DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 20, 1007. m HOFER BROS., PMe and Proprietors I ', f -'' E. IIOPER, Editor. A. P. HOFER, Manager. THE J6URNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LABOR. THE DEVILKISIIING. f (Auouyinous Poom Handed to Tho Journal by an Old Subscrlbor.) Tho Dovll Bat by tho river Bldo, By tho Stream of Tlmo, whoro you'll always And him, Casting his lln In tho ruBhlng tldo, And landing tho fish on tho bank behind him. Ho sat at case In, a cozy nook, And was filling his bnskot vory fast Whilo you might havo scon that his deadly hook Was differently halted at every cast. Ho caught 'em fast as a man could count; Llttlo or big, it was all tho same. Ono bait was a check for n round amount .n assemblyman nabbed It and out ho enmo. Ho took a gem that as Suturn shone; It sank in tho water without a Bound, And caught a woman who long was known As tho best and purest for miles around. Sometimes bo would laugh, and sometimes sing; For bettor luck no ono could wish,, " And ho seemed to know to a dead suro thing Tho bait that was suited to ovory fish. Quoth Satan: "Tho fishing is raro and flno," And ho took a drink, somewhat enthused, And yot a parson swam 'round tho lino That o'on tho most tomptlng bnlts refused. Ho tried with his gold and fishing gems, Hung fnmo and fortuno upon tho lino; Dressing gowns with ombrlodorcd horns, nut still tho Domlnlo mado no sign. A woman noxt wont on tho hook, "I havo him now," quoth tho Dovll, brightening. " Thon Satan's sides with laughter shook And ho lnudod tho proachcr as quick ns lightning! THE HILVERTON MOVE TO REFORM TAXATION. (Elltorlal In tho Sllvortoninn.) Ono thing accomplished by President Roosovolt during his adminis tration Ih a stop townrd justlco for which Amorlcan pooplo havo long boon pleading, and from this has grown many pleasant roforniB In Amorlcan polltlcu. Tho same "Squnro Deal" spirit will oro long HAVE ITS INFLUENCE IN OUR SYSTEM OF TAXATION. Justlco and equity are roqulrod In this, nnd with this otul in vlow farmers and business men of Sllvertou hnvo organized. Whnt may bo accomplished from tho beginning cannot bo estimated, hut IIiIh much seems truo; tbero Is a growing tondoncy In tho way of roform and PROPKRTV OWNEHK ARE DETERMINED TO PUT THE MATTER SIGNIFICANTLY HEKOKK THE PUBLIC. It was for tho President to load tho way in ono of tho groatost move ments that him over beon Inaugurated along tho lino of reform, nnd It is for tho President of thlH organization to load tho wny to great achieve ments. Undor tho Initiative and roforondum which tho peoplo of Orogon re cently saw fit to establish In tho stato SOME GOOD OUGHT 'TO RE DROUGHT AROUT IN THE MATTER OF TAXATION. ThlH Ih an ora of progross and tho progrosslvo stop 'in this direction may ns woll bo Htartod In Sllvorton as at tho Capital city or butter. Farmers and IiuhIiiohh iiioii who fool that thoy HAVE REEN TOO HEAVIIiY BURDENED RY TAXATION AND HOPE FOR REFORM ARE URGED TO RKCOME MEMRERS OK THE SILVERTON TAX PAYERS' LEAGUE and work as nu body with a purposo for bottor eondltioiiH. o AGAIN THE ONLY CURE. rought 77 cents. It at 25 Monday. Bull frog has dropped from G5 to IB ,in the past Ave months, nndl Montgom ery Mountain, from 75 to 15 In tho same time. Gold Bar has lost Just $1, selling November 15 for $1.87 and Monday at 87 cents. Tho Gold flclds show ovon a greater decrease. Consolidated sold November 15 at $10 and Monday brought but $7.50. Silver Pick has lost Just one cent less than a dollar, having dropped from $1.90 to 91 cents. Atlanta has dropped from 95 to G.5; Combination Fraction from $6.50 to $2.85, and Kowanos from $1.50 to 98 conts. Slmlllarly largo declines can be cited for othor stocks. Nevada Puzzled. Tho figure Is staggering $50,000, 000 differonco In tho stock board valuation of a stato's stocks for flvo months is startling even to thoso who know how stocks go up and down. Tho Reno papers says every one Is at a loss to understand this chango for tho worse. "Thcro is no feoling of panic and no ono seems to bollovo tho bottom has fallen out," It rcasans. "Many guesses are mado but thoy arc mostly born of a lively Imagination. Tho thing is myster ious, and moro so when stocks nro weaker than over Just when labor troubles are at an end nnd better things might bo expected. Tho mines are here, and they aro tho greatest mines In tho world mndo nono tho less so by stock fluctua tions." Public Is Wnry. Tho stock gnmo throughout tho United States, is not being played so heavily by tho gonornl public as It was last summor. Affairs llko tho recent Now York flurry havo frolght onod tho small buyer out of tho game Ho has been shown how fnr outsidlo tho circle ho Is whilo dabbling In stocks with his llttlo savings. Now ho wants to bo suro that ho is buy ing somothing safo aB mining stocks go, but finds tho really snfo offer ings nro too high priced. Tho stream of money pouring into tho stock pits Inst summer has beon shut off and diverted to othor channels and things nro settling gradually as a result. Tho elimination 'of speculation Is bringing about a safer stato of af fairs. Moro good than hnrm will como out of tho changes now tnklng plnco. o EVER "WATCHFUL. Do You Open Your Mouth Llko a young bird and gulp down what ever food or mcdlclno may bo offered you? Or, do you want to know somothing of the composition and character of that which you take Into your stomach whother u food or mcdlclno V Most intelligent and sonslblo people now-a-days Insist on knowing what thoy employ whether ns food or as mcdlclno. Dr. IMerco bollovcs thoy havo a perfect right to Insist upon such knowledge. So he publlshcs,Mcaadca9( and on each bottle wracper, whauKTSTnsdJlclnos nro mndo of anaveesJ3fiilCr-ani ThlsJie fool ho can uNUUTord tpjjo hqqniyo tlm morn thy Ingrprilpnts qrwiilcli his medicines arcmadearc studied nnd understood tho moro will thoir superior curative virtue! bgiuaircdtUU" For the cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses, Irregularities and derangements, giving rlso to frequent headaches, back acho, drngglng-down pain or distress in lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, ofttlmes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of vreaknoss, Dr. Plorco's Favorite Prescription Is a most efllclent remedy. It Is equally effective In curing painful periods, In giving strength to nursing mothers and In preparing tho system of tho expectant mother for baby's coming, thus rendering childbirth snfo and com paratively painless. Tho "Favorite Pre scription " U a most potent, strengthening tonic to tho general system nnd to the organs distinctly femlnino In particular. It Is also a soothing and Invigorating ncrvlno and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vitus' dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional andorganlc dis eases of tho distinctly femlnino organs. A host of medical authorities of all tho foveral sehools of practice, recommend ench of tho sovcral Ingredients of which "Favorite Prescription" Is mado for the cure of tho dlsonscs for which It Is claimed to bo a cure. You may read what they say for yourself by sending a postal card request for a free booklet of extracts from thn londlntr nuthorltles, to Dr. It. V. I'lerco. Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In stitute, Huffalo, N. Y., and it will como to von by ruturn post. CHESTERFIELD Special Low Fee for a Few Days Only 50c 50c A Llttlo Cnro Will Save Many Salem Renders Future Trouble. If tho Kovornmtmt owuod and oporutod tho railroads, raatos to ovory point on the mnp would bo based upon tho aotual cost of oporntlng tho roadH aftor providing for linprovomontfl. Thoro would bo no juggling of rates, no complicated terminal ohargUM. no dKToronlnla, no dUcrimlnutlouB, no Injustices to Isolate! uhtpplug polntH. because of a lack of competition. Pilot Rock would bo entitled to Just as low n into ns Spoknno, Soattlo or Portland, mllungo being equal. U1vry mllo of railroad would oaru Us proportlonuto shnro of tho com mon oxpttuso and thoro would not bo ono rate In compotttlvo torrltory and n not hor oeslvoly high rnto In torrltory without competition. All tho complicated, lueomprohouslblo, puzzling tariffs, nil tho In QquulltlM, all tho wntoroil utock dlvidondB, all the discriminations would bo wlpttd out of oxlstuneo nt ono stroke. Roally, It la not utrnngo that poopio should put up with such impious ant conditions, when rulluf would ho so easily obtalnod through gov ornmout ownership? NEVADA MINING STOCKS Tl'MHLI.NG DOWNWARD $.10,000,000 Drop in Flvo Months Makes tho Promoters (Slurc With SuiprNo. Tho big mining boom in tho Ne vada country is mooting with n groat slump in price of mining stocks. It would ki'um that tho public Is bound to whip all tho froth and foam from vtcuka and buy thorn at something llko roal vnluo If they aro bought nt nil. During the pmtt five mouths Ne vada mining securities havo depre ciated In vnluo $50,000,000. This is at the rate of $10,000000 a month. The authority for thoso figures Is tho Reno Evonlng Gnzotte, which shows soiiio startling comparisons botweon prleos pnld Novomber 15 nnd May 6. Among tho Ilullfrog favorltos Nn tlonnl Bunk on November 15 flvo Eruptions The only way to $pt rid f pimpte and other erup tions is to cteansd the Mood, improve the digestion, stim ulate the kidneys, liver and skin. The medicine to tike it Hood's Smaparillft Wkkh km cured ifcoutmeVu The Capita National Bank SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS WHETHER IT HE LARC1E OR SMALL. SPKCIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO LADIES AN1) OT11KRS WHO ARK UNFAMILIAR WITH HANK INQ METHODS. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PAYS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS OF ONE 1K)LLAU OR MORE. J.H.Albert JOS. H.Albert President Cashier Watch tho kidney secrotlons. Soo that thoy havo tho nmbor.huo, of health: Tho discharges not excessive or In froquont; Contain no "brick-dust llko" sodl- mont. Bonn's Kldnoy Pills will do this for you. . Thoy wntch tho kldnoys nnd euro thorn whon thoy'ro sick. N. S. Wllllnma, enrpontor, of 230 Liberty St., Snlom, Or., says: "A number of yonrs ago tho doctors told mo my kldnoys woro In bnd shnpo. I camo wost on nccount of tho trouble, thinking tho chango of cllmnto would holp mo but nothing I did gnvo mo rollof In Bplto of tho uso of rome dloa nnd medical trontmont. On pro curing Doan's Kldnoy Pills, I found thorn tho host modlclno I ovor used At tho tlmo I got thorn nt Dr. Stone's drug store I was suffering from an lntonso burning sensation as If two llvo coals woro placed directly ovor my kldnoys, tho secretions from tho kldnoys woro tho color of strong black eoffoo and of a bad odor. Aft or using two boxos of Doan's Kldnoy Pills, I did not havo tho loast pain In my back or troublo with my kld noys. I glvo all tho credit for thin to your vnluublo romody." For snlo by all dealers. Prlco r0 cents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for tho Unl tod States. Romombor tho name Doans and tnko no othor. Psychic, Palmist and Clairvoyant I will toll your namo, your ngo, nnd tho dato of your birth, also of chungoa that nro in Btoro for you, whothor or not you should mako thorn nnd if you will bo successful. I toll also of falluroa successes, donth8, travels, mar riages, dlvorcos, homo and henrt affairs, talents and questions that portnln to tho future. I teach tho profession to others. Medlumistic porsons dovolopod. Parlors In tho Hughos block 4CC Stato street. llourB 9 n. m. to 9 p. m. Readings on Sunday only by nppolntmont. J THE NEWEST SIIAPES FOR YOUNG LADIES wo'ro talking about shoos now aro to bo had hero. Maybo wo ought to say Btyioa, for tho young woman of today is athletic enough to look out for hor own shapo. For Fall and Wlntor wear, thon, wo will show any maidon a shoo to rival In daintiness hor own foot, and it will bo comfortable, too oven as to the prlco wo'll ask. JACOB VOGT Opposite Pattens' Book Storo 345 State St. Salem, Oregon 25,000 ew Words uro added to tho last edition of Web ster's International Dictionary, The Gazetteer of tho World, nnd the Biographical Dictionary, havo been completely revised. Tho Interna tional is always kept abreast of the times. It takes constant work, ex- pensivo worK nnu worry, but it is tho only way to keep tho dictionary U1U Standard Authority of tho Entrlish-Bocakincr world Other dictionaries follow. Webster lends. It is tho favorito with Judges, ocnojars, luiucniors, Printers, etc., in tins nnu iorcign countries. THE GRAND PRIZE (H idlest Award) was civen nt tho world's i-uir, St. Louis. A postal card will brintr vou in- tcrcaunjr specimen pages, etc. G.&C.MERRIAMCO., SPniNQFIELD.MASQ., nunLioHena on ltNTtKNAIWUI.1 . fvmvuAAV a WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL w.r.2?'r berv0,,h"77.miU .;. :..""uew, Just come im .. ' UM our v.. """lll "UALRjg "Si I Land Plaster ADclayt Carload DICTIONARY of the fanoui,On,i Plaster, the greitfKffl, iana restorer, c,, uoucr man aay Ud tf i nure. Try It ca p3 gardens and Unj. great Investment oatai Special prices la lu( ii TILLSON & 151 HighSj il-J i A H8IMtll ! 1MIOPOSAI.S FOU LlfJUTIXO. Proposals will bo recolvod by the Hoard of Public Commissioners of tho Stnto of Orogon nt the Captol Uulldlng, Salem, Orogon, nt tho hour of ll a. in. Juno 5th, 1907, for lighting tho Capitol Building, Penl tontlnry, Insane Asylum, Reform School Muto School nnd Blind School nt Salem, Orogon, with arc and in candescent lamps. Information, speci fications and blank proposals may be obtalnod from the Clerk of the Board nt tho Capitol Building, Salem, Ore gon. W. X. GATENS, Clork of Board. 5-15-1S-22-26-29, C-l. CASTOR I A Xvt lmfe&tt and CkilirwL Tfct KW Yw Hiyi ASwtys iNcfct 1h tke Spent wlsoly la the source of much Batisfactlon. Why not Bpend a little of It wlsoly now buying grocorloa of uT Baker, Lawrence & Baker. 8accMon to Haxrltt Lwrsee. J. W. BOLLEN Man a go r Salem Undertaking Co. Funoral Director and Embalmer. Calls answered day or night. X i-nono u, van uouri ni., oaiuw XOTKE Tho difference Wins i and those of other fcds cause of tho superiority iJf the uso of pure biWiWH ond grade flour P mado nillugi" eTerjtlf l frosh and' sweet8l mixing nnd baklnr. Oda,t CAPITAL lUIiW, anixp Putting In Moml Call for Bids. Bids will bo recolvod by tho City Bocordor up to 5 o'clock p. m Monday, May 20, 1907, for tho con struction of a comont concroto walk on Twelfth street, In Salem, Oregon, In front of tho Bouth 45 feet of lot No. 1, In block No. 3, in Yew Park addition to tho City of Salem, Ore Eon. W. A. MOORES, 5-9-10 Recorder. t..'ii rT. tIt IH ,r.. FRENCH FFMMcl Linnniuiri iir.Mni - - " Muiuum UUIM UPILLS UNITCOMCDICL CO.. ,o 74. Uc Tin. Fa. Sold In Salem by Dr. S. C. StoneJ LITTLE BO-PEEP LOST HER SHEEP But no ono need worry about mutton this tlmo of tho year, if thoy can get dainty and delicious Spring lamb on an appotizing and nourishing Sum mer meal. Wo havo ovoryehlng la choice meats, and all tho delicacies of tho season In both fresh and smoked meats that will pleaso tho most critical epicure. E. O. CROSS, States Street 3Drket Phone 201 HOi,USTeR'5 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bay Medialo for Bair PeppU Erfaji doMca Hltij aa4 Ktnewed Vigor. t form. 35 ccnu a box. Uenume mado b OU?MNUnOPTJ cop cm , ovjf f(, O ftuMtfe ,W"3?0 3PtX.A-- (ItaKUjMjlMMngtagl m mm huh n nu" "f :: EAT IT! I Eat What? The good staff : stttved dally aod :: hofly at ibe WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT I ll"'rS m to i nn- hoMM 1 aHlf!f old l"1 WCU aa il MM pretty busy -T U3 building li ' tociM- .tMTI MWJ ana conw - - - gga '"! -K--H snnable pUctl. A. L. Fl Send the h Wasws ntfMfK' it'inrWd whea everj mu. y, t - to eend tt " but Umei ",, haTo the you ct Set U&r krt fimily ,,wlH, mrz sw Z&fiZ&&i M S T j. J W11IHIHH H Hii '"' &