houno nnd look In. Lnst night somo boys throw atonoa through tho window, o Stop ai-iimbllng. If you suffer from Rhoumntlam or pains, for Dallard's Snow Llnlmoot will bring quick rollof. It Is a euro euro for Bpralna, Rhoumattam, Con tracted Muacloa and all pains and within tho reach of all. Price 26c, 60c, $1.00. O. R. Bmltb, Tonoha, Tex., writes: "I havo usod Ballard's Bnow Liniment In my family for years and havo found It a fine rem edy for all pains and aches. I rec ommend It for pains In the cheat." Bold by D. J. Fry. o Xrtv Uoml IHl-r llct'orri. Tho dead letter oftleo oatabllshed a now record during the month of Apr!!. According to the roport of tho poitafflce department tho number of letters and pnekagoa rcturnod to endora during the month was 4BV 409. Tho total number of pleeoa of un delivered mall matter rcoelved dur ing tho period was 1,091.107, as compared with 938.963 In April of last year. Btlll another reeord was oatabllshed during tle .month whon In tho course of one day 29.3C8 let tora wore returned to senders be cause of Inadequate Illegible ad dresea. The largest number here tofore returned In a single day was H.488 on March 28 last. The Teas 'Woer. Ceres all kldaey, Vladdar aad rheesaaUe trouble; sold by all dreg glets, or two moaths treatmeet fcy sseH tor 81. Dr. . W. IUU. 8918 ORve street. Si. Loels, Me. See4 for teeUasesOsU. Sold hy akeee's ami siere. dw-lyr srcsaptx'jaa.. (tlt.Hl O-BvSK iut tu yJy g? "" tfltKitfltllflISfHlllS8l !! CLASSIFIED Mimatimiiiii'''''WI TOK 8AIJB For Snlo Cheap -5-roora houso and lot, woll fonced, and chicken houso In West Snlom, for $300. Como quick It ydu want It. Dorby & WtllBon. 5-22-lwk For Sale YounR honB, 80 conta each; will dollvor In town. Ad dross Mrs. B. Woods, R. F. D. No. 4, Joftoraon road. B-21-3t For Sale Salem-Indopondonce-Mon- tuouth. Btago lino, fully equipped. Inquire of Capital Commlsaloa Company, Salem. 4-G-tt l'or Sale Old papors, 10 cents per hundrod. Inquire Journal office, TV'lty Pay Heat Whon you can buy a nlco homo at C80 N. Llborty St., on terms to suit tho purchaser. Address C. II. Durggraf, Albany, Oro. G-17-tf. For Sale. McCormlck mower, good nn now, nt a bargain If takon At onco. Iuqulro nt Oregon Blonna Paint Co., High and Church Btrcots. D. II. Wyant. 6-202wk For Sale. Doslrablo proporty for salo at a bargain In Yow Park, cor nor of 13th and Cross' stroots, con taining ono hnlt block of land, with Bprlng branch running through tho placo, plenty of smalt fruit, with good houso, bam and outbuildings, nnd both city and. woll water. For terms Inqulro at tho placo. 6-20-lwk " " rou RRXT For Rent Nlcoly furnished rooms with board. Modem conveniences. 322 North High stroot. C-20-3t For Rent Sovon-room house, hot nnd cold water, oloctrlo light, bath room, Inqulro of Aug. Schrolb or, 6G0 North High street. 3-26-tt ' '' r- . -..- ! i - MVfllOAIi. Arthur Von Jcvukoh Teacker of pi ano; touch, technlch, interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students prepared for publto appoarance. Residence 668 Contor Bt. Tol. Mala 62S. a-28-tr. IA1ST. IxMt IllHck, part spaniel dog, Aa swors to name of "Don." Return to 13. Hofor, South Salem. 4-17-tf IX)D(JC8. Forcutnn of AMierlr Court 8hvr wood Foroators, No. 10. Meats Tuesday in Hurst hall, State street Leo Abble, O, R.J A. L. Brows, F. S. Control Inidgo No, 18, K. of IV-. Castle Hall In Holmaa block, cor nor State and Liberty streets. Tuosday of each woek at 7U p. m. Oscar Johnson, O. O.; H. H. Andoraon, K. of R, and 8. Modem Woodmen of America Ore gon Coder Camp No. 624 0, Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holmaa hall. W. W. Hill, V. O. 1 A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Moot every Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman ball. J. A. DIckoy, C. B.; P. L. Frailer, Clerk. LlHrolH Annuity UbIoh. Hick, axel. dent and pension Insurance; S2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agents wanted. J. H. 0. Montgomery, supreme organiser, Box 432 Salem, Oregon. R. K. Ryan, secrectary, 646 Btate street- WAMTXD. ASkS Wanted A placo for girl 16, li country or town to aasUt with light work for board. B. T., care Journal ofllco. WanUMl To borrow 1 1000 on the host of real estate security. Ap ply to "J. P.," caro Journal offlca. 4-20-tf Hlghnyt Ciuh Prlco Paid for chick ens at Wlllametto Hotel. 4-19-ti WMtel IJoy to run elevator. In qulro at Willamette hotel. 6-13-tf ""BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more tksa ay ether bread, yet the erlee Is ae higher. For sale at your greeer's. CALIPOKNIA XAKJiHY. Tkewos ft Ceelef, Pree. SALEM WATER COMPANY omam car mall. IW we4r sesriee sfely a4 eatte Mate yyW- steeiUj ae Unu, DEPARTMENT MISCBLLANBOU8. .Mano Thhct L. L. Woods, piano pert tuning, repairing and polish ing. Leave orders at Geo, O. Wills' muslo store, Salem. 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work. Get my prices ex sidewalks, curbs, aeptto tanks aa4 cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M. Ward, Highland add. Phone S89. 6-11-tf Batto WeHdeceU Flae wises, liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool and refreshing heefi constantly oh drough. 8ostH Commercial street 8-8-lyr gfilcm Iron Works, Foueders, chlnlste and blacksmiths. Maas facturera of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drylea stoves, etc. Manufacturers st the lalem Irott Worka Hob Press. Slcm llox A LHmber Co. Removed from South Salem to 14th street near the 8. P. depot. Boxes, Berry, Orates, Fruit Trays and Perfeetlen Fruit Evaporators. Phoae 201. Knlargcd Our meat market on Bast State street hns been doubled lu slse. sad we are better prepared than ever te serve customers. Prompt servlee ad the best of meats our motto. Celt or phone 109. B. B. Bdwards, Prep Saloni -Indcpcsdenctt . Mmweuth Stago line. Leaves ledepeadMe dally (oxcopt Sunday) at 8:89 o'clock a. m. Returning, leaves Snlom from Willamette Hotel at 8 p. m., arriving at Independeeee in time for 6:15 motor for Mea mouth and Dallas, Phone Male 170. Wo Aro Cosh PurclMwiere Of eetI try, eggs, and all kinds of farm produco. Rorry crates made m In unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co,, 267 South Cess morclal stroet, Salem Phoae Male 179. lit Acres Fine soil, halt tlmher, halt cultivation, 1H miles frem Balem, fine unohatrueted vlaw ef Balem, river, mountains, ete. Be tlrely enclosed with new wire fence. House and barn old. Ap ples, pours, plums, prunes, psaeh os, cherries, berries full bearlas;. This Is for you, Mr, Bargain H Hat er. Call on or write to "II.," eare Journal. 5-10-lwk A. J, AHcknwm. Contractor and Bulldor, 416 Court stroet. Phone 644. 6-11-tt DRAYMEN. L'uiiuiiIhm llrtMi.' TreMsfrr All kinds of transfer work dee. Furniture and pianos boxed reedy for shipment. Prompt servlee ie our motto. Stand and oMee at 263 South Commercial street. Phone 310. Residence Probs 988. SANK AKD DOOR rAOTOsUJsl. s'aSs' rrsfik M, Brewn.Msasfaterr i Mb, d.KHt, meBldlags, All klsds t kouae iaise and hard weed wtU, Frost street, Ut, State sa4 Oeert, Maka all complaints at tke ettse. FOR SALE! Wo aro now In a position to make prices on vacant lots, also houses and lots In Highland addition, along the Balem-Portlsnd new oloctrlo Has. This property has not boeti offers-el for salo boforo since tho completion of tho road, and we have some ex coptlonally good buys, Drby & Willson The Fashion Stables- VfiTWArfv iJmbiAafi tftatftBalsii A W BbVv tf swsJsWBfsfnsi snrssfrvsm Up-to-date livery as4 esh Hee, funeral tunwota a epscklty. Tally ko for plenles ad sxeuraluaj, Pkeoe 44. OKAS. W. YANNXK, Pr 847 o4 944 Hif IHreet, Thee. M. Ikurr PJemMng, net wUe and stsaw heating; a4 UsMslsHk 184 Cessmereisa street. PImmm Mat 198. 9-My M. j, yetest riessUig, etesm gas ItUeg. Suewc te Kness I AsUlBTVvTe SVPtJ VJspSBMHrBjBl Sj8jsB4 eBeBfVBBBaff 'Pkeee Ml 17, .