... i nwmuMi NMiMiim m DAILY OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, ULYY 23, 1007. RBSC f ft V2 WJIWtr .ittfclftl WPyS. TTTTT" tB IIIIA'fAi I H4V9wWZ sliHV&lH AT y A l I k WMBSKtmf H till II llllini.' ta-Jl IN B.I i. ZV I m mm t iflry fai1lr'wy Ifcr7 Hit s N fe 5lMfL 1 Wheix the Kildreix come home from School They usually want something from (he pantry EIGHT NEW FIRMS ARE INCORPORATED Salem Men Organize New Company for Manufacturing Gas and Electric Fixtures You remember the hunger you had Home cooking counts for much in the child's health; do not imperil it with alum food by the use of poor .baking powder. Have a delicious, pure, home-made muffin, cake or biscuit ready when they come in To Tbc sure of the purity, you must use DAVAI BAKING IfvTAL POWDER Rojal mkcs a difference in your home -a difference in your health a difference in your cooking. ROYAL is absolutely Pure. 00RD0N DENIES MARRIAGE Edward Sam Oordon of Coos Bay In pursued by a fomalo Nomosls who nHHortH hIio Ih hla wlfo and furthor moro lias a hinrrlugo cortlllcato that shown Edward Sam Gordon and Dortha Kit a Lurch wuru duly married nt Vancouver, Wash., on October 21, 1905, by Rev. Robert Yoatman, tho Uaptlst mlnlBtor, In tho proHonco of W .10. Wilson nnd Oro Mobloy, wlt- nOHSOH. Hut Hdwnrd Sam Gordon, who la u wealthy man and uwnor of con siderable property, says tho mnrrlngo did not Include him; that he waa not printout In porson or ttplrlt, and that It waa only u part of a uchumo of Borthu lilttii Lurch to got an iutoruHt In IiIh property. . Tho woman baa long claimed to be Gordon's wife but he didn't bothor inuoh about her until nfter tho Vancouver eplaode. Ho claims she came to Portland, found boiiio old follow to Impersonate Edward Sam Gordon, no over to Vancouver, procure n IIouiiho and havo a mnr rlngo ceremony performed. nak tho court to docreo him tho ab-j Furniture for Stnto House, solute owner In foo simple of tho whon GoVernorChnmborluln vialt proporty that Dorthn Etta Lorch has cd CooB Bny ,nHt wcok tho onthUB,aB. no right, title or lntoreat therein, nnd t,c c,UzunB rnscd ?300 wlth whch to prohibit hor from claiming or.,,, ,.v n nnf n, fl,PniMirft .,., win m - t y bo a dupllcato of tho act used in tho asserting alio Is hla legal wlfo. tup. X-RAYS San Francisco's travail Is tho In ability of hor cltlzona to travel. car, "united wo run." club rooniH in North Bend nnd whon finished will bo nlnccd in tho govern or's olllco ns a token of csteom for tho governor nnd nn ndvortiaoment for North Bend. Tho money was raised, according to ,tho Coos Bay Harbor, na follews: "Gcjitlomon," nnd Tom Richard son's volco commanded tho nttontlon Tho policeman In San FrnnclBco of n. "Gentlemen, wo aro In tho Huggoatod us a motto to tho street cnh roomB of ti,0 0C8t mtio'olty that I over saw. A city that hna subscribed more 'ho dofonao in tho Haywood casoj money per capita thnn any other city rgo that Ilnrry Orchard Is a l Orogon for advertising purposes. A city that has tho hnndsomost nppointod club rooms of any city in T cha blgnmlat. As ho confesses to 18 murders, a little matter of two mar riages will probably not cnuso him much loss of sleep, so long as both wives aro left out of talking dis tance of him. If Ituof Is believed na to hla state ments that ho uccoptod bribes from tho United Hallways of San Fran cisco, why should ho not bo bolloved aa to his statement that Calhoun paid him tho monoy? Those well voraod in history say Thou that Jamoatown has ohnnged but llt- aho wont back to Cooa Day and bade- tie alnco discovered by John Smith. ed hor claim to be hla wlfo by ahow- lug tho cortlllruto and this bus espe cially annoyed him In selling prop erty aa she would go to Intending purchasers and warn thorn not to buy ua she waa tho wlfo of Gordon and wouldn't sign tho deed. Gordon aitya he went to Vancouver nnd secured the atlldavlt of llov. Yeatuiau to tho effect that ho (the roal Gordon) was not tho bridegroom of tho Gordon-Lorch wedding. Mr. Gordon owns property In Clackamas county and ho therefore will bring suit In the circuit court at Orogon City through hla attorneys, Dlmtck & Dlmlrk, to unlet tho title. He will Orogon, Portland not excopted. "A city that knows good things whon alio sous them nnd ia rondy to grasp tho boat ones. "I wnnt to mnko you, ns roprosout ntlvo cltlzona of North Bend, a prop prep prop osition: "Tho furnlshinga of thoao club rooma nro worthy of Immltntlon nnd I proposo that wo rnlso tho money right hero to buy "a dupllcato of this sot of furnlturo for tho governor's olllco at Snlom and lot it be thero na an advertisement of Cooa Bay nnd tho Industries of North Bend. "Now I only wnnt two things: I II. C. Bploy, August Huckdsteln and Herman Barr, of this city, yes terday filed articles of incorporation for the Western Electric & Manufac turing Co., with tho capital stock fixed at $25,000; Tho company, which will havo Us main ofllco in this city, is organized for the purpose of engaging in tho manufacture and Bale of nil kinds of gas and electric fixtures, and to do all kinds of wir ing, telegraph wiring, fire alarm wir ing, burglar alarm wiring, to Install automatic fire alurm systems, auto matic heat regulators, do bell wiring and private electric and gns lighting and sell, lease and own franchises and power plants and furnish power. A meeting of' tho stockholders of the concern was hold last evening and by-laws wore adopted and a board of directors and ofllcors chosen for tho ensuing year. Tho following' is tho bonrd of directers: August Hucko steln, James Wilson, C. II. Eploy, D. A. Errctt nnd L. Hyde. E. C. Gnm blo was elected manngor. Tho borry groworB of Brooks and vicinity, for tho purposo of promot ing their interests in the fruit indus try, havo filed articles of incorpora tion for tho Brooks Fruit Growors' Association. W. II. Egnn, A. M. As plnwnll, B. A. Jones, W. A. Jones and A. M. Lnfollett nro tho Incorpor ators. Tho association has a cap I tal Btock of $200, and will havo its main ofllco at Brooks. Snnko Rlvor Copper Mining Com pany; capital Btock $250,000; main ofllco, Baker City. Portland Knights of Columbus Bufldlng Association; main ofllco, Portland; object, to promoto frntor nul and boncvolont principles of or der nnd to mnlntnin club house. Tho St. JoluiB Commercial Club; capital stock, $700; object, mainte nance of club houso for members. Tho Crntor Luko Co.; main ofllco, Portlnnd; capital stock, $250,000. Tho ProgrcBsIvo Mining Company; main olllco, Portlnnd; capital stock, $50,000; object, development of mines. Douglas County Mining Compnny; main ofllco, Portland; cnpltal stock, $1,000,000. o XI-:W YORK'S MOXKY .MAKING PEOPLE. Jamoatown la nocoasarlly n Jim wnnt tho privllogo of subscribing tho CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chocking accounts onablo, folks to deposit their monoy and ro colvo a passbook, agalust theso accounts thoy aro permitted to draw chocks. Checks may bo given to parties for such sums as desired, thus avoldlug frequent trips to the bank. It Interested call and see ua. Salem State Bank Ii. K, FACIH, PmUkat. M. W. HAXARp, Qwfckc, town, therefore a J-town but it will be ho no longor whon tho gnlaxy of Orogon girls hit tho pike. Mra. Yorkoa-Mlznor hna boon granted a dlvoreo, tho courts giving hor pormlaalon to marry again. It la a safo bot that, Inatoad of profiting by hor laat oxporlenco, alio will tako anothor "dude." Honry Moldrum, ox-survoyor-gen-oral of Orogon, is now enjoying do served promotion. Formorly a ser vant of tho government, ho is now Its guoat. a Mny Irwin, tho actrosa, who Is old enough to know better, Is going to marry n young man half hor ago. May has tho dough nnd la a good cook, but hor husband can probably show hor somo fancy oroatlonu In pastry, If shojiormlts him to get his lingers on hor "dough." Roseburg hold a roso carnival be ginning Tuoaday. Tho Rovlew is "llowory' 'In dosorlblng tho boauty of tho exhibit, but say, Just wait till Sa lem gets her roses, ohorrloa and "poaches" all in a bunch. The nowspapor correspondents nt BoUo dovoto the time not spent lu "faking" news to playing baseball. It looks ua though tho Haywood trial, after all tho llaro of trumphots by tho prosecutiou Is going to bo a grand fizzle. first five dollars, and I don't wnnt any subscription larger than mine." "Now," holding nloft n shining gold piece, "who Is in on this deal'" Say, ovorybody was; nnd In exactly live inlnutos. 300 seconds. $300 wna In C. S. Wlnsor'8 hands. So much for tho way North Bend does things. Tho furnlturo will bo mndo at onco by tho North Bend Manufacturing Co. Soro Nlpplea. Any mother who has had experi ence with this distressing ailment will bo ploased to know that a cure may bo effected by applying Cham. borlain'a Salvo as soon as tho child is dono nursing. Wipe It oft with a solf cloth boforo allowing tho babe to nurso. Many trained nurses uae mis saivo witu best results. For sale by Dr. Stono's drug Btore. Now Grand Ofllcvrs. John M. Wall, of Hlllsboro, was olocted grand ohnnadlor of the Knights of Pythias of Oregon, at tho grand lodgo mooting In Portland Tuesday. Tho same day Mrs. E. Dunning, of Portland, was choson a tho head of tho Pythinn Sisters. O .WTOKXA. tMNrtfctoMMNtttttJt C&vfflt&c A Narrow Escape. G. W. Gloyd. a mrchBn ..t Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, when he ran a JlmBon bur into kls thumb. Ho sys: "The doc tor wantNl to amputate It but I would not consent. I bought a box of Bucklea'a Arnica Salre and that cured the daagerous rouad." S5e tt J. a Perry'., irncitat "Now York? It Is u wonderful city, a very big city, but I do not think n vary nlco city. You think of nothing but monoy. In tho dnytlmo you think of making It; In the night time, or spondlng it. And your plonsuroB, or what you call your ploasures, aro Just as intonso as your buslnosB. Is that pleasure? I do not think bo. I hnvo not soon much happiness In 'ow York. You try bo hard to get It. You do not lot It como of Itself." The speaker was n concert singer a Bolglnn lady, vivacious, cult ured, acquainted with tho most of tho capitals of Europe. She continued; "You nro always striving. Nearly ovorybody in Now York hns the 'nutomobllo faco' or shall wo say tho Now York faco? Always striving never contont. And then, some day, you die and of what uso is tho striving? Why not bo happy now. llko tho Italians, or tho French, or tho Germans? Not here, but in their own countries. Go to Europe, if you would 800 happy faces. Thoy nave not such high buildings ns in Now York, but thoy havo happiness, which is worth more. . "It doos not soom to do tho pcoplo good to hnvo thoso high buildings. Tho peoplo In New York no, I do not llko them. In Mexico, whoro I havo been, nnd whero I am going now, tno pooplo aro gentlomon. A man may bo poor and clad in rags, but ho carrios hla raga with grace. Ho has a native dignity, a courtesy that you do not seem to know at alt in Now York not at all. You would think it a torriblo thing to bo de prived of gentleness nnd courtesy? In no city in tho world is a stranger subjected to such brusquoness and rudeness as in New York. Is that a symptom or civilization? I do not think so. You havo many lofty bulld- iugs, but tho character of the peo ple, that Is not lorty. , "Oh, yes; P know that in New York are. many charming people. I have met many or them. But I speak of tho mass tho peoplo In tho street, in the shops, on tho cars. Thoso aro the people whom the Mra&ger meets in New York, or Ber lin, or Vienna, or any other city an(i It Is on this basis that tho city mU8t bo, what you call, 'sized up.' ' oiuis. yu,o rratt in The Reader. p II 1 1 1 1 i IIH-HH-HHHW OFFICIAL DIRECTORY HII MHWHHI 1 1 H-H44 I'cicgauon In Congress. Senator ChaB. W. Fulton, Astoria. Senator Jonathan Bourne Jr' Portland. ' ' Roprosonfativo W. C. Hawloy, sa lorn. RepreBcntativo W. R. Ellis, Pondlo ton. Stnto Ofllclals. Governor, George E. Chamberlain Sorotary or State, Frank W. Ben son. Stato Treasuror, George A. Steele. buponntondent or Public Instruc tion, J. H. Ackorman. Attorney General, A. M. Crawford Stato Printer, W. S. Duniwoy. State Labor Commissioner, O P Hoff.' Supremo Court. Chief Justice, Robert S. Bean. Associate JubUco, Frank A. Moore. Associate Justice, Robert Eakln. Commissioners, W. T. Slater, W. R. King. Clerk, J. J. Murphy. Reporter, R. G. Morrow. Bailiff, P. II. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Geo. H. Burnett, Snlom; "William Galloway, McMlnn vlllo. District Attorney, John H. Mc Nary, Salem. Other Stnto Ofllclals. J. W. Bailey, Food and Dairy Com mlsBlonor, Portland. J. W. Baker, Gamo nnd Forestry warden, Cottago provo. Robt. C. Yenny, Stato Health Offi cer, Portland. J. II. Lowls, Stato Enginoor. Sa lorn. E. Gllllnghnm, Stnto Librarian, Sa lorn. II. G. Van Duson, Stato Fish Com missioner, Astoria. Chas. V. Galloway, Stato Land Agont, Salem. W. W. Eldor, Commandor Soldlors' Home, Roseburg. Marlon County Ofllcinls. John H. Scott, County and Probate Judge. R. D. Allon, Clerk or Courts. W. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Troasuror. E. T. Mooros, Superintendent or Schools. F. J. Rice, Assessor. B. B. Horrlck, Jr., Survoyor. J. C. Noodham, W. II. Goulet, Com missioners. A. M. Clough, Coronor. D. G. Drngor, Recordor. Salem City Ofllclals. Goo. F. Rodgors, Mayor. W. A. Moorcs, Recordor and Pollco Judgo. D. W. Gibson, Marshal nnd Chiof or Pollco. Frank Meredith, City Treasurer. A. O. Condlt, City Attornoy. Jas. W. Martin, Stroot Commis sioner. Mark Savngo, Chiof Flro Dopart- mont. W. C. Smith, Henlth Oflcor, City Standing Committee. Ways and Means Jacob, Waldo, Churchill. ' Ordinances Greonbaum, Low. Goode. Accounts and Curront Expensos Churchill, Radcliff, Bayne. Streots Downing, Stockton, Stolz. Public Buildings Stockton, Stolz, Gcsnor. Sewerage, Stolz, Jacob, Low. Plumbing Frasor, Downing, Gcs nor. Flro and Water Low, Radcliff, Goodo. Bridges Gesner, Churchill, Fras or. Health and Pollco Haas, Jacob Waldo. Lights Goodo, Haas, Greonbaum. Printing Radcliff, Haas, Fraser. Publlo Parks Bayno, Greenbaum, Stockton. , Board of Education. W. H, Byrd, Chairman. A. A. Leo, H. C. Epley, E. M Croisan, Directors. II. A. Johnson, Jr., Clerk. J. M. Powers. City Supt. Schools Xt . L. lvi. ' tl llirAa wm, r? operator 0n The r ''I f...... "M 'Tim ' 1 uesaajr nUk. " "a .- ma i rather in..,. "" th "ver th Cj: u,e ay the wif? m fcl Presume It ..."M. hi dall-CV!llkit( th Garden c! Hnn' h TbedIv0,M.irAtia There win v."gor, 7 Sl ? compliHi""! ssisrjj m every time. Eppfey's Hon Baking Powifei makes good. f)Wl make something j; on getting Eppk$ tion Powder, soWJ grocers. MmhTi C. M. Eepky.Samit: p ' i Tho Amcrlcau ptlSt deslrablo men to rtpmatl government ntfalri.ult ties will ultimately rtHJthi ploto victory for clean 1 politics. Tho same people ire same demand for pare. ' food. For clean, pi!ttit3,i tory cooking and balls can surpass our IIOSIIM'JIETJUIED i Wo offer tomotror Cookies, HomfrMuJj Bfij nun. Boston Bated BH' Brown Bread, IUWa Brntl iinm nolled Team1 Plain Layer Cake, GoM (J nut Cake, Spanha En' Cnke. Prune Cake. Special attentlo toj' and special delhW. KOTII GRU 410 S(U SK I Atsente ItiA SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Let us show you a neat, up-to-date lens for near and far-seeing. It eually as good as the expensive kind, and hair the cost. Don't throw away your broken glasses. Bring them to us. We can duplicate any part, with little expense. t im. roit IUSf J Remembtr that a Jj mixed readrto8;. er of burning jor, It sticks- To Bprayererrtl;" . not w.wi . lj IsnoWgberthaaiPV itvouMelf,"1"" D.A.WWTE! 233 CO-5- Chas. It Hinges GwutoOe OpMefai. im Ommnei-elil feHrMC, awt d0r te fapltal MMmI I I f T A1 ;. " !l f--1 xw a .. F-L' "Jj