DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1007. KING OF THROAT AND LUNG DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY for COUGHS AND GOLDS CURES'" THROAT" LUNG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S LIFE My son Rer was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. Wo doctored some niontks without Improvement. Then I began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I noon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son 1b perfectly weU and works ovory day. mr SAMp. RiPPEE, Ava, Mo. 50c AND $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY J. C. PERRY'S DRUG STORE 4 1 1 i 1 I M I H III I 1 1 I I I I I i I I I I I I I III I I I II I I I I II I I I I I I I I II HONDURAS COFFEE HAVE YOU TRIED IT? IT'S THE REST EVER SOLD x r 4. ON THIS MARKET, ITS A NEW IMPORTATION, NEVER RE- T TORE SOLD HERE, AND YOU ARE SURE TO LIKE IT WHEN J YOU TRY IT. REST OF ALL IT ONLY COSTS YOU 30c a potmd N 1 YOKOHAMA TEA CO. ! SOLE AGENTS in mi hi m s i ii n i u i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinim WANTED LICENSE AT EIGHTEEN Mistake Is Discovered and Couple Arc Married lilMtllMWWilllllllltilMhlllWillllMltWMIltlltlillltWMIiWtmmm FREE FREE! FREE! Hy this wo menu that you tfo nut pay one oent in cuah, Simply tta toto n frw mluutcfl of your spare thno to n good cnune ami roo4rn this $4.00 George Washington Clock As n rownrtl. TIiIh clock is almost ten Inched high, hihI vwy ornniuen tnl In 'IcnIkii, in the now Egyptian Ebony tlultdi. Inipos.slblo to tat-nUh, A perfect Untuty, ami absolutely gunmntoed by tho inanufiictutvra. Our liberal olTor Is u follows Get two now yearly Hulwcrlbore t Tho Onpltnl Journal, at the regular HuKtcription price, $(1.00 by carrier, or $1,00 by mull, ami on receipt of tho money at our ofllce, the lutnd bomo present Is yours. If you car not K't two yearly sulwcrllKM-a, gc4 four for lx months each, or if yon llutl It easier, get eight of yoHr friend to sign up for throe RumthJi each. A sample clock cab be seen at Tho Journal office. Do uot delay, get buy t ouce, ami "got happy." Akkvs all onleni to the Clrcwla tloii DojvartwvoHt of Tli Journal. m & Albnny Hcrnltl, 17: Led through a misinterpretation of tho contontB of nn affidavit for a marrlngo IIcoiibo, to bollovo that no -youth undor 20 years of ago could bo married In Ore gon, John Scott, ngod 18 yonrs, of Fish Lnko, Linn county, was not dis couraged In his determination to be como a benedict. With his intonded brldo, Miss Lena Sterling, of Sweot Home, ho dceldod to go to tho stnto of Washington and thcro bo wedded. Tho couplo arrived In Albany yes torday on their way to Vancouver to bo marrlod, but through a lucky chnnco dlscovorcd that Oregon laws would not prohibit tholr mnrrlago, and then and thoro abandoned their Journoy to bo marrlod In this city. County Judgo Stewart porformed tho wedding coromony last ovonlng. Throo weokB ago County Clork Miller recolvod nn application for a mnrrlago llccnso to bo Issued to Mr. Scott and Miss Sterling. Tho appli cation wna accompanied by a signed atntomont for tho Intendod groom's father, giving his consent to his son's mnrrlago. As It was necossnry for an affidavit to bo properly certified to, County Clork Miller nt onco for warded ono to Mr. Scott. In filling out tho blanks on tho nffldavlt It was Inndvortnntly nindo to certify that tho groom was over 20 yenrs of ago, whan 18 yonrs should havo boon written Instond. When Mr. Scott rocolvod tho affi davit and road tho portion whoro ho would bo roqulrod to swonr that ho was over 20 yoars of age, ho con cluded that tho stato would not per mit him to wod until ho had passod 20 years. It was for this roason that Miss Storllng and himself arrived In Albnny yesterday morning bound for Vancouver, Washl ngton, whoro they belloved tho law would nllow them to wed, A friend who enhnced to soo tho couplo in town before tho north bound train loft, montlonod tho fact to tho county clork. Recalling that tho couplo had made application throo weoks ago for a marriage license, and surmising thnt some mis take might havo occurred, a resident of Sweet Home was callod by tolo phono, and tho truo facts ascertain ed. County Clork MUlor and Deputy Clerk Marks at onco rushed for the depot In an offort to find Mr. Scott and his Intonded bride. When thv arrived tho train was about to leave. Mr, Scott and Miss Sterling were al ready on tho train with tholr tickets purchased. Informed that there was no bar to tholr amrrlage In Orogon tho couplo abandoned their trip pro ceeded to tho court houso and wero united In mnrrlago by County Judgo Stewart. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm S031R SOLID SHOT. (Prom Farm, Stock and Home.) At tills wrltlug it looks like a latc startlng Beason over much of the east and the Canadian northwest. But It's best to bo reassured by that old Adage, A bad beflnniar." etc. a. Yale professor ku take kis fall out of live stock; he says he has demonstrated that meat-fed students are Inferior to vegetarian students In physical strength and powers of en durance. If railroad earnings 'had gono Into extension and equipment of railroads Instead of Into colossnl private for tunes the country's growth would not havo run away from ' railroad growth. There Is no time when It pnys bet tor to bo "merciful to thy beast" than with tho work horses; and n propor fitting collar and harness aro effective mediums of morcy. Tho meeting of a groat peace con gress In New York and tho launch ing of the biggest battleship In tho vorld, In Englnnd, were announced simultaneously by tho dally press of tho country! "Ouosstlmntors" Is a nnmo applied to tho government crop prophets, nnd it if very appropriate; tnoy scorn to WOMEN WHOchJ Health Is the First Es:..i ' Woman Attr.cUvT' & DR. MANUEL AMADOR. First president of tho republic i Panamu, who received Presi dent Roosovclt when ho inspected tho Panama cnnnl. dlvldo their guessed ostlmntcs by tliolr o&tlnm ted gucBses and publish tho lesulr. Will pooplo generally or donlors only got tho boncflt of reduced rates of freight? Noto how much cheaper, If any, uve salt, sugar, lumnor, oil, machinery and other supplies since tho rnto reduction. When nil human stomachs are oxactly nllko In functional require ments, ability nnd notion then doc tors may, with moro reason, assumo to toll tho human rnco what It should and should not cnt. Railway mnnngors got busy with stocks In Wall stroet; railway busi ness foil off In tho country "no cars" then smnll dividends got busy with stocks, nnd now Wall street Is looking for another Jo'). This fnlrly sizes up tho railway and Wall stroot situation. Our Imperialistic friends Uko to boast thnt now "the sun never sots on tho stars and stripes." It would bo more to tho point. If all of us could truthfully bonst that tho stars and stripes nowhere wave over Bpo- clal privilege, unequal rights, op-; prossion or othor wrong. Several weeks ago ono Jnmos Henry Smith, an Amerlcnn gontlo miin, unknown to fame, died whllo traveling In Japan. Ho loft nn In herited fortune, It Is said, of $75, 000,000. It would require only 1420 Buch James Henrys to own nil tho estlmnted wealth of tho United States, which would compel tho re maining 84,098,674 of us Amorlcans to stay homo to die! UVt," ' frl SJ A'JVh rK45 n ... ft. '1 " i 1 II 1 1 rBH SSSSSSJ Miss nalda KujUer.,! 58.1 "-i8a MISS HULDA KUGHLER There is a beauty and attractive ness in health which is far greater than moro regularity of feature. A sickly, irrltablo, and complaining woman always carries a cloud of depression with hor; she Is not only unhappy herself but is a damper to all joy and happiness when with her family and friends. It is tho bright, healthy, vivacious woman who always charms and carries sunshine wherever sho goes. ii a woman finds that her energies are flagging and that every thing tires hor; if her feminino system fails to perform its allotted duties, there is nervousness, sleeplessness, fointness, bookaeho, headacho, bearing -down pains, and irregularities, causing constant misery and melancholia, bIio should remomber that Lydla E. PInkham'if Vegetable Corapouad made from natlvo roots and herbs will dispel all theso troubles,. By correct ing the cause of tho trouble it cures whero othor treatment may havo failed. Miss Elizabeth Wynn, of No. 205 8th Avcnuo, Now York City, writes : Dear Mrs. PinkhamJ "For months I suffered with dreadful headaches, pain in tho back and aarcre hemorrhages. I was weak and out of sorts all tho time. Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound helpod mo when all other mdl. clno had foiled. It seemed to bo just what I neodod and quickly restored my health." Dear Mrs. PinkWi)- "FormontailwMfl . troubla. 1 . .".T! tZSPSsffilCU Lydla E. HakhIvJlI!r!!J was recommndl XTiT wnlTftSLaR1'" woman:'' sw'"Wfl7' Women who an (mWj famiui ur irrepisr tntttn, ..v..b, uiuuu(f orcaMUrtftj lucuva, luuaamiuion or I that bearlnffKlown ftdtej, may be restored to Mrfet strength by taking Lj I ubluo TCKEMUlSMBipeiH, Mr3. Piakbaai'ftkrhitsMNI Womfn nfferiai fne m k of female weitatM an bisil promptly cototaanlaU till l'inkham, at Ljna, Mm hel symptoms rItas, titt tmUnf locaua ana uie qsiMta mm way of rccorer adrlMi 0h4 vast volume ol eneiiMMlii xemalollls Mrs. 11nki hu tho rerr kaewltjnd help your case. BerurhM and always helpful. tty4- jP zLtm BBBb A "Woman's Baok Has ninny aches and pains caused by weaknoses and falling, or other dlsplao mont, of tho polvlc organs. Other symp toms of femalo weakness aro frcrt'''' headacho, dizziness, Imaginary spctAs e: dark spots lloatmj; lefuro tho eyes, j,t..iv Ing sensation In stomach, dragging cr bearing dow n In lower abdomlml i r pi h '. ronton, dlsagrewHo drains from pciic organs, faint spells with general woaknoss. If any con Jlderablo number of theabo a Evrnptoms aro present there Is no remcaj that wHjsIve quicker rehof or a more dc?. mnaent cSm than Dr. Plcrco's Fawrlte I'rexJptfOiSIt has a record of over ;or:y years of caitv It U tlio nmst rv t "i Invlqerntlni: "' in'c a nl .tromri lur.l.1 ; i 7; vlpo know n j oidlcaUcience. It is ro au y of the gl jeer ccviractTofliailivo modici nal roots f und in iur forests and con tains not a tixop of alohol or harmful, or habU-formlng drugs. Its ingrodlonts ure all printed on tho bottle-wrapper and at tested under oath as correct. Every Ingredient entering Into "Fa vorlto Proscription " has tho written en dorsement of tha most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of prac ticemore valuablo than any amount of non-professional testimonials though the latter aro not lacking, having boon con trlbutcd voluntarily by grateful patients In numbers to exceed tho endorsements given to any other medicine extant for the cure of woman's Ills. You cannot afTord to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substltuto for thts well proven remedy of kxown composition-, even though tho doaler may make a llttlo more profit thereby. Tour Interest In regaining health Is paramount to any selfish Interest of his and it is aa Insult to your Intolllgenco for him to try to palm oU upon you a substitute. You know what you want and it Is his bust mss to supply the artlcla called for. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are Um original "Little Liver Pills" first put up Vy okl Dr. Plc ovr forty $ar ago, Much IwltaWd but MYr equaled. Little Bafar-eeei rauke eaey to lake u STONE'S HEAVE DROPS. Grentost kuown remedy for heaves. Prlco $1. To express olllces away from Salem I pay 25 cents on express charges. Highland, Oregon, Oct. 31, 1902. This Is to certify that I gavo my maro ono bottlo of "Stone's Heave Drops" and cured her of heaves. This was last winter nnd sho has not been afflicted slnco. G. Wallace. Dr. S. O. STONE, Salem, Ore. For sale by all drugglstc. TRUSSES PITTED, LARGE STOCK FROM THE PASTURE TO THE PEOPLE. No hanging arouu stock yards, wholesale houses ana Ice-boxes for a month or two with our meats. We guarantee it fresh woll fed cattle, city uressea, fectly conditioned, juicy, sweet, rw triMm.o nnd nnnpt islnc. . Beef, rant ten, veal, lamb, game poultry, If it isn't better than you buy e se- whore tell us about It. F. A. Kurtz Phone 205 277 N. Com. St HOU.ISTCT' lUcky HduhIiiii Ta Hm$ Srian wMSia jsmw ,.... --. wilk, for OonstlpAttop, fiWS A But Hadlsbis fer uy P?, Bdaft W4a BWte U "T Mood. W Brlh. u T'ff J5!tetS tttUKK HUQACn FM SALL9W HW Famous at horns f Gcncrati.r Tamoas ow U tho world. PWMMSJ ALO.SCimli OCT. -STEAMS POMONA AW OKWfJ PORTLAND " ..... ivn vamt .n.immriil AT i,j an BATURir A"0" P. H. BAIJ? Salem fae -rirt f w" """"- rsc-w- ,.v.l. filMi Netting, r ;- j, itSS"" aukK"-' Waiter 250 Cwrt Iniioo?Bii Rod rrifw X." d npss- of riter. 5.10.1B-4 mm- wrrt s1