DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1007. 8 t M O'our Gown's Dressy Effect DEfENDS ON PHOPCR SPONGING J We have the new Duplex Spotless Sponger The only method (hat will nponflo all classes of floods properly J K J 1 VVs, 4ll M$ir We arc ono of tho few firms on this coast having the ONLY SHRINKER that does satisfactory work and at tho nominal charge of having the work done right It Is a great deal cheaper than experimenting with so-called Bhrlnkcrs that do unsatisfac tory work. Celebrated "Moneybak" Silks , SHOWN IN COLORS FOR THE FIRST TIME. Tho host Is tho cheapest. A superh quality It will do you good to bco them, nlso thoy'ro guaranteed. Messalines-Peau-dc-Soies and Taffetas A largo stock now ready all hrlght, now and host that money can buy. Every ploco of "Monoybaok" guaranteed. (Ladies' Suite Extra values which aro really wondorful, and If you nocd ono of theso bargains wo advlso plan ning tho housework bo you can bo horo early. Plaids, checks, BtrlpcB and plain colorB In tho lot. $15.00 values Reduced to. ?2'2.50 vnluca Reduced to. 130.00 values Reduced to. $10 $15 $20 I Hosiery Would ndvlso haste If you want your sliaro of thoso $1.25 and $1.50. Fancy HhIo ombroldcrcd hoso at 50c Men's Clothing It is an eaBy matter for a mer chant to take a largo spaco In a papor and talk glowingly about "flno clothes" and "ridiculously low values," but it's not bo easy a matter to Bend ovory man out of your storo wearing "tho goods." It is no accldont that attracts to our Btoro bo many of tho best dressed mon of this city. Wo flhow tho nowest fabrics, mado In tho latest styles, and thoy appeal directly to tho buyer.. Onco outfit yoursolf with ono of "our" Biilts you will also bo ono of thoso well dressed mon who aro attracted to our storo. $10 to $30 ENDORSE CAPITAL JOURNAL The People Generally Approve of a Progressive Newspaper ll I INCORPORATED I CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Pr HKrnpliH for your Consideration rttMIIHMMmiMtlMII Souvenir I'onImIm Now BUbJoctB today, at Pntton'B. Minted W Htlll linvo a number of plncos for lirlKhti fiirigetlo Indies. Wo UHiit Co iiiuko a thorough house to houso cunvnsrt. TIiIh Ih not us tllf limit iin ono might think,. Wo of fer you many iiilvaiitngoH, Wo don't HMk you to work on eoimnlsHloii, hut pny you it nood futhtry mid cxpoiiNOH. Wo don't roqtilro you to Imi experi enced; It Is mi advantage, pcrhnpM, hut If you huvo iiMur-miro mid u lit- tho energy it will moro than miiUe up for your hick of experience. Woj ro not asking you to work for soiuo cheop conwrn, Remember yoiii nro work I in: for one of tho best) ltou,soN in tho country, and helling a product, that In iino1 by every house, wife. Wo will further mid tluit all our eanviishei-N art) In charge of a lady, and tlmt their physical and moral welfare Is safeguarded In ev ery possible way. Wo hellovo that when you huvo had this matter thor. oughty Vluliied you will bo only to willliiK to Ihh'oiuo ono of our canvass. ' em. lMeaxo call for au Interview. J j 11. Brown, Wlllametto Hotel, or MIkm K. M. Cobb, t'ottago Hotel. B-lB-tf Hop Trainers Wanted Mon, woman and boys, for tho Holmos yard. Long Job. Can board or camp, Will movo you out if do slrodl Phono 109. T. A. LlvoBloy & Company, C-15-tf New Voleo Studio Miss Magors will moot pupils at hor studio In Odd Follows' tomplo Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each wook. 4-25-w-s-lm' Hornet hlng New Ira Jorgensou has recolved nnoth or largo supply of solid and cushion rubbor tiros. Thoy put thorn on for you whllo you wait, Y. M. C. A. Roys to ComlHCt Services A number of tho boys of tho local Y, M. O, A. will conduct tho services at tho Wlllnrd Congregational church, In tin Waldo Hills tomorrow. FgH0t' lUtAHIHt Opetl. Tb Ferguson restaurant, which J was recently closed, owing to a de structive fire, will rcBiimo business today. j A New Store j Tho Wlllametto Fruit & Produco Co., Is tho firm namo of tho now storo which 1b oponed at 331 North Commercial Btrcot. Tho -members of tho firm nro W. E. Cummlngs, C. A. Wltcrnft and J. C. Stnploton, and thoy also have an ofllco in Portland. Thoy will conduct a wholesale and commission buslnoBB, and will ho propared to handlo all kinds of pro duce. Charter Hoard Meets Tho first meeting of tho charter board was hold last night in tho city hall, nnd a tompornry organization wob porfectod. Mayor Rodgors was ehoson chairman of tho mooting, nnd City Attornoy Comllt Bocrctnry. A roBolutlon whb pasBOd requesting tho city council to huvo copies of tho present chartor printed for tho ur.o of tho board, and tho future work of tho organization was dlscussod. It was dooldod that tho city librarian tako ohargo of nil books and papora used by tho board In Kb work of re vising tho charter. Wants His Potatoes Jamoa lllgglns Company, a corpor ation of California, has fllod a suit In department No. 1 f tho Marion coun ty to rocovor 1515.37 from L. T. Torwlck, of Mt. Angol, whluh sum is Hot forth ns bolug duo tho plalntliT for dnmngos rosultlng from tho do fondant not dollvorlng G50 sacks of potatoes. Tho complaint says that o contract was mado in Mt. Angol March, 1007, and that Torwlck agreed to deliver to tho plaintiffs G50 sacks of potatoos, and that $100 was given to tho dofondaut as part payment, and a car and potato snckB wore also so t to dofondont to pre paro his shipment. Tho dofondant paid to tho plaintiffs $140. 5S, or the costs of tho Backs. In addition to the $100 advanced, but Is said to have refused to deliver tho spuds or pay any damages. John II. McNary and C. Li. McNary appear as attorneys for tho plaintiff. Iutato Closed Sophia Weber and Marie. Embree, co-exocutora of tho estate of Anna M Gobalot, havo filed vouchers In pro bato showing tho distribution of tho surplus funds of tho estate, which has been approved by tho court. Ojft.MVOrA7 fmfMmimmm Every day The Capital Journal re ceives substantial approval of Us life and enterprise ns a newspaper of the people, by remittances and new sub scribers from all parts of the state. The program of substantial re forms advocated by this paper notl only gives tho people who read it satisfaction and prevents tho en croachment of the grafting proce3S, hut tends to cut down the burdetu of taxation. On tho 23d of May tho tlmo expires for filing referendum petitions, nnd all who liavo bucIi petitions in their hands should completo them nnd turn them over for duo vorlflcatfon, which enn bo dono nt this office without any notarial expense. Tho Initiative program advocated by this paper will then bo tnkon up, as there is plenty of time for that after tho referendum has boon se cured. Aro you supporting a news paper that fights your battles for good government year In and year out? Following havo boon heard from In support of tho people's pro gram in tho past 24 heurs: J. C. Courtwright, Salem. John Ilains, Watova, Okla. C. T. Whltccombo, Salem. Roy Molson, Salem. F. C. Buttor, Salem. Mrs. M. E. Pike, Grants Pass. John Bowmnnn, Nclfgh, Neb. Mrs. E. a. Martin, Salt Lake City, Utah. D. C. Swann, Crawfordsvlllo. J. dinger, Salem. Ira Hamilton, Hood River. J. H. Watson, John Day. N. W. Silver, Moro. A. A. Crisol, Aurora. C. A. Walker, Eugene. F. C. Butter, Salem. S. E. Oliver, Salem. C. D. Purvlno, Snlem. E. F. Kent, Chicago, 111. W. II. Morolock, Sulphur Springs, Ark. Leo Brown & Sons, Stayton. W. A. Crawford, Washington, D. C. Mnttthow Gibson, Siiverton. S. M. Ramb, Salem. W. C. Tlllson, Salem. f A'.t R. Campbell, Heyburn, Idaho. M." C. Carter, Hood River. John Darby, Shaw. F. A. llakor, Salem. L. C. Ronck, Fair Grounds. Mrs. A. S. Black, Salem, T. Jj. Davidson, Shorldnn. SALEM'S BIG JULY FOURTH Reports from tho committee in charge of the Fourth of July celebra tion met at tho Board of Trade rooms last night and reported pro gress. The committee on finances stated thoy had $1000, and would try to get $500 more. II. W. Meyers asked that R. W. Holmnn nnd Geo F. Rodgers bo add ed to his committee on advertising. Superintendent Page, of tho Gen oral Electric Co., in charge of decor ations, reported that they would ubo flags and lights in large quantities. A. C. Gamble was placed on tho fireworks committee in plnco of Ju lius PlncuB, resigned. F. N. Derby was appointed to estab llsh headquarters for reunions by states. All tho committees reported progress, and tho celebration prom ises to he a good ono. PERSONALS. Prof. w... i ... -"''"BttDBrB. '"ethodt,,:.! MiinA w "Sl ' nrci i Oology. Jr "-"I Dalle. dS. & tit, CZstfS Girls will smllo through tho years, Their oyos will always gllBtcn with gloo, Thoy will never bo hlddon by tears, If thoy tako Rocky Mountain Tea For salo at Dr. Stono storo. o . Distinguished Man to Visit Snlem. Row J. W. A. Stowort, D. D., donn of tho Baptist theological somlnnry at Roohostor, N. Y., will occupy the pulpit of tho First Baptist church, Salem, Sunday, Juno 2. Ho will nl3o address tho students of Wlllnmetto University on tho following morning Donn Stewart Is rogarded as one of tho loading Baptists of tho Empire state. For fiovoral years ho served tho famous First church, of Roches ter, and was called from his pulpit to tho chair of ethics in tho somln nry. Ho is spending sovornl weeks In Orogon, visiting tho various Bap tist associations, and tho Salem church Is fortunato In securing his services for a single Sunday. A crowded houso should groet Dr. Stewart. Growing Aches and Pains. Mrs. Joslo Sumner, Bremond, Tex. writes, April 1G, 1902: "I havo U3od Ballurd'B Snow Liniment in my fam ily for throo years. I would not bo without It in tho houso. I havo used it on my Httlo girl for growing pains and aches in hor knoes. I havo also used It for frost bitten foot, with good success. It Is tho best limlment I over used." 25c, GOc and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o State Street Improvements The trees in Wilson avenue nro bo lng trimmed, which adds much o tho general appearanco of tho park. Tho various now Improvements along State street, when complete 1, will raise Salem greatly in tho esti mation of visitors. Tho now alarm bells on tho railroad will bo in work ing ordor In n fow days which will doubtless bo a protection to people, besides giving tho plnco tho appear anco of n city. Tho band stand In tho avonuo hns recently been paint ed, tho grass mowed nnd tho trocv shrubs and flowers havo recolved at tention. Tho work on tho post ofllco grounds is progressing nicely nnd will soon bo completed. With tho nddition of tho sldownlks yhlch nro being constructed between Cap itol and Twolfth streets and along tho University campus, and with tho now pavement, Stnto street will com paro favorably with any city. A. L. Brown went to Marlon to day. Dr. William Looriey, of Jefferson Is visiting in tho city. ' Labor Commissioner Hoff left this morning for Portland on business. A. B. May went to Jefferson to day for an over-Sunday visit. Mrs. Fred Thlelsen 'has returned from n visit in Portland. Miss Maud Stone, of Oregon City, is hero tho guest of friends. Mrs. E. W. Peebles .left this morn ing for a visit In Portland. Mrs. W. C. Hawley left this morn ing for n short visit In Albany, Mrs. II. D. Kimball hns returnoJ from a few days' visit in Portland. E. J. Swafford left today for an over-Sunday visit in Oregon City. R. R. Corey, of Baker City, Is vis iting his .brother, H. H. Corey, of Snlem, Mrs. A. W. Renger of Seattle, Is viBitlng hor sister, Mrs. Cooke Pat ton, in this city. Mrs. C. Brawer and sister, Mrs. E. Lovell, went to Portland this morning to visit her mother, who Is ill. Mrs. W. H. Gueffroy was among thoso who wont to Portland this morning, rents Mr. hm ," ? Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Good, of Ash- of Joseph, who will .h , land, who havo been visiting hero, this nrpnft.. w,! loft this morning for Portland. Frank J. Ma'cr v v Tho Misses Jnnlo nnd Addlo Clevo-.tho Boston ,..... ""I WMI fnrmnrl.. .m .. W"'i ttirM 'resirtPM t .. "" brtu. University J tii 7. " association .. ; ll 1 BbJectwaS..rZ' Mr. andih. WHJ Joseph wm arrWe J lfcft1 npetton'iS " Parcel J "n -"'nTWInth.H,.T,l r8incj 61UU. Thp , -"', graduation n9no "' First M.E. church 1 "wee ration. IK.L.. 'II tnls morning f0r ,Hi wl give an nZ T8'J auspices of iTr'! world tiii. :, im? nam h; ;::"" , theO.A.nr 'Wncle.HiJW, 1 spend Sor? rents Mr ...i ,.rl,ttl Oregon A girl who hna fallon heir to one of thoso Rocky Mountain Tea com plexions Is to bo envlod. Girls whoso mothers and grnndmothors took Hoi. llstor's Rocky Mountain Tea convey od a blessing on their children. For salo at Dr. Stone's store. A Card. As I havo been debarred from working In tho I. O. O. F. cemetery, without Just cause, I take this meth od of thanking ray many friends who hnvo so nobly given mo tholr work ia caring for their lots many of thoia for nearly 30 years. I nssuro you that I will oppreciato your kindness as long ns I live. "Tho Lord is my shopard, I shall not want." W. B. SIMPSON. o For stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Manv remarkable cures have been effected by them. Price 25 cents. Sananlea fre. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug tore. Wonderful Eczema Cure. "Our Httlo boy had oczoma ior flvo yoars," writes N. A. Adams, Henri etta, Pa. "Two of our homo doctors Bald tho caso waB 'hopeless, hln lung bolng nffoctcd. Wo thon employed othor doctors but no, bonoflt resulted. By chnnco wo read about Electric Bitters; bought a bottlo and soon noticed improvement. Wo co'ntlnued this mcdlclno until sovornl bottles wore used, whon our boy wns com plotoly cured." Best of all blood medicines and body building health tonics. Gurnnnteod at J. C. Perry's drug store. GOc. o .MARRIED. VAN FLEET-M'CRACKEN. On Wednesday, May 15, 1907, nt 8 p. m., nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hoovor, this city, Mr C. A. Van Fleet and Miss Veda C. McCrackon, H. A. Deok, pastor "f tho United Evangelical church of ficiating. It being n quiet homo wedding, only tho Immedlnto relatives and n few intimate friends wero present. Tho out of town guosts woro Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Van Fleet nnd children, of Portland, Or. After tho ceremony nnd congratu lations a pleasant social hour was spent, nnd a delightful supper wis served. Tho nowly weddod couplo received a number of useful and valuable gifts. They loft for Portland, whore thoy expect to mnko tholr homo for the tlmo being, carrying tho bo3t wishes of their many friends, o That is tho namo ofton applied to tho Joints that leave our establish ments. Properly cooked, they are attractivo enough to tempt tho most Jaded appetite. There Is a sweet odor nnd a "come-and-try-me" Invi tation in looks that cannot fail to' draw closo attention from the epl-; euro. All our meats havo this pecu-j liarlty, because all our meats are se-j lected with a view to please tho eye and the palate. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal and Lamb Chops, Steaks, Cut lets, and frosh-kllled Chickons. o land left this morning for City to visit frlonds. Sidney Gordon, ono of Portland's prosperous attorneys, was hero yes terday on business. MIbs Doris Shaw, who hns boon visiting hero returned to her hoiio In Springfield yestorday. Attornoy A. M, Cnnnon left this morning for a business trip to Al bany. George Meyers, Conrad Krebs nnd Dr. Clay loft this morning for a vlilt in Newport. Miss Allco Judd, who line been vis iting Snlem friends, returned this morning to her homo In Turner. J. Morlock hns sold his property In South Snlem, and will rcmovo to Southern California for his health. Dr. John Colomnn, president of Wlllnmetto University, left this morn lng for n business trip to Portland. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Olds, who lmvo beon tho guests o"ffCnrl Reynolds, loft this morning for their homo In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carman, who have boon viBitlng C. M. Potter nnd othor rolntlvcs, loft this morning for their homo In Mlchlgnn. MrB. Ollle WIlBon loft this morn ing for Siiverton whoro bIio wns called by tho Illness of her sister, Mrs. McMillan. Mrs. J. M. Bnrnott, who has beon visiting hor brothor, J. T. King, of this .cltx, left .this morning for her( homo in Whltnoy. Mr. and Mrs. H. Snook left today for Corvnllls, whoro Mr. 8nook hns tho contrnct for tho construction of tho now O. A. C. dormitory. MIbs Grnco Stenrns, Miss Close nnd Miss Hnroun, nftor n short visit horo, havo returned to their homos In Eugene. Professor Earl Rlddoll, of tho Drain normal, is in tho city visiting his mother, Mrs. W. H. Rlddoll, who will soon leave for an extended trip in tho EnBt. A Mr. nnd Mrs. McCourt, who havo been visiting tho lattcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Boothby, left this morning for tholr homo in Pendle ton. Wnltor Wlnslow, tho law studeu4.. left this morning for Jefferson, routo to Eugene, whero ho will vUU boforo taking his departure for a summer vacation in Alaska. Mrs. William Hall left this morn ing for a visit In Corvallls. Her dauKhtor. MIsb Eva, Is tho guest of relatives and friends In Corvallls. nnd will return with her mother in nbout a week. wns former! u. ,v. -. .Ill, . " v " "" """! 7, " . " ucre- ,erM ttfei tho Coos Bay coantrr Mrs. Rogers, of SinUfo-j fornln, who has bwa n2i F. B. Southwlck, left alii .-. ;.iiuU vu route tor nfci uiu ansi. an0 wai accctwWi mr ns tno mettopolli ir , Lil wick. S-J aim. y. u. Oabrltlsoj tt, uin, win return this etri Portland, whero they west te i Mr. GabrlelEon, ho It homofromabujlneiitriplt Oregon. Dr. nnd Mrs. J, 0. VuT5 wondllng, nrrfled In HudBl to visit old-time frienJi. kl Winkle is n graduate cttkH department of the Wilms I varsity nnd was coantdrf iii rlous organlratloni o( tie i Is now located at WcaJlliitill been appointed dlitrirt tvtwl tho Southern Pacific Charles VanWIukM who wns a medical itwWWH lng tho early part of tie jm,U Itlng Salem friends. HeWl fortune, whllo in school, at pneumonia, which breciM culosls, hut be li not Iw orcd. A. L. Thomas, aufiTisMif I relatives nnd friends lift t inir for his -home ln.NPt constructing a new ihtllitw" Beach, which he milnatw i in Addition to nil itors creek bath house. Hi J' Newport is growini WW or ten new modern eUl' Inff rnnntructed therbW skating rlnV, a dueeW building. Norwich UaJohPi Intfrtacti r---V Vr!lt. RHW Office with WB-Bnuat1 129 Commercial ki- MONEY TO LM THOUiSH OverUddtBWAJ NEWTOD 7'...rUGtKi I?. SjiI I-'"1"' .J cow, glre tn l'i hv. also all W'!!i- Ing mare, geatte. w t . .. ..,nc fill . a. strm'.uVrrr Yew !ZLJ' Bmmiim ,,T'OS.X-k.. IN Kiaa YQttHwAtog lNtt j in boa you i mz&t TODAY'S SPEC BANANAS 25c Per Down STRAWBERRIES 2fof 25cJ MOIR GROCERY 456 State