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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1907)
DAILY OAriTAL .JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 20, 1007. A Chance of Yout Lifetime earn the Art of Cooking Ft ee Lecttst e and Practical Demonstration AH This Week Fom 2 to 5 O'clock by Prof. JOSEPH BECKER, One of tte World's Greatest Chefs 'he Ladies' Oppor- mity to Gain Val- tble Knowledge Nothing like this exhibit litis evor en attempted In Salem. Not only cs the professor bnko dainty pan ics right before your eyes ho ex- ttlns every ono ns It Is made the ae being limited for each demon- ration. Will bako 83 different nd of pastries. Tho virtues of great MAJKSTIO FAMILY IXGK aro shown by tho great Ma stic chef nt our store, and each day gives FREE COOKINO LESSONS nd demonstrations for tho benefit of be ladles of Snlcm and Mnrlon conn Rulpes aro glvon for tho nsk This exhibition Is given In our lore free to all. A plonsure to spend hour or two to loam tho art of eicntlfic cooking. Iccipes given away for the asking i , s ems - - -m f-J BzA tti,,....1 ,yl j 1 T 1 Y i l 1 TV ft 3 i) A lt On Wednesday Aftetnoon Between 2 and 3 O'clock Prof. Becker Will Make His Majestic WALKING CAKE A cake 20 inches square and six Inches high. After bolng baked tho cako will bo placed bononthh a board upon which ladlos nro In vited to Btnnd. Llko "truth crushed to earth will rUo again," and will thon bo served to tho ladles prosont. EVERY AFTERNOON THIS WEEK, FROM 2 TO P. M., ALL KINDS OF DELICIOUS CAKES WILL III? SERVED FREE TO ALL. Hetwccn 3 and 4 o'clock SATURDAY PROF. DECKER will roaat nil S-lb. Roast, 2 rows Irish Potatoes, 1 row Swoot I'otntooR, rnrsnlpB and Droeelng and 3 dozon linking I'owdor Rlsotilts all In ono pan, and this will bo dono beforo tho Ladles in Ono Hour on u OHEAT MAJESTIC HANOK. Some Advantages of the GREAT majestic! It Saves Kitchen Space. It Saves Labor in operation. It Saves Ovor Hnlf Your Fuel DM. It has only ono Plumbing Connec tion. It Saves times and is always ready for business. It Savon tho food, assures an oven noss ot hent that can bo depended upon every time. Handsome Set of WARE FREE With every rnngo sold during this demonstration wo will glvo nbsoluto ly FREE a set of Mnjostlo Wnro, worth every cont of f7.R0. This waro Is on exhibition ut our storo. Kvory thlng useful, orniimontnl and dur able. Conio and seo it. You will ngroo with us thnt It can not bo bought for a cent less than 7.f0, and it In cheap nt thnt. ADE, PEARCE & CO. rc ISTERN FASHION FANCIES ugly Hues and accentuate graceful Voiles, grcnndlneB nnd chiffon cloth onos. Tho most popular, not nccos- then como 1,'to use, nnd most useful sary tho smnrtost, modol Ih tho tight thoy nro for many weoks. Tho samo fitting, only long enough to reach models enn bo used for tho vollo ns to tho walstltno nnd with three- for tho cloth, and tho sninrt little qunrtpr length sleovo. A narrow Jnckot nnd nttrnctlvo well hung lino of fancy wnlstcoast buttons and skirts show oven greater advantage olthor braid or folds of tho material in tho Ilghtor fabrics. Stripes ngaln comprise tho trimming. Tho waUt nro fashlonnblo in thoso goodH also. cont plays rnthor an important part Doth light and dnrk colors aro in CONVICT LABOR bere i3 p rlmps moro striking in- j ti,o costume: it Is braided or om- stylo nnd oven tho black and white CarfHfntCrS lifllOll Demands That (uallty of lino among tho drossy brildorod. or nnothor mntorlnl. and chock In shepards plaid design is to una PKirt or threo-pleco cos- in oithor Huliter or dnrker in color, onco moro tnko a now lease on llfo ne tfcri among tho bodice and nmi certainly ndds Immonsoly to the Tho plain collur and cuffH of silk, ireck Ulroctorlo linos and tho moro olnbornto effect without taking with tho Hat Insldo of plquo mnko a ' XV r i 3 aa well still annenr nu-nv thn ttnvnrn tnllor- moat nttrnctlvo finish to tho inokut. . .wnw. - - -" - -- .--,.-., He des.'gnt r of handsomo Hllk and n)a,j0 apponrnnco. Medium length whllo tho Thlbot frills of tho Bhlrt- They Do Employed on Stale Highways Only Tho Salem Carpenters' union hnd ccai and many of the hand- Bloovos nro tho rule, not long coat waist that show botwoon the edges of n big meeting Saturday night nnd i n. 4tls of tho coat nnd skirt Bi00vos, but long enough to almost tho wnlstcont soften any too masou- took furthar action In tho matter of ty sb,ws coats on thoso linos r,nch tho waist. The favorite Bhnpo lino finish of tho tailor mndo stylo 00nvlot labor omployed on state nnd bineJ with tho long plain skirt 8 a j,urr, much larger above tho ol- of dross. Flouncos und frills nro county buildings ami publlo work 'b u, wip top nnu wiuoning bow than bolow, but ovon boiow tno noi in Hooping wun any iniior-mauo 0f nl descriptions. The genoral oln a"! at tho bottom. Coat 0ii10W not tlcht flttlnc. whilo tho fashion, but tho flat bands of braid troni nt tt.u .,.,. !, wn. i.. u .n- kirt aro perhaps of tho samo turned bnok ouff is n moro fashion- or silk material to match tho gown not jU8l to ftUOrlng mm to omploy tt erls!3 cr a coat of taffeta falll. nbi0 flni8h than the plain straight are alwnyn pornilssable. oonvloU at nuy kind of work but on lC0,, innoia or ciom may bami ono or tno simpio pretty monois B,ttt0 hiuliwavii. Thv vn imi Wm'!nrJ with a. skirt nf ahaor .nn. 0iroi.t un nml ilnu-n nn. for tho aunimor 1 ba half-rltted lire- .......i,...i.. ..,.... . ... .. .. v ilium o..f,..v "i -.... ,- -- - - -- -- uuiiiiij nip; iiivhi in no worn on ciiy 13 fs same or harmonirlng nauranoe la to b noticed In skirts, telle gown worn with tho llngorlo or COi,nty ronili. Tim nnnimiit nf 11 inn Inffnt. nncn flinrn la i - .1.. .... Hn thav nra nnt lilmiun .1... r- . . . ... . v. ...-.. nn av lilv Mum uwi v- - - " ins uKrjwwiwrn union was runner in- " a J.tjdlre or bloiue of net or niinwoii in haaif forward nor to (Iron CATHERINE MANN PAYZANT. Hininiai t.. nmii .. ni.i,.i. m l- w wr ------w - t. ..-,v, (r WkHk HtnftVf lill uj-'i r. matcu the cont and re- nf Mm imnk. To h reallr smart they o 4 ' ram or whlto is a prob- mUHt h'nng the sume length all A Narrow I-cnie. a" ' ;' anlnient. The flint lacoa n-n..n,i .mi iar thn eround thnr- a v ninv.f mnmiunt .if flu K niiT fir Kt!w Un agaltiHt tho prnctloe nnd U condumii lOKlslntlon that provide for the om nloymunt of onnvleia in oreetlon or J -me grandos are highly oughly. This If thy b short. Whan piunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four any work in connection with nf -afn oiousos. ana maei iong they are a trine lOHger in m years ago, when bo ran a JImson bur state bulldlngx. The Kalem board of discuss spring modes back, but fall on the (round both In nt0 his thumb. Ho says: "The doc- trado has appointed a commute 1 coming across this front and at the side. A lightweight tor wantxl to amputate it but I composed of Aug. Iliiekeeteln. A. V fil. t Tho dyers nnd the 0lotl serge or ehenll walking gown WOuid not consent. I bought a box Hofen and I. N. Derby to co-operate 'ae done wondors with jg almost a neeeeelty for spring anu ot jjuokjen's Arnica Salve and that with the Carpwilers union in pro iid ono must seo the re- autumn: nnd yet in the spring there curej tho dangerous wound." 25c testing against employment of can to appreciate thorn. ia not so long a sson to wear so Rt j, C- perry's, druggist. vlots to do meehanlMl work of nnx paying high wngua nnd people would The following Hiimmnry shows up niovo horo to live ns thoy could live tho two teams In good shape; horo 2fi per cont choaper than nt Hnlf-mllo run Forbes (W, U.) I'ortlnnd Even if somo work hnd to won, Ulco (M. C.) second, Illnk, (M. suffer from scarcity of laborers It O.) third. Time, 2:H3-5. was bolter than to havo a single man 100-ynrd daim Roberts (M. 0.)- driven to loavo hero by employing Williams (M. C), Cummins (W. U,V froo convict inbir. Tho Cnrponlor's T,n,0 ,0 3r' oconds. union nro planning n big demonstrn- Bhot putRador (W. U.), Horns- tlon nt an early day. to omphnslxe ohuch W. U.), Owens CM. a). Dls- tholr poiltlnn on this mnttor. tnnco, 33 foot 0 Inches. WJiwrw riuivlrtK Ar Eiuiilimsl. 220-yard hurdloM Roberts (M. Appropriations mndo by tho last 0.), Rador W. U.), Illnk, M C). loglslnluro providing money which Is Tlino, 28 Boconds. to bo oxpended nnd Is being oxpondf d ""'"'I Jntiio Williams (M. 0.), partly or wholly in ompkiymont of Cummins (W. U.), Btout (M. 0.), rnnvlot labor Is as follews: Distance, 18 feet, 11 Inches. For sheds and buildings nt tho Dlnouss throwGalloway m. 0.), state fair grounds, $20,000. Naoo (W. U.), llelkiiap (W. IJ.), For now wing to the state asylum UbUnncu 102 feot A 4 inches, nnd making a m'llllon brick, II 00,- 220-yard dashWllllams (M. O.), 000. Roberts (M. C), Cummins (W. U.). For clearing grounds nnd erecting Time, 21 2-C seconds. Institute for the feeble minded Mllo run Rice (M. C), Hhnnka 000. . (w. U.), Rasmuuun (M. C). No olllolal tlmo taken, UnoWolal tlmo, 6 in I nut os, 7 seconds. Hammer throw Nolnon (W. U.), n. i'atted bodicos crossing In wnnn n t-nu-n. ami a voile or silk bYP" ' -!.lnn fpnnl on, I ttqnlr t.-.n r. mirn rm f .ir( k!i18. 81 Jr . fng shoulders nnd capa- (1(1, kind. Those two committees are to look after the matter with publlo Old Tlmo Ilarbeuuo. New Orleans, May 20. The re! ofnoials. old-time barboouo to bo given for the Home Argument Aimvcml Industrial homo, on Gentlily road, One of tho speaker took up the postponed from April 29, is given argument that there Is money saved today. This Is to be one of the old- to the taxpayor by employing oou fashioned barbecues. In which there vlots. He said If that were true rves. moderate clrdlos. rr r Wromlng gulmpoa and TUC DIMIAM wbiv.? fun yot dinging skirts L. Jl II1IVI ,65 6-arefui linos, exoulslto and i -... i tirf- noEs-theso aro tho char- IIUUWILO '' 3 ri.ogt conorallv in evidence rt r,.wl l.witl ahnnM ) worth a' will ha onnuch mnnt In tlekle the taxoa shoulil tin lnufir whll It wii n WS the best new models. The erttat de-i to overv sufferer from, faner of all tho colored people In the notorious fact that there was moro tlnrtioi , . . .. . . . .. . . .. . ... . r ..U ,s one ol unriuuHj. e.nt-aeh. i.ivor or iiowei aisoraers. , city, mi w say me siaie. i paiq man ovor uy me owners oi o small homes. It was argued that Sore Mpples. ! eomraon labor was so high and could Any mother who has had expert not be obtained. The reputation of How It Spread. Tho first packngu of Dr. Loon hnrdt'a Horn-Hold that was put out iiobblns (W 11) liaiknan (W ti went to a small town in Nobrsska. ", . ... .'. ' 'V ' CW U)t It cured a case of Plies that was " hhh. menes. considered hopelww. I'l vault Rohorts (M. C). Tho nows spread and the demand l'einherUm (W. U.), Crawford (M. prompted Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt, of c i. HoIkIiI 0 fuut tf Inchou Lincoln. Neb., tho discoverer, to pro- u,,l , .,,... ... .'. , paro It for gonorul uso. Now It l bo- l"Kh Jmiiip llnrtmon (M. C.)t lag sent to all parts of the world. Korlnek IW. II.). Stout (M. O.). It will euro any caso of Plies. Height, fi feet, 2 luolies. ooiti ior i.uw, wun aosoiuio ifuar- iso-yani hurdlett-Oallownv antno Dr. Ivconhardt Co., Niagara Falls, N. Y., Proprietors. Fold by Dr. S. C Stone. Salem. o Truck Mintt Knlurtbty. Willamette came out on the un lucky side, In the .letri meet with MoMIiiiitIIIo College nt Salem Hatur v T 'it.iTB OTumlnnllnn lit nnn B f- m what hnniiMfnl mater. Cd With What itnniiiTTtntit nndar. W of hue and detail tho gowns wolved the moment the short Jacket 1Ue superseded the long coat. tae same shnrt inr-Vpta are ? rtfoj utUe affairs, smart and rw to almost eteryone, for a Tailor can most easily shorten H-Mea them so as to conceal and sueh belsg the case you ought not licUnto another minute is pro- curing a bottlo of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS It cured them and It won't fall In your case. For Sour HUlngt. Heart burn, Illoatlng, Headache, Poor Ap petite, DjspejxsU, iBdlgMtlon, Fe malo HI or Malaria It Is unequaled. All druggUta. enco with this distressing ailment being a scab town was a greater will be pleased to know that a cure detriment to Salem than tho ropu may be effected by applying Cham- tatlon of scarcity of labor and high berlaln's Salvo aa soon as the child wages. Ho said It was a fact now Is done nursing. Wipe It off with a that laborers and mechanics were solf cloth before allowinr tho babe leaving Baletn because there was no to nurse. Many traiae4 sursee dm ; steady work, while convicts were .a a i.t . l eAM' mi. .. . . . M mis mjt whs sew rii. u i oemg run into ail Kinds or ions. o sale by Dr. Meaa'a drug atore. lem should baro tho reputation of (W. C), Ruder (W. 11.). Stout (M. a). Time, 19 l-R seomid. llO.yaril dash WIIIIbim M. O), Forbes (W. U.). Illnk (M. 0.). Time. 61 3-G ereoads. o .... Wonderful Itatmia Curr. "Our llttlo boy had eexoma for flvo- day. The Yamhill athletee were too years," writes N. A. Adams, Honrl much for thorn, and won 68 to 49. otta, Pa. "Two of our homo doctor Wlllnmetto did the beet work with said tho caso was hopeless, his lung the weights, but In the sprints and! being nffoctcd. Wo then employe dlstunee' was greatly outclassed by other doctors but no benefit resulted, tho speedy men from McMlnnvllio. jRy chance we read about Electric Willamette's felt greatly tho Joist Hitters; bought a bottlo nnd soon of Lonsberry. who was with tho team notlcod Improvement. Wo continued last year, and who could always be this medicine until several bottle depended upon to toko several first were used, when our boy was com places. If ho had been thero the pletely cured." Rest ot all blood seoro would baro been different, buti medicines and body building health oua then tho visiting bunch would. tonics. Ouranutced at J. C. Perry's have glvon them a hot run. Idrug store. COc. A number ot shivering spectators were out In tho rain to watch pro coddlngs, but It is needless to say that tho grand stand was not over crowded. O J, m V O 2W. X j. . TCL Vlfetfk,