DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1007. 8 TODAY ONLY WEDNESDAY SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE NO. 333 For our mid-wcck special wo have arranged another big special for the men. For this special wo havo TODAY c,l0SQn from our rcBular Btock nf hats and place on salo a lino of SOFT HATS $1 ,50 ONLY In colors Brown and Pearl. Newest toloscopo Bhapes. Black and Pearl bands. Regular $3.00 values. Nono Bold until 8:30 a. m. today. NO PHONE ORDERS RECEIVED. SUMMER FASHIONS Aro charmingly In evidence m thn Juno Issue of The Ladles' Home. Journal now on sale. Prominent among these Is an article, "Good and Bad Tasto In Dressing Children," with Illustration of both kinds. For tho sako of your own chll.l read it You can obtain Tho Journal each month at our counter at 1G conts, or, If you prefer, wo will forward your yearly subscription to tho publishers' for $1.50. 1! you see In Tho Journal any do- slims which .you liko you can got llin nnttorna from UB. BB WO are t i i M ngents for Tho Ladles' Home Journal Patterns. Fashion Bhcots for tho nBKing. HwliH kaBaBBBaV Women's Suits Splendid Bargains Every One Unusually attractlvo ready-to-wear milts of tho nowest stylos and fabrics attractively priced: JIG. 00 SuItB reduced to. $1 0 18.00 $12 $22.00 $15 J28.G0 $19 $30.00 $20 Mr. Clothes Buyer Just boforo you buy your spring suit or overcoat, stop and think and then sco us. Bo fair with your solf look nt what wo havo to offer. Costs nothing to conio In and soo our clothes try them on. Noto tho Into stylos, tho quality of tho material used In tho mak ing of theso garments, tho flno finish and tho cost 1b only. $10 to $25 lUeu&lA ;&A rp itmniiiinimmuM CITY NEWS II A Collection of Important Par- X ngraplui for Your Consideration Souvenir PoHtnlH Now Biibjocts today, at Pulton's. Now Volco Studio Miss Magors will moot pupIlB at hor studio In Odd Follows' tcmplu Tuosday, Wednesday nnd Thursday of ouch weok. 4-2G-w-s-lm HIiik in Mllwiiuklc Tho lMillailorlnn qunrtot. of Wll lnmotto Uulvoralty, loft this morning for Mllwauklo, Or., whoro It will glvo Its popular concert this ovaulng. Tho mombors of tho qunrtot nro C. V. Prosslng, E. a. Brown, F. D. Bnydor und Wlllltun Sandors. Miss GubbIo Booth, of Wlllamotto Univer sity, will nablat In tho ovonlng's on tortatniuont with sovornl readings, Flour Going Up Another rnlsti of 15 conts per bar rol was roportod In tho Hour mnrkot this morning. Tho scarcity of vulloy wheat Is said to bo causing the raise, whluh lms not yot roaohod Its high ost murk. To Mnko Fill- Jack Smart has purclmsod for tho Wnrron Construction Compnny lot 12, of block 3, North Salem, on Mill crook, from which to obtain gravel for tho ttll at tho approaches of tho now brldgo. Tho property was bought of Fred Hurat. Salem Man Chosou A. It. Brown, superintendent of tho city wutor workB, was yestorday elected Grand Chlof raugor of tho Forresters of Ajnorica for Oregon Mr, Brown was oiectoa secroiary oi tho local Court Sherwood of tho For resters' order whoa it was organUed hero 12 years ago, and has hold tho offlco ovor bIuco. Tho Forrootors, In honoring Mr. Browu, honored thorn boIvos. Hnoclal Mooting Evangelist O. R. HaudouBChelld will uiuko a special address to c only thla evening at tho Kirt M. K, church on "Will It Pay?" Services will begin nt 7:46. ' A Public Demonstration Prof, Jos. Decker, tho renowned cliof, is giving cooking Josuono and demonstrations dally to groat crowds of ladles in tho Wndo, Poarco & Co. Btoro on Commercial street. Prof. Bcckor Is demonstrating tho good qualities of tho wolMtnown Majestic range. By tho way, tho Majestic has always boon rogardod by tho knowing ones as tho only real thing In ranges. "It tnkos tho Majoctlc rango and Cleveland's baking now dor to mako n loaf of cuko Juit right," ropliod tho profOBSor whllo being tntorvlowed. Ladles' don't fall to boo tho profossor'B demonstra tions, from 2 to 5 o'clook p. m., dally Ho will show you things. Small Runaway Tho horso hitched to tho bread wagon of G. A, Baok, tho Twolfth street bnkor, this morning, whllo uonr tho cornor of Division and Lib orty stroots, took ndvantago of ho absence of his driver and Btnrtod to mako a run uV Llborty street. After running n short distance tho nnlmnl attempted to cross tho sidewalk, with tho result that tho wngon was bout and twlstod In sovoral places and broad, cakos ami doughnuts woro cast upon tho stroots In many direc tions. Tho horso, nftor broaklng looso from th owngon, was soon caught, and was found to havo sua tnlnml no Injuries. Soro Nipples. Any mothor who has had oxporl on.co with this distressing ailment will bo ploased to know that a cure may bo effected by applying Cham borlaln'3 Salvo as soon as tho child la dono nursing. "Wlpo It of? with a colt cloth before allowing the babe to nurso. Many trained nurses u thli salve wltU best results. For salo by Dr. Stone's drug store. Strike, Held Vp. Now York, May 22. Tho throat oucd strlko of tho Wostern Uulon op orators la bolug hold up pondlug a mootlrg of tho directors tomorrow to consider tho grievances of the opera tors. Tho operators believe tho di rectors will remedy tho alleged wrog. OPPOSE CONVICT LABOR. Object to Its Being Employed In Competition With Free Labor. A committee of the Salem Carpen ter's union, In conjunction with n similar commltteo of tho Salem Board of Trade, today appeared be fore tho state labor commissioner to protest against tho employment' of convict labor" In competition with freo lnbor on mechanical work being dono for the state, and the matter was thoroughly discussed. A further session will bo had, and It Is under stood that tho matter will bo adjust ed In a busInoss-Hko manner In the near future. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. Thero Is prohably no medicine made that Is relied upon with more implicit confldenco than Chnmbor laln'a Colic, Cholora nnd Diarrhoea Roraody. During tho third of a cen tury In which it hna boon use, poo- plo havo learned that It Is tho one romody that novor falls. When re duced with wator and Bweotoned It Is pleasant to tako. For salo by Dr. Stono's drug store. o Cancel Lund CertHlcntCH. Tho Stnto Land Board yestorday decided to stand by Kb act cancelling slato land certificates hold by A. T Kolllhor, covering 30,000 acres, and next week, after tho now law goes In to effect, tho board will repay to Kolllhor tho portion of tho purchaso prlco already paid, and then ndver tlso tho lands for aalo to highest bid ders In tracts of not to exceed 320 acres. Kolllhor was beforo tho board with a request that deeds bo granted to assignees of certain certificates, which, ho claims, wero grnntod upon gonulno applications. Tho request wns denied. IIo also requested tho prlvllogo of buying for mombors of his family boiho 1300 acres of land at $2. GO an ncro, In consideration of which ho would glvo tho bonrd tho crulslngs of his 30,000 ncrcs of can celled lands, but this was also re fused. Tho board took a stupng "stnnd pnt" attitude, and refused to com promise or mako any ngrcomonts, but will put nil cancelled lands up for salo on equal terms to all. As Bomo of Kolllhor'B lands nro sup posed to bo qulto valuable, thero Is llkoly to bo somo scrambling for do Blrablo tracts when thoy nro oftorcd for Bnlo, which will probably bo ear ly next month. o Of nil tho fruits that aro In tho laud That grow on uubIi or troo, I would glvo up tho cholcost ones' For Rocky Mountain Ton. Sold at Dr. Stono's Store. o- 11(5 Left tho Knot. WnBlilngton, May 22. Tho Prosl-' dont loft Pine Knot this afternoon far Washington, and nrilves at 0 o'clock tonight. n Wo havo plotted, planned and figured, working from morning till night, seoklng for n medlclno that will tako tho placo of HolHstor's Rocky Mountnln Toa, but wo can't find It. Ton or Tablets, 35 centB. Sold nt Dr. Stono's Btoro. Maybello Comes High. Now York, May 22. Corey has purchasod tho Btoam yacht Pantoo- sot, for $200,000. It Is to bo used on his honoymoon trip In tho Mediter ranean. Tho TVxas Wonder, Cures all kldnoy, bladder and rhoumatlo trouble; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mall for $1. Dr. ID. W. Hall. 2926 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials . Sold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr At the First M. E. Church. Bad weather last night did not pro vent a largo crowd from going to hear Evangelist Haudenschlold at the Methodist church. Tho meetings are Increasing lnjnterest, nnd tho pros pect for a successful Beason Is grow ing brighter. Tho revival has just begun and already a good showing has been made. The text for last evening was' from Romans 3:23, nnd reads: "For all have sinned and havo como short of the glory of God." His talk con cerned the method of treatment of sin by tho world, tho law, and tho son of God. Tho world treats sin in n cold nnd cruel way; the law meets It with stern and lnevltablo realities, while tho Son of God for gives tho sin, nnd takes tho Blnnor Into tho warmth and glory of his unbounded love. It Is In vain to try to hldo sin from tho eyes of God. It may be hid from tho eyes of tho world, from frlendB nnd tho bosom of tho family, but It cannot bo hid den from tho Divine One. A man docs not get any credit for trying to mako a show of living right Tho deception Is soon pierced through. Tho Pharisee, for Instance, prayed aloud on tho street cornor, but tho Publlcnn, with a broken and contrlto heart, Bent a messngo up to God that was heartfelt and true, ev en though ho were an outcast, and knew It. It Is nppalllng tho number of homes and hearts that aro broken and destroyed by Bin. Young lives ruined and blaBtcd marks tho courso of the monster. Bo suro your Bin will find you out. Your tracks may bo hid from tho eyes of tho world, but thoy cannot bo hid from God. WhlBtllng was again tho fenturo of tho evening, nnd mnny wero tho men who tried to whUtlo but could not because of a broad smile. Tho Inno vation wns appreciated, however, o HOTEL ARRIVALS. Willamette. G. F. Martin, Portlnnd. A. R. Wllbor nnd Avlfe, N. Y. Bon HnrrlB, Chicago. E. C. DnvlB, Portland. P. A. Zurlnrf, Now York. H. V. Gates, Hlllsboro. H. E. Moycr, Portland.' Mrs. 11. P. Fish, Wnrdner, Idaho. Geo. A. Steel, city. CharlCB Bloom, Portland. L. J. Borkey, Minneapolis. C. J. Milan, Portland. D. J. Sullivan. L. A. Edwnrds, "Old Arkansaw." Geo. A. Dorcns, Puyallup, Wash. Goo. W. Averlll, Portland. John M. Levy, Soattlo. Salem. Dolos D. Neor, Portland. Arthur Woodrlng, Cottngo Grove John Tvoy, Lndyaworth. C. W. Woodward, Portland. D. H. Foroman, Rlckreall. Androw Lucas, Rlckreall. J. C. O. Rlckards, Portland. J. G. Odell and wife, Portland. F. S. Johnson, Portland. II. Samuolson, Portland. W. E. Flshor, Sllvcrton. Wm. Romacly, Portland. J. A. Rink, Grants Pass. PERSONALS. -o- California Has a Quako. Riverside, Cal., May 22. Thoro was a sharp earthquako at 11 o'clock lust night, but It was not sufficiently heavy to causo damage . o Growing Aches and Pains. Mrs. JobIo Sumner Bremond, Tox. writes, April 15, 1902: "I havo used Ballard's Snow Liniment In my fam ily for threo years. I would not bo without It In tho house. I have used It on my little girl for growing pains and aches In hor knees. I havo also used It for frost bitten feet, with good success. It is the best llmlmeia I over used." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. fff MCM3 liTHE I ELEVENTH !i HOUR It Is not qulto that late la tho salo of tho crockory, glass- waro and dtshos at our storo. r But they will soon be all gono, as thoy aro being sold below cost, to make room for more groceries. : 11. M. BRANSON ! Phonel31. 432StateSt. 1 , - tiniM minwim Rov. W. R. WInans left this morn ing for Portland on business. Miss Bertha Allen left this morn ing for a visit In Sllverton. Dr. Z. M. Parvln arrived this mornlug from Portland. H. V. Gates, of Hlllsboro, Is la the city on business. Judge Burnett wns among those gdlng to Albany this morning. Charles KSpalding left today for Portland on business. G. C. Hatt wns among those who went to Portland this morning. Prof. Boyer left this morning for a short business trip to Portland. ' Prof. Arthur von .lessen left this morning for a short visit In Portlnnd. Mrs. Cnl Patton left this morning for a few days' visit In Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Nnthman left this morning for a visit In GervnH. E. LaForo was among those who went to Portland this morning. Charles Rlchtor left yesterday for a business trip to Chicago. W. II. Foreman has gone to Colo rado for an extended visit. William Norder loft yestorday for Yankton, South Dakota. Mrs. O. M. Jones Is visiting In Se attle. Rov. G. O. Oliver, of Jefferson, enmo down this morning. Mrs. E. M. Croisnn went to Port land today for a short visit. J. T. Cox loft yesterday for RoBe burg, whoro ho will enter tho sol diers' homo. Mrs. 8. Heckmnn nnd mother, Mrs. N. Hansen, loft today for Portland to visit tho lattor's son, Harry Han sen. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Roberts and 'daughter havo returned from a visit to Tumor friends and relatives. Miss Sylvia Jones, who has been visiting Salem friends, left this morn ing for hor homo In Brooks. Frooman Eldrldge, tho woll-known hop man, wns 1n tho city yesterday on business. Mrs. E. Hovonden, nftor visiting Salem relatives and friends, has re turned to hor homo In Woodburn. Miss Ida Edison nnd Bister, Miss Mario, who havo been visiting Snlom friends, left this morning for Silver ton. Mrs. M. Dashar nnd daughter, MIsb Emma, who havo been visiting hero, loft last evening for their homo In Portland. Mrs. E. May, who has been visiting hor pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Long, of this city, loft this mornjng for hor homo In Portlnnd. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Gnnlnrd, of Clear Luko, will movo to this city to reside. Thoy havo purchased propor ty In North Salem. MIsb Gusslo Booth left this morn ing for Portland to visit friends nnd assist tho Phllodorlan quartet In Its entertainment nt Mllwauklo tonight. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. II. Looney, of Jefferson, aro In tho city today on business bent. Mrs. Vloln Woods, after visiting bore, loft this morning for her homo In Albany. Mrs. J. E. Roberts left this morn ing for Aumsvlllo, whoro she has rel atives. Mrs. G. H. Saunders left today for Myrtle Creek, whoro sho will Join hor husband, who is located there, Miss Anna Tate, of Sublimity, who has been tho guest of Salem friends, loft this mornjng for Turner for a short visit. C. E. Budlong, of tho Capital Commission Company, Is at Turner and Marlon this weok, looking after tho produco business, buying aad soiling farmers' surplus stocks. State Secretary I. B. Rhodes, of tho Y. M. C. A., after visiting here, loft this morning for Eugene. Ho will return tomorrow, to bo present nt tho Oregon Boys' conferonco, which will bo hold hero Friday. s. C. Camnboll. who recontly un derwent nn operation In the Salem I EVERY I; M0RNiNG - v umage h McctinJl ! ! Yon am I '1 ent aitr,..,... JOUHvp ;JH :-w(, 7' :: ",Huo'tB :: a n. au-DEssn ; ; Js drawing big ! ! nnd hear him. hospital, leftthliBonh., homo In Woodburn u.?J Proved, and will urn , ujj ered. " Charles Klnj.wb l wl """uur uu"KieftCo.,iof two years, will kaw Ing for Kent, Eastern Orju,! " uu ueen promoted Utj position. HelsaluebtHai and will bo greatly eUi local athletes. Helmuts oi irlends here who vlttbtf success In his new tUct , W. J, Watson, who bu bwri ing Mr. and Mrt P. P. Ufc this city, leftthtinorthfki, homo in Winnipeg, Cutj Watson Is connected tul wholesale grocery firn cl U Both ho and Mrs. Wuiai thuslastlc over thebembrffl Inmetto valley, and esf nnrden snot." Salem. ' -o Tho life Imuh Muddlo has started tat thinking. The vonJerft! that has met Ballard's Svrun In Iti tmuAt oc ( fluonzn. nrnnrhltU ui iB! ary troubles baa etart4tk to thlnklne of thli wWil ration. They are all ait t Jin nritAwlnn lad Am iM I ncss. Prlco 25c, SOcatitUU by D. J. Fry. o CAST0RI forJafkaUasiWi ftiKMYMfeNAkfl Boars tho BignararooH Norwich UataFk. T.attfM! Frank Meredith. WW . .. lam Office with WJB.n 129 Commercial strew. MONEY TO Li " TH01OSI! OrerUdd&lort'iJaaMg NEWT of spoiling that cake through the use of inferior baking powder. Why use the inferior brand when you can buy Cp pley Perfection Baking Pow der at no greater cost. Cp pley Perfection Baking Pow der always gives certain satisfaction. Sold by aM Salem I grocers. Manufactured by C M. fcppky, Salem, Ore. TODAY'S 4 T" t.i "kart Cam1 - .i "wjnrm' steam, " mvA from tho haute, assure you vrr. Phone 115. WJJ tr-TnS! For Sale -Br- . l ,o West sue-' jll quick U you .jj.5, Wiuson. SPECIAL 1 BANANAS 20c Per Dote MOIR tjoV W GKUV- it"1 456 Sate