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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1907)
HEIt: SHOWERS TONIGHT AND SUNDAY. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALKM, OUKGOX, SATl'MUY, MAY 18, 1007. NO. 120. IS HUGHES-CANNON T icfcet May Be New Yotk Govemo and Illinois Speaker iKER CANNON GONFERS THE NEW YORK GOVERNOR r of Public Utilities Bill May Be Head of Next Ticket any. May IS. Speaker Cannon Governor Hughes this morn- ind had a conference for 15 . At the conclusion ho raid Pest knows Hughes from what ewspapers Bay of him. Ho any man who can bo elected nor is presiuenuai umucr. hn said he wns a candidnto If ewtpapcr reporters could make hne. Ho torn uieni incy wore cslblo for his candidacy. o Just One Candidate. trlsburg, Ky May IS. There , one candidnto for tho leglsla- this year, and today tho Dome county committee will nwnrd omlnatlon to 0. Goddard. This bade possible by tho Hon. J. T. ky withdrawing as n candidnto election. WHEAT TAKES A TUMBLE DYNAMITE PLOT WAS DISCOVERED CROP DAMAGE STORY DISCOUNTED. IN TIML TO PREVENT A JAILBREAK All Futures Decline From Three to Four Cents Per Bushel Chicago, May 18. Sharp losses occurred hi wheat prices early, many being impressed with tho Idea that damago to crop mainly discounted the price. Deing pulled on Bontlnient ntonc, July closed nbovo tho dollar mark Friday. Early It sold at 96 . Soptombor 99 9i. December $1.00 against Friday's close of $1.02 Vi. Further Decline Later. Dcforo tho closo whont sold off 3 to 4c. Dig llrniB Bold heavily to get rid of long linos ovor Sunday. Pikers got the worst of tho deal, and July closed at 90,. Soptombor nt 97. , o Important Appointment Today. Washington, May 18. Minister Wright Ihib roslgnod tho ambassador ship at Toklo, to tnko effect Septem ber lBt. James J. O'Drlon, of Michi gan, minister to Donmnrk, is ap pointed to Bucceod him. Cook County Jail Nearly Emptied of i Its Prisoners DARKEST RUSSIA IS SURPRISED BOODLER FEARED THE HEREAFTER BY SYSTEM OF SPIES AT BOISE RELATIVES ASKED HIM TO CONFESS ATTRAGT URGE CROWDS IN CITY CHILDREN'S MOVING PICTURES Both Sides Are Employing Methods That Are Entirely Unamcrlcan J1ICAG0 STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE e Are Now Showing HE GRANDEST ASSORTMENT OF LIVE, NEW TO DATE MERCHANDISE SHOWN IN SA- fl AND AT PRICES YOU WILL FIND HARD BEAT. YOU CAN JUDGE BY THE CROWDS .AT VISIT OUR STORE DAILY THAT WE E DOING THE BUSINESS OF SALEM. Bar is in every department greater than ever. Read en: l'e show the best values on i I'aclllc Const in tho following Isj Flh SILKS FINK DKKSS GOODS YY SII DHESS GOODS VIIITK GOODS LAW XS DIMITIES DOMESTICS Of all kinds KllHlOXS BlIinOIDEIUES urns MtFSS TKLMJHXGS Ml SUN VNDERWEAK corsets HOSIERY LUIIES' SHOES XOTIOXS 10X0 GLOVES FANCY GOODS Prices hllcctl nwuy down on tho following goed: LADIES' COATS, SUITS, JUL- , LINKKY. DRESS SKIRTS, SHIRT WAISTS AND PETTICOATS. Udies Sails. $8.50. $11.50, $12.50. Ladles' Coats, $3.50. $4.50, $6.90. Dress ' Skirts, $2.90. $3.90, $4.90. Chicago, Mas 18. A plot to blow up the Jail and ltbcrato 1000 prison ers was frustrated today by tho dis covery and enpturo from tho prison ers of a storo of nitro glycerine. A breach hud been mndo In tho west wall, in which it wns planned to pluco tho cxplosivo and destroy tho wall. Extcnstvo planB had been mndo for tho prisoners in that wing to make n break In n body at tho tlmo of tho explosion. Bed slats and otlior weap ons wero found placed at convenient spotB. Armed guards wero placed throughout tho prUon, and ordored to Bhoot any prlHonor who tried to oscnpe. In tho col) of Thomas Han son, a convicted murdorer, guards found a sealed tin enn, with aumclont nitro glycerlno to blow up tho whole wing of tho building. It Ib said that Hanson has confessed and Impllontul Luko Fltzpntrlok, also a Wo prison er. Hansen was sent to Jollot in lronB. 'FRISCO BREWERS STRIKE Seven Distinct Gluirgcs of Grafting Brought Against Mayor Dolse. May 18. -Darkest Russia's' San Frnnclsco. May 18.- Henry nontnnntn uvainm ft .nll tia.t.t ti t,fitl A siti tttniw nntllionl tfW tlltflf. mllHit at Bolso today, and It may eventual-' tod to Jay that It wns tho fenr of ly precipitate trouble Paid hpIob death that brought n confession or San Francisco, Muy 18. Tho brow ory workers and drivers omployod in every browery In tho olty oxcopt threo, strike this morning for $27 a wook nnd eight bourn per day. About 1500 won aro Involvod. COXGRUSKMAX IIAWI.liY IS .NO ROOHKVKIT MAX dog the steps of overyonu In nnywny connected with the enso. Already In consed men aro threatening dlro von gonnco on tho prosecutors. Doth sides are offending. As n result ot Hnwlcy's stntoment that Jack Simp kins, former organizer of tho west ern Fedorntlon Is suro to bo trlcl, there Is much speculation hero as to his whoroaboutB. A Colorado man, who knows SliupkltiB, renched hero from Donvor today, and Rtatud that ho bollcvod Slmpklns Is In 8onorn guilt from Huof, Ruof's mother nnd Bister, whom tho ox-boss IdQll.eo, woro told by two ot Ruof'B physlclnuB New Form of PyRfshment For Pick Pockets tn Large Cities h Now York, May 18. Tho arrest ot a moving picture show man oh First nveuuo at tho roqucst ot tho agent ot tho Children's Bo'cloty, In r result of tho campaign ngalnct cheap shows. Inaugurated by thin socltcy, which is looking after the Intel oftta of tho that ho hnd about two yunra to llvo 'chlUron espoclally, It Is ttstentshlng: This drovo tho pnronts and sister toiWnnt crow,H 0f children theso shown Huof with renewed pleadings to glvo ttrftot. Tho ngout says ho saw plo up tho fight and throw hlmsolt on tur(J8 thrown on a scrcon boforo tho mercy of tho court, Huof ro-otttldroii that would domornllzo thorn, slstcd aB long nB posslblo, but when)Tll0 moni Hensntlonnl parts ot tho thoy repeated to him what tho t!oc-lTlmw trnl woro ropro,jucod for tho tors had snld ho guvo In. Aoh hnd ,onuniH 0f a crowd composed of planned to continue Knot's trial nn'ni,0t a i,Undrod children. some only the extortion chargo over a period of c nntI a yonrH of nR0 MoHt of tnu Though lit Still I'uvooi Howvirit Policies Ho Kuy Miike State I incut nt RoM-burg. Mexico. Ho was located nbout Mix four montliH. Tho prosecution olnlw'nudlonco Whh composed of girls. Tho to have Information to tho ulioct inai nrcn,j0!, nno uro hqnvll) patronised Bchmltt has boon destroying ti grant by ci,ii(iron, and give bawdy pictured mass of lotlors and other documents' ,.. u H aBtonlihlng how theso tho last fow dnys. places nro ntleudod by children, who Clmrg AgnliiHt Mayor. It,nc ,my n cont for ovory 80r0B ot San FrnnclHro, May 18. In tho ptcturon thoy look at. Tho ponnlo next unteh of Indictments to bo ru- ro tnkon out ()f thogo ,)lRC0, by the turnod will bo nvo truo bills against (nu AotHor vrt tho ghow ti.,atb Mayor Bchmltt. According to tho (ho hlldfrii, Hocloty ttRout saw,, host authority 1o will bo Jnlctod.,,,,, jl0W .u pickpocket did his for receiving bribes from tho United workt ,, wan vory BMKK0BU've ,Hi Knllwnys, tho Pnclllo Stntes and IOWng children how thoy could got Home Telophono Companies und tho moicy ,iHoiicstly. light trust. Ilosldes theso nuothor A rMt c)nB nJ,rncMl)l (or irwt Indictment for extortion probably f,nM(l (10)P( wMch br0IIK,t Biu will ho returned. Unless tho plans In,t) of t0 nm crcJoH f am) of tho district nttomoy's offlro nro 1MnIlcr-t wn8 tho Ac(orB. ,,,,, faPt changed an Indictment for oxtort ng whcJ( ghoww, morfl fliury lhn nny 12100 from tho "municipal crib oMor Now Yofk fn,r h(JW mmy (Jb will bo roturnod. It was stated tliU tKI,,,,Cli i(nH New York tuts av morning thnt yostorday's sosslon of ro,Wwi,It ioaving their lovollnehs tho jury completed a case . out of tho ,1MM!lon ,, conB(or,njc tho United Hallways, and that nil 0y (u)r lp ()f ,,., u wna that romnlns to bo dope Is drnwlng Wrth ft trJ) o hfl Mlro0tlin up tho Indictments (,orn iMIB0 jBt t0 B00 . HWKM)y PoIoh Within (I-.- Curb. .d.","0rt. w"? ,,"vo buo ,V,K '' Tho electric light company bognn ' ' ""V"""01 lhu ct"' a now era In Plo sottlvg In ftalom. ,no ' ho mort striking women in when th.y placed tho largo polo at U "' f . " Mrs. Htuy. tho corner of Htnto and Commorolal , v"- ,Hfi"' troots. At proHonl. will, this ox- - ' ' " . Im nguro, tho caution, all ho poles in tho olty stand ,? "V""" ". " . ' v"". """ "vr H""nu SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STOKE. McEVOY BROS. COMftOCilCIAIi ASf COURT STREETS. SALEM, OR. 1 Hosoburg, Or., May 11. Con gressman Willis Chapman Huwloy has declared hlmsolt In opposition to a third term for President Hooso volt. Ho was in KoHoburg 20 mln- jutos yostorday on his wny to Lako vlow to look Into tho Irrigation pro ject thoro. As ho omorgod from tho Southorn Pacific station ho made tho forogolng romark to a roportur. However, ho qualified his awMrtlou by saying he still favorod tho "Hooso volt pollclw." whatovor thut may moan. As Sonator Hourno, according to specials frem Washington in Oregon partisan nowspapers, has assumed control of tho President's campaign for a third term Mr. Hawley's rather startling deolaratlon Is intorproted horo e mean that the Inner workings of the Oregon dologatlon do not ro gomble Tho Hague poaco conforonco. o IiiuiilgrntJou Conunlttco RitlN. Boston, May 18. Several mom bors of tho commission appointed un der tho provisions of tho immigration sot pissed at the last session of con gress to Investigate tho problem of Immigration, sailed today for Ku ope. Thoy went on tho White Star steamer. The party will land at Xaplos, where It will spend n week studying emigration In southern iuly. Then It will go north, visiting Genoa, Trieste, Flumo, Vienna, War saw, tho Jewish pale, and returning will pass through Germany to the coast. Hamburg and Dreraen will be visited, and the methods of handling Immigrants will be studied. Then the commLulon will cross to England and visit Ireland. It will sal) from Liverpool about September 1. weeks ngo, but so far bus ovaded nr rest. Two Juror Challenged. The morning sosslon of tho couvt vjns decidedly monotonous, being do voted to questioning venlrmcn In rui effort to fill tho pluco of Juror Mat thbws who wns peremptorily chal lenged by tho defonsc. Tho questions wcra repetitions of those heretofore asked othor prospective Jurors. Isnnc Doll wns provlulnnnlly nccopl ed. The oVfunpo peremptorily chal lenged Wnltor Shaw. Tho examina tion to fill his sent consumed a great portion of tho remainder of tho morning session. Two strong chnllongeH by tho do fonsn ngalnst M. II. Goodwin, a lum ber morchnnt, woro pvorrulcd by tho court. Ho was thon pnssod. Tho prosecution puromptorlly challenged Juror Hugo. Joseph Chlnn wns so looted to succoed Hugo. Ho Is n Innnl pack drlvor. Tho dofenso uxorolsed Its fourth peremptory, oxotiHlng Goodwin. Making Slow l'-ogrt. Whon tho court took n rocoss tho proseoutlon hnd exhausted four po-. emptory chnllongos, nnd tho defouse tho samo number. It beenmos more and more cortaln thnt tho task or tho Jury has bocomo more nnd inoro dlltloult by tho publication of Orohnrd stories. In tho stroot whoro thoy soon bo. tho oomo dlsllgurod by mud and by Tho county nro- horses gnnwlug thorn. Tho polo that cutor has not completed his Investl- Is sot In tho Htroet also has tho dls- gntlon of the nllegod contompt oasw. ndvantngo of bolng in a position Ho says ho may roport lata today, whoro a hole can bo tramped out and probably not until Mondny. nround It Ihui making tho stroct un- j sightly nnd forming a basin for water Kt'Ntlcy Hum l'Mitlmll Hcluslulo for to stand uround tho pole which U. of O, hastens the wood to decay. Tho now Eugene May 18. (Special to The'pole which wns recently sot by tho Capital Journal) Grovor Hastily, electric light company Is within tho inanngor of the V. of O. football too u curb and tho wiring is noat. Tho for 1907, hu6 neat season's sohodnlo company has soon In the futuro when of games completed. Ho has seven It would ho nooessary to movo tho games down on his list, and all hard polos from tho street owing to pav ones. U. of O's season will opou Ing nnd have bogan placing them In October ll. and oloso on Tlmnks-jlr a permanent position. Ing day, Novombor 28, with thelri o " At tlio Mi-titollt Cliurru. The sorvlcos at tho Methodist garno at Portland with Multnomah Following Is the 1907 sahedule: Pa tobor poiso would make her obsorvo nuy whore. Thoro nro times when Mrs, Fish has nil tho nnlvoto of u girl In hor first season In the matron class, and she Is at hor best whon sho throws herself Into tho task of taking In dollars In enrlonds lots for char Ity's sake. Another woman with a distinguished air Is Mrs. Jninos Bpoy or. Hho Inclines more to plumpneria than does Mrs. Fish, hut sho 1ms the airy graon many slighter boHo ossays In vain. Rtlll itnotlmr who In elude dlHtliictlon among her charms Is .Mrs. Joseph HUcknuy. Sho pos mm some of tho fluost jewels In New York, but she wears them so well that their abundance nover via late? the cannons of good tnsto. Mrs. William Jay Is a distinguished ax ample of tho madonna typo. Her roiio-tuiR ii wh. . m..-. .- " "7, ,7. "-'"" olHIo tontures nnd tho queenly sot tobor 2 C. Kvungollst Haudonschlold, supporte'll ..,, i ,u t . .....r" ' ci. .... l.,- ... ,n ..0V..11 w. nMihnr nlty "' IbHnthroplo enter- October Willamette University at Balem, November 2. O. A. C. ut Eugene, Novombor 9. University of, Washington at Se attle, Novombor JC. Oamo expected, with Washington State College, plaoo of game not set tled, November 23. . Multnomah Club at Portland, No vember 28. o Ijiml Graft ut Denver. Denver, May 18. Over 0 secet service men aro hero working with the federal grand Jury on the land fraud asts. Wilkle, here for a shoi t time, has departed. It Is believed the government baa sensational evi dence, and as a result the prosecu tion of prominent men In coal, Iron, copper and lumber circles is expect' (tltff prlco. To catalogue all of them would bo to muko this column a solid bank of namos. (Continued on Page 4.) by a obolr of 30. "Shall Wo Gather at tho KivorT" sounded unusual with tho treble of tho fomalo voices, nnd tho men whistling tho aecornpaul mout. Tho evangelist Is "superb" as a leader. Ho puts snap and vigor Into his mu!e. Mrs. Lg l serving vory acceptably at the organ. The text of tho ovonlng sermon was "Thoy all began with ono convent to make excuses." As tho familiar ex euses offered by men for not enlist ing In the building up of tb king dom of God were passed In revluw they wero so frankly and fully an swered that they seemed utterly trivial and unworthy. Nobody goes to slce while this man Is preaching. It U now becom-l TMM HOTANlOAIi DOOTOK, ing a serious question what will be MOVKD TO 849 L1MKKTY STKWtT done to seat the people after tho 8uu-1pok ANY IHSKASK Clh OX BR. day service. COOK, COXlTLTATJOX ttUHt. Stmt Cur Striker G.-ttlog Sympathy Ban Francisco, May 18. Tho eloc trlcal workers employed In tho pow er houses of tho United Hallrouds walked out this morning. Their places wero promptly filled by non union men. Cars are In operation as usual. Dr. J. F. COOK a i ' 'j 4? J