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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1907)
haliirTWiitomlw.lil.n --rti.w.-i.i .. " T ' "TS IVf llMirit'n.lMilJMlJl. flHEn: FAIR TONIGHT AND FRIDAY. AffiYj CAPITAL JOUBNAL. XVII. SALKM, ORF.GON, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1007. NO. IS I. RS. IDA M'KIINLEY IS DYING w v-ffuwSw tattle Between Capital and Labor Is Imminent UMTO HAVE FOUND SIMPKINS It A WITNESS FOR DEFENSE Ispte Orchards Statements As Knew All His Movements e, Idnho, May 23. Jnck Simp (the nilSBlng member of tho ft of Western Fodorntlon mom- kccuEctl of tho murder ot Stoun- g in Washington, and It la ted will surrender to tho Idaho rltlca in ordor Hint ho can bo ! as the chief witness for tho de He alone can dispute tho ;of Orchard's movements. It that detectives hnvo been ag for months on tho theory pteunenberg was murdered by rd, nt tho request of mon who to get him out of tho way, asl cw too much about tho stealing! ilicr Innd, Tho dofenso admits will try to hnvo Borah's al i Indictment by tho federal grnnd lor timber land frauds Injected' be case, GOULD'S PRIVATE WASHING BEING DONE AT PUBLIC LAUNDRY More of the Rottenness of High Toned Society to Be Disclosed Now York, May 23. Captain Mc Laughlin, former head ot tho detec tive bureau, declared when his de fense was made on tho chnrgo of us In thu bureau to further tho alms of Howard Gould, In tho attempted blackening of Mb wife's character, will result In more startling develop ments. Dolnnccy Nlcoll, Gould's at torney, It is reported, said that whon Gould's Bide of tho caso waB proBont ed It would result In nioro sensations than tho wife's separation buU. Tho caso arouses great Interest, o YTiuiCh Recount Hill. Albany, N. Y., May 23. Hughes sont nn emorgency messngo to tho sonnto today, asking the passage of tho mayorallty recount bill, and rec ommending tho leglslnturo to post pono adjournment untl tho bill was mndo n law. I1ICAG0 STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE FOR THE PAST THREE MONTHS BViFKS HAVE BEEN I1USY IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO HXG SIMMER GOODS AND SMITING THEM TO UH SO WK i-'LII II E THEM READY FOR OUR SUMMER RUS1NEKS. Y 11 i: DONE THEIR WORK WELL; THEY HAVE Sl'P- 2I IS THE CHOICEST WARM WEATHER GOODS TO HE Z.YD ANYWHERE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. WE OFFER THEM K AT QUICK SELLING TRICES. READ ON. UNABLE TO VISIT THE TOMB MRS. M'KINLEY DANGEROUSY ILL Has Severe Attack of Bronchitis and Doctors Say She Cannot Uvo Canton, O., May 23. Mrs. Ida McKlnley, who has sufforcd from an attack of grippe, which later devel oped Into bronchitis, has been un able to visit her husband's tomb for Bomo time. Dr. Portman, hor phy sician, says Bho cannot live. Cnnton, O., Mny 23.-MrB. McKln ley, widow of President McKlnley, fltistnlnod a stroke of paralysis to day, and Is unconscious. Dr. Rlxey hns boon telegraphed Tor from Wash ington. It Is said Bho cannot survive. HARGIS SECURING JURY FOR SCHMITZ PASSED A BOGUS CHECK DEFENSE ASKS POSTPONEMENT SMOOTH STRANGER GETS BUSY Car Situation is Improving and Acis And Put in Circulation Bills of the of violence Ceasing , Vintage of 1857 San Francisco, Mny 23. Whon Somo smooth genius Is working tho Bchmltz trial was resumed today his way northward through Oregon, tho dofonso mado tho first attempt nnd Incidentally working othor pen to delay proceedings, by asking for plo along tho route Tuesday ho la an adjournment until Saturday on reported to hnvo dono somo clovnr tho plea that one of their attorneys, work nt Ilosoburg, nnd yesterday ho whoso prcBonco was needed, wob In managed to do a Bmnll stroko of uufcl Sacramento. Tho motion wnB de- noBB hero, though It did not scorn to nlcd. Tho examination of talesmen bo IiIb busy day. Ho first scoured a was Immediately roaumed. At noon room at Scott Ferguson's pnylng for ono wb temporarily passed, tho Bamo with a $10 bill, and getting tho chnngo in good coin, tho hill be Moro Cart Running. Ing nomowlint antiquated and of no 8nn Francisco, May 23. Nino ad- valuo, bolng Issued by tho stalo of dltlonal lines woro opened by tho Georgia boforu tho war. Ho nlso "United Unllroad this morning. VIo- mnnngod to get somo chnngo from JURY ACQUITS Ten co continued to decrease. CONTRACT MARHIAGE VALID. Colorado Court Grunt Dlvitrtv from Oregon Woman. Denver, Colo., May 23. That u dl ono of tho Jowolry BtoroH, snld to amount to about J 10, but tho party losing Is rnthor modest about tolling tho ' story. Presumably tho same man tried on a pair of shoes at tho Irvine & Co. store, and, ns thoy Boomed to fit him, ho ordorcd them BATTLE MAY STILL BE FOUGHT CALHOUN MAKES A HARD FtGHT Tries to Unite Merchants to Declare vGrwt Lockout Btlful new summer goodB now a at rock bottom pries. i Silks. M Tr sH summer dress goods. e Wei Dross Goods. ke L -r a dross goods. tot" I Swlssos. pf" in Lawns. F k Suiting. 6 t Muds 1 lei i Linens. M'.' F-Bbrolderloa, "e India Lawns. VTa r r ( -a Silks. a 's FW-1 Farasols. 1 Canvas Show. t ta Suits in Duck, nd India Silk. kie Gloves. Tho low prlcoa we nro now soiling flno millinery. Ladled' Suits, Ladle' Jaokets, and Dress Skirts, at Is surprising evorybody. Wo are doing tho business and wo can afford to sell our goods at low prlcos and always have them for you new and fresh w r b Lexington, Jnme boliiB conBplrncy Bhal down former and Tom White, convicted of slaying Cockrili, nnd John Smith, unothor conspirator, confosuod on tho wltn'osB stand, stntlug tho murder was In spired by Judgo Hargla, Hlbort liar gls and Sheriff Ed. Callahan. All woro Indicted. Smith was nM Im plicated with tho Harglsos In tho plot to kill two onomlos of tho HnrglB elan. Jott and Whlto woro convlctod of murdorlng J. H. Mnrcum, and aro serving life sontoncos. o A RATHER TOUGH '" sent to tho unvornor'ii nfflro. In tlioi vorce in a common law contract mar- ,.., ,. -ii,i., ,, .ftii..,..' ........ ,...UV, VIHOHMin " l"ll rlngu Is not a superfluity was the ()f tj,0 K 8ah Francisco, May 33, The pre cipitation of a fearful industrial' struggle in this city in throwing down tho gauntlet to trades union. by declaring a gigantic lockout of tho thoiiBands of building craftsmen, ongngod In tho work ot rohabllltat In San Francisco, for a long time hung in tho balance this nftornoon, nt a mooting of tho principal build ers and contractors and representa tives of tho manufacturers. Severnl Mpenkers declared that tho only solution of tho contluual Indus trial utrlfo and labor troubles In San Francisco wai tho "open shop," nnd urged Immcdlnto war upon the unions, and to "right to tho finish without quartor" by tho eetloR of all building operations uatll the em ployes would bo glad te return to work at wrkcb that builders could pay without Ions to thotelve. o COREY HKLUS HIH STOCK. overnor. mo nut up n chock .., ., .-. --n" oiiininii nr tlio iIlRfrlrf rnurt wlitm .- .... ..m .. ... . .... . . ..j. . sHargls was ncnultted. tho jury x7, ,7 I " Vv"l t' ,or "' ""' "A-aum -. "h.,,,.,, rrow l'rcM.'Hcy of. UHltnl , nill ,, ,... Tim Ktmrni vim ' 0t 11 OMUMg'. '" COmO-BKaiH Hks-L ' ' '" I out ono hour, fho chargo wna .,on from HmQ Lynch. to whom ho , ..... .... M ,...,, ?,,L' H ' to causo tho death of Mar- Wftl ,lolltlll ,v Bllch n ,...-, Thn '""-I' " "; ,"'"' :.""." r.. . James, who was ahot co I)Io , '. lnt0 tho contract n't """"'" r "i.. " T. .".L". Z ! U ,,b"' ViX". a ",Th ro- in tho streets of Jackson. A 0nklnn, CflIlfornIu. , 18M. nnd -"" - ' ,-. " " . mttmrront in loenl elrolei that ... n i .a " lllin IllJL lltTUll BUUI1 111 C1H1U1II. I T 11 nmxt tiMlial.lii... I A !.. Tin IaJ jury UIBagreeU. Uliri JOll n.lnpMv rirwnr,1. lr l.vnl. l.rnUn " " w"" l'viiu ill lu wmV FAMILY and a sopurntlon wns grnntod. STANDARD OIL HAS A iltntna Utnt ntmtnpiiltnH I u Attltin it by returning to hur pnronts In Or- ,All HHRVICK AROUT VORMl t .. . . . '',""' " 'V"" It "was decided that a divorce H(U, IWBCWn7B Having !tw iiVrS might save Lynch the c,bnrrnB.nout of T,..r Line. . ,1' ?, r holS r It s f7 hor In somo future time In being mado a Bnn ,,rnnoUco. Mny a3.-A warto . . " ,T, T nJ.L .,!. V!I defendant In a suit Mod by hi. wlfo, BOnlo qf M D 33 MBt, n ,,,, ftC. " ' ' "" "'' XT' " " cording to length of service Is thu ,,, 1)0ot, r08entod to the exociitlvo . now wage ecnlo that was put Into ft- comniltteo. , feet today on tho United Rnllronda, Mr, Corey's reason for selling hid according to ufflglnli of tho company. Mock )g .atotl t0 l0 ruV(,nK0 ,n ,,0. This Is tlto sonlo of wagos which ,,,K ,,rnoUonly uiiatcd from tho big President Calhoun proposes to par corporation. It can bo staled an a upon his street railway system In f,lol tlint ,, B,ilni. oriI(IP af 50 a00 Otr PTirl lhu oUy' wh,d' ,l0 docarOB' w,n nro of stool common was executed UIU O I lt)l hor",,tor b0 ')0rat1 wUl' non-unlon tho New York marhi-t yesterday employoa. nnl tliH morning. This stock ropro- ! T'10 '' 8n'0 w 3 Jo 33 car,B sented Investment holdings, and tho WashlnKton May 22 -President "" IT"' 8,x,y'1V0 W"" r average price paid for It was several W irFoSlold of tho U a 01 P '". n80On,,U0,or8 nm,l ",ol"r'l't aboY. tho pro.ct market .,uo . ii. ronzenjeiu, oi ino eu u. uii mon nn,jor tt0 uow wngo soalo, wqro tntlona. v..iuiiiuuy, ui uuiiiiiiuru, siuriiuu m received today. interstate commerce commusion mis 0 I morning by stating that tho Standard Train of HIicmi. Chicago, May 23. Mrs. Lucy Mag- oil Co. had a big stick In tho form .. .. n- u. .i ni..M, u enow was re-indioted today on the 0f coorolon, and thnt it usd It sue- beginning to move In good shape 8ltokmu' Fnuple Clurgrd With Rv. cnurRo oi uuuuiK mu urauii u un cmstuiiy to urlvo out U10 injopeuu- from iia 0ca ygniH Roa mothers ' -''" .-uomu iroprrty. Illegal operation of Lola Maddlson. 0HtB. 0 Baia th Routhorn roads. of Monunng,,,,,,, 30 cars of sheep - of Salt Lake, a sister of Mrs. Anna xcJr,t tno Boahoard, had Increased to F0rByti,, Mont., by special train Spokane. Wash., May 23 As Ilia Bradley, who is now In Jail in Wash- tB0 0 rftlM on 8oth Carolina ship- vir,iv m.,.!... tj.i- f- n, .-. result of 2 hours' hard work hv ingion awaiiuiK inai lor mo biioku" ihooting of ex-S nator Ilrowa. ' I' 0" Switch-! tho Ciirrnit. Sbn Franaisoo. May S3. All of lb I !.... H0II...1... l.nllnu 1I..a north I . rnvou itnunH; iumu itH mui .. --o- I'HNOK" IN HWKI1I1 I'AHT. evidunuO. -O- ments. This was not admitted 0nd train for them this spring. Than lUo l-loettv. II. I'uters and wlfo are several buyers In tho field, and W,u v " 'K in ttio fashion tho market is strong. ",,lw rwidenoo dUtrlot, ate booked W. fl. Wharton, of tho Rank of flt t,,l M,', atatlon today on u, Heppner. last week shipped 1200 IFK f reenlvlng stoM proiMirty. heed of steers to Montana, nnd will w ll' ooupla a grip nilell wltlt 1'rwi.byli'rlnn AM-nibly Columbus.O., May 23. The gen Pretty Street Hats, OOc, 75c, tic, 9123, SUM, Dress Hats. $1.05, 2J50, 3$0 Mhuea Dress HaU 1.49 BALSare PAiiTBiT OHOWIXO STORE. McEVOY BROS. 00iQoaicUi Asm court snum balkm, c. ;". ' ' ." ' , eral assembly of Presbyterians Is' hoed of seers o Montana, nnd w """ l il'ie u grip niioii witu uf Market street were put out ot oom JJ ,u Jtlhcr o , l000 Umi fi mmitr0K N. a, rare silver, worth more than 13000, Taenia " " u ernmont contract. TIh.o Wa taken to the station, and U hold ."! """".TkI1 ll. ame today. Dr. J. M Hubbert haalre all beef eaRJe. and the demand - vldenae. ed with all the troitey lines operated by tho company north of Market street, burned ojit, and the attending Itvufttt Onk-m for llour. Seattle. Wash.. May 23. -The flour L CIIUIU lO l HIH-'Wr w-- . ',.., ...,.... ., .., I. .Irnnif ),.. t),i. urlni, I. iin I.. f.r. M w'r the trolley win -7- -w - - TZ1VZA n.n .7-"' . ri . ...,. I. ,.....,. Lif,.t). "I jiuueimuf iiuuviii. . iw hm."h-i and Sixteenth streets. The Instant " rf0rt 'narrlage and divorce effect of diverting 13.200 volts of wa . thnt ministers refuse to electric current to the trolley wires -w '""", K0"1 inoi au"' as a frightful explosion In the Turk cnt ho f "te wlptural aad Fillmore substation. j ground, and then only after a year The swithboard. whlob is oonaeot- WX,,M' o It is declared by the police that tho man and woman have been con ducting a fence for thieves who have bjn operating in the city for months la tho afternoon Mrs, Peters Tw bniil t DfMfli. Ulloa, N. Y., May 23. Two lives lt were lost In the Metropolitan hotel wn eld by order of Chief Rice, fire this morning. The Hro waa caused 1'eters aooured his liberty by put- by a cigarette thrown In the cellar.itlHK up a bond of 1300 Fifty ftiiest slid down ropes to safe ty. electrical display struck consterns- mills of Puget Sound are now refus tlon asd fear to the hearts of hun-iing all orders for flour Wheat re drwli ef people In the neighborhood, eelpts are very small. Koarly trury It is remarkable that the trouble, will oa Poget Sound has orders for HM1I,Bh trAAlv .,..., . Offlcera aro vluoroualv uroaocutlnK IVt t 1 ftnlKa Bvi.'.H.t jI In Aril- I ' A I. . 1 ... a Drtiiglu-rty Ajtjxihitnl. Washington, May 23. Harry K. Daugherty. of Pennsylvania, waa to day promoted to membership of the c,uw to the Identity of tho wrejkor N'o Clew In Wrecker. Ia Angeles, May 23. It I U0Yf believed tho Oleudale wreck will claim no moro fatalities, us the In Jured aro doing well. Tneru la no was not attended by lost of life. Repairs were effected before the first ear started this mornlog. & ArrfstMl In IlngUnd. London, May 23. J. T- Thomp son, wanted in Oregon on a chargo of the larceny of $760 wsa remanded for extradition today several months ahead, and In order to fill them tbey will be taxed to the utmost capacity. Rather than refute orders made months ago, the mills aro filling them with wheat that costs them record high prices, and at the rate tbey aro puylnK mr It la thew, position declined by Lleutenant(lov eruor L. Y. Sherman, of Illinois. o ' Two Die JFroiii PtagMe, WflKhJngton, May 23 A cable gram from Honolulu to tho Marino Hospital service la tkls city reporti two deaths yeMwrday from p!aue, sad one sew ce of that dlacae. their search In tho surrounding couu- try. Dr. J. P. COOK TK HOTAJCKJAI. OOPO, MOYJKI TO 4 LJIIJTY irTHJUW FOR AKY WWUUJUI CAJUI.. ON mt. COOK. CX)3ULAT10K ITHItM. 1