DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1007. All the Heat Where it s wanted. When its wanted CTT A hot stove in a hot kitchen makes a hot cook. Use a stove that gives concentrated heat that cooks the meal auicklv without making an overheated kitchen. With the New Perfection Oil Stove you get a working flame at moment of lighting. The NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove is the new oil stove. Embodies new principles. Gives best results. Chimneys arc enameled in blue, which makes them rust-proof and easily cleaned. Made in three sizes, with one, two, and three burners. Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency for descriptive circular. - - household use. i Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly censtructed: absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (INOOK.rOKA.TIUJ iMiltililililMliiitiwtlMiWWWilfliVliililllMiWlliil tiiiaifrf THE MAN OF PEACE LINCOLN By Gun. Horace Porter MWHMMM'Hl Abraham Lincoln was of humblo birth; ho early had to struggle with the trials of misfortune and to learn the first lessons of life in the severe Bchool of adversity. Ho came from that class which he always alluded to as the plain people. He always possessed their confidence, he never lost his hold on their affections. Ho General Porter. and utter the inspiring name of Abraham Lincoln. Singular man! No one can pluck a single laurel from his brow, no one can lessen the measure of Ills fame. Marvelous man! In the an nals of all history wo fail to find an other whose life had been so peace ful, whose nature so gentle, nnd yet who was called upon to marshal tho hosts of an aroused people and for four long years to conduct a bloody, relentless, fratricidal war. In the annals of history we fail to find another whose education was that of tho cabinet, not tho camp, and yet who died a more heroic death. It has seldom fallen to the lot of man to strike the shackles from tho limbs of bondmen and liberate a race. It haB seldom fallen to tho lot of man to dio tho death of an honored martyr, with hid robes of office still , about him, his heart at peaco with his fellow men, his soul at peaco with his Qod, at tho momont of tho restoration of his country to 8 o Qs $$$$$$$$$, Nursing baby? It's a heavy strain on moth, Her system is called uoon nourishment for two. to,,V Some form of nourishrnentlW be easily taken up by molW. j? is needed. lrm Scofs Emuision greatest possible amount ofS ment in easily digested form. ALLDRUCGlSTSiSOcAND 'WOTnSnBgiiQifrtQiifl,fo A celebrated sculptor In tho four teenth century In Florence was believed that tho government was'100 "hln hor borders, to peaco i , i. nntn 1 n, . wuii an mo worm. muuu iui niu jiuuinu, uiiu uui nv iiw"- plo for the government, nnd that truo T?nniihllrnnlH!ii wnn llkn n tnrnll the more it is shaken In tho hands c"nded to make a clossal statue, of tho people tho brighter it burns. wh ch. w,ns nt a historic If at tho height of his power any 'thodral. When it was placed at nun lirwl unnnrnil nt him nn nromint. " uaau ul "" uunuiui, wiv. luina of his humble origin, ho might well pranged for hoisting it, and It was have replied, liko tho marshal of "u' "'. w u cruwu JUreu unu Franco, who was raised from tho J'ooted nnd criticized unmercifully ranks to a dukedom, when ho told tho sculptor. It wns all out of pro- jiuruuu, 11 wb 11 iuuurc. J-JUi soon niu fREB FREE! FREE! By thin wo mean tliat you do not pay 0110 cent In cuhIi. Simply lie voto a few luluutoH of your spnro tlmo to u good cause uud receive this $4.00 George Washington Clock Ah 11 reward. Tills clock la almost ten I lichen high, and very ornamen tal in dcxlRii, In tho now Egyptian Kbony finish. Iniposslblo to tarnish. A perfect lemity, and absolutely guaranteed by U10 manufneturera. Our liberal offer in as follews: (Vet two new yearly subscribers to Tho Capital Journal, at tho regular HuliHrriptlou price, $0.00 by carrier, or 91.00 by mill!, and on receipt of tho money at our olllce, the luuul Homo prvMiit la yours. If you can not got two yearly Hiibscrllvcis, get four for nIx inoutliB each, or if you Hud it entdvr, get eight of your friends to sign up for three mouths each. A fuuuplo clock run be seen at Tho Journal olllce. Do not delay, get busy nt once, and Mget linppy." Address all orders to tho Girculn tiou Deimrtment of Tho Journal. ojios began to tighten, and ns tho statuo moved up into tho nlr tho crowd ceased to jeer, nnd finally, when It wns placed upon tho plnnnclo at tho proper focal dlstanco nB in- HwmimwwwwtwuMwmwunwiiwuwwmimww DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE DOCTOR Will tioat you with Oriental ktvrb And curs any disease without operatic er pala. Dr. Kum 1 known everywhere in Baleta, nnd has cured many prominent people hero. He has UtckI in Salem for fib jeras, aad can be trusted. II aaes many- medicine unknown to white doctors, and with them can. ure catarrh, Hstiuaa, luag trouble, rheu atiuo, stomaek, live, and kidaey die Dr. Kum make a specialty of drops? aad female trouble. Ills remedies aura private diseases when everythlag 1m fail. lie has hundreds of teetl woalols, and give eoMuMatloa free Price for medicine very isodecata. Pwrseas la the eoualrj eaa writ fe Wank. Bead stamp. If y wt nm axtra taa Wa, $A St freaa m. DX. XUM BOW WO 00., Iff atari Wg. , Sales, Orf Thompson's Rose Nicotine Kills plnnt insects on flowers, fruit troes, vines or vegotnblos, aud VB11M1X On human body, dogs cats, fowls, nnd in tho hou60. Colorless, Odorless, Stainless Price, 25 and 50 cents at FRY'S DRUG STORE, Salcni, Ore Headquarters for all kinds of spray materials. Ask for booklet, "How to Destroy Plant Insects and Vermin." tho haughty nobles of VIonnn, who bonsted of their long lines of descent and refused to nssociato with him: "I nm nn ancestor; you nro only de scendants." Abrnhnm Lincoln posscscd in a ro mnrkablo docrco that most uncom mon of nil virtues, common sense. 1 tended y tno gront sculptor, who With him there was no practicing tho , created it, tho snoors turned to plnu arts of tho demagogue, no posing for (1,t8' nml tho I,0Pl0 on snw it in all effect, no attltudinlzInK in nubile, no lth boty of its truo proportions. mawkish sentimentality. Thcro was Aml 80 Abraham Lincoln has so nono of thnt puppyism bo often bred !fnr receded from us In history that lv nnwnn Ttmrn una nnnn nt Mint 1'0 l 0W in tllO prOpOf fOCBl (lis- .Inomnllam M,nt Tin Tnlmann nnl.l una tnnCO. WO Can HOW menSUrO all his feiteeuee e m aw only puppyism grown to maturity. "Wlillo his mind wns ono great BtorohouBO of factB and useful infor mation, ho laid no claim to any knowledgo ho did not possess. Ho bolioved with Addison that pedantry In learning Is liko hypocrlcy In ro llgion a form of knowledgo without tho power of It. Wlillo ho was singularly adroit and patient In smoothing down tho ruffled feathers of friends who did not un derstand him, or even of political op ponenta ho wasted no tlmo upon tho absolutely recalcitrants. Ho never nttompted to massago tho back of a political porcupine. And, ns ho onco said himself, ho always found it was n losing gamo to try to shovol fleas across n barnyard. Thoro aro two names of Presi dents thnt will nlwayB bo Inseparably associated in our minds Washing ton and Lincoln. But, from tho man ner in which modern historians mngntfy trivial nets, you would sup pose ono had spent his entire llfo In cutting down trees and tho other in splitting them up into rails, Thoro wbb ono mnrkod difference botween them Washington could not toll a story; Lincoln always could. But ho told thorn not for the nnec doto, but to clinch a fnot, to point a. moral. CHICHESTER'S PUTS Wmm. tHM.nt.HN WUaa.V r ! sairaKMHs &!trSK Ah, " , - -uor of il that wna his snfoty-valvo. It llghtonad his mind nnd rollovud it for the time from tho gront responsibilities that wore weighing upou him. Ho could cut tho sting from tho koonost crltt slum with his wit, ho could gild dis appointment with a joke. Ho know hotter thnu most men thnt in spoaoh wit is to oloquonco whnt in music melody is to harmony. But his mind was not always nt- tunod to mirth; its chords were too often set to strains of sndnoss. Thoro wns tho slaughter In tho Held, tho depletion of tho tronsury, compli cations which arose. All those woro so appalling that sometimes ovon tho gront soul of Lincoln seamed ready to molt. But just when tho gloom was blnokost ho never, nevor took counsel of his fonrs. He always had the courago of his convlctlous. He nevor had occasion to look to the past with regret, nor to the future with apprehension. He had that subllmo faith which Is content to leave tho efforts to man, the results to God. For ages after tho battle of Thur moplyao every Greek school child was taught to roclto onch day tho uaiues of tho three hundred heroes who fell in tho dofonso of that pa33 It would bo a crowning act of pa triotism jf every Amorlcan school child could bo taught each day to couteraplato tho exalted chnractor great qualitios ns they nppcnr in thoir beauty and symmetry. I am glad of tho work of Tho Lin coln Farm association. It is well that his blrthplaco should bo redcomed from individual ownership. It should bo mndo tho repository of all tho in teresting' rollcs connected with him. It ought to bo tho sent of n national museum nnd a national park. Ho Is gono from us now, crowned with tho sublimity of martyrdom. We hnvo bidden a last farowoll to him who wns tho gontlost of all spirits, noblest of all hearts, llborntor of a race, savior of a republic, martyr, whoso sopulchro Is human hearts, o SMILES S L VI I 1 1 Hart 7-SrA Js-r- y7fwm WJlMf'h slM ?JMMimw exa j to m nr ms pivu ft to sk T. TlHTS. 1 ImfrttfaHK 'tWmfiFf x r iiinansT a. m "iiinliiii iiiiwaMMPsWWfc m wooi! Floor 0 0 Cans 'ty Spread them on your old . floors uliha Reed bruih.md room, dlnlnc-room. hill ..j.- w 1 ...j ?,...,'' ".' 'OT' . -,,-. ouu unun, rougn, elastic ud (W1W4- Varno-Lac ctly Imitate all fine woods, no mitt hn u -v. .. be stained. The only article raide that rwulm M tUlZ for Varno-Lac. - " Mm r Acme white Leid & Color worli, Detroit, M GEO. B. JACOB FRONT AND TINE BTREKM NORTH 8ALBM, Phono USB CRT R Picnir. B. B, B. Floor For Boston Brown Bread, Grlddlo Oakcs, .Mudlns jmdHwrisHii ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO., INC., SAX Jok 01 omri that is all that'B necessary in Ore gon. Benton county fruit growers talk of organizing. It takes no brains and no con sclonce to bo a political boss. Ho must bo a great promisor, and bo able to rocolvo money and hand it out with his eyes shut. Ohio politics Iiub slmmorcd down to a porsonnl struggle botweon threo bosses who In tho end will divide tho territory and tho spoils. All wostern Oregon will go into applies, prunes, hops and walnuts. Ycb, Portland is going ahead, nnd The Farmer's "Wife Is very careful about her churn. Shs scalds it thoroughly after using, and gives it a sun bath to sweeten it. She knows that It her churn U sour It will taint the buttor that U mudo In it. Tho stomach Is & churn. In tho Ftomach and digestive and nutritive tracts aro performed pro cesses which ar almost exnetly like the churning of buttor. Is It not apparent thon that If this ktotnach-churn Is foul It makes foul all wlueh Is put Into It? NTho evil of a foul stomach Is not alone tho bad taste In tho mouth and the foul breath caiiM-d by It, but tho corruption oi tho puro current of blood and tho dlin (nation of dUensu throughout the body. Dr. Vierco's Golden Medical Discovery makes tho sour xud foul stomach swwu It does for the stomach what tho washing aud sun bath do for the churn absolutely romoves ovary tainting or corrupting ele ment. In tills way It cures blotches, phnples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sores, or oiwn outing . ulcors and all humors or diseases arising from bad blood ti you nave outer, nasty, foul tasto In your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath, are weak and easily tlu-d, fool dopressed and despondent, havo frequent headaches, dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress In stom ach, constipated or Irregular bowels, sour or bitter risings after eating aud poor appotlto, thcio sj mptoms, or any consider able number of thorn, indicate that you aro Buffering front biliousness, torpid or lazy liver with the n..ul accompanying Indl gestlou, or drspepsia and their atteudant uurangumoins COMIXQ ETEfli May 28 Oregon U'.i Hood River. Juno 4-7 Wuhlt Grange, Lynden. Juno 10 Oregon Plnwrfi elation, Portland. July 10-15 InteraWoasl tlan Endeavor conrestlot, July 15-20 Ortni W Philadelphia. July 9-13-Knlthti Tesfki Independence has a vory llvoly 1 clave, Saratoga, .n. 1. Town TnlU. r Proposals for Brick Ar Tlin II nt r i,.nlr nnm ,1nfnnf.,t Sftlem. OffKOD, W "' Mf..i.i a i -r,.'. i ctn nrftnnl. eaJwe' VHBHU1K10U HI UUgOnO, UIUl HIUUU ovuicu f.v, . it tii. nn... -..i nM,A onA unt. rvntcMn nf envelope, l"!' .. 1... 1- 4ii I.. It a Tln1r Atvtlim WUCt vuroiiy its Bullion nwiij ui 111 " .nv. . iiWXl athletics ronutntlon. nnd thnt is con." and addreM tt . 1...4. ,, .1 , in nMnn.l. nn, rlprV Of aJllBB Wt ' UUUUl till IUVIU 10 Ul I1UH) 111 mhvm. v.., -- -- .i..ia mg an university ineso unya. n rranw . j . , ...1 - .f n B h,ia rnnltnl ' Salem, 0W. f"i. , ...... ...4 4. ,m l. l.nlf .l.lnlr TV Ml. OfXtT'1' uiaao a greater nu tnuu u no iuviv unwv. f. - u)Mn ton decrees in scholarship. furnishing materia l . a 'onlroil to COOStrUCt ' Of 22 physicians practicing in Sa- brick asylum ,nS T1! lorn in 1901, four hnvo died, sovon hot water "" m havo romovod to othor fleldB and one light, water " j. has retired, or tne a attornoju m d.v. ''!)rk . . . .11...1 i..iinni mJ lastrsw"" Salera in 1301, only two uave u,tu ,ulo"WM' "" -iiiw six have removed and four havo re- which may mp . nor's omcc, "";' ) In 1901 the total legislative ni- er worrZ&H proprlatlons footed up to $1,683,109 architect. Bie, ffJlU In 1907 tho total was footed $3,6uv," 000. The state has not been growlu 5-lMS-i- at any such rato as the appetite of . tho machine. Barbers aro scarce at Salem. Good workman get $15 a week aud th. n some. tired from active practlco. en nee ffirMTi.. fnroTiTifiyMN.va vmli,-r.-i niifomiuK' is. n ivtttlSlor1)V the. writlnM anJanori.I all th nve. Suiiirsv That this is absolutely truo eomhlnrii Drisnv&rvv will bo readily proven to your satisfaction 11 you will but mall .1 postal card request tpl)r. IL V. Mercc, Buffalo, K. Y for a rci copy of his booklet of extructs from th ptanord medical authorities, giving the name of all the IngredlenU entering Into his worid-fnmed medicines and show- ins wnat tne nost eminest saadlcal cf Uw ax My of tbaca. When she goes out a Salem wom an wears n great many Jewels and ornaments for fear of burglars breaking in during her absence She has no fears of any robbers a saultlng her. . o ' 'yi. rno, S ." w, , 5frk 1' ' a- V l& Wonderful Eczema Cure. J ir.. lit fin hnr rinit fCZCma tor "VO years." writes N. A. Adams, Henri- PEOn. vh&v- etta. Pa. "Two of our home doctors gtock y.rds. .... i. Mo 1iine'tuboxes i" " .rtilB said tno case was uuueicoa, .- - - - 7JL! being affected. We then employed our ajj - thr rtortnrs but no benefit resulteil. weii fed . )&.?. '-'-,-,- - S- - jfcrtfiniLiV"' . BMh ' By chance we read about Electric jcw -- tJit&(. - irii'""" . , mf . . A Bitters; bought a bottle and soon noticed Improvement. We continued this medicine until several bottles wero used, when our boy was com pletely cured." Best or M,w"r m4lclnef and,c4y puliaipK ; tosloi. GaranatMel at J. - " drug storK. S9c u'.!, tut r tan. Veair F . t4t it isa't ?rrt where telL-' f L