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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
DAILY CAPI TAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, MAY 20, 1007. 8 lHB.!... .I 111 THE PUBLICS FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE IS TUN "MHYI3RS' STORE." GREAT NUMBERS IIVY AT THIS STORE DAILY BECAUSE THE MERCHANDISE IS ALWAYS SEASON ABLE, ALWAYS RELIABLE, AND BECAUSE THE TRICES ARE NEVER OT1IK 11TJIAN REASONABLE, THE SERVICE IS 1'ROMPT AND TRUSTWORTHY. VERY SHOPPING COMPORT IS PROVIDED. TAKE A STROLL THROUGH THE STORE, PRICE THE OFFERINGS, MAKE COMPARISONS FREELY AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND SOME OF THE REASONS WHY THIS STORE IS SUCH A FAVORITE SHOPPING PLACE. Women's Suits Attractive Values Best Styles Attractively Priced A royal chanco for women who adtniro flno Bulta yot can not nf ford to pny full prlcoa, to got thorn, "Wo'vo dccldoil to lot theso Biilta go n radical reduction, which certainly will gladden the licnrto of many lady callors to day. $15.00 Suits reduced k to. $10 1S.00 $12 $22.50 v$15 ?28.G0 )y $30.00 ... $20 Suspender Belts A flno allowing of black bus pondor boltu with white, bluo and red piping, liott 1b thorough'y tnllorod. 50c Dress Goods At Much Less Price Unusually good qualities of new and pretty fabrics for sum mer wear. They come in WOOL TAFFETAS CHIFFON PANAMA FRENCH SERGE In plaids and checks In nil wanted shades for pretty summer garments. Values aro regular $1.25 and $1.35. Special price reduced to 88c Parasols Many havo selected their sun Bhades for tho summer wcathor tlioro'.s yet a vaBt assortment for you to chooso from. They nro tho prettiest wo'vo shown and tho values aro beyond comparison. Thoy co mo In whito nnd colors with dainty embroidered do sign, with trimmed, checks dresden and plain bands of a harmonizing shndo. Thon, too, thoro is a gonorous supuly of tho popular blacks and colors. 50c to $6 Hosiery Tho grandest bnrgaln ovont wo'vo had for somo time. Im ported fancy LIbIo IIoso in whlto and black with ombroldorod de signs $1.25 nnd $1.50 values. Only n few paint loft. Special prlco 50c WEDNESDAY ONLY WEDNESDAY SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE NO. 333 For our mid-week specinl wo havo arranged another big special for tho men. For this special wo havo chosen from our regular stock of hats and place on salo a lino of SOFT HATS - - $1.50 In colors Brown nnd Pearl. Newest telescope shapes. Black and Pearl bands. Regular $3.00 values. Nono sold until 8:30 a. m. Wednes day. No phone orders received. Wash Dresses For the Children Whether you want a play dress or a nlco ono for "dress up" occa sions you can And It hero In a va riety of patterns and Btylcs to plcaBo you. You do not havo the bother and worry of planning and making. Then, you got the rondy-mndo cheaper than you can buy tho material and spend tho tlmo In making. Como In nnd seo whnt splendid offerings wo havo 25c to $6.50 Lace Curtains An unusually attractive lino of best values In lace curtains from 75c to $10 , Trunks Serviceable and Convenient And nt tho prlco thoy nro tho best Trunk values obtainable If you aro planning a trip, you can select no bettor placo to chooso your trunk than tho MeyorB storo. Tho best mado aro hero In widest varieties. Many havo special points of convcnlonco that aro to bo had elsewhere. Trunks of all sizes and qualities from $2.75 to $25 Hammocks .TOURERS' PRICES. You'll want ono very shortly. Novy's tho tlmo to ninko your se lection. All now direct from fac tory $1 to $6.75 t m m eu&l4 $ A INCORPORATED SHOES OF HIGH DEGREE If you want a pair of tho new est that combine stylo, elegance, Individuality with tho best leath er nnd excellent workmanship you won't find better values out 8ldo this store. Wo want you to seo this grand display of up-to-date foot-wear. All sizes and widths. $2 to $5 The Men's Hat Store Convenient and easy of access, just Inside tho Liberty streot en trance ready with a conipleto allowing of tho correct things for summer wear SOFT HATS, STIFF HATS, STRAW HATS, PANAMA HATS. $1-50 to $10 Summer Neckwear For Men THE STYLE SHOWING IS INTERESTING Every bo many different designs nnd color combinations lend add ed Intorest to this great showing of tho vory nowest and bc3t Ncckwcnr for summon JUST A WORD; MR. CLOTHES BUYER Havo you purchaiedjovm., mor suit? If not, be fair vlth job' this tlmo and red aity whnt we havo to My. It's money saved if jw fa, You will need a inmBatt hero's your chance. A complcto Hoe ot poet that for style, nobby pattern, workmnnshlp and vetrfsf l tics aro unoxcclled. $10 to $25 Wo'vo a complete line riff dato furnishings. Tho "llttlo thlogt" Ik 18 good dressers nant "jutrW." You'll llnd them hn 1 I right" priced "Juit r!.M." M 99 CITY NEWS i! A Collection of Important Par- X agraphN for Your CoiiHldcrntlou mtlllHMHMMimiM Souvenir PoHtnlH Now Hiibjocts today, at Pntton's. Wanted Wo Mill have u number of places for bright, energetic ludlcti. Wo want to uuiko n thorough Iioiiko to hoiiHo cniivnsH, Thin Ih not as llf limit us ono might think.. We of fer you many advantage, Wu don't MHk you to work on eoimulsHlon, but pay you u good Milnry and expenses. Wo don't require ymi to Ih expert enced; It Is an advantage, iverlmps, but If you Iftivo ahburauco nnd a lit tho energy It will inoro Mum make up for your lark of experience. Wo nro not unking you to work for hoiuo cheap concern. Remember you rix working for ono of tho In'st Iioumcn In tho country, and rolling n product Mint Is ufced by every houss. wife. Wo will further add Mutt all our canvassers are. In charge of n lady, and that tlielr physical nnd moral welfare Is wtfeguartletl tit ev ery poHslblo way. We bellevo that when you luive had this matter thor otighly explained you will bo only to willing to Itccoino ono of our canvass, ern. Please call for an Interview, J 11. Drown, Willamette Hotel, or Mliw K, 31, Oobb, Cottage Hotel. G-15-tf Hop Trainers WmiteoJ Men, women and boys, for the Holmes yard. Long job. Can board or camp. Will movo you out If do ulrodi Phono ,109, T. A. Llvosloy & Company, 6-15-tf He T Tlwlr Friend Convonlontly locatod and ready to answer calls nt a moment's notlco nt any hour of tho day or night, A, M. dough has deeply Ingratiated llm Belt Into tho affections ot many Sn lorn peoplo who havo been compelled to call for tho services ot an under taker. Demurrer SrsKIihhI - In tho caso ot J. M. Long vs. Fred Loose for real estate coamiluloB, being lltlgnted in JubMco of tho Ponco D. Wobstor's court, tho domur ror of Fred Loose to Long's com plnlnt was Saturday sustained, nnd an nmondod complaint filed by Mr. Long's coiuiboI. This Is a light over 32. CO commission claimed by Long for sorvlcos in assisting Looso in tho salo of a houso and lot In East Sa lem. Worked tho Other Way Cooko Patton and a number of the local hop mon visited Honry Wlp rut nt hiH cigar stand tho other dny, and during tho stay Cooko spied a purse which had boon placod on tho j counter, and. thinking It would bo I a good Joko to havo Mr. Wlprut lm 1 ngluo that ho had boon robbed, he placed tho wallet in tho pockot of JulliiB Plucus, who has olllcos over Wlprut's Btoro. Tho purso was put, in a Bocuro plane, nnd tho visitors woro anxious to hoar Mr. Wlprut's robbery announood, but to Mr. Pat ton's nmnzomont, Chtof of Pollco Gibson enmo Into his Btoro tho next day, and sorvod a soarch warrant. Cooko protastod his Innocence of tho stonllng, and said he know nothing of tho whoronbouts of tho proporty. His explanation was accepted, and I as Mr, Plnous was tho noxt man Yiiu- poctod a fako warrant was sworn out for him on tho chnrgo ot robbery. Ills ease was sot for hoarlng nt 2 p. in. tho following day In Judge Wobstor's court, but when tho tlmo camo for trial tho stolen proporty wns found on tho J ml go's dosk, nnd as that ended tho fun, tho suit was dismissed without costs. It hns not boon learned just when Messrs. Pat ton and Plnous will tondor a ban quet to Mr, Wlprut and his friends, but It is considered that ono Is due most any tlmo and that tho affair should cost thorn utoro than tho amount tho wallet contained, which was only 1 5, Deputy Clerk Aldrlch Resigns L. P. Aldrlch has tendered his res ignation as deputy county clerk to accept a position with tho Lndd & Rush bank, whoro a vacaucy lias boon mado by tho resignation ot Fred D. Thlelsen, who will go to Port land to reside, Mr. Allen has decid ed to appoint Miss Gortrudo Fawk, at. accomplished stenographer, of Sa-! lorn, to tho odl co of additional depu ty clerk. Rand Concert Tonight Owing to tho Inclomoncy of tho weather, tho band concert which was to havo boon glvon yesterday was postponed. Tho woathor permitting, tho band will rondor an open-air concort this ovonlng In Wlllson ovon uo. Returns From Klamath W. A. Llston, tho well-known liiHurnuco man, has returned from a huBluo8s trip to tho Klamnth coun try. After Unvoting over that sec tion for tho past thrco weoks, ho says ho Is convinced that Klamath Is ono of tho "coming counties" of tho state. II. 1). Ijimlon Sues Voget Co 11. D. Lnndon has commoncod an action in tho Marion county circuit court against tho Vogot Luntbor nnd Fuol Co. to rocovor $1500, nllogod to bo duo upon a note oxeoutod nnd de llvorod to tho plnlntlff by tho dofond ants In January, 1907. Tho com plaint sots forth that no part of tho principal has boon paid, and, in ad dition to tho vnluo ot tho note, $100 Is nskod for attorney's foos. An at tachment has boon mado on real and personal proporty bolonglng to tho company. L. H, McMahon Is attor ney for tho plnlntlfT. New Company Tonight "Tho World Against Him" will bo tho attraction at tho Kllngor Grand thontro tonight, nnd tho now llrlghnm Stock Company will mnko Its Initial bow to Salem In glvlnc a complcto and boautlful production of this grand drama. Tho curtain will rise promptly nt S:30 ovory ov onlng hereafter, and patrons wish ing to rldo homo on tho street cars after tho uerformancn mnv tin en na thero will bo no waits during tho show, and tho play will bo finished In good season. Miss Dorothy Bro-I twuu, u iuiuiuuu lunaing laay. new to Salem, will appear tonight In tho loading role of "Tho World Against Him." Wo by Murphy, Chester G. Murphy won tho spring handicap of the Waverly Golf Club, Portland, Saturday. PERSONALS. J J. O. Goodnlo, Jr., of Portland is visiting In tho city, Mrs. T. O. Halley of Portland Is tho guest of Mrs, II. n. Thlolsou. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Drown havo re turned from a visit In Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eckorlen hnvo returned from a visit In Los Angolos, Dan Vollmor of Portland has boon' spending a few days with Salem friends. i MrB. T. C. Smith nnd son havo re turned from a fow weeks spent at Soasyio. MIbs Florence Irwin of Portlnnl arrived In tho city Saturday evening ! to visit Salem friends. Tho Missos Edith and May Med doll aftor a visit horo havo' returned to their homos In Jefferson. Mrs. Stella Whlto, of tho Yoko hama Toa Store, spont Sunday visit ing In Turner. J. E. Harris has gono to Kansas City nnd other onstern points on in! extended business trip. ' Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr , havo returned from n sojourn In southern California. Miss M. A. Skorslos has returned from Mlnto whoro sho recoutly closed n successful term of school, Tho Missos Hnzol Rlggs and Hazel Davis of Portland are guests of Miss Louise Cronlse, a cousin of Miss Rlggs. F. T. Wrlghtman nnd L. R. Stln son left Sunday morning for Port land to attend tho state grand, lodge of Knights of Pythias. Bert Crawford, known In tonsorlal circles as "Foxy Grandpa," has gono to his Albany homo for a visit. Ho has not been nblo to keep away from Salem long. Miss Eva Hall ot Salem Is tho guest of Miss Thla Johnson and other friends In this city. Sho will remain for two weeks. Corvallls Gazette, W. T. Ramsden came up from Portland Sunday, whero ho Is In the real estate business with , Judgo Payne, Ho says proporty Is getting, too mgn to sen in some parts ot the city and he advises peoplo to buy at Salem. Macleay Again Defeated. After a warmly contested game Sunday on tho Macleay field tho Urownlo baseball nlno again demon strated their superiority over tho husky wlllow-wloldor8 of Macleay. A number of tho local fans wero la at tendance, bosldos an enthusiastic crowd from tho defeated city to on llvon tho Bldollncs. Tho scoro yester day was B to 2, and is tho second contest between Macleay and tho Drownlos. Pnr Kale. Desirable JtJftfi sale at a bargain la TufrM ncr of 12th and Cronitift. talnlng one ball H with SDrlns tem ihrnuch the DlC. fltf fruit, with good boaK,toi outbuildings, Ml W"' Wn1UBnr. For ttrau hf Ik. nlarn r.H IUQ (,uvw. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agent Office with Win. Brown & Co., No 129 Commercial Btreot. ..MONEY TO LOAN.. THOMAS K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush's Bank. Salem. Or NEW TODAY Wanted At once a girl for general houaowork. Experience not re quired. Enquire of Mrs. J. A. Car son, 923 South High stroet. 5-20 3t Carpets-Ladles, tow J1 done by a wWP only way that " steam, and 6 nw from the bouw. Wd " a-suro juu "" ..1 WU)" For itcnt-Nlwly Ual 328 North HI i1 . . i.. fa drJ 1 Wanted a . " vd country or j , light wort for I" Journal omce. TODAY'S SPECL BANANAS PerDoZefl STRAWBERRIES 2 for 20c I s MOIR GROCERY Cft 456 Stat