, J LEn. FAIR TONIGHT AND THURSDAY. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL , XVII. SALKM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MVY 22, 1007. NO. 1241. HE SUNSET EXPRESS DITCHED M m Whole Ferryboat Load of Women Drowned lL WILL LAST TEN WEEKS MIL BE COMPLETED MONDAY Sheriff Out Rustling Another Lot of Jurors 8, Idaho, May 22. With an fcte adjournment of tho Hay- trial, because of tho exhnuBtlon venire, both sides still rotaln berciuptory challenges. Borah tt present 12 men stanil, and eds only one. Darrow Indicates ho needs two. Juror Burns rlth tho court a cortlflcato that physically unfitted to servo. aeans nnothor vacancy. Haw- Litl teday: "Wo nro prepnrlng en Monday, and think tho trial last 10 weeks." . o Itrlef Telegrams. American actor, Mansfield, has been quite 111 at London, Is fd Unproved. national comptroller of cur- has Issued a call for tho con- of natlonnl banks at tho close ilnces May 20. SUNSET EXPRESS WRECKED JUST OUTSIDE OF LOS ANGELES KENTUCKY ELECTION ILLEGAL Some Terrible Work of Persons Who Loosened the Ralls TOO MUCH FRAUD AND VIOLENCE Los Angels, May 22. Two pcoplo dead and 25 injured and several probably fatally Is tho result of wrecking a Southern Pacific passeng er train Jitht oulsldo tho city limits early this morning. Tho dead nre: T. J McMnhon, of Santa Bnrbara, and J. Victor, of Omaha. Neb. Tho train wrecked Is known as tho Sun sot oxprcss. It appears tho cntnstro pho was tho work of train wreckers. Several spikes woro removed from ono of tho rails and tho fish-plates wore loosoned. When tho heavy lo comotlvo struck tho weakened spot Si was thrown from tho track. All :ho conches, with tho oxceptlon of two pnrlor cars at tho roar of tho train, woro derailed and thrown down an embankment. Tho Injured woro brought to this city. It is feared some may die. Tho doeJ wbb plnnned with dov- Governor of Stoic lias a Long List of Apointmcnts SCHMITZ TRIAL BLGINS NO MUY OFfERtD BY DEFENSE Juror Says Spreckles Family Went Into Things for Money Only ALBANY TEAM PLAYS HERE TOMORROW Salem High School Its OptrOfltnt-Sa-lem Team Has Good Record Frankfort, Ky May 22. Tho court of appeals havo rendered a de cision Invalidating tho election of LouIbvUIu and Jefferson county for 1905, thUB removing from ofllco 52 officials. Tho court declared tho elec tion was not frco and equal, within tho moaning of tho constitution, and that thcro was much frnud and violence. Tho court holds that tho governor has tho right of appoint ment to fill any vacancy. HICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE FOR THE PAST THREE MONTHS rrt nrviciis have bees ihmv in new yokic and Chicago k'lVfi SUMMER GOODS AND SHIPPING THEM TO I'H KO WE OULII II V E THEM HEADY FOE OUR SUMMEH Rl'SINESS. EY II U E DONE TIIEIK WORK WELL; THEY HAVE SUP- UEI) IS THE CHOICEST WAitM WEATHER GOODS TO. HE Bl'XI) WYWHERE ON THE PACIFIC COAST. WE OFFER THEM 3W AT QUICK SELLING PHIOEH. HEAD ON, llsh accurntcnc88, as 20 splkoB woro removed from tho south rail In tho track. Then a hook was placed un der tho end of tho rati, to which was attached a piece of wlro that oxtond ed across tho right of way, nnd was mado fast to a section of Iron plpo ten feet long. Of this ono end was brnccd ugalnst n tic, and tho othor end wns mada fast to another pleco to which was attuched a stock about threo feet long, giving a loverago strong enough to pull tho rail out of place. Tho train wns running at tho rato of 35 miles an hour when tho wreck occurred. San Francisco, May 22. Tho trial of Mayor Schmltz, on tho charga of oxtortlon, began promptly thin morn ing, 'without any attempt nt delay on tho part of the dofonso. Tho pan el was promptly tilled nnd Honoy oponed with a formal statement of the case. Ho snld tho defendant was charged with extorting $1175 from Jos, Malfantl.'of tho Dolmonlco re taurant. When' court opened 47 of tho venire of 50 woro In court. Twenty-two of thoso woro excused. J. 1). Campbell, a enrpenter employed on tho public workB, did not fear .'o inoval from IiIb position If ho found against Schmltz. Ho ndmlttod vot ing for Schmltx at tho last election. Campbell said ho know several mem bers of tho SprcckloR family, and when they wont Into anything they did so for the mouoy In it. Campbell was excused. At noon throe other had been excused. o TIE SOUTHERN STANDS PAT.. Tho baseball gamq between Albany and Salem high schools, which was billed for a couplb of weeks ago, and called off on account of tho RAILROAD COMMISSION DECIDES To Reduce Logging Ralc-WW Invest! gate Biggs Local Tho Oregon Hallway ComwlMlon demonstrated Its uttcfulneM by ren dering n decision today In the case of tho Keystone Lumber Company weather, will bo played hero Thura- vs. tho Sunset Logging Company, of day afternoon on Willnmclto field. Columbia county, by BUidalnlng its Tho weather conditions now look as ctntontlon for now loading place If It would bo n good baseball day, whoro switches woro needed tout re- and thoro'ls no doubt but that gamo will bo playod. Albany high school Is snld to havo 00,000 poundB and upwards, and i tho, fused, nnd cutting tho rato for haul- lug cars from $15 to $12 for cars of n fast team this year, and havo boon anxious for a gnmo with Salem They won over Albany Collego about n week ngo by n senro of 12 to 1, and hnvo several other victories to from $12 to $10 for earn bolow that sine. Want O. It. Ai N. Local. Tho commission will Investigate tho condition of tho lorn) train nor tholr credit. A number of frloiiuY vlco on tho O. II. & N. from Biggs ONE OF THE STANDARD'S SCHEMES wautif j! new summer goods now ton ra'c at rock bottom prices. IneS-cmcr Silks. Tho low prices wo aro cow selling flno mlllluory. Ladles Suits, Ladles' Jackets, and Dress Skirts, at is surprising ovorybody. lnt wv ,ght summer dress goods, i Wo aro doing tho buslnoss and fh!te Wri Dross Goods, Poke I nrn dross Roods! ne D"ra SwIssob. Pne P,-?(an Lawns. &V. I . k Suiting. ? i & Mulls. I la Llnons. - ' 1 Einbrolderloa, --' White India Lawns, fton 4st3. 'a r.na silks. n Waists. li' fil Parasols. fh: raavas Shoes, ll.c White guUs q Duck, Sw.is and India Silk. CS White Glores. wa oan afford to soli our goods at low prlcos and always have thorn for you new and fresh. wjbBv BflhflBBBF jbw"LbBm m atAbbbbbt Pretty Street Hats, BOc 75c, tMc, Z, UiO, Dress Hata, lS. 2.30, $3.50 Missed Dre. Hats $1.4 SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. McEVOY BROS. COMJTCJKXAIi AXD COURT HTltEET. fSAIJO. OR. Washington, May 22. Frank Pot ter, secretary of tho National Refin ing Company, and principal wltnnn In the Intorstato commerco oil hoar ing. today said tho Standard trans ported Its oil from tho Whiting, In diana, roflnory to Duluth and othor lake ports by plpo linos nnd steam ships in summer at low ratos, th.o foro tho Standard wanted mil rates kept high so tho indopondentB, who woro obliged to uso all rail transpor tation, would bo kept down. and students aro expected to accom pany tho team from Albany tomor row. Tho S. II. S. men 'havo been work ing in Homojinrd prnctleo since tholr eastward. Thoy havo Investigated tho condition of tho lino, nnd think tho locnl travel eastward from Iilgga o sumelont to require a local train from Hlggs to Pendleton at loart, little sot-down by Chomnwa Friday nnd porhups to Huntington, by 2 to 1, nnd nro hot on tho trail At present tho travel from Hlggs for Albnny'B scnlp. Captain Roberts to Hoppucr Is handled toy a mixed says that ho thinks they can tnko It train, nnd many delays aro caused, all right, but It will bo no walk-ov.n nnd slaw tlmo Is tho result, gamo, whtohov.or way it goes. Ralph I Tim commercial club at lleppner Muorcs, who was unable to bo In lant nsks for- tho extension of the run f Friday's, gamo, will Wan Imud tu-tho HIrkii loral to Hewmer. .1 of these was with a team which was not really out of Ita class, that with tho Willumetto Juniors, tho high Col. Sanger Goo Abroad. Utlca. N. Y., May 22 Col. Sanger, formorly assistant soorctary of war, j who was" recently appolntod by Gov i ornor Hughoe a mombor of the com mission to Investigate the Now York National Guard sailed today to at tend a poaco conforenco In England and inoldentally to gloan Ideas for the betterment of tho Hmplro state militia. Colonel Sanger was ap pointed by Presldont Roosuvolt n delccato to the Red Cross pence ooa- gresa. which will meet In London the foro part of June, and when Gov ernor Hughes named him n mombor of the National Guard Investigating commission, ho dotormlned to make his trip to England servo a double nurnoso. Ho has made arrangements '. to Inspoct a number of British mill- I tary organizations, and on this ao . count sailed for London ji few days sooner than originally Intended, o HuglxV Pet Mttuurc Paum. Albany, May 22. Hugho.' pet measure, the public utility bIJl. pawed the sennto today. It bad pre viously passed the assembly. The corporations fought the meas ure, alleging Its unconstitutionality. It plana tbe abolition of all public service boards, and tbe creation of one board directly under too thumb of the governor. RcfiiM'M TmdiT of .Money for LhiiiI Wantftl by Ort'guiilaiiN, Eugonj), .May 22. Attorney A. C. Woodcock, who was sent to San Frnnclsro to tender tho money put up by about 50 Eugene pooplo for tho purpose of buying timber lands In tho Southern Pacific Company's land grant, has returned from the Ray City. Ho says that whon ho ton dored tho money It was promptly re fused, and that tho officials In tho ndlco becamo angry, and little shur or ordered him out. Tho matter will now bo taken Into tho courts, and thoso who havo put their monsy I Into tho pool havo hopes of a deelslou soon to torco tu uiuiimiiy iu nvu. Attornoy il. D. Allon, representing another group of would-bo tlmborj Portlnnd high sohool and Hill Mil- purchasers, is now in San. Francisco for tho purpose of tendering I ho money for tho purchase of tho land, nnd ho will be back In n few days. Thero la already 200 or 300 men In Eugene nnd vlblnlty who have nt taohed tholr names to contract agreeing to buy claims from tho company as soon ns tho matter is set tled In tholr favor. If It Is nt all, and a good many others are clamor ing to get their nnmoa attached to fcuoh contracts. ASTORIA ROAD LOWKHfl KATHH. morrow. Tho Salem high school baseball season this year so far could well be called a successful ono. Tho team wJi Huc liHWcM) 1Uiy mm iiiii) vu nvu n'v, -, l'Minln lUvn CiMMHliilnt. Tho Oregon Railroad Commission yesterday announced that an agroo-. school winning by n good score. Thoy mont has been hcd with ' A." havo had two games with tho O. A , "' & Columblft River road, toy which tho pttssengor rato from Astor la to Seaside will b reduced from C shutting thorn out In tho first. 4 .. A M...1 Inalnw tt 1lktlt IlitfA ft 111 1 Tho'g o w h uToMutnam.il club cent, to 50 and all othor rate. " .... imtwnnn vnr oiiH non-comiiot IIK at Port and wns a surprlso to uu " , , , , . ..'.-,, olnb men, who only won with tholr Polnl- will bo reduced so as o mako. heavy batting by B to 2. In the "' average of about 3 cent, a roll gamo nt Chomnwa Friday tho Imll-j on " r',ttU' nns got tho gnmo by 2 to 1. This' Tho commission hn. received f,'ow gives two victories and three defeats 8oh,lU nml ,)B,,,' of MnrlflolJ, a out of tho flvo games, (lameii with complaint that tho Cooh Hay, Roso- AITHR H. P. LANDS, Chicago Markets. Chicago, May 22. Wheat. $102 0$1 Ul,eorn54ffS4K,oatSK fH7tt llihiilmtK Pnimr to Grnfl, If P'r mlttiil lo do So. Innnllnn f'llv MflV 25. TllOrO llUS I been great excltomont here tho past fow days over the prospers of thou sands of acres of railroad timber lands being thrown onto the market at $2.60 an aero. Pooplo are show ing the anxiety to sooum this oholco laud by tho great number of filings which have boon mado since Satur day noon. Tho total to dato Is 123. (Attorney G. P. Bkipworth, of Ku cflna and W. K. Washburn, notary public, have been kept busy prepar ing the necessary filing blanks. Kacn man who flies on an aero of land pays a fco of $6, which will assist Attor ney Sklpwortb in presenting tb p pers to the Southern Pacific land agent at San Francisco. -7 o HfgeHUM Ufubr I loud. Now York, May 22, John R. liegeman, Indicted Tuesday for fore ery and perjury, pleaded not guilty, and was placed under $10,000 bH, which war furnished, o The Morava river Utrf capsized, near I'ozarrac, llervla, drowning 20 peasant women and three babies. Itary Academy, of Portland, havo boon nrrunged for, ono with eaoh hero, and a gamo with tho Portland high school In Portland on Decora tion day. Tho gamo will bo called tomorrow at 3:30 p. m. o GOVERNMENT SHALL CONTROL. Commerce ComiiiiIsnIoiiit l'routy Givi'M His Views. Now York, May 22. Interstate Commorao Commissioner Prouty, ad dressing tho National Manufacturers' Association today, suld: "Tho gov ernment should oxqrolse direct con burg & Eastern curries freight to Co- qulllo for Portland shlppem nt $3 and charges Marshfleld shippers $3 for tho samo class of freight. Tho rato to Myrtld Point for the Portland shlppors l alleged to bo $2.25 and for .Marshfleld shippers $C. Tho commission will Investigate. Eastern Oregon patrons of tho O. It. & N. will be given a hearing on June 4, at Pendleton, on tho ques tion whether that road Is furnishing r reasonable local service "fist nf niggs, Pendleton, Raker City and nil othor Interestn will be heard. Complaints havo been received of Inadequate switching facilities at Gllverton. Jerfurion, Gurtln and Di vide, and tho commission will set ZuVZZ::Z H-'-n Paellle nud tho ..,, Intorstato ralways should bo valued by tho governmenL "Any compre hensive scheme of legislation should glvo to the railways forco and maintain traflle associa tions, and to discuss and agree upon competitive rates." ... o RaptUtM Mtt at Jnim(owii. Jamestown, Va., May 22. The second meeting of tho gonoral con vention of (ho Ilaptlsts of North America began today In tho conven tion hall of the Jamestown exposi tion and will contlnuo tomorrow. Mattors that aro likely to com be fore tho body Include tho proposed nicotine of tho Raptlst World AIM anco In 1010, tho Baptist Brother hood, church federation, national Christian temperanco movement, ?t brltratlon and divorce legislation. o Ijut Victim Hwrtai. Reading, Pa., May 22. The last per onti agroo. With a y'oW to preventing dU crimination In furnishing oars to ..I. I .. 4".Aaaa f i I St Ik CSf tl I J I tallfr tho right o -uu.-, w... ...... v. -""-"-- HU tyOiMmvu iiiar. u smi "o - quired to keep records of all appll eatlons, class of cars, when fur nished, etc, and this rulo tuny bo adopted. ' 'O ' RntkiTM Aro Rroko, New York, May 12. H. II. Hav ens k Co., a stock exchange Arm, failed today with liabilities of oaa million. n i Mitte Kxp44o Phoenix, Arls., May 22. A disas trous mine explosion la reported t Globe, but no details havo been received. Dr. J. F. COOK THH HOTAXIOAli VOOTOVi, I of the 17 vli-tlms of the Sbrlnot's MOVKtt TO t JJtmWtr smtHJrt wreck at Honda, California, worolPOK AXY IMIUs OAIJU OM WU burled today, )COOK, coxwultatwk a 'iji 4 n 3 1 i i 1 m V