s- CHICAGO TORE DAILY CAPITAL- JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1007. XT lPl Salem's Up-to-Date Dry Goods Sellers Offers EXCEPTIONALLY GREAT BARGAINS During This Sale When we say Bargains we mean goods of the Highest Standard of you will And " our millinery Mwrliiu'iit n beautiful assortment of Fll trlmmeri lints, ii!m feathers ad flowers nil sold at prices thnt ould sunrise yon. SWLL TRIMMED HATS 12.00, $2.50 and $3.00 WW 'III L Jni 4 MOT M If you want a Iinndgoiuo Dress Suit will iny you well to take a look imirIi our stock and sec the best ortiiu'iit of ready 'to wear j;nr tit In Salem. Price from 18.50 up Quality and the Latest Styles offered at quick selling prices. Remember we don't want to get rich on every sale we makeit's the volume of business we are after sell lots of goods and at small profits. "A I. SELL ONLY TUB Best Shoes 'lt", alxi the moht MylUh Shoos nil at lower prices than you nay for 'fi-rior quality. LadkV $2.50 Dress Shoes, Price $1.98 UV $2.50 Patent Leather Onfonl Trice $1.98 Thousands of Yards of Wast Dtess Goods Now on Sale at Vety Small Pf ices 8 l.c Fancy I.nwns -IM$ 112 tfc Fancy Lawns, yd . .81'3 15c Fancy Lawns, yd 10 IKc Fancy Organdies, yd... 125 15c Dress Ginghams yd 9 IHc Fancy Voiles, yd lSJfi Rest Standard Calico, yd 5cv 27c Heavy Duck Linen, yd...lS 25e Irish Linen, yd ISO 10c Fancy Percales, yd 7J MUSLIN AT SALE PRICKS 12J6c India Linen, yd 8 l"3tf 15c India Linen, yd 10 1000 yds pretty, Hfiht, fancy Calicoes, yd .5J Dotted Swisses, yd 12 H Dotted Swisses, yd 18 Imported Dotted Swiss, yd...25 Rest Apron Glngluuus, yd...GMd Sheet wul Pillow Cum Cheap 10c Curtain Scrim, yd 7$ Sllkallncs and Crctonf at small prices. Towels ....5. 8 l-3 anil 10 15 Hlenchcd Table Ranmsk. . ,29 Retter Ones at Sale Prices 75c Tapestry, yd 48$ Rest German Calico, yd 0 27c Persian Lawn, yd 18 j0c Persian Lawn, yd 25 15c Rent Chambmy, yd 10 Soiled Bed Spreads Half Pt ice Soiled Lace Curtains Pfice Remnants of Muslin and Calico Half Ptice COcColoml Dtc Lincn, yd. 19 Doublo wldtli Cotton Dr fi yMptjrB3Bff!Si'' ll 3 () WE SHOW A WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF Parasols Fine dilJcs and Dress Goods Wo show n beautiful line of STYLISH JACKETS AND SILK COATS Priced away down to Induce quick selling, SWELL JACKETS $3.50, $4.50 and $6.50 SJLK COATS $5.90 and $7.90 Ol'll H1LKH AND RHKSS GOODS AltB TALKBD OF RY ALL TUB REST DRESSED LADIES IN THIS PART OF TUB COUNTRY. TIIBY ARB CERTAINLY A HBAUTlFlfj COLLECTION OF TUB IiATKKE WBAVBH AND MATKHIALH UATHEHKH FROM ALL PARTS OF TUB WOULD. YOU WILL FIND IN KVBRY CLASS AND KIND TOR LADIES, MISSES AND CIIIL CIIOIGI3 DRKHH MATKRIAL HISIIlS and Umbrellas M'M 1 III V WVN V W mM0 DRBN SILK, LINKN, lONGBB AND BYBLBT 11HRROIDBRY. vnml WWNOK, C1KIUIANY, BNG- TjANI) AND I'HOM TUB I1BST THIi ARB TUB GRANDIC8Y A8HORTMBNT THAT WAS BVBR SHOWN IN BALBM. TO INTRODUCB THILM TO OUR CUSTOM FRS WB 1IAVI3 Di:CIDBD TO MAKB TUB PR1CBS HSIALfi TO 1NDUCB QUICK fiBLLINQ. MANUFACTURBHH OF A.MBHICA. YOU WILL FIND TUB AKHORT MKNT JUST AS CHOICB AND YARIBD AH YOU CAN FIND IN RIG CITY STORKS AND TUB PRICKS .MUCH I-OWKR THAN YOU KX-PKOT. Children s itom - - 25c tip Misses' - 50c, 75c and 95c WASH Ladies itom - - - 95 p MJUft BeAotlfal Snow White MUSLIN SKIRTS llanilMMiiely trinirtil with Hho Ihcoh and embnildery. Hold at tomtit prlcit 49c, v69c, 98c and $1.49 jiB i w llil f ln VilfA nVIJ - Sale Mr Sale cUTiW-i-Gia a mm iU Prices W& Prices " H M . -F l& iN'19G WH PUT ON SAM! THIS W1HHC A GRAND ASSORTMHXT OP Fine Corsets lricl oway down to induco jukk mHIiij;. Amount tlto lot U tlM) famoua Wunier'a Rut ProoL 45c Glrdlo Comt, price. ....... ... -25$ -15c French Net Summer CorMtU, prlr .,. 25J 75c White, JJiiUt Weight Bummer Cornets, priw .10( $1.00 Mlilte, Ught Weight Hummer Coret, prico 00 1,30 CruXH . 'OU In n iMiiiitiriil aoMtrtmait of colori, yard 25c, 39c and 49c THOIHANDS OF YARDS OF Beautiful Dtess Silks IN HVHRY imagi.vaiim: hiiadb AND FANCY DKHIO.V. IMIICJK YD. 49c, 65c, 75c and 98c THIS ITHST UP.TO-DATU D ess Materials IN A GRAND ARRAY OF HBAUTf. I'L'L SHADES AND FANCY WKAVE8. riHOK YARD 49c, 65c, 75cf 89c and 95c Avwfc 9ln ( V'J Vj, 'ri Wc believe our DRESS SKIRT STOCK is the best in Salem and tne most com plete. Price from $2.90 to $5.90 Goo4. yd.. 12 15. 18(J