DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGO$ TUKSIlAY, MAY 21, 1007. 5 L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER tamping Done At Our Store BY MISS CLARA WARNER Don't fall to havo Miss Warner stamp you a waist, hat, apron, skirt or any other " garment you may desire. Her patterns are all new. 50c a Yard NOVELTY DRESS GOODS A largo and attractive assort ment and the conceptions of ser viceable materials. Exact copies In patterns of tho highest grado foreign Goods. Evoryono In search of economic opportunities will bo vitally Interested. Extraordinary nro these values, because you will find all new 1907 patterns. Somo of them only arrived Friday last. kiiiif iic !! tMfaiiiiaiieiif w SALEM THEATRES AND AMUSEMENTS mmHifimifii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 in (Imntl Opera IIou.sc. Tuesday, May 21. "Old Vrkansaw." Wednesday, Mny 22. "A itaco for a Widow." Coining Attractions. "The Uoriib Prlnco." nun 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n JjuiKliter. clever comedy creation, enrich- by a flno literary stylo, clear cut feedy and tho clearly marked ing of Individually Interesting m of, character, called "A Raco ta Widow," comes to tho Grand Ira houso tomorrow night. Mo this play Is Illled with gonu- orscdy from start to finish, It a i -t of consldorablo strongth. jfPlcnJU company has inn do this a grc.it buccosb. Vow York Theaters. Ja conniption with tho forming of uraancnt organization of players prescn tho now farces of Leo rlchstcln In tho Astor theater. X piWft 9HS'eV Asanas VU HAMMERSTKIN. wr.rr of tho Manhattan Opera WW in Now York, famous ns Prearu and promoter of play- M. nth;- n is dellrorinc a series of T 3 ks on thA mlurtatlnnal and Uea s.de of fnrrn Ha fienril bv "' rs of tho "Before and r c-ra,.any on the Astor stage. 'nbvrt wag -on the Writing of rce a as when first shown in this t.fficit Are years ago, "The c of Phsen." was received with lt ccrdlalltr bT a. lareo audience ttae Academy of Music Monday Thif mimtrnl rnmcAv has bO kind of pereaaial Tliltor. It 1 & dozen engagement la this city H eredlt? it niici Tendon. t gave a chores aefrl the rlt- LllJtr, an Hery W. ftavas la ME for Hi festalkm Ik iiaiiiajitiiaiiti Though tho music of tho piece has bcon familiar long, It still possesses Its old power of allurement. This was proved onco moro when every tt.ru of tho orchestra Into ono of tho old airs was a signal of applause It v. as a spirited performance. Jess Dandy Is tho comedian now nt tho l'cad of tho company and ho Justifies all the pralso that hna been given to him. Idn Stanhopo was tho Gib- sonosquo Now York girl, attended by radiant beautlos In "Tho Song of tho Clt!os." Ilnppy In tho knowlodgo of tho buccobs of tholr offorta, Shubort & Anderson will oncTtho first sonson of tholr mnnagomont of tho Hippodrome en May 2S. Thoy oponod tho houso on Sopteinbor 1 with "A Society Cir cus," which, had boon the attraction In tho provlous sonson, but on No vember 28 thoy producod "Plonoor Days" and "Noptunos Daughtor" Thoso two spectnclos mot with aston ishing buccobs, and hnvo continuod for twonty-throo wooks to till tho mammoth Hippodrome Tho most striking novelty was In "Noptunos Daughtor," in which tho huge tank was utilized to Introduco n dozen young ladlos who appoarod as mer maids. Tho grand bnllot Intdouced 100 persons nnd a seoro of horsoa. When tho houso closos "Pioneer Days" and "Neptune's Daughter," will havo been glvon 29C times. A Bummor season of grand nn'l romantic oporas In English undor tho direction of Joso Van den Borg, began Monday night at tho West End theater. Much caro haB been ob served In assembling tho company, which contains sevonty-flvo voices, Mth an nttractlve list of principals. There Is also an augmonted orchestra with compotent conductors. Tho first week waB devoted to "II Trova tors." Tho next opera will be th "Mikado." HOTEL AIUUVALS. Willamette. P. K. Parkhurst, Portland. A. C. Wagner, Portland. L. Allehoft, Portland. Wm. H. Barry, Portland. Miss Ethel O'Kcefe, Portlnnd. Wnrrcn Enstmnn, Portlnnd. 11. B. Shertzer, Philadelphia, Pa. J. A. Du Salltle, Minneapolis, Minn W. H. Groatt, San Francisco. I. W. Schlfter, Portlnnd. J. E. Burdctt, Arlington, W. H. Fcrteg, Pottsvllle, Pa. W. C. Ferteg, Pottsvllle, Pa. E. J. Warnock, Portlnnd. John C. Eulborg, Portlnnd. II. T. Harris, Chicago. It. C. Smith, Chicago. M. S. Rosenblndt, Chicago. H. F. Weber, Minneapolis, Minn. T. 0. Stewart, Uosoburg. D. J. Jarvls, noseburg. H. T. McClalland, Roseburg. J. Ferncr, Bagus Prlnco, Co., N. Y. H. S. Stroebol, Now York. Felix Colin, Snn Francisco. A. B. Bowen, Pullman. R. W. Goshman, Enterprise. Ben. Folston, Enterprise. Robt. Cownn, Enterprise. A. W. Walter, Bolso, Idaho. C. C. AndcrBon, Boise, Idaho. W. 11. Kukloy, Portland. C. L. Tebbctta, Portland. Sulcin. Emm i Simpson, Falls City. M Ashor. San Francisco. W. A. Williams, Portland. Wm. Noder, InglcBldc, Neb. D W. Collins, Portlnnd. W. .1 R Jones, Salem. C 11 Wntts, Falls City. II. H. T-lplor, St. Louis. Hugh Frtulnnd, Salem. J. J. Murray and wife, Eugene. II. W. Pnttorson, 8alom. F. T. Nnsh, Salem. A. 11. Roberts, Los Angeles. Chns. Rlttenhauser, Newberg. Lou IMokard. W. L. PooBtcr. G. S. Pocstor. II. Scott, Portland. O. A. Peel, Portland. f .w a THE MARKET'S BEST VALUES AT REASONABLE PRICES Bl J! fii Itf rin.i rn ! H:ni - ' tinniuul't fHVo t mfrtitfl.Ht' MAQ1 li 1 1 ut. If f t CC rrilT , IMi .. '', Tsm, ' I tit litYl c r I f 'NJliiJ '1' G I ; , - iTttittre Tmwia iL .w." rr a. 2 doz. good pearl buttons for . .5o Lndles' whtto lace hoso lc, 23c pr Ladles' whtto plain Burson hoso.!2.1e Ladles black hoso.lUc, 10c, 20c, 2,1c Children's whlto lnco hoso,.... 23o Children's plain whlto hoso....lSc 100 pair of children's IGo whlto hoso soiled, clean-up prlco Ho pr Children's laco hoso In blue, pink, red, brown or black. . .23o Ladles' bIcovoIcsb vests, 10c, 13c, 18c anil 23c. Lndles' short Blcovo vests . . 18c, 23c Ladles' long sloovo vests. .... .23c Ladlos embroidered whlto belts. 18c Neatly trimmed corsot covers. 23c up Nontly trimmed drawers. .. ,23o up Best apron chock gingham. 7c yd Fancy dross ginghams, . .8 l-!)o yd Standard calicoes 3c, (Ic yd Checked Bilk finish cnllco,.7fio yd Cotton covert suitings. ., ,12io yd Flno linen suitings ,ll)o yd Flno Bolgo suitings lUo yd UG In. fancy suitings .lHo yd Heavy twilled shirtings. ... ,10c yd Men's suspondors, neatly em broldored, only. 'Mo pr Mon's summer underwear, in cream, salmon, bluo or black, at 3c, 3fl.c, -13c.( t Mon's horso hldo gloves. ....91 pr Men's dog skin gloves.. .....91 VJ Men's saranac buck gloves ... ,91 IV Men's driving gloves. .. .00c, 70o pr 3 pnlr heavy cotton box for.... 83a Mon's medium weight gray box. Do pr Black box. 8 1-tlc, 10c, lajic, SKc pr Moxlcau hats 18c Typoon hats .90o Hairnets 33c Largo assortment of styles In work or dress hats for nion nnd boys; mon's soft collar dress shirts In light colors, mohair or oatcon , 03c Mon's soft collar dress shirts In whlto or tan pongoo silk. . ,91.00 Mon's work shirts at. .40c, -10c, 00c Mon's cotton pants, all sizes. 00c, 91 Men's wool pants, nil sizes at QIAO, $2.00, 92.113. Men's corduroy pants all bIeqs at $1.30 pr Rostein & Greenbaum Dry Goods, Clothing, Millinery and Shoes 240-246 COMMERCIAL ST. son let tho musical fnrco "Trial by Jury," tho nnmo na given In tho high school building hero not long ago, nt Chomnwa lust night boforo n largo audlonco in tho assembly room. TTyc pleco was given In oven a belter man nor than whou presented horo. Previous to tho play n mixed pro gram was given, similar to tholr pro vlous presentation, which consisted of Bolcctlons by tho high school oc tetto, qunrtot and n duet by Misses Mnrguorito Morn and Ethel Gross, n reading by Miss Mildred Ilngloy and n solo by Miss Edna Savage, A largo number of HtudentH nr companted tho gluo club yesterday on tho G o'clock Chemawa oar, and a sort of picnic was enjoyed boforo tho uvunliig'H ontortnlnmont. NEW YORK THI HUNK'S KX LAR(SEl) HOME. Ten stories huvo boon ndded to tho old Tribune building, nnd it it now one of New York's imposing skyscrapers. Fnro' t riitfiimun. Tho high Rchool gleo club pre Grand Opera House JOHK r. COSDSAY, Mgr. WEDXIiHDAY, MAY 22. o Grand Opera JHouse JXO. F. COItnitAY, Mnunger. ONE NIGHT TUESDAY, MAY 21 Fml ltayinoiid'e IUutlful Story of tho Arkniiwi HilU Old Arkansaw With 1U weallli of special -nerjr aad llffocta A COMPLETE PBODCCTIOK. CBly! PBtkos! vaevucj A Ont PUjr! A Great Cofy PrieM, 7f, Me, wui . gat 0 at Vhm OU Tly. Tho C3rvt ConiMly Success. A RACE POR A WIDOW With n On-nt Cut. "A Itace for a Widow" Is a come dy written on ontlroly now lines and orowded with Interest. Ono laug-J oblo situation follows another and at times tho play becomes dramatic. New songs and specialties aro Intro ducod throughout tho pl'VY- Prlcc, 50c, 36c, 25c. Box offlco open Wednesday at 9 a. m. DAVID M'OLUHE. Now York lawyer who was oho sen chairman of tho Thaw lunucy coiiunission. HUNGER' GRAND ! TOK10HT four Act Comdy Drama "The World Against Him" Brigham Stock Co. Price 15 d25c ComBMHdBC Tkfiy a&4 ra mslntftr U vwk, "Th BhwstaM." gt turd ay Mtle. . . , wm mm every time. Ejy's Perfec tion Baking Powder always makes food, if you want to make semethtag good imfcl on getting Epptes Perfec tion Powder, sold by aN Sakm gracers. Mamifackirad ay IIOKACK I'OKTEU. Kx-aiuhnssudor ta .Franco and ono of Uncle Sum's dolcgatrs to Tho Hague ponce conference in liirorHiri(tloiiM, Three now firms filed articles nt Incorporation this morning, as fol fel fol eows: lionry Hoo, W. A. Cloland T. !. Hlicasgrco appear as Incorporators of tho Olson Hoo Transfer Co., with headquarters In Portland, nnd with capital stock fixod ut $10,000. Tho "Walton and Iifayotto," a firm for buying and soiling patent medicines wuh incorporated by Fred H. Wulton, J. Iifayotto, Herry and Winnie K. Hammond. Tho capital stock of tho concern Is placed at 31000, and the heud officio will be located In Portland, C. H. Wisdom, Thomas V. Hlco nnd W. B. McKarland havo filed artlolos of Incorporation for tho Klectrlo Terminal Co., with head oldro at Marshflold, und capital stock nt flOO.000. Hld OrH'Hcd Th1ajt. At tho Htato houso today bids were oponod for n now library In the nortk wing; Ira Hrb 13,S15 Chas. A. Orny 13,380 V. A. Krlxou 13,890 II. M. Kluy 12, m 0 CASTOR I A1 For Infants and ChlldreK, TI11 KM Yon Havi Always Bmckt VM t - . . I II 8Katro 1 mmmmummmmmmmm OLsVf2Zu 00 - - rw- f iBr w Ort-Kou Hiipri'iiM CoHrU Multnomah County vs. Portland Cracker Co., suit to collect taxes, ro- yerl. Ualla II. Keen rs. Husan 1). Keen, Washington county, suit to rocorer damages for alienation of affeotions, rovorsod. Petitions for rehearing In Hcott v Christiansen and HapplngRold vs. King denied. Acme Orocery and Dairy Co. vs. Astoria, affirmed. Grant vs. O. It. At N. Co., reverted. Motion to dismiss suit in Craw ford vs. Crawford wtato, overruled, -' CS&ftftebc Tho Auiorlcan public doui4s desirable men to represont thew Ih Kovornmont affairs, nnd their entrea ties will ultltnntuly result In a com pluto victory for clean and hoaeet politics. Tho saino people nro making a sumo demand for pure, wholesome food. For clean, palutablo, satlsfae toiy cooking and baking. Nothing can surpass our HOMIM'JlKPAlli:!) ttOOUM. Wo off or tomorrow Doughnuts, Cookies, ilouio-Madii llrosd H4 Duns, Jloston linked Ueans, Bet Drown Dread, Halsln Dread, Dolled Mam Dolled Tongue, Veal Lof, Plain Uyer Cako, Gold Cako, Wal nut Cako, Bpanish Dun Cako, White Cako, Pruno Cako. Hpaclal attention to your ord rs and special delivery. UOTII X OHVItKH. 110 Ktatd Htrtft. SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Let us show you a neat, up-to-date lens for near and far-seeing. It h euslly as good ae tko expensive kiad, KBd half Ike cost. Doa't throw away your brekett glaseee. Hriag tkew ms. We eaa dupll-cate asy part, with little Chas. H. Hinges i f O Oa&aaUaaAaMeW flaaVAeaelL Hsaeat iaha aVslt