DAILY CAPITAL JOUItNAL, ' SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1007. m m I VI &$&$&&$&&&&&&&$&$& Rapid changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform- the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scott's Emulsion strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature It will help you to avoid taking cold. ALL DRUaOISTSl 50o. AND $1.00. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&$&&&& AMERICAN JUSTICE IS IIUItKISI) 1IY TECHNICALITIES. Not long ngo a enso was reported In tho American papers In which a mob lynched n prlHonor who hnd boon hold for two years under n chargo of murder, though tho ques tion whothor ho had killed tho vic tim had not boon raised. A man named Patrick wbb convicted In Now York In 1902 for murdor, nearly two years nftor tho orlnio was com mitted. It took three yoars to got tho caso argued beforo tho court of apponls whoro tho Bontonco wbb con firmed in March. 100G. A further appeal to tho United States supremo court occupied tho wholo of 100G. Thro omonths ago cmno tho news that tho govornor of Now York had changed tho sontonco to Imprison moat for llfo. Ono could multiply such Instances by tho scoro, and tho dofectB thoy point to can nil, or nearly nil, be traced back to ono gonoral canno. Tho criminal procedure of America today Is vory much au ours was In tho tlmo of the. Stunrts. It Is hopo lossly entangled In technicalities, and nuglectB Justlco nud common bciibq to chnso aftor an ImposHlbllo Infallibil ity of form. In a criminal case, as it is conducted across tho Atlantic, It is not tho prlsonor In tho dock, but tho Judgo on tho bonch who Is really on trial. Tho counsel on both Bldo& polish up n thousand llttlo points ol plondlng nud practlco and. ovldonce nud flro them off at tho Judge, who has to docldo upon thorn offhand. If ho fnlln Into a Hluglo error, no mat ter how trlvlnl or how far romoved from tho question of the guilt or In unconco of tho accusod, tho nppollato court will order a now trial of tho ciiho almost automntlcnlly. That rs tho grand distinction bo twoon tho American procedure and our own. In tho English courts nil Buch orrorH of form nro brushml nsldo, unluas thoy can bo shown to linvo rniisod a mlHcarrlago of Jus tlco, In tho Amorlcau courts nny error, howovor technical and how ovor llttlo related to tho fuudamontni issuo, Is held to proHiimo projudlco Tho nppollato Judgo considers not whether tho vordlct ho Is rovlowlng is a Just ono on tho fnot.s of tho case, but whothor a Blnglo orror of pro codhiro was rommtttod In reaching it. And if any such orror Ih discov ered ho had thou to satisfy himself not only that no projudlco to tho rights of tho accused uroso from It, but also that none could have nrUan In tho mlml of any Juryman. Thus It Is that wo find such ab surdities na that of tho Unltod Stntoa bupromo court, tho hlghost tribunal in tho lam. rovorslng a Judgmont be causo tho record fnllod to bIiow that tho defendant haa boon arraigned and had ploadod not guilty. Thus only a fow months ago, a retrial was ordorod In ono caso bocntiBO tho crods-oxnmluntlon of a wltnoss ox tondo somowhat boyond tho exami nation In chief; ami n conviction was set nsldo In nnothor bocnuso tho prosecuting attornoy said somo things in his spooeh to tho Jury that tho nppollato court thought ho ought not to havo said; and In a third caso by reason of somo wholly Immaterial error, n court felt constrained to re verse a Judgment which in tho samo breath It declared to bo absolutely Just. Thoro aro muny other thlugs, such ns tho sontlmontallam of Juries, tho nbUBo of tho pardoning powor, tho. limited authority of tho trial Judgo nud tho obulllonco of tho press, that favor tho accused In America, Hut most of all Ib ho holpod byttho por ulcloua rulo that nuy error which it is Impossible, to show atllrmatlvoly did not projudlco tho defendant must lead to a reversal of Judgmout llenco appeals and retrials multiply without end. Honco lawyors an crhtlU iteurktk HH Jtlc an society klplriy auKer. Anglo Aaierlcaii In London Kail, LATEST NEW YORK FASHIONS Gossipy Letter About Woman's Wear In tho Country's Metropolis Tho shops nnd tho makers estab lishments nro at tho height of tholr busy season nnd tho gowns both of tho hoavlor and tho flimsy sorts nrc being turncdl out In quantities ovory dny. Smart streot gowns nro the first In ordor nnd tho moro prnctlcnl rathor than tho moro olnboato models aro chosen ns theso samo street gowns must bo of tho prnctlcnl de ception to bo worn on tho fitrcet. In tho evening or for some trip out of town thoro nro also tho moro olubornto styles, smart enough to be worn nt tho church wedding, If not at tho rccoptlon, or to somo Informal nftornoon ontortnlnment. Tho absolutely plain tailor costumo built on regulation sovoro linos is no longor unlvorsally popular, although ovory woll gowned woman Insists up on having two or thrcp. in hor ward robo, but tho tondoncy Is to in somo wny soften or modify tho sovoro llnoj bo as to glvo n moro fomlnlno touch. Just ns In tho smart riding habit whoro cortaln conventional lines nro followodf, now modolB nro nllko, but thoro may bo trimming introduced or collnr or cuff may Bhow somo elab oration that could not bo pormltted In tho riding hnblt. Thoro aro Home occasions whoro tho absolute tailor gorwn is osson tlal without oven tho rotlof of trim ming, It is contonded by consorva tlvo tnBto, nnd now tho tailors who turn out women's gowns hnvo Just as many snmples of cheviots, sorgo nud cloth from which to muko n choice for tholr customers ns the tailors who mnko mon's clothes. In fact, ofton tho snmo samples are shown, although ns a rulo those shown for mon aro hoavlor In wolght Thoro nro this season tho customary choice Tho diark nnd light colors also with tho hair line of whlto or of n darker or lighter shade of color are extremely smart and there is a great variety of color to choose from. Then n curious patterns Is to bo noted in tho stripes, all In one color, but so arranged as to glvo the effect of two shades on account of ho weave of the matorlnl being nl most on a bias. In blue and black this particularly Is noticeable. Most astonishing is the great vnrl oty that can bo gained In using stripe nnd the material rarely needs much trimming, but nt tho moment thoro Is a groat demandi for elaboration of nil kinds, so on tho coats "nnd jackets there Is n lot of braiding, fancy braids, narrow soutacho nnd wide herculoB nil being considered' in the fashion. Open work braid lined with contrasting color is considered smart nnd is certainly oxtromoly novel Green and blue stipe nro moro fash ionnblo than the checks and plaids of last year, and tho dark or blue brnld lined with green Is qulto different from nnything that has been soon for a long tlmo. Ofton a clovor and un usual handling of a striped mntorlnl gives Individuality to n coat and skirt suit othorwlso of conventional typ and all of tho French makers who havo a reputation for tailor built costumes havo sent over models In striped suitings. Ono partlcular! good coat nnd Bklrt In groy nnd white stripe with an lntrlcato handling of tho striped offect In both cont nnd skirt, but with no other trimming bovo a trlplo collar tho lowest layer of tho whlto pique, and tho noxt of China bluo tnffetn end tho next of black tnffota. Tho plain tono suit ings and tho Indefinite mixed suitings nro ns popular as over and vlo with tho strlpod suitings nnd nro less like ly to bo monotonous, Tho klltodl Bklrt with n Boml-fltttng cont either Blnglo or doublo breast ed nnd of modornto length is tho con ventional thing, but thoro nro, of co u r so many variations upon this skirt nnd somo tailors favor tho tight fitting cont rathor than tho som I fit ting model. Exceedingly smnrt cont and skirt suits of this samo bovoh chornctor nro mndo from Froncb tussor which whlfo oxponsivo, Is much handsomer nnd finer than domestic materials of tho snmo class, nnd Ih shown In delicious Bhndcs of pink, bluo nnd lilac ns woll as In tho dark er colors. . A tallorod coat and skirt of this tussor In bluo with no rollof save largo whlto pearl buttons nnd nn ad justable Hngorio collar of whlto em broidered tlnon Is n chnrmlng cos tumo for summer outing wear where oxtromo serviceability need not bo considered, and) a Pannmn hat turned up In front nnd decorated with a wide Ecnrf of soft taffeta matching tho pink of tho front Is tho hat which tho Fronch woman would chooso to complete such n toilet. Add a blouso of whlto shoor bntlsto with port laco edged frills and ar ombroldoredf collnr, and you hnvo n Fronch vorslon of tho outing cos tumo which Is n far cry from tho English woman's Iden. ! o Tho Turk in Constantinople. Constantinople is not, llko Saloni ka, n Crook city In which tho TurkB hnvo Bottlod. It is n Crook city which thoy hnvo transformed nnd mndo tholr own. Thoy hnvo loft tho indollnlto chocks, plulda and Btrlpos nyzantlno wnll, which Is today Just but In tho lnttor thoro Is tho greater ns It was loft aftor It wbb stormed Verdict for Dr. Pierce A0AIN8T TIIK Ladles' Home Journal. Sending truth after a lie. It Is an old maxim that "ft llo will trnvtri seven leagues whilo truth Is gottlng IU boon on," uud no doubt hundreds of thousands of good pcoplo read tho unwarranted and malicious attack upon Dr. U. V, IMr-.f ixnd his "Favorite Prescription "publibhed In tho May lUKM) number of tho Ladle' Home Journal, with IU groat black d( play headings, who novor saw the hum bio, groYullnil rotractl.m, with Its Incon spicuous heading, published two months later. It w as boldly charged in thlmul crous and libelous article that Dr. 1'lorco'j Favorite, Proscription, for tho euro ot woman's weaknesses and ailments, con tainod alcohol and other harmful ingredi ents. Dr. Plerco promptly brought suit against the publishers of the Ladies' Home Journal, for f.)0,000,00 damage.),, Dr. Pierce alleged that Mr. ltok, the editor, maliciously published tho article containing juch fatso and defamatory matter wit tho intent of Injuring hit busluerfurthcnuotv, that no alcohol, ot other fujurlous, or habit-forming, drus are, or yer ivetv, contained In his "Fa- ipllon"; that said medlclue m uatlvo medicinal roou and harmful Ingredients what- that Mr. llok's inalklous ststn. ere wholly and absolutely false. In 1453 oxcopt for tho surprisingly scanty ravagos of tlmo, nnd thoy hnvo built their housos of prayer, which nro tholr city's glory. Mo hoinot, who took tho city, must hnvo boon n groat man. I walked today through tho fortross which In 14r2 ho built on tho European shore six or sovon mllos above tho city to s- euro his crossing for tho siege From tho Bosporus tho towors of Uumlll-hlssar, "tho cnstlo of tho Ro man's land," hnvo tho romantic nlri "The Turk destroys but never creates." The sultans of the nineteenth cen tury, too, mndo their additions to tho city, but in very different kind. Their works are the palaces that lino the southern end of tho Bosporu'i, and tho countless hugo barrncks that at every turn ovorshatlow Stamboul and Pcra keep Gnlata In hand nnd nrotect the seclusion of flldoz Kiosk. The fnctories of the future will not be more dismal than the barracks of today. Constantinople is a Turkish town, far moro Turkish, I am told by those who know it best nnd hnvo known it longest thnn It wns thirty or forty years ngo. But the Turks hnv ndopted European dress oxcopt for tho fez, and the picturesque cloment of the crowd Is furnished, by a sprinkling of tho lower orders of every rnco and nntonallty, tho por ters, fishermen, hawkers of every sort and by tho Turkish Indies who go nbout in black dresses nnd Willi black hanging veils. On tho bridges and in tho bazars nnd market places thoro Is n peculiar mlxturo of east and west such ns I hnvo Been no- whoro else, which has a novor-ccaslng attraction oven for thoso to whom It has long" boon fnmlllnr. I havo been Btruck with tho frcsl,, healthy faces of tho children nnd their cheerful, happy air, oven of .the beggar boys nnd girls who hnunt tho doors of tho moBques. Thoy beg with swoot, muBlcnl voices nnd bowltcli- lng Biullos, so that it is Impossible to bo nngry with tholr perslstcnco nnd not to ndmtro tho langungo which sounds so musical. As far a I havo soon, I suspect thnt tho bocd mon nmong tho population of Turkey aro tho Turks. What tho offect upon them of nn outburst of fanaticism might bo I cannot Bay, though I enn guoss. But In ordlnnry llfo tho ordl nnry Turk Is charming. Ho Is clean dignified, qulot, woll bohnved. His religion make's him wnsh nnd prny flvo times a way. Ho goes to hi? bath, oven If a poor man, nt least once n weok. Every ono who hos dealings with him says ho Is truthful nnd honest. All who hnvo seen him In wnr says ho is ns brnvo ns ho is ensuring. What all obsorvors de plore, and whnt tho Turks themselves doploro, is tho system of administra tion. Corrcspondenco of London Morning Post. o Oijo Hole Itently. Dudley I bought somo mining stock nearly a year ago and tho fol-. low who sold It to mo dcclnrcd tho company wns already In operation. , I'll bet thoy haven't sunk a slng'o nolo yot. Wise Oh I I wouldn't sny that; thoy must, nt least, havo tho holo In which thoy'ro going to loavo tho stockholders. Philadelphia Press. . o Is very THE PARMEjff :ry careful about her chum. She .flM. :. .. , She scalds int.. . . and gives it a sun bath to sweeten it. She knrT sour it will taint the butter that is made in it Th " In the stomach and digestive and nutritive trnMi cesses which are almost exactly like the churn! P1 apparent then that if this stomach-churn is fo,,t . Uer- Ui is put into it? ft! The evil of a foul stomach is not alone the bad and the foul breath caused by it, but the corrtintirm t of blood and the dissemination of diseju il. , "flatc Pierce's Goldefc Medical Disc ,i ghout " tak . . .... . "iU't3 uie sour o,vt . . sweet. It does lor tUe stomach what the walhW a the churn absolutely removes every taintin? or Iu this way it cures blotches, pimples, eruptions sfT sores, or open eating ulcers aud all humors nr 'a:, u,i ua - ""wses an, i s uoiucn Medical DW, -s absolutely traeSi booklet of extVa , medical nntlS '5? .i torld.famed median? hat the most unheal b2j tbc age say ol then. WW Cures W'omaa'gKft We refer to tht ,. . ous, suffering wontn bWa Pierce'. Favorite ftSfi 4 ... rS5.: r !,! WJWu'L ?-5 Tr"r:',n,g""o"?' " i me "tivori( bad blood. To nld in healing old sores, or ulcers, apply Dr. PiercoTB All-Healing Salvo to them whilo taking tho " Golden Med ical Discovery" to purify nnd enrich tho blood. Dr. Pierco'B All - Healing Salvo is cleansing nnd pnin rclloving. It de stroys tho bad odors nrising from sup purating, or running, soroa nnd puts thorn in tho best possible condition for healing. Tho "All-Healing Salvo" la a superior dressing far all open, running, or sup purating, Sorea or Ulcers. For healing opon wounds, cuta nnd scratches It is unsurpassed. If your medicine, dealer does not havo tho "All-Healing Snlvo" in stock mail 50 cants in postage stamps to Dr. R.'V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y.. and you will rcceivo it by return post. In treating all open soros, or ulcers, boils carbuncles and other swellings, it is important that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery bo taken persistently to purify tho blood and thereby removo tho cause of the trouble. It is in tho blood that tho groat battle of health haa to bo fought. Tho ulcer and tho soro aro simply tho scarlot flowers of disease, with roots ranning down into tho blood. Theso roots must bo eradicated or tho dieeaso will break out afresh. "Golden Medicnl Discovery" cleanses tho blood of nil foul and poisonous accumulations, pushes out the. dead and waste matter, nnd thus purities tho entire llfo current. Di8oasd in tho ileeh must dio out when it is no longer fed by foul blood. oftnonnil ronaltloc of iM "Golden Medical Discovery" effectively MMIS cures discaso in tho flesh by curing iti nbu.rocn," rv- ment winch mor follr tCJTTl r,u;";X ""'"wwettii ihlrhL""S? for til remedial wSvm inar;.iirrffls."iMii of irh n, .TJJi'-.Hl o,AniAi...Li-.ii.w,.r m Offarn of vntnra rwi.i azL' rltftbllllV. ILUl Xl !,. I. WE tho rcptwlueilrccrMud tt!Z vuuuun oi nci in ICt MVttfM .v,. , ".!uiii'jiuggxrC3IIM tnirl mnH ,I.m ... .1. TV TJ amenorrhea autrrttM uUm yjituuwi vrijirf, iroia cr nnd anemic ttbin UoiuSVi cnuso in the blood. If yruhavo bitter, nasty, foul taeto TJ mrit or 1 ol fa wmiire d tongue, foul ilSiUilr-t aslly tired, feel '"' f(,'-fi"t ' .m mtsL in you mouth, coated irfnrlnr wnnk nnd en. denrytsed and despondent, havo fro- grp,"",m Pi .ifl'tP I,' I vtt " . .. l .. , . ha nnni Anni.iii mj4i.i whioh it mo't fruMnliTTH Of UoTdtn Soil root vm ncnt ingredient of 'Ftroriti tlonProf.nnlcrEllitrM Dennett Jledlcaltollfjf.C "It I n Itrportant rwxir thfl uomlL In illritiniua and ceiieral tnfcthlenciikkli Dr. Pierce's Favwta i faithfully represent! k im ineredients and enrtt ikfa whlcJt they are rtcoiuaWL Dr. Pierce's rieMulNHiiii onV;iHaJ Little LI ret m,M Jfuch Imitated, bot mi Rnsv to take tt caadr. outfit ncna incVw- dist or i rising these numb suffe lazy indi VRulr Vaflfc fto WW IU.O. g i c Mstlon ant ucranxement8. The .heat agents science for the cur hcs. dizzy attacks, gnaw 68 in stomach, constipated bowels, sour or bitter r eating anu poor appetite, iptoms, or any considerable I them, indicate that you arc frdm biliousness, tornid. or with the usual accompunyins , or dyspepsia anu its attend- known to medical ru ol Uie above svmnr tloncrs rncu moniousl aclntr trnrner. tllP K.ChOOi ivo been orohlnod in fainfiTJiiq'Jondltioiia, nft Hf'V "V l writings of leading tqnrhfrfS nnri a L hip n.ciino so ii siciiiiuiiy ana oar a nnd practl- inedti nd bi Dr. Plerce'a imniiwiinnwwMiiiwwfcMmrttimwi)iwitm Exact. "My big sister makes llttlo thlngi count, she docs," "Whnt does sho do?" "Tenchors nrlthmotlc In school." Philadelphia Telegraph. SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER. CHRONIC CRANKS. Wc all have met" pcoplo who are con tinually kioking. Life seems a terrible thing to them. They seldom smile. Something dreadful is going to happen, nothing is ever juit right, - and they worry and fret and complain from morning till night, Their trouble seems to be just a bad disposition but this is seldom so. In most cases there is one of two things the matter with them; cither their iii ii 1 iB 1 laaKjiaVBkSaBtKj PREE! i 1IH.J, X. SUOCC of n cnstlo by tho Rhino. But as much ns tho'Uosporus Is grnndor than nerves or their digestion is responsible, tlin milnn an inimii nmra tnn i.i n. ir, ' Both come from the same thini stomach in Miia ni.i onofin i.i nv ii,i . -ro"0'6 A man or woman whose nerves is this old castlo than nn Rhonl.h are tjcd in knot8 j8 bound t0 mUhty burg. Vou must go to Coucy to soo poor company. The same thin is true if 111 A At.nnn AH .In- twknt tJk Mnfr ftn' 4!&- KMKAl.a Kf towers llko thoso or wnlls ns formld ablo. This samo Mohomot found in Stamboul tho groatost house of pray- what they eat don't digest properly. Na X vorlto Is mad conta. fVC me ruo 1 jfuf were wholly anu absolutely falsa. CQlur ri'tnc.V'fq nrltuf1 ''Ya.itLifftttmal rVTiniHyi. 'iv.tr ( .. - , mm 111 1 lient chffmtst. n' CiTIUintl iii.-n n inn iiht en auv olJItc nllegtl harmful. lnu I in.mi f L't wcii) Io uiMTtn Iti ihn i,iTo! the action In Ui Suprvmo Court llm th buuneMitH ur- riotvo artvatiy nuun4 br tho publication of the libelous article with tkouutte )k re ail I bo wlclrulr Uefamatorj arllcka never w the humblo Kruvciuv ra ti Broal UU&iay bpaltm-. while bundredk of teactton. Ml in small tyix and mJ aa tncoa' ver bivuj I The matter mil hrur- Iwfun a Jury Ih fyt INatmme ica prowpur NilCUOU M HOMlbtN ,ui iH-run r York Slate which nra rviv.Jfv4 , eruct in th lnvwr raror. Thus bU truucvra came to irwr sjmi law wonder they grumble, I don't blame them. I have seen Cooper's New Discovery change the whole disposition of neonle fa er In tho world. Justinian's vast hall, a month's time simply by getting their of tho Holy Wisdom, with Us cupola toraach ia haPe again. Even the ex flooding with light Its goldon vault, uKlgS and its wall Incustod with gray changed to a peaceful happy expression, murblo. Horo was -a house of prav- nd the lines ofcare disappeared altogether, or for Islam. Mohomot took It as it rr!"ay pcop,c ,e.H, rae. about this in letters, stood; tho arms of tho crosses woro lffiiSi$?mi' chipped off; ono or two, ombloms ofi Here's a case of this kind: tho conquored faith covered up; four' "I suffered with my storaach for thirteea minarets wero built outside tho four y.earV ,olLhintI 0,e ,cmed to d'' ' -..,., .. i i . . . a,l ad chronio constipation, and was comers, nnd for four hundred and tired, dull, irritable and despondeni "ll titty years tho faithful have flvo times the time. I found it difficult to attead ta a day flocked iu at the Mueizln's call my du,Jea oa agent at this place." Mohomot built his own mosouo Into; SSSStiSS " on. nnd many of his successors fol- "I began taking Cooper' New Dtseev- lowod his oxaraplo, Tho mosque of ry and to y surprise it belped me froaa Cullman the Magnlftcont, the con- gnU t9a " II., built on tho Blto and out of the- waa irwitry." J, R. Swutk, Qw. rums oi ino oia uyzantlnft palnco by iHl' tno Jiippouromo, are not unworthy rlvali of tho Agla Sophia, and give toe Mo to whoever It wu that said We sM tbt Coejw 4jksi. J, C. PERRY FREE FREE Hy tills wo mean that yon 4a i paj ono cent in cash. SlraJ voton few minutes of your tlmo i to a good cause and tld.s 4 'f $4.00 George Washington Clock Asaard.ThlsclockJO ten inciies lUgh, and very w tl in desltju, iu the new IWJ Ebony finish. ImiHslblo & A perfect! buty, nnd " gtmmntocdW tlie "s Our HbcAil offer is "JTfl Get two neA- yearly ul, Tho Capital ljounui!, at U subscription lricc, f 0.09 J rf or $4.00 by iU oa Uio money at our -, sonw present l 1"IZ r not get two yearly s8bTJ four for six months ca, And It easier, t e"jJ friends to sign up iotJn each. A sample cfcxK c at Tlw Journal o" . yr eot busy at once, a J Addresa all orienrk3M0td. n ninUf Ol i.1 - UOU HCJ ""- to-