DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1007. v; bis. . wise TmTTALKS BY k T. COOPER. HAT TIRED FEELING. Lt t'red feeling-' is a sure sign be6JS ,.. " --0-- - - UUI1) Vfc WWJJ or woman uccdi something- to get the blood jump tmr once more. The whole body is cioggcu. witn i-npurities, but the scat of the trouble Is the stomach. It has hern crraduallv j letting down, only nan uoing us work, and the re sult in that the kidncYs. liver and t i. . 1IfvAitnf1 4ffA i4 iiAtn Tnr- uiium lollu iviwu shist fthe blood becomes muddy and Kjh. from one to three bottles toper s New discovery wm jjci me eh back In shape. The tired ' Will SUfCiy disappear it 11113 is it letter tells what a woman thinks ...a..A frrsm Inan nf annftUi.. dicestion and general breaking 1 Yras SO ntaRiwuum.wiwcij .nnf. I felt tifed and worn out fr all the time. Upon hearing of rest things Cooper's New Dlscov- jras doing for otners amictca as i rTL. iiRf It. Dt thetlmn mmensely improved. I now feel ' again ami ao my own worx witn Please accept my sincere . Mrs. M.Wise. I2I7Norwodl Indianapolis, Ind. Pnnnfp nreoaratlous cnav a. sale than any other medicine.. : seems to prove their efficiency. J. C. PERRY COMING EVENTS. lay 2S urcgon buuo grange, River. lino - wasningion buuo h'C, Lyndcn. Bno 1U uregon noneorB ubso- Iod, Portland. nljr 10-15 Intorntalonal Chrls ; Endeavor convention, Seattle nljr 15-20 Grand Lodgo Elks adelphln. aly 9-13 Knights Tomplar con- e, Saratoga, N. Y. o I'.VKK WATCHFUL. Utile Cro Will Save Many Snlum Headers Future Trouble. Vatch tho kidney Bccrctlons. that thoy have tho amber hue health- JTbe discharges not excosslvo or ln nucnt; Contain no "brick-dust like" sodl- cU oan Kidney Pills will do this :jou Fher watch tho kldnoys and euro Im when thcy'ro sick. S Williams, carpenter, of 239 rty St . Salem. Or., says: "A cber of years ago tho doctors told imy kidneys wuroJcL-bnd.shapo. I oe west on account of tho trouble, oklng tho change of cllmnto would me but nothing I did gavo mo Met In 8pln of tho ubo of reme- ianJ r rjlral trentmont. On pro- ping Drana Kidney Pills, I found km tin l-3t modlclno I ever used tho i,- I Bot thorn nt Dr. Stone's Bg tf, I wns suffering from nn 2:" I riTg sonsntlon ns If two fjj , e placod dlroctly over sllv -1, tho Bocretlona from tho Inci3 uro tho color of strong ielt rf r and of n bad odor. Aft- '.Ws wa boxes of Donn's KIdnoy ll I a 1 not havo tho loast pain bv I : u or troublo with my kid- ) I gHe nil tho crodlt for th's 1 T'-.' j)"iablo romody." IF-- i ,v nil ilanlars. Price 50 Bis I . stf r-MIlburn Co.. nuffalo, pw Y -l;, sol agonts for tho Uoi- &w iRc - r the nanift Doans and ke r i i 'her -o- fipwfcil Ijistorn Excursion rnU-s. Ma n s r rj" F lu" i !! -I, June 6, 7, S, July 3. 9, 10, September It, ' Chicago and roturn, Louis and roturn, $09.15 -1 return, Omaha, Council x City, SU Joe, Kansas urn $01.65. O. L. DARLING. Agent. THIRTEENTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE Held For the International Arbitration . Peace Lake Mohonk., N. C, May 22. The thirteenth annunl convention ot the Lake Mohonk conferanco on in ternational arbitration is hold here today on the Invitation of Mr. Albert Sm'lley from today till and Including the 24th. The qonference has com manded n largb attendance, and Is presided over by President Butler, of Columbia university, recently elected president of the Amorlcnn branch or thu International Concilia tion association. Coming bo closely nftor tho national arbitration and peaco congress Just closed In New lork, this conference will dovoto much tlmo to tho primal object of that gathering, the consideration of Eubjects for discussion by the com ing Hnguo conference. It Is expect ed that Dr. Androw D. White, a mombor of tho first Hngue conference nnd formerly nmbnssador to Gcr- mnny, will speak on this topic, nnd nn address Is hoped for from Judgo George Gray, of Deloware, n mem ber of tho permanent court of tho Hague. Chief Justico Simeon E. Baldwin of Connecticut, and the Hon. Bartlett Tripp, of South Da kota, will also Bponk. In recogni tion of tho incronso In Interests shown throughout Latin-America In tho subject of International nrbltrn Hon, nddrosses will bo dollvorod by Sonor Enrlquo C. Creol, tho now Moxlcnn ambassador; Sonor Cnldor on, mlnlBtor from Bolivia; tho Hon. John Bnrtlott, formerly mlnlBtor to Columhln nnd now director of tho International buronu of American republics, and tho Hon. Francis B. Loomls, ox-assistant Bocretnry of state. Sonor Eplfanlo Porcla, min ister from tho Argentine republic, and Sonrlquo Cortes, minister from Columbia, nro nlso prosont. Among tho othor prominent speakers will bo Hon. Richard Bartholdt, mombor of congress from Missouri nnd head of tho American group of tho Inter parliamentary union; Dr. Bonjamlno F. Truogood of Boston,-secretary of tho Amorlcnn Peaco socloty; Dr. E E. Brown, United States commission or of education, nnd Dr. Androw S Drnpor, Now York Btato commission' or of education. Promlnonco will bo given to dis cussions, by leading educators, of tho ways and moans by which In creased attention to nnd study of In ternational arbitration and rolnU'l toplos may bo brought about among undorgrnduatos in collogos nnd unl vursltlos. About 150 collogOB and unlversltlos havo nlroady tnkon eoino action along thoso lines. Among tho leading oducators who havo accepted Invitations to mnko nddressos are Prosldent Eliot, Harvard university; AdkoII. of Mlchignn; Thwlng, of Wostorn Itesorvo; Ponny, of Wash Ington & Lee; Nwdham, of George Washington; Ilhoos, of Roohostor; Seolyo, of Smith; Wright, of Clark? Taylor, of Vassar; Professors Poale, of Harvard; Rolnsech and Ely, of Wisconsin; Mooro and Clark, of Co lumbia; Mitchell, of Richmond, and Colby, of Dartmouth. Following la from tho oponlng PROPOSALS FOR LIGUTINO. 'Pr- -irs win ho ronAived bv the &?1 tf Public Commissioners of Sti-e of Orimn at the CaptoJ J r? Salem. Orecon. at the B ri 11 a m. June 5th, 1907, for h' :s fte Capitol Building, Peni ic'ir; Tnc.ina a avium Reform flee J ilu'e School and Blind School E i, Oregon, with arc and in-fc-t lamps. Information, speol-2U'-t aA hinnv nmnnuli may be tted from the Clerk of the Board ;e a;itol Building, Balem, Ore- "X W. N. OATEN3, Clerk of Board. 5-15-18-22-25-29, 6-1 cjfcjurcaR.xu.a .. ttt. stlM (Z&tfZSfc Wotei as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and . Bladder Troable. Kidney trut prejs uixin the miwl, discourages aul 1cji mlitou ; beauty, ior au clioerfnl. tj,'jtrt nc oo diaappost WIICIl iiic KNincauia out of order or dla-t-aM-d. Kidney trouble ttas become so jwerulcnt tlut it not uncom mon fir a chiki to be born afflicted with cak Lkintv. If the child urinates tooofttn. f the urmcicahU the flwh. or if, when the child reaches an Ke when It slioaia vc sohj wwi -mwaKc, it i yet afflictwl with bed-wet. ting. dcpnd upon it. thecante oftkedifi culty iskidney Uonblc. and the fir.t Hep should be towards the UMtaeat of these important organs. This unirfsaat troable & due to a diuMcd cowfttion of the kidneys and bbulder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men sre made inr. blc with kidney and bolder U'-uUe, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate efleet ot Swap-Kooi is soon rracu .- by drugguis, in any cent and one-dollar ixe bottles. You may !. n samnle bottle by mail free, also a m - pimphlet telling all aboot Swamp-Roo lacloding many of the thousands of tM monial Fetters received from soSems cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer It Co., Blngbamton, N. Y , be sore and menUc a this paper Don t make "J ?2? but remember the name, &f J Dr. Kihser's SwampRoc. ad thead. ds, BlBKbamtoe, N. t "y A Bad Stomach Lessons tho usefulness and mars tho hap piness of life. It's a weak stomach, a stomach that can not properly perform Its functions. Among Its symptoms are distress after eating, nausea between meals, heartburn, belching, vomiting, flatulence and nervous headache. Hood'sSarsaparilla Cures a bad stomach, Indlcestlon nnd dys pepsia, and the cure Is permanent. Accept no substitute Woman's Watchword Is Modesty. address of the presiding ofllcer. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler: This conference reassembles nt an auspicious moment. Our country Is still ringing with tho colioos of the lofty sentiments and noblo ldonlB which found expression boforo thou sands of nttenttvo auditors at tho National Xrbltratlon nnd Pence con gress hold In Now York n mouth ago. High officers of government nnd lenders of public opinion nt homo nnd abroad thoro united In giving voice to sentiments which moan, If they mean nnything, that a now orn Is dawning In tho moral history of mankind. However, boforo another month una passed, moro than two scoro nations will nssomhlo nt tho Hnguo to constltuto n "second Inter national conferonco called In tho In terest of International peace. Whether we look backward or for ward, thoroforo, wo sco only Blgns ot good omen. Llko nn Injllvldunl, a nation has a mind nnd n conscience, nnd It hns thorn In n vory real sonsc. Ah poli ticians and stntosmon have long olnco found out, tho terms Puritan con sclonco In Amorlcn, non-conformist conscience In England, Kronch spirit and Gonrmnn IdonllBiu on tho Conti nent, uro nut iinmos for ompty ab stractions, but thoy Btnnd In each caso for what Is torrlbly renl. OnoJ of tho chlof problems of our tlmo Is to bring tho nations' minds nnd tho nations' consclunco to boar on tho moral prohloniB Involvod In Interna tional rotations. Thin Is a stop In tho moral education of tho world. It cnrrlos with It no nocossury criti cism upon whnt has gono boforo and no aspersion upon what now oxIbIh, nnv moro than tho full frultB re flects discredit upon tho seed from which It sprang. Tho moro porfect and completo morality of tho futuro Is Itself to bo tho product ot tho In completo nnd Imperfect, but always. Impiovlng.mornllty of tho past nnd of tho prosont. Thero nro good and earnest inon who now nnd thon oxpresB tho fenr that righteousness and poaco may somehow or othor como Into conflict. This Judgmont apponrB to mo to he based upon a study of tho conditions which havo provnllod In tho past, rather than upon nn appreciation of tho forcos that nro Indicated to rulo the futuro. Not ovory Judgmont of a Judicial tribunal, howovor Journal nnd dlslntorostod Its mombors, brings completo satisfaction to both liti gants, or ovon to tho public at largo; yot tho ovorwholmlng majority of Judicial decisions nro oqultablo and do glvo satisfaction to the public. Cnnnot tho anmo bo said of tho Judi cial sottloioont of differences botwoen lltlgnnts whon thoso HtlgantB are nntlons Instead of Individuals? Or, Jf It cnnnot b said, thon whut as suranco havo we, If force bo resort od to, tbit tho ouuso of righteous ness will provall in tho struggl? Will not "God bo on tho sldo of the hoavlost battalions," ns Voltaire cynically saldT If so, then the cause of rlghteousnoss has not been ad vanced by going to war. unleea it can be supposttd to be advanced by the mere struggle on Ha behalf. But If this be truo, why should the struggle or behalf nf righteousness take tU brute form of physical exertion, rather than the truly human form of moral ondeavorT The truth 's that fighting Is an animal appetite, and. exeuse U as we may, moral lags must treat It as they treat othT animal appetites and subject K tu rational control. It to difficult, therefore, to no what real ground there Is for ur polg that righteousness and pace can some into conflict when thse who sk righteousness are wonl persons. If thoy bo not moral pr toM. oolleetlro or Individual, then what eoneept can they possibly have of righteousness! 8o long as hu man nature remains human, the sev eral nations will each require tbolr systoms of polloo, and the world t large mil requlro an international poile; bt this international police, while constituted of armies anJ navies, will, when It eoraee, be can- stunted In a way and from a point mnnout Hnguo court bo transformed from a semi-diplomatic Into a truly nidlclnl tribunal. Wo should nsk that Judges be substituted for arbi trators. We wish to sco n porma- ttant Intartinttnnnl .tnnt-t tv-hlnh. llko our United states sunromo court, will ! Whatever threatens woman's delicate sense of modesty, frightens her, have n rtntus, a procoduro, traditions! For this reason ninny a woman permits disease of the delicate womanly pml precedents ot Its own. Wo wish organs to become aggravated because she cannot bring herself to submit to see Milernatlonnl lnw declared nsj to the ordeal of unpleasant questionings, offensive examinations, and well as Individual dlfforoncos com-j obnoxious local treatments, which most physicians think necessary. P . ,, .til Doubtless thousands of the women who have taken advantage of Dr. The prosont Hnguo court Is In ,..,... , . . t i . reality only nn ellplblo list from "ce's offer of free consultation by letter have been led to do so by the which two litigants mny ohooso those wnyc imis outreu iruui u ucuiiuvui. iciiugimm iu mucsi.y. to whom they will submit their Anv sick woman may write to Dr. R. cause, m tt stead I should llko' V. I'iorce, Uuffalo, N. Y., in perfect . - ..., ...... i.i.. nt ,.,inAa' confldenco; nil letters of consultation to see a permanent body of Judges bd M gtr,oUy pr,Vft0 ftml chosen for long torms or for llfo, sacretlly contldontlnl, and nil answers paid suitable solarles, nnd ns hide- being sent In plain envelopes with no pendent of tho nations from which advertising or other printing upon thorn. ', ... Such consultation costs yon nothing thoy are chosen as mombors of the, whether you take trentmont from Dr. Unite,! States supremo court nro of Tierce or not. tho ivenluont who appoints or tho!. Dr. Tierce's vorito Inscription lms , . rt . ,,., been long halloa as n wQod-send to sennt. who confirms thorn. women." It makes weak women strong Some concorn Ib oxprossod na to' nnd sick women well. It enables worn how the findings of this court would en suffering from female- weakness," bo enforced. Are wo not Jnstmed . STZ In believing that tho mornl Bonso of organs distinctly tomlnlno, to cure the clvlllzod world would enforco themselves right in tho privacy of their nlnotv-nlno cases out of a' nonics. rciviocniarrna urains.pamim or irrvguiar purunin, uncKmuii', irctiuvuv thcin In hundred? For tho oxtromo hun dredth case or dlsnbodtnnco nn In tornntlonnl police would bo needed. headaches, weak nerves, drnggiiiR-uown wer nbdomlnnl, or pelvic, region, gnawing sonsntlon In Thnt. however, many of ub regard as kj'oondmo,,; ftml B.miifomi ttro pain or distress In tho lower or pelvic, region, gnav stomach, dUilneos, or a remote possibility. 3. Wo should nsk thnt tho Haguo conference, now assembling for tho second tlmo nt the cnll of a mon arch, bo mndo to uBBomblo nutomnt Icnlly hercr.ftor at rogular Intervals, say onco In four or flvo years. So Important nn nssombllng of tho nn cured by Dr. Tlerco's Fnvorlto Proserin tlon. It is not n secret or patent modi cine, ngalnst tho uso of which most people of intelligence naturally object, but Is, In fact, tho "Favorite Treecrip tlon" of a regularly educated and ex perienced physician In tho treatment of woman's peculiar ailments nnd who is not afraid to publish nil Ita ingredi ents, ns ho docs, on Its bottlc-wrnpper, ed nnd Is Invnluablo In nllnying nnd subduing ncnous excitability, irritabil ity, nervous exhaustion, norvous pros tration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms. St. Vltus's danco, nnd other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly nttendnnt ukxi functional nnd organic disease of tho uterus. It induces refreshing sleep nnd relieves menial nnxloty nnd des pondency. You can't afford to nccept h itcrct nostrum ns a substitute for this moves ItKMKUV OF KNOWN COMfOtUTlO.V. "Tho llloort is Tho LI.M tlons should bo Indopondout ot the attesting tho correctness of tho inmo will nf nnv rnlir. nxnoutlvo or nnrlln- under oath, mont. Tho Third Pan-Amorlcan con foronce mndo provision for tho perl odlc nssombllng horoaftor of ropre- uAHinilKnA nniinlntml Ittf nil tllA n...i.... ...a n't... anrniui ciplcs found ill our most valuable native. American govornmonts. Iho second , , niti.il bv manvnf ,. -I...I - .-- , - ;.-".- .. -; . nnuer oaui. - '! Favorite rTlrtlng" U medio ne for womnn'w U'lcatc wiucli; contains iieitlur ,almi, Mf ailments Lui.L... xiac yrnich contains tntiiir .aiciuini nnr tisrmlul. linhiMorminir dniits. bcllltt a pure glyceric extract ot curativo prin BEEGHAM'S PILLS re specially valuable, as they act almost Immediately on the undi gested food an1 carry it out of the stomach. These wonderful pills combine certain vegetable ingredi ents in exactly the right proportions to secure the best results, without dotofc violence to the delicate lin bur ol the stomach, ieiore the public for over half a of view ,uUe different from arml-sj &mfiBitt jicVxn's PilJs and navies aislnUlaed tor onen", mmm iiavc No Equal eld Everywhere. In boxes, ioc sad 35c Hnguo conferonco Bhould tnko simi lar action In Its sphoro. Draining Swiuup IuiiK Wnshlngton, U. C. Mny 22. A gonornl movomont Is In progress to rodoom lnnd from tho wntor by a wholoHttlo drainage of HWitmp Iniuh, which In the whole country nmouiilH to n vory largo norongo, It holng ostl- tho most cinlnnnt medical writers nnd teachers of nil tho several schools of practice, Dr. 1'lerco's Fnvorlto Prescription Is A scientific medicine, carefully devised byan experienced nmt sUlllfnl physician, nnd adapted to woman's delicate system, It Is made of native American medicinal roots and is perfectly harmless In Its effects in any condition of the female Mvttem. As a powerful invigorating tonic" Fa-1 "Gyl itArtln PM.n. illri " liittinrta crtiiirfli IaT f ... ..!.,! ,i,n. ..h r.rt tuh lC( nnrnn In " ..rv........ ..... .. v.. r,... if. i.ivii wm.v u.u, ..,vvv,, .,.- Ul0 wll0,, nyiiteiii aim to tno organs tho Unitad StatOB can bo redooiued, distinctly femlnlmi in particular. For nnd mndo lit for farming Inrgo nn Ohio, combined llo todny RintnH n' over-worked, "worn-out," run-down," i,nnnn mwi Illinois debilitated tcftchurs, milliners, dress . Indiana and IlUnoia, niftkcril WIimHtrwl8M ".hop-glrls," odny under water, unl house-keopurs, nursing mothers, and Science has never gone beyond tho above simple Mntemout of scripture. Hut it baa illuminated that etatement nnd given It a meaning ever broadening with tho increasing breadth of knowl edge. When tbo blood Is" bad" or Im pure It Is not alone the body which suffers through disease. Tho Grain is also clouded, the mind and Judgement nro effected, and many nu evil deed or impure thought mny be directly traced to tho Impurity of tho blood, Foul, impure blood can bo mndo pure by the use ot Dr. Tlereo'n UoUlon Medical Dis covery. It enriches nnd purifies the blood thereby curing, pimples, blotches, eruptions nnd other cutaneous nffoctlous, ns eczema, tetter, or salt-rheum, hives mid other ninulfei'tntious of Impure blood, Q j d In tho euro of scrofulous swellings, enlarged glands, open entlug ulcers, or old sores, the "Golden Medlonl Discov ery" lias performed the moat marvelous cures. In capon of old tores, or open eating ulcers, It Is well to apply to thn open sores Dr. Tierco'a All-Healing Snlve, which possesses wonderful heal lug potency when used M nn application to the sores In conjunction with the use of "Golden MeTHcnl Discovery" as n blood clYamilnfiConfttllutlonnltreatment. If your druggist don't happen to have the "Au-HenTlng Halve" In stock, you can carly prtvmrc It by Inclosing fllty tour ciniti 111 V"tago stamps 10 ur. h, V. Plr. nnd I Mm ce, CC'l JMitlti St., Uuffalo,N Y jfVjMHio t you oy return pon, nrriita keen It as well m the 11 Medical LMscovcry," (J) $ 9 You can't afford to aeopt ran bo nut Into tllhiKo by n scltiiitlflo,' feeblo womon generally, Dr. Tlorco's - f. . 1., I-.- thorough drnlnngo systom swamp lands In tho coutliiontiil Unt ied titntus, oast of tho Hooky moun tains, susceptible of reclamation by dralnngo, havo a tntnl area Just about thnt of the three groat middles states named. According to govornmont turveys nnd estlmatOB t'.ioro nro nt loast riO.000,00 ncrou of lnnd which can bo drained nnd tuiido fit for farm ing nt a cost of about $f pur aero. This would Incronso tho vultio of tho drnlnngo districts moro than Jfi.OOO, 000,000, nnd would add to tho crop values of this groat nation mnny millions annually. It Is Impossible to tront of tho subject of tho drain ago of tho wet and overflowed lands of tho Unltod Stntos oxoopt to dis cuss It In millions and billions of dollars. Bo fnr tho govornmont has spent nbout $36,000,000 In Irrigation work, nnd the people hnvo given unanlmouB approval to tho project. O' f,d'4't4-d Hchool IjiiiiI. Oswald West, of the Oregon rail way oommlsHlon, hun returned from n business trip to Washington. In part, his mliwlon to the national pQplt.il concerned the selection of ICO 000 acres of land for the state In llu of a similar amount of school luud taken Into the forest reserve. r,0i ravortte rrescrmuon is too greatest 1 eanniy 00011, uemg um'(piaiei as an appetizing coruiiu nmi riwornuvo tonic. As n soothing nnd stnuigthnnlng nor vino " Fnvorlto Prescription " is uncqunl- For Indigestion J Hurried eating, ill chosen food, over eating-any of these indiscre tions frequent' result in acute pain and other uncomfortable sansations which nre wearing on the ncivts and temper For all ills of the stomach war. From the fortbeeralnK Hague eon fereaee we should ask, I thluk. chiefly two things, and If either of them should be given us, a long step fcrward would be taken. 1. We should Mk that tbo lr- iMiiy.fiLH'H. lute (of ' wJileliJ muLstuaiaxii uxiiiDJiLCiiir. len ? inpilicmi s. hnvi tnv biAm1 Jan m a fffR- n OK K ;jtnw, njM: . . n.titietlAilaTi I LA. ttl IniiredTeius In n atn Knullsh gh m bottle-wrapper, the same being attested. rut correct under oain, Dr. Tierce Pleasant Tollcta liivlKOf-. nte tho stomach, liver and bowels. Owe to three n doc, Kaay to Uku na candy- A SQUARE DEAL AND A 1'AIIt TIUATi OP O Hit" PAIIM IMWiKMRNTH AND MACIIl.NKUY OV ALL KINIIH. IF YOU AltlJ NOT HATIHl'IKI) WITH A PAI1I TIIIAIj YOU SKKU NOT IIUY. I Hl.f.Tj THACriO.V AND HTATIONICIIY KNOINII, NICKOIS AND HIIMTAHD'H IlKD HlVIHt KIM'AUATOItH, HAY UALICH.S, HTItKirr AND HOAD OltADINO MACIIINKUY. wi: handm: tiii. hyhd waoonh, i:n(h:h nuaon, IIACKH AND CAHHIAOMM. WK AHI. AOISNTH FOKTHIi ADUIANCi:, 1.UOKJ.YI. WOW l-:ilH, riill'I'IIII I'fOWH AND 1II.VI3 ItllUION CUITIVATOHM, MJHO HOMIJ filiCOND HANI) FAII.II LMPWJMKNTH AND Waoonh vuhv ciikai. TAINTH, OlIJi AND VAItNIHIIKH AT WHOLlALK AND ItU TAIL, flliAHH AND HTAINH 01' AIJi KINDH, AND 1'AINTBI.M HUl'l'filKH. HirOdY TOPH, DAHH1IOAUDH, WIIII'H, HOUIiH, I7TO. COIIUIiAI'ONIli:.NTH HOLICITKI), CIIIC'ULAHH AND DMMUHII' TIVU CATAI0riiH I'UItNlHHKD ON APPIilOATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Pop. I'HONli Idl 3IAIN COH. FitONT AND TINR BTHKI-7P I'HK omnb SELF RISING B. B. B. Flour For Iiotoii Hrotru Ilrrad, Orlddle Cnkc, Munlns nnd Tluiu TuddliiK. AI.MCN'H II. I). II. FI)im CO., INC., HAN Jom', Cal. TroMKuiN for Ilrlck Asylum Wlnif. Balem, Oregon, May 13, 1907. Sealed proposals, endorsed on the outside of envolope, "Troposals for IJrlok Asylum Wing., Balem, Ore gon," and addressed to W. N. Oat ens, clerk of asylum board, will bo received at the executive office, state eapltol, Salem, Oregon, until S o'clook p. in. of May 11, 1907, for furnishing materials nnd labor re quired to construct and complete r. brick asylum wIdk with plumbing, hot water hcatlnr. km and electric light, water nnd sewer connections, in strict accordance with plans, spec ifications nnd Instructions to bidders, which may be examined nt the gover nor's office, eapltol bojldlng, nnd W D. Pugb, Balem, Oregon. For furth er Information apply to W. D. Tugh, architect, Balem, Oregon. W. N, QATKNB, ir,.lMS-21-2S, Clerk 1 f Gold Dust Flour I Made by TIDa SYDKKY TOW BR COMPANY, fMday, Oroa. X Made for family u. Ask ) ur f vrocsr for It. Ursa and is J alwuys oa band. P. B. Wallace ! AGENT tmtwfftmmmnMmtuinftmw wiLLAMinnrK pruit AND TMODUOK CO. Wholesale dealers and cowwlaassn, merchanta. Cash paid for ttr, KgK, Poultry, etc W. K, OuMMtavn an O. A. WlUraft, Cottle ilk, leu, Or.; J. 0. Btapleto, tl Unto AventM, PortUaa. ,m ' 1 i 1